Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 9 Apr 1936, p. 6

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faoerx the acton pree press thursday april bth 13 trailing arbutus tb wee arbutup children go creeping oer the ground in dainty frock of rosy luie tcyre on the hillsides found their luna are rtrpnff and hairy and hold them firmly tip lovely fragrance gently breathes prom every little cup their leavca netvolned and oval are tough and overgrcen there are no fairer little flower in springtime ever seen then treat them very kindly for tender care each needs that they may jrlv un for next year girt of tiny oredn virginia baker menu hints iteetpes for new and novel dlahes household idea anj snxffeauon by betty barclay touching up the meaij when company comes have you ever greeted company at tho door when your pluln meal ror tho family was already on tho tango dis concerting isnt it still its easy to touch up tho simplest meal without much trouble glass qr ice cd pineapple juice makw an ideal emergency appetizer sorvod in attrac tive colored glass wlbh cherry or sprig of mint it is an arlstrocrat at any table beat of all the julco contains vitamins is balancer and hutrl tlouj in tho evening delicious milk ttpako may be served with tea bucults or cookies an ideal emergency lunch for unexpected company hero fci tlio recipe pineapple milk shake scoop ice cream vanilla cup milk cup pineapple julco place all ingredients in mixer or uuuon jar and slioke well malted milk may be added ir desire strvca sunday seftve yourselp supper after tho hearty midday dinner of sunday iervcyouneh tuppcr li great boon to the lady of tho house it klvco her leisurely afternoon and tvtnlnjf too plentiful upply of the suvory cheque tultettu cold meat or fulad preserves and cako will eatlify one and all cheese roulttes cups sifted cake flour teaspoons bakbig povdtr teaspoon salt tablespoons butter or other jiork cnbig eup mlllc supreme court judge cup graudcuutduui chccfic melted butur salt paprika sift flour once measure add baking powder and salt and sift again cut la shortening add milk all at once and stir carefully until all flour dampened then stir vigorously until mixture forms oft dough and follows spoon around bowl turn out immediately on slightly floured board and knead 30 fatconda roll into oblong alieet inch thick brush with melted butter spread cheese evenly over dough sprlnklu with salt and paprika cut in strips gx inches roll each otrlp and plaoo in greased muffin pans or roll sheet as for jelly roll out in tinch slice and place imcvs on greased baking sheet boko in hot over 425 degrees 15 to 30 minutes makes two dozen roulettes fuuiy miw ov gukat value jfam industry rrutt pulpj ire of groat value in the commercial manufacture of jam these pulps being tied when fresh fruits arc not readily obtainable experiment hive provedtrmtrjarrrmftderom fruit pulp is on palatable and nutritious as that made from trch fruit in scot iinl where there are twentytluec jam raclrlea fruit pulpu are largely cupend ed upon and lhoje moit cotnmonlj uwd are trauberr plum black currant and iprlcot otliem ar raspberry dimuon branible and goostbirry holland and vance are til chief tourcei of supply for all of these fruit pulps except apri cot uhlch comes from spain canada sharei in this markut for olrawbtrr pulp uhlch comei mostly from the pacltlc coist although it ould teem that eutern growers should find profitable market here also according to the aftrl ulturu department of tho canadian national rally ayi what plant turiu ulrl into uo hlall tliymo time dinner stories iiih gift at amiijiion we musd no lo strulford nn iniiicin on lilt lo ennlunj ind to hi wife wlulu the use of thai uilod bbe can buy strulford pat enrdi in loudon my dear one travels for evoini thlng more than to imj ptijuurdtf want to write my name on shake spcarea tomb hold your head up ukk man if tho stormy winds should nut tie while you tread the worlds highway still against them bravely tilailc hope and labor day by day fulur not no matter whether there sunshine storm or calm and in every kind of ucather hold your head up like man if brother should deceive sou and should act traitor part nj vr let his treason brieve vou joy ukng with llgnutme he ut lyhure seldom fallow fawning ecdness is the bete plan ii ping for bctte davnlna hole our head up lte man earth though eer so rin and rnohow yield not for the worthier drone but the bold and honest feellou he can nhlft and iitand alone spurn the kuac of every nation always do the best you can and no matter what yur station hold your head up like man rrom the old scrap cook as remarked lost week tho last lot in the block on mill street between eltrm and prederlck street has been the residence and office for long lht of medical men who have practiced in acton after leaving the hill property dr shook took up lib residence on the property now owned by mni william johntitone but occupied as twin apart ment by mr edward ryder and mr camcrtin irishman tho dr securxl the two lots facing on mill street and running back to bower avenue ito built lus house bock on uio lino of the two lots and left tho fine depth or lawnu uhlch still obtains ho planted the evergreens which 3tlll thrive over eighty yars atfo aftev dr shooks removal this pro perty came into the hands of samuel smith who was an csteemod resident in uie early days think mrs james cameron was suter of mr smith uln daughter sarah uai one of the first lady teachers on the staff cf the acton public school she was assistant to mr little some of actona present residents remember her as their teacher miss abbto adams taught private criaol before this mr smiths cldcit on alfred went to quclph and uas for many ari accountant for the riy piond string mnclitnc companyinluul eltj mr william shorn lunibtnim mudt ihls his residence for nuniblr of jtan ttp fr hfftr umbir mllls ulh down on the site of tlu douclil and sajer farm the town bne belueen lirfiucdng and nns acaulja the lumber ut teamed acton and shipped from here mer th mr and mrs robert apnu conducted the birr boarding hotue at the mill and their place uas always popular mr sharp was an ud english cricketer and accustomed appeuring in white oannels rtmlmbcr the flrt time lie went down street thus equipped one hot july day the populace gazed upon him in openced amazement the people hardly knew what to make of the apparition there were three soru and daughter hi tho sharp familj th boy bill pred and alf were lively latbi jennie was mlsu jadyltke girl arttr leaving acfcn several karft she married mr oreciung of the qreenhiir wire works hamilton popular and prosperom bustnet firm during mr sliarp nsidence here there was minstrel show in tho old temperance hal which was then situ ated on main strtkt where the road now leads to the property owned by lluidersnn that wan iled for many lirs as sau mill it was countd uood miww and the youngsurn about loan were 10 much impressed with it tliat tliere were numerous linltatloru of tlu doing and baying of ttir colored alkii bill sharp conceived the bril liant ul of the byt ibeniaelvej kettltlg up show tiki driving liouw wsldu the barn which suiod on the property for many yuw but luis hhico been uk en down was beurtxl for the purpose hudson kc here is most recent photo of hudson kc of winnipeg recently appointed judge of kuprcme court of canada mr sliarpu brst buny was turned out to the side platform was arranged at tile utst end of the driving house wilui half doun planks on couple of carpenter horscj two or three quilt served uie suige curtain alf sliarp und chester hill with their faces blackened with burnt cork made craek ing good end men ru the chaps thougnt and the program wos filled hi with school recitations songs like captain jbiks and down in coal mine were sung the audience was nclocted it comprised mrs sharp jennie two or three lady visitors and few of the big sutcrs of the boyish performew the proceeds from uie door receipts were sufficient to pay all expenses and ulford treat from mrs hills taffy plates of about two squared eaqll whtnmv sharp sold tut his lumber ing interests and movtd to toronto dr mcgurvln bought this property few jean afterhe came into possession disastrous fire destroyed tlie homo and oiflcc dr lowry had juso completed hl medical course and uas practicing with dr mcganin he uas gold medalist and in the fire he lost all lib belong ings including the gold medal be lieve the medal uau never recovered from the xulns contract war let at once for th tine new two storey brick edifice uhlci now occupies the site ell snyder va the contractor and he took great pride in the erection cf tills residence about flftynuic or sixty jean ago dr mcgarvin sold hu practice here and ucnt to markliam he returned nnd ran the drug store for several years and then ucnt to butte montana where died tl doctor who occupied ths premues uere dr luciiu auld and dr springer at slkrt intervals dr uren then took up lus residence here here he brought his bride it was here his firstborn twindaughtero had their bbtli tho dear uttle hbrlles only sur vived few montlu dr urens career here was very popular he wad fre quently assisted by his brothcrlnlaw dr brown who was later superintendent of toronlb general hospital and then one of tho principal hospitals in detroit dr john macdonald now of tor onto uofl dr urenfi successor he too took his bride miss laura plank here and here she died after few yerfi of energetic helpful effort as biny prac titioners ulfe dr nelson also commenced his medical practice in acton in this house and later removed to the dr oray residence the late william johnstone bought the property and after dr macdonald removal he and his family resided there mrs johmtonc still owns the property there is no substitute for natural bulk needed to correct constipation moit people recojjnizo the ieri ouinemi of constipation hut too often they dohc themselves with htronfj cnthnrties that often actu ally lead to chronic conntipntion the nnturnl way to check com mon constipation in to correct tho condition which causes it usually uuiufnclenl bulk in meals how can you pet bulk fruits and vejte tables hnve some bran had more the most popular product of this kind koiiokch allkuan tho bulk in allrkan ih ientlo in action allbuan also supplies vitamin nnd iron thiii delicioiifi cereal lit wlinle bumu food seive allbilan regu larly for regularity with milk or cream or use in cooking two tublespoonfulh at alavbitaw duily will uiiuully torrtct coimtipu tion duo to iniiulncient bulk if not reluivetl see your doctor aunitan jrlveh you kentlo tqntil oxerciki sold by all iroeerti ofside by kuliogg in loudon out though it rented to tho present oc cupants next week 111 try and think up par ticulars of some the incidents res pecting tho roddents and bualncas in tercuts and numerous fires the block on the south side of mill strecti hock cai4in plants great many rock gardens bubjectil require special conditions jiuch as those of mill and ospoct to repond with aatla factory rrpwtli and until uielr needs are occerullned and cuppllrd unthrifty looking patxlns are often in evidence the tree uw of plants which uro faa tmruiular ulll render thiwi levs con splcnniu and glvr furnished appear ance ti tfu rock garden at tho mordtii exptrlmental statum the followhig llt of plants luvi proved to iv of rapid growth hardy und tohr unt to drought among the stonecrop arc du jpurlum and 1u urlety cocclmum kalnschailcuni and tho variety varlcga tum ellaeomblanurn mlddendorf flanum slrboldll und pcctubllc lhe mos imnkj phlox subulata jiro vldo drifts cf color in early spring und while the type plant fc worthy of place it in excelled by varieties vivid daisy hill und alba other phlox arc dlvarlcata and douglas the for mer of loose spreading habit and the latter stiff und tutted one the belhiower family is represented by campanula carpatica turblnuta glotperata and garganlca there are many milfoils but only two are mentioned au being distinctive and useful namely achillea jomentosa for 1u yellow flowers and velvety green fol iage and ugeratoldes ulth white bos soms and greygreen leaves inuritlng ut all limes but or licet big btauty are the native cactu opuntla polyacantha fraguls and the pln cubh ion like muniuarla vlvipara the last named has brilliant rosecolored blaims and edible fruit tho maiden pink dion thus delto idfc and tho cheddor pink caes ius are lndlpentiable members of large family some of the esrllest floucn are pio dueed by bulbous plants such as scllla slblrlca ivltllaria pudlca and pil lldulora while ixiollrlon montanum blooms in june oenothera mlssourien is an even ing primrose hlch opens its large wuterllly like blossoms all day and all season thymus ucrpyllum aljsum saxatilc iberb sempervlreiu are subshruh ber nature and daphne oneorum li true shrub dwarf evergreen and fri gant of bloom vkimraxfthe axjtomo lkai cyprus are from canada there arc more autbmoblles of can adian maie running around the streets of cyprus than of any other country the total number of cars and trucks in cjpruu registered as at december 31 1035 u0b 2313 of which 1211 were canadian cars according to the indus trial department of the canadian nat ional railways great britain comes next with 804 the united states 103 italy 03 there is an increasing use of automobiles from great britain due to their lower gasoline consumption an compared with the larger canadian and american typeo the very rest lauyer on what authority do ou swear to the horccs age witness on the best authority lauyer come nou uhat ls tilt iv authority wltnes well had it from the hones vun mouth broadway blinks in tho splendor of the worlds largest tupitry bi electrics us the new spectucular on the great white way limed square new york city is put bho operation wltli ctemony for the nrt time saturday night march i8th ilh huge tropical flh in the scene swim wly in startling contra to the uual eye rklng signs of tills type full block long and stretching ten stories high tlw new dbiplay represents milliondollar in vluilent simgingt first wife told my husband about these gowns that are selling for bong second ditto what did he say finit wife he said if expected him to supply the notes id better change my type tiik okceivett hear that mrs hlghbrlde is much dlsuppolnted in lier husband dreadfully she understood ho was homeloving man and now he wants to tag along with her everywhorc she goes if could only besurer arthur wilson needs that job in the licit town known hes the man to fill it bat doca he dare rialc tlie costly journdy witli bo little money left maybe tha job will bo filled when he gets there perhaps tho boaa will beaway too bad there isnt someone to remind arthur how easy and inexpensive it ia to mako nn appointment by long distance tton both anyona and persoivto pcruon collu low nitt rotes apply every evening oiler anil all day sunday the penalty of war is death business directory itfxdlcml dr mcniven office and residence corner bom atenue end k3ftn street dr nelson pnjslcjmn end berxeen electro therapy phone dr wm cullen tfayalcbui and borrco orrico hours 14 and corner iycdclclc and mill btreeta tcfcphonci 128 lkqati ihono no 23 bar iu harold nash farmer barrlsin kolleltor noury itabu ofltx btreet agtok ovf hours 30 to 12 00 boon oo to oo saturday 13 00 oclock kenneth langbon iwrui solicitor notary rbw offices acton ch over seynucktf cafe main strobt ior appointment fhono acton 65 oeorgetown bfl oftlos hour acton toaaday thursday 11s to so mgtf on request bentaxi buchanan benial suifcii office in leishman block hours tn until pm kvnkic by appointment oas for texiractlonj olosed wednesday atternood baam 149 pearen dental 8urreocl moved to our new quarters hi tha symon block plume 20 mill atrtaet afoa vkxettjlnaiy dr bruyns vetcrbiavy sorxmd phone 135 acton ontax ohloo m1u bireet misckfjlankous francis nunaisl account book of all idnda mads to order periodical of tovery deacriptloil carefully bound ruling nuy and promptly dona wyndhau btreet ouolph oot general in we specialize in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate glass bouer fidelity bonds annuities and all general linea of insurance au30 ocean steamship tickets lkaj0ino com1an1ku kxckvuarr racumin lunrvdniiailv roieclie aknola tuii of canada for meaonj only fred wright acton ales salk im am ihal bount today mil roloi jfatufi by drfaud mauw aba lowema lit eoi the acton free press kiionk tu thd horror of battla la brouuhtiamu during tho buttle of enherta background 1m brluhteiicd by tha hiniio by tho nlnht of uico etlilo tteeuiid big ltullun victory in etblo battle smoko which utundi out in lun nuichino ipiinrr who died in plu adowu wui thd first thu chiaroscuro uuloiit tlutlarkeuliui

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