the acton free press thursday at7qut 37th 1m an ltil ckmtvky fbavzb that stixx pits oum needs 01ve me food digestion lord and uo aometlilnff to digest aire me healthy body lord with senae chough to koep it at us beat owe me healthy mind good lord to keep the good and pure in night which seeing sin la not appalled iwt finds way to set it right give me mind that is not bound that does nob whimper whine or sigh pont let me worry over much about the fussy thing called olve me sense of humor lord give me the grace pa see joke to get some happiness out of llfp and pass it on to other folk prescott journal menu hints keelpea ax new and navel dum nnasstisu uarns as after thf bio parade by betty barclay after the big parade the last of the season the inner man demands atten tion perhaps ryou hayo picnic scheduled for tills labor day possibly outof town guests wlu be at your home thetamlly may be dining qulouy after the festivi ties no matter which applies to you here are some runts for delightful labor day dishes uiut am sure you will be glad to add to your list of four star recipes apple meringue wrilt ui1azil nuts 45 applek cups sugur cup boiling wuttr tablispoon orange rind tablespoons orange j4lcc cup white wine whites be advantageous to get nearer the centre of town the old anderson lot was pur chased the old log tavern torn down and the new dominion hotel grew up on the site an engraving of this new hotel appeared in the county atlas issued hy walker 4e miles in 1b77 prom the day the doors of the new dominion house were opened it was largely patronised by travellers all of whom had good word for the treatment received bob was genial host and mrs agnow was mother every lone some commercial traveller on the rood and everyone of them old and young called her mother must familiarly but with every sense of respect in the tarly days hotel banquets were frequent the lodges the council even the school boards celebrated uie conclusion of the year business with an oynter supper or more formidable spread at one or other of the four hotels in town there was naturnlly rood deal of rivalry among the hosts and hostesses as to whicu could and would furnish the most com prehensive and appetizing menus xt was conceded that tho dominion generally took tho enkt these midnight suppers were often the scene of froliclcsome ex perienced remember late in december one year the council of the year about 1b78 were having their annual supper when mrs agnow lengthy menu had wpl ground hnral riots pare quarter and core apple cut each quarter into thirds stir one cup of sugar and water together in shallow pan over ore until sugar is dissolved add orange rind and juice and boll five minutes cook hah tho apples at time in the syrup until they arc transparent arrange in shallow baking dish add wine beat egg whites until stint fold in the remaining sugar and ground lirajdl nubs and bake in slow oven 300 degrees fifteen to twenty minutes until meringue is light brown molasses cookies 1m cups can sweetened condensed milk cup molasses vj cup chopped ruulnjf cup chopped walnuts 3vj cups graliam cracker crumb teaspoon singer teaspoon allspice vj teaspoon cinnamon va teaspoon salt thoroughv blend swecuned condensed milk and molasses add graluuu cracker crumbs raisins walnuts spices and salt to mixture blendbig thoroughly drop by spoonfuls on buttered baking sheet bake in moderate overt 350 degnied 10 minutes or until brown lumova from pall at once makes about 48 chocolatk buttiai costing tablespoons butter cups sifted confectioners sugar teaspoon vanilla ij squares unsweetened chocolate melted tabuipoonj milk about cream butter add part of susar gradu ally blending after each addition add vunl 11a dash of tall and chocolate and mix well add remaining sugar alter nately with milk until of rltht consis tency to spread beat after each addi tion until smooth makes enough frett ing to covtr tops of two inch lajers or top and sides of 6x8x3 inch coke or about dom cup cake cantaloupe majirow salad cups cantaloupe mash cupd pineapple juice tablespoon gelatine salt and white pepper hivt to tla hnnoisomf it anybody bu uiewi if kcntleman ihould choose lo wait upon lady if the lady don rt uic or to peak little plainer that the meaning all miy knou is it anybody biulne if lady has btau been pretty well waded through und the liquid refreshments from bobs depart ment hud been pretty freely imbibed most of the membcm und their gtichli betan to be rather mellow jokts be came bolitcrou mul the dlgiillled coun cllmen began to pin ter each other hair with butter oh don got excited mr agncvvbought the iuilt giltedged butter the beit bulter maker in nnagi wcya could produce in thec day at 15c pound yu they plastered eacli other with butter it uai pretty soft by thli covered ulth wat time nnd ono councillor who bj the top tvnjt pxipd to 0hj riat beyond curf and year hhq went homo with the rttkservsf health when you can fruits and vegetable every day in the year and every meal in the day are necessary to perfect health to assure this one must look ahead and prepare now for uie coming winter canning is one of the labors of the home which show results and successful fwjdpr scrvatlon depends on destruction of bacteria yeasts and molds and pre vention of furthor development to accomplish this the tood must bo thor oughly heated to destroy the organisms and must be kept sealed and air tlgh to prevent the entity of oilier organisms sugar salt vinegar are ull aids preservation of foods but years of ex periment liavo shown that sterilising the food in jars or cons in which it is to be stored is tlio most successful metliod of liome calming this is really an cooler way of canning than tho old open kettle method also tlio product keeps its natural color shape and flavor better elaborate equipment is unnecessary if care is exerclwd sonuj housewives uso steamer others like the heat control led oven still other pr fer to use the water bath of courc uio pressure eooki is quickest und sure but every housewife docs not possess one there are few points which sliodld be emphasized rather than the usual don tn uw frsh producl handle mall quantitlc ut time pack and rlvrilize uji toon posslbli nfu blanching or pre cooking tc all jaru before using buy new rubbers each year ti liich oiil before ing be rure tluit the rubber lit the type of jar wldo rubbem for spring top jan narrow onei for jrew top jarr if the water ith ir luujd keep jam its wise idea to cat kel loggv rico krispies thry help you keep cool because they nouriah without over heating the system everybody iovch iiioho tonnted rice hulibh so crisp tliry actually crockln in nil ik or cream at rocrrn verywlw re in the mother goom wtory package afuili ly kt ilog in london onfuno quality uarum so crisp they actually crackle in milk or cream scotts scrapbook inchei over the when the or if ho curtaiin is it any of your bu ine gentleman doej call or when lie leaver tlie laeli leaven at alp or is it nocesory that tlic should be drawn lo ave from oluervitfon the ouuide lookerion is it anybody btllneji but the ladyi if her beau hides out with other ladles and doei not let her know or is it anjbodys burlnetr but the gentleman if slio accepts another escort uhere ho does not chance to ik if person on the sidewalk whether great or whether small la it any of our buiilne3 where that ptrson means to call or if jou see person calling anj wliere lettuce lemon dressing ictnou juice cups olive oil salt pepper and sugar to taste soft cantaloupe remove seeds und kinds put through the meati grinder drain pulp in nne sieve season to taite soak the gelatine in cup pine apple julde and dissolve over hot water add balance of pineapple juice cool and add the pulp mold dull and when hrd aerva on bed of crisp lettuce wl 4t lemon drcsshig to 10 serving moul lxinsivl tilan tltat mr simma penny for jour though darling afrtt slnuixs jjuke it ten dollarii dar u4u thinking of new hat dinner stories sailvfcd lt it any of jour buslne whit their buslnexa may be there tlie burlnesa of our quero simply stated would be tills is it anjbodys business uhat another busineji la if it is or if it lint ue would really like to knov ror ue re cur that if it isn there are come who marc it if it is ue 11 join the rabble and act each noble part of the tattler and defumcr thao throng tlie public mart if not uell act the teacher until cverj body learn tint its bett in the future to mind their own conccrm rrom the old scrap bool and nou to main street apaln last ucck left olf at the lot uhcrc the dominion hotel has stood for so nmnj years the first hotel there the an derson house was log bullulnff it uas the birthplace of oliver anderson who spent hu boyhood doju hpre and attended tlie old school when he readied manhood he drifted over to michigan to the lumber uoodi later he settled in walkerton where he conducted very successfully chair factory then baijuoloduojvooditocajidbuuu teacher if had four tvotutocs for rive boys what would do td divide them ovciilyr mash them jxjegottllv jucccrul buainesi man after lgbk years absence alighted at the station of the old home town rhcrj was despite hii expectation no one on the platform whom trticw jo one large furniture manufacturing business at the amalgamation of tlie ontario furniture businesses forty or more rycara ago his business became one of the group of uie canada furniture com pany plants and mr anderson went to london england as canadian represen tative of the big merger company anderaona alster married william snyder son of the late jacob snyder oj the hill he spent his young manhood liere and nearly seventy years ago he and his family moved to fclora where he was agent of the wellington orey and tlruce hallway and later tlie qrand trunk hallway for over thirty years itobcrt agnew built the dominion hotel which under the supervision of lumself and his able housekeeper mrs agnew was for many jears one of tlie most popular hoatclries in the province fr ana 1irsagnew left their old country home near carluke scotland sliortly after their marriage and came 10 cinndft to mala thelriorturil ror several jcars thej kept the big boarding liouu at smiths mills ulure the fine douglas and gajers farms in urn tnt conotsjiion of tjjuialng are now located mr and mrs antu uon tlielr reputa ion for whole u3tm footl and comfortable bods in this mill boarding houu and tlu wire monj old rtsldiiiu ului uork at tlu mill or uned lumt to ton who counted the excelli hi trtituunt uuy reijlwd at tlu ir lund vboul lxtj liil or ventj var at mr and mrs a4n1 and th ir httu famllj canu lo act in hi ueud the old calif until iloiut on main lret which ktood neirtlie main trt rr 1u tairn th coiulucttd for number of jcrs cccv the wuur bolllnjr or ti hi at refpilar ie ovcil full time for rterllisutlon uomoie tit jar nt the end of required period seal jars tlghtlj at once 10 when cool store in jrj cool dark place laonjattiroctilco deeorstlh off wfit 7etso approtecl mctnod and ullau cbllar of hl sunday coat half uiiy round there are till cltlxn in town who can substantiate this for they were cjtuitnejei it woj at uili same dominion hotel tli it the banquet to the late sir donald mann uhen lie was just plain dan mann wiei tondired about fiftyfive or itlxty jcars ago din and his brotlver alex liad tlieir flrrt business venture as irtners on stoney farm near crew sons corners tlielr farming experleni woj duartrout witlun tliree years sheriff mackindsay sold them out for debt dan went west and prospered as soon us he had saved up sufficient money to liquidate his creditors claims lie gathered it together and hustled back home ills first business after ereetlntr his father and mother was to hunt up tho men he owed every last cent was paid few days later tho fortunate creditors put their heads together and binqucted dan and mr and mm agnew ret out tlie finest spread that had ever gracedthen board more onnn uiutisii columlhka agltlctlltullal dlvfcjlorwfcnt report of tlie canadian government based on the census of 1031 disclorjij interesting informalton concerning the agricultural development of british columbia canada ma westerly pro vince in 1001 the population of brltlh columbia uas 19 450 flfto jears later it had reached total of g04 2g3 in that period the number of occupied farms increased from 743 to 20 170 and the area of occupied farm land in creased from 441255 acres to 541541 acres in 10si the area of possible farm land in tills mountainous province was not even estimated now it is placed at 22 003 000 acres or more than lx tlme the amount now occupied tlie nature of the farm operations in british columbia tends to farms of small area thus tlio census of 1031 sliowa to takl ofir tut tur stains may be removed by cove injr them ulth vaseline or paraffin and kavlng this on all night next day remove the vaseline ulth clean rag take out the rreare mark with brush dipped in gasoline away from tlie are and the stain will have entirely disap peared flic dkcovny c1vhic ok votfakt exxduictiy nqi tis4crki muccl mifch wlhun wai pwwh riaom ulucrkit uchlwt utaou orscavoty mkwy lllm fltl by scotti businesa directory mxd10ju dr mcniven ph7ilcin and ofitlc and rasldenott corner avenue and eltrtn street dr nelson physloa and sarreoo electro therapy phcn tf dk n3fm cullen physician lnd orfice hour 14 and comcr frederick and mill streets telephone 138 legal mione no 33 bed harold nash farmer barrister solicitor notary rahttc csnteymueer etc miix street aotow owk kouni 00 to 13 oo noon loop to boo saturdays 13 00 oclock luftsi clvaht kenneth langdon kiarrbder sollelior noiary nule office acton oeoikeiown over seynuoka cafe ixmin street cl for appointment phone acton jfl oeonretown s8 office hours acton tueaday mad lhuraday hsp to 30 inga on request buchanan alex wickha jk uatvep wjcd 205 vcclc jjlbojrtt i9iq vv mucfabd huxad has ducm uie ovett 000 veab5 lit pooa of iftt oaitwf shw14ha1 im hm irt owm sltmpi wu mui vesllat dtr paiwffcdsuamqum turv about two irishmen met during rain etorm they argued and inevitably it turned into fight for while alike ot the better or paddy then he slipped and paddy uas on top nov then my ole ton of olreland he cold will jc gho in no said mike trying to struggle up tlie flgllt continued and once again paddj gained the upper hand give in non lie asked no cried mike then change places with me said paddj rutting wot keeping the rain off je that there were 757 farms of icas than ten acna 8s8 farms of from 11 to 50 acres and only 232 forms of over 200 acres in the nelffhborlng province of alberta ttiere are 53 513 farma of over j00 acres and only 503 of less than ten acres bub alberta is mainly grain growlruc and stock wising province ulula british columbia formers speclallxe in fruit raising and lnteaavehiinvationot ttarden vegetables tlie total vulue of farm property in brit uli columbia is placed at ovr 174 mllllon dollars compared with 33 million dollars in 1001 lluy is tlie most valuable crop and animal products are the chief source of farm revenue tho sipabatp povvhts hon charles dunning minister of finance left and hon james gardiner minister of orriculturc have returned from encland where they took part in trade conferences they arc seen on the deck of tho umpresx of britain as they landed at quebec centra preia canadian fuoui t6etal gmyeeo office in leiahmon look hour until ul kvnj by appointment gas for extraction closed wednesday afternoon rboo 149 pearen deniaji sorreod moved to our new quarters in the symon block phone 30 mill street aekoa misckixaneous francis nunan faooac binder account boolcs of oil kinds made to order periodicals oi every description carefully bound ruilntf neatly nd promptly done wyndhom btreet ouelpn out one mart farm machine the aluc to the world of any natural gift or talent depends on two separate powcrs tliat of producing ejccellent work and tliat of bringing it to tlio notice of tha uho can appreciate and use it vtrj few persons unite in thenuelvc thte two capabllitll it is rare tiling to und man or woman pajhtjiidng rj marked talent in wine one depart nunt und ubo the tact tlu jiulgnuut uil knouleuige tlu world me iful to mult tlu most and bt sti of it manj mlted hive limited hart of eocti and inaj to th it uikrt be ei sjful in tlu ir unult bu tin hlulu tt und fin ltlltli in pr witirilop usually so fullj ib tin iu rfornu that tie ha niltlier ibllk nor inrlinatlnn to pu them int lulu nolle hiu it often luipp iu that jwcl ivcrlunci is hlddiii from the irll und ocli ly deprived of il id th decided tliat it would lkiuiuli nt iulu general wb bpeciauze in life piro health waa accident automobile windatorm plate glua boiler pwellty bond annuities and all general lines of insurance also ocean steamahip ticketa uradkno companlk fcxcfclxen vacilitiej llvprvmeiiiutivo proieourer aaaoela uoa at ciuiada for uum onlr fred wright orfice cooper block office 93 wiouca tumul lozjf want to sell something youthful exumplu of tlie new fall tunic iy worn by mary llrlun sere fuvoriti bin frock is of tun and white printod crepe with ulet wide rcver of tare lied piqu whitu pleuie flowt rs adorn the high neckline mul narrow blt of tuivv vdil ul inti the xcviktliua 3t til uhly tun in puht iiiltiviitor which pripius tli ii wili it nip ti tl hinj ton elite hnmr li in which luu tiortirilii ith wurl inj on lii htih inns down tip the notion pi nil nit hi for it jmid linn co sold lxu phxitd hmall ad tlie tjalckcyit choapoat wy to rind bujrl only lnt wokum