Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 23 Apr 1936, p. 7

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thursday afsub mrd 1036 the acton free prjesb helping spring went for walk tibia morning in the freshening air of spring and heard the crowa acawing telling the return of spring heard the running water now freed from its winter lea and hear the indignant cnatttr of squirrel scolding voice saw the new buds forming on rtutplo r4 tun and thoir and saw the fiowero opcinir in the coming light of dawn saw the blurcyed violot shine in the rklng san of spring and thoughtof all the joy nubum these little do era bring come to bank of violets blue and there stooped down to pick bouquet for my mother who io homo in bed and sick as sat there picking violets thought of our ood above who had painted these few violets in token of his dear love and how can we best follow this example set by him and do our best to help along ills flowers in the spring we can pick them gently one by one and only take few leaving the rest to dry in the cun after both in the dew philip sydney irwin twenty years ago tron the iwnie of the fyeo reaa of thursday april 21th 1016 the fine new flag staff erected ro ccntly in the kchool grounds wad 11 rat ued on the three days saturday to monday loot commemorative of the balw of tit jullcii adv wm mcculiough georgetown fa moving to the mckinnon farm this ueok owing to the removal of largo num ber of foreigners who had been employed by mesm uoordinoro co the tan neries have been closed indellnluly the epworth league easter entertain ment in the town llall proved very enjoyable event the kitchen orclicstrj was the most novel number and literally brought down the house mr and mm vernon woodwardand children of sb william visited at tlir home of her mother mrs smith lake avenue after brief illness phoobe swaek hmer wife of david pydcr pasvl peacefully away pqr many years tho family resided in acton on the farm on which beardmore crescent now stands but have been living in fcrin the past few yearu she wui the daugh tcr of the lute jacob swackluuner of churchill und married her bereft hus band sixty years ago latt inairuary or thoir nine children seven survive the ontario legislature iliui decided thaif tlic market shooter must vlped out and has pa law pro hibiting the iule of wild duck wild geedi or any other wild water fowl an amendment uas also passed prohibiting nonnuldcnt to curry gun cr uhoot without license from the province mauhiki sutton mclarn at acton on fri day april 31st lolfl by ttcv avlxon ma ur tliomocj morrison sutton of toronto margaret idva mclaren of acton morfllsonwtout at walmcr hold baptut church toronto on saturday april 22nd 1010 by tlcv john mc neill dr morrison of new dundee to sadie prout of toronto 1hko nydkr at the home of her daughter mrc lemuel west nt line ilrln on tueuluy april 25th phoebe swuck luuiier belovvd ulfo of david ryder in her bnd year chronicles of ginger farm written specially aston fire praa gwendoline clarke slats diary by olivkr warren sunday well uaa good boy todiy went to in the ai ashen in the ma thot it is not eo good to go fljien on sunday but pa sed it lient uarie jsot when ketched meji of fish mandaj joke got in bad ultli th teccher she iut him uhnt tcnui ir am ixuuifle jake repllde eu past twnu leant te uhy but iome how got hunch that he ulll grade low on that nntser tuewlny dllstenes mil went to bridg pnrtle jlsterday ulle tihe uo uent auay tuklcrui llttel brutlier swal lered bug but the hlrde girl was thot ful ifc ghe him daw of insect pdr so he slang up the bug una nil rig wednesday ma is unkel hen was talkcn at dinner about myu reddykush the bankers uf haven to have opera nhen unkel hen aib what lias sjic 3i hundred vd pa cant see uhy she ha7 be operashejied on for that but ha laft ted he can mlioy eiey too thursday jnkfi pa took jake to restrent for dinner noon the bill of fair sed they had loin itake for din ner jake rid it ast do they cat lions here it looks to me like that kid gik dumner dmnmer ttlda that dame june alnt darn ult mnrtern juke if jkujilbul ma sint her after unnc imet to the butchtr mmipt and she foruotted llu ulnd so uhm the propritrr ust lurtli sed she hid but gel it mi wme kind of truck nm jmi hire mutch ubuut saturdav ybtt rday the teacher td pmblj aftir the itlpprlu the rich ulll be rlchtr the pin rtr so uot about the mil thit alnt neetln as lung bick the unlt th it they ulll in nnihrer whulrpon slu tid uiat hi uiutf or uu you will remember force ore husc cltanlng few ueelts ago and expressed myintc4iiurbrworklnglirihognrdcn in the nice warm sunshljie of coura but now in despair have foresworn the garden and taken to the ho use cleaning at least liave got as far houseclcarhnr and connldcrlng none of the rooms were springplcajnrd last year have nice little job on my hands am not quite sure that the children appreciate my upw found energy because am continually finding joto wbn which need some help houseclearing may be hard work but lti lots of fun too and mil of surprise every now and then turn up some thing about which had completely for gotten here is paper there maga zine look them through wondering all the time that there was in them that particularly wanted to save how htrangc it that what attracts tones attention at one time ccasea to interest at another this clearing job really uioukbvt be hurried one should havo time to sit back occasionally and enjov reminiscences which seem inseparable from this job ihcre are things which we know it itt foolkh keep pcrliapt they are no turtlily wid never will be but there is imppy memory con nected with tlwm and jo if ue can go up courakc to throw them out we ahoald be allowed little time to be foolish and cntlnicntal before we turn tliem over to the discard of unwanted thlngi tills is supposed to be common iiuw age in regard to keeping house we know to be modern everything in the house should be of some definite use itis nnge ispace and free dom no cluttering up of cupboards with odds and ends that have dnly sentimental value if we dont wanta thing ourselveti uicn we sliould give it auay to someone wlio can make use of it yes of course wc should it is an excellent tlicory and quite agree but still show me the mother who when opening up uii almost forgotten box and finding pair of babys shoes can will ingly give the wee thlngi away for an other baby to wear tvrhapd she re members lt was thtbe very sluwaj uiat her first baby was wearing when she took her first steps alone well ye must confess it have little pair of shot tucked auay have never yot come to the point where can bear parting uith them any other baby things yes but not those shoes jktiii my rewon goes back long long way when uas abut six there came woman bgglnglo can see the uoman nou she was pitifully illclad and rhe had in her arnu baby about year old ery thin and himperlng uith the cold my mother took thm into her cosy uarm kitchen and while they uere liavlng meal lloued my mother upstairs while she hunted up clothes for th child there uns chtut of drauers in the hall and from the bottom drawer mother took out little tfaniicnts one by one she managed very uell until ohe came to little pair of red slipper and tlki the wee rllppcn still in her hand she knelt on the floor and cried and wondered uhat it was all about all the other garments uere given to thepoor woman bub not thf slippers you iee it uas only six montns since my baby brother luid uorn them for the lart time and he had always bet proud of them suppose the bright color attracted him so perhaps it is on account of the little red slippers tliat my baby shooi assume sjicclil significance for me one should aold sentimentality know bub rather think there is thin spot in eeryones armor don you with its baby clippers with you well you know better than do iont yoih one thing ctruin the rlslng gen eration uill nqt hae the same incentive to ord our mothers had because uhht buy tqjday tir evtn make isnt worth saving still have the long luindmade hand embroidered goun hither uor chrltened in but little dresses do uell these dayu if they las from one baby to another and now iiae very appropriate little poem to pass to you which found in one of thae magazines wai telling you routed out wlsh could say wrote it but dldnt jloujver when you are beginning to feel uel shall ue say vtc on edge after ho iuee lean lng activities just read this little pxm and you ulll know uhat to ships to tarshish continued from pmtfe three her like baby lets have look sharply he bcruttnlzed the chart gravely he examined mrs skaggs he went into the kitchen and shut the door janet followed weve gut to operate nowl jamt looketl about her wliab chance iuui aim if we do it here ultlu eiioiikh god luiows but it fa the only chanrc he dxi liave scrub uiat largr table milck any clean siwtta no uwiywniteunrrnrrnt th are the tnly clean thing the plate doctor lynn atoked the fire and put instrumeiil on to boil juliet scuund the table und pr ad tltm whin uni form over it tihe rubbed the lump chimin und trimmed the whk how wm tlie doctor to nliuinge the muiei uieucv wlucbl wmndrd oulidel her father shu ran to the dor luiuly juliet hr called ye ready for major operation us more waol quick heros lan uth tlie ux in the shed but hurry prosperous jittorny found himself opllttlng wood as liuh as he knew iow and carrying it in lump wus thrut into his hand iuid peremptory young voice was telling him just uflw to hold janet had helped the doctor carry the patient out and put her on the table sheuus busy now with an tthcr cone on the cot in the living vooia man little used to pruylrig laui desperate hold god and like jacob of old would not let him go janet bent low to look when the in cision uils made in tlmc barely uiid doctor lynn thank ood was no later the appendix lti ahesscd but tiot yet broken few more moments of quiet skilled urk and the operation was over safely the patient war returned to her bed how is it begged the husband unable to bear the suipcnj any longer you go to him dud said janet were busy ucr father knelt by the cot and with his arm ubout the hnken husband told him to slee in peace with gods help his wife would pull through in all his life warren da vies stiles had ncvar known moment rich and full at this coming back into the kitchen ho found milk pall thrust into his hand rhat cow said janet canu stand hearing her another minute her father took the pall and went out he did lot of other chores us welj and helped to clear awny after the operation tlie doctor wm giving his orders be fore having nothing was said about juliet uolng until tlie doctor remein bered it willi iiturt mb stales promlrd to let you off tolilght and your boat tomorrow night what can do miiybe ciii soimbody qui lunjnrrutf1 juliet laughed bit wryly so you think im hunting ship to tarrhlsi do you lrgt ull ubout the alexan der im ukjclng lit re hul tk wuh you ould find me boy for the milking und otln chorui ilvr father put hk arm around hi youve got one my dmr lynn cm leluphone mother when in got into town and tell her to lok for us when she met un that imrtmr of mlno can try his hand while skaggs must havo some ovi rails around soim where never felt so worth while in my life no lulis to tarshuli for my girl cadesky optohetkist wux nz in acrrofvh jtv monday may 4th anyone suffering from ees train defective vision or hemdache should not miss the opportunity of consulting tliu eyesight specialist appontmrnts may be mad wltb mr liiown druinilsu conboltation misb offlc lloara till bl knkiv his co km new idea in scarecrows wus being deiuoiutruted at an agricultural show is it very elflcffcnt queried farm er klflelent eehiied the demoiuitnttor why when firt we tried it out not only dul it scare the crows but one old black fellow wan io chastened that he brought back some corn he had taken three days before 5d2yjiai panhly do and by the way it might apply to tho men tool house weajiy by ian drag im going out im tired of tables chairs im tired of walls that hedge mc all about im tired of room nnd ceilings carpel chairs and so im going out somehow or other what need today are skys ond birds that carol uinda that shout want dime nature friendship thus say goofjbye im rotnc out it list houetlredness trivial hum drum strain monotony but hen ive climbed the hill my heart refreshid ulll laugh and sing again deir home ill ioc it still family of eight brothers and sutler whose ages total 502 year are rejoic ing in the birthday of the eldest brother mr tom webb he lives at epplntf sydney nnd has jiut celobrated hli 82nd blrthduy the cldixtr of this re markable family is annie webb aged fm who liveji in knghind tlie otlien are jahet v8 wnltcrt ltt amos t2 harry 70 panny cfl and bert 04 all enjoy und health ss sufferer ljj it tut kt tchii now llt4 ulti cult cort l4 iaurufaiuinti nluu1 ly hicxi proclamation re daylight saving time wliorens number of major industries in themunicipality will adopt daylight saving time during the present summer und whereas in order to avoid confusion which would necessari ly result through thurc being two systems of time in force in the municipality notice is hereby given that the council of the corporation of acton has decided by bylaw to adopt daylight saving time for acton commencing at midniglit on saturday april 25 1936 mon september 1936 at midnight citizens are requested to comply with this bylaw and adopt this time from the dates specified harrison reeve dated at acton march 30th 193g 100th anniversary of first railway in canada to be celebrated in july lsf fourteen and half miles of rail laid in quebec in 1836 rekoof repair now id uia lima to rpalr your hmldiitdd which liava lwion un avoidably noulootad dunnff trying duproaalon umoa ordor your roof injlhjtlqxfl htlviincftujja uicdricgoi blvul pjkli ilio xiric of troonuu kaaura suul product oftrf two uroat vahins in mutal llooflna illb uoll and 1itahap kacli lia wxrlua iv fmturia qiinrantoaiuif wathnr tluiitnchii and uuoy nhcatiu llioy do not worn alinnk rrark curl or bulgo ask bico about kh llarov muilo liy tlin formol company hullt llarn ninufncturor in canada sau cjudlm wmtlfwari dlbl batort tj jm4wv tmmliuv mtjulothaul kactorina also at toronto ftiil montimal tuu iiimlel now on exhibit nt llift chalemr tie ituinnxay monlreul id of the liny doieheier inrnniollve linilt by sleplirrihun of liverpool wliieli wai brought nrross llie allantlf lo haul the first section of the train which opened the chumpluin nnd si liwrenre railroad on july 21 1836 by peter oday central press canailiar corre spondent montreal april on july 21 of this year canadas firt iteam rail way will celebrate its nm hundredth birthday it in the celebrated four teen and half mites of line runninn from laprairic to st jolins in que bec province nlmost opposite mont real on the south bide of the st lavrenceriuer this pioneer railway built to gupctiicdo the stane route between the two poirtti was the fiilt link in the chain that ha suue developed at that time freight ond pasjepjcr rervice south pf st johns wai car ried on by boats which were sent down the richelieu nvei to points on lnlte champlain and from there to new york vui he hudson river kvcn in thoi0 enrly days much of the transportation was of an inter national rharacter and tuiimderable tiade was beinu done by the two countries dndiej at that period of course did not span hit st law rence but sturdy ferrv boats plied between montreal and si iimbrt between montieal an lon ineiill nnd between lacliiue nnd uijjh nawaa nnd when vvini pruented this form of traffic sleiihs were utilized to transport pasenccrs ond joodi over the ice so buccessful became tills railway at 11131 that it was not iriip after its construct ion hint fuither duvelop menlb were made in ineral direc tions after few years of opera tion the line was lengthened nnd in lotil it extended north to st lam bert und south to houses point on lake champlain flrand trunk system formed the year 1817 saw tlte completion of the mpritreallachino line the extension fromcaunhnawnua que hce to mon ji rtiot new york was opened jn fts2 and was known as tlie lake st louis mirl province line railroad with tin completion of tins stretch of track connection was made between montieal and the united states railwnys since spe cial ferry foi the convynii iolo motives and cars had men put into operation across the st ltiwrence railway operation wa just then coniin into its own and the nelct few viar were destined to see creat changes in 1hg2 took plate sicnl tint event when the fumed grand trunk railway compum of canada atne into exi itence md proceeded to eany out its objectie of mikini ail connections betwien quebec city montreal and the great lakes in due course connections were made botwoen thesu two important quebec cities and in later yearrf the line ran on through the province of ontario to the international border nt sarnia branch lines subsequent ly were purchased nnd cstnbhshed and these radiated in all directions throughout tho province many of them being lines built years before by the smaller companies taken over by government for seventyone years tho grand trunk railway served tho country and wheni in 1923 itjvasjakcn ovcr by che present cunadlan national railways it became part of system that opera tt3 over 24000 miles of line across canada thus was made the inauspicious start in canadian railroading from the puny offorts of half dozen en gineers in kkiti hue dejv eloped ono of the worlds most rcmarknble transportation systems spreading out like iiant cobweb to contact important centres with northern settlement to join by rail one miihty ocean with another and to brine about colonial unity unpar alleled anywhere else in the world little inciied did thoe early mil way builders realize the mfmficancc of their original undertaking time tables nadiak nationawailways at ac7tom coin kaai dally except sunday 7im kjh dully extopt sunday 1007 aon dally except suodmy 011 pdam sunday only 734 pan tlie ohlcaco flier that pajeea llmiiia here at 31 astbound mtopm at georgetown ut 40 ioloj wm dally except sunday dully except sunduy dally except sunday dally except sunday sunday only sunday only stajjdajud 133 pm 704 pjav 1331 un ooeojm lljflpjx arrow 0us schedule leave westbound 945 1145 vuepi saturtlmy 815 u3l sik ta kiurday only s1s 715 hjsfctbu 105 knsalurdaya sundays and llolidayi leave eastbound 700 tt to dally bxocpl sunday 810 bi 1145 4j0 645 900 ltlntkaltlts planned to aix lointh in canada united states mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant centra ontario bus lines tokonto debest debts if you havent already sent your hit af accounts or nou to kelly aiken tito collection specutiau at okangkviixk ontalllo it uould be wlc to do eo now remember no collection no cllartfi lutauulirj 1890 new business rjltntud will attract new buoiucarf take tins tu of the old uiat you are loain get biy pio ou prluutmf the acton free fress suwriptioiw for all magtiiln taken at the fr prow ofio muggs and skeeter by wally bishop imnu tlttnslatid ciilunrt oitict tiv chine crjiui wliul icur nulnc cijlmtf kiut ij ihut our nul imnu7 no lranilute it into lly uootl liiiii11i wtll uhitt ls our imtlve immpr all choo jwcjsemst the cacu wav parasol the three of vou hey slskur shouu be able to rrs rajklimour vjtmjtwo cam wfrve parasou of mv oukl tb take tc kiljcvardckl mogg3aj4dvakv jo alwavs set me wet ij

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