thursday may uth 1w6 the acton free press pads rrvm mite nellie hall was homo from toronto for tho weekend mr and mrs nicklln of ouelph were down home on mothers day miss beth harrison was home from toronto unlverulty for mother day mr and mm robertson and babe visited acton relatives on sunday miss heleiv zcllcra of brampton spent the weak end with miss lavexna smibn mrs albert brown of kitchener spent su with mr and mrs brown visited with relatives in milton on sun day mrs kenneth currle and joanne of yisln with mother mrs ocrvais mr aod mrs blanche visited with mr and mrs scott in toronto last week end dr and mjs momurchy donald and jean of dresden called on acton friends on sunday mlas corinne mocdonald of hamilton spent several days lost week at the home of mr and mra vincent mr and mrs overholt of toronto spent the week end at the home of mr and mrs ij johnston mr and mrs burnley and joan visited during the weekend in tilbury with mv and mrs mclean mrs johnstone of tendon is visiting with her mother mrs arch mcjphersan snd other acton relatives mens clothing and furnishings exclusive but not extensive george wallace 123 yonge st tobonxo oppw bfata ehw byrics chimne repaired idplastered reasonable peaces work guaranteed blacicearti supplied at s10 per load lawns sodded mcmullen bower avenue mr and mrs earle brown of kltcn ener spent mothers day with his parents mr and mrs brown mr and mrs pallant celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary at the honio of mr and mm fnllant at petrolla on sunday mr and mrs ieroy brown of tor onto spent sunday evening with his parents mr and mm 11 brown also mr and mrs cecil brown of toronto spent sunday evening at tho parental home mrs neir and mrs jamash reed accompanied their sister mrs atloy bridges and her daughter louise on their return trip to their homo in cranbrook they left by motor on thursday morning mr and mrs edward harvey of lnfasaagawcya wish to announce tho en gagement of their third daughter fearl margaret to mr elmore ifrcnch eldest son of mr and mrs french freeman ont the wedding to take place quietly at the end of may mrs bridget and miss dorothy bridges of toronto spent the week end with acton relatives mrs bridges leaves tills week for her home at cran brook bo niter having spent the winter in toronto and hamilton she will be accompanied by miss loulco bridge who uni versity mr and mrs xuty wonsbrough betty and donald mr and mrs jlarold wombrough and son robbie of tor onto mi and mrs frank day post master of rockwood and sons george and roy mr fred day teacher in wcodstock college miss thomas teacher in ennnosa school all vktted at mrs if wansbroughji on sunday alwrnocn mothers day warning notice corn growers arc hereby notified that the corn borer act is in force in this county this spring and that tho provincial entomologist has instructed all inspectors to enforce it strictly and see that all corn fields and plots arc properly cleaned up by may 20th inspectors wm bowman esquesing mcmillan nassagaweya uwox editor fkxiofxxsa dear sir in your editorial if we mils pay which appeared in your issue or may 7th ypu said the new budget was being received with mixed reelings hoped and looked for substantial lowering of tho sales tax there is no tax unless it fa the radio license xbt is so much detested aa the sales tax and was certainly disappointed when read of an increase of per cent making it per cent on everything we use in our business our pronto were practically iha nlh tv finfl ttm farmpni in fhhr critical cannot afford to pay more for their horseshoe ing afla repairing than they have boon paying hoped for better news in tho dunning budget but it seems thai both the conservative and parties are tarred with mine same stick have been liberal and voted liberal ever since had vote but our representative mr cleaver will have to show me why should vote liberal again instead of encouraging business they arc doing the very opposite thanking you mr editor for your interest as shown in your editorial am yours truly geo cowie envoy endangered alberta fleas hues ou friends and mountains and anemones dear frncr fskss it was of very great interest to note in the issue of 30th the recent accession lo tho chriitian rnlniatry of fclvln gamble apart from tho importance of tiio matter liero was tho recollection of he must be scotch any doubt of acton friends that mr john morton had scotch uncage a3 dispelled last saturday evening whtn frumda of mr and mix morton called on tlnm until tho authoring in the llugcftmnnto vlslura uitrt well rwcr ilfty severul carloads of relatives ar rived ojrly in the afternoon ohd in the evening furniture moving van drove up with the balance of the gathering of friends from the city tlie skirl of tho bagpipes by two pipers of tlie 46wi highlanders band herauw the arrival and during tlio evening the plpew parad ed mill tttreet to the light of nil splendid nodal evening was enjoyed by tli vlsltow at tlie hospitable liome of mr and mrs morton and it was quite family reunlon jcaliilcuuilwleanfi lakgly attended the attendance at tho ilrit calf club meeting for 1030 augurs well for another succecsful club jear agricultural hc preentatlvc whitelock slata that there are approximately 45 numlwrs dis tributed amongst the following three brekls holsteln jerey and shorthorn the club uictnbcrs ure mont uithuslaitl and art out maintain the high record eaubmiud in previous jcarn at the nj as uell as at acton and milton fou fulrs tlie tlectton of ortlctrs re uluxl as follouw milton houurln calf lubsresident reginald kwukid vicelvtaldcut trsi reld kecrltary iveaxurcr addison woodley multon jeraey jid tiliortliom ciub krtwldtnt fred ituddcll vlceltejddcnt harold barber secretary trniouxcr eccles mcclure gregory theatre friday may i5th misa pacific j1eet guy and rollicking comedy with joan blondell glenda furrcll and hugh herbert comedy perfect tribute cartoon misi glory variety the collie clmpter cf ttut loit jungle saturday may ictfc the three god eathers forceful dtert dnuna btory by ivtcr kyne starring chester morris and lewis stone comedy mui in black fox news monday may 18tb the milky comedy for the entire family stirring harold lloyd major boues amateurs 10o cartoon ilio old plantation coming mr hobo starring george aijlss of his father hi his own ladhood dayi and as friend in later manhood lifs the contribution of acton and close ad jacent communities to this work has lmcn conulderable too numerous to attempt to record hrc lest some bo omitted many of them have oerved their day and yeneratlon some have fallen on sleep and gathered to their fathers othen have and some are about to enter upon reit in retirement uhllo othtrs are still in active work the writer had plcauant experience tlilr week tlie lady of tlio motlm my prttient home having to bo conveyed to ijiower at tlie cutlieast pobit of the cliarge it was eiigeited it might be an enjoyable outing to wliich cordially assented the occasion was in honor of daughter in law of lier desk mate acton bcliool mlis aja gurney proo ably still well remembered by your read ers tho plaee was at longvlew well worthy cf tlie name being just wherr the foothills there give way to agricul tural and pastoral lamb very near tho jprlnce of wiltes ranch as ralston had an errand fw miles further went on driving however past great drifts of soil from great wind or the day before returning to tho fleet of autos gatliered at the downpour had just before we moved off personal greeting from the two former mluasj gurney jean and ada now comply matrons and presiding in the homes of sirsidneybartan britubunln istcr addis ababa appealed to the italian military command in the name of the diplomatic corps to hasten its entry into addis ababa to restore order and protect tha forclgn legations agwlnst ethiopian rioters the british legation has become haven toii many euro peans and americans in addis ababa as italians entered the city to restore which would tend to impair their efilc lency moreover wo affirm tliat wlo govern ment tiad no mandate from the electorate for uny such action consequently uuj bill should noli bo given tlie force of xaw until the ejectors of tha province have be given the prlvllegfi of votring tllere on we ako dttilre to commeruj most highly tlie three members cf the gov grnmont hnd the counfg of thir auction sale in tios township of nassaoaweya of valuable farm pttofeilty pursuant to the provisions of certain mortgage which will be produced at tlie time of tale tlicre will be ottered for uale by public auction by ks31r atlctionecrat woprogrebs nvcf armrirs remarkable feature of the afternoon was the extensive view of tho majestic rocklea perhnpti score or much more of miles of range their still snowclad slopes and vatt panorama of towers and turrets some places kleamtng in tlie golden bunllght of declining day made very tmprvslvc eight and in sweet auo majestic contrast were the vast displays as we went alony of pralrlc crociw designated in yesterdays natura study in calgary herald as anemones cohering tlie hill elopes and roadmdei in their sweet and tender beauty as to their number said in letter this morning to friend in us there would be one for every dollar of hki national debt junt in my own scope of ahrerva tlon respectfully coleman the dominion hotel in tlie village of acton saturday 30th may 1038 at tho iiour of two oclock in the after noon standard time the following kjt lands and premises iuyury all and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the town ship of noi4jlgawcytt in tlie county of halton containing by admeasurement one hundred and nlnetynlx acres be tho ijune more or less ultuatc lying ami being cam posed of the northcalt half or lot number fifteen in the 111th concession of the said township of nas hagaueyu and the southwest half of lot number fifteen in tlie slxtn on ceutlon of the wild township of niusa kmvywr saving nd rxcpt in tfhrmlthe llrstly described parcel onehalf acre turner valley alta conveyed by one jumes bell to the school trujttui und from the parcel secondly doicribed four acrt reserved by one thorn js bell upon his conveyance to one james bell and further tlie parcel con veyed by tho said thomas bell to the municipal corporation or tho county of hal ton by indenture registered in tho saukileglutry office as numbet u12j there la tald to be upon the property stone dwelling two storeys six roonu mui summer kitchen with well at house also ujnk born ohicoo the soli sandy loam fifty acreti under culthutlon twelve acres bush with swamp ortck running througlf furm tlie property will be ohyrvd for sale subject to aru5tirve bid and ul comll tlotui of sale tkilmti tn per cent 10r down ab tlin of hule mid balance on iotit day of jtnif 103d for rurthcr particulars and oondltloiu of jj upily tlie underbigiled solicitor for the motulurt ick mjlton ouurlo dancd uib 2nd day ol may l3fl dear sir at the recent meeting of the halton the following resolutions presented by the isvahgcllsm and solnl service committee were parked und as secretary of tlie presbytery have beui requested toforward tlie same to you reiilutlon that whereas tho in fluence of tlie beverage rooms in the province of ontario has had fair trial and has borne fruit hi the manlfwl increase of drunkenness on increase or accidents upon our hluhwoys some which of lute liae been too tragic for words the lowering of maral standards am ng our joung people accorduiff to tlie report of the socio service council of ontario ue wih to place the presby tery of hal tun on record aj opposed to beiemue room hi thbi province and whervos this matter whleli caiuiot be decldeel with any satlsfactl by iocjii areas ue call upon oiu provin cial ltiiisluturc to permlb tho voice or our leople to be exprvi by provin cial vote paraud uiurelyjrom ajiy political inurttt rolutlnn ii we hen by reeotiimciul that as lrejbyiery we record our itroiig conueuinutloii of the lrnvln oovenmient tukl its new rehool tix bill whloh propoms to divert funds hitherto upprvpriated to the support or hlblie sclioota to the upkeep of sittr utw selioou tile public sehools of tliki lrovlnco lire the backbone of our udu eutional stem and coiuquently wi liavc to view with alarm any movement oonvlctlon tlu men who stood up and voted against uielr leader hi matter which they deemed to be wrong and we hereby deprecate the attack of our prime mmlster made upon representa tive government hi reading those three men out of the party according to ids action our elected rcprccentutjvu no tanner represent us but the prime min ister himself tills view we most bitterly reject and resent these reesolutlons were unanimously and tnthud3jtlcaily adopted yours respectfully sttphknson secretary may 13th 1030 kitchen shower held by lakeame chapter ix honor of miss lcra kennedy the lakeside chapter lojdat held kitchen nhvyftcr last night for mtes lorna kennedy popular bridetobe tho month under an open parasol be decked with pink white and bloseomn tho bride elect opened complete set of kitchen utensils and accessories in sunny blue ware the rcgente mks vlda ramhaw read tlie following ad dress to loitna just before hir marriage may 1030 we your lakenlde chapter frlenda with whom youve worked for helpful sotamr taalfatthfuliy zr hope that this shower of sunny bluo may useful prove in doing stew and other things to keep joes face cheerful as your hearts full of grace wo trusiyourmarxiedilf maybc happy as on untroubled sea we hope the ekieii above you two may be for always sunny blucl miss kennedy thanked tho members and all joined in singing for shes jolly good fellow pot luck lunch completed very happy event statement on the budget tlie dunning budget will revive new ncto of hope and confidence hi the hearu of the common people of this country cuiiadlant during the past five years have by bitter experience ltarii that high tarlftn which bonut few at tho txpenrc of many ae arflciii restraints en trade nd throw men out rf work hi oil countries no one factor lias contri buted nire to the mass accumulation peel county judge died suddenly victim or heart attack wliilc start ing to play bridge ultli friends county judge trevor hugo grout died suddenl on monday at hfej mill street north residence hi brampton judce oroiit liad been on the court bench all day and had not complained cf being 111 judge grout came to brampton from arnprior lp 1032 succeeding the late judge benjamin justin he graduat ed from osgoode hall in 1804 and prac tised law at amprlor for number of yearn he was member of christ churca for warden of the church ho was also meniber of bramptcn public library board he was keen golf and bridge enthusiast ho is survived by his widow and two daughters mil kennoth haw of napanee and miss erie of brampton and brother archdeacon grout of oakviue poultry producers study marketing problems on wednesday evening last upwards of sixty halton poultry producer met in tlie farmers building milton to give consideration to better methods of marketing poultry benson the federal poultry promoter was tlie chief upeaker and in his remarks stressed the possibilities of iiasonal poultry pool rcrerencc was made to the succets of similar pools on manltoulln island nti pai iee ai itotht liolmn kcommit tee composed of archer baldwin milton rois segsworth burlington and watklns acton was appointed to look furtlier into tlie matter and report at future meeting demnstratlon on ca lion ligation completed the program arranged under the direction or the local agricultural office at milton dbituarijj william bell native or acton gnturio but rumdcnt or hamilton tor the lflit 3j yeiri william iull dttd friday nigir aft lingering illnea formerly uil building contractor hi we tern imda and retired from uctive uork year ago le aa member of the unted church he leaveu three sons and one daughter jiimei of trmvy cal gord of ivtuluma cat william duudili and mrs motl of pembroke ont also four brothers and three suteni ilenry and alfred of fias katotm satik david of hrandon man airge of hum ton mra cum mings of vancouver ii mm price or wumljug and mrs pttturium of hrandot man tlie fun erul took place on tucdny at so pm from the home of his sojl william lk11 45 lve1 strtol dundas to grove cciau ury dundas dundas star nt wfolui ht tr hm uwm hlfl tariffs subtuiiitlaj tariff reductloite shown hi tlie dunning budget will re sult hi lower costs to the consumer ths farmers also benefit by the removal of duties on farm implements motor care and gauollne as well as by increased markets for farm products all of these thing u111 stimulate employment but when we lok at the total annual ex penditure or over five hundred mlllloru of dollars sixtytwo per cent of which is fixed liability we can readily under stand that tho return to balanced budget and prosperity will of necerslty bo slow however ue are now moving in tho right direction and every step is step forward hughes cleaver la vogue ltd ladies ready to wear furs millinery iuelphsmoet modem store invites you to pome in and sec our marvellous barrainh 113 upper wyndham st gbeupr phone 852 1l hii mg kte es olarship in ttxvision and sound victwbxs the trainlnff division of liromlnment sound picture manufacturer 1a elcctlnjf lew yountf men in each district to train for future jxxiltlong in tho television and bound picture industry those selected must bo mechanically or electrically tncllndd and be willing to study spare time or evenings prec scholarship with all expenses paid including proo trarjsporta tlcn to and from the factory v111 bo awarded to tho best student write folly rta phone age occupation def0bests box 1m pkee pk3s opening dance at huttonville park friday may 15th peatoiuno willis tippings blue dragoons westkbm ontarios 1avoatn ninkiikck hand dancing prom 930 to 130 llhlts 30c centuimem soo lut included lets go comperritions ano clubs the acton eiueslng and county of halton agricultural goclctles are again each sponsoring field crop competi tion at acton tne competition is being held in cau while it georgetown and milton the competitions will be held in barley kntries have already been secured and judging by present indica tions keen competition will result boys grain clubs ore also being liponsored by the liaqueslng and auilton fair boards according to information secured from whltelock or tlie local branch of tho ontario department or agriculture upwards of 30 club mem hjcrsluiiverbccnenroilwhn the twoclubs at tlie first meeting or the milton boys grain club the election or officers re sulted as follows president addison woodlcy vicapreflldent bob beauy secretary treasurer howard king we also understand that prospects re bright for boys foal club in halton tlus year 10 is anticipated that this will be spontored by the acton fair board and will be open to all boyti to 20 years of age interest in good horses is on the increase in halton and everything polntr to splendid exhibit of foals thk coming fall patterson ro speelsllu lil ufa yyhirnlbn orthoptic treatment twalptut mgwnilhm4ll miteluuu ouelph phone 31m quality aeouracy strla we know what your ford needs your ford needs one of our fkjke specialized spring chcckups without cliarge or obligation we will step down your generator charging rate flush your radiator check your hose connections battery and engine and suggest any necessary adjustments it you decide to luve any repair or tuneup work done we will do it at specie shrine mtts and remember our mechanics arc ford specialists trained by ford fac tory service rcprcsenuties we work with precision built ford factoryapproved service quipmcnt and genuine ford parts practical experience has made us thoroughljrfamiliarwith fordengines liwtl payyait to lei us look gfteryour for nortonmotors phone g9 acton ont canadian freighter sinks after collision all savtid tlie cuniidlull planter 500ton olty of auckland 111 nantucket shouui loeuted elaht miles from canadian national steamship sound channel thu freiiehur ilyuimuport where shu lunlc th frelkihtir nliown drllllnu iiutt unk wiiom crew of thlrtyelliht were ull freighter curried wool and hide after slit wan rannutd by the ss tescutd drltud on to hurhou and believed to be inlitl loss