thursday august 37th iwfl the acton free press eternity tbe rortog jw which nightly loves to trace tho lighted zuvens and taaxka the farthest star it still near home when it has soared thut far and barely spans an inch of boundless space and when in mental flight tjur inward t0 fercelvm the distant ages when this earth and all that is upon it had their birth it scans second of eternity yet in these narrow limits of our gase we see ood whose goodness is as vast as that eternal kingdom which he sways with love and power and wisdom un surpassed ood the thought inspires humility that thou so great wilt yet remember me it buex twenty years ago from the fame of the free pkwm thossday ancnst 31st 1918 at the bmlth trophy tournament on acton bowling areen last wednesday the winners were richard fiaiiou and his champion players from bramptoa this is the second time this rink has wan the covetled prise tennis tournaments are being held this week by the members of the acton tennis club and also by tthe methodist tennis club mr john oconnor of chicago visit ed the scenes of his youth lost week lie was the guest of his cousin mr james gibbons second line but made pleasant calls on oldume friends in acton he left for chicago in 1864 his father had hotel on th site of the present dominion house the methodist sunday school picnic in artnnljpark last week provd vary successful one council to submit bylaw to secure shoe factory for ac ton the site of thu proposed new factory is the power house property which belong to the corpora tion it is hoped the bylaw will re ceive the eenerous support of the rate payers the great nres which have prevailed in new ontario have rendered many settlers homeless number of former citizens of acton had very severe losses wm johnson br tym johnson jr james webster james dunn and alex holmes have all lost their bulldlrttfs and crops born taylor in acton on monday august 38th 1916 to scrst und mrs taylor of london daughter mafcfcjei cleavek8iuland at tlic home at the brides parents burlington on thursday august 24th 1016 by rev alfred andrews hughes cleaver burlington uunrlster son of if cleaver to ariel only daughter of john shaplnnd esq all of burling ton kiki storey in milton on tuesday august 22nd lolfl george storey in his 4qth year mcmvays ov salt to the many umi of salt mut be added another that of road making the uwj of salt in highway building 1a canadian idea which la bclntf widely adopted in other countries experiment uere originally made in nova scotia following which laboratory work uar cur ried out by the national reuarch coun cil of canada and by mcglu university and subsequently tile matter uiu tnlcen up in the unttad states during the jmt three year cokslderoble mileages of saltestablished roads have been laid in the province of ontario and quebec as well as lu the united states these rouds which are essentially of the lowcoat secondary highway tj consist of clay bond in admixture ulth coarse minerals proportioned and graded as to give maximum density under the compressive effect of traffic the properties of the clay ore improved by an admixture of certain chemicals not ahjyc clclunr chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the as4ob free prese gwendolyns clarke well here we are all dressed up and ready to go places but we cant go oh yes there are plenty of places to go but the optimist is the stumbling block for isnt she sitting right there in the lane with blownout tire and that tiro our only spare but im not the least bit cross with the poor old thing for how could she help it didnt she have bubble on one lire and shoe on another or is it boot never can remember any way know it is one of those things that gp bumpetybumpbump as one travels the brood highway the sad port of it is was on my way to town to get one brand new tire and because of the aforementioned bubble on the tire which was to be replaced partner thought he hod better put on the spare wasnt nfty feet away from uie garage when that awful earsplitting bang scared the very heart and soul of me as well as announcing the sad fate of our sparc and now since the car cant go to the garage the garageman must come to the car thus runs the modern version of mahomet and the mountain while sit here and wait it seems natural to speak first of the thing which concerns one moat at uie moment and so speak of the car but really the mait important thing that has happenddunvwcelfwasthe rain hobs courtesy require itatn aenl imnestrtotto and oh wasnt lb good jbrovil chloride liaa deen in use for many years us dust layer its use in integrally mixed stabilised roods is comparatively new development and the use of salt btlu more recent investigators claim that the salt lias two major effects it retards tlve evaporation of moisture when the road is nnt laid arid the growth af salt crystals as the road eventually dries out tends to diminish shrinkage and cracking of uie clay bond the latuy is an important feature as the elmlnu uou of shrinkage tends to prevent ravellmg of the mineral aggregates untlor power trajflc sticukv ov 4kexnca dyes good daughter hud another girl friend staying with her this week and the two of them put on their bauilng suits and raced around in the rain they found places where they could catch water in palls and between them they carried in twenty pails of water and dumped into the cistern xt was all fun to them and watt glad enough to see so much good clean softi water being saved for future use the toronto papers are getting quite funny one wonders if city reporters know anything lit all about grain crops and harvest one morning uie globe anonunced uiat crops in ontario hod been saved by drenching ruin or words to uiat effect saved and the crops on most farms all safely stowed away hi oie barn two days later the sojtne press stated uiat ontario was suf fering again from severe drought condi tions we must be quickchange artists down here in lhu country one day this week partner had man to see him on business while the two of them waro busy talking hadu short conversation ulth the mans wife she was stranger to me and for the sake of iomethlnp to talk about began hold ing forth on the subject of the drought well wild the good luiy our buil new obliues uo to travel the country good deal and cant say have seen anything jet uiat leads me to suppose that farmers in thb province are really suffering or likely to suffer from drought conditions after all this is uie first year ontario farmers have experienced real drought and 1th nil the good growing jean behind them they should be able to stand it we lived in tho prairie good nuinj years she con tinued and out there one was nlwayi up agahu1 something if it wasnt drought 11 was hail grasshoppers nr mis tonus but here everything grous so easily farmers are almost certain to hardest what they sow well jou know having lived on lhu prairie injself had to admit she uis right generally speaking ue dont know anything rtbout hardship down here as they do out in the west and ah this lady said with the majority of years pointing out that labor day and the exhibition would soon be drawing thousands of united states motorists into ontario hon mcquestcn minister of highways today issued an earnest appeal to tho citizens of this province to remember the ordinary rules of hospitality which they observe toward gucstsln their own homes in their con tacts with visitors and ouiers on tho roads at this season during the next few weeks wo will pass through the period which annually produces tho greatest death and injury toll from automobile accidents mr mcquestcn said at exhibition time our highways arc congested with am erican as well as canadian cars let none of us forget uiat we have invited these good people to come here on tario spends thousands of dollars to promote the tourist business and the exhibition advertises its attracti6ns all over the continent the motorists who flock into this province wo answering an invitation from all us and as our guests they are enutled to an even greater degree of courtesy and consld erotlbn than we generally show each other there ore no universally standardised highway regulauons and almost every province and state lias its own special pcculiariues in driving rules mr mc questcn pointed out but there is one language that every man woman and child everywliere understands the lan guage of courtesy he declared tho people who come among us as visitors will not be familiar with uil our local liablts and driving customs so it ill becomes us to express lmpaucncc or an noyaneo at petty inconveniences caused slats diary byouvkr warren sunday well this is the day that is goln soon to be sunday agen where as for jievral monuis it has onsy been just nothcr day par skoal is in the not fur distants ma ac pa sex no to mutch all reddy so why do haft to try 1cm more om osten you monday we was tawken about on lucky nos at dinner today pa sod hlsn was like when he st ma was made ma dlddent cm to see no thing to lah at about pas rimark tuesday dont no so much about blisters high nnashel idears tills ho ast me to lct him borrow fc often me when rcplide only had 5c he sed okey gimme that owe me 30c am wandering if wood of had to give him uie sc but dlddent tho so dont owe him nothing no how wedcbdny jane sed to me her ma sed to her she must not see me no more okey rcplide wo will set whair its dork uien no dlssishcn the mater is in obey an ls presoom thursday pa is for governor louden ma is for itoscnfclt so dont see how this fambly is goln to elect no body prcst becos cant settle the queschen if am for roscnfclt gelt no dimes for the pitcher it landen gets my vote do wlui out cookies and etc friday jake and feisy lias been at outs sense vocaslicn started she sed he to intrusted in flshcn and ets so when uicy met at the parti last wnlng jtt he ast her how about kiss for on old name she sed its gone out the rjampl sup pose saturday me as blisters each another hus small shot gun went rabit the difference woman did you say you thought looked better lately friend not exactly looked more like yourself you or should t1ikvt lisa the negro cook answered the the telephono one morning and cheer ful voice enquired what number la this liza was in no mood for trifling ques tions and said wlui some asperity you ought to know vou dune called it stranger if said the examiner at uie naval college you stand facing east will sjorth bo on your right hand or your left im afraid dont know sir said uio prospective cadet you sec im stronger in uicse ports wellnot exactly some dao sold the young highbrow expect to have the world ut my feet we ii hat ha ve you been doing all this time asked the cynic walking on your hands when some stranger innocently break hunting this in in some brush blls locul convention anger on our part tcra llrt ultl ic iwa4 okey as will wu appear boorish iid intolerant rcplide yes he ud wcirtncrt will upset our own driving mid glv it thai nee bad mime let us all ffy hot courtesy let us be patient and agree able wlui strangers and lielp uicm all we can to enjoy driving on our highways and in our towns and cities and theruby increase our own enjoyment human nature always responds to klndncs and politeness if decent kindly spirit of courtesy becomes general among drivers in ontario uie problem of ending nccd lens deatlis and muulations will be solv ed as taxpayers it costs us thousands of dollars to enforce traffic laws but as drivers it costs us not cent to be courteous courtesy in driving will eliminate many accidents where law en forcement is liolpless we are entering upon critical period the worst ac cident weeks of uie year he ahead unless we decide to bring about change from past years we can bring uil muchneeded change about if we will just be courteous to all drivers and es pecially klndl and helpful to strangers whdm we have invited to spend their holidays in our mldit men to ue watched dycsiuftt and cotmeilcs of paracas old preinca bite in peru have been itudled by dr auataic pester professor fbufiktrlu chemtry at suiila untt verslty argentina rich texules found in pararas mumply packs rival the finest old world taptmrles hecaiue of uiel brightness after rmny centime burial in uie earth pecjlitlin wjj aroused to coloring matter iuee ancient elbow greou that li to say careful workman ship rather than mlrniljus dituh wrroimt fr tin rviult unalyu1 duclte in uielr dieriptliuii of iljeinir inellumu ud by the ura of conquest time ulio probably inherluil their knouled from people of caracas and other pre deetuor uie spiukh inonku uiinierul itll gumi vegetable dyes in uie ul though liltbt liica uork was al dont mth indigo und cochineal on naturally intrtl llamu uoid in dyeing lntermedt ute ihttdti un cotton one color was dye over another to obtain dlred tcuwi te incas knew the uif luordajits thtflr ustiuti were the riivy of uie spaniards bfl gin gfeood tettims we sh ou dbeableh to ueathcr uirouffh when we atrlke tflie occailonal bad year and as far as crops and market gardens arc concerned expect ue shall but where think we have reason to be seriously alarmed is in the water shortage perhaps the government might do something about perhaps on farms where there is an acute water shortage and uie farmer finds it is financially lmposible for him to drill now well perhaps in such coses the government might come to his as nuunce by having new well drilled on uie mans farm by governmentowned and governmentoperated well driller louring uieprovlnce in drought stricken areas in reading over the above sug gestinti hnd have used the word perhaps good many times it was linklt queen mary rests on canadian keel rlocks when uie giant liner queen mary uus building she rested on keel bloclcs of douglas fir from british columbia under great pressure from the weifjht or the enormous hull during the jturc he lay on the stocks awaiting turn lu the financial tide to ro forward with the work of completion uicsc keel blocks uioued no mgns of dolcrlomtlon other than that uould hae been expected from the tradluonal wood tued for keel blocks pitch pine according to the industrial department of the canadian nauonal italluayii douglas fir is experiencing rapid growth for shipbuilding purposes in britain tuch as keel blocks launching timber chip decking his reason the lady stopped at roadside itall what are you celling oranges for to day she asked because have ulfo and lih chll tlrerrlady was trie fipiy an elderly man but also bookish war hakd before the bar of justice in small country town yere charged wjtli beln disorderly snapped the mogkitrat have je anything to toy why sentence should not be pronounced mans inhumanity to man nuucei counucss uiousands moum began uie prlwner in flight of oratory am not so profligate aa byron so ungrateful as keats so intemperate as burns no thatll do thatll do interrupted the magistrate seven days and officer take down uiat list of names lie men tioned and round era up think tliey axe an bad as he lii knew mis nephew fint student why to tad old man second student wrote my uncle to send me uirce hundred bucks to pay my tailor you know and lie sent me the receipted bill advised to eat bran for her constipation accidental but have not seen fit to make any corrections because in upeaklng of uie government one la rather apt to use uie word perhaps lrrespccuve of any particular party in power of course should state we are not personally interested in the suggestion have brought forth our water is low hut not so low uiat we need new welt referring again to hardships purl ner has just appeared on the scene with collection of grain bags to be patch ed how love the job after all the west has some advantages overuie east in the west we did not use grain bags so ue uere saved the joy of patching them kelloggg allbkan helps miss hanson read thio cnthuniniitic voluntary letter juat hue to ietyou know how much appreciate kelloifii alliiiun wan troubled witli conittipation nuked my doctor wliat to do he said to eat bran tried other brnnda but they werent iu kod uo tried kuiiokks aijuitan and it is just wonder ful it makea tlcliciouii muffins too mihm agnea harmon ad dresu upon request afxifettan pro mi iihhj niniiiitijr in the averakc meal thin dtliciouii cereal ahwj furninbeo vitamin and iron the bulk in aixbran absorbs moiiituro and gently eitercinea and clennuch tho nyiiteiii it la often more effective than that found in fruity ajid vegetables an it doea not brak down within the body alltiriun nlfio suppliea vitamin and iron isnt tit ih natural food pleaimnter than patent mndicinen jutit eat two tableapoonfuhi dally if not relioved see your doctor sold by all grocera alibran ia much more effective than partbran productn mode by kellogg in lon don ontario toiiaftvafioii dus to tuaufitclthtluui acton fall fair special prize list concluded from iago jur no 40s licst thait trcsscd ctilcken donor td receive some by george licuton cash 00 ijs ijest ioaf bread baked by young lady under 21 yeaji lcivo at secretary oftice for donor olouiei horse by mockenxle son value go 42s best working mans cold dinner served on tray consisting of separate victuals 1st cuili 4125 2nd cash 75c by yarm womens ciicerlo club do 43s hcsl rozcti tea uiscuibj baked from lily white dour by uortop mill everton 1st so lbs uly white flour 2nd 2s lbj lily white hour value 25 415 bast ujtboked lainh jfor working man to uike to work tjy wm gowdy 1st cash 135 2nd coah 75c 00 45s best ioaf homemade litrcad made from high loaf flour donor to receive same ivizo wimiers must liave receipt for liour rjwiwlng it being purchased from if lindsay 0b lbs iliuh loaf flour value 00 413 beat loaf homemade bread made from kcllpse flour donor to receive uune prize winners mutt liave receipt for flour lhowlng it being purchased from ii lhidnay 03 iba eclljise dour value go 7s best collection of pancy baking 1st by cole bras scott guelpli roods value 200 2nd cash by society 100 00 all bread miui ttc ftoubfet loavni ibs beat basket bouquet of gladioli by ucarthur store guelpli goods value 03 403 best basket of cut mowers 1st 100 2nd soc 50 sos best collection of cut plowcrs arrangement to be consid ered by hugh walker lb sons guelpli per uliott bros acton 1st goods value 200 2nd goods value 100 00 51s best begonias coah 00 mlchllantoijs 52s best collection of ladles fancy work not more uian fifteen pieces not exhibited here before lfit by pallanta cloth ing store italian tablecloth value 300 2nd by chappies book store guelpli bedroom wallpaper value 250 50 53s best collection of cushions new and uptodate by gordon mackay co toronto box of fullfashioned hose to be had nt elliott bros store acton value 00 51s beet babya layette under one car by georgetown lumber company goods to the value of 50 55s best model not exhibited before made by boy under 17 1st 100 2nd 75c 75 5gs to the collide married the greatest number of years attending the fair redlstniuon to be nuide uith ratekeejiers or secretary second day of pair tub acton puce pmuss ono jcar value 00 57s to the person attending acton pair from uie greatest distance report to secretary for computauon of dis tances tjik acton puck pun ono car value 00 511s best appearing child under 12 years and doll carriage in uie school ihirade by barri quality grocery 1st 100 2nd 75e 3rd 50c cash 25 sos best model of the liner queen mary or empress of britain by wrifilit 1st cash 300 2nd cash 200 00 cos to the exhibitor in uio ladys work section winning the most points 1st prize to count points 2nd prize points by mckeown 1st cash 125 2nd cash 75c 00 cis best pastel oil landscape painting by public school pupil geo bread jr rnvt fn lstrtictots volue s200 2nd tickets value 100 best bushel basket of mixed vegetables not open to market gardeners by wobdliall ss mussehe plants spring of 1037 1st value 200 2nd value 100 floats for best float or novelty outfit s4uue to take part in school parade and also in parade of stock before grand stand 1st by bond hardware co silverware value 300 2nd hi ritchie ju agar gallons all value 350 3rd by geo weston bread col co uckeu value 300 to the director selling uu greatest number of members tickets at least 10 must bo fioul by kerr 2nd vice president ontario agricultural socicues cash catchlryy ball by formers dog best catches of live trials hi front of grandstand on second day of pair by john bennett 1st 300 2nd 300 time tables at acton qoingk eui dolly oxceptr sundo 618 un dally except sunday 1007 ajn dally except sundajr 013 djd tiunday only 710 pjn oolnc wot dally except sunday a59ajn dally excep sunday 33 pjft dally except sunday 704 run sunday only 11 jo pjn ffllandabo this arrow bus ewbutive iiay 3rd 1030 usave westbound 945 an 121s am 21s pju 41k pjn 01s tktn 015 yjn 115 xa standabd tljtt lkave eastbound 530 ajs 010 oan 1110 ajn 210 pm i00 jn sm pjn 000 ixxa itinerakib8 ptannkd to jkti points in canada united states consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bub um ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop representative cora olstrtct moinl norwich union caktadaau slxw toormium company tho alliaaee itrmnft on the cjukudiy of caloid aworaoee company tho merchant carnally co the roriacc mniumj sukxriptioiw for ah magazines taken at the free press office whats the news news li chunking con stantly events hapcn fast and tliinjjt chaiikc ovcr niphl only an alert newspaper can keep abreast of these happenings on many local fronts the acton free press outcrs its readers complete seriteinjiewiepoirtiafifand cditorial featuresj it answers the question whats the news refjularly every thursday subecrib now and keep up with the tunes the acton free press acton ontario muggs and skeeter q3jud pljolse uavu douar for mcu ball tte old omt vagmt col dkclaclh 3f vmj ctyvwkjt iwia clwllo tl xcx mciefa saw vtujmc urj tiiat could gct rid op mokje mome traj4 tou do vtxlre justt uke all the etstof the vouklger r7grmgraxiol ttlli value of douar mjtiv do vou kjjow aaat was cieftlm vmtekl maf2rie vfciurl 3amcna3thep5 wally bishop