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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 27 Feb 1936, p. 8

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pack xtcmr the acton free press thursday february 27th 1d3g katiass ml tllnln lfsritacss ul dalka an assarted is this ocdtub wltaoat caaraa la msssortiia noticas an ul sac asr lata aijiunail iar pastiy b0bn aixan at tlm ooelptl general hos pital on sunday february 23rd 10m to mr and mrs john allan the ellt of daughter joyce caroline btabjued ajagkknzzboafttko at seaiortb on wednesday february ittth 1036 by bev feast margaret kuaabeto daughter of mr and mrs john mit chell cardno of seaforth to mr samuel john mackenzie of george town died ajyny suddenly at st josephs hos ipltal ouelph on monday february 24th 1936 john davidson mckee aged 01 years majqrat her lato residence rock wood ontario on saturday february 22nd 1036 isabcll wealherstone be loved vile of fran major in her 7th year hjltz suddenly on wednesday febru ary 26tib 1936 at his residence 682 broadway avenue toronto william wesley hilts dearly beloved husband of annie laldlaw former mayor or toronto in his 63rd year ocals suoceiu it is saw comes in cans mod failures in cnta yesterday was aah wdntday and the nrab day of tho lcnun season saturday la the extra day another one wont do available for four years nice white coating of fresh snot covered the rather dirty piles left after the thaw burlington is having dispute with nebontownshlp ovor arrangements tot water rates the snow went quickly on honday and tuesday but fresh block catno on wednesday the snow and water got away nrcbty readily on monday there seems to bo little frost in the ground mrk iootllt was alio successful contestant in fehc weight guessing contest on yam ati miss ilozclls this week more than ever the need for careful driving should be considered with tho roadwayu in their pnent condition the shortage of water on the farms was lartlally amended when the thaw came on monday it hod been quite serious the walls of the burned kennedy block got fie from their coating of ice and fell down this week only uw war wall is now left standing arrangements for functions about town vrtirt rather held in abeyance jar few days until playoff dau tor hockey were llnally arranged officers of managers board elected at the tvbruary meeting of knox church board of managers last week the following olflcem were elected for the year chairman mr blow secretary mr wright assistant secretary mr ttuinley treasurer mr it kcnney finance commlttva mr smith dr buchanan messrs murray barr it kcnney and arnold clialrman kropcrty committee blow wallaoe allan smith xi wright and htuibcn clialrman supplies meairs mcgregor jo mcdougall somer vllle ilumloy and kenney clialrman knveiope secretary mr ii awrcy mlislonory secretary mr allan smith the drifts have shrunk if you failed to see the piles of snow that was piled high on the highways to ut7olllio jtaclo ifte lor tbu ndayt the opportunity is gone the second line and eventh line were indeed sight and motoring on those roadti was flplen dld on the jiase line and near hornby tlie drift were over the height of the cam at lowvllle it woe reported that drifts verv fifteen feet in height main county roadti uere however in splendid condition and wore ploughed out but other roads utre barely poijtble community asset kircivcnuii krui of ml bouh uuoti aiv iivitig tald isach yrar ui itil patr elvcw frvm s500 ui 1000 ui fre uiia oij ooiiiui unity til which it lmxiuj nt othri aekit can or wul do tlilx thri txiiur ul wqiurih to hi kuxuitf docrai ttioiwi fur ill own towi mum ukiy tether ten knell aikd hi all falrncmi ho ouht ui bo hup ttorted boi b4ittue you like mnl of admire hlil wrluiijrk but houic um iocmj tipf id th bet livei kuciit comuuitdty toolt tiukcl tkdy the editor of uwi lkui knttcvs da the taunt fw tb inikt knaney trf aby peopl us cavrlh clvo yoi tooaj iu4o ywit po opcaraiion and tk oihef koedlun will tnvcj tut fas to kdvkjtm hm william merkxjnoer ouelph ehortly after returning from weeks business trip william merulnger 50 ouelph commercial traveller and well known throughout this district collapsed and died at his home 38 mont street on sunday mr mcrkllngcr who was widely known in ontario through nis assoc iation with lacrosse had just entered the house and was conversing with his wife when ho suffered the fatal seizure since going to ouelph from the bonover district ho had been active in fostering lacrosse particularly among younger players and was keenly interested in the affairs of the of which he was on unsuccessful candidate for secretary at the last annual meeting ho is survived by his wife mrs warne ouelph hi for only few days mrs warne of 13 boult avenue ouelph passed away thursday morning at uw ouelph ocncral hospital iter passing was most unexpected as she had been sick since only last friday pneumonia was the cause of death the deceased had been resident of ouelph for the piut fifteen yearn and during that tune made largo number of friends in fahe city slio was before marriage mlas mabel longs tree mid resident of erin township surviving arc her husband two sons roal and douglas and one daughter lrne oil of ouelph also brothcrd kormart longstreot in kitch ener james longstrceb at the family homo farm at balllnafad william long street in alberta and john longstrect in sault sto marie ontario the fun eral was held on saturday afternoon with tervlee at the liome interment wag mode at balllnafad cemetery john mckee ouelph john mckee prominent in ouelph business circles for many years and who operated drug store in acton for some years died at st josephs hospital ouelph on monday tim late mr mckee who was la his sixtysecond year uas born in tecswater going to ouelph as boy he served ills apprenticeship in the drug buslnvbs with ictrlc on graduating from the ontario college of pharmacy ho conducted drug business in acton and later established business in ouelph which lie carried on for over twenty years he retired fifteen years ago and for ume lived in new york he turning to guelph ho opened drug store there week ago on sunday he was taken ill and removed to st josephs hospital surviving is one daughter mrs syed fcvclelgh of kitchener one sister jeanette of toronto and one brotlier samuel of portage ja prairie manitoba the funeral was held tills afternoon and interment was made at woodlawn cemetery guelph james mtxiler lifelong resident of ejucsmg towruihlp jamea miller pasid away at ills home lot 25 concession on rrlday pvbruary 21st arter an illness of three weeks deceased who was in hla 70th year uas son of the late mr and mrs john miller and won born on lot 23 concession esqucslng the old miller homestead on february 21st 1004 he was married to sarah price who with family of one daughtoirund three sons bernard of baulnafad laura uobert andstcwart at home survive to mourn the dnath of loving husband and father one brother lewis miller of ouelph and une clstejr mrs wm lane limchouse also survive in re ligion deceased was member of the united churoh and in politics libera he uas good neighbor and an honor able man highly respected throughout the community in which he had speht lus entire life the funeral took place on monday aftvrnoon to greenwood cemetery georgetown when the service was conducted by his paitor itev mr ove rn thep a1 ibeflrerswerea corge graham ired cole lindsay wilson gilbert sinclair john cook ouelph john cook resident of oudph fur more than thirty jears and previously citizen of acton passed away at the general hoopitul there after only on day illness lib passing was ery un expected to both his family and fraud born at olen wllllanii ontario he uas in hln eightyufth year he moved to erin township when lie wiu small boy ant spent his early life tlure ifc was nmrrledto ann june cripns in 1bb7 arti slu prciiecciimd litm thlrlyfour jcars ico he left the farm uiujjiuiud atim fortjllvc jears ago he moved to guilph thirt jiurs ago uiul worked at taylarirbw co until he retired sun king are one daughter mrs ii walkm nndtuo inni william and albert all of this cit scvon grand children and three greatgrand children and one sbwr mrs albert smith of irln township nlr mirvlve the funeral was held from his resid ence flo munktobu street rev clias murray nf pauley memorial church officiating the remahk will rest at woodlawn mausoleum until spring ulien they will be romovod to churchill cemetery the iuuluurit werv his granikon will cook jr four nephews atkhuaw lake lake and sinltii and life long friend alex maude beatty1ll earl beatty anitlety was felt in london for health of earl beatty british naval hero who is suffering severe cold contracted at funeral of king ccrge earl beatty retired lasl tn iv us admiral of the fleet meeting the chief has worked his way to bo the head of the blggetu precinct in new york ho has no use for sentiment or sortness not even on christmas eve ills assistant has wife hi the hospital and little boy at home who still believes in santa clautl but the chief refuses to lot 1dm go early so that ho can trim christmas tree for his son an old couple who say that their names are joseph and mary are brought to 1dm cliargcd with vagrancy tills wan uio theme of an unusual play thu bhaised vagruntii presented by the tiger group of st albans aypa on tulsday evening tho entire program was as follows prayer mr brilllngcr remarks by tho clialrman mrs ritchie scripture reading kay huard tableau bobby holmes irene elliott mrs smaurmui duett harry rogers and george simp son reading grace almatj solo mrs gardiner play the blessed vagrants the cast was chief rogers jim jack smallman joseph jimmy case mary anne holmes the politician smallman alpfcciation the coinmlssloners of the house of refuge brampton wish through tlw columns of the local press of the counties of halton and peel to express their ap preciation and thanks to tlie editom of the said papers who are donating the subscription of their pupers to the house of refuge and all those who by their donation to the said home and lnma during tlie year 1035 and especially at chrkunas helped to brighten the llve of the inmates signed on behalf of the commission ers jaaoeson secretary treasurer open meeting will be held in tlie under auspicea of acton womens institute on monday mar 2nd at 215 mrs wltherspoon or ruswhiukelley ltd hamil ton will speak on canadian ln dustrlofi lucky number door prices exceeding 10 will be given away everybody welcome no admwatt notice to creditors all parties having claims against uio estate or david wilson late of uio township of erin partner who died on uio first day of february 103g are re quired to fjend paruculors and proofs of juach olalnw tou le tide lgnedsollel to before uie thlrtenui day of march idsfl when uio assets will be distributed among thn pn lp 1ulv ing regard only to tho claims wldch shall have been filed as aforccold pursuant to section 51 of the trusteca act kso 102f cliapter 150 dated uils thirteenth day of pebruory 1030 john edward pearen alexander mccaio executors by parmer acton ontario uidr sollcitor 333 time was when the anarchy of uuj competitive struggle was not uu costly 1oduy it is tragically wasteful tugwcll relief vor the ft and many coifuxiucnt itody ills fa tlie function of thry an vrwly tujtirimkl by tielur uf all lw vo itivlitf vuu til ittmpmi thru wluiuui obusatloii rachlin acton utttdsox bohe obseavations dear fses pses tho issue of 13th to hand today had several features of interest tho letter of mr johnson from tho north ut scries increasing in interest contained uie sad intimation of physical weakness his graphic portrayals of lite in tho new land are it seems produced under some health handicap ho how ever is sharing in common canadian experience cold weather the flno pictures by mr brown of uio results of uie fire reveal great sccnoof de5olatioowhabthangcaln few mlmutts may occur mr brown may bo counted on to bo an tho ipot for camera shot where there is matter of interest to transmit to others or to preserve if desired saw just recently photo of his taken at tho uirowlng of uio tall brick chimney at uio old storey tannery on main street by uie tracks ic learned wu1 ted on the railway some twenty minutes or more while uio foundation was being cut into and caught it about midway in its fall quite clear of any trail in falling bistantancously was it secured what marvel of preserving interesting incidents li tho camera tho saddest of uiu items is tho record ed death of mr prank kennedy an other old ume acquaintance is oddcd to the list wlui moore nlculn jolm kennedy and others since acton wail the writers home tho old man does not go far enough buck into uie dim recesses of uie past to place uie moving of uio big stocks of sugar from the warehouse to symon bros store ut half century ago when ho taiggcjlit that jack mcrae probably was one of tile several boys to hand it out to others my personal recollection of juek seems to be that several years before thu half century ho was ari active partner in the nelson jss mcrue co in uie henderson building old man iaya that in 1b72 uir chrkucnendcrson firm succeeded uie symon business who were in turn succeeded by kvilson mcrae cold was uie word for couple of weeks recenuy in uie west as well no acton 53 below one morning but of course you dont feel it if you are keeping uie stove warm however sat urday aui it rose 70 degrees from 35 below to 35 above but uie chinook soon passed off but we arc about onethlri on uie way to tho long day with the consequent withdrawal of uie sun toward the south but like ihe rural mall man uie circuit rider hail kept lus ap pointments even when many pfcople were too much afraid for uielr own safety respectfully coleman dear puce pulss had almost decided not to write this week due to occupations requiring my time also to weather conditions which detained our courier on monday but after thinking it over again decided letter might still have time the uier mometcr started upward sunday after noon and by night itood at 10 above by 00 it was 20 above and by 00 rain and sleet uas falling no fast that crust had formed on uie anov and was coating everything the rain only lasted ull noon but it continued mild till uxo uiormomotor got up to just freezing point where it has stayod ull day jong so we are enjoying uio llnd mild spell clnce winter began it will put the snow down to make room for more suppose because its quite while till iiprlng in uils country had new cxperlenco on saturday attending tlve open market as have mentioned in some of my previous lettcrti popular meana of disposing of most of the surplus produce decided after some thought and considerable hunting after information to try my hand at it took some vegetables well eelected and washed and two baskets of buttur that hod large hand in preparing wc havc choice of markets as epeclal truln for klrklond lake leaves new lls kc durqnn tl ied tsluii atttfar hur and the expense greater but great many go uierc buk decided to try cob nltttinnvrhuecotrrnrtiru ttltn ntorf kavlng and less expense our train kavet enclchart at in due at our station at 20 the ticket 75c return and arriving at market about 00 il war reall surprised to see mich crowd attending uith all sorts of pro duce meat composing the bult but lot of butur cream buttermilk carrol beets parsnip pea for soup turnip pnuitoi siuer kraut and home baking were on sale felt idrungv and of course the huiers nil knew uas jtranglx no one need think they can start new job or undertaking and know all about it wf ii the lhilquenct was stood for quite long time and sold only small part of my product lint miui bor who had dipu of all ihe had taktii ollered to help for lew minute iletween mine didnt uut oni my turnip brought to cthu each cut rots cent each or 20i small bosket plitoij l0r for quart basket 35c large one or tl bug butter started at 211c and ihuuied at 25c beef tiold from tic to luc uccordlng to cut and pork he to lie pay day nnd regu lates the buying uvery other week is good or poor uccordlng to pay day last wllk wiui tlie poor week mid of ttutf was uiiold hut am more than ever convinced this is one of the bef wuyi of bartering from tlie furmer or producer direct to consumer wlui no uddd profits apart from ut biwliilih ut of en ycars mao roncy legion carnival popular event last night continued from pago one iruirs htortiy loves mac ha put best costume margaret mcdonald dorothy dunn then prcnchy lcvcquc of ouelph en tertained with his barrel jumping tho lco was in poor condltian by thjs timo and it was impossible to put on top notch exhibition prenchy started wlui three barrels and finished off wiui clear ing six barrels tho barrels wcro of pretty good size well over two foot hlgn and six of thorn meant clearance of about14 orl6fecbitwas good per formance and pleased uio crowd tho ruoat of course were feature and had plenty of entries winners were as follows boys under 14 years mclvln hall harry savage olrls urukr dorothy pootltt ladies race over 14 years helen mooney kay chapman mens race over 14 years bob brush and if mooney thirt race was keenly contested be tween uiese two mooney led all uio until uio jlnish when brush nosed out mjuey who fell at uio finish line tho race had 14 entries rural league race il borden price the potato race had so many entries that it was run in four squads of twelve entries each the final heat was won by riddall and ford prenchy lewque gavo anouier exld bltion of jumping over boxes ho placed 10 boxes which it won claimed was tha equal of 13 barrels such as are usually used in giving these exhibitions thtuu he cleared quite readily and lie received good hand from tlie crowd the final event was uiu musical chairs only skaters hi costume were permitted in this event itwas lively bramble tlie winners were hector lambert and vernon agnew tho event was in charge of mr barr and his helpers from the legion and was quite iucccssful it it to be hoped it li but uio forerunner of such an annual event and uiat next year the weather man will give better considera tion just notks that carnival la popular was evid enced by the crowd umt iiut night at tended the one here in splto of uio weautcr prevailing the decorations in uie arena added some color and mode the event quite ottracuve it was considerable effort to stage the event but ought to be iourcc of satisfaction to the legion on the success attended we still think the arena approach could be improved by temporary side walk built in sections and removed in uie summer baldy convict 54 why nre you so bald convict gl my muwer used to pat me on the head so much for being good boj joyment is also to be had by folk who are away out in the country all ueck they meet their neighbors exchange views on many subjects get all the gossip of the whole countryside who are going to be married and who have been who have brand new babies and what thjy are going u5 call uicm and in fact everything that goes to make person satisfied at far as news is concerned many of these folk dont even take newspaper they depend on uielr market trip for all the news more next week cordially rwjohnson radio service prompt and efficient service on xlrmhfce3 tears experience orders may bo left with brown acton phone 07 rawsonk radio stuvicti outlph phone vlla royal guelph now the new jean harlow in kikrkaff satiiu mon tuks anything goes bin cuosry charles ruggles nlxf wmnfckuay petrified forest leslie howard katuiuuay maltf lul charles chaplin modern times spring goods our spring stocka are arriving new goods in all de portments itcforc making your spring purchiiscs we invite you to see our lines clearing lines boys breeches corduroy whipcord clearing at jq shirts by tooke collar attached 169 regular 200 for sweaters for men and boys at clearing prices military flannel work shirts 69c wool work socks see these grocerydept we arc iow operating under the superior store group and arc able to offer excep tional values see our weekly circulars tat out faeitt clothesc quality voull be smarterr proud of the fine quality and more economically dressed in clothes of quality tailored loyour penonal measure to satisfy yourstyle ideas youll be more and more pleased tlie longer you wear clothes of quality suit or topcoat choose from large selection of new british woolens comprehensive array of colours and patterns clothes of quality brand elliott bros official portrait of their excellencies this splendid study la tho first canadian official portrait of their excellencies lord nnd lndy twcedsmulr taken at goverimienl lioutte ottawu rhoto by karsi ottuwu

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