Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 2 Jul 1936, p. 3

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ipwat july aqd iw the acton free press qhje jfae iribb lart tnnj to my son phil malutta weaver ytft4ttm mahe man who was about to die stood at the bedroom window avidly watching threes chlklnsu playing beneath fruit tree that gorg eously in bloom looked like huge pink powder puff for some minutes he re matned teobkmleob his stony eyes mlas lne entirely the lilt of spring in the air then prefaced by short tap the brmi knob behind him was turned with little click he knew the door was lock ed he had locked it himself tmr punning voice called sharply from the other side of the partition do not wish to be disturbed mfeis wlngate said he man wearily for at least half an hour he allowed the window drape to tyll from his nerveless qngcrs turning to the desk that utood in one corner hi clumsily procured long white sheet of paper and an envelope from pigeon hole and began to write laboriously ju though the act warranted great physical effort to my son plul on his twenby flrst birthday springs came and went the three who hod played beneath tho tree added stature in the fifteen years thatr passed romalnejthe youngest was still the smallest he came through the fcuu now bongtnff it umartly the house little beast which you arent oh well maybe could cook phils birthday dinner ill make some fudge for one thing rl cut classes tomorrow and have the settement youngsters in too even if linda isnt here to help we cant disappoint them anyway therei no use changing all our plans they all agreed and llttlo imagining just how much their plans were going to be changed the throe of them trooped into the studio to view philips litest bra hi child tim landscape stood im portantly un nn cascl thki is scene with which bo tli of you are ramillar the artlsti explained modestly ilecog nlro it of course said ilomalno with dcvua tatlruf frjiikncas if poached egg on tooiit uitti butter oozing down the sides the following afternoon however itomulik did notf feel quite so gay the basket of wash mojidy had just delivered protruded into the hallway the end table iomchovlmd missed dusting and it wore crop of gray whiskers tcays street coat her glovtss and tlie evening laper spilled out of tho chair tho tiottle meat clilldrciiliad broken this after noon one of mil lips brushes lay on top of the library tawena fttle pool of chinese red tpaiiit tlid jltbeit slnjc romalnn ahlvered dont phil cant we lift the window and aacream he was already in his dreoslng gown how ever ii youre going then she said firmly tm going with you twch come to the foot of the stairs to the phone table if anybodys there phone portage 2000 thatto the police ujxo wraith ilomaine followed phulp cautiously through the upper hall then just as cautiously down the stairway her teeth clicked like tiny hammers at last she reac the telephone she could feel phulp moving on there was moment of utter alienee then from the hall switch philip flooded the living room and tho library with light bhe heard him stamping about everythings all right woi he called ilomaine entered the library philip opened the safe jimt to bo sure every thing was all right and rummaged about in the interior slomainc had just noticed that tho curtalhs of uio left front window were billowing out nllghtly from draught of air purely she had closed all the windows txsl night kay appearing in the doorway exclaimed phil whati the maticrz what have you found why do you loqk so start led pliulp backed uwuy from the rjife iti lottcr addrvusud to me tmd its not mothers writing the girls groped for each other un steadily and cluiu together its from father breathed kay to my son philip on his twenty first birthday rtod philip slowly his voice trembling liulc with caro lie tilit tlic envelope and took out the sheet my boy he read uloud iwrhapd you will find it odd to read this when you are twentyone mid tdiall lutvo ixn dead fifteen years tho doc tors verdict holds no loophole there should be nothing sinister ubout life thut forces doctor to tell wjjt nhtfjj niph with ji ft haitpy nnd fwr hcofchj the steps were slippery from listless rain as if they n53 not been uwcpl par the flrst time in dozen years romalne bd jo search for the door key in the wire angiruj basket she flung her hat coat ann an oi eortment of books hi carclca help beside the cold fireplace and shivered spreading her fingers fan wise above th screen tlreupme she reflected if sh were coming down with cold justwlua commencement doings were peeping owr the horison and justr when slic wanted to cajole her mother into lef ting her go to wyoming this summer fey sniffles and unecie or two would cer tainly nip that in tho bud where was mother anyway she was always home from the plant at four thab was an established household rulfl until four eh was kirs dunning pre eident of the jduimlng vinegar factory incorporated but after that she was just mother it was useless to urtlc philip about her ilomaine could hear the clutter of his brushes ou he worked and the jerky creaks of the floor boards as he mowj about in the adjoining room probably he had been cooped up there since nine this morning long and white agalntit the gold of the table runner letter now attracted her attention it was addressed to philip typewritten ilomaine called him loudly frown ing young person in short blue smock appeared at the studio door wliat do you want maij demanded her brother oh utop daubing for today will you phil its raining and this place is like morgue but fm busy just got in myself then you dont know where mother is aiother no isnt ihe come yet fihell be coming ulong presently there she is now oh is that you kay thought it was mother hasnt she come home yet wo phil thcrevi letter for bed ahcaas rn th table maybe that explains it rherefe your beau dave kay kay tactfully ignored the question fcjho piled up her street wraps on anotlier chair remarking casually mai were collecting swnewliat sketchy ward abefui tlwl setuncvkridtrrgtrr vourtr jfi rwii nmil mad tamo clothes for her well have some money for that lavender tulle liat wanted mother gave it to me yesterday vou may liave that but you wanted tlut tulle liat rather badly dldnt you maturalty hut ill got it anyway ill just tell imotlicr what did and shell approve of my sacrificing spirit and buy me the hat surprise wlieres dave do yap mean to say its not un accident that he isnt trolling along as usual kay did hot answer philip having meanwhile discarded hli smock and crushed back hts sliock of unruly luilr which was jiecuuir sliade of allvev blond joined the girls he ripped open tho envelope marked will if from mother lie uald after moment theres wire and xxats the wire addrcied to tuother of oouroe aays tina ut pucker hospital this warning ibtop serious stop oom signed bennle in uio note motlwir aays wire explains itself am leaving on the taking xinda with iit flciapt funds hk housv safe if you need more wire care of packer moupltal will write tonight love mother the brief sileice was broken by romalnea wall well if thut unujust like aunb tina to get blck now iva got to tell letty today if can go to wyoming for sure with her and to morrow mother was lxivlng your settle ment youngsters in kay and the day fter phils birthday mother ought to be here to help celebrate such ui important event aa hb twentynrub blrtii 4y hxiab ftaal you sound like elfish tlierewanot even tea cake jbfsftctj vlslx rm philip to the idlcheri wind ilomahic had counted on those to jtclp out for dessert tonight ftomalpo gave ui vicious batfbwamfthflflhf have helped ltttinjhut know tier iktcr ubui9hhpkvld york to come to dinner she thought slid was doing something nice inviting him when lie hod called to tell them he was leaving early in uie morning kay had not even mentioned lie was being transferred tlie four of them gathered uround the table phil talkative kay jitnt david puzzled romlnc exhausted im going announce rig he now he iuiid wearily therell be no desset and kay stop helping yourself from the brown bowl with that sherlock holmes air its gravy thats what it ir aieat gravy my flour paste uent haywire somehow but sort of like little flour lumpu in my gravy should think kay could mako her self little useful tonight philip grumbled after duvld had gone and he and romnlne were tidying up the llvuiq room whats she sulking about any way her squabble with dave uuppose it lookii serious serious of course not loves disease phil you cant get rid of it with one application of gquabbles it was quite late when they finished romalnc remembered to lock all the doon and the windows then she pre pared for bed the wind rose great clouds huddling together like so many sheep nhut out the moon somewhere shutter slammed clock chimed twelve there was short rouplng sound nomaine awoke with start she listened intently moment then she slipped out of bed thrust her feet into sllpperu and catching up negligee moved slowly and carefully into philips room gliding nolseleturiy toward the startled to find her brother eyes wide open he whistled softly under his breath you gave me fright mai wake up xirh jerk and then you come trailing along like ghost sshshe silenced him wth gci ture you heard something too tjimuislalrti back the coverlet thought he threw ill go down to see thatenidlei2roiritrnafeltoe always been tliat way it will wallop you when you least expect it an intelligent man prepares himself for it that is the reason for my writing thfei to you when you are grown and intelligent want my legacy to be more than money und have searched my vocabulary for wordti that ure fitting for me who am to die to pass on to you who have life before you and will pass this way but once have finally cliosen two they are not nouns they arc verba they are ucuon analyze prepare you know wliat that nieanu my boy it means that you analyze yourself your desires your respon sibilities it me ana that you analyse your ajeu and shortcomings be fair add to and take away until the real you stands alone then take thki thing that has been strip ped down this tiling that is you and prepare it for the place it must occupy in the world prepare it for achievement prepare it jor its rela tionship with its fellow man prepare it for eter abruptly philip ciiised speaking tliafs all lie uald with eaten in hli voice thats how it ends with the word eternity cut in two phil he caught the look itomalnev diluting eye and followed tlielr gaze come out fronl behind that door he commanded sharply there was slight movement of the protruding coat sleeve ilomaine had llnt nccn face appeared then the whole unkempt per son of youth little older than philip maurice kay spoke the sullen look vanished die youths face became childlike was hungry miss kay wanted to find you he smiled happily knew you lived here when maurice had been fed and put to bed in the smaller gutst room kay explained of course hes rcttlcment boy as youve guessed and hopelessly subnormal we tried to get him in feebleminded institution iait year bu lwaaq vcrcmwdctl tiiiaeiiriuiink can interest mr itidley in him kay mlglit have been talking chinese so far as phulp and liomalne were con cerned whatrte you gong to do with turn dive him back to ur hadley romalnc wanted to know kay laughed mirthlessly wish were as simple as that new kay woa talking we cant just glve him lie can be taught certain things of course and with mflnlte caro this was new kay not the kay who left trail of disorder behind her but an efficient kay from whose tongue fell unfamiliar wards incarceration re hablllbatlon kay said philip nlowly she liod flnkihcd dont know but that you belong in feeble mmded institu tion yourself why because love this no because youre liability when concluded on page two household hints by mbs mary morton menu hint luncheon asparagus on toast apricot fluff soft custard milk dinner hoast vval willi dressing potatoes baked with meat buttered young beets or greens lettuce watercress and hadlsh salad strawberries cup cakes tea or coffee the luncheon mciju not heavy but 1t lu appetizing und nourishing always advocate the plunnc luncheon for the busy house wifc jejliyr hftjff uro rhlmrrn nr hnt owes invade sanctcaby eljnqrciniportaiitrnaaybclhat the luncheon menu be carefully planned whei there are children but women who do their own housework use 1ood deal of en orny which should be replaced by food nourishing meal in the middle of tlic day and rest before resuming her duties will keep the wife young and nttraclivc the ap ricot fluff is nice to serve at any reason of the year todayu iteelpeti apricet kluff on cup cooked dried apricots four ecu whiten nix tablespoons powdered sugar onu lea spoon vanilla two and onehalf cups milk cook tho apricots slowly in water to cover ndd onehalf cup sugar to the pound sieve and cool beat the egg whites stiffly gradual ly add the tugar and beat well after each addition add the vanilla and dash of salt to the apricots and fold in the eggs bring the milk just to the boil in lanie shallow pan and drop puffs of the apricot mixture into the hot milk let stand two minuses dipping the hot milk over tho puffs turn them and repeat and lift to plate bring the milk io tho boil before adding more puffs soft custard sauce four egg yolks and one egg one fourth cup sugar two cups scalded milk onehalf teaspoon vanilla dash of salt beat tho eggs with the sugar and slowly odd the milk cook over hot water till it coals the spoon hemove immediately from tlie liot water fomparlmaht or it may separate threeminute cup cakes beat the following together for three minutes but not any longer or the cakes wilt be lough oneuilrd cup butter softened one and onethird cups brown sugar two eggs one linlf cup milk one and threefourths cups cake flour three teaspoons talcing powder onehalf teaspoon cinnamon onehalf teaspoon cloves bake in greased muffin tins at ibo degrees about 25 minute jack miner recently went up to hud son bay territory on fishing trip and was gone between three and four weeks on his return home he found that several of his mourning doves nests tiad been robbed of their young after two days of investigation he found pah of monkeyfaced owls hi his tame tumbler pigeon house the owls had taken possession and in their nest were two young owls nearly full grown as well as two freshly laid eggs these socalled mouseeatens had not only cleared tho pigeon hou of all the young pigeons but where they had been feeding emnants were f3und of between fifty and one hundred young and fullgrown mourning doves these had been killed by the parent owls to feed themselvca and their young tile wings and legs of the little doves were lefb several of the latter bore tags that jack miner had put on them had these doves been allowed to live they would have consumed millions of weed cetsd becatfia of number of doves crojis and stomaclis that have been analyzed some have contained oyer ten thousand weed seeds jack miner wiu heard to nay as lie looked ut tlic remains of ids slaughtered mourning doves am certainly not in favor of laws protecting liawk or owl that commits an act like this and preys on valuable bird life while at tho same time wo have other laws that prosecute and lmprkion humanity for its crimes in other words said mr miner am not in fvor of imprisoning humanity for stealing chickens or shooting soivi and insectivorous birds or sporuimcn fot shooting game birds out of season and protecting liawk owls and vermin uutt do the same act 3c5 dtiyu in the year furthermore said jack miner the lutblts of hawks and owt and vermin are no different outside of bird sanctuary ionrivc aiikad believe with all your heart that you will do what you were made to do never for on instant harbor doubt of it drive it out of your mind if it seeks entrance entertain only the friend thought or ideals of the thing you are determined to achieve reject nil thought enemies all discouraging moods everything which would cvjn suggest failure or unhappl nerj is delicious free gilson furnace amng robot heat controlutb everij vkkiv trusting rosalie very wealthy what advlc can you give me im co afraid the men care only for my money julia my dear dont marry any man to whom you would not trust your whole fortune and then dont trust him with it for immediate acceptance only we will give free with your order for jurtmrr roirot apfnmstir var regular price 2oj0tx the robot never forgets it regulates drafts better than you can do it yourself saves fuel just set it to the heat you want no electricity needed no upkeep cost the robot works on any hand operated furnace optional free gift automatic humidifier gilson furnaces keep you warmer plan now for virmtr lioute gllnod furnace will cuo you tnexe and xavtf fuel bill sturdily built to give year of ervlec weirni house af 73 bolow 2oro wliin it wa ti tlegr blow at froquoltf valla 11 tnlletf from val gainr our hotel wii quite comfortably heated with tho otlaon mammoth iurnace signed lotilsasr slsouln vi gane onl fcasy to own gilson low me small down piymaat at ttm amall down payment and monthly tymcni easy you will never mlna them will put at gilaon jurmc in your home hy ordering mow yoii oet ikree tha uobot ileal control or automatic humidifier dont mlad thi other gtlifidptodudf air conditioning coal ii tower klectrlc waahcrat lileclric wefrlceratora commercial kefrileratlon counter ic cream vreemr wonderful opporfunity mooney acton dont ovciivj uu hlijine ckh oi llio llal ire oiwl ciiiojoctdtiisf kf llal eveiylliinj propnly imikij goldeit yellow bananas lettuce homegrown large firm crisp heads each tomatoes lbs firm ripecijjc oranges medium larre ofl sveet and juicy dozen ooc firm kipe large si doz pptatoes lbs no size for jc cabbage home grown lurge firm green heads each lemons sp large size full of juice 17c tttji carrolls limited wewi cimu cheese ritz our own glar al catarac dry claamj tandr sair dates roasted peanuts ptclcases 19c large bottles dw3 48c pounds pound jamhearted cocoanutmsllow peach blossom biscuits fine or shredded sweetened cogoa 25 15 chateau or velveeta plain or pimienlo cheese it pacu mclarens pimientostufred otives 86 jar 2t it mal sfaawtxiny sohcal wltk tea bislc 33c rj rom uj tt4 tea kit fii 25c lltty pomj meats 25c fo bui sum nugget soap fly sfxav flygo tl qw 10c 5c 29c campers special aylmer pork and beans heinz cream soup tomato burford ontario peaches ves aylmer choice tomatoes no 2v4 tihj 19 16oi tins 23 no tin no 2v carr limited stheet stohk closes saturday night 1030 free delivery phonk 158 fjjly

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