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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 13 Feb 1936, p. 4

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page four the acton free press thursday fe8hary ljth 1838 neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which any of our readers are interested rockwood the young peoples society of the united church held their regular weekly meeting sunday evening mrs ben hooking read the bible ltsaon and mls helen bayne took the topic on angola during the meeting good djacuaalon took place on unemployment problems in the absence of the president mr ben hooking had charge of the buslnesa part of the meeting church attendance wao nguin afftectd by the cold rough weather on sunday mr anderson of knox college tor onto conducted oervlco at the presby terian church on sunday morning the many frlcndo of mrs jroser plummer will regret to learn of her re moval to the hospital at ouelph again last week for medical attendance mrs prank majors condition con tinues about the same holy communion was obarfrved at st john church on sunday rnornlng the rector rcv brlulnger conducting the service mr james ilobcrtil of eden muld visited mr and mrs max milne the early part of the week mr ale clark of st catluurlnes wm up over the weekend owing to the cold weatlicr and bad road conditions of last wuek tno concert by the class of the united church was postponed till ividay even ing tlie village council held their regular monthly meeting uut thursday evening crewsons corners mrs mccutcheon spent low days visiting at john bcnnotts miss annlo alrdrle of acorgotown visited at the corners ori sunday services at the church on sunday as nwl wa arc having teal winter weather all the roods here arc filled in with mow mr jidmllton has returned from ouelph where ho attended the funeral of his sister ballinafad mr earl smith spent the weekend visiting friend in toronto mr sherldbic foreman of toronto spent the weekend at his homo here mm barbara soper waa in toronto on saturday attending the funeral of her cousin mvs wright the indies association meeting was held at the parsonage on tuesday after noon campbellvillk mr and mrs moore of toronto visited at the homo of mr mooro on wednesday mrs cowpcr and joyce are home again after spending week in preston the friends of miss jenny mcmillan will be sorry to hoar that uhe lias been ill for some time mrs lawrence sharpe is teaching at no 10 art the teacher mus mar guret macmlllan has pneumonia number of tlie young people tended the dance at milton high school on friday evening last mm stuart of kemptvllto visited friends in the village for fow duyu lost week dublin limehouse on friday of last week wo regret vi report that the line house on the farm of the into ilobert brown now occupied by prcd pucker was burned to tlie ground it waa partly covered by in surance mus obulyu mullero spent week end at her home here miss beatrice luno woe liomo for tho weekend dr and mlw sutherland were at stroud attending the wedding of their niece mua margaret sutherland over tho weekend dr sutherland returned home on monday and muu suther land ki visiting friends in toronto for few dayti snow blocked roads seem to be the fashion in tills vicinity as well as in ouicr places and every day or bo tho road from limchouso to uw seventh line hat to be opened the following la the report of no llnifcliouse only the names of those making co or over appear tills is tlie january report junior rv alex wrlnht honors gwendolyn hill dork mitchell reggie hoiwill helen barrett inez scott grace beerman br in shirley wright jr in lome norton claij barbara cousens terry brown class bobbie brown brendcn bar rett pamela cousens sr primer lorraine haiwall bertha shelbourne george couficna fnxl iiui gordnn hasall primer vincent barrett mary klrk patrlck dorothy shelbourne qlen scott olcn olbbs colin coutend meryl orlndc1 teacher eden mills mr james young of knox college toronto occupied tlie pulpit of tho pres byterian church on sunday the regular meeting of tlie young women auxiliary of the presbyterian church was held at the home of mini snrttw ixwrrurr wit theprtealden fc helen scott in the chair tho metlfiff opened with hymn and prayer by uuj leader scrip tuw lewion was read by mini inneilowrie7 awio was given by mus joan ilobertson and reading by mus florence campbell very full and interesting report of tho oeulph prw4ytcrial held in knox church ouelph was given by miss jean lowrle the meetnlg cloid with hymn and tlw lords prayer in unison after which mrs lowle entertained the girls with social cup of tea lax john milne lias returned from toronto much improved in health miss margaret mlno of acton upent the weekend at her home liexe the nuehawk club held their weekly euchre in tho homo of mr and mrs jas tolton the ladles prize was won by mru jeff burrows tlu gents by mr mr lowrle consolation priium were uon by mrs whk wllwrn and mr jas ailbrluii lone hand prize mrs jelf bun ovw mru will atlbertoon and mlyi jean laurie attended the annual meeting of tho guilph presbyterhil of the prejby terlaji church held in knox church ouelph lafit week mrs john milne spent the ufcxeud hi ouelph at the homo of mrs mlliiu und mus lottie who ha bten jrloiudy 111 all hope for her spody recovery mr nobirt croft lait valuable horja last week mr bert lowrey is coniined to the houaa wlul mjvcre ututck of grippe owing to the condition uf uie raidj tho attendance at the serviced in the local churches was very small on sunday dublin literary socjety met at the school on friday evening february 7tli the pr4dent was in tho chair th meeting opened by singing tho maio leaf after tlie business was settled und tho roll call answered tlie following program was given song by charles cutts bkctch by walter llnham and noger barr readbig by miss slgna webster dialogue by some of dublin lchool pupils mouth organ election by dorothy steele rending by miss flora sayon mr brown kindly showed group of lantern lides which were very much enjoyed and appreciated by all lunch was served and social hour spent erin mr fred stcen is taking buttcr makera bourne at tlie oac ouelph mbw kathleen house of toronto la visiting with mr and mrs sin clair litblo miss eleanor toots overland youngest daughtciuoxadr and mrs overland la ijulto seriously 111 with pneumonia the farm kt 14 concession west coledon whlcli was offered for sale last thursday by tho ontario government loan board was not sold two rinks of local curlero visited grand valley curlers last friday even ing and enjoyed friendly game with tho besom and stanc in which the vajloy ubxyeru were few shots tip quite crowd attended the schedulo game of uio local group of the wohjl at uio agricultural arena last thumday evening when otangitvlllo and erin com pctod for the honors erin won by hi advocate churchill the meeting of the ladles aid was held atr the homo of mrs swackham cr on wednesday afternoon with fair attendance after tho opening hymn the devotional part was taken by mrs graff leading in prayer and mrs moore read tho scripuire lesson among tho items of buslnuis discussed it was decided to conduct the meeting under the name of tho womens association instead of the former uidles aid other plans were made for future work and the meeting closed by all repeating tho lords prayer hi unison dainty lunch was served by the hostess oakvillb lol annual meeting in milton county officers are elected browne acton is financial secretary the annual meeting of halton county lol was held in imuton with fair attendance of delegates reports show fed tho association to be in healthy condition dlscuoslon took place with regard the separate school question most worshipful bro saunders and bro armstrong gave in spiring oddrcsnes these two grand lodge officers wero herbert merry sailed last week on uio tendorcd vote of thanks before they loft lean fa8tube nearly generation and half ago my head was glazed by bullet at tho battle of chlclmmauga tho uttlo fcuow looked at the old mans head thoughtfully and said there isnt much grazing lhare now is there grandpa hillsburg nassagaweya owing to the bad state of the rands and severe weather there wan no preach ing service in tlie isbenczer united church lost sunday morning there waa only tho sunday school ltisarui taken up in tho sunday school tho bloomsbury literary society wau organised in tho no school kusaga weya with the fallowing officers pre sident mr alex near vicepresident mr pulton secretary miss mary mcphedran treasurer mr clarence wilson they have membership of thirtyfive paid up the nret meeting won held lait monday nighti when splendid program was given and also debate there will be meeting very two weeks ri tho rural mall couriers are having liard time making their rounds on tho routes tho roads are piled hlflh with enow there is more enow on tho roads thfa winter than tliere lias been for qulto fe wyears7 mr bert nightingale gr orongcvllle is having two weeks holiday ulth ids parents mr and mrs arthur nightin gale of loiatchbull georgetown tho formal openln splendid nowpaat oiflce and customs building took place on saturday after noon last when large number of cltlisens uttended tlie ceremonies the public school was closed on mon day and tiktvuay owing to break in some tubes in tlie boi of the heating tystcm tnewocesmiry repairs have been made and school reopened this morn ing mr mnclaren gave report of uie relief commission since itu organization the mayor thanked mr mhclain for his report and also for his servlcea on tlie commkukm during uio pout four and half years 730 wau passed for january accounts hydro rates received from uie hydro electric potter commission eliminate iervico charge for domcsuc irvlco tho new rates for two and three wire cervices are cents for flmt go kw hours and 11 for balance of coniumptrlon tho firemen were called out twice yes terday for chimney fires about 1130 to mrs louds main btreet norui and at 00 to mr charlas days col lege view the homes wero extinguished at both places with little damage to projurty on monday evening the local llona club hall tho flnwt and best attended meeting ilnci its inception llv yeani ago the program including jipcakera und entertainers was of the highest degive and uorthitlrili iiuvjiugcs nnd jipntfi uin proffered to the full local membenihlp prent uvldeh prominent local gijfsui us vell as tlv past presid ent und niembeni from toronto oak vljle burlington and hamilton clubj aimhji two hundred guests sat down tj uie nicely orrangetl and tastily deooruti tubuw ut the tacond annual burns sup per under the ttusplci of gtmiryrtown pllie band at the amui last tlmrwlay night luv beimirt and mrs 1tmt acton took part on uie program herald lituo harry burt youngest eon of mr george burt is suffering from broken leg being kicked by colb last saturday mr and mrs delancy and elma visited with mr and mrs cox last sunday tho schools wero pracucnlly all clojj in this vicinity for couple of dayw ow ing to uie bud roads and severity of tho weauier miss eleanor clieyne jpent saturday with miss jean mcklnnon mv joseph thomson spent the week end wlui his con archie nt lrgus wo nre torry to report tho serious illness of mr melrose brown and hope for speedy recovery again mr and mrs win bcsey and tn elgin and raw spent sunday with mr and mrs leonard bcssey fourui line mr and mrs churcher spent sun day wiui mr and mm cheyno wo are glad to report miss mccann improving from healing cars having suffered conslderahjy from them mr judson noxweli came liome from uie hospital and is wo arc glad to re port convalescing nicely europa from boston for england where ho will shoruy study tho art of making pottery and china fighting with their backs to uio wall to secure playoff position oakviilo hockey intermediates defeated ouelph by uio bcoro of 61 ttv uio oakvllle rink tuowluy night trafalgar township couucll will co operate with uio agricultural iiepireson tatlvo in attempting to stamp out th5 warble fly menace in halton county it was decided at meeting of uie town ship council held on tuesday when motloif was passed auuiorlxlng uio pur chase of sufficient quantity of powder to distribute among uie farmer of the township star constable wm roscr lias returned to duty ufter couplo of weeks at clirlitlc street hospltal tho adjourned tax sale held at tra falgar township hull last week by ford treasurer of trafalgar township only brouglit him jg00 only two pro perties were sold tlie remaining 37 were taken in by tho township on motion of hecve hcwson seconded by deputy beeve byers the council decided to cluinge tlie nomination day to uie friday preceding tho lost monday in november and also to change thu hours of voting so uutt the polla will open ut 00 and cleu at 700 pm to attend another meeting the election of officers resulted as follows ipom wor bro hall george town cm wor bro woods olfen williams dcm bro uobilison hornby chaplain bro brown hornby secretary bro james fox glen wllllamit financial secretary bro browne acton marshal bro loing oakvllle first lecturer bro graham second lecturer bro peacock milton livestock numbers increase in canada form barns in almost all provinces of canada tiro uell stocked wlui feeder cattle uils winter and in most cases an abundaat supply of feed la available the number of hogs is also nhowlng an in crease acrocj the dominion during 1d35 cattlo prices were somewhat higher than in tho previous year this was result of improvement in domestic de mand and substantial exports to the united states where prices were higher than for some years states uio agri cultural situation and outlook for 1036 pillion to rcduco uo poll lax from to bc th0 dominlorl inn to t3rtl was tnmnl flnwn hv tlia 500 to 250 was turned down by tlio council he cord carcass guaoing of hogs iltuuoves standauo departmcnbt of agriculture and trade and conhnercc discussing tho export market lor cattle the outlook states in part during 1035 total exports of canadian cattle and calves exceeded those of the while it to truothut vtoo hn teen prevl0uj year by om onc marked improvement in recent years in uie quality of hogs sent to thu markets cent substantial nlupnients of cattle nnd beef were made to the united throughout canada the jocl remains uio km uc of utandard of quality could bc substantial but the rapid rise in prlccti in the united ly improved us the followhlb fljurcfl dta su lmprovment ta nlnnn tn 1aj inlal rt1k till the british market caimod dlveralou to close in 10m out ot toul at 3025101 hoga marketed only 474051 or 101 perl atat i2 cent ero thc unlll stal bufmu baeon and 384 per tent were butchers tum dma not ratd or lower grades considerable number milton much credit is duo fred johnson who has made an open air rink on tho lot near his service station on main street cast for tho benefit of thu hockey play cm mink are increasing in tho milton district waters ten of these valuabla animals were captured lately along thc sixteen mile creek in and near uie town thc trappers it is understood have sold tlwe mink skins for handsome price the action or the public school board in providing nkaung rink near thc school yard for tho um of uie pupils at to bo hlglily commended thc children arc uius assured of the opportunity of amjoymg fcueh healthy outofdoorspla and exorcise as only an open air rink can provide georgo bay lis who has been acting aa turnkey at uie halton county jail hero since last july lias reslgnud to accept position as superintendent of uie oak vllle club ho is succeeded by calvin fleming who it is expected will soon rece permanent appointment as turnkey trnm thflpntnrlo jjlq of the selects were found unsatisfac tory for export owing to brulson soft or oily carcasses and other defects tun marketing of low quality hogs and of thone bruised soft oily or diseased means substantial loss to farmero one of the most uffectlve ways to bring about tho desired improvements in the quality of hogs offered on uie markets in by grading tho hogs alter they havo been killed known aa rail or carcass trading evury country except canada exporting bacon to the british market has adopted this modern system of hradlng apart altogether from tho fact that hogs can be graded more efficiently after they are killed carcass grading discloses other points uiat have an effect on the industry for example every ictiult of carcasses that are wholly or recurrence of the high prices of beef cattle during uie spring and summer of 1030 hut wlui tariff barriers lower on canadian catuc the influence of uie united states is expected to be an im portant price factor in uio canadian market during 1930 tho number of hoga is increasing in canada united states and the united kingdom tlie increase in output in canada is not expected to bc so pro nounced until tho latter part of 1030 the british bacon market has been very important factor affecting prices of canadian hogs and uio most important factor in the disposal of production over and above canadian requirements tills market should continue to have bene ficial effect on priccti during 1030 ac cording to the outlook study of jtamesfway poultry equipment ttw ralublllty of junewfty txxiltry malnmant baooma ma well known that jiiqmwiy htchd equivalent to euaixntm of quality bealdad incubatom canadas leading bouhry tnenusaina jnmaway oil and ooel burnintf brooder nowreduod tn price battory brooders fonder and to re re of all kinds ateel timte laying cases oat eproulers oat kerminauira uid complete brooder nouaes mattufactunr nt all kind ofmhit ttlal huihhng maurinu bey ftowyovr local jmiway deal srru direct tq eastern steel products ami imtted guelh ii at montreal and ton ahcav in ni prob port poijilbllltleo leads the ottawa nuth partlally condemned by tho veterinary 0ritlu3 to thc cqnclnnlon that he having been recommended for the posluon some time ago champion burlington xtywrmfive tti bherwowi of fm1 wlck spent the weekend wiui uielr parents here miss helen wood return nl homeufluiuiem inspectors of the health of animals branch domlnon bepartment of agri culture due to infection or disease by tho carcass system of grading infected or diseased hoga nnd those with reft carcasses or ouicr defects can bo cegre gatcd and traced hack to uie point of origin the live slocx brunch d51nthi6ir department of agriculture is convinced that this unproved system of grading is decided contribution to uie improve ment of the hog industry all packing plants in kastcrn canada are now nc cpptlng hogs for carcass grading whllo provinces in may 1035 it lias become gancjiulyaoccptcdrorln novcml hog prices during 1030 will probably re main fairly remunerative despite uio ex pected increase 1n volume application for free copies of thc ouuoolc should bo made to tho rub llclty and extension branch dominion department of agriculture ottawa pookl foundations how many wrecks how many incom plete and wretched lives we see every where because people did not uilnk it it was ontyntkmctxrnrthc3 worth while tetircpawtor muoli of harry saundurs john emerson ilarry williams and saunders gr returned homo saturday night from florida wherj they enjoyed the sunny eouth for uie patt month two cars loads of lions motored to gvorgutown on monday evening to visit tho lions club of that town unfortun ately uio visited was marred by uio local boys getting stuck in the snow at tho regular mecung of uie wauir cammwjilan held laat night bert ed wards chief iiighieer of uio plant ap peared before tho commission asking for an increase in salary due to lncreowjj responsibilities to uie men at the plant lucre aitcs uere granted paul ffchir who lias been appoint ed chairman of committee by tlu ontario minister of agriculture to in vestigate the proposal for 1000000 wholesale fruit and vegetable market in toronto commenced the campaign dur ing the past werk by acidrewilng fruit growers nieethiks at cobourg grlnuby und st cathariiik wnn ho presented iii num and received nplendtd heurjnu tlu many fruncb of don llae former member of the burlington lacrou team who uent to sudbury last fall ulll be pleawsl to hear uiat he is now ouo of uie hospital after boing laid up for the juuit few wtnlts don luul the mlrfortune to crush into uie goal rwitiui tuuly ui january during aeulor hockey mutch as member of uio sudbury wolvva oud seriously injure his knee quktte career tliey thought thoy would get it juatjillttlecilucatqnto hcldthcm ftloniel uiki year d3 per cent of all hogs sold just enough for practical use they did to packing plants were cruded on the not think it worth while to dig down rail in ontario approximately 100000 hogs liavo ben graded in 1035 by this system any farmer who prefers to market his liofes graded after they are killod merely hau to instruct his shipper drover or trucxer accordingly scottish estates sold hundreds of miles of scottish country side ure being sold lands which havu been owned by scottish nobility for many cenerailoiis have changed hands within the last tew years announcement unit part of the perthshire land belonging to tin duke of atlioll has been placed on the mtirkvt for sale by private treaty has jujt been made occupancy of many the tenant nr the murniy of atholl over jevral generations and it is the ulsh of the owners that each tenant should be uiven un opportunity to ac quire the property occupied by him in hided in thi land offered for bale ure rom 40 to so farms many cottages and muuhuhllnkji and two of the best nown salmon bcali on the xuver tay on his way deep and lay broad foundauons they did not see life as whole thc reason why the lives of iuy many people are mean and stingy and julco htjj in because they put so uttlo into them they moke such mengro pre paration in education hi culture in trulnlng in thinking thcir harvest is small because they row so little and such inferior sted mardcn seasonable and profitable quality lines we offer for next 10 days good until 22iul futuajv red ciiehries tin he apple sauce tin 13c marmalade jar 25j om cbabapple jelly jar 17c thed plum jam jar 25c peanut euttetl jar 25c crown syiuip lb tin 17c ir syrup lb tin 39n clarlco tomato soup un 5c cat yelloweye buans tin ho aolden wax deans tin lie white corn tin ioo golden corn lln 10c gm dicedbeets tin oo diced carrots tin 9o ii12repord corp beep tin 13c iierrinq in tom saucj tin 12o who floor wax tin loo whiz silver polish tin 10c lux toilet soap cake ge many flowers soap cako ke pearl laundry soap calco 4c huron toilet paper roll 3c national matches boyl be pure lard lb 15o exc pastry flour lb 21c nakino powder un 17c reqxrkrcoknmeal lb finest loap cheese lb iie ora etoriita choice oranoe3 choice lemonb choice bananas for for ho for 13a quality courtesy service barrs phone 1c we deuvek xntteb ffltjurrl of dauaa aotoh putoi bn 1l knw mjl rfcjx pmraanrntm bower avenim sunday pebruary 16th 1039 1100 the minister oar father w11l wfth in series 1315 bundsy bchool and blhto clabco 700 the minister seventh in the series stars of destiny the man with purpose wednesday 800 unity mens club thursday 730 bible study hour ybody weloomx kvrii jlttfibytrrtau kmox cbdboh aotom bkv bennie manse wulow btreet sunday february 16th 19js 1100 hi the twin mystery 230 ra tbn sabbath scbool 700 adventure and its erolll crhood nou tho young peoples oulld on tuesday tho postponed debate with tho hespclcr society social evening after wards always wovoour baptist orjurrb actom 1usv baxtek pasior sunday february loul 1038 1000 hi sunday school 1100 morning service buulncso man enters uie kingdom of ood tuesday 730 nl unclassified small advertisements advrtlmnk unjr thl kcuung on cctit per word ulnimuttt caarg 3sc tkf irtrtlon vive lntctian lor ilo if til cxtll ioc kddilknul is charkcd where item hftve to booked hog shjtrlng sathjhuay call 07r3 for prices holmes wanted puino in good condition state price box 310 georgetown lost on monday morning on highway no between fourth and fuul llnal leather coat sweaters oloves etc reward finder idndly leave at free press office 1hdio sehvice prompt efficient radio service on all malttis of radios work guaranteed tlmve orders at wrights office mill street 325 jack smith acton men wanted for raulelgh routes hi acton writa today 324 rawleian co dcpt mli11ba montreal canada caiud of rhanrck we take this opportunity to express our appreciation to our many friends and tlio firemen of acton for uielr klnd nur and help of wednesday february 5th 1030 mr and mrs matt tyler notice to creditors all parties having clnlmtt against uie eatato of tkavld wilson late of uio towmhlp of erin fanner wlio died on uio llrst day of february 1030 are re quired to wild particulars and proofs of mich clalmo to uie undersigned solicitor before uiothlrteenth day of march 103s when uio assets will be distributed among uio parties legally entitled thereto hav ing regard only to uie claims which shall have been tiled as aforauild pursuant to section 51 of ul8 trustco act ld37rchhptet iso dated uils uilrteenth day of february john edward pearem alexander mocaio ejloculors by il farmer acton ontario uielr solicitor s3s collections since 1b03 wo liave been sueceasful ly handling collections for an ever ln creasinff number of cllenu surely uili indicate that iuo are ehtdbnt and rosponiiible send hi your ltet or notoi and ac count if fall to collect we cliarife nothlnjr for our icrvloes kelly aiken tlio couoolioit specialist doctor about nine patients out of ten dont live through thla operation la uiere aiiythhiu can do for you before buln ihitlciit yitt doctor kindly hand lue tny hut business as usual we nro conductinj our pluinbinr mid ileiititik bubinesb as usual rollowinj the lire inst week all orders are fjiveii prompt attention if left at the residence on luke avenue which will headquarters until new premises are opened up blair plumbing heating electric work acton ontario ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop ilelrjfpentative gore district motjud norwich col ciuiuu fin company tbo casualty of cvadssjmnlioi tb sarohaata casvsjty oo tta rartagvsarnkta mataai

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