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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 27 Feb 1936, p. 5

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thursday fkbruaby 27th 1d30 the acton free press paoi ftvx mr george bopcf jr wu home from oolt for the weekend mr peter papulon of gielph tlaitod ni home here this week mr klrby wuluma of windham was in town over the weekend mm mcpherson visited relatives in toronto over ttx weekend mr td russeu of kingston vultod friends in acton over the weekend mtos ruth jennings of brampton spend the weekend at her home here kfl helen ostrander was home from the university of toronto for the week end mlb marlon iay of uockwood is visiting her grandmotiher mrs tt wansbrough mr melvln soper of guelph spent sunday with his parents mr and mrs george soper 6r mrs mclean of tilbury is visiting with her mother and other rela tives here thid week miss aruib mcpherson of hamilton visited lhli week at the homo of mr and mrs d11u mr and mrs earlo ijrown of kitch ener spent sunday with his parcnu mr and mrs it brown mv and mrs albert brown of kit chener spent sunday at tlie homo of hu parents mr und mrs brown messrs 3f itoy and harold wana brough or toronto vuitcd tbelr tnothcr mrs tt if wanabrough over the week end mr and mrs hoy wunsbrough leave this week for holiday trip to florida the mackenziecakdno wedding the home of mr und jjfra john mitchell cardno or scafortli was tin scene of quiet but pretty wedding on wednesday february 19tli wlwn their onjy daughter maraarct elizabeth bo came the bride of samuel jolui mac kenzie of georgetown the ctruniony wau conducted by rev peaut before an uttractlve arranu nient of spring ilowcra tio bride becomingly gowned in jacket of white suede laco ovir satin witli liulf to match and carrying bouquet of mauve orchids and illy of the valley entered the livingroom on the arm of lier father to the strains of tho bridal march plajvd by miss jean mac kenzie fiuter of tlie groom ijthxi marjory mackenzie sister of the groom acting as bridesmaid wore yellow iacc dress trimmed wlthbrown vclvtt with liat und acccjorla to match and earrled bouquot of talisman roses and resins mr nekon cardno brother of tho bride acted as best man after buffet luncheon the bride and groom left on short wedding trip on tliclr return they will take up residence in their new home hi george town gftoup winners tendered chicken supper on mpnday night the intermediate tfo p1fiyf ovfiitlv jwerc entertalned at chlckln upper by come of the club fans and supporters tim event uo held at the station iiotxl din ing room and splendid supper uas itned it uas an evening tendered the team on winning the group champion ship there is splendid liarmony in tlie team and tills social evening showed hub tlie bojs are out to go after future honors the nnt teain to be mct on tlie playdowns is fergus and tlie boya are outtquln baptist young peoples tho ratfiilar nuihngnf tlm bviuj woo held on tuesday night in the bap tist church it as in cliargc of tlie service group of uhlcli miss barbara plonk is tlie convener the meeting opened with song tervice followed by tlie scripture lesson and devotional period miss plank gave very interest ing outline of the combined work of tho bypu and sunday school board of ontario and quebec ladles quar tette mcsdamcii klulck and veldhuls and mllbes barbara plank and jeaslc coles rendered tuo excellent vocal num bers george wallace clothes shop exclusive but not expensive george wallace 123 yonge street opfe kjrfcfr toronto subscriber writes in renewing her fa facss subscrip tion an outoftown subscriber writes do think tiue fbieb fbkss la improving vtry much do enjoy mr john colo man and tho lady from tho farm near milton tho old mail hi mio clock and you always liavo nice short utory an3 the news hi genera tluuikd wo xlo our best and are pleased to note these special contribution are enjoyed as part of tint ftnue pd collections since ibq3 wo havu been successful ly handling collections for an ever in creasing number of clients surely this lndlcjitti that are elf iclont und rvtponsible send in your llrt of note and ac counts if ue fall to collect wo chnrga nothing for our ierviccs kelly aiken the colltncllon specialist ouangevhxti ontakjo acton won hockey group honors again continued from pago otw wlngdl macrao davidson wells alter nates acton onicr goal gibbons walters defence mooney centre llidsay and mario wlngo morton terry bus morton and scott alternates ircfcroc lamport toronto kxkcutous auction sale in the township of loun paum stock immjcments hay gllain kuunituiu etc georgetown young peopijg visit acton glorkiloun unlttd young piojilts union kltttl lhu acton union about tlie undersigned lias received lnstruc tlons from the jvxccutors of tho litate of uie ilatk ttavld witson to rell by public auction at his late re sidence lot concession erin ultuat edlon tho iirin and kramoca town une about miles north of crowsons corn ers on monttay makcn 2nd i93c at ono oclock uiarp tlio following 3iorsks aged team of work harscji cows hor tli orn cow fresh black heifer due in march jersey heifer duo in june jersey heifer due in march jtriey cow frcoh at time of sale jersey cow due in april jersey cow bred december 10th jersey cow bred de cember 11th red cow due in may jersey heifer rising year shorthorn heifer rising years fat pigs york sow due in may york sowunn in aprllg young sows re cently bred hkns lti barred rock hens rooster lp hay and orainloo bus oatn 50 builicli mangolds 100 bushels mixed oraln quantity or hay and corn lad der seed corn orass seed harniss set team harnean set slnrle harneis saskatchewan robe collars etc ifplements massey harris binder fool cut mouer steel land roller spring tooth cultivators hoy rake 10 lioc seed drill turnip sower massey harrifl riding corn cultivator pjeury walking plow ivmilng mill renfrew scales harrous scuffler rope sllngi car pulley etc stock rack liay tcici ruvoiroc jblinny on tlie spot 1w aoa engine dimming no cutting box belts etc circular saw mossey harris cream separator lumber wagon with box and spring seat shelv ing and high box sot bench slclglis rortlflndcuttcrfstrltlredtop buggy road cart road drag democrat corn hoes grindstone kmery grinder 24 ft ladder muarti shlnglcci tudliop anderson manure spreader for repairs grain lifters porks hoes shovels bans chains quantity of carpenters and mechanics took household rurntturtc kitchen imperial oxford range cupboard table chairs couch wash stand potii pans cooking utcnslld dining room sideboard parlor couch rug dining bxtislon tublo linoleum victrolu and cabinet hanging lamp rocking chairs sewing machine quantity dlihe etc chairs oxford oak heating stove bod room iurniturl bedstead uith springs and mattr bed with springy lvather tick wosliiunds drevners plllous etc toilet si bedding etc mlscellaneoiu hew laun mow or coal seutte watering can clothes hon pillfc etc gardui tools pruning knife lamps gallun coil oh can gallon coal oil can wcdgu maul ill imnif on mondav cunlm und iu splitting axe ironing board 1111 twnini una da churn 40 or 50 jars of social time uas njoyed all after caniutl 1yiiit feu unrds of uelconie from the local ti1l 1alul if not preloilily sold the last of the group farewell ookvlllol you put up real battle for tho group but it was actons turn this time and ihc best team won cant imagine cltlicr team will give lamport many calls for referee wo dont blame doc nolson for tho broad orallc wouldnt bo bit surpris ed if lb liad chanco to got broader from bill ecclcshall wo learn that in tho 45 hockey periods played thta year actonhas only been lead hi two periods both these games ended in tlo tho national anthem was again tho opening feature itvt been off tho record this winter too much chicken suppcr was well doiorwd by uio team on tho group showing we hope the next ono jjt turkey on the pro vincial honom we have placo on tho wall for picture of cluimplonship team without crowding any of the others off and now if tho weather only holdu for the rest of tho games will ivrgus draw gate on friday night we wouldnt bo surprised if acton was greeted with few folks in fergus on monday fergus has not only won their group but ako put stratford out of tho run ning in the second round itll be couplo of fine games it3 on interesting note thnu neither fergui or acton hae lost game in their schedule this yuar it ought to be some contest in these homo and homo fixtures sholbournc and sutton played to 44 mo in the first round of intermedi ate playoffs tho game was in shclbourne pursnontho round from london 54 in tho intermediate grouping and uill meet glencoe fans ucrc glad to sec keith scott back in the gamoon thursday night ills face fci still iore buu hes at work scott juso subotituted on defence on thursday night but will bo able to take his place tomorrow night the playoffs nre on and the whole team enter without one player out itj to bo hoped they emerge the same way local member speaks at ottawa wo notice in hansard this wtek that our federal member hughes cleaver is getting into action on the debate in the house of commons tho reduction of tlm old age pension ago limit below seventy years of age was opposed by tho minister of flnapco on the grounds of lack of funds hi tho dominion treasury mr cleaver addressed tho housa in part as follows am in favor of an amendment to tho old ago pension act which would reduce ttho pension ago from ncventy to sixty five not oo an unemployment relief measure but on purely compassionato grounds to pension men not because they cannot get employment but be cause bcllove many of our people in canada boday are physically burnt mi at fiutyqvc years of ago and bo unable to cam living for themselves and their dependents quite agrco with the statement tho minister of finance mr dunning that our people aro al ready burdened down with an almost intolerable load of taxation but suggest in all sincerity that if bhb rifcmbcrs of tho house and mora especially the pri vate members wouid withhold thcir appllcatiotul tw and their domands upon tho department of finance and public worlot for expenditures of money and come forward instead with sincere and honbst recommendations and proposals iui to how public expenditures can bo reduced without curtailing tho efficiency of tlw different departments we should have plenty of money to take care of old ago pensions dog shot on owners farm the quten was ve11y right the class was set to urlte an essay on sirwa1ttrnrmilthrtmo ono bright lad turned out sir walter raleigh was great favorite with queen elizabeth tills wan because of his gallantry tor instance one day ho was in cov entry and he saw lady who was not wearing any clothes riding on hornii orcnt was his astonishment when he iaw that the lady war queen elizabeth so he tooc oir ills fine scarlet cloak and gave it to her saying honl solt qui maly ponse which means your need is greater than mine thoouoontook tho coat and answer ed dlcu et mon droit meaning my gosh and youre right wliat walks on 1l head anail inyour boo president greumhe miluiles the visitor took charge of the met ting the uunjilp service ux in cliarge of mb mcdriiiid the president alti by mics hvuil broun iruln ivons and jim evaiu piano tulo was ghui by uk marlon owreiul con uvt was in charge of bill maclaren mfbi rutli gihvn rruderid vocal aoio und pbthq duett uus glvn by mujus helen brown und hflm macdonald an in uraiung uuk was contributed by mbu iobl mcdertuui oj thd st cutliurtni winter bcliool game wert in ciuru of jack maclaren and were followed by refreshments served by the iocl union at the same time the farm uill be olfor nl for sain subject to retrve bid on the premises of tlib choice tioncre farm uarected comfortable roughcast dwell lng houu with uoodshfd and extern uomi bank barn driving shi ami pig ivn it it well fence well watered and in gtmmi slite or cultivation there ar about acres of harducwul bush tk11ms on the 1ahw may be had by applying to the ixtcutors isareii no acton alex mc calg no ltockwood tkltms ok chaitels 1uuniturk etc cash noihhi bo tt4ttavnl till krlud vr kviyihlu mui kurtl iy teoy iunulky aliollonee tr no acton piion 15jo jcrln plank clerk gregory theatre fiuday feuuuauy bth tiie pay ofp thrilling ndventum of un honet poru repurter tarring janus dunn ung comedy spruclu up novrlty hollywood extra qlrl cartoon little dutch plate chapter of the ms tery mountain saturday iuiuaky 20th the last outpost dfender of finplre who mver knew defeat starring gary cooper conn dy omcers mvis var iety cavalcade of manic vox neui showing funeral icenrs of the lute king suulrlngham to london mtonnay mauch 2nd farmer takes wife tale of simple folk on the givut erie canal when it was one of the world wonders shirring janet oayuor and henry fonda charlie chose comedy nune txi you muhlcul accent on girls coming minister lost night some rather mean dbipou tloned individual nhot tlie thoroughbred scotch collie dog belonging to mr geo somorvuie the dog was shot right on the farm premises and the ithootlng occurred bctwetn midnight and tills morning tho dog wiui at tlie farm at midnight and was found with jhjupl in it tlibi morning lying between the houioj and barn them was no trnll of blood and it had been shot apparently on the premise it was great pet of the children and nn animal that seldom left the premises tlie marksman who went out gunning for pet animal nnd found hln mark mut have perverted sense of satisfaction this morning milton clerk honored upon retirement hems tree retired town clerk aid treasurer of milton was the guest of honor at banquet held at th milton inn tendered by his associates in the council complimentary addrect were made ijy ir la anderson charles jones little maxted guroy john irwin james blaln and syer who congratulated my hcmstrcct on the fine work he lias done for the town in the 1g jcars he has serve council robertson guest speaker ducuised the advantages or industries in town mr hemstrect was prejrnted with cheque by mayor dr carl martin what flowers tulips ore on your face meeting procrua cards and luruih featore splendid social time tlie members of tho farm womens club ox acton held uicir monthly meet ing for february at tho home of mr and mm ocorgo somcrville the ircskicnt mrs hugh mccutcheon occupied the chair and tho meeting opened with the singing of the maple leaf the roll call was answered by my moat useful kitchen utensil after the biuibiouf part of tho program master pyfn sonwrvllle favored tho gallic ring with piano solo miss ailccn cluiridge reading mbi margaret bom erville piano solo paper childrens sayings and the genius of johnny were given by mrs davidson tho meeting closed with tlie national an them after which tho rest of the even lng was spent in euchre tlie lucky wlmicni were miss dora denny and mr clifford surrltt tlie lodlns bcrved valentine lunch and the meeting closed all voting they had epent splendid evening local militia co names committees members of the lome rifles scot tish company 16th platoon met ut the armory on tuesday evening vari ous committers were appointed and plans for iprlng training and nummer iporli made company sergeant major alger presided thu commlttocs appointed were siwrl chairman rfl buchanan ri1 patrick rii scarrow rfl loyenby dance ucut barber cm alger cpl ohoru cpl ii dron lcpl mcnabb lcpl rohion rfl turner entertainment chair man rfl ii price rfl patrick rfl hull ha patrick rii sciir row hockey team executive cj3m alger president cpl dron manager cpl wlwcler secretarytreasurer cp lev em captain rfl buch anan coach delegates to act on executive commit tee of rural hockey league csm alger cpl ii dron rfl buchanan the leu li gun team has commenced training and nre making great success under the leadership of lcpl robson cutter struck by truck on thursday evening lant cutter drivvn by wm prank was inlashed to pieces when it was struck by truck driven by kerr tlie accident occur red on the second line near dublbi crossroad and was apparently unavoid able tortunatcly no one was nerlousjy injurvd but the cutter was rendered useless victor white one of the occu pants of the cutter received injuries his leg one minu pulpit he that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver nor lie tjiat loveth abundance with increase ibis is also vanity ecclcsiastes 10 scout social on monday evening the scout mothers auxiliary held an enjoyable aoclal in the 10x1311 hall the cvcntr wa well at tended winners of theiprlzeo for euchre were mrs wm arnold mrs robert dron and mrs watoon dainty lunch was the concluding feature of tills even ing badminton visitor at on saturday evening mr butler of tlie ouclph ymcjl visited at uio ho gave on interesting talk on tho finer points of badminton and also gave demonstration of how to placo shots at the close of tho meeting lunch was serv ed and an enjoyable time spent boy scouts visitors at free press on monday evening the acton boy scouts under scoutmaster mason visit ed tine fftu paesa onicc and wer shown the various machines and equip ment that are used in producing tnm pmcr paass each week and the work from the job printing department thto processes were briefly explained and each boy was presented with hot linotype slug bearing his name tike lads seemed to appreciate tho uouvenirs of the visit and questions concerning printing wero answered tiik pun pasta is always pleased to show visitors the plant at any time which if considered modern and large one for communities of acton size woocfs phone 37 grocery specials for thursday friday and saturday lhl cooking wos 10 tins pulrliavm saiidines 0o lb junk citeese mo lb white beans do tail tin sodccya salmon 35i v4 yin sockeyo salmon 10c tall tin silver nl salmon 20o tin silver ilcd salmon kc lb aiuiow iiujnd tea 45 lb shelled walnuts 3so plctd quaker corn plains i8e plct quaker health uran 13c lb tin white corn syrup lbo lb tin white com syrup 4oc tina standard peas 33c tins choice white coitn 23o tf rfi4444i4s removal notice on und after april 1st gardiners wntch and clock repair shop will be conducted at the residence on john street just around the corner from the present shop all work will receive the same careful and prompt atten tion if left at the house or may be left at symons hardware on mill street gardiner expert watch and clock repairing mill street acton ontahio products of ajax engineers ltd actons new industry wnter cooling tower nt refinery of canadian oil compnny jigger dyeing madiine silo foot wood penstock on munitoulin island blow ilts und recovery tower of canadian paper mill

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