the acton free press tsttrbdav july 9th itm not rrmsr tanqtm once in bwtern palace wide little girl ami weattn 69 pauentfer her taak abe plled trie men and women at ber aide ttocked round ber almost grieving ttow la it little one they said you always work 00 cheerilyt you never seem to break your thread or snarl or tangle lb instead of working smooth and clearly our weaving gets so worn and soiled our ailk so frayed and broken wor all weve fretted wept ad tolled ve know our lovely patterns spoiled lie fore the king hnu spoken the lltue child looked in their eyes so full of care and trouble and pity chased the sweet surprlee that filled her own as sometimes nies the rainbow in bubble only go and tell the klrm she sold abashed and meekly you know he sold in everything why so do wet they cried we bring him all our troubles weekly she turned her little head aside toonient let them uraiigle ah but she softly then replied go and act the knot untlod at ttic first utile tonale little clilldren weavers all our broidery we spangle with many tear that need not fall if on our king we would but call at the first lituo ungle menu hints for new and navel howrhnld ideas anj guests expect the unusual yes slrl ouestu expect the unuaual when they sit down to dine with you disappoint them and they feel llko the small boy at party who was turned loose with the bread and butter when oatd day with lid tiit tbecakvc serve jrour guests unusual dished and you willbeam with pride when they nsk for the recipe fresh ginger peak tapioca cur water tablespoons quickcooking tapioca cup sugar teaspoon lialt 14 cup sugar teaspoon ginger cup water tablespoons maraschino cherry juico maraschino cherries cjit in eighths pears peeled cored and cut hi slxtlfci tablespoon lemon juloe placo water tn top of double bouvr nd bring to boll over dlnet taj combine quickcooking tapioca fiufimr snd bait add gradually to water and bring to brisk boll stirring constantly place immediately over rapidly boiling water uid 900k mlnutoi stirring oc casionally cool mixture clears and thlckrrei aa it coot combine sugar ginger water and cherry juice and heat to boiling then add cherries and pears and simmer until pcaru are tender wlwm tapioca mixture is slightly coo fold in lemon juice and fruit mixture being careful not to break pears chill serve with cream sencri coconut cream apricot pk tablespoons juuur tablespoons cake hour teaspoon ialt cups milk tiar yplku slightly beaten cup hroddod coconut teaspoons vanilla 114 cupu drained canned halved apri cots cuo in half or cup dried apricots cooked sweetened and cut in half cup cream whipped combine sugar hour and calt in top of double holler add milk and eag yolks mlxlnc thorourhly place over rapidly bolllne water and cook 10 mum tin stirring constantly remove from boiling uater add cup coconut and yantua cool place half of fruit pie ijiell add lulliu when cool cover with whipped cream arranno re nitilnmr apricots around idup and then aixs rott tiiu best allsforthe bertappyandcherr ful trouble and sorrous are friends 1u1 idlsgubc nothing but folly is faithless and fear ful courago with wisdom happy und wfcal alls for the bestaif man would but know it providence wishes us all to be blejad tills li no dream or the pundit or poet heaven is gracious and alls for the uab your alls for the best set this standard soldier of sadness or pilgrim of love who to the shores of despair may have wanderd wayuearied swallow qr henrt ttrlcken dove alls for the bestt be man but con fiding providence tenderly uoverns the rest and the frail bark of his creatures fci guiding wfcely and warily alls for the best alls for the best then fllnij auay terrors meet all sour fears neither falter nor faint and in the midst of your dangers or errors trtrt like child while sou drive like saint alls for the best unbiased uunbound ed providence reigns from cit to tn ueit clirktlans by lsdom and mercy sur rcunded should hope and be happy alls fu tile best spttrutle with at once rcnratnlniir coconut serve swsiciftnottnolwmrv here are two recipui thaty vou will want to tile undtr sunday or snack tasty tidblu that touch the next to thi store which was destroyel by lire during the business career of johnny mclcce and again just last win ter was large block which came to be known au the barracks in the later jean before its destruction by lire uuo it uo1 erected over sixty yean ago oy the late lachlan mcdonald who did thriving business there for some time it as commodfoui structure had three stores in front storehouse in the rear and about half dozen apartments for dwellings above mr mcdonald con ducted general itorc ulth the usual liquor department and olo bought large quantities of wheat and other grain most of which was teamed to ookvllle lo mupmciu byvatcrbut a1x mcdonald buslnti venture came to somewhat sudden termination utfaxd druh sturo was onanwl liv of the big oldtimer soda biscuits the boys would chip in five cents each and then share tho sardines and bktcults it was in this block that btu late major grant and his brother john conducted dry goods and notions busi ness for number of years the third atoro in tho block was the umnllcst of tho three about sixty years or mulatto ran barber shop here and his wire little restaurant behind the shop she was reputed to bo good cook und introduced lemon pies go one of tlio delicacies of tier menu she is said to be the nrsl woman in acton to concoct lemon pica most people thought the barber hop and tlio lunch room rathe uu iucongtoun com bination and it was not long before tho mulatto barber and i1l1 wife fllttod something about sixty years new tho barracks was found to be on nro one night think only one of tho uraj was occupied at the time but tlio build ing was tenanted by eight or ten famlll most of them lojt their belonging be cause tlu building wan frame and burned like tinder the uxual fobl things which are done by volunteers at hres wero perpetuated at this one romembcr heavy cook ntove being tumbled out of an uptitalrs front window over the verandah and down to the sidewalk it went into heup of broken junk but eoveral citizens barely iuciped being maimed tor life in its transit the owner arrlvtd down ladder minute ufterwurd with pillow under each arm and exclaimed with chagrin whyi he viewed tho re mains of hl cook stove tlio homeless occupants of this building were provided quarters for month or so in the drill ihed which then stood at the corner of bower avenue and elgin streeui when mrs holmes fine residence now jtutuls july night qames give ontario fans onanoe to see matle ifafs in action at tup tokonto fleet stbeet stadium in frilnn pui soum llll ullltlt sunday suppeit smtdini5 lurk fuirdlner cup buller ij cup illll ptcfclc fuifly choppid kllcfs loattt juu uu iirdln until guidon hrowp uiul jnlx well uitli cluippid dill plcilf siuviul tllln user uf pripirwl bmlvr on rttch ihci or luoit pi tuo ir dlnoi on iich pripirwl ullc of toojt dnu ullli rtnuilnlni foutur niunrc rvj ul oiav ijcrvt badd mikiistcaic sandwich cup cuulcril biuiu liroiwl cup cookwl cm liuidluui uliuil iiliirkkl ctliup ihlt tliniuuh oiki cliiinimr the uuult eat und umit klurlclns urtkuiit ciitup to iiiiibmi linlwvin tillr of tuttrd liratl llllimj for mindwtclmi good ckacioiis thl buluiinir and thc manufacture of mich standard permanent patent medlc irui as ilairyards yellnu oil and ilarf ttrrtrrctwrry hectnnrl int lna thirej tliuy are jttll manufacturid larne qiliuhltlui by the northrop iy man co of toronto mr iljlvlrdiuul hlotmckwsf jrt us his cliief clerk tnthvieditllielftte thom is milburn who later started bul iusi for himself lu proprietors medi cine manufacturer lu the pretnui ioa ii rupled by brown drug store and then removed to toronto and ronlluuci tlwre the manufacture of burdock illoml hitter and othi renudi thl busl iilj till continued mr milbufns oiu on kinu stnil toronto uur tenant or the nanirus wa wm wlt who nnt into the grocery bustni ulthiiut training or expirltnee or much oikenatlon remember being lu the store when he opened hl llnt cheric il was one of tin big old fu liioiml utjpoundrru itflt ad of ruitln it in hair and tlun cuulng iit cinetiu lor riistmuept hi tut mjuare arru the cirrle and the unit two or thrie purchuar yot miffe rind thai eliffe jack the son uenteo school and lu ijhd in the star the big school bui 1kt hlnuelf got into the habit of hanging ibout the itorc jack sonie tlmt treitil tli in hut nfteuer theid treat tlieiijhes or tocli other in thl fashion ijouiul of ralslni uotilu be ardend ut cost of or 10 cents tlu mother why uuthle you dont know lallim would emptied on the coiinlt uw bod it makts me feel to see you the haff doieii lud would hue up an crosu your dolly jag xw it paivnniij puiu nn btutble well shes been acting ter mun bfttiiuu iij uwij naid umi iu rtbly all day and bimj gets my got ling the lost raisin wuk expocud ui pay sometimes wish belonged to family for the iwund another popular treat was can of ttrdlncs and half pound iwef add ipead makes milliony tniit canaia immigration ha always been an im portant factor in canadian development in fact if one thinks of it for moment he rcallzcti that all the development which hns taken place in this country tlnce the day uhen it was occupied by the red indian has been due to immi gration the crest of the immigration move ment was in 101213 when it reached total of 382b41 this woo larger pro rata absorption of newcomers than oc curred in tho united states at any time lu the history of that country since 1030 because of worldwide de pression and unemployment canada hoi not been encouraging immigration and the figure has fallen to tho unprecedent ed low of 11277 in tlio last calendar year british subjecui and citizens tlio united slateu arc still admlwxd when in good health of good character and possessed of eufflclent funds to as sure that they will not become contribu tors to unemployment in tills country immigration from other countries con sltr laruely of wles and dependen chlldren coming to join family heads already established in canada and farmer with capital coming to establish themselveo on the land although immigration is at low mark there is temporary movement that of tourists and otber visitors whloh reaohos immense figures in1035 thote who passed the canadian immigra tion inspectors at boundary point and ocem ports reached the huge total of 21700301 in other uords the immi gration department dealt with tem porary movement amounting to mo than twice the entire population of the dominion marching seven abreast and ox feet apart this huge army would form in unbroken procession from halifax to vancouver british columbia president clifford oakley and ocneri manager arthur lcnun have arranged schedule of night games during the july homo stay ot tho toronto baseball club at tlio fleet street stadium in toronto that uhould appeal to tho outoftown fans all nght games start ou near oclock daylight time as possible in ternational baseball league executive offlcent tuis ajiked all clubs to keep hustling under the floodlights so that tho games con be completedwlthhi the twohour duration tho orrlclai brhrmiie of games during tho first two weeks of july follow newark vs toronto monday july oth st catharines night tuesday july 7th wednesday july 8th thursday july ltth all night gutiun baltimore 10th night game tiaturday july 11th two afternoon gamri skirting at aiid phi monday july 13th night game albany vs toronto tuesday july hth night game wednesday july 15th twq game unit starting at ao pm as twilight and then the regultr night game at oclock thursday july loth night game syrucuse vs toronto friday july 17th night game saturday july lath two afternoon games starting at and campbell qualifies for olympic sculling not so jicotch two scotsmen were standing at bar trying to outmanoeuvre each other for the drlnb finally one remarked that ho had junk returned from an african game hunt toppling over bull eleplumt plunged him right through the yures he added whats yures inquired ills friend lakca shot he so luaciu you are oskigjllxulna and od business directory dr mcniven office and residence oormer atenue and elgm street dr nelson ffaystfltsn and stgean electro therapy dr wm cullen mc phyaieloa xul safiia oftico hours 14 mnd 70 pv corner frederick and m3h telephone 13s leoal rion ho 2i baa harold nash farmer cantcjrmnoer ete miix stuefrr aotojf ojft hours 030 tnj io 1200 noon 100 to 500 in saturdays 1300 oclock kenneth langdon barrister solicitor notary rwfaflb offices acton oeorfeetovn over seynuck cafe usinstnttifl for appointments fhone acton oeorgelown sfl office hours acton tuesday thursday lis to 430 ingh on recjuest outclassintfjiis opposlllon with little difficulty bell llffinlo dons howlni club slnjie sculler qualified to kepre rf charllo chuck campbell twinlo dons howlnir club single sculler qualified to kepre canada in tho olympic ijarn by vjcio cv at the zry nr bettcrformzt hanhcruudflastzy th and american singles sculling chamtnoiillup buchanan bestial biqumo hoare signalizes return to power by devising new empire lifeline iv tt it it it at first lord of admiralty is manofthehour in britain are you on the botortlnrof constipat causes d13 comro serious troubles you may huvc days perllnpu lvon weeks wlun you feci hrlovv pnr not sick ommcli to yo to bed but cirtainly not at rur lut the trouble may he with your diet poorly imlunrcd niealii can atlvct your phyhical comlitioru mcrih which liwk proper inillc for intnnci miy lead to coiunmn con tipntion continued lukhct of tins omhtinn cutiui drcomfort liiil il to lieiulachi poor appe tite iullim cuiird jiiiuiiit common contipa lion muki mil the muilivuu cat contain plrnty if bulu kel lorit aiilliian ii akiiuiiui houiei of euvitlve inillc withtn the body it alt in moist lire forma oft mil uiul gently iicuiuim tho iystem tuo tulilrspoonful daily with nilr or cnain an uuilly lailli ilenl stubborn catii may nquire allulin nf tener serve ali uitan flther ut ci rrul or cooked into muhliii breadi eie kut it reuularjy for leulur hulutii auhhan ii kuarnntied by tlio kelloite company sold by all ro ivih mudo by litllo in tendon ontario cvmlijulfoh jus fj iumuffunt tav ap courtesy time siaiafki the ihrtjl of lldj in tin ililirraiu mt the sur anal ha il im rcpurled fnuu imdtiii canned sir siniiu1 lloure hritaini air minded first lord nf the udiiiiralty io beck liew enijiire lifiline ihuuii in tin above map sir samuel hi uu offiriil mlira of office in xlinun hkhiv he in hemming iirilaiiib il clntilal lmlfcss cvsalfam nnd civilians dropped in the lrects prcteiuhnj they were eiuilht in jm attacrt whether or nfytthesemntmetivfyvlu yte dental itounso unth by appointment cos for extractions closed wednesday afternoon pearen xenikl smxma moved to our now quarters in the syrnon ulock phone 19 will street mlsceulajslkous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds toads to order periodicals of tovery description carefully bound rullntf neatty and promptly done wyndlutm btret ouelith onl general life fire health and accident automobile windhtorm plate glass boiler fidelity bonds amiuitiea and all general liiieuof insurance also ocean sliiahislup tickets lajqino companltu kxckixent iacihxiek tlail candda for mtirng only fred wright office cooper muck ofylre 95 khoncs rld 102j ihc hel tru th nulon jul of ihllmptn let ip mem ritttiilh tirm in vtciiniithit wtj unn brvt thi ciue peace by heme to type bv boldini fiimly to tolic lhit conforms to our rtttyhi utthirt cannot fulfil and by re niembeiinj ilvviys that while our influence will be nlwiyl on the ide of iuiopein elce and that ue kotioni to that end we arc an im perlal and an oceanic ratlier tlian luntinenlal power thip we ihall be ieive the ciuv of pence these are the words of sir sam uel john gurney hoaie man of the hour 111 llutain new fn loid of the ulmiriltj they were mado in his lcenote pet ch after nccept inj the office with them chjnjjeil lliitnn imperial deftnce policy and uatejv since 11170 when dp rull eeured for inilaiid the major hare of stuck 111 the sue canal tin canal ha formed the important link 111 iliilunj lifeluit malta alex intliii c1110 gibrallai these slronchnlds vv ei thouiiht to kuird the medltei iaiieni iijsiliel emit lot bv my otluu iiiition lint italy has lunvn raulamt nnd its fiit lord of the udmluillv that ilritain nnpl levle iter di fence pnhev 111 other dlieclloili the mediterranean milnerable the kiloktliiiipuin war proved that accoidini to opinions held in offi eil circles in london and jo llritun cast about for new route tn india und the iip that route could only jo around the continent of afiiei past the toimy cape south africa ktaks officially ilritain will retain her fortiiss at multti hut lu diplomatic and defence citcleii the opinion lu txpriild that little hope in placed in it lhould it be required for do fence one of the fint acts of sir samufl hoare in hi tirw position wum to ihailo thorough sham battle prey in enemy nul revealed timed tn perfection in the reve lation of britains new defen lh so tlfatr cntd emun to ihc ninther cnuntry pruinier ilert iij 1ip been loud in protests britains ieiderslnp in rcvolini janctimis ajmin italy south af defitui mu ohm hut south africa wants not only ranetiniis maintained they ait aho aiimous tn niik ileal with knj landand they thive no ea bar imin uw of the new llntih lifeline south africa wants complete ove reijtntv and naval bre built tuir caje tuvn at tost of slat uoiuhm niimey tobe supplied by the itnleli koviriiincnt cniuol of the land to remain with south africa in de niandinj the li emier heitnc and iip cabinet offei nntoiice urns but reiteiate their stati ment that they will nut paiticipate in any war without the con cut of un people of south afrie the at state that ihould then be re divnaon of the 1ortukuiie cnlnnie in aft km as eems piohable in view of the wml nf oei man nir ii im1 liinj tumj im liuui coveiiuniiit south attica will iet 11 iood ihgi croonied for vrrmlership the man wlw ha all the facts nl his fmjiim tips mid who pi jiiiirhii hutaln fureinn und ilt ft nee pih ck is sir siiiuiel llone brmiiiht hack tn ujo eabnjet after his te ij hathm in disgrace months ajo when he fiamed with pierre laval then premier of ktanre the infa mous iloaietival trealv by whkh mniilml was wilhm to accept ivurt of lhhiopij in lelurn for peace public opinion was unm against the foreign becietary und sir sam ut1 rtslijued miisolhil run led on hlu war und now in pi eion ovft malta planes itoometi of not half but all nf ethiopia and bombed for hours oldiers onc an itilelliteiice vtticr hi carist ltipia sir samuel lun had brilliant career in hntilt politi cal and diplomatic circles at min ister for indian affairs he dtafted the new indian constitution jsfow in many circle he tald to be headed for the prime ininklnliip tw lniiervvlftwreu mttce huld winu announcement that he will tetiru after the coronation next year subscriptions for all msgzit taken at the fie pro