toobbdkt april stb 1938 the acton free press rioi 3rt flrea hnrt 8tnni the trail of tjie easter bonnet by makoamtt sanoslfer toib wheatly was trying on her new easter hat when william wheatly come into the room william wheatly woa tho husband of lois he had not hecn her husband lor very iomr cither they crc ulul in the bride and groom elage my but thats pretty hat aald william ad miringly it teems as if you just got hat weefc or so ago though how thau come to think of it lie added looks like tvo taken unto myself an extravagant wltoi loi wheatly made charming little face at her husband youre right she mdd did buy hat ucck ir eo ago but that has proved to be very unbecoming decided couldnt stand it surely you cant blame me for wanting to wear tho most becoming hat in the world on our first easter to gether darling thats the way for married woman to feel aald william almost fatuously as matter of tact lola went on disregarding any husbandly interruption you mustnt feel that im too free in my spending the hat bought couple of weeks ago isnt going to be entirely wasted in way it was really she laughed an act of charity to buy new one because li meant that was able to give the first hat to girl who didnt have any new clithos for easter what girl asked william wheauy idly not that he cared very much oh girl who works at tho nlftca where worked before wo were mar ried aald lois softly shes perfectly lovely girl but shes the wile support of her widowed mother she docuit make very much money and she ncvr has anything very pretty to wear the int that was so unbecoming to mo look er uunning on her youre sweet thing said wil liam wlieatley and crowing the room on swift fcfct lie kissed lois im nu fully tlad you got the second hat he added tliat uos tho way it all commenced the girl from tho office was namsd irene murray alio woji really at tractive oung person although her sliabblneis had come to be byword in the office humor aald tliat uhc uai being considered for big position the office and that ulie probably would ziot get it becaia alio drcd so poorly lois wheatly uax right irene mur ray did look stunning in the hat tliat he had discarded she had ben thrilled by her exofflee mates unexpected gift she liad car ried it horn almost reverently and liad tried it on to the tune of excited oils and ahv from lier mother ill wear it to work tomorrow said irene and im going to give my old hat way at once whom will you give it to asked mrs murray oh told inne murray im going to give it to the janltorii daughter shes an awfully nice youngster and she told me just the other day that shed worn her liat long tliat it wan practically in lurcd after all though im tired of the liat lbs at least whole so irene murray did not wait until easter sunday to uear her new spring hat uie uore it to the office bright and early the day after lois had guen it to her the conxciousnesa of iu smartne made her cheeks flush and her eyes look bright it ako made her commit the unprecedented extravagance of pausing at tho corner to buy gar denia from uttveiuiortof topping olf in tlie corridor of the olflce bulidimr to have her shoes polished with their fchiny blackness making tliem look like iuvl with tlie fragrant floucr fatend to uie lapel of her shabby milt uitn the exotic little hat perched upon her cluixmlnjr head she made picture blip enterod the office tuo men uere talking together as irene entered little breathlessly more uian trifle hushed they looked up at her approach one of them was tho president of tho firm tho other was tho office manager tlio president of tho tlrm ttarrd at irene with crinkle of surprise on his forelioad tho office man ager allowed lit mouth to drop just little bit open as ho regarded her tliat uf betnoon irene wo called into tho office of thu president of the com pany and uas offered job tliat almost doubled her salary and more than trip led her importanoe youll have to meet ouuddo people in this job bald tho president of tho company and hesitated to give it to you at first mua murray to bo perfectly frank because youve alwuys seemed trifle well ho paused not careless with your drcs but too well shall wo say casual of course he could hot know tho teal financial reason back of that socalled casual appearance but this morn ing all at once tho president was unillng when saw you looking so fresh and tailored and well groomed know you were just tlie person for tho place the janltbrg seventeen year old daughter sally jarre tt almost cried when she received irene murrays dis carded liat of course it was hot ao gay hor so umart as an easber hat uhould bo but it was whole and ltj jiiapo and color were ry becoming to the janitors daughter who was clever with her needle she immediately tipped off the old trimming and put bow of ribbon on tlie tllud tip of the brim it gave the liat jaunty ulr ita pretty liat isnt it she said to her fa tiier the janitor wont look so much like back number in it as did ch lad tlie father sighed uclng janitor nliabby apartment houo glvej man tuch very small reward ill be proud he told his daughter to ualk out with you on easter sunday in your new bonnctt you he gulped yoj look like jour ma ln it sally patted lur fatlierjj hand stoi yur blarneying she told him but there uere tears in her ejejj too on easter sunday they went out to gether to church sally liad laundered and pressed little printed silk dreiw left over from tlie summer before the printed figured hi it toned in with tho color of tho bow tliat she liad put upon irene murrays eld liat site looked very dainty and girlish and liappy as she walked beside lur father they went to church and sat together tlirough the lovely service after tho service thrilled and uplifted by the music the praycru and the sermon thoy started to walk home again outside tho church however young man stop ped them lie was ft liandsome young man withu humorous light in his blue eyes and thatch of unruly hair that rippled in the springtime brwxo us he removd his soft liat alt there dan ho called dan woo tlie janitors name how ore you this fine easter morning tlie janitor beamed oh im fine jack my boy he said and say its been month osundays since saw you jasb this fellou jack moron lie had turned to his daughter and used to aork together in the foundry before jt took kind of feeble and went over to janltormg of course he uas only jounjister then here jack he turned to the iounc man met my daughter the blue ejes of the young man lulled smilingly over the face of the girl in the print dnc and the retrlm med hab noa dan he exclaimed any didnt toll mr nti hnri she was too embarrassed to opcall the janitor hawever spoke for her well its never too tote jack he said to mend mistake why dant you begin by coming homo with us to dinner the yoqng man flushed now again his eyoa sought the eyes of tho janitors daughter and thero was on appeal in them if the young lady wouldnt mind he cold tho janitors daughter had recovered from her confusion she was smllimj now there is always enough for guest she tohl him on easier sunday wed bo glad to have you dad and tho young man fell into step beside them it was tho beginning of new luiblt of ills fulling hi to utep bosldo tlilm only one or them know it then kally jurrett did hot give away hor old liat as ahu liad udd to ire no murray it was in rugs tho straw of it uoj faded shaimlc uiid torn tho roo tliat liad once decked lie brim uat also faded and shapeless so tho janitors daughu humming gaily on the day uf eiuiu thrt the hat on tho top of the ush barrel that stoodl in front of tho apartment house tlie liat lay on top of tlio ash barrt1 ull morning and then at noon when the children begun to pass by on their way home from school tho hat moved magically from tho tuji barrel rag ged little girl seeing it there swooped upon it with little cry of joy it was ump enough to fold easily under her ragged coat and she carried it ao tcn derally as tho average little girl would carry doll down tlio sunless alleyway in wliich stood tho tenement houio whore she lived llor itops fairly skip ped as she climbed the long rilghttf of stairs to tho sunlcsd room wncro her mother her crippled edstcr and sh spent their dayo und nights she burst into tlio room nutihcd excited and joyous tho crippled sister was alone acting ln chair by the one narrow window tlio mother was out dolnif her dauy washing see honey exclaimed the little girl as she went racing across tlio room td her nlsterv side tee wliat found with the nlr of conjurer she pullxl the faded dilapidated liat from under her jncket she held it up before thu leaves without notice afiune judge arllno judge pet to and pretty motion picture ttar ii reported separating from her husband wes ley hukglcs when akcd tho rea son miss judfo made no other statement than to say that her hus band was tho finest mini evcr met tho couple were married in 1031 and have one ton tiu miniaruitt nfno ng dahlia one type of plant which has quickly endeared itself to tlie riowcr growers and lias won popular acclaim for and wide ki tlio miniature bedding dahlia this has been grown with unqualified success at tlie experimental farm indian head saskatchewan for tlie past number of years and during this time cllmatlo con ditions have not always been of the most aicrable thev dahlias may be grfcwn from tubers or cutting tliat have been over wintered which generally come bito bloom earlcr titan plants grown from seed however the lost mentioned method lias been fallucd each year and results have justified it as there ki it no necessity or lifting and storing tlie eyes of tlie pallid young person uho sat tubers with perhaps indifferent aucccas in tlio clialr by the window of course in overwintering generally ruscd sown the liat isnt any gow she went on the latter lialf of april has produced exalted ly but juit look at the raui on plants that uere in bloom in midjuly the plants nre not exacting ojj to soli nt cwndltlons and generally seem to do well tlie crippled elrl readied for tho liat her eyes were big and bright with ex citement why ellen the tald to her nd in thk respect they nre equal of llttld ister tho rose is made of silk any of the halfearly annuals as regards and velvet it muut have cost an awful usefulncs1 case of culture and effective lot of meney once oct mo some icls cjri and wejl cut it off the old hat whether used to fill in gaps in tlie pcr ennlal border or ured as bedding plan tit luglltcr like thls it uouldnt hae been ucek of sunday tlie timca be tueen our meetings if you had tlio janitor daughter uiu blushlnn scorrs scrapbook fcy scott blxckbemd out tf mairf famous piakfta iht micjmrilrv ktcbwei mk mxmt hqm hli rtabrttj hkxaoeu txiwtiip vrra olomp tlie scifisors were produced in scar red old chest unit held tlio belongings of the family the crippled crbi ripped tlie rce from tho brim and then ocur red one of those little miracles tliat make life worth living even in the tjunu tlie underside of tlie rose wliere it had been fastened against tho brim was freahly brilliantly pink tlie plajita are 18 to hi indies tall and stiff enough that staking and tying need not be reported to they are very proline bloomers with fibucrs borne on tall stiff stems above the foliage tlie rioter muy he alnglc or semidouble with variations in the shapeo of he petals which lend grace lightness and cliarm to them the color is exceeding ly wide and pleasing but strains and ntver thought cold the crippled varieties may be procured that come ap girl and her thin hand patted her utile jjircotimately true to type and color sisters hand that anybody would bel seed of tlibi type of plant may bo bringing me an easter noucr tills year did wi wcured at very reasonable cost from tzvl ii practically all the seed houscj and uie of it htehly uo thoso who toko particular pride in their flower border not because she was sad at tlio adequacy of tlie flower tliat the had given att gift she was rjlent because she was 10 happy at having been able to give ltl icaimxt and cincks in easter legend by marohall ln our dumb ani mals is torture qiii cress c0rh in our celebration of easier rabbits and chickens aluoys figure prominently jet many may not know just where ue get uie connection an explanation is found in ver pretty easter legend at follow one duj rabbit uent for quiet ualk in the fortst he came upon net filled with enr but there vu no hen in sight after futile search for her he concluded wary old fox mut havo made meal of lur he nalized hov m3m bunion salves hllrjll uw uie ntotlier hen niilt hae uorrkd over thu eggs jo he decided he uuld plij the part of good samaritan by trjinj to koep the eggi uarni and he huddled clie on the htns net all night wliln he uoke next mornlnjr whleli of courj uils eiuttr the nest was full of little ellow chicks tliey knew no dltferent and imppcued uie rabbit was their mother so turned to him to be slieltercd and fed the rabbld did not desert tlie lltue fellows but uent out into uie ootlu every day and found food for the chicks and suiyed with them at night to keep uiem uarm in northern germany the inhabitants hue an editor tree somewhat similar to our cliristmai tree except uiat uie dec oratlljui are different the trimming being all colors of eggs and that the reaon rabbit alaajs ttands guard oier huge nest of eggi at this liutr tree phe efigi are intended for all tho children und grown folks and they join hand for frolic around the easter tree just an in uiln country we join luuidu and iuu carols around our christmas trtn there is much fun and feasting all day long gardening hig huslnkk man tlie old indian at uie duda ranch was busily whltuhitf arrows whats his job said uui batonier who wo6 being ahown around lllm liltn heap munitions maker uxplained li io redjikln who was acung as guide finl seeps 32 mcu sat fiot cccp scep3 tmcn sue yk 1ucu occp 5tep4 plxmted too clofcfcly moiion doluut wbigly sign stajtts operation the new wrlaley spearmint oum sign on times square new york city million dollar project largest of its kind ln the world was formally dedi cated and put into operation on satur day evening march 28tfi tho sign occupies uio entire block on broadway from 4uv to 45th street on the east sloe of times square tho new sign is superstructure tut tho top of two stojey steel and concrete building built especially to bear tho tremendous weight gt tho display this worlds uergat spectacular towcro tell itorics high tho spearman on tho sign has grin yard wide the package of wrlgleys spearmint is larger utah bbxear tlie sign slious giguntlc multicolored tropical flili swimming about uie sky uie largest ftsli mrosuixs feet from tip to tail tin tluhliig median um conkls of twentyone pieces of appar itui all operating in unburn but no onu piece is synch roniwd wlui anoul tlie iltctrlcal current reuird jorlhu huge display would serve acly of tn uiou uund tiien arc 1084 feet of neon tubing and almost seventy miles of wlro used tlie invatment on the entire project ut cool million dollars hundreds of uiousahdt of peoplo will pass tho sign each day the number who pans dally through tho subway at times square ki estimated to be almost equal to tho population of tturonlo an4timu7ea71m salada tea cross word puzzle childhoods tmjstfulmtss wottilng is mora whinlnjf to childhood than its trustfuhveso nature lias pro vided that for many years after wo aro born overyuilng about us shall train in lb spirit of trustfulness toward those urbund us the babe murt cling to its mother without misgiving uiat her breast will cease to nourish it the growing child lias accumulated by long experience of uie tenderness watching ovtr it fund or confidence on which tlie parents may draw tlie love may be manifest in disappointment but ute guuierlng tear cannbt blind uie upward look of fllfal trust and wliere child has been lo unhappily trained uiat lt fiiiui can only live by indulgence we feel uut the chief beauty of childhood ha vanished it would seem uiat ute eternal loie has provided that mrm klnd shall pass through the age of help ciness in which it must trutt ouiew fxr eicry good in order that uiis habi uiat uhen in after years the parental of confidence may be engendered so providence has been withdrawn and man must trust his own arm for caruily good he may uie more readily feel after and find the pervading principle of uhlch parental love lj the highest earth ly manifestation tlie history of uia race is titcadfast advance toward ute concepuon of parental deity dr moncurc conway what files and jet hoc not wings time across rdbrown 25 rroar on hotxa fishing lino head cov goddess of lh ata norao title of 25 portal founder of 27 crooked hablam 28 native of rorm or tho lapland crb to bo 30 ncsldes 10 small donkey 12 laafa is grook tettor ar river in correapond ruanla ing to s7 cyiitom of 13 itougo mnnunl trnln suirtly mi sucdon 18 allppcr tfl ciprosfllon of 18 hub lightly pleasure 10 pointed rod 30 damp for roasting iramo of meat chance 13 bird of ui6 41 cuff on ha cuckoo family ar government 14 wlfo of an omrniror it last musical instrument 18 oaclllatft 10 hog 21 trln it rot lueno symbol tg unwritten narrative poetry lost blood s9 extract tooth 80 exchahj premium jl knot of ribbon s3 now scotch slack personal prououa ss whoa baby napkin tucaus ilarm weapon journey town form of tha verb to bo kxcftdt 10 rouudauon 11 duty is tho eoat or sjjs sm vs canadians and their wdust ries an their dank tobacco growing sd planting guij sec tli ihould be put to bed ns carefully as bubici if they are to iuw into tttroni and healthy plants ihitc are many rijjht and wronfl va of plantini reeds of which two nilht mid one wronii way are il lu trilld above ill shows tho correct depul for plant ni very fino leeds seeds iu mull as onethirtysecond inch bizv should only bo planted four times as deep as uielr sul or ln ihla lu oneeighth inch deep tii shows correct upaclntf for iildi onesxtecnth of un inch in ei7c ii well us the correct depth of pluiiting or onefourth inch deep tig showa common garden ing mistaku uauls planted ln drill but too cloitely together wiui titceedlngly fhio teod such tlioso of tho snaiwlragon und petunia im besl to ml then with len time tho amount ot wind be fore imwlnjf or example mix one teaspoon of mich beedm with ten tuoooni of it todacco taitm owneil henry you and the other men arc doing fine worl and hope you know appreciate it todacco farm worker thank you figure you know that wc appreciate our steady jobs and good pay too ownrr oh well henry donc deserve all the credit never could have started or carried on this business properly without the assistance of my bank the hank of montreal like hundreds of other tobacco growers have borrowed ecry year from the hank to pay for plants fertilizer and labour and soon after began the dank loaned me money needed for barns aud other equipment of course vc kept up my ciid by paying oft the loans when sold my crop theres nothing like good banking credit for making sound business regular profits and giving employment worker so its your bank too think most of my friends in tins district lcep their savings at the same banl some of us have safety deposit boes there too in the development of the tobacco industry as in other new aud old canadian irulmtnes the bank of montreal lus played an important part from the lime the plants and fertilizer arc pur chased in die spring and on through the growing season when money is ntedcu for labour equip ment and buildings the banks loaning facilities are at the disposal of its hundreds of tobacco growing customers bank of montreal hstablishkd ib17 1iuad oflicu montkbai acto1 branch phaser manager afodilkn kymcitnt uankind sjiuvicb thu outcouh ov il ytfaks succksshjl opbkatldn