pjuam doht 1he actqn free press lfotlca of births marrugea and deaths inserted in tm cqlamn without chtrn mcmoriam notices foe and 100 pr llns additional for pottrr born xokonierft at acton on wednes day augut sth 10m to mr and mra longstreet no georgetown daughter greenwood at st josephs boaplul toronto on wedneaoay july 29th ism to mr and mra peter oreen wood daughter barbara joan atucjcey woods at sl patrick anglican church quelph on 8atur day auguit ut 1030 ethel bemlce daughter of mra and the late oeorge wooda to mr frederick stuckey all of acton aamblelanoford on july 23rd ism at olebe rood united church toronto tw rev gordon mxwcll bju ol cambray ontario aldyth langlord daughter of mra ada long ford and the late mtt langford of durham england to rev john elvln gamble ba of calatorvllle ontario on of the late mr and mrs oamble of acton locals this la the last month of the sum mer holidays the boy scouts returned from camp on saturday yor values extraordinary and shop ping needs consult the ads it aeema to require two or three days of threatening before rain develops hew gates have been erected at tho cntr ant johhebeardmore co tannery properties the employees of the mason knit ting co have been enjoying their holi days this week miss ruth albson acton will be heard on program tonight thursday at olipjii over station cicoc hamil ton as ft guesb soloist the tall rally of the eastern dis trict of the ouelph association boptlit young peoples will bo held in acton park in the early part of september which seems quite popular spot for such events yabm oucitabjys yon homl muit surely with the idea tliat each farm should be able to provide its own supply of apples plums and small frultij the de velopment of small orchards on the form has received considerable attention in the scheme of work of the illustration stations of the dominion experimental parma till project waii first started about nine years ago in novi scotia and has proven very successful the homo orchard in addition to serving as fruit supply to tho farm concerned is affording tocans of btudy with regard to the hardlncj and adaption of new varieties resulting from tho breeding trials carried on at the experimental stations tho latter work is being done in cooperation with the dominion horticulturist at ottawa la the irairu provinces tlie home orchard lias also proven interesting and valuable from on information standpoint particularly in manitoba where tho idea hwjkaldcvcioacdiivcf aug rp rlm than on the illustration stations in alberta and saskatchewan in tlie home orcliflrd devflopmtnti tlie experimental station at morden mani toba lias contributed in remarkable maimer introducing many new varltics of fruit specially sullubk to prairie con ditions and distributing fcevcral varieties of tuw apples pluma and small frulu projects in growing annual flowers liorb aotocw perennials and ornamental shrubs which liati auo elven special attention to the growing of rosed for soma years several of these trial orcluuds are fairly extensive including from thirty to forty varieties of hardy uppu plums and cherries during the past two yri from slxitv to aovctity plated of fruit from even of tlaese illustration stations iwve been exlnbltod at the manitoba provln cuu pruit slow motu than ua1x cktop 1lajjds in tulhu itlfcl btatfc vtla kou growing oa1s over half of uui land under crops in the irish tm tiule unvoted to uu tend bout 7pcr cent of the outturn is fed whfiitgrnulng nn thi tncrea uw government oast ting in its production the growing of sugar be is alm on the increase tlut additional iaictorlui having bm 6wtablbjukl ilneo th first incud in 1020 the ucreuge plunud to pouto jhous alight decrtau j3e 000 acrvn wing undtr potato in 1035 compart el uith 343 000 in 10j4 the livtrnnunt hat been active in devil ng an economic changeover from hw sto production to uuuue and lndmtiat expuulon viour milling lus bin tabluhtd hurt has boeii marked development in lu boot and sho hid try vliuy over jo distinct makrs of motor vehicle ur now atlrmblrd in tht 1ni tau uc cording to tlie industrlul dtpirtmtnt it tho canadian nutlonal uitvu why the sun it ki the centra uf light william peer wellknown resident of nelson township passed away monday at the home of his daughter mrs max well ouelph cine in the person of wljllam peer deceased who was native of ontario was in his 77th year he had been in poor health since lost winter and his pflg was not unex pected besides hid wife and daughter with whom ho resided ho is survived by four brothers john of moffat edward of kilbride and oeorge and aaron of burlington also two sisters mrs top of minneapolis and mrs humphrey of toronto private service was feeld on wednesday after noon ab 2s0 clock at the hofne of mrs maxwell and public service in st oeorge anglican church lowvluo at 330 pan interment was made in the cemetery adjoining thos moore oampbeuvulo friends from this district and other centres where he was so well known were shockedfto learn of the sudden pass ing on tuesday last of thomas moore of campbelmlle mr moore had at tended the directors meeting of tho hal ton union farmers mutual fire in surance co the day previously and ro tired an monday evening seemingly in his usual health he passed away during his sleep thomas moore was son of tlie lato joseph moore and was born in chinguaoousy township ho was in his eightieth year he is survived by one son alexander who has been assisting his father for some time bi his duties as ecrtaj of tho insurance co and bccir great cofnfoa in wis declining yearh ktswlfcm prede him in 1017 and since her death her sister miss janot jicpliall has kept house for him for about twentyflvo years thomas moore has been secretary of tho halton union farmers mutual firo insurance co and no company over hod more faithful and painstaking official than him upright and straight forward in all his dealings ho was re pectcd by all who knew him he was of tho old school whoso bond was un necessary when ho had bivcii his word thomas moore will be missed and his memory revered by many two brothers robert of ouelph and william of toronto and one sister mrs fanny beattle of toronto remain to the son alexander and to all wlio have been be reaved sympathy of many friends goes out in the church and in the commun ity life of campbellvillo ho will be miss ed he was an elder in bb davids presbyterian churclu tho funeral on thursday last was largely attended service ut the home uafl conducted by iuv mr lawson assfiied by rev jones of orahd valley interment uas made nt st davids cemetery tho pallbearers were messrs joi weir carl ross murray mcphail jack mcphau wm moore and jack lieattle flower bearers wire muwrs trios mcphail jas alllsoif robert weir and david mcpluul kicktl production up eclipsing all post records for similar period canadian nlckll production total led gfi8 700 000 pounds in the mrl llvs montlis of 1d30 compared with 52000 000 pounds in the corrcjipondlng period 1035 according to the department of mlnui exporui of nickel wore valued atl9 13i 800 compared uiciti 13 705 200 for the first live months of 1035 both producing companies international klr kel and falconbridtre nlclcol have been operating at capacity rates and have larae expantdon programs under way international nickel which in 1020 completed program of mine develop ment and plant construction involving on outlay of fifty million dollars is ex ptndlnff tuelvo million dollars this yar in tho cons of nnw plants and malcolm macbets died at milverton thursday august oth 1030 malcolm macbeth postmaster and tho former publisher of the milverton sun died in victoria hospital lato monday night as result of complications fol lowing mastoid operation mr mac both was born in bruce county and wos in his 68th year after graduating from walkerton col legiate he joined tho editorial staff the walkerton telescope about 40 years ago he purchased the milverton sun in 1031 he was president of uio canadian weekly newspapers assoc la mon for 30 years ho was member the board of education milverton and chairman at the time of his death in 1031 ho was president of tho on tario school trusbeeo and ratepayers association and the following year be come president of the ontario educa tional association for his educational and other community services he wi awarded the kings jubilee medal in 1035 few years ago ho compiled history of the lives of tlie pioneers or mornlngton township and town of mil vcrtnn at tlie time of his death ho mu president of perth county educational association ho was associated with number of fraternal organisations being member of the orand lodge af and ajtf he was an extensive reader and during his lifetime had accumulated one of tho at and largest individual libraries hi west ern ontario in addition to publlstilnjf the sun ho was postmaster of milvtr ton for ovir 30 yearn swimming clipped tho following rules from tho canudlan horn journal and obtained permission to reprint them for your bertcflt don swtmuton you mayfacc6mrr fatigued and ho one will bo available to como to your afialitanci in coiv of dif ficulty don swim for at least oil liour after mating if you do you may bo stricken with stomach cramps which hi almost tvery casu render tho swimmer helplesd muscle crampu ajx not so dangerous and hi most cases of these providing you do not gctf excited you can get uiem out by relaxing mjku for tho slion at once where tlie cramped member can be maiasaged if jou are subject to cramps stay close to oho re on all occasions don go on long swims unless accom panied by boat don forrtt that it takut as much ability to be able to swim in waur five fett in depth ou it does hi much deeper waur and that 10 is much safer to swim hi sliallow waur becau you can always rint when tired don dive into watr unkjis you aro sure it is free from abotaclti and of sufficient dtpth for diving don ute umtr trjfies to learn to swim or to play on they nuiy slip away and let you alnk in ducp water dont use rafts ihey may carry you out beyond your depth don try to sw afur ball or any thing clue being blown out from tjiore by the wind or current it can travel faster than you can twlm and you may bo ome tlnd and unable to swim back to shore don climb out on rock pier tlu are often very ullpptry you might full und break your nck or cerloujly lnjurt your if don cry for help if it la not required you may nccd help some time and then nobody may pay attention to your dif ficulties dont gt into canoo unuias you ai motor in the ditch motor car accident occurred on the highway cast of acton carry wednes day morning when car driven by albert harris acton went into tho dlowh it is said the car went out of control when it attempted to pass bus going in tho same direction tho car was badly damaged the driver and his companion arthur thompson also of acton who were in the front scat of tho machine escaped injury however oeorge trumper who woo in the rear seat suffered cuts about the head and hands and was tojhm for treatment to tho ouelph general hospital he was being given lift by harris his injuries were not serious bride honored miss ethel woods was entertained at mlsoellaneous shower given by number of friends at tlie homo of mrs norman robertson when the bride tobe was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts vcny enjoyable evening was spent after which buffcti supper was served hi additions to facluuu of existing plants puleonbrldgo nickel is expand ing its plant facilities to enable 25 per ocnt increase in tho company produc tlve capacity canada produces over 80 per cnt of the worldvi supply or nickel all of it from the sudbury district of ontario except small quantity recovrid as byproduct of tho treatment of the sllv cobalt nickel ores of the cobalt district in the same province from 830 47 pounds in 18a0 ttiljjroiilucuou of nickel increased continually to war time pak of 03 507 203 pounds 1018 after mump to 17 507 133 pounds in 1033 pro duction expanded rapidly again and in 1s23 exceeded tliat of tlie war year 101b while 1d20 tahhluu still higher record of 110 275 912 pounds with tlw iu prt inn production declined to 30 3j7 iaa pountb in 1033 but has since made remarkable recovery in 1034 uu output totalled 128 607 34b pounds new lilfiluaiid in 1d35 continued its upvoxd cllmb ullh total of 138 510240 pound opinions so ni mj of iui are long on dlgnltv und thort on ptrfcrmanu durrl jt iik in umumi thif ill uld bi hat himii uul lots of chikirt mir pltkfnrd llu tdiuattd mm irtater nul uiu than llu un dutated on oi iritu ik in rtl liaw ut if th jkoptt ulio lm rt ill tounud in iny llf not fanunu lubt huth llu ipuk druina pruitlall ex tlmt in ut oat forty sluto th union wtllluin lliuilji an expcrancod sulmmcr or boatman never stand up in canoe or small boau nor change ratr nor move about in unnecessary manner this the mot danglroui tiling jou can do and moic accidents happen tlirouch thts form of careluisnr than from any other cauj dont tamper with life ivlns equip ment or appliances along public wauir fronts tlij advice is timely and of the very ututioranabuimmer nm ptnecjally or thows who are inclined to be too daring these rules were isnied by tlie ontario section of tlie canadian amateur swim ming association itaoio licknsls incilasf the marked increase in the number radio receiving llccnscti kiued by tlie canadun oovernmeno during tlie pout hical year as compared with preceding years tostlties to tlie improving economic conditions among tlie massed of can adian people oovernment radio re celvlng license numbered 803 100 which was more than double tlie number ls uued ulx yars ago and an inert ow of nearly 50 000 ovr tlie fkcal year ending march 1035 correspondingly mlts of new ctuisdlon made radio receiving seu uu ao in 1035 und in value from 344 035 to 1m30 in addition lmportt of radio and alrelcxw apparatiu and rullo tubes dtirlna 1035 totalled 0oj 69comprwi ulth 700 001 in 1034 fxporuj ot nullai lie ytur aiuounleel to 144 030 radio receiving licence hi canad tuo dollars but the cm id in oov rmm ttt uipplliii trte llcensi to blnl pit in the yt ir undtr reiitiv j14 ucll itlllurfs vttl it md canada fruit industry brief review of canada fruit in dustry from tho first apple crop acadia in 1035 to tho present unit is included in recent statement of can adian fnult production issued by thi dominion bureau of statistics afur pro vldlng for homo consumption canadian frulb aru now exporud to tlie extent of over 14 million dollars in 1934 many klndrt of fruit uro succeimf ull grown in oil but uio colder parts of tho donmnlon but commercial fruit growing lr limited mainly to tlie annapolis valky in nova colla tho sjiint jolm volley in new brurewwick soutliern aretu of quebou and ontario and the interior valluti ol prltbdi haiiflwbcoua is tlie home of the cuiiodlan upplo in dustry tlie census of 1c08 showed uiatj at iorti royal many families had orchards of 75io 100 tres llie lint apples ex ported from tlie province uroeald to lutve been chipped in sailing vculs from halifax to liverpool in 1840 and thi price realized was per barrel in 1850 shipment of 700 barrels was made io boston these were the beginnings of the nova scotia industry on commer cial scale lhe crop in 1010 exceeded two million barrels commercial orcliardlng in ontario lias developed within tlie lai fifty or sixty yarn and in tills province apple produc tlon in 1035 amounted to over 725 000 barrels in addition ontario produced great quantlth of pears plums peaches cherrlej strawberries raspberries and over 39 million pounds of grapes commercial fruit growing in british columbia is of comparatively roouit origin but that province in 1035 contri buted nearly live million boxes of appleu j22 000 boxes of rvara jjh 000 crates of plumr and prunes 540 00o crntes of trawberrtes 350 000 poundn of grapes and substantial quantities of other varieties molkms gtt 060 bhtls tliat 000 bibles in arabic liavc been distributed recently among moulcms in tlie dotrlct uest of hankow china wlicre the moslem uiuiace has been tlirefttulng of late was reported at recent meeting at glasgow of the dlrec tors of tlie notional bible society of scotland tlie newu from southwest china uas exceedingly grave owing to tlie frcjh invasions of the area by com munists tlie situation had becomo dcttperatc tliat oaly seven stations in kwiechow were nou occujiled by mu slonaries tlie rest of the workeru having been compelled to leave it was also reported uiav dugald campbell society agent hud succeu fully crossed the des sert bctueen morocco and tamanrasset fur is insalah on tho way he hjjd visited go oaiej and had circulated large number of arabic and tuareg bibles pa1tebs0n ro sttoclmllii id tj kisuinsuu 10 wyndium ul nnl lau oofcupll lonk 31x quality juwufmey swvim ic uiu uiu ii grammir llit tt ttlur uitr tiklnil ii mini ir willti mttlita turn ruiuul wlllit dd uu teiclur correct this tiittncc biwik uln ik ri wiult pond rwl for mom nt and th htd lit thf hlr lu uld bint liiiltuti of ulut lxetu uln uln no wrd royal gceuh now mivinn rields poppy till ftvvclg imimiiv jtiisil matthias is it love vain willi lioki in oung mm wm alsl hakiow trawciioi ion in stizy more rambling round in runabout we vo found ohb how tho brampton boys met their obligations in baseball almost without gate receipts koch player pays quarter every time ihcro la trjp away from home cracked bals ore carefully taped up that when it taken real sportsmanship to atasyi with the gome acton gave the alllton fans quite scare on saturday when they pretty nearly pulled ou win the acton boys couldn stand prosperity and milton again finished however theroll come day tclfcr did vory good job on the mound and tho milton sluggers dldn have the feast tllcy had lost time dudo lindsay utralned muscle in bis leg and had to retire in favor of herb woods who took over tho shortstp position tho injury was not very seri ous and dudo got back into tho game on monday agnhist ivrgus matt iler was the hero of fonday frucus when he knocked out two home runs double and single in five trlpr to the plate georgetown won from brampton by la on saturday the hi tho playolfs betwe acton and georgetown is called tor saturday hi georgetown tnlk nbouljnqncysroctiilithc juveni sure gave it last night anci then some kvery fan was glad to see mltcliell of oakville back in tlie game and recover lng from his injury one oakville battor put his stick hitw four pleces when he attempted to crack out home run tliat was lucky breal for acton totjiust monkkus tlie extent to which tourist traffic lias developed in canada involving as it did in 1035 the admujon of over 3j mil lion automobiles and almost 115 million vbltors is just another example of what tlie pioneers have done for us through tlw medium of the files of tlil custom branch of tlie department of national icevtnul the pioneer automobile tourists can be traced back to the dai of the horseless carriage at tlie beginning of tlie century like pioneers in other fleldr instinct not given in vain surely no instinct was vvcr given in vain without an appointed end and that end involving good and if so it cannot bo supposed that man bo mock cd of his liakcr as to have been gifted with capacities for intellectual enquiry and inspired with an inextinguishable thlrut for knowledge so constituted also to derive from its acquisition pleasure quite unaccountable as that produced by the harmony of sounds no purpose with no results bub that when ho dies all hla thoughto perish mrs alfred oatty clock running without being ollctl and cleaned every two years is just wearing llsclf out mantle and kitchen clocks cleaned for 200 gardiner clock and watch repairing weekend specials at lovell bros ibt jewel shortening for 25c duffs pure lard lb 14c round roast beer per lb blade roast beer per lb fresh sausngu lbs for 16c 14c 25c trimmed buttb rvtsh pork per lb pen meiil cottage rdfls per lb breakfast bucon the piece per tb 23c 23c 30c these prices good tor friday und saturday only lovell bros meat market forest fires ravage north tlicy had their oh lucles to ovirconn tlie mmple regulations of today govern lng nutomoblte travel bctvecn canada and the united states art the fruits of their efforts in 1001 there were no regulations gov erning tlie admission of tourists auto mobiles into canada the first recorded enquiry camo from the automobile club of america in new york in december 1001 which contained brief request fo copy of regulations io thb reply wau made to the effect tliat automobluo uerc subject to duty of 25 per cent but that if brought ln by tlie ouncr far pleasure and nov for gain or hire iri jtructlons could be given if desired to accopt deposit of the duty su reundlf exported ultlilrpsljc montlij durmg 1002 over fifty enquiries were received increasing in 1003 until on the 15th of may of thnt yenr the first regula tlons bovernlng tho admlrsion of tourist automobile ucre lued these acre found to be too restrictive and on thi 20th of july amended regulations were issued upon these regulations are bat ed the gtneroufl provisions which nou con ntltute the regulations of 1030 ttu fhnt mnilntlont rpmilrcd dppad or the full amount of duty and taxes in july 1003 the amended regulation onlv asked for deposit of five per cent of the automobile and bond for double the entlmated duties in 1030 tlie tourist uho wishes to vl it canada mai ent wltli hlr ctir and outfit merely upon re porting to the canadian customs and immigration officers at tlie frontier and without furnishing either bond or cash depeulb moniy making iilns poultry and cuuh re big biuiiu dp canadian farma and brought consider ably over fifty million dollars in revenue last ye3r thi large turn is somewhat surprising to thow wlio associate the urea orotntryayirf tit itt hens bilily scraplnj for living in an old fashioned btimjarxl the revt uue of 1035 uas uithln measurable dl tance of lldlng ii lit much the farm fumilv exrluqu ui the 10 million doll ir dcriwd from furm unimalt poultry and tgt jilay lirgi pirt in tlu ii lcultunil pi ins of thi olttir pr vim ulih tlnir large citun of popuu ii hind ontario ltd last yt ir ulth nrvi nui of tib nit milll tli 11 ir inn mort thm that ntled fmm ult and tt ibli qutbte uiu econd viith oir too 000 the utura tt of the murlllmt pi ivinci viu 100 000 on it ailvineis in rivtiun from pmilirv and in urt rttordtsl in tlu lr irle prolnni wi kateht wan hadliu llu uuj uith ri mn 100 000 lit 10j4 to 7jooooo in iojj utvuius lu hrihh lumbii albrtu mid vuuttoba were uv iji clu ulur but tluy ull ijioutd in trius tortst ffros ure till raging in northern ontario especially round the sudbury area in secord township where much damage has been done pictured abovl fchow an aeroplane being unloaded at horso shoe lake pilot usher in keen on tho wlntf an olr view of the fin til hown ul ow fawn chased out of the bunh by the fir vo truniporled by uir to afe spot und released tuul fitu oijkllin pbot acton stbres can fufih your neecls give the first chance