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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 5 Mar 1936, p. 7

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rip3v irfr irt vr thursday mabch 6th 1936 obme what will come and what jnay heres the door of brand new day here am with my pilgrim load off once more on the wonder road yesterday track wait with the tomorrow trail is bid froxn sight yet hseamtcsttcan today holds something sweet for ne fay inchlawn the acton free press paqb flbvkc twenty years ago fran the lane off the free prea of tharaday maceh 9th 1916 the price of sugar advanced 10c per 100 last week snow hit rain lightning and thun der was monday nights program the anim report of denye inspector of schools for this coun ty has many features of interest tho report shows that there were do teachers in the county last year of whom six only were gentlemen the number of pupils enrolled was 4463 tho average attendance was 2873 the salary aver age for the county rs whole was oentlemen 816 ladles 505 mr morris saxe has let the contract for now brick store to be erected on the vacant lot on mill street next his own store the baptist church anniversary on sunday uwt was very successful largn congregations were present to hear ilev mr clark of mcmaster university john murray of crewsona corners who has been in falling health passed away very unexpectedly last friday since lad of three years he had lived in this vicinity and was liked byalt hi two eons james of acton and william of crewacns corners survive makkied ghisholm stallwood at the manse of uie united presbyterian church manrwood on wednesday march 1st 1816 by rev mr martin william alexander chlsholm to annie maud small wood both of acton died murray at the home of his son murray crcweorui ccmcm on fri day 3rd march iftlfi john murray in his 85th year bobbs at his late residence 20meagh er avenue toronto on march 7th 1016 rev id chord itpbbs aged 70 years chronicles of ginger farm written sdeolanytar acton free press owendounk cfstk let me sec what do have to write about oh yes ginger farm of coursol but how can write about otnger farm when nave run away and left it truth is had an invitation spend week in toronto and was so fed up with being shut uptn tho house for so long that just jumped at tho chance lert home after the big thaw part ner took me to the station in the cutter and the thought cf it acts my teeth on edge even yet because the runners grawl so horribly on the stones over tho road there was cold cast wind blowing ao was quite glad to get into the nice warm train friend of mine was going to toronto at the sametiineandrofcoutse wc were so busy talking about everything under the sun that wc got to lite end of our journey in half the time at least well you know whaj mean arrived at toronto phoned hiy sister inlaw to say was on my way out but alas there was no answer and just becautu was calling the wrong number so there was poor lone woman in the city and something pour ing down out of the sky reully dont know whether it was snow or rain but it was wet canadas 1935 mineral pltoduc tion with tlic cloc of 15 tmollut year of progress and development is clialkcd up in the annals of the canadian mineral industry preliminary estimates by the dominion bureau of statistic vlllud tlw oubput of canadian mines during the year at 308164000 an increase of 11 per cent over 1934 this valuation wait exceeded only by the peak year of 120 when the mineral production was valued at t310b5024a new records were estab lished hi the outputs of gold copper nickel tine selenium tcluriuni and sul phur metail with vulue of t31728000 showed an advance of 14 pur cent over 193 tucks including coal natural gas crude petroleum and peat amounted hi value to 54380000 compared with 362009 in 1d34 on metallic mlutruli oilier tiiati fuels increased 111 per cent value to j3 11 30000 and structural mat erials including cement lime clay pro ducts stone and sand and gravel advanc ed to 20036000 gain of per cent gold created new records in both out put and value production in 1035 total led 3200664 fine ounces valued ut fll5 708000 compared with 2073074 tine ounces valued at 102536553 in 1034 drcvioug record year iii the quant output of gold was 1033 when canadian mines yielded 30443s7 line ounces and 1934 was jhc flrut year that tlie valiu of caliadlrs gold output exceeded wme hundred million dollars silver produc tion at il64134b3 fine ounces watt slight ly under the output or 1645282 fine ounce hi 1d34 but allowed gain in value of 33 per cent as result of higher prices tlie output hi 1035 was valued ab 10346000 comp with 7700840 hi 1034 copper production ut 4j 8753 148 pouds was an alltime record and the nickel output totalled 130104348 poundu an increase cf per cent over the preceding year lead production at 337450473 pounds was slightly let than in 1034 but owing io the increase in the average price for the yearthertolai value of the production at 10620000 was 30 per cent higher the inc output vni the graunt on record amounting to 316350769 pound coal production during 1035 at 14108 718 tails valued at 42408712 showed slight increase over 1034 natural ua production was estimated at 23567700 thousand cubic feet compared with 23 162324 thousand cubic feet year ago crude petroleum showed ulight increase over 1034 with on output of 1430300 bar rels among tlie other nonmetals uestos lleuded tile ut wltll op outflllt cf 313857 tons valued at 0073000 on in crease in quantity of 37 per cent over 1034 quebecs mineual luonucti0v production cf asuciitos uald and sliver in the province of quebec increased from 20 to 40 per cent during the first eleven months or 1055 and it ki eviweted tliat figures for tlw calendar year when re leased will show an average increase of some 30 per cent all rounds from january 1st 1035 to november 30th 1035 ailxitis production amounted to 104240 tans compared with 440207 in tht corrs ponding period of 1034 the output of gold totalled 426407 ounce compared with 9657h5 ounces and bllver production rose 73x440 ouuecs com pared with 420303 ounes yrr ago no child should be allowed to nulfer an hour from worms when prompt relief can be cot in simple but strong remedy mother graves worm exterminator but why worry about little tilings like tiiat providing there is ilfty cents in ones pocket anyway didnt jui went olf to loews and saw tale of two cititti and it certainly held my attention to the exclusion of everything else you will remember was hoping to sec this picture and when did sec it was in no way disappointed can tlinroughly recommend it to anyone pro vided thoy can keep their emotions under control because one certainly needs to keep oneself in luuid to witness such harrowhur scene aii that which features sydney carton and the little seamstress being led to tlie guillotine have friends who have absolutely re fused to see both tale of two cities and mutiny on the bounty bccauji pf their being too poignant in some places am tlutnkful my imagination doesnt run away witli me like that becuue feel have learned kod deal by seeing these shows eventually got in touch with my sisterinlaw and so readied my destin ation motit of tlie next day was tipciit in babyworship my small nlcce anne is tliree weekti oif being year old and the proud paseumr of six teeth she walks around in her playpen says few intelligible words and has on exten sive vocabulary of unintelligible ones and of course nhe is the worlds perfect baby tlie natural heritage of every wanted baby ever born the next day lived mostly in tils department stores and it nearly killed me by tlie time was ready to jo home could hardly drag one foot after the othr and then boarded train for halfunhours ride and found it crowded with most of tlie scats occupied by men tried to think kindly of them cairl to myself well yu meaning myself have been gadding around the stnrrtt nii day presumably enjoying yourself whik tljase men probably been worki iiardairday the idea kept me quietened douti for little while until suddenly uiought tluit possibly seventyfive per cent of these men were from city if ices and ten to one they had been sitting most of thr day in which case little straphanging cxercfeu wouldnt do them any harm hut after all wliat does anyone know about anybody else perliaps tliese men tho when entered hejio another slats diary by ouvkr warren sunday in this the tecchcr art the class did they bleevc ennoy boddlc would ever get to novun toy flyen way up lnaarcplanc joke hadd onscx reddy as per usucl ac replide 6c acd ho but they will by coming down too sud dcntly seen tho point cum time later on monday win onct price on pome are room had to rite to day writ are nabcr had big black cat that yelled jlsvlikc corooso hit him with chunk of cole fc now he dont no more do so jake bllsturs scd it was uood but jane juicarcd at ll tuesday nothcr hlrde ghl renined at ore house this ma ast her dident wo all ways trout lier as of the fambly si she scd yes fc she diddent preposo to staind it no longer the ulru wc have liad neam to bo liard to plceie or sum thing wednesday pa necrly liad riot ut tho nooscpapcr ollls lie writ up joory trllo in kort jtt it scd tlie joory vcrdlctcd were all of tho same mind insane jthcstilrymcii caliedattjie ollls atiid tliey never verdicted no such of thlngt tlie defendant was insane so they told the cditur who made korreckshen tlmrsday the teecher oet tommy tompkins tho llttel boy whoso house is out hi the country he cums to skol 111 horse ai bugglc did lie liuve doz sliccp in lot jb got out liow many would be there yet tommy sed tliey woodent be none tlie teecher scd hi diddent no his rlthmetick tommy the dlddeut no her sheep uko friday in his try class enquiry was wlvcrj sett she knejv jz spoke rite up at scd of nlte who sed so the teecher eiiqulrled as jane ed you did you told me 10 waswnt bllded in day tlie teecher sed sin guet that wui rite dunno saturday jane iuirt of put the high hat stuff to me when we met on tho tlibi dut recken got even with her called her miss tonsil ehe won lcnsl about it till she told jake to ast me why culler her that sent her the info that it is becos she gives me pain in the neck ii did ou ought to lend your scooter to your little brother sometimes cald auntie severely do auntie declared freddie he hasjlt up tlin liills and have itdown what teeth can never bite tlie teeth of comb jtist the trouble hard work never killed anybody said the father thats just the trouble dad return ed the oon want to engage to oome thlngthalhas the opicc of danger ja ltj when arc old ladles llko fish when they are dear old soles quite willing mbmier id luto to go through one day without having to scold you dear daughter welf mummy you have my consent tlie public lhat made tlw theatre national institution fci still with us george cohan time tables nadian nationalflailways 7jma iouvr lenjan llalm tlie peerlesrt nld to ovelhiess delightfully fragrant dainty to use leaves no stickiness little gentle rubbing and it is swifty absorbed by the tissued tonic in effect soothes and dispels roughness and dialing keeps skins iioft and vcvcn textured un rivalled for charm distinction and re finement used by lovely women every where to preserve and enliance their natural beauty bridge liend just hurrying home at tlie last minute to get tlie family tupper with the assistance of canopener well let her utand we owe tliat much to our fraternity of antlbrldgites iteally cant sqy tliav altogether hlomed tlusse men for tiiclr lack of otirtcfiytotirvtiflrtrtini resent was the stolldneis of tliem tliey were appar ently absolutely oblivious of everyone around them and some of tliem looked as if nothing aliort of rtlck of dyna mite would move uiem from uuir seali one time when was trying to work my way through tlie car in order to gt off there was mati standing in tlie way who tiimply wouldnt budite and then the car stopped you know the jolt sudden stop can give you and my knees not yet being very reliable made it worse had tlie choice of two thing to measure my length on the floor of the car or grab the immovable male io f1eu1t exiouts exceed rmfoitty canada exports of fresh fruits in de cember lost had value of 1550710 while imporui weca valued at 1086388 tlic exporli include such fresh fruits aii apples blueberries and strawberries and go principally to great britain ship ments to that market had value of 1504211 very larfic proportion or which was apples the principal jtema of cnifadas lm portr of irctili fruit in december were orangec mandarines and tangerines which had value of 751167 other important imporui were fresh grapefruits valued at 65434 fresh grapes valup at 57g71 and fresh lemons to the value of 103538 italogermcmy pact lines up nations of europe witli the new treaty rumored signed between italy and germany dlonif witli austria previously bone of contention between tho two nntions kuropom forces are gradu ally aligning for cominj war tlie war would seem to resolve itself in struggle of fascism vs uie force of democracy with hus na communist nation lined up on bavin sinned pachi with poland tlie side of liberal democracy tlie japan and now italy for the ex lineup now is germany italy aus tria hungary bulgaria and prob ably poland against france rilkia the little entente czechoslovak in jugoslavia and itoumania belgium and pmliably britain germany has taken the lead in thin alignment press purpose of defence ugainr1 commuiiijim tlie mip above indi cate liou tlie natiomt nre lined up spain with iln new leftwin co tion government in power will likely fall in behind france and kui how would you swallow door bolt it of course support chose to grab the man and by tlie time had finished sprawling and bumping into tlie other passengers the poor man was very far removed from his former state of immobility as took hint halfway down tlie car with mc wasnt it awful but then im from tlie country another sliow was taken to see war jjodern times featuring charlie chaplin and came away uiui uicim pr kind of guarantee llke money refund ed unless amused in which case sliould certainly have made beeline for uie ticket office and asked for refund rdnce tfc charlie chaplin picture was uie ellllest tiling have seen in venr1 tint of rnip tiint in my opinion it might appeal to some people and children know would just love it so tluxts uiat still hove three days oliead of mo before go home and before can write wlui any authenticity uie rearchronicles of qlngcr farm 1j0intaches aclllmt muhclxb 1mu mi joknth ara quickly rllnd by ulux iim1c1m browiih dru store rumacaps the free press offers you great subscription bargain that saves you money here is real offer that will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through this is all you have to do select anv of these famous magazines together with your hutil vuvpupit and you will receive the whole publica tions for one year from the date we receive the couponb a00 istf feff here is the amaxing combination low ourgurnioyoul rw price current hought yr macleans 14 usui yr chatelaine yr canadian yr national home monthly jj pictorial review lyf canadian horticulture and hoinc masraxine 1yr hilg wonderful oiler is avail able to old and new subscrib ers to hits newspaper wo tnnmmlw the uiiiiimctiftir all mniiinc subseriptions and you have positive assuranca that thia leneroua offer is exactly as represented re newals will be extended for full term tliown ml ivlo ww please clip list of magazines otter eheclcina publica tions desired fill out coupon careully gentlemen enclose please cond me tlie three magazines chocked witli years kubirlption to your newspapo0 name street tqwn and provinck at acron gotnx but doily except sunday dally except sunday dolly except sunday sunday oroly tjmpa the chicago flier thai paaaes itn una here at 931 eatbotmd atopn aft oeorgetown at 940 bx gotaa weaa dally except sunday sjio ul dally except sunday 3jtspja dally except sunday 7jmpla daily except sunday 1231 mjm sunday only 9jmivxb sunday only lltlpjn sxandaltd ttfcc 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