Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 2 Apr 1936, p. 5

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l4iiijitji qfi tj7 thofabuay afbu and ism the acton free press nun rzvm jcwcnau mrs dills and francos visited friend tn toronto tola week mr itmn ktrknea of fort eydnej apeni couple of day at ftla honyt here mijb margaret manrtonakl of tor onto spent the weekend at her home ncto mrs uv mrtmd of tor onto is visiting with her parents mr and mrs kerr mr and mrs bell of st cath arines visited with mr and mrs mcdonald over the weekend mr john mann left on tuesday for truro after spending the pact three months at his home reeve and mrs 1l harrison left on saturday night on trip to van couver and the western provinces mr and mrs dorrlngton of alton ucre guests over the weekend at the home of ex warden nd mrs mason miss elsie herder of st johns j3v foundland spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs alex maodonald church street live encasement is announced of catherine pearl elder daughter of the late william mcgnery and mrs mo enery of acton to stanley morris on of mr and mrs if sinclair of erin the marriage to take place early in april top coats fancy tweeds worsteds camels hair etc checks blocks plaids stripes mixtures grays browns tans blues and greens frankly men ah the lat est styles and fabrics arc here 18 to 35 tho very newest smartest creations in mens furnish ings aro now on display in our mens furnishing de purtment well be seem you george wallace 123 yonge street opi bjito toronto ere an dth ere vancouver is holding this year tho golden jublloo celebration of its founding in 1b8c somo of tho features planned tncludo sports events of all kinds inualc pageants bpoclal performance of shakespeares mid summer nishts dream in stanley park performance of hiawatha an indian vlllngo hawaiian vluaj special decorations arid illumina tions all over vancouver colu rations will reach their peak in tho flrat ton days of july at tho annual burns dinner hold at tho tinpreas hotel vic toria in tabruary al which over 300 burns lovers took part tho royal scotch hatch vas brought ovor from vancouver and was carrlod in atoamhig hot on sil ver platter by mtsa gwcn dowar and plpod around tho empress dining room by pipomajor donald cameron greetings wore rocolvod from south africa aus tralia the unit xl states and london england stating emphatically that nuc leus depends on luck captain charloa hudson dso and liar hntr commander of hoat for two years of tho war had hard job convincing tho active club internationa at hotel vancouver recently of tho entire truth of tho atntoiwont they thought that skill courage and foresight had uomethlng to do with success after hearing some of his adventures recently tho royal york hotel toronto hold chorry pie con test wide open to everybody and 4jiva tlnirixlh in order of niorlt and tho good housewives of tho queen city woro all agog tho judges of courao had their work cut out for thorn or may ho thoy did bit of cuttlug for themsel ves it la pity every british col umbia bualneaa man can not find it passible to visit tho rar i2ast particularly japan iiald cottcrell assistant guiioral man ajor british columbia for tho canadian pacific railway juht hack from trip to tho orient mr coltorell thought vlnlt tqu1ti ail education milbht lug and of inestimable value in practical ami so two prominent british resi dents ta kobe aro fighting losing battle ajalnut aacwed plno treo which thoy foar la about to fall on their residence according to paaaeugora arriving in victoria recently on tho mproua of ja jian thoy cant kt it foiled be cause it is believed if that la dono pestllouco will strlku tho dis trict tiigi canadian pacific blggout llnor tho 42 coo ton fmprena of britain to bo dcalinatod cabin ahltj following tho abolition of lrt clubs deuuamtlan by tho north atlantic conference will continue in oporatou us lib class hi ui speed do luxo liner william bnlrd eiteamfriilp panaf li ter traffic manuror of tho cana dian xhiclftc said recently at otio cud of tlio dominion tho tcoatom international dot sled derby at quebec lvb 20 22 hit tho hlh spots in wlntor hport and at tho other end was thu im press golf imirnaimnt at vlcto rla vnibruary 17 si both spon sored by tho canadian puclfic railway and each hhowhil tho versatility of tho canadian cli mate aluco both wro indubitably and entirely aucctahful ski log has ruclud unpneo dently levuls this winter with ull average of oou skiers tuklug woek tmd trips from mntrral to nearby mouutain resorts ull sea son and with similar figures available from all over tho domi nion musical festival ileld this week continued from page one had entries girls high school nolo has entries and one entry tor con tralto solo the boys high school choir has one entry from milton and bur llngton is entered for the high school orchestrsr content on saturday morning mr ijroth eour will be the adjudicator at nine clock the girls rural solo class of 31 entries will compete limehouso has cntrlot dublin and no nnssaga weya 1ms one in tho rural boys solo llmehouse lias entries and no naaagaweya ono contestant there are 11 hi tho group thirteen are entered for the girls rural solo under 18 years and from tills distlct no nabagaweya has entries acton lias two untried for tho boys violin solo hi class of three por boys under 14 years solo ac ton school lias entries in the list of eleven on saturday afternoon alio urbn giro olo under 14 years has an entry of and acton school is represented by contestants in tlio urban boys solo under 13 years acton school has entries in the claw of 10 three schools milton acton and bur lington central will compete in the boyj 35 voice choir at 30 in the forty voice twopart choir tlie same throe schools and oakvule central make up an entry of four choirs tlie concluding event will bo the sixty voice choir with acton milton and burlington central competing acton wihaal lias thirtyseven entrhj in the various ports of tlio vestivol of course number of these are chotre and the number of pupils participating from here will be about 135 sulphur finds way into many lines of industry sulphuric add is the life blood of chemical industry it la used wher ever cheap strong acid is required which takes in about every branch of the business its biggest use is 1st the maoafacturo of artificial fertll leers of both tho ammonia and the phosphate varieties next comes tho petroleum industry where it is used to wash impurities out of the oil then the iron and steel business which uses large amounts of it to clean metal surfaces large part of tlio sulphur not needed for sulphuric acid is us in making paper and rayon wrltls thorn as beck in the chicago tribune sulphnr dioxide combined with alkalis to form sulphites is an essential re agent in the convention of wood into the best grades of pulp from whlrh newsprint and myor uro mnrie in addition the commorient rnyon vlmoan requires tho iw in its manufacture of carbon dlaulphhlo liquid formed by beating mixture of coke and sul phur huge amounts of nulnhur are iirod each year in vu irani ring rubber other important tiw ur tho tntinu facture of black uinpowdtr prepsra tlon of the soculhd sulphuv dyix the spraying of fruit tre tt and in the form of sulphur dioxide tor ach lag and fumigating two applications are the use of compressed sulphur dioxide ss refrigerant and that of mixture of sulphur with inert knaterials for acid proof ciiulut coronet to decorate 1957 auto markers ontario motor vehicl mark for lw7 wlllliave tiuplmprlnt of coronet background of the plates will be military tcorlct and the lettering white the schtine carries out coronation colors the plates are being made by ontario reformatory inmates at ouelph boxwood garden shrub noted in bible history boxwood is sometime called the liv ing antique truly it is writes bay mond conwell in the imillndelphls inquirer as the proportions of the plant determine its ujo and repro duction is not pouhlble unless one chooses to wait 1h eurs and have one grow it is in truth an old as clvlll smtlon itholf if wt hollevc tho records preserved in itlhluitl hlutory the box dgurei on mvcriil ace islonk perlmprf tin reiimin tho dwarf varl ety is ilven the nunu of nllnh box wood is been us it in native of rig land bb well iih of miuthorn urop and parts of ahiii nnd becnukc it was grown so cxtenslvoh thtro hnvlng oven given name to htirh lotiilltlen iih iloxhlu in surrey nnd boxhy in kent the early wttlirfi brought it to america ami umd it eytonwlvely many of tlio estate of the colonial gentry from phlladtlphlh uoutliuurd record tho oarly american eni of uu box and its mute testimony dectnrefi that tilery was time and money nnd reflix ment spare in thou fnmllliu of tho old aris tocracy who chouo to exprehh their ar tistic tern per in onta in tliclr garden ds slgua tiras hun tarnamturei trees run tempt rut urea protty muck like sick human beings study of drouth conditions shows nnd the tre whose fever tops is riegtvoii can be sur it is on its last limbs temperatures la scorched nnd wilted tr os board as high as os decrees fahrenheit trunk tests on 10 american elbts la dlcated tin temperntureb hooting up ss blistering sun sucked the wtrt out of the tree when moisture drops below the co per cent point leaves fail and the tree may die iho tests pub lished in the bulletin of the missouri botanical turd en ere made during and after drouth peak after the trees had stood up under two previous dry sum mars canadian retail sales up retail flli in panada during 1034 amounted in value to 043 480 000 compared with 75 057 000 in 1033 gain of per cent salaries and wage uf increased from 170 47 000 to 160 187 000 thea wage figure include pay mints mode to both full time and part time employees but uiey do not include uie compensation of proprietors actively engaged in their own stores stocks an hand at cost or replacement value in all retail itors at tlio end or 1034 amounted to t3u0 007 000 an incrouiu 01 08 pr cent over tlio amount re ported at tho end of the preceding year beojlo mm vnir of jtaltf tlm ou schedule time tho palnlo inrce marine worm found chiefly around samou aild the fiji islandk hlis il strango life cycle each generation of those worms is born slmultflneoiihlj in november and then dies at tho sumo tlmo twelve months later during their life they he coral roofs nnd then on cr tsln day which can ovten be predicted by the pohltlon of thu moon all of them numbering mlllionh rise to th surface ijqji body dlshuriu their otgs sud djj colliers weekly why do you always look so bloomy gloomy man avoids many hard luck tale travel for health and education popular educational economic al university tours to tho british isles holland france oermany norway italy and other countries touro can bo modified or extended to suit time purse and personal taste and will include the unveil ing of tho canadian memorial at vlmy ridge whothcr going with party or independently wo can supply full information literature etc wright jmiix btreft rhones offloe besldence 102j furbaariug aultaala cycu tho hudson bay company reports that over period of more than 100 years there setmu to bo nine or ten yars cycle in tho number of fur bearing animals including mimkrats mink and rd fox tlio periodic increase of theae and other animals appears to hold true lu tho horthcra unlud states as well as in tho canadian northwest the increase starts in the far north sud gradually travels south ward but the period remains the uaue cttluulua prt rew visitors to spain discover tks village of pal near seville although it is from there that polumbuu sailed to discover america ialos has eolassal status erected to his mi mory in 1020 the gift of american frlouda to spain the tomb of columbus ts in the cathedral seville third targ est in the world and bis burcophalus is borne by four nnornioiih bnino ngure representing the autluut king domssdf iaou ihe nimbus coiuitiouly known as halo which is pictured uround the huadu of divinities not only iiuh varl ous forma for dlrft rent kluds of tiered prsonaiis tho ih ity tho viruln christ and aalnts but also wjiniro oue for living individuals such as kings queens emperors shniis sultans and titer tnonarchs ltd hrouituy westerly it is ouluer meekly gregory theatre klday atblfi 3rd ohaughnessys boy laugh cry thrill their moat beloved ktory wallace beery and jackie cooper comedy tvhllo tho cats away chapter tho la jungle satuilday afrll 4ui stars over broadway new tops in muslcomedy star ring bat obrlcn prank mdlugli and jean mulr novelty burled loot ox nuutt monday alitfl llth the crusades seo tlio lio ts of all chrlrtcndom arouied to ecstacy to redeem tho holy land starring lorctta young and henry wilcoxon cartoon wanna play house coming on thfc stage trofaor broda and hn trained animals master craftsmanship builds your tip top suit or top coat hand cutting and tailoring to your per sonal measure by all union csouwon clouioa by tip top aro cixpiubslona ol your own poison alliy choose from brilliant range oi uuw brltlali woolons oolouilul and cooiplolo tip top tailors oke vamou3 price is guar anloo oi oulatondino valuo 2475 tip top tailors liwittd itum exclusive afclon oealtt pallant hockey upsets are not confined to the amateurs no one figured that boston bruins would bo elim by toro maple leafs tho boston team couldn liold three goal lead in the face of that barrage somo wag wui responsible for the story that tho aoton club sent wire to tlio boston bruins we know just how you feel well it might have been tin fcrgufi nowr record cays two ycuri in uocewilon durlmm liockcy team has deflated aeton runners by one goal on tluj round with the second game on iluihy ice sounds more like victory for the bourd of striugy rutlicr tliun for tho team we ve heard till that georgetoun rui held tho annual htll tlub meethig well tho front nearly all out of tlio ground it might in an early season but 1u not bit too early for uch meeting that huji been held hi acton durham von tho nrst game from whitby on monday hi ovcrtlmd by ono goal llio tecond game in called for tonight in osliawa we re not making any predictions on the outcome but wo con bo blattild for thinking of what might have been the deciding game will of course be played in maple leaf gardens or else wcjj hamilton tigers know what or else anyway do it if we don admire their puru though wonder uhat uould hsppen if there wai more of it might bo call for hitler or mikjj llnl who knovfi the guelph juniors are giving st mike buiier good tut jo for the junior crovn they re waiting for th final gime to an open date at the gar dejvi iti funny ultli all tlieso artlnclal ice arena laying around with nothing but open dntci its taction like tills tliat have enrned for toronto the term 1iog touil when you look at guelph juniors travelling along in hockey youre bound to have lot of respect for the acton junlore and the showing they made ngalnst guelph in looking over tlio list of transfers requelu received to date for the base ball reason we fall to find any changes affecting hal tun county baseball ims slbly they 11 come along later that word picture or the hockey club is subject to charjge one of those given or single is being married watch the other columns nlxt week for tlio news tlio juvenile ball boyi met last night you 11 and all about it hi another col umn the boys went good lost year and should make good showing again tills year dropped into tho on wcdnaday night bill eoclealiall liod class in boxing and ringside se we al nta premium andliow tiioe boya ucnt at itl if bill has the jime efficiency in that ring as he had with the hockey boya he 11 have tome near champions but then again if he luui tlio samo work oo with the tug ofwar team ho will have some rtal top natchers tor dominion tltlcj looked in on the floor or the gym paul barber was leading hi cams pyra mlds and tumbling we ve seen em at the ex and theyre imitating on tho rrym floor now funny none of them aro hindoos or japs but just acton hoyu doing this tuff we vo applauded many time keep on acton ivur might see some real he man itrong atuif in tlio arena ihb jeur guelph junior have an open date the maple leaf arena on iyldny and will meet st michael buxzrfl in th llnul game guelph will run special train to tho game it is taid two or uirec faru have told us they like tht column tut tutl thata no vwiy to top it oh bulletin thl morning sayj if whitby win to nhht third game ill be nece mry the place behig decided upon by the oil we tubndt it ihould have read the place having ben decided upon by the ojia but tlien wi re terrible hutmri any uay easter special in permanent waves from april 6th until april isth acton beauty parlor offers special price reduction on permanent waves regular 300 wave for regular 500 wave for 200 00 acton beauty parlor puonk mill ani malnstreeu al tilt hush hoult hi ml ovor titty ft shi ana you wijiiit hurt hi no wua only yilujitf on crowdwl huitt iir special at highway grocer young street 10 lbs orulluluud ukar for cllfe lufy wour 24 lbbatf for peas no rjcvo no can for tomatoes juut can lor lbs maoanoni or spaghetti largt utx and cake lifebuoy soap 1ba prukes medium size for 3choicp race lbo for lbs cliolce preiji nolleo oats for caa choice peaches no mulltr for icdja sugar lbv for 51c 65c 9c 1c 9c 25c 25c 19c 27c 15c 25c maple leaf strawberry aa jam 53 col jur for gold medal custard bowdcr 16 osl tin for zjc lour star htrrlngti hi tomato tsauce 14 oi tin xuc tomato catchup ll oz botue for 10c presh paiisnps ft ibn for ioc 21c bottle caps per grofis aylmer strabicd asserted infants hoods tins for zdc choice oojfee per lb shobtentng per lb lahd per lb 27c 30c 13c 14c highway grocer nesbtt proprietor phone quebec floods do much damage vloods in and around mbittreul liave causud much damage to property ami al least one life pictured abovtf alow in bcloell flooded nearly to tlu celling forcing the tenants to tlio aocond floor bklow trans former ut otterbum eacli weighing 65 tona were lorn from uirlr banerf by the raguig jtlclwllcu uiver make your shopping lists from the ads

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