thursday ferniuaily 13th 1s3s the acton free press paob the guest of honor dy mabel mckee vvery day brought lta own collec tlan of invitations to valentino parties to tho merrill home grandfather who always sorted tho mail nt the table boasted this mrrlll family fa tho most popular in town everybody oven tho baby has been in vited to at lewit one party except liuthlo and me the town leaves us alone then knowing always have our own valentino day celebration tho alender tfirl with tho dualty eyes and dork curly hair opposite him flash ed grandfather smite back of that sxnue however her beautiful upe twitch ed minute everybody quite mbned the pain in thab twist regular por with no variations grandfather sho omlled ifcr nngera slipped down into tha pocket of hot rose sport drc two dainty little invitations weru proved more tightly than before into that poc ket invitations to parties that loomed as great advcnum it hud tak coaxing to got old martha to ullp tlvcs out of wu jnall when uhj postman handed it to htr old mnrtha howtvtr imllku tho other servant in uve mtrrlll home knew the story of kuth coming to tho mtrrlli home she could rob know though tlmt ortcn jluth longed for hnore youtnf frknde nlid ay times like tile roal merrill girls had she did not know cither that sometimes and their gay talk wau always about their girl frifind1 and lhclr maucullno admirers no one in uia merrill hamt seemed to realize tliat icuth longed to share their good times that is no ono except norman tho sixteen yiarold son of tho merrill horn realized it it was to ruth ho took ruv goametry and english for aid remem bering that hi rrtgh school uho had been an honor roll student to her lie stormed think you ru crazy rujali to let the girls high liat you tho way tlicy do except when they want to borrow your things what will you do when grandfather has to go wcst7 tlu quick tear sprang to her tyci when normau asked that she felt as though ho were real brother then rhat was tho rcuson she showed him tho cheap littlo heart locket with tlio imi tation opal in it ono day and told him tlui ttory about it grandfuher luul lilvm it to htr tho duy ho told htr cf lnr coming to tho merrill horn 11 uround my neck jho lnded it uortlilcw know gnuidfatlur thinla liavo thrown it away but vt fltunk tlmt it will some duy hup mt ftnd out wliat my namo really is boyuh norman luid stlttcnwl mer rill your nainc ho doclarod alone ituth thought tho matter out ituth safe in tlio privacy of her own merrill was good old name she war room slied frw tears for thv youtli proud to carry it if alio nhould find she was missing she would then dream of licreelf in party frock like those elizabeth and myra often wort of even ings she rarely left grandfatllcr however who nt eightynine found himself ono of tho few members of tho old guard still jiving without jluth lib evenings were lonely ituth hod come to the merrill homo on valentino day grandfather merrill veteran of tho civil war and head of tho merrill wholesale company had brought her thab had been fifteen years before close to midnight he had come back from reunion of his com pany at tho organization homo for orphan children whose fathom or fcrand fathers liad fought iilstcsvb had clattered up to the merrill home and awakened martha who was then middlagod and who had boea with grandmother merrill for close to twenty years before tho latter had died danntatf bathrobe martha had run downatairs to open tho door for grand father the first thing she saw when he step ped on the porch was the great btuidj in hid arms it mode even tlio soldierly old taw stoop uttle before ahe could voice her wonder grandfather hud cbuckfcd yes tfj baby martlut little girl from the orphanage she hung onto my hand all day and tcreamed to come home with me couldnt leave crying chud the matron told to just bring her home for few days and when oho got homesick for tho other children could bring her bade the matron told you now fiiortha grandfttthfcr looked aheepun to be tjcact she flhidly agreed with my proposition that do that martha was now unwrapping the great scotch ahowl grandfather had bundled around tho cluld she looked in delight the uttle girl close to uee yw old whose dusky curls uere tjuiglcd whaie thick huhes fairly lay on her clieeks and whose mouth was tlio moat beautiful baby mouth martha luul wver tin she pitted the thin uttle body no different from the chubby little blond glru of the merrill home she beautiful colonel merrill smiled martha but powerful skinny mirirohiimerrtirctrandfauierfl fav orlto daughfxrm law whoe boast was that she was the only wife of merri boyabkodnallw lnoruiulfatliervi great mansion of home welcomed tlic little visitor tlw nemt morning were going to keep her long enougli to get lhr luarty and strong she iald uuth lwwever uho calltd he elf iiujah and jabbered cwtstontly about liorsas cows and bunny had never gone back to the orphanage terrible lire had dftstroivd the gnat building and llu record lev da laur the matron few other niploi and iernl tn toli perlthed in the flamoa grandfather merrill had hugged the dark linlred little tightly in hls arm as tin reud or tin raged afu ui it no one lver mentioned tluthj havini the old man who loved her much john mirrill hid trkd to find out onu thing about tin diuk littk it but itlid complul om empl kmu that tin llttk lrl uu iupl orphan wlun ruth uu tin jiani old grin fauier merrill hid did jar tlu ito oi htr coming in did not unit truiutr to ul her tliau ucr position in tin rrlll home had become trungl one us fur as the glrk were concerned wlun tluy ure ulont eho wis ukeuhiitcr wlun tlulr fri nds can however idi wu jt grand fauiers little girl to buy wlui him hlroom like nurw myra and ulubcth were in colle now but they cwno home owr weekemb tor their scluxil was jmb tweuty mliee way they cm homo for partita too out however thab she wili or well born as myra and tllzalntli tlien tlioy would love htr more rhey would julc lur to join the modirn arl club and the arcadians of all tho clutu to which myra and elbrjbith bclonked ituth hungered only for the two tho ar cadians did great charity work weil oh luid beautiful parties rhe modern arts was for girls wlw dreamed of being writers artists sculptors or something like tat hiduvn in ruths desk were dozertu of little pocnu and titorlea che had written arter nonnan was gone ruth dangled the cheap little locket from her angers in storfcs she laughed hungrily thb would have been hung on my neck by my mother through it would find some wealthy relatives or some who had done some tiling famous but in real life never besidat no mother would hang such lieavy tiling around babys neck she did not throw it away however instead it was dropped into tile drawer with her trinkets and forgotten for while hut very afternoon mrs ilufus stout president of the daughter of veterans trapped to tell arandfatlier merrill aboub the annual lincoln birth day party the daughters were giving for the few remaining members of his post wore iiavlnj two speakers both very good one is colonel maaterson from phuadlphlo you ve heard of him im uure heard of hbu grandfather snorted ids interruption he and fought to gether at clilckamaugu iie started reminiscing befow he was through mrs stou looked weary myra who happened to be in the room slipped out lbmbeali openly read magazine only john merrill who adored ida father and ituth sat alert drinking in every word ftuthle will come with me grand fathr merrill said would like lor her to be the flag bearer mrs stout umlled at the dusky slendar girl wonderful she declared and then there to be another speaker oiing attorney from the capltol mv husband says he is coming ctatesman he llkea the glrk john sa and ve promised to introduce him to some pretty onej while he lierc 11 start with ruth grandfather merrills face beamed after mrs stout urns gone he turmd toward his daughter in law im going to write check and want you and ruthlo to luuc shopping tpree buy her junctliurr frilly for that evening mrs merrill lauglild girlishly shop ping uat ulwuis delight to her mojo it big cluck she stlpuhiud toing to get lur something orgtouj though im not expecting much from mr stout otiug man you know what freakish people she pick up ulh it utrt ihntlnu pirtj thoutht ilutli uluuiu havint bi illiitiju irt fir ugi aid ij hi mu pink it tu nlni frock duintj pumixv iilut tld fuhlnud ici niltl that mire niiiht tlu nh ipptn mkditlou re en at in uti ih rrlll horn uhm ituth mm tli ir tli llnciln blrtlul ij irty willi tht of tlu nu mix ol the mi rrlll mnlj priltvl tlu new mititt mr mt rrlll ulth mothi solllltmie afrild tlu die ui trllli uk long and lul tubborn curl lnui piy ton jw lmlid il ruths shoulder boumiu uhlcli arundfuthtr had ord aho took out tho lockot and fastened it around her neck when grandfather merrill and ruui reached memorial hall the program ha just started an soon as they were neated right at tho front of tho room kuth saw tli rpcuklrs of tho ovenhig id colonel moutcruon from phlludt rphln and tuiaurt oung fellow from lit htato capltol he was not freak at ill but very boych and human ruth continued to itaro at him hli face woned to come from urn pages of winio book rjio had read long ago quit jy 1il talked ubout tho boy uncoln his il homenuad in indlanu luid tho state plan to pay honor to ltd greatest citizen by making it into state park its drtam of my youth thki par lie ended want this young lincoln honored llu appeals to me bccuuu my grandfather was soldi hi hl war tuid becau was once motherless boy too trying to help my fatlur cko living out of thocc barren clay hllln father died ulid wai taken to tlu orphanage your organization helpd cup port ho you can see owe every tilting to tho men of 01 ruth knew instantly ho meant tho orphanage from widen grandfatllcr mer rill luul taken her flfuen yearn before she lifted her program there was hh mum benjamin morris benny morris benny bunny ihe whtpered slowly to lurlf bunny bunny uttle laugh exaped her little girl laugh gay and happy and expectant slu mu see uilt young man to ilnd out if ho rem inhered her she juiw to ii that grandfather was comfortably seated and talking to lib old friend colonel miu teron before uhe lipped uway to lay timid hand on the arm of tin voung orator did any littlo lrl ever call jou bunny when you uere at the orplulnnge the aked two arm hands wenlr onto ruui thoulder uhlh the jounir man tared into her face hand tipped up her chin and then twisted it illghtly to one ride duiky eycr rtubborn curl and the dimple catlsed uhtn you bumptl into ruity nail nt the orphanage burn ve jou really are littlo ruth mc pheter but ho ohook lit head irow in you be here they bald you burned in the fire as if fa ciliated then he touched the locket on the chain arounl rutli neck thatu the bauble bought for vou at tho statu fair whtn silas took me to indianapolis he laughed ruth remembered grandfather then after being sure he was still comfortable she let benjamin morris lead htr to included spot where uie told him the story of her coming to tho merrill home slie ended with tlio wonder always in lier heart about iter name her own people nobody can tell you better than rujah laughed the young man your father and mine died in the name typhoid feter epidemic your mother brought you to tlio orpluutage to which they had taken me jus few months before she died promised to alwy look out for you then came uio fire was out at the orpliarutg form the night it hap pened the superintendent perished and they said you were dead too your grandfather and mine fought ttith colonel masterson at antieuin he went on they ruth jaughed gully oh she was worthy of grandfather merrill now slie was the granddaughter of fellow sol dier excitedly she jumped up and ran over to garndfatlier to hug him before everybody mydror grandfather hand slip ped into hers anidously would you mind very much if deserted you this vulen tine day you see colonel mjistern fci staying over mrs stout wants to give dinner for him that evenlrik and benjamin morris had reached into hki pocket while the old man was talking and taken out an envelope when grandfather paused he began friend ant me tills invitation to valentine dinner party when he found out was coming here bill lawton is his namo we were good friends at colkge his slatervi club is giving the party they uont mi to be gutsti of honor hands tl htly to bether he invitation was from the arcadians young morris was talking on there urj two tlckeui here colonel and if you don mind 11 take your granddaugh ter to this party to sen that manage the knives and forks right the little dimple made by the ru ty nail quivered delightfully ruth laugh uar charged uith happlne her fore ik ad even went delicate pink when iunjainin whlpered you might oi uell nt ucd to going to jurtlu ulth me rujuh dear for im going to pend time in tlil toil frum now on difference in monkey human hands and feet hiiiilri wt nrfl heart ly iiwin of it our immifth nn vt ry ltn rrnnr to tht uht tiiliit nk it our linn ih mil tlirr ih rm snrt imiiil ui vinttfl uf uln tlutik in iik xi and wiitth tin iiiiihih on of tnon ueyh utwi rts ii wrll in tli st oilln hob iu mot rat thu intt rt hiiiil thlnjr ui tli tin man thumb ih tlmt it ih fund toward the othnr liilt rw mid uii tut urh thrm dp to tip it tkm our iiuikih dretdt itrvuntiilt for instuni ovr tho pawn of iinhnulm in marly all of which tli tli nib iw in ruort unty fnl than our own iimh art rut tho of nionuiyh art nnlrjuo among alilmnln ilu nmnktiy big ion la placed as convi nit ntly ua our own thumbs and woiiio monkt yn have bandy thumhtj us ntf convenient big thumb like too lit miuh have practically sptukhil four bunds with which to grasp uil boiilhil of treca american moiikiyn differ from lheix african relative hi vt ml way tht have 24 tt tli mitt ad of they have ehiy poilcht for utor lng foot tbry tmuully have leng and uaeful tails wlitrtuu boiut of tin old world monkeys art without tails and they ure taint and more plafit thab their african cousins tho tullu of irvleuti nmnliyh are of little utui in ulntlng from trre to troe but the tsll of tht ann rieun mon key id good ins ani tin arm would be or better glees of mens voices first started in 1740 glf onu from tin anjlostou word ullgue mounlnu iiiuhic nay an outliorltj in the montreal herald tliret or more mi ha oleei uere ubed uiild ulcci firm btenmo fjshiou able thly utrt verj 111 iiu lie than mndrlj nit hut gnuliiully more parti vkfm utmoil hort sentimiceh and delhle rhithnm iave tlnilc diethictly nt nyt voices would otrliip or hrt ak its ynddonly somlllintr there ould be burprlse puujfi but nev uere you tillowed to thlnu of the nppronchlng end till tho tune had boen turned and twisted all umt jnmud uebhe 170 founded urn glee they liccnmc so popular that eleo club wub hturred at coffee tavern lu st paul churchyard at the meetlngd tlrst one member and then another would name glei and ereryone would join in glees lira sel dom sung these dnvn though the naa often applied to small choruses fcr tlcularly of men dom not flow upbul tkfl ulaalaalppl with the ohio aad bthcr tributaries flow soutti toward tkegulf of mexico where it empttea this question is usually asked lu the form does the mississippi flow up blllr the earth ih ullthtly nattebed at the pole and it has been estlmat that because of this fact the toootk of the ulsslsalppi ih sbeut four ntlle farther from the center of the earth than its source is if the term up hill had reference to dirts be froai the earths center instead of the ditf tauee above sea level then this river kslght be as id to mow uphill it baa boen shown that the source ef mlaslaslppi ta several hundred fwet above ea level and tlist the river therefore ruas downhill to the ocean detroit nrwi bataiug suits baauj lu klghtceuth century kngland be medest per son wau ever seen in bath tug suit the bather rented bathing machine covered wagori that was backed out into the water its particular foamre was canvas awulug which was it dawn over its back steps to conceal the occupaat frew public view and thus permit mai to enjoy the pleasure of hath lug lb so private manner as to be consistent with the greatest delicacy colllera weekly illitt teu the mubicisu rtlndtonr wliowaathbnium greed bcthunc voh bom blind and alava near oolumbua ga may 1840 dlftd 1008 at two year of agolle could unerringly recognise tutioa played the piano at four yinw and at un lxceed ldgly early age could imitate winds rain tint hlrdn as well as classical mu sic he gave iiih first conct rt wheu ellitt en yenrs oh tonnd hurope aud lioth nortli anil south america it is unld that he could play any fuhctlon after hearlnr once ipin tin children from sutftrlnr from worm bj inj milltr irm pmdir tin mat mrmiriill tliat nui be ilth uiteh to ct nib it the in idliu fti of tin ftinu and inlplu hurt nothing lint exciji tht pre iritlm ii worm dltttoiir and uh ii quultli bicnmt knoun in iu huld no othir ulll bi ti id llu nudiiiin li bj 11 if rtquiriiu no purgatlvi ami 111 nughy tint iinthlu in dit in tl franca naval war tin ul war in iw the united stuh mil ran in tin irly das of our mintr inwtitl about two yours it wan nil ii trtatv nf pi tit rati tit by tht 111 nuti hriiarv ik01 iiurliik thlh urirfun hi arun ii ils nui marly all prliiiniri wt re uiituno hj tin mini mu unit stutt niivv it uill ill 11 uiih the nl nhlp of till iiihv wlllt wiih niui 11 by tin in my opfn wintut itoads ciu dit to canada king winter li rapidly iwbig brought under control lu canada whore mo munlrlpal unow removing umthod uru ond to 110111 and wlun tht mile ir opt wlnu ro ulr ii credit to pnnm ml nwid maintt iiantv ilt ptirtmeiit li vnur hrhikit pt eullnr hnjirtl an im pt ik ro mwrh dangi to tlui motor tin hy road urfiu term and nt upi whleli ton ititutt tht ijor im of mppi ry lug strlki with tuiirlcabli uddt niit tuid iu iinllj itch thr motorut uiuiuur when tht paving in llppt ry thu duugt of nklddlng aluuy pn nt and tlu wife drivt ill ile xtru pn caulioni tho ma linimrtuqt of which rloj driving itiutiit and cartful driver run git uround hub it li rvr rucking tailc that call or tlio utmo coneon lrutlon in ontario th let hiuurd on winter roadj luui bteii controlled by the uie of an abnuilvc con ting of mmd clndi rr undr rtonu cliijxi mixed with coimnon jii ilie he infer dlcnt rtimlui in tho mix ture embedding luelf in the icy urfarc loaded truck1 pn ozl tho mixture and should thu need arbo ich unit can treat vcral mlh of highway mi hour ho treatment li inexp iwlvo and lilghwiy eimlmcrt clfdm that the ro ulting miun luuict of bu and truck chedultf decruuc in accldenl and loj of life plu tho uider nj or the road and in creased rilollno con umptlan are dlvid endrt that more thnn repay tlio cat ot maklnr the lilghwnys jaifer by thli mi thod of ice control nou that the increarinir toll or acclj lnt and dcitli on the north american hlfhwnytj lort jcar dcatlii reached an all time high or 30 100 has become ubject of nxtlonal interet to which thr redeni provincial and municipal high uay department are riving their elewt attention there tvtry hope that joon cnnnd ulll be taculng the problem of ice con toi he ha tackled novi re moval until til air motorlt the icy pave ment one or vour mo dangeroiij cncmlea drive and carefully ult ending what gift omc people have of finding fault praise anything no mat ter what and they ulll immediately con front jou with but it really seems to hurt uum when you take pleasure in admiring anything and so they hasten to take you down peg it is petu lant habit arising from envy or jeajoisry let us look jyell to ourselves lent we help to swell the ikt of theue unhappy fuultflindcrs time lias trled it dr thomas ee lectrlc oil has been on the market up wards of fifty years and in that time it hao proved jilesing to thousands it ki in high favor throughout canada and its excellence lias carried its fame beyond tiie seas if it were double the price lb would be cheap liniment reverse ixxy whats the difference between ia whig machlnn anil ktcs uzzl know they ro different but yiutdlmc itjy one sews scams nice and tho uthrr mcmswi nice for fancy collajl3 save tho embroidered cuffs from airfc kluvcs rhty make dell collars for littlo girls frocks hnvo nothing to frar from anyone tlenito muswllnl the 65th annual statement of the sun life assurance company of canada reflects the strength and stability of life assurance voluntary cooperative enterprise which sncrtlons ha stood every test highlights of 1935 assurances in force excd two bhilo wn hd million dolurf thlt tii amount which will paid by thm sn him thm policies how in fore rch maturity by thrjrt and orvsighl mora than million policyholder hav provldad through suntjf policial for th uppoit of their families in casai oi prenulura daath and thlr own lnd pndnce should they live to old age new assurances paid for exceed two hundred million dollars for the year during 1935 more than seventy thousand persons ritabllthed etlatatf by purchaiinj sun life policies thus providing security for rnany thousands of hornet policyholders and beneficiaries bennb amounting to eighty million dollars were pd out over two hundred and eighty five thoutand dollars for each working day since the sun life commenced builnetf 65 years ago it has paid out to policyholders and beneficiaries well over nine hundred mlljlon dollars assets of over seven hundred million dollars eniur that every sun life policy will be settled promptly when the time for payment arrives in the meantime this fund invested on behalf of policyholders contributes notably to national and indusbu prrcis summapv of directors report assuhawoc im force dbw si 1933 wcw a5suhahccs paid for incomc dkbusscmchirs fxctss of income ovch dkuurstuents mijioacooo s19 076 000 h4moo0 fuosooo j1 600 payments to poucyholdebs and lenefia aries duiuv tl vv 193s slnch 0gllallol assets liaalities paioup capital 000 000 himl uca ciad of twakaldn 4cobbl reserve im cuwxuuoa lulum surplus itt 000 w16uo0o 101 ait ooo 14kioo0 ss1 ooo sun ooo m0 000 with lh iimi mulhattud hy th jnuuruno xxjrtunt aj ih dominion cunmilm sun life assurance company of canada his majesty on the canadian pacific uii lvlltutl lor luc llioi nn jut mutch tlu little mi li 1ju kjvl jou ciirklnuui jm cliind anil its jvut tlio thinu to carry to uiuhv ihit waa how ituth haopuuil to ti the chap lltue luurtaharmil lockl wlll 1l hrllutlaii opal tlmt iilht it wuo in tlw druwrr wlui the bajf illii hi mood wluch taipecti womlcrt to lutppen oiu sumliii jlllli vlit hl uncli will rundf itllir uncli hi alii artr hl irrundlathi had lift thi nxmi how old hi mind coiildn 11 you amuiml hi unci uithout lonlclnif it up in tin family ulbk my won nasptd uii tldld old enouvll ui bo lueiltliuud hi uwulblov ai sun aflccta ikd sklu hi un dot mil inn nnd durki tin in of all llilit iiilond ran urlti itny hnll in ir ki nuinri in lllru mnnv of tin tun im tin clilni tin suuilwlrli lu lull ru and tint tli iiuih of smith vuurlcti hml that tin ir kltln unlllco niirm fiulh whin inpoaid to wuiilluht uud iiuim ijueutly tliy are avrril hiihii ilijitor lu the bulnmr thuu lu thu wlutur cnntidlanti liavo tt particularly warm upot in utolr lioartu for kati jdward viii lllueero af foctlou honontly oarnod by hlu majouty during lilu vlidlii to ihlu country on prluco vt waloa lho 1lcluro layout uhown ahovo ra uhlcally llluhtnitdh movural lihabou of hlu dlrforent jounmya by cnillull ihtclllo btoauuiblpm and rail lltiti illuiitratlnn no uhnwu illil majuuly in tho typical ly courtonun act of thanulm tho crow of tho iloyal spoclal no ilia majouty and sir dwaril jloatly 0111j kc wjd clmt tluis ou lho btatlon platform ut calkary no in tho drlvora boal his iiajuaty oa tho rlthl lnuid uldo of canadian 1uclflo oniinusjjl no ijlward viii with tho uxcautlou of hiu voyno on ii llouowo liaa travollod acrouu tho north atlantic ou caii adlau taclflo stoamalilpu lho plcturu abowa him with captain orlrrlth on board thu jniprwul of raiiou