Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 14 May 1936, p. 1

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jffjjjff millllwih mtllllubimhiii wr7ffw tette ftss sixtyfirst year no 46 aqton ontario thursday may 14th 136 eight homeprint pages fivo cents milton won in high school meet hew at georgetown on saturday winners of events several cn of acton high school participated in the athletic umt on saturday at georgetown of the high schools of northern hal ton muton won the meet with total ot 331 points against 105 by georgetown and go by acton muk school with more entries in the various eventa had no competition in the boys relay runs and ran the three classpa merely an formality the actco ftrlb carried off the senior and intermediate relays milton winning the junior class teachers of the three school directed the meet with jack thompson georgetown as clerk evans of the georgetown high school board presented the prizes winners in the various classes were girt events 75 yard dash turner milton pargeter acton varadckle milton intermediate barrett actcn li mcnohb morloy milton senior joy oalhralth milton chapman acton audrey grieve georgetown baseball throw junior robertson acton turner may milton in termediate bllnco cokmari xfflltnn tlrfhol flnrytjmw tnrf athletic officers are elected lawn bowling and tennis grounds will open for season on may 25th preparations lor summer activities at the acton lawn bowling and tennis club got under way last thursday even ing when the annual meeting and election of officers was held in uplte of tho fact ttiat new rwf was put on tho club house last year the treasurers report was very satisfactory the opening of the grounds will bo held on monday may 25th when tho acton citlxcra band will bo in attend ance and the grounds will bo ready for play the tennis group are arranging roand roblri olticere for the year were elected as fallows honorary presidents gould president mcdonald first vlcepresldentrr euloil second vicepresident hlnton third vlccprcudcnt smebhurst secretarytreasurer it bottye bowling committee bay lis ttuu wataon bailey gould mrs if lindsay miss garvin tennis committee jas rons jos hurst jack mcocachle hinton mu laura mcmullen mrs buclianan budget commletec dr pcarcii ir froser dr buchanan slot machines to be taxed garbage collection unsettled council decides to prepare bylaw to make levy on slot machines band given annual grant clerk instructed to proceed with tax sale community services beinji arranged for park clerk ftemunerated for work oir old age pension applications institute holds annual meeting mrn gamble chosen president and miss hawthorne secretary those who cant pay poll tax to work stephenson georgetown currie it elliott of hurst milton grieve georgetown threelegged race junior and stephenson georgetown campbell and eyre milton taylor and barrett actn intermediate saun dera and campbell milton 1l dear and bllnco milton young and blow acton senior bennie and acton grieve and snow georgetown breen and lamo actoci running bread jump turner bonsneld muton stephenson georgetown ix msrley cookinan oalhralth muton snow grieve georgetown hop step and jump junior par geter acton turner muton xi stephenson georgetown intermediate ymca circus was good show novelty acte and athletic events made program that pleased the ymca circus on friday and saturday evenings proved quite novel muton kuddell georgetown senior lform of entertahunenu the attendance was just fair but judging toy the re marks of those who were present it wh be one of tho annual events that will bo anticipated and enjoy packed houscri hereafter itr was remarkable to note cowman it dear st mcnabb the progre that iad been made in the milton senior ot galbraltai mluon grieve stephenson georgetown running high jump junior dev eraux georsetown turner mar shall milton intermediate bllnco milton young blow acton sen ior grieve georgebwn galbraith muton snow georsetown standing broad jump junior bomi few months that uie has been in operation under secretary maclaren the program shotted that uie liad variety of activities that left scope for all in uie vestibule was on exhibit of model aeroplana built by the aeroplane club that was interesting tlie ong jd drill by uie public held saunders muton stephen sihool girls under uie leadership or aon georsetown intermediau ix lilna hlntin was uic opcnlnff saundera wiute campbell milton number then the clowns pub on their senior 3xuv steplienion barrel boying and barrel tilting that was gcwsctown galbralth muton an amusing feature baskethill throw junior may mar chalmers group of high vhajey milton uobertwm acton school girl jn their exerckes and intermediate taylor acton mmbung eicliibit uu another eood white ere muton senior attire and this uas flnlilied off oy grieve georgetown gubcrt cur mus mcula mcoeacluc doing uie illgji rie milton land wing tlie clovtm ball game anl bot evmu the violin solo by vernon agnew uer loo yrds junior mcnabb milton cievcr eaturcu and dew plenty ct hoarc georgetown galbrulth laughur muton mccumber georgetown sen wm eccleahall in uie boidng an lor li can milton brush muton reulng ring featured some ol uie sproat milton boys in the deelopment of this sport 520 yard uatjh junior mcmabb eccluill jr and pved turner of muton gjlbraltht milton syhe he ha anx noy and ur georsetown inurutedute mc nortn of uie older boy put up nabb praser blules miltcn sen bood threeround bouts in wretltnj lor brush cox sproat muton kcn lorne masters tursled 40 yardd open brush sprcat ln putting shoulder to uc mat muton sihter gcorgtoun thc dutch dance by paul barber anj te jards open lunan pouus steurt maclaren uas another noveltx at uie meeting of tlic acton council on monday evening councillors mason mcmulan mccutch con were present and itccvo llarrlion presided mr kohl and mr salt were present to diicilk with the council uie advis ability of cleaning up the creek this refuso deposited uie re was creating menace ia the pubuc hcalui this brought up thc question of garb age collection that hot been disci faced tho paut two meeting lb was agreed tliat thc matter nmb be dealt with uils year aiid council agreed to give it rurthcr consideration in an elforti to clean up this unsanitary condition about town copy of thc agrocmeiit which pcreui has wlui tho collector was read in uiltl municipality the cot id met in th tax rate the collection him apparenuy been ui opcrauon for at least eight ycarj thtj nlntti ot the nuanc committee recommended payment of uie following accounts weadgc removing ashes at hall 250 kerr as coombes foundry co itd culverts bt mcdonald direct reuef paid may 7ui no 00 acton public tjtuitles commis sion utreet lighting town hill arena pump house etc lq7tj0 lutchia ju agar coal for pump liouse 735 john wullamson wood for tdwn ilall 1300 actom fsei peis advertising and printing 2710 mcbaln hauling 45 mcmulltn and muls culvert to bo paid on completion of work satisfactorily and ap proved 16000 mccutchcon that the acton citizens band bo given agrant of 100 carried the clerk was instructed to nou mr it lgregory that his appeal for lowering of licence fee could hot bo con sidered and thc usual feowas now pay able itcv ebrllllngcr was present on be lialf of uiu mmjtttcrlal assoclauon rc gjdlng arrangements for two outdoor church services to be held in the park during uie coming lummcr thc matter of urrangbig osound amplifying systern was tteofaiary part of uie nrrango tlir regular monuily business meet ulgoluiwoniiuinstituter at uie home tf mv gamble on thursday uut with blie president mrs gamble in clurgr tlie meetiiuc opened by singing bio it be the tie that binds followed by tho lordls prayer bi unuon five mlnut talk wui rivcu on ue motto by mr mcgeachie itoll call was anwueed by proverb and paying of foes current uveiili were given by mrs salt donation was given to thc children shelter in milton mrs gamble wat appointed us delegate to tho musical festival an invitation is extended to all former members of uie institute to attend lie district annual meeting of uui county hi kilbride on juno loth the society celcbrauj 35 years of work after buultujt was dlsjwised of the high school commencement presentation of awards for tho various activities address by miss mackenize meats it would requlru the purchase of ut leait two horns to add to the present annual report for uie year were given tquipment council was agreed to tho tlie auditors sliowed good report and uie of uie vbbcm tliey now liave if uie balance over lnt year horns could be xured with fund from same othir bourcc the clerk was instructed to secure information regarding ulc paadng of tlie report was adopted tlie cleric was instructed to proceed with tax iale proceedings on uwj arreani as the councu could no longer stay ui collection moved by mccutcheon ixcondej by masn uuit uie first nice ting or thc court of revision of tlie aiseijnent roll be held at thc regular meeting jf council on monday june bth at eight oclock daylight saving time or co soon uicreaftu as tho appeals against the said roll may be heard carried letter from uie workmens com pen bylaw setting fee to be charged for operating slot machines in acton it wat felt that if uico devices were to be operated rcvenue must be paid to uie municipality permission was granted for uto re moval of tree on uio property of the united church on mu1 street undr the bupervklon of uie municipal officer complaint was mode of uie bays play ing ball on tlie streets and destroying property tlie council instructed the munilpal officer to institute proceed ings and bring uie culprits to court if uie nuisance is not stopped the reeve brought up the matter of rvmunerauon to clerks for attending to old age pension arrangements this liad been left by uie county council to tlie munlcl pall ties to make uiclr own arrangementti moved by mason seconded by mccutchcon uuit the clerk be re munerated for preparing old age pen sion appllcatlonij by resident of acton at uie rate of 00 per application carred tius was in accordance with ue new plans whereby uie county council uas relieved of this expenditure uhlch had proved to cctly tli municipal officer wot instructed to purchase new hand lawn mower as the present one uas worn out tlie municipal officer was instructed to allow those owing for poll tax wha were unemployed to work for the mun icipality when they had no means of cam ng money tre municipal officer was instructed the election of olflcers took place as rollout preuuent mrs gamble 1st vlceprcjildfntmrs ft davld tlie annual tllgh school conirnencc ment exercises were lield in oho town hall on monday night there was fair attendance of pupil parents and those interested in educauonax promouoh in acton fc tho meeting opened wiui canada led by uw bcltool orchestra after wlilch prln9lpjl macltao who acted as chairman made commont on thc year acuvlues at the schol especially upon uie cooperation between tcachcra and pupils uie literary society and auilcuc tvcjlu mr macltao deplored uie lack of ixholaruilpi to help the pupils keep up uielr interest in the varlus depart in ints vernon agnew who was the gokj miiullst in uie violin tola class at uie recent halton county mujcoi pcstlval rendered thb tlccun mrs gowdy uui lib ucccmpanlst hael wilson gave the early history of our community going back to the time when uifcj county js on indian territory and giving an jitcreillng sketch on uio county of halton and acton up to modern days kay chapman pmentcd monologue mothers day in the churches scholars of sunday schools unit ed with church congregations in morning services mouicrs day bi uie churches was uberved on sunday with appropriate scrvtcbs at the united church tho scholars joined in the regular church hour service and mrat brown sup erintendent took charge the scripture woo read by mr jack rcld and marjorle kelson gavo mouicrs day reading tho primary scholars gave their mother to day chorus in uio service of song tho solo pirt of tho choir anthem was rendered by mr don taylor and mrs mowat contributed con tralto solo thc theme of rev dr morrows discourse was mother wages it was message for both mothers and children in uie evening rev elvin gamble who lias completed his courtie for min isterial training and wlu bo ordained 111 few weeks was uie speaker at uie united church his first sermon just entering uie ministry in hkl homo church was enjoyed by largo congre gation at thc baptist church the sunday school and church service was combin ed for mothers day rccllatlons as part of uio service were given toy howard killlck and evelyn atklnoon jessie coutt contributed solo special son 2nd vlcepresidciit mrs resor secretary treasurer miss haw uiornc directrs alru lanta mrs mc cuuluson mrs hall mrn wilder spin district director miss hawuiome program committee mrs tripp mrs wilds president end secretary layette committee mm collier mrs polaur booui committee mrs mcgcachle sick committer mrs wuds mrs mcgeachle social committee mrs hau pianlstrmrs salt assistant piinit mm hall delegates to district annual mrs denny mrs bell president and secre liry auditors mrs coluer mrs lappm the meeting closed by repaung uie mhtpah benedlctlcn utter which social time was spent liearty vote of uionlc was tendered mrs gmble for uie use of her liome lotion board pointed out that the board was considering uie matter of covering scure the grael tliat wj necessary municipal employees but in uie mean and suitable for patching uie roadway time they were accepting no applications before uie calcium chloride uan put on tliey would advlm the councu when uie the roadj tlie calcium chloride uas matter woj settled letter from acton citliens band rwiucsted ilu councu to consider th annual grant at this time now realy at muton and uas to be brought to acton and applied at the ilrst suitable opportunity btt and mat lasting results are cbtalned uhen ap moved by mcmulan seconded by plication is mode after rain relief accounts amouni41081 passed by esqueing council township road insurance hi renewed georgetown gubert muton pule ault junior bouring mutoi sy luster georgetown agn that called forth roars of laughter and demanded encores on boui peentatlon tlu american cup yacht race was an acton intermediate maruiall mil act by the clowns ton nirhcrw rpm gaorgatawn the runnjpg nn tunibun senior duncan georgetoun pyramids bj uie older boyi with piul uaruh unult milton barber leading shoaed tome splendid itumilng broad jump junior jr cook rk thai tew realized uas belngdone man muton syucr georgetoun its ruth glbsn and mr masales mcnbb mubon xntermeduw last meeting of literary society purely western production from 3bar itanch group 11 receives 83 perctt marshall galbrlaui blade mu ton senior brush martdi ii ox muton shot put junior mckabb mulon droinr acton vungooacrt acton interroedlat mctrash 1l oasue prwimer muton senior duncaii mackenzie georgetown urubh milton standing bromd jump junior poweu mutoa svarr georetwn taoci wr macuren otticral secre vnooown actonr intermediale wa th uw whau pra gastle budos muton bjiier und tirvlng of great georgrtown senior gubcrt ut cptfd tae uuf progri mode btuhii muton maclaren georgetown mop step and jump junlorj cook notaule visitors to acton man mcnbh roberta ijtui dreixd in uie blrjclc costumes of uury yean or more ago sang uie duett bicjcle built for tuo it was an item uuit pleased tlie final presenljtlon of mass pyra mids with all uie chutes participating uas littbig cumax to uie progrum it was well executed tlie clown wera vvrn agnew charlej tyler howard norton aivd donald ryder and uielr work uir ughout tlie entire sliow was intermediate oalbrlul mahjull milton foum gecarsetottil senior saturday morning several notable tors ee receh cd at jhe iuhhc marji brusli miltoii rjun orflce in persoiu of mr can georgetown rumimg high jump junior cook toii muuui xangooarii haml acton inirmdimt mrkiu auguilliie prlgon president of uie quebec electric ity conunusln mr ouvxr lepebve vice preside lit of tbe uiiic couiinbbion mr caiiuima galhrallh muton mcumber commissioner and mr pucell of uie ocoirvtcku marsli mutan hklc tlu isiion wrrc uilroducej to chairman arnold mis speign actons loiulaton wlul11 by mr mldd oi iiur hxpc wlio vt oanduetlng these aeeording tortile ases moll whkh hsikcctiaii of hu just been returned acton hs the punbt klid urrlcera of hydro touil population thb ier of 1m3 ttwe lci ln dtatrict oiuiet of courw include that section much bnjrd with uie office and the lost in the series of high schoil literary meeungti took place in uie parish hall on friday tlie meeting uas given by group ih and was opene1 by uie singing cf canada the minute were rtud by jerrfrmhtind adopted tlie business of uie meung was dlscued and tlkn tlie cne changed to ttirebar ranch the western prairies wlui icene around camp flre tile cliorus ung by uie group was home on uio range jack vangooen gave rnouui organ selection which was followed by uw lvclung of pauline jolm bims tliecatu thief bya number ct girls tin review was read by kay cliapman and tlie orcliestra gave selection which wag much ap preciated reno bralda reiuieid violin selec tlai which fouowed by two hs violbi lectlotu by don ryder and harvey mccutcheoii kino bralda bang tiie cou boys dream with guitar ac coinponunent alice taj lor recited pilot of uie plains by paulino jolin toji jokts were bitcrspcrscd during uu pogrum by uie cliuilse cook at clioo joint deiuils harvey hsord gave uie criticism for uie iiiertaig and uiuiouncd ilut group ills program rwoeivod ai 1he iueet big closed wlui tlie stngbig of uie nalonil ahutcm baptist church annual meeting encouraging reports of depart ments officers are elected sfwinl fveiuiig other accouno authorized for payment all department reprl uere encour uore luglnc at the annual meeting last ueeg del1 telcphonp company 432 of acton baptist church over which th ballon plqmens assoclauon 10 00 ptor rev baxter presided clarence anderson sheep killed and ijieep injured by dogs 1700 lindsay valuer 300 tlie esqueslng council held uieir rcguur monthly meeting on monday afternoon deputy reeve robln on councillon wikon howard may and eduln harrop were present reeve george currie presided at uie meeting the minutes of lost mecung were read and confirmed communicauons uere read from mrs troughton department of agricul ture department of hlghuajs work mens comiiensation board and parent information bureau the following ad dressed the council regarding township road insurance george brown tliomas ramsliaw and miss cummlngs moved by may ioconded by robinson uuit uie treasurer pay uie relief account ce prtinted by uie rcuifofflnt bi carried officers lor uie car were elected as follows treasurer mr jamel mcintosh missions treasurer mu laura reld deacorm messrs plank 1l reld franklin and cripps clerk mr charles lanovborough trusbjoa mejuts warden crwson tiios mccutclieon movtki by robhiaon seconded by may tliat uie treasurer pay tlie road sliaets as presented by uie rood superintendent t4035 curried moved by wilson seconded oy edwin harrop uuit uie township in surance be renewed wiul uoyds of sunday sihool superinundentmr loihiaii tluougli wuon com crtpps pany limited at premium cf xioo00 assistant superintendent mr at or eovenigr of tlo000 sioooo and klnscn choir leader mlsj plank organbt mr chas landsborough assistant oriiult masalet 2oo0 00 carried moved by robhison seconded by may uuit uils coujicll now adjourn to meet on monday juiw fcut usliers messrs jos rcld crlpps at 10 00 tundard thne as court warden walter fryer wumer fryer of revboun or at uie cau of uuj reve ttllrtt col warden jo carried rekl landsborough auditor miss morales messrs ociry within the vuiar boundariea it board room of the ax ton coaunisslon is ma tncreaae ovmt last yr of about ajid uur keneral nangemenu biossoal week cause rauer uj quirkly thbfvtai for much pre um uui blhhoo worden coles board of man icen deveora trea surer clerk sundry school superin tciuunl byju ihvudeiit ladles ah president aiid mlsl circle lredeiit polio big uie elecuoti of onicera supper was uerved iikeside at the muy meetbtg of uie lakuodo clupter of uie lodil uie urgent mui vlda ranajiaw gave report of uie recent 1101 iiiciaj con veiiuon held at hamuton five membershlpa in ur childrens aid society were taken by the chapter arrangement were also tom marks well knn iliowman da foi purchsidng uie prb for uiirty years or so ago died at christy presltatl to the best allround giri lake on saturday at uie agr 81 and boy at acton high school the yvara his wife known as may belle meeting was held at uie home of mrs marks died hve years ago fryer wluch she had composed herself and given at literary society meeung norman bralda gave an account of uie musical acuvltlcs of uie year at school ajo details of uie orchestsa acuvlues at guejph and told of his expcrlenccowlui uie orchestra tliat tock part ui uie recital at maxscy hall toronto during easter week he gave lbtt of uie various instruments uiat liad comprised uio orchestra two boyt from kenora had been voted as luiving ccme uio greatest distance of those present froui au ovr ontario and tliey had hitch hiked to toronto his account delivered in temlhumorous manner was very creditable patricia harrop as crystal gaier maubusi syed abul hasan proplieskd the future of uie graduating class which caused much amusement especially among uie student body the girls choir under uie leadership of sylva morrow prajmted sweet and low wlui god effect the graduating class margaret ar nold eileen breen helen campbell helen lamb etta swackhohler roderick rvder harvey mocutclieon georgj swltaer cbarles henderson fred turner john dennis ted hansen and howard norton were presented wlui uielr diplomas by mr mcdonald clialr rrm of the school board tlie latter two graduates were unable to be present tlie valedlctcry was given by hefen laiiibwliogaveaiiloeaofuiefelbit of the pupils as tliey entered hlgn school through uie various years until us fifth formers they emerged feeling very important and more or less inde pendent she uien presented uie school colors to jack oralum on behalf of the graduaung claur inatrucung him carry on to uhlch he made tuitablj reply mlsi marcueritc ryder on behalf or the lakeside chapter ioj3e present ed rings to etta swackliamer and charles ilendcrson as the best allround girl and boy this year acknowledge ment of thu prcientation was made by cliarles heruierson in few weucliosen ucrds reeve jlarrlon prescnud uie athletic auards well designed crests the puplb ulio had uon uie nut points nheflriquscnnte helen brown junlorr lory young in termedatc and kay chapman senlo boy cliampions jack blow junior frtd turner intermediate and roderick ryder suiiior kay chapman won silver cup and pin vliavhig won moat pjnts ln girls events and roderick ryder symbol and phi aa idgh boy don ryder of room presented uie shield emblematic of lugh room score to fred turner of room hi who were winners list year irinclpal mocrae uien introduced uie speaker of uie evening mis mary mac kenxki principal of sliaws deer kark college toronto mus mackenaie vpiy hiurrtling and fluent speaker and advised use pupil to get all use aclaiol iug possuile to work liard ut all uinea and to take advantage of every oppor tunity uiat presented lujch urging all to keep up uielr studies mist mackeii le ulustruud her talk from personal experiences ulucli made liei remarks doubly ertecuve at uie conclusion of lier remarks misj mackeiiidg offered prize to uie pupil obtaining lightest marktl ia middle sciiool tngl to be based oxi uie yeara marks of eltlier silver cup or pell and pencil set cil bclialf of uie achohsrs eileen brevn prcanted bcsutiful bouquet oi flowers the even ing concluded with the national an them the high school orchestra gave num bers prior to the program and while the smdience were dispersing childrens oermen was delivered by rev baxter uio pastor day of unusual warmth was last sunday and it was mothcrfe day the strvite held that morning in knox church was of unusual interest and merit largo sabbaui school met with the congregation and crowded them to porua of uie church uiat uicy had not occupied for many days the theme of thai service was holy living tri bute to mother and this year th4 school paid lbs tribute through li teachers miss marguerite rozell told in symbol of the guiding ught of mother mr hasard gave uio tribute uiat sir james barrio paid to his mother and ln cldciitauy tho tribute uie mother paid her great son mm mainprise des cribed uie growui and uie rewards of motherhood who when she has passed on leaves not memory but living presence tlie choir had very appro priate music and uie quartette rendered very effecuve number and miss loiri atkinson ahg wlui good expression mv mothers prayer the service in every way made one feel uiat such moments jrv more than bentlmenuu that they are indeed our oontrlbuuon to the work and worth of mother shoppers guide tba following uwtmre in which lulvcriimmenu appear lnthj week ye kveaa tij5rcrrh grocery ivre kalot manafmoiwrv kiuda iv lar amateur conuji kuita ctoihlaf und mwcsr ka soriou moloc hutmn vlllo iu iavocw ha retort tueoire mcmullen geo wallace paiienoo ilro kellorra luee krlqles wekilnchoue kefrlnvaiera ki wrljht tjlonl cards of iial tinmi aleu ti beu telephone co kel lait com rioluai eaaienl sleel irrodueu kelly alien txce kluutt broa caoeakyi klruy chlcjt klalehery keuoa all urjm head jf qardiner iciiyal rhealr he stkuckkjk onlvcalr in sight wlui only one car parked on uie forty foot pavement of main bisect last night robert rait of toronto seemingly could not mli it and trashed into uie parked car of andrew dunn broken fendert undbuch like were the reiuilb and the toronto man wlu face chrge of reck less driving coming eyentb aoduuaumcnt of ucda coo cert or otbe jvcat ttaiica lius imdtug eliscc4 km cmtl pt line will kvialaaum ckugc any noouuccmnil of jc keep june 14 and 13 llmebouse unlud church anniversary aervicea fiiurtaiiimcnt frst arnateur contest to aelect artisla for acton community broadcast over station cfrb st ymca thursday may 2flui the empire day public schcol con cert will be held in uie town hau friday evening xcay 32ndt al elga oclock the progeam wlu hi elude choirs double trio duetts and solas of the wnni iin jaasttral atoo danea kindergarten games and patriotic speech by senior boy ad ndbslon 2sc cbbdren wo

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