four homoprint pages five cents lower power rates given acton by the ontario hydro bute reduced dollar per horsepower to the municipality power users will have immediate reduction in rates rebate to commission of 47421 on reduced power rate reconstruction and repair work proceeding water consumption hit new high record in recent heat wave tb regular meeting of th acton public utilities commission was held on friday evening commissioners harrison and ormthaiisenwcreprwcnt with chairman arnold in the chair the secretary was upon motion in structed to ps the following accounts hydro department bell telephone co oervtces 505 joo bold water heaters 2400 jos reld supplies 193 hjpc of ontario power less credit 23625 irving smltih co fuacsj 2010 workmens compensation board 8264 geo cowle repairs job symon supplies talbot supplies muller bros truck repairs ellis howard ltd supplies lico lamps ltd street lamps chas wilson convention wc penscs onjr and transports express and freight macdonald electric ltd sup plies canadian line materials ltd tsrundy servits jas it kearney corp line materials bank of montreal revenue stamps matthews potiaige 360 251 085 025 357 8509 010 1415 300 1000 274 155 waterworks deportment hydro department power at spring canadian brass co supplies hydro department june opera tions bicyclist has narrow escape struck by car when he rode directly into path and badly bruised jack winters nfteenocarold acton lad had narrow escape from serious injury on tuesday morning when he rodo on his blcycki from between to parked cars and was struck by car driven by mr henry robertson of 204 oesington avenue toronto he escaped wlui severe bruises and bad shaking up tile accident happened near woods grocery on mill street and it appears wlntorn rode from the side of the road dlrecuji in the path of the upproachlng carlcavinjc the driver no opportunity to top the lad was thrown on the hood of the cur und then oil on the pave ment the framework of the bicycle was badly twlttcd the hood of the car was dentd by the impact and tile right headlight also broken mr duncan robertson formerly of acton was also an occupant of tlw cur it li fortunate tliat the car waa travelling at moderate speed or tlu lad would have been seriously injured chief of police mcpherson investigated the accident but laid no charej in the caretaker appointed 75u the secretary reported hut 1600 la bonds lud ueeii purchased at premium of 25c per hundred letter from the ontario hydro com mission notified the acton commission of reduction hi the power rates the acton comml has been paying s33 per horse power the rutc will now be j2 this itbaui li effective from janu ary 1st 103g this gave the acton com mission credit of 47421 the new rate to the consumers will no into clfcct ulj the next billing period thls reduction will only effect powvr consumer domestic commercial water heaters and rate for itreet lighting ure not chaniied in the new schedule nuu in effect power users it has been found have civated the surplus and ulll there fore enjoy reduced rale the method of reduction nuij seem roundabout way but it means to power iieni upproxtm utely net lining of ptr cent on their bllli the charge for the first fifty hour is now ruled from 2c to 3c per kilowatt hour the second fifty hours ulll be 5c ijmtead of the former charge of 3c the thtd rate remain the same it 33c per kw but local discount if io per cent is uiven to pouer users letter from mr thos liulhum re queted the public utllltlc cutnmutnn residence tills rcmitst ulll be coniliei with and the comnilsslon 111 also con tinue the srvice to the end of the it re superintendent wilon rrpm ted on tlie convention held in oitawa cently ii vieutd the chats ivls devilopment while there he also iae invrcrtln report of the stsslons of tlu convention lettir from tlu omua reouetd that tly ton coinnil ion plve irant of 51 of the annual fie tin oriin uatiun were tunning delict the kltei was mdiiid lyud the stipe inti ndent was inst acted purchue niu 2t uat transfmmer have pore urn uu huul the uur rouuniptoit liiur for the recent hot pell was as follows hlrhist imllonai pumped averme for hot pell day after rain next tl iy preluus lilkih da jul the hupe inlendent upo construction uou on kno tieurli compuutl and uort uld ie sturtlhl onvi pules notth of the cnu track there tilo mw tre trlmmtng to done letter from mr gorduji smith re luljhled llial tile cummhiiun ufhblder the lncroie in talary ytn at the last nnethiif and that urvr lncrise be mude there uoi considerable dlslu skin on the mutter but no depnh dcuuui was made in the mutter all ready for civic holiday big day planned for acton on monday sports garden party and danfce many have always planned to spend civic holiday in acton and this year will find plenty to entertain them on the holiday and attract many from wide area the baseball club who were largely responsible for the three big days last year liavo planned real day again this year on monday morning fvrgus and acton will play baseball game thisshould real contest for the fans as pcxgas is leading their league in the afternoon ladles softball tournament will be the feature with three teams from the morruton league hunning races bicycle races and sports program will go to moke up an aibemoon that wont have dull moment ac tan citizens bond will be on hand uuough out the day and provide tlwclr usual splendid music in the evening grand garden party has boen planned tlic talent chosen is bol wilson and hl company of clever ejitertalnent it is considered one of the best of nterta lumen lb aiwl lias pkact audiences wherover they liave apjieurod this year iu is the same company that played to the seven thousand crowd it coultcrvillc this season loud speaker sjtem luui been urranged for ull tlie events so that no matter how la rye the attendance all may enjoy the program for those who ore still holiday minded street dance wlllbe the concluding feature vrunkct orchestra will provide the rhythm for tlio holiday makers to dance on the pavement at mill and mum streets it lias till the arrungenxenb made for real tala day for acton you and your friends from far mid near may well spend civic holiday here killed walking on the highway john yotin of crewsons corners fatally injured when struck by truck john young twenty years of age died of injuries received when struck by truck on the guelphhjunllton highway on sunday he died shortly after being admitted to the guclph general hos pital tlw truck driven by william mc keen of aldcrahot ontario is owned by orlejr marshall of hamilton was proceeding south on the highway and thw victim was walking out to farm on which he was employed police believe that the truck turned out to pass car that the car speeded up little that mckccu saw another cor approaching and pulled back into line at which time the young man was struck tlw inquest ordered by coroner dr mackinnon will be held to cheerio club holds picnic races supper and all that go to make these summer outings the cheerio club heldthclr july meet ing in the evening and in the form of picnic for members famulcs and friends at the home of mrs robertson there were about fifty gathered for the picnic lunch about 030 and then tlie following races were run afterwards winners of these events were as fol lows glrlsmidjlooarjmatthcws hoys under hllllo watkins girls 710 kathleen robertson tkys 710 pyfo somervluc girls 11 is betty clarridgc hoys 1115 hillie ilobcrtson girls 16 and over eileen clarridgc ilcmloc hracken hois iti and over kiuaru lantx clothes pin race mrs jj mcgregor pk plate ilace mr und mrs stewart eileen clorriddc and harold acton wins two games schedule finishes on saturday acton wini from georgetown and brampton in scheduled games acton and georgetown to play oit for right io meet milton first game on august 8th acton will finish in secoltd place in schedule good game last night night at ihu cuilph police court lluj jury on monday viewed the body mcljityrv und thd scene of the uecldentbefor ualloon mee stunrt udjoiimiiik until tonlkht mclntyre the dccviujd is uin of mr und mm john youiuf wlio reside on the murray farm on the llrrit line in krln touii uhl on rural mull uoute acton vive alfller also reinuin ltu was born lu durlium ontario lurl rold dbitudrq kicking shoe mm somcrvllle time race hillle roberlson blindfold raceeileen clarridgc mclntyre marrlwl mens race btnart ijinty grandmothers time race mrs denny mrs mccutcheon tliere was peanut scramble everyone acton 11 hltampton 10 acton took another onerun victory from brampton on saturday when tliey beat the plower town boys 1110 lb was close game and acton had to score two tuiwinthelastlnnlngtopull out win two bad innings gave brampton all their runs getting four in the first and six in tlw seventh norm morion did the throwing fur acton and savage for brampton the brampton bojs out hit acton 15 to 13 acton scored one tun in the lint in nings on singles by norm morton and jack water housr but brompcon came in und si nice hits brought them in foun runs to put them in tiw lead however it was short lived in the second home run in thll frame into left deep the st altons garden party varied irogram distribution of ivizes make fealure enjoyable st albans annual garden party tuesday evening drew good attend ance wlu enjoyed the varied and well rendered program provided by the strat ford concert company the rector rev brilllnger was chairman of tiw even ing and introduced tlw artists tills group of artists includes ml0 acton ot tour wore mary utue mud joy matf nleruotu lovely poandi wai mia iiluut bobby small boy soprano mrs jocclyn centre field the bull hiding up ill tlu creek that practically surrounds the park elocutionist mr und mls helen professor killed in auto smash 30 10 cameron lelshmnn has been 340 notified by mr winter supervising architect of public bulldlngi tiuit lie has been appointed curetaker of the government building in acton he lias 11474 dtvn instructed to move into the com modious quartern in the building and ocupy uiciuj premlis from august lat mr lelihumn luu been temporary careuker of the building since the 111 nei and death of tlu late james an deton who held tlie iunt from the open ing of the building in 1013 the ne appointment will be popular one mr leuhman ci returned oldler and was born and ral in acton sine belli appointed temporarily to the position he hu demonstrated hl desire to serve the public uell and courtoomly tlie build li lias been kept almost potkw and tleamu ultli tl hraw trlmmlngii poulud regularly uu has evtn ione bejontl hi necessary ciutka to have tiu hurroundlnci of the buildtncs matter of pride tu the eltujiis the drinking fountain in from of the building come in each morning for cleaning to have it in ucepinj ttith the spirit of clranll hw and tldint he 111 ben courkutl and oblijilnt to everjone about tlie buildim mr lelhnum to be connatulated lmlils appointment lint cltlen are alo to be ooiiitulutid 01 the appointment of citlmi of hi ability and proven aptitude tu 11 thli ptuiitlon there were eiiht applhant fur the sltum and all of hlh calibre that the lu jf the civil slxvuu cuiuinliloil qlit liifiiult iie jn makiuc cimic traffic officer storey killed provincial highway traffic offir orvttl storey owen sound war in atmtly killed saturday night about five miles south of owen sound when struck an automobile allegedly driven by harvey mccallum of owen sound tlie officer was terribly injured practically evvry lwne in hu bjwly belli broken storey was travelling north on the hiihuay following 11 car driven oy bernard salamnn aiiumptlon street windsor and mccallum who was ac oiapanled by hl wife was rolng in uil opposite direction the cars sldewipcd liich other the mccallum car chn out of control and crossing to the left de of the road just as truiric olflcer storej came aloni storeys motorcycle uds thrown to one side and the oflicer hlmsejf landed wihl dltancl awa the froiltwhtvls of the mccallum tar were in the ditch and the rear omi on the edie of the road tlie jotrices injuries consttd of fracluli siull broken nvek broken he and arm and internal lnjurle death was slantuilou hiihwav trillic officer storey wls 11 hisjoth ear and was the san of mr and mrs jijron storey of napuiee he wu born in th it comiminltj and re ultd on the farm until jeirs h0 whn he joined the highway trailic squid of the provincial iolce hetravtlkd uu of hlihnond hill tin went to ijrmip tun and cooi irning to oaensnurvi miss mae bard ajfrorffi following un illness of about rax weeks everyone left feeling that splendid out mae bard alrdrie nine teen yearold linti enjoyed daughter of the late mr and mrs john airdrle passed away on wednesday of last wek at sb josephs hospital guelph she was born in acton but had been residing in welland for some time and was taken ill while on visit tofrijnds here surviving are five broth era john of acton robert of guelph und frank george and william of acton and live slsterc wjs james jen nings of welland mrs william valen tine of saull ste marie mrs charles tomflnson of toronto mary of orlllla and attnci of guelph she was mem ber of knox presbyterian church acton the funeral was held on friday after noon with service in the community church at crew ions comers with service ronduted rev bennie inter ment was made in rmlrvkw cemetery acton clarke baritone and mks helen smith accomponut ttieir numbers were all appreciated and brampton wore tlicn hold scoreless received kimul the seventh while acton during hie evening the aton concert throe in the fourth and one more in orchestra under the direction of mr for the sixth to take five run lead tliat vv mason gave number of splendid meant nothing to brumpton and in the kcuuoiu whlcli added much to uie mr murray moved vole or uianka seventh they came in mid knocked out goexzuti to mrs robertson and family for tiw uu more slnules und walk gave thcin chas arnold held the lucky ticket use of their liome und grounds tliat had six runs and onerun lead and won joo lbs of sugar wm ritclue made the picnic possible all then joined acton was held scoreless in the eighth won the basket of grocerks and gordon in singing tlie national anthem and us was brampton and in tlie ninth it cook won ham waa do or die for tlie actonltcs how vcr brampton came to their aid and walk followed by two error gave acton dublin institute meeting the tleing and winning runs norm bore ewaclchamhr suddenly to hiram hiuam death came swnckhamer former promini nt cltlxen of acton at the home of hi son rais in ntvv toronto on tucda morning me had been in his usual fair health the vning prrvloiujy but pis away while he ilept durinj the niiht hiram suikhatuit wu son of the late cnrktopher svvackhamer and was born at churchill in 1150 during illsearlier scars he nnk icen nitert in municipal affairs he served acton as councillor and reeve and wu honurevi with the wardershlp of the countj of halton it was during hi nure rf olfice that many of the ceihil idcw ils acton were extended he wis one of the firl menibi of fh cod hoads committee in the county council und initial manv of the plal lor improvut roicl hi the oamlj ik vi ri buiklt raiitl rnnrrartnrnndman tlu ir silectlou will approval in acton et with it nial jenrm it 131 00 at 00 lidu u700o ft 000 mr ij5 100uou mr ed that 11 avenue uus combined iicn an njojiible pirnc wa hi id on th laun it the united church jvterda the ronblned pit ulc of the ii ib band 5illl band ilutles aid and mlvlonirv stnte tj of the church the ra 11 id iaiiu win meld on the iw 11 and delightful upper was served mi tlu uiurwh in the baby buid the paper iit iai wes won ctrjil lmrnshaw and the clothi pin race jove kunb in tlie mi inn bmd te oil rtd piper was in w11 ne daw litis and th paper urn liv harba vluunt in the rate the tietsure hunt wis mrs njl the sptech ontcst brawn kl kin he 11iper bj hert smith iorjuto md th time ml luwthonie mrs imr ls miijvived by his parent mr and store nap tine and ue is professor william jolin squirrel aged 5g professor of field husbandry at the ontario agricultural college in guelph and one of the provinces best known educationists was fatally injured in an automobile collision on no 20 hinhway three miles east of smjuiville on satur day evening expiring in st jowphs hospital at hamilton few minuleo after being admitted to the operating room ills wife mrs gertrude squirrell arced 54 ls in critical condition in tlu same hospital with fractured left thich iracturvd knee lacerated scalp and severe shork injured in the same crash and also in the hamilton haspltal are mrs cfttliar tne noonan arced 33 of toronto with actured iium and ankle lacerations to rijjht knee rtjht ear and face and her hubind edward noonan god 25 with mtrey lactrated face and sulferln from shock the koonans were married in may according ij information secured by provincial traffic officer william wood of snilthvitle professor squirrell and his wife were driving west toward smlth vllle when their car was struck almost hcidtin with terrific force by ist oiund can believed to have been driven mrs noonan an eyew itncui of tlie tollisioij stated liie noonan car had cut nut of the trailic line and had pass ivn other ears rninn in the sime dlrec lon while it was allegedly travelling at hlrh rate of ipeed this eyewitness furtlii stated that noonans car was wervliii badli afd thit it stnjrk pro itirqulrtell car lililcli vtoi at tllj edje ofthe paveinent in lts own side down in the last frame and tlie brump ton boys wvre retired in order to give acton another onerun win 1l acton 140 300 10211 13 brampton 400 000 goo jo 1c fl batteries morton and woods savarce and smith umpire scddon new toronto acton georgetown on wednesdaj night actan look an other game from georgetown by the score of it was about the best game these kams have played this year with bjth pitchers rclng the whole gam and bjth teanl doing some erj good field ing mrmahon pitching for georgetown ttij nicked for 10 hits altliough he fan ned ij and issued but free pass norm vi us liberal with his liils allowini but but hr was little wild and issued walk three of thtm in row in the fotirtli frame when the visitors got hne runs beaumont of the ljtor not liome run when he bounced on over uie rijht held fence terry hit one just as hard but it baunccd and hit the fence and only went lor two biscs georgetown tired in order in the first but acton wliit on rampace for fiv rims bittinrc around tvrry cot slnck jin wattrhouse double and lindsay triple hit batter and an tlie dublin womens institute held their july meeting at the liome of mrs marsliall ttic president mrs near was in charge roll call was an swered by something use hi my kitchen made iu canada letters of thanks wvre read for fruit received by those who had been ill mrs vangoozen gave several currtnt events and rejiort of the luncheon at guelph on june 18th wxs given by mru bracken paper was given by mrs webster on canadas canning indus try and mouth organ selection by annie kelly quilt was donated to mr and mrs hlltx who lost tlieir home by lire recently mrs mcgregor tendered vote of thanks to tlie hostess for the use of her home the meeting clued by sinylng the institute rally sinn lunch uil served and social tme spent woodstock to hrampton mint eil for at tuns uillus tudor buuluunit firt man up in the ecrond knocied one to the race track that bjuneid over the fence and went as innut this iinlhed the scortnc in thk man with his wife und little family of four trudging alongthe highway last thurdaj drew tlie pity of many along thjmu tlie oldest or tlie family waj seven years of arce and the oungfct but nine months old the babe rode in small wurcon and on another larger cx ipes wiujon tlu fatlier pulled along the household tlfecli owned by the family trror ac xhej had trudged from woodstock and xlx rifiht builrimfrahatu altjnaercerel id uwlr hts iiuim the brick ad ditiou at the mhnnl the carane buililhu nn lyhtonibsrfliai gknkuouk ihd ttic young bride ww rx tolling vlrturw of lur huwtiui tu friend oeorve is just tlw uiul iicjxius tmm in the world blur declarrd hi ulves me everything credit cuti buy siioippns qvmk tlie follouhnf are the pat in uhleh advcrtlmiiienth atnur iu thlv weeks fre pra laj ac tan luuuty parlor hut tmvitur irirltr krllr ti kri liir laivecue taullrf wear page carrollu irery norton mt um paluntu chiuiln uij kuot wcar wvjuht imurtue ry theatre llarwp inuraiw uml it kcllerin uruw fukcs lttt uull pat uvuii it wuirhluual crls pu uuolt lu civk hull dy iii ac ton tubul yea cjvdlil ntunl inhibition ltoyi tlib llrrry stthak hker trllocg dilion to ml utfi fornurlv miqpil vilth of addison aid hfle nin ti shm ann two apt ilt vear old imiial tikii ptiuc id napan highland iamms at acotirrou murclr ri inj tliill povidtl li tun tru1 ridi ol tin unu ltnplie moorev cluti rirout attriltid about 0l0 pit met sued iii the nuk at cioriltuwn uu saturday by the corfe mil pip ilinti prw wie pre snted bv diijutvchui guthrii of tui on an atlilete pro riiii wi ili held winner 1ieul evliii pale vault open itim shot pot opn coble ruti ntiit hh jump open pinn hop step and jtiiu open mien running bn ad jump opii mien tugofwar open tv nto imlee darning hi hland iuiu under 12 ears balrd under 1g monte pen wrltsht sword dance umuii 1j balrd under 10 al mutuc op wright irish jg uuder 12 balrd under 13 smith traci evenu 100 jards hall j0 urtl lpuwn iiq jartl chleple mile relay rue west end ymca road race lvr iwil bleyle race mll handicap prvisuood mile oiun lanupard two mile liandicup stewart three mile inlits and out impam latlis half mile hardy liplug mavchei juniors wulew senior ueld strathsepy and rel mtcltmu lodlo rate 75 yards may curmhig vtre bound for brumpton wlicre they tid tlu had friends kindly mer chant in acton supplied them with bed din mid eatables and jhelter on thurs tlay evening when the rain had stopped nime thtir progrte tlieir lifts alonj the trrv lariad ull uie second wiui luul liad heeu iew liicatl molqrii doub but morton was thrown out could no accommodate larfie family jar watcrhnum ihed out to rlht lield and the accompany iny wugons and mov mil terry was called out at second fur ing and the family would not separate inithli play on erv questionable they trudged on the following morning on th icj fa iivbi or tui onto and mn itlchard it korhrmrr ny livo ibtcr brollurs al remain mrs it ii 11 aet in mrs aiu tta banu ti rout mi joel uslie mrs smlh ciritn mis piter ull and arthur of rii tovushlp clinton tif esqutsmiu pownonp he was nnillltr of the ills of scot ml vlity und of kno prvsb torian church the funeral sertl li being held in arion thlt aflernoon with ier in knv pr terian cnirli in tmui nt lslielni made at liiirvltw ceiu rv acton iithir urtirred folks from at ht bnul conci rl in lare num niht bat acton cltiaii baud direction of bmdmsur be ave splendid concert the was varhtl and well remit red was follows ii da ii1u park inarch gal uvirture i0talty day inarch has qi irtette buiil nn 11 gibson fcimp splelvot and lci terbrook gvpj ivtival uverture queen city march bovvtr of btaiitj walty corn husktc march bnus quartette bands men tlbon simpjn splilvoil and kasterbrook debutante overture little glanu march land of dreuiii ade imt hilow march ni in the third bill waterhouc pulled eoul of ensatlonal catcher that robbed etoui of sure hits he cauidit two row that wen labelled hit all the aiv one beautiful running oatrh acton were uhut in id iunle 111 this inn hit in the fourth norm had fouble tuiding the plate und after single lu walked three men to force in one run then double over second bise scored li two more li put lliltii jut one run be hind ntither team cared in uie lifth but minute came through with nice siiiiile in tlie sixth stole second and third and scored on terrys thlixl nit iiliit to give acton two run towirdfirampion the loat twenty mile lap of thetr eightyhie mile trip tlie previoib niuht thoy had stopped at crew ons conn rs und wre cared for by impathulc folk there their journey wis ielad by the ruin hicycle and two cails in uhaiway collision nliiof the nieiit to give acton two run cilc holiday in acton morning hud lulteinoim and night bttb wilson und gttiriftnwn thrcatrnpd get rome in his company at tiw garden pahy the avetlth when ritchie got life after the hob andenajii lost tilt leitt ball wls hit to third strike bus morton same to he uepiayed three lursons wore injured in triple illllon involving twt earn uiul blcjcle the juvenile lietwetn acton neur thtiuewvin saturday nlht llovd and oikvime in which the catcher was ivanmi 17 of marchmount itod iir badly injured ami the uaire had tt be nto who was returning from blcvcle ciiied on aciumtof dirkneii hus ljen rats at georgetown with ti companion ordered replaced it win probably ue was knocked from his wliorl by car placed on saturday afternoon and will driven bj labile rhiudom thutlrtown be mad bi nrlit kiiiih for the injure ivurjul sulfend reaicuailtui of tlw bruin iiaions wlivel become lucked under tl ir asonmit cam cnstomer gootl morning have you dickens crlckt on the hearth hliopiiiuii no madam but can how you very yood pingpong set kingdom ear causing tlie latter to loi control und lie bwrrved into cay driven by normuu cmwttird purtland utrect toronto crawford surferrd hip injuries and mlii cthiuj wiukerom thuue towti luukmti ui kingdoms cnx fwclal cuts and he cut the man ull at second the minute related it to hnt far smart diuiblt play that made everybody oi hit better ward next mail up got jngle then beaumont came to bui tlie count was and tui him and on tlu next pitch word started for second it was calui ball and bob ttirew to second and caught word some people uututchl tlu tciane wui ovr add the acton players all rn orf tiwr diamond however rsomebody from georgetown cjuirkly evplulntid to live uiiiplre liiat uirr urjv four bulls on tudoiyticri fore ward got trre trip to second tlu acton player took tlulc positiuns iqtalu continued at pmr3 hour grand plcxic gonlcu 1jrli fcxhlbiuon pork rockwood civic holi day softbsll giuilcd ptofessiojutl wrrst ling mulc by guelph mulcal society baud uftirnooii and evening supper ss tist admfcailtki 3tc proceeds uitl of land sttuuneiil midiilght prollo 12 05 moudjvy aujut ixd with muajc by roy haidera orcheatrm huliday dvuuv o00 monday august rd hnlders otcbetrs in down coalume will provide real evening nicrfiment pyecr xjjuid coucerf8uncfy atternoou