tiirintiittttttrfn utm ww eu fetej thbackneeeress thursday jott tad im cabr artnn flrrsir pnbllsktd xvry thnwday at acton ontario sursouftton ttatesfuft per jtf adnocc united state joe dditiennl stnau cop sc both old and new whiiiin ii be dtcs when china of address la requested crlnceixatlona we find uwt moit of oar trob acribcra prefer not to have their cubacntioa unerropted case tbey cad to remit bciore caytrataon while anb cristion will not be carried in arreara over am extended yet ualesa ra notified to cancel we mina tb anbacriber wishes the acrvice continued advertising rates on applicant various column hcadia auhooh will be taken avoid on the nnderataodina that it wil not be liable for aor error in advertisement pubhhd hereunder unless proof of inch advertisement la requeatvd writing br the advertiser and returned to the fre pre basiness afice duly sisncdby the advertiser and with uch ertr or corrections plainly noted in writ wb thereon and that case if any error so note is not corecied by the free press it liability ahali not exceed rueh proportion the entire cost ol iuch advertisement the ipicc ocenmod by tb noted error bears to the whole spate occupied by such advertisement attlof dills editor telephones editorial and buimcii office 74 fteaadcoce another milestone with this issue of the free pklss the sixty second year of publication is commenced and like everyone else and most everything cut another milt stone is passed like everything else too those years have had ihcir variety of experiences under the guidance of five editor who have conducted its course it seems only fitting that once year wt shocld pauc and express appreciation of the loyalty of all to the hometown newspaper if you would have your newspaper representativ munity it must have your support at sixtyn we canada had birthday yesterday its sixtyninth in another year the dominion will have reached the three score and ten and yet it is young countries are nor measured in the span of mans life and what happy birthday it had reason to be the years at the hack have seen steady and healthful progress the years ahead look bright and rosy looking in either direction the picture is good to behold but the aim should be as it was in the hearts and minds of those back sixty nine years ago to make canada better country jn which to live the years intervening have had their struggles and pioneering the years ahead have their problems t6o canada has by no means reached perfection it is no time at sixtynine to feel that all has been ac complished the taste rs perhaps bit different than at confederation but it is just as big and just as important nations seemingly never complete their work different hands make the accomplishments and our part of the structure being laid when canada is sixty nine years old will it bear the additions that are put on in the next sixty nine years as well as the foundations laid by the father of con federation the sunday school lesson for sunday jul sib the coming of the holy sptrxt in power oovden text ye ahau receive power when the holy spirit la come upon you and ye ahail be toy wttaenoe both in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and unto the uttiennost part of the earth acta time thursday may 18th and sun day may 2th ajd 30 places ouvet and jerusalem expostton oo ye to all that the disciples null chin to bheir belief in the coming of temporal jewish kingdom established by the mens la shown by their last question jesus answer while it implies that at some futurv time known only to the fathev the kingdom in to be restored to xsrael sought to lead tiiera to the vision of hu universal kingdom which through the agency of the holy ohost spread abroad in the hearts of men they were to help bring in alter the promised baptism by the spirit they were to be wltnenats for this kingdom both at home in dt pued samaria and to the ends of the world true reception of the holy spirit by the church and the individual means uiorld wide missions this was disci plid to my son pan poounucd tnmn vace time overlooked again last week announcement was made of road con struction in the province and we failed to find any mention of pavinj the second line between milton and our lordi iaat word to iiu acton jt has sort of become habit to overlook bctorc ltr ml lhcm mltiton li ax binding upon ua towuy 11 this item so of course the omission wa not at all llwn th uordl ucrt nrit spa unexpected the middle road between toronto and the oidum tnilt vtth the hamilton is of course mentioned and provided fcp it is to take the truck traffic ir is understood inter oudlnt to thar lords command tlu ii disciple waited in jerusalem for tlu fltt tr must hi niaikjn even if the rest of prnn1 uve 6pwt un the nvtttrrht trrntthrtliit thrnn thi mnoy months we have had hope of consideration but it spiritual dlscrunnatehv is appjrent the north and south of getting further apart on th you should be tan asset ky nushed nrthat do you mean what said you dont geb cent for your work at the settlement you spend mothera money for everything even your charities com out of mother money youre hng hobby out of what should be ob pity dave when he marries you youll still be uabuity only tzansf errejt to his ledger and his legder doesnt have the balance mothers does the warm blood spread to kays tern plea oh hush up phil horaalne championed her lster youto excit ed its true retorted philip and kay knows its true what mother anyway peg on which the three of us are hanging fifteen years she has father ed and mothered us and what ect bunch we ve turned oud to be might add consider myself the biggest liability of the lot remember mais remark about tny sunset ori the knoll well agree with her perfectlyl he stamped up the stairs the clock struck one kay cam to sudden life mat dear help me dresi quickly pltaae kay you re 9iot leaving komainc bean to shake aa though sh wtn ch lied i1l ought to be smocked but hell iorry about talking that in tin morning plese kay plea don go tunny child ira not angry th phil could hug him 1u sickening tlu drvlne com ly oauithed of himself tint all am don iu tlu lctur and all wont to itnd wire to due and uit lo catch tht oj and rid into the cit him ict thlnea uv hjdpcning too foi ar iou uolng to marry have to day goo of cours not he hisn road for the north end to get to them the fairnt unth diy as they wtr all together in or unfairness of the thing is too obvious to dwell uere ail of one accord thk unity of upon we don know the reason for sidetracking apirij doubtless had much to do with th reflect the community in the publication of news paper if public bodies squabble and disagree if sports lag if the business places are not aggressive all are reflected in your newspaper ce mirror lot of things and so it has been for siittyonc years we might get historical or sentimental or exuberant there arc many ways of observing birthdavs merc jusr marking this one with the hope that ue mav continue to srve with you all mthe upbilding of the tommuniiy and so doing alt receive the same measure pt enjoyment that has been charietenstic of the past at work in ottawa those who listened to the nomination speeches of the dominion candidates last fall will recall the heckler who questioned hughes cleaver now for halion regarding the duties on tractors it was one of the exciting moments of the meeting and ve recall mr cleavers answer that if he were elected would find out abou these costs and duties op tractors it was therefore interesting to pick up tne other day copy of the report of the standing com tnittcii on agriculture and colonization and finding mr cleaver making enquiry regarding the price of tractors not just making enquiry but actually find mg out why tractor of the identical type cost more in can and why th profits are shown by the xnancoripy pany yftffrm jmthar mr cleaver secur ngtth foolih for to try to work for christ dkln wdunx thhutt the county are untlj hivc know why now darling phil jt ukl three paved hgihways cross baptm of uwsplil mr un days they rbl to the lower end of the county and twelve miles of dirt onunul uadfat in prayer on th ro mjit has offered me salary before bu refused vow think its unfjtr oo mother and dav not to accept jluo must stand on my own fct llk pathr tald must inalyae myslf know have heap to warn bcau going to bt poor man brld might ail wtll leoru some or the things mth ou itll be just my luck to fall in love ylth poor man too think cat bo to wyoming th iuromtr td better stay home an xrcsufe with gavy pasus mother need anyway liut can maif lov fudgt nox cant kay scoti5 scrapbook by it scon ite rtxm5u ifiob smovjs vh auziekt mvtkmlam vase ppttct hftl pa1m eecn h6rva err clic fictulpucie ou aw adutilvc rt stnimclss nilitt tcjutcie vm ed ay yuoiw wu utncu 1d sv cnuiav hxhjh klst in bhltalm cajiodj kuds in th supply of wheat flour to tlu united khidom aceordlns to impor tiuri for the nrat six montlii of ih ar compared ulth the iawe period of iijt total imports hovevc dccratd approximately 30 pr fxnt itj tht industrial dtpartnicnt of thi caradun national pniluaya iue ar campion abou to be undcrtojcen in britain hav fo let glogan eut mort brad asgleeb luck tpled hii neighbor coming along the road uieh hu ashing tackle on his back cii anthjng old boy he eagerly aaid yu tuo good what fcre they tlu vin thirty there and the flve flftfcn bac cam tli unhappy anglers rpl no bamage loe this stretch of road to connect the two highways but bto al of th uif its abtnci has much to do with the failure of many it seems doomed no matter what party is power churchy to receive it it came to thm at queens park suggest delegation from hot as body but to each one at an from acton and milton and the northern end of the lvldua ca plete pofiwtiaon of their jcultiei tli county to bring the matter to the attention of truteusdute rult os that thy began of our com department it is quit evident the inter citv traffic to speak ith other tonguj cf ch 10 we can but is being better served 10 baptism with the spirit always brings to uoe believer heightened faculties of mind and soul forservtce in gods work hi the multitude amazed 59 the noue of the ulnd from heaven una million htard he mulu ude ulthout km thej ruhcd togetlier to see ihat ircant the dlctple5 setaed th oppor unity aforded by the gathejis ed1tohul notes canada mining industrv produces dollars in new wealth each working duv it seems as col drew and the attornev general and saknot of them tuu nor of the bit arg thev liad re are bound to be in the courts how fortunate thev both are lawvers motor cars killed inerease over 1034 of caube to be proud 2t in canada last ear an yhieh none of us have anv cched bat of god lit peuicirj in hl dertl an onue the jht arks of each ore beard them jun loajuage tlii rti lij di gift hat uhch many at judging hv the stumping ot the eourvtrv bv tie politieal leaders the eleltorate will be lept in read ness for an elect on at anv time thev are being uell informed at least joe louis will reeeive 142 000 he took from max sehmellmg and he still lives to enjov his earnings manv man has taken beating for less clajnnj todav here no irw under tard od and no one benefttt by tl efe ure arclin the 1tlrir ee confounded amo2ed perplelrd tlie uorld cannot account fo spirit ul cd man lie la beyoni hxi phtlevophy when preacher and tij pouen be icur3 th uorld and up et its ph leophy it li ijcely that he spiritfilled christian iv the message of pent coat 32 39 the spirit fuud man sue for the beating much occuped with jju especially with ills resurrection tills was the heart or peters mtvage the outpour ing of the spirit which they could all see for therrlvet was clear proof that jesus whom they had crucified had risen and ascended pttcr words cir rled home by he spirit of truth pro the president of the dunrlng nea pjtory nodded perunc or ly to foreman jeffrey car just got in or the 10 10 ehe iild the president ruver aaa perfunctory ba jeffrly car did rat ceetn to at all puzzled about tht ma ter ii fauoatd her gaoe her at entlon rivetud doyn jie lorg halhtav to tnt clerks the shipping dlpar nent thank you tina comma aonj er alu she cmled ilih ly sua ja hj the hlppins clerks then si rodd to iad one tvn tudaitouy owr hj or he hair oj peculir ehade of il blond something rta in the depa men jt he qu loned huaij jeffrey carter chuckled jutt th ueeiu old on monday he aid aftly tlu presidents boulders aged in tired dead tired jetf but iee ther dunning on the job think iu toy home to ret in the middle otthe day for the flst time in ttfun years mlisguovil slrrtlis tannin og muug llay11er gambling devices must not be allowed on the grounds at the fall fairs why not put everyone on an equal basis and prohibit the devices at all other times the chinese art raided in their gambling dens ed we can just imagine what answer he can make if he meets the inquiring elector at the next nomination meeting for instance mr cleaver said in the course of examination of one of the company official am trying to show why your canadian company from i02 on showed no dividends bless you you kept them at home am not saving that yuiwere wrong in doing it am saying that our silly tariff regulations encouraged vou to do it for chaps who buy tractors just let us take bit fro better driving of motor ears bv the report of this committee just three paragraphs hl vvhit ditferenee with questions of mr cleaver and the answers bv ju ad pt tint the representatives of the international harvester ourtesv pavs hav ui tiaurii on thi oni typ of the figure on ar th yp the process of turning animal nklru into leather by meara of treating th skins th extracts mode from the barks vnininiiii illf in rvl canada raw fur production during the 1934 jo beacon had value of 13 704 725 an mcrejlbe overtducsd th deepest and hharpt tonvtc iivat 33 trf jett tlan and cruclfixlan of jesuu the spirit ciime to them and tlirtjuuli them con vinced tlw world john theoe convicted jes cried out to know whab tlw here to do ivurs answer wai very plain rupnt te chan clpal maurftil in tlu baric 14 tannin tntaflcat viui stronff tvyihle watarproot hlrlrii la varylna deares and resistant to dcay aiui wear the tannin found widely dlatribuud in plant ufe but more highly concntruud in certain trces uch oa oak himlocc thlir minds about jeaurt clmngj roml mlmoi quebracho and man that attitude wmcli rtjicu land mangrove comidured to crucuu him that uhlch acct trv courtebv the sloj in eamp un for the department of it would mike it moin nd it wuienwnl iu liav tratur lak factor thaj wnd 11 lur ainrrlean company ll what aeual ch iru ul canadian cniljaliy ul it mi rai durulk tlur ivrlikl wb in 11 ill 2i cn pr ad jut rvcal nur 11 of rday want ul uu uulaui mr claii bat traeiir uia ul ti ortod doalrr th unitd niaua at lino yj th anltlraii illtrlbutlia company would pay 14 for that tra tr tb ciuiinaii impany ho thl ul ouladall inpaliy waa clloruwl tjiw aw mony for cuy uv tractor than you charged lh ajrloll 1uw rouuaiy tliat fclurtl be bu surprised if mr cleaver will be able to do more than unswer inquiries of eleetoi we wouldnt even be surprised if traetor buyers will make direct saving us the result of part of the efforts or haltons member he been at worlt in ottawa without doubt und hndmk out tor hi constituents the things that have been bothering them and better stilt sharing in reetifying the un fairness the uriaut aonik amrce for futun lum aj that which god liaj eitallad juajlupplu of unnln uie bark conulnln lord and chrt tlu of couna rom 15 to 10 rr nnt tannin ot th lnv ivia aculuti iurendlr of ou clj known at eatichol tlu entrac 1l ju1 as lord be bap mj muln aa much lb nt uid the involved aater baptb aj tannin tlu tract fnim the mir symbol if th un it inw ird fact fui utr piclalls rich in 1j ii id ihlch it jtjd tint jon and re ami in imbln it th the un la il ui rt the extrieb ur mam up the tit lord aa innir faith in ii dath thl imiwrtaut aeal ihlell sir willi im mul ek chief justiee ot ontario esteriil it mnetv tuo rchnquiblled his duties to njov leisure welleirned evervone siis and ill wish hfm real enjoyment for mini veirs to come in his well earned rest wlari bap tean extracts it janr it ettriet la vr eu vait announeenient ntade this week ot two partners heing assneiuted with mr wright in the publiea tion of the mount forest representative messrs rl tekhurn und jame lennox entered into these relitmi eommencing vesterejay group of magazine agents were tukeli into custody at pulmerston luvt week on charges of fraud the morul is he sure of your dealings with the mulu tude of strange agents thar are about but better still deal with those in town with whom you ar aequmnted tea oti it by ir oiu prul ul ur un culimbu un the lu imll truni uhuh kmpire jr blui tl aee ruli tlu iuj jartnunt of the canadian jti ull tnpun in glu uuw ia land hoi loiieulun over all the mar ruve toreata urlluh varth uorn and there re alwuya ix ivervej rully made jeu lord und clirbtliii nil raw materul hi ieottlh compam life by al luultatlon with him in iiu prtiuuea in ikireiio natural bjitruct deatli and resurrection by real bap tunuinlntf ubout bo per unnui tuni of which hi water baptum woja whhh ahippvd hi iutd bloekj of 11j symbol tiw uaplum the holy spirit puuiuia tut weuflit ui woiden cos4 li for every cliud of god jvwbih and acnuu in every uf tlw churth ii iill nuh if ol ate by npi 11 13 ir ti ir behil nta lei 11 lh rein in be the ptlm if th jjji tul ulft tlu bl ui li nuht birth bel in chrl1 ivl il ttlur be il euim hl blrthrijh praylr and iltlj laeta jl lw beeauae he hs ho wlun horm not hursi whii it turtwd into uuebu why elicr tuit mueh huiicy tn uinu ucls thr wily otve on hi urn trom hu rtrt doiieln haoit hobby aaked how he liked replied tta muy all you hv to do li turn uund and keep lna your tvel szstnsest any ow outspoken xot by anyone know mrs that el phani very small uoy him irrn yrrfrito aw sin ti hurtln to those whouse the highways at night for either driving or walking appeal to the motorists of ontario to rnaike night driving and night walkang ns safe and enjoyable as driving or uniting by day believe it can be done by the simple expedmnt of applying the principles of courtesy let us make it an infallible rule to dip or dim our lights when meeting other cars it will soon become almost automatic for us to do so oncoming drivers will responu within very short time this deliber ate gesture of courtesy as it now is will become fixed habit do not crowd the other fellow when meeting or nrlnl to be nerv he mny nfiiy mii distance at night wetlonttcnow and it costs us nothing to give him seutiul feet of ve him clearance let us give pedestrians more than ample space for walking we have all the advantage when we arc driving and the other fellow is afoot let un not use that advantage in bullying way on the other hand when we arc walking let us show true courtesy to thoe who are driving when we walk with traffic we place ajcl the responsibility upon the motpnst always walk facing oncoming traffic and wear or carry something ht that the lights of oncoming cars will pick up even if you carry only partly opened newspaper these are few instances pnly to demonstrate the spifilt of courtesy which am suggesting and recommending to the people of ontario practise and preach the golden rule of the road show to others the same courtesy that you would like to have shown to you sincerely yours xliiw minister highways province ok ontario try courtesy youll enjoy it