thttrflday may 3ut mbo thacton free press mo fish the family was seated at the table with guest who waa business nqimlntannq or dads all ready to cn yyy the meal when the avsyearold aoa blurted out why mother this is roast beer yes answered the mother what ot it wed pop said this morning that he wae cots to bring big fish home for dinner tonight pgijamije witness pint teu1 story teller yes air actually saw man swim the atlantic second tall story telle sure am tfadtohaaryoitsay so oouldataat people to believe it hut now have witness was the man thab did it the fewer police forces there are tn any country the more efficient wux the police work be sir jamea uac tinrty founds of botteb feb iiead according to provisional estimate the people of canada consumed 3001 pounds cx and 01 pounds of cheese psc head of population in 1035 when 338 30070 pounds of butter and 30573341 pounds of cheese were djbpoood of in 1034 the consumption of butter was 33682404 pounds or per capita con sumption of 3113 pounds between 1033 and 1034 there was an increase amount ing to almost pound per head but the 103 figure is just about three quarters of pound above the 0033 fig ure and loss than onehalf pound above the 1033 estimate in other words the average run of consumption of butter lso 30 per he of population the consumption of cneeaoin70anada in 1035 is estimated at 30573341 pounds or j361 pounds per head of population this jo practically the same per capita figure aa in 19m but compared with 1953 shows the small increase of 0j3 pound and an lncrease of 036 pound compared with 1033 dinner stories imagination works the country tanner had given permission to an old irishman to sleep in the barn that night the fanner went around to the bam to see that the man was comfortable and found him lying on heap of straw with drainpipe for pillow dont you find that pipe hard asked the farmer no yer honor said fal tvt filled it with straw as it seems to child utile girl sitting in church watching wedding suddenly ex claimed mummyfsauilaa her mind wnt do yon meant the mother asked why replied the child he went up the atst with one man end came back with another good college joke you in the back of the root what wga the dste of the signif of the magna carta dunno you dont eht weld lets try something else who was bonny prince charley dunno weu then can you tell zne whs thereflnjs court oath wasf dunno you dont assigned this stuff last friday what were you doin last nightr was out drinking beer with itlrnrts you were what audacity to stand there and teh me thing uk thatl how do you ever expect to rasa this courser wal donx mister lou see just come in to fix the radiator quads pay quints visit he famous key quadruplet gtrv3cot nobeita lert to right were pictured ns they boarded tram th it look thsb to callander ont wheie tlicy nut the dionne quintuplets nnd invited thtm to vi it tux durinj th centennial year all the kirk aie accomplished mujicianb tluy vi tied toronto on their way home scorrs scrapboou by scon mch eveu tcuoww wfcj hit qussiw mactlhow ekhibrtld im euoopt ucfottl fuli would wao wac ofee1 ill hands wltjt lonq in odopf clofh u6umay ai4lt fmj3w sulpuijmwl0 calfbn oilwhial 14 almot mwmsi ahp lubwica1v wk iu oriw wvk wymucit ut ihoh ipttd wcavlmc of macillhf rymp rrr corn lariil fbucn itvaa wcapom sfi uu upvivjli4 l4 5owll kalian viuaau louptrflfiout aits utu befwsah mattksmtm ultp 3fr4s flnas ljnrt tnrg the crossroad of life by earl ileed silvers althe baldwin seated hira aelf beside me on steps of wmetlo iloll how arc you oeneral he asaxd flnemattr he relapsed into silence his chin cup ped in hie hands it was nine oclock of an evening in late spring and the scent of warm earth and growing plants was in the air xa another few weeks college would close for the long vaca tion and there was every reason for matthew to he at peace with the world in the light of the dormitory entrance however could see his troubled eyes whats bothering you matt asked nothing he answered shortly respected hla evident desire for silence and leaned back against one of the etone pillars of tifae porch two students came up the gravel path said goodnight and passed into the build ing replied only mechanically for was thin ring of matthew baldwin whose clouded eyes were gazing straight ahead matthew had come to college from one of the dty high schools he was dls tlngtnahed the members of the freshman class by an ease of manner and grace of bearing which were tin usual in an eighteenyearold boy it became rumored thai his family was of colonial stock he had quiet dignity which the respect even of upper dawnnen xt was reported tnatl he had travelled widely and knew europe like book matthew made no attempt either to deny or to affirm the rumors in hi freshman year in spite of the fact that some of hla classmates were inclined to resent what they termed has highhat tedness he was elected vicepresident of his class and freshman representa tive on the student council his name was included in the honor roll at the end of the term and he was popular with both students and professors why eventually he should have de cided to confide in me is question aa everybody knows who lias attended italrltan for tlie post thlry year am the night watchman the boys call mo oeneral cobb although have 10 mili tary or naval ranking back in tho dlabant past ulncss forced me to dis continue toy own college career and took my present position since that time many colkg drama has unfolded bofore my eyes none was more interesting than the ntnry which mattliew baldwin reoounud ciio evening at uhf end of his sophomore year luul just nniiduxl jl casual in spection of buildings and had returned to the parch of the dormitory matthew woe there sitting on the weather scar red divan in tlw tiluidowa general lu aaid have just received word of my election to cap and bells thats fine answered cap and bells waalrwj junlorlonfl honorary society and was glad to hear of hit election imvc refused the election stated mattlwrw quietly my eyes opened in amassment he must have noted my ourprlu for he stood up and amiled rather quizzically its long story oeneral but if youll came to my room ill tell you about it when luul seated myself in the only rftmfnhnhli rn hit rn mnt thow looked over at mc from tlic cenre table and elenred hls throat hav retimed election to cap and bills he sild because am not iurc that am worthy of 11 tim very fact tliat you uerc elected means tliat you are worthy nrfpled ycu dont understand the half of it oeneral he picked paper weight from the dcilc and jucnlcd it thought fully you have hoard rumors pcrlinn faoti iw thw lact tliat have travelled lot will tho colonial background juab fairy tale but have done lot of travelling he laid down the paper weight and grip ped the edge of the tnble my fathor war trans atlantic rambler he said looked up puzikvi and bit cm burrancd but the lads eyi mtt mine unfllnclilngly im not proud of it oeneral and you txxc the first penon mentioned it to since cimc tw college my dad was card hark he pliytd on ljie big liners oini to europe and made quite lot of money in tlu summers uhen uaint ut school liu uould take me with him my mollitr illud wlumttwiurthri otfl ilr sometlung caught ln 111 throat but matthew iuullouid lurd and rtmiiikil lili jtory tor long time didnt know what diulu buitnui uim although lu uaj uliail playing qurtu that left me to mjiulf and blcuue was cute looking ydungiitet people made quite filh1 over iii unlued rilf ajairaue it doesnt make any difference what your father was said so long as you yourself have measured up to certain utandnrde lhesmlled ratber oenerall but tm nob sure tnat ivo measured up to the standards required surely theres no doubt of that aald there la ho maintained and avoid ed my eyes am the aon of gam bler and sometimes the temptation to play cards is so strong that can hardly resist it ive managed to hold off eo far but theres no telling when might weaken he looked over et me hard light in his eyes tm not going to join anything until know in my own heart that have conquered this temptation in spite of my arguments he was firm and agreed finally that he was acting courageously so matthew did not accept election to cap and bella and word spread around the campus that he oormidered himself boo good even for an honor society in junior year however his popular ity increased he was elected varsity footjball manager and vicepresident of the selfoovernrnent board hie fellow students instinctively tmssted him and he became bit more sociable now as he sat with cupped hands on the porch of the dormitory could sense thai sofbettamr wu bothexing you asked again he looked up gravely have been elected member of the honor club aald thats nothing to be grouchy about know he spoke so softly that could scarcely hear membership in the honor club is the goal of all elud enta it has always been my big ambi tion and now and now what asked he opened ids hands in gesture of helplessness and now he said im facing the same problem that factid loot year only in different way dont get you mau lost spring wlien refused election to cap and bells it was because wasnt sure of myself but during the past monthe ive conquered the urge to gamble and and iv feel im worthy of membership general youll accept then llo leaned forward on uie steps hw elbows on his knees its question of money now some investments which the trust company mode for mo have decreased in value had eicpected to have enough to uee me through college but next fall there will be very little except wliat can make this summer do you feel that you may not be able to return to collego he nodded it wouldnt be right fur me to join the honor club knowing tlut might not come back and the chances aro that iuant liaviouah money it occurred to me that it would be an easy matter to arrange scholarship and loan for matthew and was jurt about ta tell him so when he spoke agnln want to come back oeneral and wear the white hat of the honor club want to wear uie pin which is an inbignia of honor it can be fixed up somehow mat tlicrcs only one way tliat know of tils voice wasnudrtenlvrmrd yon have heard about lockners havent you general yea said locknerv was boft drink store downtown it was the headquarters of group of men old and young who con stltuted the gambling element of col legevllle they ere townsfolk not college boys there are card games down there continued mattliew tonclewly the ful although they think they are but know all my fathers tricks and the urge in my veins could go to lockncrs general and in few nights of playing win my expenses at college for next jear vou could do that agreed could return next fall and not worry about ilnancfti culd have pete alnsuood the football captain for roommati and could join tlu honor club he relaid into silence his he ml boucd over hi chupld hand united my heart huivj within me year ago tvruttheu hldi ef lt eti clttr litcap trmt bfl tohpc iluttttetpirmy vattfott worthy of memb nhlp now gjiired itill greater honor he uould stoop to gambling in order to attain it lie must hav wmed my thoughts for iiuddenlj lie looked up it may lchi wr mi to you general but you cant really thuo uni facing crossroid if have to haw college year with und polish and acquired mannera wlilh aucevns in sight shall probably tuvur mm luck to finish ulun entinci colli ge but two yeiru drifter and 111 fttl that have faili uhook my head im afraid not matt you are standing at crossroad as you soy but you ww have to decide your self what road you lake when you have decided you will need to follow it he made xu reply after time he stood up im turning in lie announc td good night oenerall oogd nlghtl said eat alone cji tho porch trying to convince myself that had done right in not offering guiding hand to mat thew at tho crossroad might have told him that if by gambling ho mode possible his membership hi the honor club he would not be worthy of mem benihtp had left the decision to htm how ever it was the best way if he chose the right path ho would go straight aicwaucceesr on the night btfore the annual elec tions to the honor club stood at the entrance to ihe old kings building the next day at noon the members of tho junior claos would march out of chapel and toko their places in two long lines in front of iclng active members of the club dressed in cap and gown would tap on the shoulder those juniors who were deemed worthy of membership would matthew baldwin be among them asked myself the question and could find no answer feeling of restlessness possessed me and walked across the campus to the porch of wllleus hall seated on the top step became lost in reflection two days before had visited the dean of men and arranged for scholarship and loan for matthew wanted him to have his chance provided he wae worthy of the door of the dormitory opened but did not look up boms one sat down beside me hello oeneral said voice it wat matthew youre up late suggested yes agreed matth gentiy ive fftmn at my window looking out over he campus didnt realise until lately how much it all mesvnt to me he shifted his position and spoke im leaving at the end of the year what about the honor club asked ifs no bo he answertd since we were here lout wpek ive thought things out the only way could have ac cepted election would have been by doing something unworthy of it so didnt go down to lockncrs youre not quitting matt told him and youre going to be tapped for ihe honor club tomorrow he looked at mo doubtfully have not enough money for senior year lie stated simply told him about uie schalarslup and the loan and his eyes filled suddenly with tears thats white of you oen eral lie said thlngu have come out all right after all yes agreed and because rm just sentimental old man readied out and took matthews hand id like to ahnkc hands with gentleman sold pass t1ikm on thefe arc many valuable lessorw to be learned from defeat yes replied senator sorghum but they arent any good unless you can teach them to uie other fellowi plenty opvstiwb hotel manager here are some photcgraplis which give very good views of the hotel if youd like to take them away with you sir departing guest no thank ec ive got my own viewti of the hotel which im going to take away with me if scientific research is allowed to go on for eight or ten ccnulrlcs all ulscsceo may be suppressed dr alexia carrel mule me pritty month ipeciiiu onu back to finish my courue ill be but if graduate can get it job as uiglneer and hold my hejd high as man who has made good he walttd moment und when did not answtr lie upoze aculn after before that my fatln died matthew nguin plckt up the paper weight and girded 11 thoughtfully he luul ulways betn free tip iidir and ulun financial maturs were ilnally ad justed there was jiut inough money lift ivo ucn enough at lockners to imet to ierut me two ye irs to prep school expense can plodge mvnelf never to and four yearn to college touch euid again ahull come to hut wlhre cup and be lb come you before ommenemeiit next mouth in asked afiierul and glv you my word of the satiety wouldnt ujnt me if tht honor knew am the son of gumbu he imikud ut me pleiullngly but one of tlio umjiinp tliingb about kelloggh corn vlakes that nppelilea never tire of them alwuya criup and tlelicioub they can im nerveu week in and wkout enjoy rcuopgv with milk or crcum for hrvukftmt lunch or lut anuck hich in energy easy to cligeat nothing takoy jthw pldco of corn flakes is delicious howat tsll jl perqrjlihr the best brands of prepared house paint the undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint are sow reduced la price to 375 per gallon thel famous quality is uachsnged xjtty rlsk using paints of less reliable qua lity when you can have the assured beauty and protection of these time tested brands at this popular figure any one of thera will give you fob of outstandlug beauty long paint ufa dtut economy from first to last there is store in your vicinity thai can supply you martinsenour sherwinwilliams canada paint acton agent for canada paint miltnstbeear acton ont household hints iu mks mahv mflltl un menu hint southern ham loaf duttcrtd ajparacui watercress und lettuce strjwberry ice cream coffee vou cun uhc this menu for your lvalue luncheon if you like or foi bit itidjv party addinc the birlhdny iila of coure thi menu not puitiive but it is delicious tadayti iteclpes southern hnm loaf one cup tmkid rile one and onelnlt mnd cooulci ham onu onion ilnijped orilethtlf teaspoon ptp onehalf cup milk onefourth cud iiiotind fuiot tiie teaspoon qtf one eiit combine nil hi nrc pepper few grains cayenne two eii yolki onefourtii cup butter one table ipoon lemon juice pre pare while sauce of one tnbe poon butter the flour milk aalt pepper nnd cnyenne remove fiom firu and stir in beaten em volku add tlie onefourth cup bultor bit bv bit then the lemon juice servo with broccoli ornipaniuui yield thrcefourthi cuj lx ervirua for aparanus and many other useii thii mock hollandaibe fills the bill it nouiihini and nppetizing iloupy with waffles with waffle steffi duni screen rutro erven honey whkh has leen ilittluly hoatod ovor plow iitdiuuu md mix thoiuliiuli luc when the honey in thinner melii the butfir und doej mi ipe in well oiled bakuik pm take in moderate oven de liue 15 minute to one hour slriiwlki ly croam out quail travben ili one cup limi pinrh tif tut ii two tablei pootis lemon juice two cupi irraduth viporutul milk sekct well rip eui pirfeel berrie ilclc nnd wi ii thoroughly cruili beriit mth wire potato mir her pieei pmru unci pulp through coarso ee tlilie ahouhl be two cupi aid micar alt and lemon juice and in refrigerator to pool atirirnj occailunally to dlwolvu the tiugur iour milk inlo ice cream can chill tiiorounhly then add the cold ti berry mixtuic 1ieeze with ialllce mlxniro mukcu one ami nthulf iuurt iacth and vanciks mock llullaiidaltitf tiaure one table poon butter two tnble ii lunt flour ihreefourthu cup irru li ted evaporated nil ik onehull not coul the vaffle adds colour to add color to luncheon plale rerve dried npricoh teamed fill the centres with cheese and celery mixture if youte hulunn tnottr lluin one cake ftrf lite uuly nuke on ottcl fooj wtih ilic wlutci sikl yolj cake with lw yolu