Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 11 Jun 1936, p. 6

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ljre the actqn free press thursday juns 11th 136 how an old love died to the breay pavilion we tvrln loounc out the worn weary man atooptn over and vomu oood lovely to see nitre was only glance at our meeting bow ae he passed me look and the atranffcr eased otct the ocean and benb again to my book until by and by he hummed softly the lines of song dear to me and looking found there was lome thlng btul atrjngely ramllior to me in the toneu of the voice softly qlnglng the curl of uio whltnmg mustache the sweep of the hair silver ahlnlns the curve of tlie eyes lifted lash stooping over my book and lu otory saw not definite word but listened till out of lifes ullenco cry from the far post hewd tlw cry of proud womane error the moan of weary mistake tlial dished from my hands in poxuon tlie draught that longed yt to talc saw the kind ns of the itrangtr jloolt long at my talotelllng hair that time with his fatal qulclttjlvur hod robbed of the gold he found thi uaittd tnpitlful bllcnce tightened my hands as he passed bui lie bowed once again at stramtir and so came loves finis at last ikipaiscd my old lover unknowing llts smemry blooms voung and fair but bury mine wry softly jlalf sorry it died then and there menu hints keejpm far new and novel dtahe lloehftld ideas anal beans dried bcaru are chcai and uplu as iho main course of meal meat substitute rattier than ail ilato sub stitute bean scallop cup beans tablcspcoiw of butter eufu cornilikea teospoils tout no iva can of standard quality tomatoes 5ok one cupful of beans ovtriilght cook until tender add limited buiatt tomato and ujrwmingi sur in crn hukm turn into buttered baking dlsh end bake in moderate oven until brown served beak choyvdeil cups beans carrots diced small onions dlocd mcdlumsbed potatoes diced teaipoonif salt can no standard quality toma toes fllvk mk joy vg cup diced fat salt pork or tablfporut bacon fat ivpper celery salt soak beam over night in lro quarts of water cook until nearly tender with tlie halt pork add th vegetable ami easonlng onehalf hour before tervlna time cooked vegetables may bo used in which case they are added just in time to be heated before serving serves bean jloav eupu cooked beans cup bread crurnbe teaspoon salt tablespoons tomato catsup tgg ucll beaten little pepper mush uie beans add otlicr ingredi ents in order given bake in grcaxod pan so minutes serve hot with tomato iauce serves bean and corn scallop cup beans unoll onion cupa canned corn green pepper or pimento pick over beans wash cqvprwltli cold water and soak ovar night slninwr until tender pill linking dish with alternate layr of beans and com sprinkle each layer with salt onion and pepper cover tliii top with buttered crumbs and bake half iiqut al32a iliaccci sxiac god give me joy in tlie common thing in the daun that lures the that ilng its the new graw aparkllng afur luin in the lute wuidu wild and uelrd re frain in tlie sprlngtlmci nnaclaur field of gold in the precious light by winter dold god give me joy in the love of friends in their dear home talk an summer ends in the wings of children unrestrained in the fobtr ujdom age hm gained god gue me joy in the tasks tlwi piti ttlllifmcitiorles that burilnnd fcii in the thought that life has love spend in the faith that godu nt journcj end god gie me hope for each day unit spring dcdrglve rmjoytntfte common thomas curtui clarl as youve been doing in the pant then give me penntalan ff otct acids with my rake and allow mo the hay and the grain glean and 111 give you the rake the proposal was ac cepted mr snyder followed haying and harvest with the sulky rake lie claim ed he secured far more gleanings han brought the price of tho sulky rake and mr davtduon was well satisfied with tho new implement ho secured for no cosh outlay before mr armstrong left for tlie west lie added twentyfour feet to tho length of the barn it has housed many hj crap and the stables some ot tho uncut stock ewr been in hsjton county mr snyder retained thirteen acres along the railway when mr ilobert wallace re tired from farming he bought this pio pcrty later lie subdivided it into town lots now mr and mrs oeorge muriaj have uiclr fine residence here and the acton machine co liavo thrlr fine wiir houxi and premises on one of these lot and the acton machine shop factory occupies unotlwr lot next rtn the rallv iy track on tlie front of tlibi property the brick rtulcncc occupied by mv smith tin lab jolm wiurr purcliascd the armstrojig irfctlon of the farm bulh fine brick home there and when in retired lie and mrs warren came to spend their declining eoni tlnre worxen woji honored wlul election warden of the county both pahuil away in thl home did alo ther eldeit it mr julia wurrtii iw exoounclllor ulid mm liuby own thlt line home und furni prop iy and reside licre row of lots wili surveyed uocd many jear ago on the mu1 street fniit of till jliu farm tlie jdtt pur chaid by the lute william limond mr itmand war gentleman of leisure he built hk liouse cultivated hhi garden and took keen interest in local tutairi inemvr of the vfmilcpnl ouneuond wasaclouv flrjit paid utrut contlnuhig along mill street over th ginnd trunk hallway tracke now the cnh the jlrst property on tlie nor ilde of tlie street is tlie rear portion of one of tlie adams farnw after the adttrses mff jfohnaton rt city ako country salads do you wiji to eerve city alad with 1u dainty servings and fancy drcuilno or good oklxfashloned country saliul iwauhfut tasty and in quantity with few cooked dried lima boons in tlw houe you may rve the ulod of your cliolce here are recipes that will surely pleoe city lunohbon salad cups cooked dried llmas tablespoon minced pimento nr utet red ncppjr hardcooked iita peeled toniatoej up french drvulilg add minced pimento to linias and mix with french drwjilng arrnnue oi lettuce leaves and surround wltli sec tions of tomatoen and hanlcooked sjps oarnkh with maonnut or cooked frwdng oountiiy salad on each individual jilal plate ar range cupshaped lettuce leava mil leaf with pook1 drkduiiios tniked ulth mayonuaue tlrtvlnif nil the vcoiul vltll dlntf cotjked beiut mixed with french driving or vingar pepper and toilt llll the third uaf with iiotato iuuad to which jut iweu added nnely rhopptil wiur pickup gurnlsh with rudklui und ollwi ciiklk notllin cheek calu it clleek be blowisd tlie cheekk oil thd otlicr wr llttleit father secured tills farm tho residence and barns were on the lle of tlie residence of exwardcii masanj and john jcenneyt property on bower avenue there was famous berry patch on tlie rear of this farm and one tine day the jolirwtotis were out plkuig nelle now mrs pentland of california took her father laod watch with her io as to know when to come home to dinner by some mearui she lost it in brush heap where the best berries were do not recall whether it vaa ever lecovered or not tlie property east of tlie railway conic into possession of ell snyder about sixty five or more vcaru ago abctyflvo acres he built his house tlie rear part of the prclnt fine reldonco owned by mr geo sopor first tho main part of the fine barn on the property was then bjtft anil at tlie time was one of thf uncst barns in thli ictlon mr snyder uai prominent builder in this day he built tlie methodist church barrs grocery store the cameron reildenoe now owned by mr he ma tree the brick church dr mcgarvlns residence now mm wm johnstones cottage on bower avenu now replaced by tlie liousc built by mr holmes and numerous others over sixty yeara ago the property waj purchaiied by mr peter arnrtrong or cramaia brotherlnlau of mr snyder he hnd asmllhousc bihlt beside th lunc on mill street and redded there ir fiw yearr and tlicn removed to nebraska lie and luo family wore good cltlzenii he wan trustee of the con gregational church now st jcccph when it was built in 1q77 mr arm itrong wiui the first dairyman in acton ulio oneratfvd general milk route delivered with pilih cart rlcji milk at live cenb per quart but on week diiyi only he refused any sunday delivery excepting where there utre ick babk or old folk who were hi mr armstrunb died ixenu years ago in beatrice neb the onlj on andrew method ut minlter in montana wlirn he woji little dodger of three or four in i2rumoiii he went out to the field where hk futhc uiui cutting wheat with the oldfashlorsd reaper the grain was higher jhan the luddle lilad whtin the reaper ap proached where lie wui timdlng 1li little voice sluhlled im lie re papa hk father saw him in time to uip jiut the cutting knlwi graced uie little chap ankle it co incidence that tlie jr selfshlnder brought tothk octionwas dotnai ultra ted in mr armtroruis field behind the house wlure mr and mn lajiy iuiw rlde by sntlth implement agent speaking of farm implenwnls ivinembtr uhen the milky rake with steel teeth was introtlucj mr snyder took tlie agency in cavu ing tlu lute thomas davukon of tin jcond line mr djvuuoii with hk cmii scotch caicfuhu declined to invest in the newfangled ruke well hald snydir ill make you proposition you ruke your buy and bind your grain commkiloiar mr lunorul woi ine ut building plank idcwalks nd they utoad actonj trarfio well when hepoad off tlie scene of action acton last ery worthy citizen next week well liavt sonic tiling to iy of the opening of mill street from youn street eattuard through the residence tlie late dan livingstone slarsutty by olivek waiuien sunday pa was packen up litt milt coij tlik evnlng as ma ied where are you going to pa repllde sed no wliairs but setn in tlie paper thk tliat are chlrch to luive rummldge soil as am movtn my cloae to tlie oflk temperaely monday pa pulle boner in tho noosepaper on witch he wlrkt at this in writen up boy who was sick in tlie lied pa writ that lie lias had iv off on evry sense he was borned tho edltur dldent like it none too well xpect tutday forgot good tlial hap ened before ijcool was out preecher cum ai lektured to are clou sed ctay boddle smite us we ahud otto turn tlie other clieck wliatt if lie smites you in tlie noe cd blkters wednualay got olf good il on jane at tlie partle this slie sed slie bot her new dress on the instilment plan ed is tliat the first instalment witch you have got en evry boddle laft at jane xpect as she turned red thursday jake tlirood bucnesj man praoom tlie rocerle store pro prlter give him bill to colect ufty50 jake got lik at eoys lie will endever to get the store later on az close the dee friday guy from over tlie crick dropt in to are cltty today az when jane cum by ntept up as tod to her yore faee teems femllycr havent saw you fiomc whaln mebbe as ive been there sea jan drdp in as cce me agen good enuff for tliat fresh bird saturday wns reedln the big cltv paper as ant pa hat they had to plant thai prisoner of abigails oontlnued from pace three tho boats are safe look here said tlie young man and flushed dont know whether you regard my promise as worth any tiling but pledge you my word ill make no attempt to escape whatever mr gregory thought tlie promise was uufflclcnl fcr abigail she lowered the revolver ott tlie inatant tlie next week was most unusual one for her everyone treated her with tlie utmost consideration thomas ash ley who tiuule himself utful peeling potatoes wiping dktieti and performing itlmllur dom tu tasks showed ids ti mlrutlou clearly even though it wo due to abigail that he had lxt scoop which would have been tlie making of him professionally he did nob ficm to hold it ugolnstf her iii fact before the weejc was up he admitted that perhap it was jut uj wtll he llad fulled all thought of he wild wj getting frcnu page itory but pcrhapi old gregory right und if had done it it would have uprrct the apple irt of courw you know tliut mr brown aijlguil ftopiaxl him only want to know uhut tiny uunt me to know hu aid at the end of three day one of the urgi on uu takt ajiore and did not reupear after uetk the party pre pared to leave mr brown notlceubly thinner than when the week bcan hook hands wltli the heinlnguayt and ulth abigail mr gregory in biding abigail goodbye ilipped sealed en elope into her hand it contained five twentydollar bilk and horo note signed with name that woj not brown thomas ashley stood tit abigail side tut the boat chugged auay lb uiu dusk an autnmobllo uould meet tln uarlv tlve wuiwhlg und lwu latoi they would be aboard private lar on tho trubi from the north you know theyre going to keep me here till to morrow wild the younk man yes knew wouldnt cure if they kept me week theres sometlilng funny about an island knti there tiungs that tucm so much on the mainland don count here take my scoop wee ago luthaie jriskod oviurvtliingtobrlng that off and now tlie thing lliau mattei to luive you think uell or me abigail laughed and week ago nlie wui qfuslcnow tliat the other cxkted would be eanployer have you any references would be employee sure heres tho jleucr to whom it may concern john jones worked for us one week and were satisfied was hk alone bill caw something lout night that ill never get over pert what was that that was enough last hope wlieres tho cashier gone to tho races gono to the races in buulucss hour yef sir ita his last chance of makim uie ixmjk baloney an amatbub wins again im be rrunkwltly loii oald oyoun niuu when uie mbrocu uajf ovt youre not the ilrtt girl ever ild and ii be frank with you shi un wrred you hive tl lot to uril ua1m cask can trut him wliv he crooked that the wool pulls over your ej half cotton biblical ijij joj your girl looked quit mptlng in that blbltcil gown she uu ve irliif la night what do you me in biblical gown oh on know sort of lo and be hold how em ut expect harvest of thought who have not had the seed time of character thorcau sonja henie thrice olympic fancy lent it jt champion tnul it times the holder of the world title hat signed fivuyetir movie contract and is scheduled to beiin her film career nbout august mn henle lioivn iibove ni ihe jjotd for her first studio sttll to raze polltlkel plumti nuts son setl pa as scrtti after thot he also ea as cum times they grafting all so dlddent hardly see tlie point of what he repllde to me but lie setl would under stand when grow up as get bigger uul etc still his miikn my wife ran away with my be friend wo he good looking dont know never mh the mow this sounds fam1liak guide thk castle has utood for fioj years not utone hiw been touchio nothing altered nothing replaced vkltor uni they must luive the some larulloni we have not proven lilssy ijidy hi the 10 good train iortir well people will ilk courfce maam but there nnthn deilnltely known agin vr nieiu oil tueioaitoins hum old sliould you say she oh unmewlu re in tlie middle tllrthaj the dkeov ry of what true and the tirurtlce of that which it god urv the tun iiuutt imiwirtant objiek of phlloux liliy vuuire bui the moon factograph reclpfc callliil for ilow ovon iteeds baking temperature of be tween 250 nnd 350 degree fahren heit moderate oven has tem ierature between 350 and 400 dc lrees fahrenheit the earth is elowly loyinc its supply of oxygen and will not be able to support life for more tlinn another billion years according to prof it uuusell of princeton university new york city uniformed fire department consists of approxi mately fqoo men small unmanned bounding bal loons have reached altitudes esti mated at approximately 23 miles the heaviest nnd fastest lift bndio in tho world is located at newark njt the span wcikiib 2100 tons and must be raised 111 feet to permit passage of boats in the piiinlc river it can be raised by electricity at the rate of two and onehnlf feet per second perjury may brlnjj ufa sentence in alabama maine miodo island jnd south dakota if committed durini leihmony nt trial where the defendant is liable to obtain life sentence while in texas it may be punished by death avspl eorrctfnhon lit kirar yorlc city have to take elevators to attend mtviccs on sunday since th churches are loeulad bft sky ccrniur building dinner stories imlolttant golfer lo members ahead par lon would you mind if played lliruujuxvo juuhearj that my wife his been tukep uirlously iii iiik only thought nrnir came struuiilinu into the irnn th two very lare sult iriei afler much trouble he man lo 1eave them on to tho luk lite rack while tho other paiueu lleri odiid awuy expectmit them ta tome ciiihiiii down at uny min ute lri uiy cried the fellow lit the turner beut as hi eyed the sult ti ij nerviuily 111 you think they are stife up there ol repllwl the owner ilitei fully they are both lockoil thatilcs for your advertisement now lean go to sleep receflt telephone advertisement began somewhere someone would be happy to hear your voice perhap itfi boy at school convalescent friend husbaijd travelling or mother back home and lonely few days after its publication letter reached the telephone company alone in my room tonight it read in this little mountain town thinking of my lltde redheaded boy at home sick saw your advertisement and called home now can go to sleep thank you for your advertisement on bath anyone and person ioperoo calls low night rales apply after pjn and low weekend rates all day sunday business directory mxdbgak dr mcniven office and retldcnos corner avenue and klein street dr nelson fhyetclma and berrien electro therapy dr wm cullen jtiitxicliui and btuguen ortlco hours 14 and 7b comer frederick ard mill btreeta tetephono 128 leoal lliono uo 33 box us harold nash farmer bmnimur kotlcltor notary rbtte conveykiimt ete milj strekt aotok owt houm 30 in to 13 00 noon 100 tan to 00 fc saturdays 13 00 oclock kenneth langdon kljrrista kolhtor nfoiary pnbjw offlcta acton oooreirown over seynucks cafe atn street por appointments phone acton eft or aeoreetown oftlco llour acton tuoady ui thuraday 118 to 30 kn inert on request buchanan teftui banrvoa otrtrrrirxrtbhmarraiook iloum dam until tn tcv by apipolntment ottk for fcrtractiona cl0ad wednesday alumoon phone 14 pearen dental btuxeea moved to our new quarters in the symon ulock phone 39 uiu street acta vkxerjnaev dr mtlblruyns vethnjuy sarveil phone 1s5 aoton ontjtrjo offio uiu etimt misckixankods tfrxncrsiniunxkr fred wright cos iter black ri so many women aoy kelloggv huvo an allkouiid ooj ursa they iiever find hi other brands one reuaoii is tltujt kelloggh are ulwuyti erinp und ftvah as the duy they eume frxm the big toublhtoveiis theyre packed by un uclublve kel ikk prtum itt ftvaimtuhni wax tltt huji ilibidc tltti uckue thul why they kiucli your utbld oveitfrcah ukid luvorjkeirfoel ahk yoirfoccr for kelloggt th xtnly coru flukey mude by krlhkg in london onturio aeoount bookjj of all idnd nm4m tm order periodical ox every deecripuon carefully bound ttifunjf neatjj and promptly done wyndhant btreet ooetpb ore general insurance we breoiaujoc in life fire health and accident automobile wiiuifllorra plate glaaa bouer fuellly bonds annuities and all general lined of insurance also ocean steamship tickets lkamrno companies kxckixeny mciutika lekrcmnlbuiira kvoieii iliiiilw tum tot ckujuib fow only salks count t4y kkv lw fa eol corn flakes ksunavrf nothing takes the place of ffifflgff corn flakes

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