rn7qfflsrniry rr mry wir iwpjra the acton free press niimsdalf may 141 1938 aitoi it enough that in this 11 to wo climb steep billa erect nor need the cndlen strain if we but know that out of the darkness strife and pain will pass away and light come once again it jo enough to trust when mists creep down and drift across obscuring way side paths if but each day we with his soul be fcnt and from hfci fire of love our name be lit edith vjuute meirojiiiiisi fw new ssa nwrwl mutton rboipes lamb is frequent visitor in our homes but how about mutton after all there are some delicious mutton dishes well worth trying hot pot oy mutton and barley pound mutton cup pearl barley tablespoon salt potatoes anions celery tops or other seasoning herbs cut the mutton in pieces and brown with the onion in fat cut from meat this will help make tc meat tender andimprove tho flavor pour this into covered saucepan add two quarts water and the barley simmer for one and one half hours then add the potato cut in quarters seasoning herbs and seasoning and cook cj30hal hour longer urown fclceast op mutton cook the meat in small quantity of water untu very under seasoning it with salt and pepper little karlic and parsley drain the meat well put it into shallow pan or baking dish and broan in hot oven make thickened gravy from the utcck coloring it with little prepared caramel if desired servo meat with boiled rice and the gravy carrou may bo dolled with the meat and browned afterwords with little sugar and meat dripping if desired but over sixty years ago removed to garnla where he held good position in large lumbering business until he returned to the old home locality and purchased the farm which was the homestead of the late james jill and his fathers family on the corner of uho kverton line at the rockwood cross road as the infirmity of sge came lie retired from farming and came back to acton both mr and mrs brown died here about twenty years cr so mr ii brown tore down the old house and built the commodious horn which they occupied for number of years uclllng it to mr mccann who resided hero for time mccj nn sold it to the present owner mr fisher alter mr browns removal to sarnla mediate rftt the principal of acton school and later inspector for ho county of halton secured the little one story house for his residence hero the laborious outside work of his prln clpalhlp and of his inspectorship weni overtaken here ho compiled lovcll advanced geography worthy work used in thousands of schools in panada but for which arduous and important task he received no remuneration the firm of publishers having failed in business without meeting their obligations to mr little here too he save his valuable tjne in coaching such men as the late charles looby the late dr hector mcdonald john douglas barrister tor onto with the necessary classics atid mathematics required by the curriculum of their respective courses it was hire too that mr and mr little prepared hi outline the plxin for their magnificent new home which si od on the church street at or the property now included hi thu lawn bowling urd cnnlt gruonds and tin njdunee of mr mcdonald und llllottf it wjm understood by piquant salad drebsino can be mad three minutes bowl of boiled tabid dressing used to be at least half hour job for lndu tirlous hoiisew vea but modern kitchen magic has cut the time down to thrto or four minutes the same line flavor and freshness arc obtained without any cooking whatever the shortcut secret fa base of sweetened and condensed milk that thickens instantaneously when the vinegar la added its on economy dressing too because no eggs or oil are needed mustard saiaddrssina cup suteujicd condensed milk cup tomato catsup li cup prepared mustard thoroughly blend sucelenud conderud milk tomato castup and prepared mus tard chlu scrt on kttuce or tc tabic taliid maker cup colfctlaw dressing la cup can auicuned con delved milk teaspoon bait vt cup lnegar teaspoon dry mu tard blend thoroughly wcetcned condensed milk talb vinnjur and mustard btlr until mlxtue thicken allow to ctand feu minutes stiffen this mwj an cpcclullj tlad drehie lor cole claw maktri lj cup yvs why sot john great licavcml the engine is terribly overheated he then why don you turn off the radiator ill ntvfb uno asotitieb uithnato friends of mr little thatiiis inttntlou hi erect ng thi commodious mauilon wa that uhould eventually form the nucleus of high school build ing for acton itb spacious hallt und corridors and its larie iid lofty rooiil uould liave been admirably adapted for this purpose unfortunately death called thfe wortliy cltuen and educauoaist fifty tuo jcura ago when he was just through an attack of typh id fever in his fiftieth tar another msfcxtuna uaa tin dctructlon of thli fine edlflco by ftro about twentytvo or three veara ago when it uor the residence of mr beardmore lilce many otlar propcrtlci in town the next lot brings up many memories auay back about sixty ye aw ago and mm pratcr made their home hi neat frame house on tlic lot where the brick house occupied by mr and mrs stephen cordlner serious ulnts3 aiflll ted thl happy home within few dajs of eacli other both mr and mrs prose suddenly parsed away leaving three little children one baby dnughtx of few days ilomta ucre however promptly provided for the orphaned lit magpll the eldest was adopted bj dr oncpmr pretmont geornetoun james by mr and mrs charles bunion and kellle by captaja concluded my recollections of acton and mn william allan when jaine carlkr dajs in this column last week uas bo at school there ucre three of ulth the william grant property at th the name in the sjm home and they corner of rredcrlck street an esteem dwcrc dcjlpmted thus by the famili god hlfi1 my dear old mother wliate cr my fortune be 11 never hnd another who 11 be true to me rlt hair which once uas raven li lined witii silver tiou and crafty time lias graven deep wrinkles in her brow yet though her brow bear traces of trouble ml of care 10 me mother face the fulrt of the fair so under and reiving as tulle as dove ah life ucre not worth living wltliout my mother love 11 often wlien complaining of lives pcrplljdng care when luugnt there teemed remaining save countless tils to bear my mothervi gentle chldhig has turned my thoughts above and roused fa th abiding in gods redeeming love god blcsd my dar old mother bright be each laur jeur 11 never find another whom may hold dea oh how my life uould alter if mother were not near aiullu myiieart would falter without her uords of cheer prom the old scnp book and more enemble cltburn uum mywll uncle jimmle nt me reminder of building on thu joint le lte uhlch anle dited the william grant bu idlntr lb ux there tlut the build in uhlch brouni drug store uii llrt located thl nib moved down treet to its prccnt eiu about seventy live or eifhtv years ago on thl next lob ulure mr and mr lh no have their plendid tuo slori brlc dmct tin firs re ldentj nou recall utre mr and fr rrancl sllngerland and tlulr son jack tin uoj small hoiiic on tlie property sometime aft tlicj came they decided that the easiest uay to ilcc uis ro into store keeplnc jinim and nellie uos made tv feel that hc ui real daughter in ciptaln allan inot dutlf1 tliuphter to hi fo ter pienu she mjitled the latl john irton bar rister thej tiled in sivm ondor and here he won national reputation lj creat corutltutionil uwjer and councillor at lau dmwer stories uvm biiockc brlljui tourist journeyed front caho to uio pyrartldj hred byvo mantle tale ho felt feuxo he had re iched the land where nothing ivoring of we tern civilization would up i1e to duluib tho ai ii ib in osphere lv01llaajlkxiilijljlvllomll uly wan nltrtiinini her fi icr milt on art you me ou can eut your nuit slie ilel after walehing his trii le oh yes he replied will ut iciluni up from hi plate wo often luva it oi touj qj tliu at home thwt iixung him 1qr two hours he hid been tho pea of the party his imitations wlil tumble niiikini onywhero fu in georle arli to humminj in vieuf they rented the mall building on main street betuecn the dominion hotel pr perti and mr george ben ton double brick houc tliey put in ft stock of gr ccres and ailed in to afur the deith tf ind flr iyoj thtr hoax becime the home of luke olutllj and fimilv mr re illy wx for carr the cjulet oblllni bagrhe living man at tlic boforc the lae wl thli samuel laird the pre cnt brick liu ua built by suackhamer and resided there for number of years durng the ldencc tliere liter of th arthur fjmlly lire occurred on night ulun andrew narrowly icaed tieilltcr oi tnpiil rich previous exiklence in mercantile busl nttu nor the remote idei of the rela tion betueen cails and celling price or time uie torc uas very pular suphen cordlner bought th rnc lot some ears ago and from the brick jiop on the corner the rough cat hoore and uie cenunt bl ick hoax ountd by people could buy goods at their oun uld mr cleave was built by preen the children cieclally fouiu aft lllc burning of lit bl ice sltniirljndi cwdy department bun mlul un mnln street at uil time anza ihi were ju as likely lm mck xty tuo ri tl half pound of ueets fur penny llim glwor ucurul ths lit an uie ounce or tuo the cost sale should mcud ry brick building tor luve been the price lie ucccju urk mith hp liw jarn likr in the tore uaned ulth the depletion of rllll to ri john canu ran th criiinil lock und th demuncl or rinirtt mt irpenti hop ml the ul le ihrs ulun time fo th uni min uilltoll arn 11 pijmnw tf accruing bllli rime ar una imm hli vt ry niece tivi mufaeturt in tin un mons acrotts the street drove the lively baseballs of those days into the garden more anon 1lanting boses the buoeesaful eatawlnhment of roee pbuit ha new poaltdon depends to largo extent on the observance of few important details xa planting more rose catalogues carry hastnictlono for the guidance of customers but una ad vice is xiiiliz generally available to those who purchase their plants from the dc partmenu stores of our larger cities ob sbxnstaa gfwomeog putitn hbftu set has prompted this article plants from he above nource or those obtained croat distant nursery are immensely benefitted by bring immersd in deep water as soon on recttvrd prom 12 to 34 iwjurs is enough if the ground is then unlit for planting they should be placed in shallow trenches and com pletely covered with damp soil making it firm about the rootu and comparative ly loose over the branches early planting is desirable and im portant but should not bo attempted until uio ground is frostfree to con siderable depth hnd has loai its stlckl ileex xjiirln ian ting and at all times loob must be protected trim ro longed tioda of exposure to tun and air aj the morden kxpi rlmental station larg tub of water li placed bi central pcul on tatev cu tlic plan hi bull aid pall is uxh1 tetcarrya fwatti hiuc to where thuy arc needed the liole for the reception of he roou chould he ulde enough to allow them to be opread to uielr greatest extent ihd little draper than et ma neers thu ejcliu deptli euublcs the pi inter to place the plant in 1l proper position by uiaklng it during tlic proce of flllmg hi the hole allowing tho soil to how beneath and among the roiu until uie plant rest ai the required level when uie filling th is completed und trodden firmly the crown or that pot of uie plant from uhlch the branches radiate uhould be two inches odow the surface the roseo arc then pruned by removing all weak growth and cut tbi back the stronger bronehej to within six inches of the ground tlic cat 1l ij made one half inch above bud pun lng outuardu or away from the plant centre homt find two email boya were ualklng in the wootti seeking for adventure and what uiey might and one picked up chest nut burr tommy he called excitedly come here quick ive round porcupine egg gtteay monltvts the great momenta of life are but momenta like the others your doom ken in uord or tuo unglc loo from the tje nitre procure of iil hand na decide it or of the ilpi uiough the cinnot peil th curav slice banana intp bowl of kchogga pico knspirs pour on iriilk or cream youve never tasted cereal uiatcombincsbo well with the flavor of ripe fruit rico krispics are nour ishing and caiiy to digest at grocera everywhere in the mother goose etory package made by kellogg iri ilondon ontario isp they actually crackle in milk or cream mwl only wciung hvuiul can you tct tha ttuurarica of unfailing and completely abtomatic food proiection mads pouiblo by thp excluuvs hermetically waled dual automatic unit most beautiful refrigerator its triumph of modern deiign tint weitinghouea golclau jubilee rfngorntor the ihustra tion give you tome idc of the graceful timplicny of line tliat will never he outmoded but it cannot do justice to the jnow white duluv finuli and the leim ing chromium hardwire youll have to tee it for younclf to reall appreciate iu beauty the most efficient too and tiven more important to you it its ability to tivo you efficient tervi you ii appreciate the high apeedanalioy froiter that offer fait freezing of deuert and tea cubes also the ejecto cube ica tray built in vegefibu crispr stor dor nnd otlier features jr leishman acton ontuiio westinohouse refrigerator new lieutenantgovernor noted yachtsman 1aluc mullb ttjt carter th nt limll nrtl ir itn tlu bje to at bird in tho far coriiur had beiti uuhijf thu man with the rewed up fuc wluit would ou jikdto bit ind hnltute now7 asked the the iiian moved ihr kt tlow about ground hot ihul een it shadow mr am jkt xt nth urn in th ud in th wtut uu time mr john ij own tiu it ri ud ruloun bom ht thu priputy he and mr nmnu ipj1 uithirltlth ml iu in iw llrouu ind th lr hi rbert lived tluro llls llr uiiium tr mn ihrbtrt un ambit liil bu itlva about fifteen ycaru til little miik jn lie dni li la tlu ri lon pi uit tlu the yiunj ura uwxl tle ildcwallea unci inn enntr of th to kate in ulun he ri lood ulur sturey ol ivi co whkh hi und hu int or lei in old plonk idivyalles wi ulh tully toiuhict mr huueier wh1 dial roiilur than tlu arn ll htlu and mill thi in lntr cuneiit pieimnl the bia lui lui rl and udii hilliujj if re pnul in tha da to have pal lllt hriu ln lnl clt th old roek or liltr runn lcat hi brtk ihop on tin conn mt in umdin it and utrapwd to th ubli datllliiir hi vihlth mr ljitllih ii jitruju utir btlnn ud mr it uvt it untl finitlv rrucd luto tlu htl cf thi ixut wlthwldi and mr mil mr co olbuim hmtf fctatloiwvy icrew in the ijtatl ud ininm mnvid to tho iri letb one diy ploulnu ul ul jr at tin uib if planing inlll cm plr of tlu ill mam htret irlor ti mr qibbonn iuid wild lvylntf biueluiullh hop tlu wui vuemv chiirltrt hill uswl it uh ulmi plot gov fc uxht hy central lrevs canadian vmeiuver miv urltui co tntnhi ii new licutennnt ovcrnor rie wi rj imher is well known in tortlnt nnd lndurtriul ii in cunadi nnd mnce his nr vivitl hi vuueouvor ui lflu3 luia id roiuinent part in bulldiutf up the lumber indu try of bhtlih ci hinihi inri nnn pliyt ieully mr uiiuhir has ulwny bten inttu in ithlltiejji iilthouj not tin uctivo partitip mt in reei nt yeiiu ho uan eommodoro of the ltoyul vun couvtr yacht eluh for many ye im und lily yueht vencedor untl hiu ciiilj tloop lndy van aro well known in eousuil wutini uoildcd yuchlini ho ma for wany yij been lover of tho lurf ho juiw un excclhut ktublo ot ruclnij und ikjio ponletl bonl id wlnnlpof in winnipeg his btrlhpluee mr lumber wi nt to work in thu do nut httli uu bl uulk th fuhloiird icudcm to ukaui herbi tia in try ntf he vry shortly rrplud ean kkuu us bood ils you cn mr urowu newtr iwild uiu property und ofun tli vtuctiibuci ueiv ierluslv truiupl tl uu uhcti tlie bljf idbterti ul uu buveball inutcht on tlie bui eom fcrld wrrte llkhibr una mr xlambcr conslde ruble ortuno is ln order icavy tliouldlrs developed by his illlu ibl tli of 111 when uiut he ean indulge hiie liking for ho unto tctvuiicouvor it wu us outdoor poit golfhilrcata him ix ulr row1 brunch muiiuler trtun 1111 to wlun thtio la nothlnieuu to do 7n 1035 ho was hpihjlntiul to uie 1113 hu win tnunuu or th london uu doui tei uln but he more ut bonid of lovernom of the unlver hrunch of thu dominion bank in homo tlu wuter in ulinost uny inly of dc he ii tnetnber of iikltuid tntm of eiufl the 1roviiiliul helurnid soldiers ho marrl vuuinr irl he huu bt in im inb rofaivrrul tiiminu lun fellow of thu ltoyul iliihi aldyi it llemlrv uu in ml hi ni iotikliip iowin teutm uinone colomul in tllute at lindon nnd iohud hu thi in un in tl hum the funiouu loionlo areo ftllow ol the ciiuidliti military in mill hint mid ii win nnuts when th weio ut tin height utllulc ut loiontii sivtrul rtlur mr llumir hu ifdv nf thulr silee lit bulb ht iu uikuiiljillan biili koelul und ort thii tin ii he lip winder of waut with ulmoul loo iiil hilni lilni iiumber business directory medical dr mcniven ffcjtleua and karreoo oqloo and residence gonier boww avenue and elgin street dr nelson phyafelan and szen electro therapy phao dr wm cullen rfajcun tad rtiiniian orrtoo hours 14 and comer frederick and 1hd etnvte tefephone 128 1xol tone no 33 bos ut harold naskmer mux street aoton ojtt houm jo to 13jdo kioon 00 to 500 aoturdayl2 0o oclock kenneth langdon barrister soudtor kaiary ottlces acton oe overt scynuckscate xbdn or appotntmcnbj phone acton qeorsetown bs ofmce llours acton tuesday thursday 15 to 4jso fr to ingd on request entafc mirhanaw dental office lii irishman block lout oam until tre ksntnaw by appointment ott for extractions closed wednesday artemooo phooa lit pearen dental moved to our new quirtera la the syinon uloclc uiu screet aeion phono 39 vetkilinaily dr bruyns veierinary pironk 135 aoton ontario ohic uu1 btreot mjscalxaneous francis nunan bookblnder account books or all idnda tamd to order periodicals of every description carefully bound huliiyrneauy and promptly done wyndluun street quelnh out general blfciallzk in life fire health and accidmr automobile windstorm plate glass boiler fidelity konda annuities and all general linei of insurance ajjjo ocean steamship tickets llaoing comtanuji exciblxent ifaciutle uon of cahaja for wiwni only freci wriht acton ales sale an aft fcouttl w4ay uloi kutlea by prlntod tnalter akv luwcai fag bofct iiuii guiu