thursday july mrt ism aihrattanjffrrrlj pahushd kvcry tlotjday at acton sursouptton ftatestio per utlltcd suui sac additional single and ow ddrcfte should svca refib acton ontario year la ad vane copies sc both old when change cf criptiona will not oo camea in wrcv on priod yet unle wc are notified tu cancel the nbacribes wuhe the tcrwcs continued advertising rates on application various column bcadinst although every precaution will be tslcen to avoid ror the free prcas accepts advertising in its columns and new addresses address is requested canceixationswe find that most of our sub scribers prefer not to have their subscription interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration while sub scriptions will not bo carried in arrears over an extended we assume dpi lea lot and as wen 111 be talcen to avoid lvcrttslne in it the under landtag that tt will not be liable for any error in any advertisement puhllahed hereunder unlets praai ojsuch advertisement is requested inwrltine bv the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon snd in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the free press its liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement aulof dills editor telephones editorial and business office 174 residence lj problem actons main business thoroughfare at its best is none joo wide but when trucks park six feet from the curb and do their unloading it creates danger ous situation for both motor traffic and pedestrians if both sides of the street are to be used for parking it is really imperative that cars be parked close to the curb provision of course is made in the traffic bylaw for the governing of traffic one section of this bylaw reads no vehicle shall stand or park directly opposite another vehicle which is already standing on the other side of the street where such standing or parking would prevent the free passage of two lines of traffic that is explicit enough and would care for the requirements however back eight years ago when the bylaw was passed the freight cars were all run on railwayfracks today they have taken to the highway and one of the large transports can block any street if the present situation continues it will be necessary to have the freight unloaded off the main thoroughfare the parking of many of these transports is hazard on mill treet that cannot be overlooked the king lives to the fore again the letter with recommendations from the on tario department of health following the visit to acton of an inspector has brought to the forefront again the ned for uniform system of collection and disposal of garbage ashes etc in the interests of general sanitary conditions acton has reached the stage where this matter must be attended to in view of the fact that fairy lake is enjoyed for bathing it is doubly important that the depositing of refuse in the waters thut feed it be discontinued the report and recommendations are given in the report of the council proceedings it would be well for all to give the matter consideration in the interest of maintenance of high standard of neat ness and general health of the community we be lieve the council would be justified in making by law covering the points as suggested in the letters we further believe that trial of the plan would show general approval after fair test and con siderable saving to majority of the ratepayer it is to be noted that the recommendation is that the charge be met out of the tax levy this is the onl equitable way and quite apparently the only way in which all will dispose of the garbage in uniform method and stop the promiscuous scattering that is at present so annoying most effective medium representative of one of canadas largest food corporations paid fine compliment to town weekly newspapers when he told the reformer recently that his cbmpany had come to the conclusion that the small community paper offered the most effective ad vertising medium available he declares that recent advertising campaign conducted by his company in these newspapers had appreciate seeing them een feeling of repulsion against one who attempted to take his life and the urge of loyalty to king edward the eighth were shown last week when the incident occurred in the parqde just why an individ ual would get into the insane state of mind and make such an uttempt on the life of the king will never bs known possibly he will never be able 10 explain bis own state of mind but the fact that such feelings are individual is well shown it would appear that the gun was scarcely in sight until it was knocked from his by thosebout him tl wc uf loyal subjaetj wwo to stepbetween the wouldbe assassin and the king to save him individuals with twisted minds are perhaps more common than those with crippled bodies and will always be about as long as the king however is surrounded with such group of loyal citizens who far outnumber those with per verted ideas king edward the eighth will be fairly well protected all rejoice that the attempt ended in just an attempt and that the wouldbe assassin did no further damage but the greater good of merely identifying himself and riving the opportunity for his proper care show your town when your visitors come to see you during tht the sunday school lesson fob sunday july zsib cluusttanrry spread by persecution golden text bo thou faithful unto death and will give thee the crown of life itev 10 lesson text acts 608 peter 1210 time aj 3531 places jem salem and cities in aslamhiori exposition stephens martyrdom 6960 the sanhedrin having determined on stephens death cast him out ofthe city and stoned him to death there came to the dying martyr in his nour of supreme trial wonderful vision to strengthen and custaln him ie saw christ himself standing at jttoo right hand of god in heaven we can no longer ddubt his divinity or our security jesus left heaven as 3od dnjy but ho became man in his incarnation john 14 tim and when he we back to heaven he went back as the so43 of man as well art the son ot god as the stones fell about him slephu prayed to jcsusy receive hiy spirit wo cannot question that the prober wtt heard and that stephen spirit uari taken by jus to be wlbn himself in conscious blessodixs cf phil 23 stephen prayed another prayer tluvt he liad learned from jcuut on tlie cram loio shone out wonder ully at uie last rnamviit ho summons all hu strength trnd calls out with loud voice lord lay not tills sin to ihilr cliurgc ifchd uvrd his 11 ml olid wi unt died his sprayer war hrardr6aul the persecutor bccimu paul the apostle ix the good seed scattered abroad 14 just here the devil overreached hlm fctlf the wind of persecution scattered the ud broadcast ch it 1021 up to tlik time uie church seems to have been largely confined to jerusalem the ttorm that broke on the day of stephens death carried out uie purpose of chrbt uiat the dl should bear witness to him in uw uttermouti part of the earth aclr 80 tlie most active rent in this terrible persecution uan saul hia race ot christ and the church kneu no bounds not content in oppos ing in tile synagogue lie entered th home he spared neither okc nor se he iaj tlie most dangerous enemy tlu holidays do not neglect to show them about the cver had hub arthcr town some of them may have been absent from on ue shall find him transformed into the might est uerv ant the church ever the former home town for years and unless you point had the nnhal consequent on thj when called on to uflr for his own wrong douqg charges his buffering 1o providence and assumes the rolo martyr of righteousness such suf fering has no merit in the eyes of god peter cautions especially against the sin of meddling in othsr mens mattens putting it in the same category with thefb and murder each one of us has enough to do to see uiat our own life is right before god even those who truly endeavor to walk uorlghuy before ood are scarcely sdved this does not mean that the purpose and performance of god are not certain but that the difficulties and temptations ln the way are enormous only in the strength of christ con fto win the victory if the wao of the believer is so hard how hard will be uxc end of the unsaved who walk in their sin with delight and think the righteous man fool for his pains all must pass under uif judgment of ood by sla1 sunday as cjj the sltchooshcu they is lot of nooncnehes ln tills world but bath tubus is the worxest last lilto ma not only made me toko bath but cn slsted on warhing my neck after words ft tuff life jive jto ca nothing about it monday ju ot uopt by truifcck cop in arc ford for npedehig ju cd to him pleae bt me no am in hurry cliarife its to iny husbends ucct hive itot jtwuy with it allao witch stumps me tueday jane thinks shed smart but uhit soeot w1ki ed to hcrwime body stold my watch she rcplldc liergkrlzcd tlie ponrhop did tliey bet yet back at her for that crack wednesday they are ways of tellinir thlti la ltp yr 1st becos nineteen 3fl is dtvisauclby4gvi jythewaythe ottos whbfi pjut mevti blecve the latter is hie mostclt plane way of knowen it li lctp yr thursday got even with jane for that mart crack abodt my watch when he rlmarkcd the dont klsi all us men she see sed xpect it ir beeos siie cant lcjtch us did slie inp me ikornfle look friday jnlce is ectling dummer evry day at tlie partle lie butted in on birli bridge game ss sed uhase gime sz ulien of them sed am lw diddent do notiilntr told jane it as rood tiling it assent me shejuit laft saturday of are pore jclrls uu cttin married to ritch unn feller from elie uhare uhen kst of the afair cum in blzncso sute slie ast him vih did he mtne he replide ltd iulpi jost uhat jou do bizness supocv the bad boy and the wood she4 drtroit news oats away tlie minister met gomekeeper come my good fellow why is it icwt you at church well tir dont want to make your congregation snuuitr dont very well how you could will sir jou see if came to cliurch tliu rtt of the parljj would go poach ing spoiucd lirimraiuiry tiiiti of yount that used to sing wj clearly and sweetly iujtcd mrs weatherbec liad to w11 him mrs buuam said tiarfully my son left tlie cage on the radio st and he learned static ujivtv of goodness did it vver strike you that goodness is hoti meixl beautiful thing but the beautiful thing by far tlie most beauti ful thing in the world and that hihn fa not merely an ugly thing but the ugl ejt thing in tlie uorld king cley vouil kuiioll if had known uiat tunnel ua so uziftl uxuiftliave kiwcdyou gosh uuijit uiat you7 the farm and the factory arc liaturai allils one is incompliu witiiout the other hmry ptord cut the changes will go away with the impression that during the years acton has shown no improve ment it takes very little time and it is surprising how it is appreciated short trip from the bus or over the highway to your home may not convey to tlie visitors ery good impression perhaps that district may not have seen many changes you know your town best and can readily point out the improve ments it is surprising too when you point them out what pride you secure in your home town yourself the visitors whom we have met have all been immysscd the growth and improvement acton has shown aiding their absence dont hesi tate to show your town let the returning visitors know we have been up and doing during their ab sence by way of suggestion show them the park and arena the schools and their beautiful setting the now mca building the maufacturmg estab lishments and the new homes that have been built up in all sections of acton the past ten ears havj shown minv changes visitors will note them and if thev do seen couduslvelyprovedthisiftct astheresulung snufij commonplace toycu campaigns in daily papers in larger centres more overthecqmvj inthe weekly news papers the dealer cooperation secured small town papers and the intimate contact of the com bale of lawn mouers munity paper with its readers had spelled the differ ence consequently this corporation will spend an increasingly large proportion of its advertising up propriation in the weeklv newspapers reader interest continues to be the onh true tr courteson the highwas criterion by which to judge newspapers value and timer isn usunll so had if ou tr in this respect the community weekly is without first editorial notes thesummer has been pretty poor drayton voted against beer almost uo tc one nnd the electors will not regret hat decision death of suphcn spread alonk the great trade rouua by land and sea the herald of the cross traemcd as far as phenlce phoiiila cjprus and cyrenc but preichlns the ward to the greek spcakinjr jews onl but ioon the cypriins nnd cjrenians uere carrying tlie good neus to antioch and to there unnamod men belongs tlie lionor of first preaching sjvtematlcally to gen tiles it uas in antioch uiat uie term clirvtian first uas used tliroughou all the centurits persecution liax been folloued by still utder distribution of the truth tlie blood of uie martyrs is the seed of the church has become proverb when men have liad to stand fast for their faith not knowing what day or an hour might brlnff forth in the way of persecution or marjtrydom tlie light of faith hai cwr burned brightly ithln uiem it is case and ueli bcinc uhlch threaten both churchej and individual btllevera many follow er or the lord has fallen from grace sit ting at vwc in zlan uho uould have fought good fight and finished his course uell had it bivn gicn him to be on uie ring line and ln uie dxyc of this carh church it ux not the fagot orlhe flonu northi rena and thr rn jms of the lion that oetome them but tlii cue of the favor of the palace and tlie cqrse of the taor of unra the le to be learned is full its purpose it ma be crut1 to tell jou but at the jarn list ght jour shter prom ljedto berome ulfe will jou forgle nu fjr tak ng her aua rdii 3u whj man thats the rt uai for the peer no less judgethan alfred sloan president of general motors one of the largest users of paid bf nuanliic toda com prom is in ciristlans stand evvr in danger of fall ing to hift this and uuit landmark to edge little nearer to uie uorld here land there to norm it th uitngs of the ihih to encroach at thu point or the other li menace to the souls peace com out and be separate is the command and no dluibey it at oar courtesy peril iii comfort and admonition amid trlil peter 121h the other tills epistle of peter uas uiitun acton day for summer celebrations seems to be ijiortlj before uie second terrible perse space in weekly newspapers recently made the xery civic holiday for sceral years the acton gala day cutlon of tiu chr ns undcr nvro aha ah cgert marie said siie dvan1ci last night she danced ului jou you thrill me and then woke up to find her litlj brother pounding her feet uiui skillet new record tune of calamity significant statement thai the communit weekly is have hinged around this date and always they have matt 24 io the most thoroughly read publication in the united met uith success states this fact is becoming more deeply appreci cunudvs export of wheat june amounted to 25763565 bushels valued at slofi325h5 on an average export price of 701 cents per bushel year ago thji evport was 6404622 bushels at s5148 602 the average 4ncc being 70 cents conducted for over forty years fori told by our lord it uas addressed to jeukji chrlsuans eeruhere to en courage them to endure patiently ithj bulfrtngi for uu takt of chrut clir rited not only by local merchants but national ad incnds in durham and throughout the province hld commusloned peter to vertisers as uell simcoe reformer egret to learn of the death of charles uamage iheltrenghn hu breuinn tluke 22 32 eteran editor of the durham review which he has iwul alike genwund by their unbeluing felloujcviu the tiak tataj christian jtu were indeed fiery ivter docs not failnlmlle tlw cliaheng jerse cow bred on the farm of bull and to ult lat and coiuano but he iii polnui out that chru once utfcnti js son at brampton has smashed several world pro tliey are iutferirg and tht should be auction records this farm has long been noted for nroud uiat th are counted uoruiy ui its hnh standurd of tins breed of cuttle uff fur uu al thy xhouu actujll tvjoire jo cirlt bluruji rfifilid and thtj uui receive mi fki pttiss extends congratulations to tlu simcoe reformer on winning the mason tropin the neu market fra on agum winning the clark cup and the grand forks gazette in inning tlu savjge shuld all papers are splendid examples ot ct kh net spipers in their rcpectin classe ajl uell nurtt tlu honor acluided it costs you nothing to be courteous to oflier motorists ask you to please remember ns you hurry nlong the highways bound for some distant point that it costs you nothing to be courteous to other drivers and it saves you money it costs you nothing to sound your horn on the highway as you are about to overtake fellow motorist qnd it may prevent an accident and thereby save you money it costs ou nothing to give the other fellow wide berthwhen youmeet him anditmnypreventa sideswipe and thereby save you money it costs you nothing to handsignal your intention to slow down turn or stop nnd it may prevent collision and thcrcbycavc you moncy it costs you nothing to nip along at tlie speed of tho traffic you are in and it prevents other motorists from having to cutin in order to get there and thereby removes one of the greatest causes of costly accidents it costs you nothing to be courteous and considerate of your companions of tlie road and it will prevent accidents and thereby save dollars and cents for everybody and prevent broken bones and broken hearts as well so appeal to you from tlie standpoint of thcer economy to be courteous to other motorists on all occasions practise and preach tlie golden rule of uie road show to others the same courtesy that you would like to have shown to you sincerely yours xwtfbk for the second eur the editor of tin flii phi ss lns been honored in being elected to the hoard of directors of the canadian veekl newspapers as sociation tc regretted thai this vctr it wjis im possible to attend the annual gathering in winnipeg but it is pleasant to know that even in absence one is remembered rfifilid and tjuj uui recr nun lut will in iu juay av uie imp time lie cauilaius tluni that th ls nit in iirfrte uiat one brnt tin hnwlf bi urojitf dottif such uf fi rli tlniilj the jirlt of our ou ful uhlch all in miut iy uhcihtr th uill or vt ms dtt uctlon urcii by mdf tidu ua tuiv in tlu jj ivir tikj jfuni liu ctirutui hinister of highways province of ontario sammy hichardion duky toron to track and field ace thown brtjlv inii cuiutluu record for rurtmt hop jiten and jump at ontiro okrti pic tnau humihdn he jumped 4s tfitt inciusl nnd stopped hi uftciriiooiia pltforxnjiice by mr niiiif the running broad jump iwtid to plac in prmtmr diffirtnt toronto htar arrnid loo lt lo comutu try courtesy be leader for better driving