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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 20 Aug 1936, p. 5

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thursday auoust 20th 1035 the acton free press pack mn billy johnstone of london is visit ing wtta acton relatives mr bert hinton is attending the ylt oa camp at lsdce couchiclng mjr wm ruey of baltimore md visited acton friends the past week misses ida and edith nellcs returned home after holidaying at muskofca dr and mrs cancallen of whitby called on miss beth harrison the pwfr week miss ethel gilmer of georgetown spent this week with mr and mrs it johnston mr and mrs brown and mrs hattlo swackhamcr vial tod in hamilton on sunday mr and mrs ooo leslie of ouclph spent sunday at mr and mrs li johns ton mr and mrs charles landsborough spent last week with friends in toronto and wcuand mr archer betty and robert of port perry visited with hcevo and mrs harrison mr and mrs john leslie of thames ford visited this week with mr and mm johnston mr and mrs mqpro have return ed after spending week with ifrlends in erin and hulsburg mrs geo edwards returned on mon day after visiting for couple of weeks in brantfard and london george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toronto opposite ryrieblrks beverly arnold returned home on holidays in montreal que mr and mrs tbwnsend of nev york ore holidaying with her poreits mf and mrs thos rumley mrs charles hynds and donald of toronto are visiting at the homeof her brother mr mcpherson mr and mrs john rarnshaw and tfatnuy of detroit mich are visiting with mr and mrs rarnshaw miss shirley edwards of beaverton who has been visiting here for tho past mojiui or bo went to toronto on monday mrs abott of ouelph is visiting at the home of her brother excouncll jor john nlcol couple of days this week mi joseph wobb of detroit mich formerly of the fourth line erin spent the post week visiting mr and mrs robt wornc mr and mrs charlos brcmncr of detroit spent few days ut uie homo of mr and mrs alfred pryar bower avenue mr wm rozol mrs ilea and famiy returned homo after visiting friends at ingcrsoll london detroit and royal oak mjcll mr and mra clarence juby and mr george stumpf of toronto were guciti at tho home of mr and mrs ii denny lost priduy messrs bus morton gordon cook george moloxade rlgby cross and james mcqeachic are spending weeks holi day in new york city to the patrons of this festablishment during tho month of august examinations on thursday friday and saturday only of each tteok appointments will bo mode for these days if convenient lens grinding and repair de partment operating as usual full umo savage savage bidff ulph phone io01w 5000 attend blakelock picnic continued from paso oi gregory theatre fk1dat august jl lady tubbs one of tho seasons most hilari ous comedies starring alice brady colored musical fiesta do sontl barbara variety shorty at coney island sport air hop pers chapter 10 re and rlnty saturday august 2snd the first baby romantic happy funny star ring johnny downs and shirley deone novelty jellb and run driver cartoon early bird and the worm fbx news monday august zith obses sion from tho notable novel starring robert taylor and ireno dunn cartoon tm big shot now spu yout messrs donald gibson kenneth and jack niuscll of oakvuie and bui mc lean of tilbury visited on sunday at the home of reeve harrison mr and mrs albert case and two so is ktrrmore and lemar and mra jcmita young of saginaw mich visited their cousins mr and mrs denny and mr and mra prod cooper uils week mrs william johnstone lion roturnol after tao weeks at the cottage oukvuv mr and mra maclean and bill maclean of tilbury returned with her and visited in acton for few duos mr and mr win cooper actjn announce tho engagement of their only daughter olive to mr ray smith ms dougall ilornepuyno oldest son of and mrs mcdougull 77 homo wood avenue toronto the marriage to tak place quietly arly in september brideelect honored on monday evening miscellaneous shower in honor of miss irene dunn bridetobe was held at tho homo of mrs pettr sayers church street about fifty friends gauieredand eno able evening was spent in games and cards many useful gifts received by miss dunn tho evening wai con cruded by uie servirg of delightful re freshments and ull left wishing the brldctobo much happiness property threatened at cuewsons corners on tuisday fire that started in the trrnsburwutwtrntyxnthtrtjrroet ling costume ing pink bwaggcr en tie rvidddlle of alex currje at crew bojis cornirs uiftuunbil to tiiurial through tho iwjds and destroy giv it dual of the property in tliat neighbor hood it bunted over otic lieul af htubble and caught on tlie fencvi with uie hulp of uclglukirs aiul men from acton the lire was checked bfore it rvuclwd uy uf uie building the swackhamerscott wedding the homo of mv and mrd stephen scott tillsonburg was tlie sceno of ueddinjj saturday at noon when their daughter lillian many was united in marruig by rev wray davidson to mr harold clayton su ackliomcr hamil ton eon of mr and mrs arthur swack hamer acton the bride given in marriage by hr father was in whltoinounwhnl splendid company of assisting artists of course the feature of the evening were the addresses mr hughes cleaver haltons representative at ottawa out lined brlcjqy tho very thorough method that the government was going about in fulfilling proelection promises already benefits were being felt by farmer and laborer and loao customers were being won back for canada lie predicted balanced budget hon arthur roebuck attornoyocn eral hi his brief addrcss repeated tho promise that hydro rates will be cut be fore tho year is out as result of the savings made by 44io voiding of the quebec contracts tho attorney genera reminded halton liberals tluu tho government has got down to work and handled tho hydro problem and you people will got tho results before tho end of the year to mr thomas blakelock italton reprcsentativo in uie irovmcial house went tho honor of introducing tho premier to tho audience ho wus proud of his leador and tho achievements of tho government he had no excuses to offer utid every election promise had bo 3a fuul lied ho pointed with justifiable pride to many of these pledges such ai mothers allowonco with one clnld rpdll of examination fees government pay ment of all uio charges on provincial highways and other enactments for tho benefit of the common people tho bx his address in dealing wlui uie school tax law sold tho now consorvauvo leader would not daro if returned to oulco to repeal tho school tax law ho doubted however his being returned to office mr hepburn said his now law had dealt oqultably with what was purely an economic problem as fo tho would not dare repealit mr hepburn swung to tho subject of the accounts the itemized record of tho governments purchases and expendi tures by pointing out they were not jot due but am going to make departure wo jiavo nothing to cover up just tm soon as uw irovincial auditor hands me copy of tho accounts hltui think that can bo hoped for in the noit month am going to send earl rowe copy in uio coursd of his speech mr hep bum was unusually critical about one feature of constrvatlvo regime nruuiclug what he condemned was tho uuvoway payment clause in some prdhcpburn ontario bonds which permit bond holder to demand sterling united states dollars or canadian money have talked with treasury off icliila ono of tlie btsit financial minds in can ada rowo notwluistandlng tho premier anid uq wild that if war or unusual conditions developed it la posslblo the do sole on princesj lines with long train she wore bandeau of orange blossoms and carrled bouquet of ophelia rosed and babys breaut mks isabel swack hamer only ulster of uie groom was ring bearer wearing pale green organxa fro3c and carriud uio ring in mutf fashlonej of swoet xmas mary rossi ter nlooo of the bride frocked in pink and blue organza and eleanor blease in pltiii were flower girls each carrying noso gay bouquot of talisman roses the wrddlng matcri wtuy pla4od by mlis olive stewart of ingenoll ontario concludtng the ceroiony with lohen grins bridal chorus during tho signing of uie register which was witnessed by miss elide scott sliter or uio bvide and mr leslie swockhamer brother of tin brldegoom miss oraco scott anouirr sister of tlio bride sang love theo by orolg ouests were received by mra stephen scott earing navy and white chlffor with corsage bouquet of yellow touch and assisted by mrs arthur swackhamor in yellow and brown chiffon with corsabc bouquet of pink roses immediately following uio ceremony tho guests were served to sumptuous wedding luncheon wlui uio misses klslo davis and jclva and evelyn pvaren of people of onhnrlo may have t5 pay 100000000 in interest and prlnclplo en the henry government loans before the are retired at maturity mr hepburn naid the treasury luis al ready collected more uian 000000 in auccesslon duties uils year and unit an agreement covering an overdue estate ax of approximately million dollars utls signed on ivlday predict 15000000 in the succession duues office at uie end of the year ho naid he cruckod into karl roue directly on two polnu ontarfo house and highway expenditures the premier said hi tin first eighteen monuia of his jeglmo tho government had collected 10800000 lit motor revenue utid ipent 4fl oootoo on highways but he was not bragging about that because part of it was carry over from former premier henry plck andshovel briiade which marched jiut before the 1034 election mr harrop president of uie hnlton liberal association was chairman of the evening two visitors from northern ireland woro present and brought greyc ings from this part of uie empire tronorettttrtdit xclon ervlng and durhig which time uio guesbt offered uilir felicitations and toasts t3 the rellcitlous couple tho brides table waa covered with cloui of white madeira and centred with tho wed ding cake with baskets of pink rosm and fouvuu pink tapers completing tlio ar rangemrut while the tables for the gjicsu uero cntrl wlui pink rosebuds the bridal couple left by motor for trip lo niagara 1u1u rochlstef and detroit michigan tho brides travel semblc bf uncrushabld llno wltli win to accessorlm on tlielr return they v111 risldo at 78 king street east hamil ton ontario whue thtv will bo ut horn ufter september jst tiiu bridal cotipe were uie reciplnls of many oxqulsite and useful uifta which tra tilled to thtr popularity utt tongs uulr frlerdi and relatives the woodstock sontlnclrevlew had the following items of social interest mitt scolt became the bride of mr harold swackhamer hamilton formerly of acton on saturday members of uio thlsonburg branca of the alma college alumnae entertained at delightful party at uie homo of mvs reekie recently in honor of miss ireno moboe brideelect and miv mary scott whose marrlabehs also tak ing place early irl august during the afternoon mra waller past pro sldent of the alumnae presented each the brideselect wlui college plate uc compankd by card autographed by those prosent and och was also the recipient of shower of recipes from the asshntnesrtpjgbdl muljftatnuttlbctir nr uio afternoon included plana duett bv miss scott and miss catharine carr and piano solo by mrs gibson mvf mary scottj daughter of mr and mrs scott tillsanburg and recent graduate of alma college has beci muchfetod prior to her marriage whlit is taking place this monui the staff or the ii rush company tlllsonburk hold surprise party it her home ro ctntl an injojablo program was prv isentcd iocui nmnbfrsiwrnjrniivrri by the mlsri oraco scott and lavada taylor and readings by miss norma wood mki scott was presented ulth shower of cups and saliceri tile world ui too full of trouble ul trouble ui there too much color too many frills not enough value theo dore druscr the mccleixanmartin wedding at bftampron the wedding took place on wednesday afternoon in st andrews presbyterian church brampton of miss ireno mary agnes martin daughter of mrs martin and the late jdmca martin of brampton to ernest ralph mccldllan bs nan of mr william mcclellan and tho late mrs mcclellan of hurley ontario ro ii coulter olflclatcd and uio brldo entered the church on the ami of hm brother slwrlock martin of brampton tlrldt imaldt were miss ruth of ilnimpton slhr of the bruie and mlu edith arnutrtmg of toronto junus lciii or brantfoid wu jfrooiuhinan unt jium and robert mcarter of brainp um ilhors mlvi ruth wilson bramp lon paddtd at ui organ mul mm imiyllli cupi of uruinpton sang tlio brld ctulume uui of ivory bridal suun uiih long tmtn und silk tut veil caugnt with oiuiigo bkissoms she carrkd bouquet of bouvardla and lllyoftlw valley at the reception wltlch followed mrs martin was assisted by miss mary lltlalluiirautaofthqgtfoauifxi mrs mcclellan left for trip throuui the adlrondacks the bride travelling pink bouclc suit wlui brown accessor tliey ill renlde in port credit bramp ton conservator town hall being repaired several repairs have been modn and un town hull is ureatvj unproved thereby the pbistor on tin jif the uudltorlum has bun rtplaceel in any simjt where weakniu was found ihc room ut the rear of the council cham us has hud the ceiling roplusti red und the muln entrance hud the plaster re paired the old lyucouy ovtr the en traneo luu been torn down und uw brltc work is being jwilil 10 is expeciel ubto to put new uvutroughlng on thu building estimate nearly reached lslrrtj up mull uio commencement of jul acton milton and auclph rural power tlliitrlcts havo just about reached tlw eiitlmate of 80 new contracts ht ly tlw ontario hydro cammuuuoii field nion tor tlio wliole of 103fl wtlvsoven of uie intending new jlidro cutoiilerii in tuj tlireo ureafl aro fann dwellert tlirouuhout all rural 0uuo about 000 new hydro contract liave leeu olkiled with farm and hamlet clulli up to theprtaent ume uiui year hydro utlmute for au nirul ontario for ui3 aliole jtar wiui sou ao it li practically certain the intimate will lie intended throiurh hieclal olfem of jwiwer at leu than cast in mime caien uilrd rural rate of per lulowatt und free iiowe for ladlrui wouiiiiik inullilnei and kanl tury ayituma hydro hoa uiu indavo iiik to inutot airal dwellers hi electric al service tlio tleslre la to extend uio boon of cheap public power beyond uio cities and tuwus andauoto llpaud oz surplus hydro power farm dwelleril ltavo outnumbered tlla hamlet dwolleru in hitching up willi hydro in uio rural dlsbilcu thin jear of 47n new rural contracts tabulated up until july 1st 85 art iui farm realdenta on the muiiora kjtm alono 1070 out of 300d newly aljaicd ruml liwer contractu are wlui farm dwellers lithearber urbuji aide of oiituriou h0o000oo0 hydro boiuieiu ula on tulo oomnilvidoii main worry hoa been to keep down uie cut of iiowor to in dustry hydro laia calculated at pro cliely tali mi bj the uiuouuli of money nuved durhlk july alono by uio rocoiit levtslori of quebec powir ooulraou wltliout uiut aavhur it ratuutd triat power coals muat liuvo lilcreuaed appro clubly

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