mm two the acton free press thubsdax may slit ims ijr arton jffreeflrfab pobuahsd kasy ihuridaj mt ratesoo tf tlslud suu joo addlllocial slnlcopl suesouption tales joe addraasea should ivca advance iea sc both old ben change ol requeued addresa canceixationswo find that most ol our iiub aohbava pteler not to hae their subsclotloo jnterrunted taiaao tw lall to remit betoro explratw whila aub acrtptlona wul not be carried inarremr oter an period yel unless we the anbacriber notified to cancel we assume nlahea the aenrlce continued advertising bates on application and as glren in various column headings although everv precaution will be taken avoid error the preo fees sccepts advertising in lis columns on the uodcrelamlink that it wul not be liable lor any error in adverftemnt published hereunder unless drool uch advertisement is requested in wrtml by thsdrlr and returned to the free press baskes office duly signed by the advertiser and ltb such error of eorroclonplsinly noted in ritng thereon jndln that rase il any etrorso noted is not corrected by tne free pre it liability hau not eced such proportion ol the entire cost ol such advertisement as the space occupied by fh noted error bear to the whole pace occupied by such advertisement attlol bills editor telephones ejitorlsl and llulne office residence canadian exports gain canadas domestic exports in march amounted to 572030000 compared with 58099000 in march year ago an increase of about 24 per cent exports to the united kingdom were 20757000 compared with 21323000 gain of 25 per cent while exports to the united states was 26846000 compared with 21916000 an increase of 22 per cent not right bqeause popular during the depression there were numerous books and pamphlets issued and reached jur desk telling of various mens methods of getting out of our difficulties last week we take it sign of rrtnm ofhcttcitimslry received booklet titled lotteries why they must bo legalized for us the author is leon trcpanicr an alderman in montreal this man in his opening remarks would seemingly desire to convey the impression that the sweepstakes ticket is the only gamble that appeals to him wo havent digested all the argument of the booklet yet but glance through it shows quite an accumulation from wide field has been gathered just because thing may seem at the moment to be quite popular docs not however make it desirable we hear great deal these days of the wealth having been accumulated by the tew to the detriment of the masses if the lottery is legalized it will certainly notmakc toward any correction of this wrong well readily admit that people do seem to like being fooled and that countless dollars are lost by those who can ill afford it in various forms of petty chance games the racket that used to be popular only at fall fair time now is worked in variousforms the year round that docs not however make the thing nvht what we need is not le of lotteries the sunday school lesson fob sunday may zth birojoikopon the futurta tvjmpcmnco lcawm oouien text in jour putionoo yo shall win your aoula xjiko 21 10 leuon text jjlko 30 4647 21 3430 time 30 march places in the temple at jerusalem and mount of olives exposition protession without practice 45tl logical construction the intimation that ontario will spend large sums this year in construction of new highways in an effort to improve the unemployment situation opens up again the question of completing that strip be tween acton and milton and joining no with highway 26 at milton the previous government gave the assurance that this highway would be the first undertaken in the county the middle road across the lower end or the county however receiv ed the preference ana the upper section the promise during the time since the promise of this northern connecting strip the county has proceeded with widening out and now the stretch is completed and ready for highway construction we understand that this preparation by the county was in accord ance with instructions from the provincial depart ment its construction at this time would provide employment for number of unemployed close to th section where there are numbers of men available both in toronto and hamilton the section is such logical one that no doubt the department hus it in mind in the present plan of highway expendi ture and improvement what of the future in the opinion of mr bennett the country cannot stand an eight per cent sales tax he is reported ns saying in the debate can this country stand an sales tax in my judgment it cannot have given as much thought to this as can because have no desire to interpose any objections to the efforts madi by the government to do what it is so unxionstodo namely to establish nn equilibrium between income and outgo but we must face tho facts frankly do not see how this dominion from what know of its economic structure can stand an sales tax it ic tnv wljrh the ministers predecessors felt could not safely be im posed those who axs paying and that includes most everyone will similnrly object and we as one of the many dont like it any better than anyone else but we have hope that such levy will not be for long we have recollection that does not need to go back very far to recall when mr bennett came into power that the sales tax was only one per cent and we think penny postage was also part of our privileges five years of the policies which he con sidered forthe best interests of the country brought the sales tax up postage and every other tux cou ceivuble on the upwaru plamit rro prospect trf lowering the legacy of his policy would it seem call for the eight per cent tax if we had though in mind that the eight per cent tax was but fore runner of the many increases that characterized the policy of til lust government we could unticipgte ten and twelve per cent levies und conceive of mr bennetts alarm new policies of trade are being put into operation by the governmeit of this duy they will ndt have their effect until year possibly two years from now in the meantime revenue must be maintained and an effort made to keep debt from increasing if the eight per cent levy wus perman ent fixture mr bennett might have cause for alarm the present system stood his increase of five per cent his higher postage and whatnot but they didnt stand for the prospect of no improvement under his guidance its not jhc conditions of tli moment that stifles but the outlook bu the future that dampens the desire to progress but legal action to stop thcmaiict protect fliowwuo arc foolish enough to believe they can win against them we havc securities commission to stamp out the swindling of stock selling why not an en forcement of the laws to prohibit the swindling of tho smaller change from the gullible no nln called rorjji from christ jfuch ncathlng denunciation us that ot faypo crfcijr cf matt 33 il3q tho scribes recognized teachers ot the jcwlfih jwopte by their garment and their outward do meanor faiade jreat show of lty they made long prayers in public before tho adpilrlng multitudes and loved be called by fln titles tnich as kabbl teacher master but jesus saw through this religious prelenso to iho falsity grocd and wickedness of their hearts llct 13 nothing enduring can be built on fakiity the very corncrstxie of tlie christian life sincerity ls the outstanding feature of hypocrisy is love of mans praise and honor tho scribes have many lmltatom today many uoi ecclesiastic is profcsi big desire to magnify his ortico when what he is really seeking is to magnify himself the wortta of our lord are clear and unmistakable such men shall receive the greater damnation matt 24 51 ii the widows gift commended 21 14 national xteseach awajus thirty brilliant students selected from thirteen canadian unlvesltlss have been awarded postgraduate scholarships for the year 103037 by tho national re acarch council at ottawa the policy of assfciung exceptional studenta to pur sue post graduate work in canadian unl vcrsluco has been followed slnco the inception of the council tthc object being tobulld up in canada supply of train ed aclentifitn capable of undertaking and carrying through any research lnvest igatdons rctniired in the promotion and development of industrial processes look ing to tho better or more profitable util ization of canadian raw materials and the expansion of markets for canadia products awtdsarofthrecf asvi hurajirj 50o studentships 0oo fellowships 700 the grants this year included two fellowships eleven studentships and seventeen bursaries sowing on fertile but unprepared ground time have deserted their homes and their business and even put on whits robes to meet him this is in express dkircgard of ills command so far oa wq know jesus may come at any moment but our only proper attitude is that of prayerful waiting repent ance towards god faith in jcmis christ and ufo lived sincerely and honestly under the guidance of the holy spirit is the only preparedness needed against that day arc we cureless and lndlf fureiit tuken up wlul worldly pleasures and cares foritetful of tho tilings of ood tlic day of the lord is coming as snare watch ye therefore lite ways and pray always an especial hies ing is pronounced upon those servants whom the lord jlnds watclilng when hi comes luke 12 30 cuius el an sciknci mo nit oh if you want to sell advertise editorial notes the output of central electric stations in canada reached new high in march of 2135460000 kilo watt hours summer sports are getting away to real start but the early gardens got severe set back with the frost of the week next week the conservative party will chose leader and this week the debate for the various favorites holds tho limelight simcoe has collected 2175 for licenses of slot machines and pin boards and yet it is not securing revenue from all in operation it is claimed good intentions arc at leasthe seed of good actions and every one ought to sow them and leave it to the soil and the seasons whether he or any other gather the fruit lindsay will hold plebiscite on beer parlors on july 15th these local voting dates nre becoming so numerous that saving would be made by holding general provincial plebiscite the death of tom marks last week recalled the days of packed crowds in the town hnll when his company used to play for three or four nights every yenr in acton and other towns 20 day for rooms and meals at 10 and 11 day were among the expense accounts of the radio commission as brought oui at the probe is that what the license fee is used for tho poor widow who had real love for god our lord is greatly interested in the spirit in which we make our oltcr lngti to god he saw rich ncn casting in their gifts into tho treasury ha saw also tho rellglou1 affectation with which they did so their cetcntlon and love of display jesus measures greatness and littleness by very different standard from that of the world thetw magnl flcent gifts mark 12 41 culled forth no word of commendation from him christ docs not car what man has but what ho sam 16 but unnoticed by anyone in the throng ex cept jfeaus poor widow camo and cast in two mites tmm so small that it would equal only fraction oi cent but in uu eyes of jesud more than the total of what the rest had given jesus taw the sincerity and selfdenial bade of the gift and it touched ilim so much that he thought it worthy of lus dwi ciplef attention the the hi had given of their supertluity jirv she had given litr nil in thciight of god giving of ones superfluity costs little and counts for little all that we paii is hlii we hold it only in trust but glvinu which calls for selfdenial cists much and counts for much for it ia evidence of our faith in gods providence it wqli this trust in god which made the widows elft so precious in jesus sight our riving is the measure of our faith the important qututlon nbzut our gifts ls not do they bring applause from men but do they please god are they in such proportion to our means iu to be real evidence of our faith in ills fatherly noidness nndcivre marie 11 22 peter 17 no act of ouro is too trifilng to be noted down in the book of ills re membrance little did the poor widow dream that her clft at once t3 small and so great would pass into history and live through the centuries to stir th hearts of millions iii warning aguinat false cliruuj 59a these verses in the first part of our lords treat prophetic utterance foretell the coming destruction cf jerusalem and the end or the jewish diiperuiatlon hu worcki were litcrnlly nnd frightfully ful lllled some forty years later tho cloy was razed the temple destroyed and more than million perished ques tioned by ills disciples tv to when thrsj thinru would take place jesus lirft reply according to radio news acton is the first town to undertake community amateur radio program over cfrb its up to us to see that it has the best of the amateurs represent acton on this community teature an exchange tells ot beverage room being added to local hotel and completes the item this will bo decided improvement for the accommoda tion of the public those things arent built for the accommodation of the public ond after short time youmlfind it outhrthatown7 brother there were 4250 accidents reported to the work mens compensation gourd during the month of april decrease of 593 from the month of march and 23g less than the number during april year ago the benefits awarded amounted to 13051102 of which 31001725 was for compensation and 0049137 for medical aid alcohol wus given as un unseen and unreported uuse of many deaths uniong chronic drinkers in itudy reported to the american psychiatric associujsluil be raised is warning against those who wouln cmb falsely claiming to be the christ cf actu 36 27 john 10 we need to lay to heart this warning of jesus today perhaps never in the his tory of the world were there more me profewilng to luverome new doctrine or religion which ir better than christian ity anyone who brings mutilated cr changed gospel belong to these false chrlsts they deceive many but true child of ood will soon detect tlje false note in their utterance tliat many are healed through tlielr initru mentallties proves alkiolutely no tiling jiu sid of them that they would ahow rl rnrexul ttudy uf prophecy will help to keep us from fall ing prey to these wolviii in slieeps clothing matt 16 iv watch ye therefore 3430 this command unquestionably refers to the appearing of jesus cluitt yet to come luke 31 1mb covers long perld of time the entire gentile age the doctrine of the second coming la liated by worldly church and worldly chris tians but nothing more iure than that when lw tlnuj of the oentlles lire ilnlhid christ coming jgain at mluch time ihctui who ure usleep lu ilun the members of his btdy cook county pychopathic hospitul ly of 21 deaths which he found due to alcohol he said the coroner attributed only five to that cause missing 78 per cent they were mifeud dr urse ihkiu of chicago receih buever iw transformed acls oll cur 15 j3 thui 17 it ls not the will or ood that my man nhould kniw the day or the lum of liw coining mutl 31 acts iil uid the wrrtsl things that sum because presumably lutul ulcolinl may full to behng to god nvrrtli leave clear traces he suggested need for eeiurii ution of the true role of chronic ulcoholism never hoeif ttimi nime of jealu that litrit hn tlist uuy could reckon elfjaw thfrc hca this utter at itt not bellivml out the eifuiit carrolls spring fruit sale any guewcoi jams 25c bsjo pears peaches skh cj pvbj ernes crown brand orn syrup slb 2lb pail 37c 16c gold ev4poft apricots you may eat tkcm raw or sawdl figs economical and dalkloui evaporslad lb peaches foi bsulnj oi candy dates with stones ib 23c 13c 17c 5c xx ubf qtm hami free sj all ui or dclnilil ps st ckatli evspoutsd milk canollt bloj coffee lb ssuds twb ea blown plig rownbss dtitch obcoa rowhuasf gslilnf chocolate ci 16c aunt jstalms psnesut flour ps 29c cstlw pan mpl syrup 16 bu 19c 15c 25c 31c 31c 19c tciafe foi sandwlct puin will puialo chateau cheese pl3s 27c shortbreads 27c ssiw wllk coy mthmi tomato ketchup btk 35c hum mill cldi oi wui wl salad vinegars t612 bil 25c tendur squaf dil peas tins jc juice ioo mhio kin old sardines sisong 5ibing brooms 25c in ska polish 12c klib hudwui castile 14c gold soap 18c foi wilunamuhlioi rinso is pa 21c carrolls limited lettuce fi tomatoes lbs oc nirftr mi heads js ipirm ripe fci icebekg xirsnige ineai und juity 29c navel sweet und juity medium large bananas yellow 23c golden yellow medium largi firm green heads agl een heads 2lbs 9c potatoes floury cookers leck 33c carrots nice silie ilunclief pineapple cuhan rest for preserving nice size fresh 5c potatoes 4n 25c lemons size 19c acton free delivery phone 158 store closed saturday night 1030 pm