Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 30 Apr 1936, p. 3

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scotts scrapbook by scott ktfc immense wooden ffaumpfcl tme so fefer hwrt aojhouah kmow uallv bcf ajmoht jb 80rm amd die 8lfrfitv lwt mofft op rtleia lwti ihfheocfcam wriultuey cuyj vf om sxwwxttii food slje 3tk irpaa sljnrt tnrg god sends shower margaret sqstbr ftauuese 1xmp kwa shoes rrowc miners hear words of gratitude you men are wonderful said mrs herman mnjill us she turned to tho rescue workers dicing frantically to extricate her huslund it muulli toronto and dr kohertson and alfred scaddfn oftcr con tact with tho entombed men had been made through diamond drill tho toronto trio were reported nllvo and well later the rescue workers wcro shocked when tha news of muk ills death was thoulcd up the nar row tubo und tho mine was reported flooding mrs mnuitl can be seen us uho talks with beynmed worker ut the tliujtliead dr itoberlsou und scudding were rescued cross word puzzle across brief xtum 39 fresh otlm si river in an oust livonia erroar than 52 to closer iw do decree wont by men lla number honing all is ahcfuilej crummatleai cltbum of facts pome si symbol used 16 inactive in uojde 16 neuter pro ileuuter uodn fo third it character claim ship hi uncld ss charm tomp cabin memlwr of is fcuu of the loucst tha clasj at ubbr annapolis iiiuif 49 hinall bottlo 33 obtv 40 yo ooiiodile 3m3hor 41 vlial iwirt of 24 obtained ffranmier zl hiccup that dealb twuld with wnteiif s7 lcttfar of th cotihi ruction enifluh 4j oroek pwt of hjphftb war down ivel ttv bodies scuuc of wtupoii ligrbt oa miu1 tidy broken music small km ploy dejieflclal 10 in the dirc hon touard uio contftr of body unat 12 god of lov is docomo ax huumed xi putythlu 11 ricapucl for coal ie stltifihig itliocu it kind of lllj 18 discover so mourning feari ss braid is pn name of charles lamft s3 ona 0r 88 livwr contr vj kl gr ip hi kl in kl vj it was on april shower comtaff up suddenly out of gray aky that lrovo amy thurston into tho little old church for ahcltcr she ixcoded ohcltcr for her hat waa new her trim boucho suit was new and her ohlny llttlo pumps wcro prtstino in thfclr froehncoo tho church was dim faintly nuoet unclllntf and peaceful bub as amy dashed through its shclterliur entrance uho was not particularly aworo of tho churchs pleasant charm or of ha mee ncss she was aworo only of slight feeling of annoyance with tho weather jlong april woather she mubtercd 3prom somowhere lnsklc tho church an organ was playing softly ttu mnolc uras ltsbt cprlnslucc and wistfully ap pealing and it held hole of tavcrencs at another time amy might havo en joyed it but just row it uddtd to cr benso of pergonal injury it la as if tlit organs lalighlnw at me sho tjiid to heraclf angrily with sudden bit terness aha laughed aloud of all things to bo waiting in church just now aho aald to herself if it were only two hours later amy wi on her way to keep an appointment and it was an appoint ment with young man tho appoint ment wtu to begin in the young mans orrlce but it wan rosumably to end in some parsonage county clerks office or city hall amy was eloping aloplntf as ridiculously petulcntly and suddenly as she was wont to do everything she wtus clopbuf not because aim was madly in love but because sho liad quarreled with her parents ifer clopmuit was to be htr way of showing her people that ulw was of ago and completely mlstrt of her own destinies the fact that her parents rather disapproved of uic young man whom amy was going mcou made iier defiance teem evtn moro marked tho trouble luul started couple of day before when amyvi motlier had spoken very frankly in regard to the younger set in tli town in which they lived younger liet uiat was just luua too bay little too frivolous little perliapa too uioughtless of appearancea and ideals amy who received invita tions and nome times accepted them from thbj younger set luul spoken hotly in defense of them wiry she told her mother kon winwood kenyonwlhu ood waj the rich young leader of the tot in question wonts to marry me and llko him lots too vat two cents would marry ken her mother ikud ansuered uearlly and nervoualy when you marry amy she luul said want you to marry man as steady and honest and reliable as you own dear father the cort of man who wllj grow in strength dont want you to mbrry anyone llko thk ken oh her mother made the admission hastily oh dont want to criticise the crowd too harshly but cant understand the typj of young pcoplo who feel that hf hi just made up of lighter moments amy answered crossly as for as im concerned she said there cant be too many lighter moments your attitude even us she spoke slie knew that she was being unfair and cruel is making hu feel that should marry ken if only to justrlfy his existence her niotlier said ho moro at the time but tlmt night the conversation uas repeated in ule presence of amys father and lie added his word to her mothers tho result was uiat amy lid flounced off to bed in temper and had tele plioned kenyon the next day and made the appointment which she was on he way to keep tlu music in the church was growing in lightness and buoyancy it wao the hirb la uui keynote uo ijappineos real liapplnes aluuugh as slitj stood in the doorway amy did not realntd the fact her whole attention wui fixed upon the sky overlicad as site peered out through die door of uiat little church ttie cky was not lighter certainly in fact it was growing dark er an old proverb went flashing through her mind as sho surveyed tho heavy clouds tippy is tho bride that the sun shines on tho thought troubled her jhe turned nwiftly from tho door and en tcrcd tho church sho wanted to get away from tho weather from thoughts of her dcacrtcd parents imd also from those other thoughts of kcnyua win wood the idea fostered by her mother persisted maybe after all ho was not tho sort to tlo to not for life so amy went into tho church proper and walked swiftly down tho aktlo towurd the quaintly pretty little altar with its embroidered cloth and iia vase of garden sowers as sho went tho music from the organ loft which was just back of tho altar almost seemed to sweep down to meet her vet bd die approached tho music changed from gentle wandering pattering april music to more decided rliythm it was as if it were aware of her as if lb were keep ing time to her aimless feol somehow it drew her willynilly toward uw churchs luurt it was not until she stood close enough to smell the perfume of tho flowers in the altar vase that slie wad awurtj of humorous young face turned back over shoulder watching her it was thin freckled face toppol with sandy hair ftica with wido laughing mo tli and with blue eyes that were steadfast and tender only when amys eyes upraised met the eyes of the playtr did tho muulo top and tho organist speak hops oald voice uiat somehow matched tho tender plain humorous face tliat you like my music amy answered honestly if trifle 1m patltntly uasnt even thinking about yourmuslc die said came in here to get out of the shower not to be en tertained or inspired asked the nrfan softly amy almost snapped at him when sh answered no didnt came in to be inspired cho told hhu impatiently tho organist woo getting down from his loft well lie said as he left his place you mustnt be out of temper even so shower will come jou know despite our deslro for sunalilne amy answered yjr the life of her idnnildndt know why sho was anawtr big tho remarks of this strangely in formal young man was on my way to koepan appointment she cold the organist eyed her quizzically with one sandy eyehrow raised anyone to look at you he said would think ou were on your uay to keep an ap pointment to be married or comethi only brides look as newly turned out sartcrtally as you look to her unnoyancc amy left hersjlf flushing but she did nob make an an suer tlxls timo after moment tho man who plaod tho organ went on guess though he said softly thx you are not on your way to wedding at that youd look hupplcr if you uere ci4 your way to morrjod girls knoy ive played the wedding march for many bjuuhliuj bride girls dont hurry off impatiently to meet tlie man that thoy love they walk in radiance amy uantod to gay is that so in lrcastic voice any other mrmbur or the croud she had so hotly defended just matter really of hours ago would luue spken in tlmt manner she could not help feeling in her soul however that the organist wot right sup pose she eaid tliat there are some exceptions to every rule ail brldej cant be radiant they should be tuld the organist with finality why he uas looking her husband safe mrs alfred scadding of toronto assured that her husband was safe in tho cavedin mooso ulvcr mine prepared to leave immediately for the rescue scene illness of her baby daughter had prevented her from travelling earlier kitchen he kelloggri corn flako open tha door to leiaur save hourtt for things you likts to do every body loved their crisp dclicioui flavor and theyre ready to siervtj no cooking get kel loggi today ut your uroosrh ovenfresji mudo by kellogg in london onturio nothing lakes place of corn flares icr mwniytu you uer no joking actually on your way to wedding to your aun uedding id say tliat it was lucky tiling that tho uhowcr happened he suddenly turned serious god has way of sending interruptions when they are neederfl amy sut down abruptly in one of the front pews tills man was interesting he was almost moro interuung than any other young man she had over met atio he took her breath away yod seem to be something of an autliorlty she said on brides and uoddlnga and all the rest of it are you murrled the organist seated himself hi tho pew uoside amy theytnlght havo known each other forever there was somothlng jj intimate in his smile as matter of rooord he told her im not married uut will be come day when the right girl walks into my life sometime ho chuckled bub his eyes were grave vholl walk down an aisle just us you ivave toward me und our glancos will meat and well both know it happens that way dont you think so yourself with hotneij growing on lur chceki amy wait answering wry much on the defensive no dont think to she uild ivople get married for all sort of silly rtiwm nowadayt to prove point they do it tonuihiiti or jut out of tlu organlt hit riupttd just out of pit towitlnn he said wlui hl grown even gruvtr on amys face uut uuli uu inurrlui lsnt murrluge you liutam uouldnt ut mavili for any rumn but tlie lovrhrat vvrt of one im sun was again tljclng dlrtct question now would you against her own volition amy felt an absurd dtairo to confide in thin man tvom tho very first moment ho had wlcldtd curious power over her dont know that its any of your buol neaj slie said slowly dont khw that youve uiy right to ask me questions bub you guessed right hi the beginning am on my wtiy to be married incident ally im getting married not because im madlj in jove uith tlie man in question but because want to prove to my elders that know my own mind so there ivrhups amy had expected reproof from tlutxindyhalred young man but shl dii not get it the young nuxn oddly cnouch uas iaugning that lie said is tlie moot childish tiling ive ever heard nrounup girl say whtn wo knou each other better he uos leaning foruard iii remind you of how childish it funded you uont ever bet to know me better amy told him pcttlshlly and realized suddenly tliat sho was quarrel ing uith completp rtangcr and in church isnt this tlie moat amajdncc conversation in tho world tho said blankly isnt it tlie most utterly crasy situation tlie organist ansacred as analyze it he told her dont think the situation it crazy at all think lt very sensible here you pardon mo for say ing it were on your way to make an unwise marriage dont know the details of it but know it must have been unulv from the very expression in jour eyes and from the hard set of your mouth and just au you were on your uay the ffood lord sends shouor and because jour new suit and hat and shoes are more important his ap praising glance had tiiken in every detail of amys costume evidently than this marriage you ltc contemplating you ruch into church to gain olielter just as his tone waa swiftly serious many another person has gone into church to gain shelter from storm of one sort or another and in the church still directed flrmly bellevl by tlie hand of goj jou found me tliat may sound like conceited utatement but it isnt think youll live to know that it isnt he paused and tlwm his tone had changed it had become light and bantsrlng again suppose ho said tliat jou tell me jour name amy was staring at the man wide eyed before she know it she was again ansaerlng uircct question im amy thurston idie said wlio ore you tlie oung man laughed my name ilobert linden he said as youve perhaps guvsscd im tho organist here other times have budding law office know your father lies the calt or the earth your father thats probably why you looked so familiar to me when you came in you ic was in your fathers olfloe only last week and caw vnnr nlrh nn hin riicu ho fnld mn how ho and your mother think tlie euq rlset and sets in you wliy miss thurs ton for amy was crying now slie cobbed to tlie young mm youve spoiled everything just by bring ing my mother and father into it of course youro right tho tears wero rolling unheeded down her cheeks theyre tlie sulb of the earth those parents of mlno anu juut little idiot and because havent any seme her voice broke on wall id do some thing to hurt them bitterly and to tlie simple words contained kenyan winuooda comploto dlsmusal ruin my own life us well tlie young man was interrupting amy he wan also correcting her gently not havent any ttnse tidn ho said and all this stuff about hurting tium and ruining your life thats out take it there was no shade of mirth now in hu tone uiat your appointment 19 cancelled so suppose escort yoa home you tec lie smtlud and his freckled face wait suddenly beautiful have an umbrella itlal lxciihk jlnimlt can go to fchool today mother ilun fetl utll mother where is it vou dont fd mil jlmmle in chool if wisdom uerv to ihrllt from tho artlt nobody would think iilinulf hliorant is delicious nowat 75 peraui ion the best brands of prepared house paint the un demoted top quality brsndl of white lead paint are now reduced la price to 375 per bn theb famous quality is unchanged why rlik using paints of less reliable qua lity when you can have the assured beauty und protection of these time tested brands at this popular figure any one of them will give you job of outstanding beauty long paint life tirui tjconomy jtcttt fitsi to uiat there is store in your vicinity thai can supply you martinsenour sherwinwilliams canada paint acton agent for canada paint lashbrook mill street acton ont call home oil those sundays away from home jim howard ioolh forward to the weekends ho likes to ap end litem ut homo in tho boiom of his family so when prolonged hiihtucka trip found him at loowa endi in htrungo town that hiinny sunday moniing hifl cup of borrow and diwontent was overflowing until he cmddenly thought of ionjr dintaiice and tho mew low sunday itateh it will he almost iih good uh being with tliem tliougltt jim ua ho brbdcly uteppud to ute telephone on houi und ivrtonto ivraou mluf how nluht huttui hpnly ufi nu und all day sunday if you want to sell advertise

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