the acton free press thursday ajrii 8th 1b3 powuld tlou ap 0tri advance both old ol subsouptnom bates ihimtsv uiu00l su1 alut rencd chqtt advertising ratslcl xotleu birth mrrl ujtolli lw free sj lhllkamu per mord nuuraum chare jttbu ev dipu eli vr rfm to bpeee contracted of jh er pculio ill be oth uoderuod tfat it ill be luibl or uy srei ki uv adcrtvmc piblihed keruoder rroo dleet eooeled wrtm by tbttdotuo od arned lo the ere ire baoe office duly oed by the dcrtir eod vlb ucb error or corrective pluly ol ti em if error ho noted oot corrected by the free re lubilliy bell oot eceed ucb proporlloo ol tbe entire cot ucb hdverticrnent 111 by tbe noted error br to the whole och edvertimeroeot tbe pice occupied pece occupied by aklov dills editor telephones editorial od uuri kcideoce like it or not ii ifl once ydar to every housewife in the nation comes the urge for spring housecleanine winter lias its handicaps in cold and snow summer has its days when the heat is oppressive autumn has its cold wet rainy season that is disagreeable spring would almosrbcperfcct if it werent for the annual urge to upset the home that comes to every housewife at this time of year it may bo required and it un doubtedly is an improvement after completion but the course it usually runs is of much longer duration than the unpleasant ones of the other seasons of the year like it or not it seems as much part of spring as the crocuses snowdrops and daffodil habit does lot for humans down through gen erations this spring cleaning and renovating has grown until really it seems the major operation in the home life by the man of the house its usually accepted there was time when the fishing season coincided with these plans it has even been sug gested that it was made to coincide but the house cleaning season has been advanced theres an argu ment to put before the legislature for the opening of the trout fishing season in midapril but then we doubt if the legislature could keep pace with the requirements of the advancing season necessary its rather hopeless situation but even as the measles it is completed in due course housecleanjng seem necessary part of spring what is the substitution fair section wc read of floods in various sections tornadoes and other disasters in yetothec parts of the con tinent then through the news we learn of unsettled conditions and wars and rumors of wars in the older parts of the world when we consider all these things wc feel that small town that is high and dry in this section of ontario isnt such bad place to be domiciled after all the breaking up of winter and the spring floods held no morc serious conse quences than muddy roads and sloppy sidewalks its not perfect climate winters are cold and snow is deep summers are hot but not half long enough but still on an average its pretty fuir section of the world to livo in easier tomorrow will be good friday and of course sunday will be easter sunday seemingly the be giinfng of spring and in this section of the world very apppropriatcly the resurrection of life from its long winter and the casting off of winter the awak ening to life of nature and the hope of new growth its subject thats old and yet ever new its significance is known to everyone from earliest intel ligence to the aged and yet its new with hope and promise for every individual every church in the land will carry the easter message in various services of the week the story of the resurrection this story of life and hope renewed is never old no matter how many times repeated and so its easter again the sunday school lesson sunday aiuii is 193g uniform plan it would appear tluit the arrangements this year for the adoption of daylight saving time in acton would be the most satisfactory attnincd yet of course twenty years of experimenting should we suppose devolve plan that meets with some sort of general approval the present plan is coopera tive and uniform one situated as actonis only short distance from toronto and since bur industries have close connection with city business it is almost imperative that the community adopt the same time as in toronto it is also realized that standard time has more favor with the rural section there is in the present plan measure of cooperation acton will adopt the time on april 25th but will revert back to standard time almost month in ad vance of the city on september 7th this will enable the fall term of school to start on standard time the plan it would appear will meet with general approval and to avoid the least confusion should be adopted by all its the variety that causes chaos editorial notes life insurance written and paid in cash in canada during 935 amounted to 588313011 hockey barely makes its eit until baseball us necessary preparations are under way soon be time for tlje road drags to operation smoothing out the rullles on tlu he put roads the new spring toggery is pearance this week provided have new toggery nie to of cou make its ap rse that you ilauptinann has been electrocuted but what we ravent yet figured out is just what political signifi ance the carrying out of the sentence has in the republic in our rather rambling sketch of visit to ottawa last week and visit at the piiliuneiu buildings and with member we mentioned dr blairs movement to substitute some other method for putting murderers out of the way than by hangj ing nxe think this proposal of the member deserve just little more than the casual comment accorded it last week we have no doubt that minv will maintain that hanging is quite suitable for inurdui er we believe however that it is not the purpos of the law to torture or torment one who has been condemned to death but rather to rid society and the earth of such person example is of coursi also to be made of such an individual but it seems that hanging has been the accepted means of punish ment by tradition much less gruesome ways have been devolved in these later years and are taken advantage of by suicides for instance very popular method seems to be inhalation of the fumes from motdr car it also seems as effective and much less gruesome than hanging we werent told just what dr blairs plans as substitute of the approved hanging method and we imagine that nere is possibly where the stumbling block will come in that will probably stop action on the proposal surely science has provided more humane way of disposing of lives that have made themselves un wanted and dangerous to others all willlawuit witn interest dr blairs announcement of the substitution he would propose to take the place of hanging the school tac question seems to he cruitliii source of argument to engage the undivided atten tion ot both parties in the icgislituic and question on which to play politics the hi output ol maple siup ill iiiiiii limit ill in this ell skeins lo utwl uuf r4l pel haps eell the inil kt vet coiiil1li able quintnv will appi iheie aie those tolks who icilicc that it is only tlute week lioin lonionow until the dust can be bloun hum the fishing tukle and the garden will need spading little each da it is announced that the conservatives will select leadei im ontario on may 28th the dates inter vening between now and that announced will be uscdby the prospective candidates canadas export of nickel in fcbruuy iiud value of s4i2o00o compared with 2705000 in february last year weve been tempted to continue this week some more of our impressions of ottawa but then ieihaps those who had such nice things to say about the article last week would even get tired if it weie overdone after fortysevem years of continuous service hamilton ihe herald of that city last week censed publication even cities find it difficult to make tin publication of more than one newspaper possible hamilton has now only one newspaper durham won the intermediate hockey chum pionship and celebrated as only towns know how to celebrate it was lmlf holiday for he school children with parade and band theyhuvea good team and the boys were worthy of such recog jesus tkiumpii3 ove31 ueath golden textl bccjiuj live yu shall livo nbj john 14 10 lesson tixt luke 24 113 tlmi vrry cierly sunday morillntf april 30 llucc juscphs tomb jcsuualcm exposition empty tomb 13 tho lovu of theso women to tbclr lord whom they fancied dead brought them early lii tlic morulas while il was till darlt to his tomb perform for him tlio lust service in lhelr poor mark 10 12 jno 20 purl of their faltn wo1 boilc but all their lovo remained jesus did not lued unolnulnt but uielr scrvlce tliough mkuikoii wui accept able hlm and ho rewarded it by revelation of the glorioun truth of anirouc messoiikcrt mary of ueuioliy wlu was on time with her unolnynif jno 12 37 was not in this company the reason why they did not kow that ill laid lert the sepulcllxe way that they had not listened to ami pondered hki words tills ll the risison why we di not know many thliuis about our lord that we ouuht to know none of the men were at the tomb it was not uielr unerior knowlede hut their interior love that kept them away they were ut home mournlnjf and weeping anil when they were told the lord luid risen they did not believe it vl 10 11 murk 10 10 11 the wemen appear in better unlit in uilr story than the men mar miisdnlene vwu their leader ci mnlt 28 jno 20 sho had had ro much done for her ch that ihe became meader in love and its ministries the depth and kenufnenlis and unseitlshnesa of tile love of tiiee women teen in their comlntf to serve jest at the time uhen tlielr faith was blighted and they had nolhlnir more to expect from him cor 13 it the cacernesr of their love li seen in the early hour that found them lit the tomo pew people would ret up at such in early hour to perform services for christ an they drew nlrh the tomb they re coiled the treat stone at its mouth mark 1g if they had been more practical tlvey might have thourht of that oefore but tile practical cool headed common tense that sits down and does nothing does not accomplish as much in this world an the uncalcu iatlnd impetuous love that follows il own impulses plunge ahead and rtks the dllflculucs tlui difficulty in this cae was rreat matt 27 id mark 1g eat they went rlitht on and when they had reached the place the dlffl culty was ijne god set ills own mes sencer to open tho door for them ail the precautions the jews and rtomani had taken tg iiep the disciples out tile tomb proved viln when god to hahd in the mailer icf rnm 3d god did not roll avvaj the stone for jesus to rit out lef jljo 20 2fi oj for the vv men net in there is ruo reason to suppose that jeus had be ii out of the tomb some hours that he irore and left the tomb just at the twmlnnlnir of the first day the weei the women did llnd what they had cxpicted in tile tomb the body of the lord jesus was not tilere ii telllnc or the risen christ 011 the women did not linger lonij at the tomb they were bidden to iro quickly and tell others the od news matt 2fi the one who receives the cipl must quickly tell it out thec women were the tlrst divinely commissioned preaches of the hiispil of rlen christ they did not keep silence they went with mingled fear and joy but ran an their errand matt 211 81 they id not only to tile eleven but al la all tile rest model preacher lluir miwine ippisind to their hearer idle talk as uniuensi so til ii pel appear to manv still 111 trouble vv not with tin mi sii but vtltiniie hiirir iv li if cur llli the apile disbelieved the vwimin te tlinonv and we miv epi snrra vvm to triit our ti almunv in the same wiv ii ler did not altoitller dlllillve it in si tile tomb 111 ui rui vi pmnipted in nail lii are to ims hi rd mil ret 111 piidon marl 11 71 peter wonderid at what he siy join who vviut uitli him be lieved it cellls strlllie that the liles should have been low to ui lleve ill the fiet of the reuurrectlol whlih jesus had fori told so often but lememherlnir tile unbelief of our ovv hearts will help us to understand iii death swallowed up in victor cor is the riairreetton otchrlst is the vj cornerstone of our fulth death entered ihe world by the first man aduui no throuiih mini jesus christ the sec ml adam has come the resurrection from the deid adam transmitted death all christ will rive lite lo all whether it will be as rcuirrection to cierlasthut blessedm to everlivtlnir perdition will depend on what we do with juias throiirliwh in it com it li evlden from ihe lontext of the whole chapter hut paul ls speiikliir of the risurrectlou of the ihv lcll body there will be lo of individuality or idenuty in the life lo conic but to those who ire christ will be riven body immeasur ably more rlurlnus than that which was put into ihe uruve body rtlled to the ly world unj state wlvere we iore ii tteruul imperishable to lie unbrlvvlnir unri tmpenltcnt death lerlble even to the believer death ih pal tlui iullil tile stilly of thil ull vtrmal etlrliiy jiln tile cajurolouan of qodn broken law hut chrut by hu and kkef tuertlmrlpiumkd when was ooy used to have to ihimp wntr for the catilo ah how many times have pumped with my eld rujht lutnd unul it ached and many times used lo pump when could not et any water and was tailrht that wiien uie pump was dry must pour pall of water down tho pump and uiin could act uie water alp and that lo what christiana want well of llvlor water we wiu have plenty of irrueo to span uil wo need burselvcs and plenty for olllen whos winning this war uw we got ton oh the run homk iianokcap lii mtiuu church it child waa brought forward to be baptized tho youna minliur taking tho iituo ooo in his urina mild beloved lvcurcr no one can foretell uio liituru of thki littlu child 3o may grovf up to bo krtat lubor leader like 11 tlumnaa or iltcal buijnei mail like henry fort nd it iajjtlblo ho might lecamo the irlnl minister of england turning tx the mother ha inquired what is the nanw of the child mury ann was uke reply atonement ukiij thl sting uwuy who for un lwcamj tjn cor 31 ilaa jitrippfhl dejitli or lb power iuid penalty he bunt the barrkru of the tomb und hui won for victory over deatli und uie grave al hb ilruil com ing very iiauie power will bj destroyed all iufferintr all tln will be done iiway with jliit of all to be put under hu feet 27 cf 80 eph 22 will be death then will the words of thf pro phet be fulfilled ilia 25 death ihall be twallgwed up in victory god wljl be all in all wnlkcr in tbe south wnlc echo euicr is bound lo dmy ol joy wuoui to uor you mcc votb ow diico footle fvw xta pctlv kre luted bcro prcsfi cocolc puff biscuits calirornia evaporattd apricots california evaporated peaches medium sired tender prunes ib 25c lb 25c ib 19c lbs 19c fweek salada tea brown yellow lb pig klb pl3 31c 27c cowans perfection cocoa 23c clover lef fancy pink salmon 1lb tin 23c ekilfird or domcttle vegetable shortening 1lbph 25c heinz oven baked pcakjc with poland ll tomalo sauce med tin ingersoll malted cheese aylwer fa corn aylmer choice pf as sieve golden bantam 10c yalb pkg 13c tni 23c no tins 21c apple and strawberry or raspberry jam 39c hellmanns mayonnaise 8or 21c nugget shoe 10c polish pearl naphtha soap 20c only one offia to cutromeii whilrj supcly lasts medium pkg lahgc wco oxydol 20c carrolls spinach green curly and crlip for lc potatoes 25c good cookers per peck onions sound and dry lbs for itic abbage finn green ilenda freslt irm 4clb lettuce iceitkitg hk1 size firm iliiulu fucli 5c grapefruit kjc dkiicious fiji voit siw oranges navkus sweet arid juicy special 11xi1 meiium laitge 23c new carrots ijirjre huncketl new beets larjre itunches other kiutits and vegetables at special prices acton free delivery phone 158