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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 14 May 1936, p. 4

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paq four the acton free press thursday ilay 141111 18js neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which any of our readers are interested ballinafad mr and mrs roy culp of hamilton mr and mr moarthur of bramptor were visitors on sunday at the home mr and mrs calp mv wm hording mra grippe mrs john harding mr rao harding spent sunday at dundut and thambury mra wm wiley has been confined to jkd lo the two wrr with tn hammatary thcuiniitatt miss margaret kcntner who has been sick was removed to the biclc children hospital toronto on sunday for treat ment mr sherlock foreman of toronto is spending few days at his home here nassagaweya the friends and neighbors of mr and mrs ropl wataon of lot 32 concession naaagawcya gatnercd in their home on wednesday evening of last vscelc to honor and remember then with uti address and presentation of two leather upholstered chairs and wish them ijetlcr health in well earned rest mr wauin thanked them for their kind re mem brance mr and mrs nightingale and family of port credit visited relative at knatchbull on sunday also mr and mrs norman webber and family cf ifijcevicw toronto vlltcd relatives at knatchbull foundry tne warm wtather miumitf tmr gt iuitfralnrrriirtttsrfbjiead sacrament was observed in ebcnczcr united church last sunday morning terra cotta mr neely who has been ccjiilned to his room with wverc attack of pneumonia now able to he around again and we liope boon to hear of hl3 complete recovery mr and mrs mackie spent few days with friends in toronto our local quarries are all quite buiy at present mlas jennie mesurack mot with serlauu accident recently while rctarnlng from acton to iter home licrc she fell faff her bicycle and sustained fractured arm we hope soon to hear of her complete recovery mr and mrs ed townsuid liove moved to korval mr hunter erecting new wire fence along the front of his eummir resort on tlio credit ilats here which whncmpjtt wi oonijdcrably mks edna icom spent few dayswllh her ulster mrs kldd of inglcwood seeding id in full swing now and expected that large acreage will be sown uite spring miss croorglna mcdonald of hornby spent tlio weekend with mr and mrs leslie icam rockwood the united church young peopled society held their regular meeting on sunday night an excellent mlislonary program wo prepared by mrs ben jilting tiie bible iton was taken oraee gordur the topic work in angola was given by muriel william son short talks allowing tho effect of cut bn glvlngs on the foreign fields were given by mary bolton jean gordon jean howtll roy day aeorae wlntfate and ben hoiking vocal ualoa were con tributed by rev taylor and mlie marian and katlucn taylor their accompanist wuu mrs taylor several ung people attended the oualpb prahjtcry vmig union spring rally held at arthur on monday afternoon and evening ncu ultlemcnt under tay adja cent to roclcvood tlirough tlu co op ra tlon of ouelph and hamilton clergy ihe catholic church who have taken over the farm lately vacntrj by mr jar fe gray rev father ough of hamilton hi charge and luui already conducted tervlca in gicred heart church in rockwood tho pat two sun dujs work lias started in tho erection of duelling new famllir who will be jught in in connection with the concern and allowed 10 much land for cultivation of crop lay their own iac mothmd dyywn in tlw qlnirchij on sunday with yood attend unce on sunday in mine at st lin church holj communion as ibbtrvcd ulth tlie rector rev hrll inter in cliarc of tlie rvlce ft ulio uort her for the wevk toiul uiti mlks minnie nlckell of roronto mlu kvilyn pea re of toronto mlu doris yc of loronto ar putumon of iaronto mr frvd day of woodstock musur chnhlr wivoil of kdrn mjll spent the wtiktiul with mr and miti mux milne and family mxjl wm itovee lutit tclunwd home after spending tlie wlnur in loronto with the arrival qf vnrm weather during tlio piat two wvcks vtguuon has made rapid growth ajid the lawna are in splendid pondlliun for the uilutti qwlromlng la also in full swing ut hortops dam everton mr and mrs omar parker and daugh tens and m14 vclma blair of acton visited mr and mm parker sun day miss eua wllllami of toronto visited with friends hero on saturday and sun day returning to toronto on monday morning mrs mclean apjt ouclph visited mro loire on sunday tyr and mm joe benham and family spent the week end in guclph with mr and mrs vartnormali and family mr and mrs elmer awrcy cf guclph and mr colin klbchlng or liockwootl spent undoy with mr and mrs uaherwood mr and mrs charlie head and son of wmton visited at the home of mr and mru col head macs muriel hortop and anna jackson attended tho girls conference last week in quclph sunday visitors with mra iljertbon were mr and mrs itobcrtson and son kenneth onprlrtgt mr and mrs geo young town line and mlss lrancea jcmilngs and mr llojd robfrton acton ospringe sutclttt attkek tlie marriage of mlsi marjorie aitken lanyhr nf mf john alike itnd th aitken of ofiprlnao to mr maxwell sutclinv son of mr and mrs ih sutcllifc of toronto took place in st georges chapel on saturday uv gordon hassla onlciaud ihe wide given marriage by her fatlier wore lier travcllhig drej or navy blue trlpl rheur with cornuge of rapture raes and illy of tlie valley 1iir only attendant was her sar ml killic aitken who wort frock or navy blue with navy and whiu acoeiorli and corsage cjf toluf man rauaf and forget me nots tlio bejt man wau mr lloyd sutclltfe brother of the groom pollowing the ceremony the couple left by motor for new yore and ether points the monthly meeting of tlie women institute was held on wednesday after noon at tlie honwi of mm wm 12 robertson with about twenty live ladlcu present mrs georgc cooke presided and mm sunur read tho mhiut and correi pondentx numerous exprij bionu cf tluthk1 wr received for fruit and flowers received during lclcnej tlio new co operative program wa thor oughly ilxusscd and it was decldtml to jtudy one of tlie project in uie near future mrs xgjbertsunwas mimed as leader with mrs robcrcon and mr george young alternat the election cf officers re ulted au fol lou president mrs jnclcon let vicepresident mrs barber 2nd vice president mvt locker secre tary treasurer mrs sunter as sktaiit secretary treamrermls mar jorlc mccutcheon organist mijt flor ence cook alitant organlit mra box auditors mrs mckcnzle mra burrous dlrecton miss curne mra grundy mm mckeown mrj mccutchoon dltrlct director mrs locker program committee mtj tour ley mus campbuu mni ii reld mn anderson mm brydon mvc mccutclieon lower committcc mvs win mrs geo cook lunch committer mrs locxer mks currle owing to tlie latcnaji of the hour the chairmen or the standing committees left over until tlie next meeting uhlch lh ti ik held at mr wcbb home when mr stothen the dk trlct agricultural jteprecntatlv is to addis the meeting dainty lunch uaj served by the has is and her as li tints erlandi nf trr tn 71 stfutho be sorry to learn of her recent sorlou operatlon reporli fom the guelph hospital it time of writing are to tile effect uiat nlie is pr greasing favorably mr and mra lrslle webb indfamllv jient sunday with relative in george town mls annie klrkwood vk ittng at th home of her ter and brother in uu mr und mr nell mciclnnon huliburg mr barber and mri rbtr on atti tided the dlt trlct bji lithe met tin of the win in tltlit it guelph on saturday dr and mrs wlnlej and intl datighler kltchi ler and mu mi rnrrt einkr nf ni iph tutu slimny th mri okc mr and my biptle vk 11 on sunday with tlie latter mrents mr an mri smith uverton cirntr mothnru diy fittingly oh irved at tlie local prcbyterl chureh on suiui rev grant preached in ppronrl iu urmon mr and mri dilton of ctwiic vlllt mil mr appleyurd of lltmllton ueit tveiiit uuu id of mr and mr mar umltrhill llitlt mlat tty underhlll went to co ksvtllu with lit aunt an uuelt for vblt mr und mm robe ruon and otu sprnt sund iy wltli uu uiuuv hi itlier mr iuu rltjin at vt ton mrs mcklnnon of guelpli is now staying ut the home of lur son and family mr and mri burn mcklnnon mr and mra wulu mcwullauu lls walter and norman of pusllneh up at sunday with mr and mrs geo hubert its unicorn 3ozo unicorn built your not seeing things this is really front view of tho unicorn created by odr franklin dove biologist of tho university of maine tho lunlcorn bull bellows and cats hay like any other bull milt oakville detective george kerr and mrs kerr or irantford called on chief david ken on tuesday afternoon lieut hugh pullen rcn is liorne on liavo and with his wife and con are utaylng with lieut pullen parents judgment for 117 73 was awarded mr oliver in division court on tuesday jin his suit against tho town or oakville for damages done due to the hooding of hja basement tho stojmcr san aland piloted by copt forbes with cargo of scotch un thracite coal for the hlumer puel com pany officially opened the ahlpplng hi oakville harbor on tuaiday trafalgar council issued lnstructioui tn wllif nmmr tnttnr lit thrlr rrmmriy nn tjtnnr1n fr now on relief for able bodied men would have to be discontinued in casca where it is impomlblo for man to get uork tlie tuwiuihlp will furnish work on th roads lit the rate of per liqur recor on mrs jamei murray returned home lait week after spt tiding tho winter loronto with her niece mw margaret harbun mrs bews and nor uliittr mli harrl wha have been pcndlm the winter with relative in chicago have returned home gay uller in the bank of tor onto his been tran ferred to the barrio branch pla will be taken by ii irani ottuua wire has been received by 2icv and mri caswell from their son lieut surgeon caswell of the lloyal navy of his arrival ut vancouver on the emprcf russia which sailed from shanghai china mrs peter gordon walking on tho sidewalk along reynolds street stumbled und fell at point where tlie heavy roots of tree had rafeed tlio concrete and hi falling broke her glasses blocked an eye und received facial lacerations star at tuesday evening rneetingaf the lown council it was unanlmoui ly da elded that milton like all the live vlrl and up toduu was hoiild operate on fait time to uckji nb midnight on may 23rd and end at mldnlj lit on mon day september 7th which is labor day about eight clock sunday morning while cameron andcron was driving truckload of milk gathered from farmers in nelson town hip to be tran parted to creahicrj in toronto the ftevermff gear locked while oppot lte the farm of the late jacob newell two miles couth of mulon causing the truck which owned by trcd hay ward of mutcn uj craji through deep ditch and wire fence landing in field upside down champ on hillsburg lriendj in tljk community arc orry to hear of the removal of mrs robcrlian to the ha pltal at guelph again and we all pe for speedy re coverv mm thompson who has been qui to ill for ft few wetlcu li we are glad to report able to be up while each day mr and mr alvln millar of bramp ton and two children billy and marilyn tpent sunday with mrs millar and lloyd on the third line the farmer in thti cectlo are all busy with the ceding some or ge ting nearly finished while some of the land la not fit aa yet am ng thcu who vbited with mr and mm clieyne l3rt sunday were mr and mrs elgle misses dorothy and prancei ml jibclle thompson and mr bob llgic jr nil of toronto mr and mrr charles booth and mac and prance of caledon mrs ii churcher of guelph pending tlil week with her paenl mv and mri wm chcyne quite number of children of the surrounding fcho is are nursing mearlhi thce days as well as iome of the adults mls helen nodwell wai in guclph lat ceek attending the girli three dav conference at the georgetown the ore lory theatre again pack ed last sunday night to heir the program of the lome rifle sco band au ted by art largo and bill crampton of toronto dr and mri red aollop of ottaw uere week end vlslt 1th dr and mm gollop mr and mr wat on and mr kottmilr rt turned home li ueel ftor petntlni the vintcr in lorldu dr and mr harold ohm and ml jean ilolmi of ouen sound ve wleu end vlltor with mr and mv mat kay irrio nn rj ft tlu week li 1m priivlng lyly we all hope to ite lllm imind before long mi vrlli mil uttl ulghtt lulla billed fn new york on sulurdiy lut fir ileil and where they will spend th mmnier ut mri dt vrl hum mr dith ring unii nuiet th mtugement of daughter miry to ilhirold gulloclitr of mr and mr lvanl gallaghir of milton 111 utdding la takl place the litter pirt of june hippy evnt mik pi let on mondaj tvtning at lunttrn imi tirgetown wluji mr qeorgj tiihlllie uunur ireiliinr of lqut ng iowiuhip tlie 1j ears wiii tlu gutit of nor it haiuhut nd rod him tn tlu oecusl in of hl ilglituth birthday by tlie tin tn of council ami lownshlp oifltlaw council mud grantt to lortie rli1ei bund of iloo und to equjllug ait or herald burlington last saturday clilef smith declared war on cats and ten cau on elluibeth street were ijiot hu honor judge munro held division court hi tlio council chamber on monday the docket wati quite lengthy mr george bengcr arrived home on tuesday from month holiday hi california mr and mh newton ghent motored to warsaw last wednesday and rpent day with dr oliver and mrs ghent mr and mrs james and daugh ter of hamilton former rcj dente cf tlio town have again tiken up residence here it reported that the villa lc inn property owned by the smith tate li under opll to purchase and an up todate gasoline ltatloil will be built an the property this rprlng at the regular monthly meeting of the water commutlon held in tlie council chamber on tucday evening cliulrman smith advised the commlxilon that it was believed there uas break in the intake at the new pump house tax collections in burlington this year have proven exceptionally good and in the flrit four montlw over 14 0bo arrearu have been collected fl ooo of thli amount being collected in april town trearurcr buh staukl tliat 000 lias already been taken in the first four tlnis of may and lndicatlnn3pont to tlm tact that tlie arrears will be com dur ably reduced this year if the steady payments continue gazette eden mills tlie omclql board of the united church met at arkell this week to dis cuses church aftalrs mr and mrs william croft visited in the home of their son mr and mrs robert cror of toronto on sunday they were accompanied by dr prd croft of kitchener the regular meeting of the women mjiionary society of the pre bytertau church wj held in tlie home of mru mclean with good attendance the sunbeam mition band held cl il evening in tlie home of misse geargina nnd jean uobertwm quite number of tlie women missionary society niemberu were present also mr jolinson student in cliargc who gave very interesting and helpful nddrea mr ind mrs bert lowrcy and son vl itcd in the home of mr and mrs lft ad mln smith li vljting friends in toronto mr and mr william haves and non orge an ml beatrice of toronto vlilted in tlie home of mr and mri oeorye wright on sunday mr ami mm grovcr gallaghcr guelph vl itod in the mi of mr and mn lourle on sunday mother iy rervicei ut re fit lngly obervod in the local churchti in sun iy th chool report if no nat igaweva li follow sr iv stanley oulli mil 70 33 blanche mllnt 06 jrtvwildrt aitbrrtron geon let 17fi orma burrows 07 ruuell lowrle 53 ofl sr iii hi in wright h101 mil oub rt on 03 jr iii tlllllt lourli 00 ion burrowu oh gordon tolton 55 50 uimi lee 54 01 chwt vilvn wridit 03 ivthn wil an 5j33 ll le and irene mitchell abnt fr pricm waiulhhurrows hrict burrous donald mcij an murray mc alpine on lha mitchell jr prhmr nut rrl ktnneth wright muri utrlu scott wbrldle lvaclur good trouble have naturally curly hair all summer by getting one of mr carl kcntner permanent wavbs wednesday may 20th to 10 school girl special 50 jessie russell riion 1mj acton ont have disponed of my meat shop artd provisions business in acton to mr lovell7oftoronto who takes possession on monday may f8th in discontinuing my connection with this business desire to thank all for the liberal patronage accorded me and bespeak for my successor continuanco of this patronage and assurance ol good service and good quality meats sf1sk jlrrabirtrriun can qg aoto rkv nrnnih iaet mdm wulo specials that are wort baying l69 boy and glru running slioe onq lot to clear regular 75c pair for ys solid lcatlusr oicfordc slmai to regular jq ob special per pair vl4 men work booti solid leatlie ile and rubber heels sbx to 10 special price per palr menn scapipern made of goo quality uppers with rubber non lip sole and built in arch rup port slw to 11 mq special price pair heavy chnmbray wor shirt big malce colors navy nnd light blue sljcs 14 to 17 regular 70c special price mens llghth uc and carhartts overalls slxu 34 to 40 special price per pah 149 to 179 boyt balbrlggan slas 22 to 32 regular 50c for boj coif hose slies to 10 regular 20c pair special price 59c combinations 39c 19c yaw gooo sleciati prlntj broadclotlis aid cretonne regular 10c all colom specbil price yard aborted 15c lndlci corrcu and carelettcr make regular 40 per pair special qq price yc children socktttct colors sizej to 8j special price laditi diulssltt we have nice aortmfnt of misses and ladtes drcjus in the seasonvhiwc styles nd matei lali priced fram 198 695 lad lea slioei includhig tiei pumps and straps some have high cuban hecli and some with low hoclr au sizes in tjio tot regular 00 to 50 valucj priced to clear we have nice astortment of white shoes very nttractlve styles ranging in price from 149 pallants clothing and tooiweak mux street acton ont acton yrm cfrb radio broadcast for amateurs ti vrg gummgy mgnrriihhhoprbuitloii to broadcast an acton mniunlty program the talent on tlu program ulll be all umauur and must be re ident in acton or the fanning community within flvv mllas of acton thc way iji uhich tin talent will be selected is as follows all amateur who would like to appear on tlie radio program will make uppllc ition on the ferm attached lielow and mall it to the ymca acton by may 24th ser ei or amateur nlghtn will be held in the ymca gym the number depending on the number or entrit tho bet anmtuun in each inteit will compete in lnal content when the judw will iupplled by ci rb uadi station at thb inal conti there will be elected that ur li uppt ir on the apton coiimun braudciiit over station cmn do ou wnrt to appear on radio proirram io you want to help iloott atton enter the conlety addulokuu njjhborld newj tu pmt fclg hi ljon in dtrhtlmatu the power of lu hju uct in lllve jdjle jailu ntry kin limited to members of the mca utxtflinrmy anyone re idi nt in rrtrr the acton or within radtiu of fuetnili pirst amateur nkjht wul held in the gym thursday may 28th idmissiom ailts 2ir chiliwi 15c ivotedh fur iuriiuhlng ymca ileevatloii iuwim the audience will eltct wlnntri by voting on tlu tr tul million tlckeu trui imirtutlon to ci nil station will hi iirringed ull uhuitrti without co to them radio broadcast entry form pleaie enter me the am talent contes naml auditlss my roiitiibuttim ui ow 1tuuiuiii wu1 bt snttvb churrri of eanaia acton puior her 2a mnrzw fhjk parmwaffe bower avenue sunday may nth 1030 1100 the mlnlmer subject tho call or tho clan 700 the minister subjeok deceitful dcjeiidcnclc wednesday 00 unity men club it ysotl rliureday 30 bible study huur evkrybody welcome sunday may 17ul 1930 daylight eavlne time 10 30 1hc sabbath school lljoa ai mqriug woighlp 00 men in tho malting always welcome saptlnt btiurtl aoton bev baxteb puter sunday may 17th 1030 10 30 sunday school 30 morning service subject thou llaat uoen lthtul unclabbipied small advertisements advcrtlacmenu un ur thu bedbtf one cent pet word minimum chrs ajc xrf insertion five inscrtlooa for iijjo if tkll cal toe lltlonal charged where item littve to be ftoked illu wavtrl girl wanted at once for hctieral house work apply to box 05 fttfe pblsa ok wnt ilooiili water nnd electrlc bent reiuj nable bower avenue apply dominion hotbti uog fnnring katukday call 97r3 for pricci we will buy your reactori uhlp them or truck them hank xioiaies lolt salt rrc cowi government utcd pure bred ayrshire and holuin wlbb arkell village vfxxt shop for lawn mower and he palm sample matcrlaly if deilred moore 45 main street moving acton beauty parlor will bo located in tlio store next to mortonvi barber slup on or about may 18th 45 ml iy wanteo girl for port time in sure mast bo over 18 years of age apply by letter only stating nte and experience to b03c 104 ittefc pitesh wb hnt comfortablo ilve roomed houtj on bower avenue for rent immediate poa juission apply mrs au013 macphebbon frederick street toit fcaxir seven room brick ii ue large lot good outbuild tngr suitable for araglu situation the best bound to jell will sacrifice ask klr he knowa hollsts tfou sa1u thirty llorwu for iialc from twelve to iiventoen cwt all guaranteed quiet and good to rk suitable for farm team wagon or garden work ulro some riding horu3 and riding ponies bicowmuedcje plioru 273w brampton good yaw l3r horta injured cattle or anything tultnblo for fox meat with injumi animals phone vlcrv promptly tthd we will pay the phone charges aa meat muiit bo becured immediately to be of use vannattbr rox farm 40tf plione 03 ring 31 georgetown govtunhttnr tobkltcuijln tfcsttd dakuy cows trrnliridavvdaadat bre4inrtyj3a and production sixty dollars und up iveo dulvery on truck loads oom penaatlon certlncatca accpted ns col lateral go day rttesb guaranteed mitrco fabjlss luituiay ontario tolophono 1352 lindsay ont 3713 notici iu bogs at laugk the by law requiring owners of dogii to keep the anlmubt from running at large during the montlu from may 15tli throurh to september 15th la titfectlvo from the daten owners of dag aro hereby notified if tlio provislond of thiti by iv are not obicrved that prosecu tions vi ill be made mcpincrbon 45 chief of police 1llag1 ol acton court of revision ihe muti eltiu oounell of the village of atum will met aa court of he vlid in the council ohumbcr acton ontario on monday tlie eighth day of julie 1031 ut eight clock dijt all proifei harlng nppeola gii4nti th aunwunuiit roll for tho sold vuiago lor the year 293s will ujmj notice and govern thmaelvea accordingly notice of all appeals must be received by tne on or before the twenty stecond doy of mky 1934 dated thto seventh day of may 103q tarmer 4s olerlc

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