lll juit30uk ism th acton free pre bftm john olbbana of rockwoad spent but ww with mm gayer iqa helen brown of toronto vfaltedt with mr and mrs howard wialrt msm jem lccmwan returned rwhnfi alter hotttaylnc wtut relauvea at olen pr ao bryuib left this cafe to take post gradual course in ohio ilsttlns sr mud lira wm alun wd other relatives here dora wood and marjory nelson are tte in kitchener with mr and lira ansa kennedy mr andmrxtu davis and miss ftt of mucbeu vlsllecl on monday wttn ibx ada near mrs pallact dorothy and xir ralne spent weeks holidays with mends at jictaanl point ber and mrs foole of tttdgway wtetted with mr and men holmes and friends on the farmer charge mix jack mooney of hamilton visit ed wttfaher parents mr and mrs howard maaales over the weekend mrs br 11 of windsor visited over the weekend at the parental home wtth mr and mrs ml mcdonakl mrs yathertngtiam and betty of visited at the home of mrs george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toronto opposite ryriebirks mr and rr joa kaley of hamilton are ttsttlnc with their sisters mrs phillips and mrs mcmillan frederick street mr and mrti lambert attended the funeral at centre inn of her crandlaihcr mr robertson of west adelaide mrs wansbrouch and mrs day of rockwood returned home yesterday after spending to week ai lake simcoe and in loronlo mr and mrs jiay gamble ind uudtiy of detroit ilich arc spending holldajs with mr and mrs win allan and with the formers brother mr arthur gamble mr and mrs clarence hodgklnsoil and master murray of guelph and mr and mrs tuobt rinsbury and baby ann of rockwood vbited on sunday with mr and mrs murray mr and mrs dills visited over the weekend in waverly mrs alice macpherson and syancc dills who have been spending the past month there returned home with them tr georgtf woods announces the engagement of ihel pe daughter of mrs and the late george woods to mr spred kiuckey son of mrs and the late wm stuckey both of aetna the wadding will ta place early in august mr afi mix john mowat acton announce the engagement of their daughter jessie irene to mr howard janrr dignan son of mr dwln dig wn ti the ute mrs dignan of kxher the wedding will take place early in august xt margaret tr of acton and mr and mrs wm mcdonald and family of gorertort and mrs wesley lillie and litauy of everton spent sunday with their mother mrs emily mcdoiiajd and family at dolly vatdeil tod will uu fulvue glasses came tn and we win show yaa the difference and advantage over the the moo is moderate head registered optometrist si gna stun guelph insurance firercarraccibent sickness etc ejharrop refreskntatxvx gon kmsirset matstal norwich union canadian ipfaw sswraoeo company the aubmee aawaranea co the casualty of casta asoarance the merchant cases ky co the snwiagevfvahie maiaal gregory theatre ueijllxts xwhiu plytr aftr midline ickk could kick myself for mining uiat hou captain voud better let me do 15 youd probably miis again rid ay july 31st sutters gout plundering dram of the old rush days starring edward arnold lee tracy and ulnnle harries comedy liroadway ballyhoo chapur ilex and rlnty satcttoay august 1st desire conicovdrairta starrlilf gary cooper and marlene dietrich comedy pan handlers vox news mosday august 3rd clvu holiday rorin hood of eumtftado bahdil ulio deild nation starring warner baxter comedy vum no some clais dear psjcm paxsa my weekly letter did not appear in last weeks paper for very good reasons inability to write dr mocullough thought had sufficient strength return home from the hospital and didnt prove to have sufficient and had relapse which nearly took my life for the third time uus spring but with carerul nursing penect quiet etc am again able to read and write bit if nothing dac am unable to do much of either at once hut time is no object so manage quite bltr appreciated ao much bunch of literary digests ao kindly sent me by friend they provide plenty of food for thought if any of my readers happens to bo subscriber to the geographic magaslnn and lias past copies with tio further uso for same would appreciate having them trust this 1s not begging look ing over rny issue of the far prawi see weather conditions have changed and your district got nice rain which cant fall to help the poor withering vegetation think it must have been fairly general by all accounts while tihcro have been no irrcs within miles and miles of where we live fires have ravished miles of valuable timber and property again this year and caused untold suffering among pioneers and settlers so everyone has the rain to be so thank ful for vegetation in our part never had brighter appearance there has been no real drouth here as mentioned pre viously in spite of the heat we had showers protecting the ground agalnit droullu strawberries have been all abundant crop and blue berries just commencing and although no very ex tensive hunting has been hiade yet the outlook seems good we have had nice taste gathered from just around home the wild strawberries were very plenti ful and lovely sample but vcrji few were gathered hy our family on account of four nice rows brought from lime house and planuxl bait yearr and whicil liavu produced abundantly it kept tiiem busy right at home to look after abundance lias been picked for home use and tome to dispose or at rootl priced for other necessities needed wi have neur potatoes ready to use but must finish up the few old ones unit so that will givefolk an idea of the wonderful grototli hoods are giving both tourists and noruierntrs plenty of food for thought thes days with so much traiftc and we nortlicrncrs are getting very angry ut tlie way the government liave ud us in connection with the spending of so many millions of dollars and not putting any of it on our wrguson highway and not even doing the rtocuary maintain ing to keep up the surface already estab lkltakl true uiere are few spots flt to 4rive on but it would be bad plug wltliout some good points with the weather and reiiourcea of the country and the need for really good road in such evidence and the fact being well known one wonders at such neglect recent issue of uie noruiem news compiled statement from uiclr own town and towrsihip which is outstand ing mr alex iullon issuer announced tliat up tn monday morning july 20th licences luul botn issued for 3820 cam and 391 trucks totalling t53gus and tliat uim same motorists have paid out g3000 in gas tax not counted in the revenue to the province from tills on district alone 2c22 optrauw nonniu g47 instruction permits and 253 chauf feurs permits lias been issued an es timate on the gas consumption for tecl township was made just for the open seation which is not for twelve months tn this country and 1050000 ialloiu was caiuldeivd very coruarvntlve esi timate so why shouldnt we have good roads wlien tlib tremendoua revenue lij koihk out of one locality bcilde nil the iviit which ihurnottieenconipnedrbt would build up tremendous total to become bit pergonal ujjaln miss the liniehouae news this week presume the correspondent is away an holiday have sure had mine but in different way two months on jnly 29th in bod but why worry while theres life theres hope so were told we had an agreeable surprise visit on friday the wifco mother and brother landed in for few days visit thoy havent said how long but are so sur prised and pleased with the sights they have seen ao far prank is off now wltn some of our bunch they cant all go at once to hunb blue berries and see sights as am able til try and continue my small contribution sincerely it johnson the functions of government must bo readjusted from time to time to restrain the strong and protect the weak herbert btoover officeworker helped by natural laxative food allban corrected her constipation here is her voluntary letter for yearn was sufferer from constipation it was necessary to take laxntiva every night before retiring was an officeworker and dm not get much exercise some one told mo that all khan wafl cood remedy lor con stipation iboufthca box found that it helped my condition since then havo not had to in vest in laxativek mrs margaret jones address upon rcijuest scientific tests hnve shown that kellpggs auhran correcu con mtipation safely and plemihntly this delicious cereal supplies mild bulk as well ua vitamin and iron two tablespoonfulu daily are usually jturticient if not relieved this wuy ace your doctor wouldnt you rather enjoy tins natural food than nbusc your sya tem with harmful pills and dru protect your fumily from tho dniifrcrn of common consitipution serve alibiun regularly for reg ularity either as cereal with milk or cream or cooked in tempt ing muffins bread etc recipes on every package sold by all grocers made by kel logg in london ontario cmjfllkdfut tuj to ihufftcut bulk all summer dresses go on sale tomorrow at tremendous price reduction thrifty shopperk will take advantage of these bargains womens dresses sics 38 to 48 made of pure ilk and also crepe materials colors plain or pastel shades kcgular 495 and ssos sale price one group of ladjcs crcpc dresses regularly sold at 305 sale price missses dresses sizes 14 to 20 regular 395 sale pice lor of while pique skirts rcgulav 125 sale price 179 fancy trim 349 249 249 59c pallants mill street clothing and footwear acton ontario beauty and low price combined with ford dependability and low maintenance costs make the newspecial dft luxe ford v8 one of the mid summer highlights in the motor car market it doesnt matter now your choice runs for motor car we have model to suit not only your taste but your pocket book added to the already popular models is the special delux model with new mahogany trim double windshield wipers clock in rear vision mirror new steering wheel with chrome finished spokes twin horns just like those on the lincolnzephyr new extension lever on cmergecy brake high quality carpets in front and rear compartments locked compartment new radiator ornament and new colors you just must see thjs new model now added to the range that ford v8 offers ford v8 new luxury at low cost norton motors phone g9 mill street acton siuwnl heinz soups ltox tins frcsb chocolte pub biscuits 25c ivi pep bran pi newi clowr honey 11c pickles bd23c victory swtct mixed liwjyi coold pj1 scorned noi tin 13c ibusiiiess directory uedica1 dr mcniven phyalolaik mad oflic and wl tenoe gtwpr atenoft and klein street dr nelson physfelul uid gin electro thcrwpj drwm cullen tnxytirslmjx mxtd snre oftlce houx 14 and corner prederlck and iflsi tefcphouij 128 legal phone no 33 box harold nash farmer barrister bouettar nauzy pablla canveyanecx eta mux street acttow houro qjzo to hxto nooc 00 to jdo saturdays 1300 oclock kenneth langdon barrister souettar nmary tmm oolcca acton oeecfeetov over seynueks cafe la vor appointment phone acton ay oeorcetown 8s fr office bohrs acton timwtij thursday us tn to 4j0 pau inga on request dental jul buguamamaijl office in it mfti hours rn tmtll tn by appointment oas for extraction closed wednesday afternoon phone 14 ip 1pearen ds beoial saxreocl iavt to our new quarters in the symon lilock phone 3d uii1 street aefton auscellakeou francis nunan ssookhlnder account books of all kinds made to order periodical of tevery description carefully bound ftullntf neatly knd promptly done wyndham street ooelnh oni wt panerson8o spoilalbt ky oruiopuo it it im wjndhjun bl nit to iltei otjelpi1 llionos 310 general we steciauzk in life fire health and accident automobile windatorm plate glass boiler fidelity bonda annuities and all general lined of insurance aijso ocean steamship tickets kxceulknt paclotiks tloit of caumjji ifc only nice golden larjie yellow dozen oranges nice size sweet and juicy per dozen 01c lemons nice lare siie full of juice potatoes bibs homejgrown good cookers 3c onions lbs sound and dry fk home grown jc 25c atermelon carrolls awllbs klueitklumes ktc all at special jlhcks 49c siy limited 16oz jr 29c peas um mmxwlt hmm bj ihellihiinnt homestyle boiled sjd dressing red salmons 32c corn starch 01 mclwews allotted jelly powders 14g llbbyy lux ti joc 115 fredl wright ohlct cuncr block 91 coffees ltb ha 35 liooy pork and beans carrolls ii limited stoke closes satouoay night 10t0 miijl st11eet free delivery phone 158 arrow bus schedule jotbotivl ilay 3rd 103 leave westbound 945 aai 12ispbl x1b ma 41s hii cis td ajs via 1iss tju standa1uj aisu leave eastbound 510 ilta ul 1110 aj jj8 htel 4m tom imrt ad tad ivlnkkvltlth 1iaxnk1 to axx wilntu in canada iunitu statts jk mkx1co consult local agent wiles kestauhant central ontario bun lines tokonto subhcriptions for all hagazinea taken at the free pros