vtitchhhwyiww ifmktw viwtmv ivr wwy wintiijv trtwr mtif motsshay briptembeif sri 03o the acton free press pa hp jjrep prphb hnrt tnry gloved hands by alice dvab russell arabella crane laid down uio white gloves the third pair brought out by the clerk which hot proved not to bo the also aakedjffor and wtuia withering look at ttjfl jafteflil behind the counter turned with dignity and marched away fowler her nephew the tall young doc tor strolled omuaedly at her side that was anoqtragol declared miss arabella her cheeks flaming under her expensive turban dumb just dumb commented fowl er his eyes roving restively over the rich interior of the store his mind on quite other matters titan hu greataunt and her lndjgnauon shall we go on to peters office now its almost time for your appointment worse than dumbl retorted miss arabella sliarph call such blunder ing and inattention impudent why should tlie store keep an employee like that pray in thue times too when so many are out of workl have her diwharkfd then report her said lowlur borrd und unthinking why scold me ubouulu thafu good idta the nt itely old lady hi her rich uttire topped to reikct iter face grew stem come wltli me commanded miss arabella sweeping on the tnanager will be oh the eleventh floor will ho nop am in no hurry ochotrt docti kept me waiting ofttn enough fowler followed her prepared to be diverted lie liked to see mlw aribelli on rampage it might be bad for her blood pressure but it was grand rlght for tlwj onlooker that clerk luid been dumb lie recalled her blank look and fumbling movements without pity if he was sorry for anyone it was for him self such an intolerably dull morning miss arabella with the imperlauineis of age and wvaltlr hud requisitioned him to accompany her to the dentist it never occurred to her tliat the young doctor should not be nt her beck and call hlie liked to have this youtliful dtslingulfilitd looking relative in attend ance and for good measure had squeez ed in an hour of uhopplng she did not fowler suspected take his own ambitions vy seriously its all right for me to miss seeing brill opwatc ho thought ironically can hold auntys hand and watch icters flbis over tooth tliat was not very good fun he commented tor himself half oif hour later as he left tlie obsequious managers room in the woke of his triumphant aunt why did think it would be the not unfamiliar thought visited him tliat it was too easy for the great ones of the earth to gel their own way und tne face of the girl clerk came to his mind more clearly now than when the errand had been proposed dumb well maybe too lato for compunction anyhow he shrugged it orf and turned to the busi ness of the morning seeing miss arabella through her trifling ordeal ut the den tists lie was able to make himself useful to the extent of holding the spirits of ammonia to her naw when he at last delivered her safely from her lim ousine into the hands of her maid lie lrow breath of relief and hurried off ills own affair crowded in upon him like wave this was thursday and on every tuesday thursday and pridaj rowlr crane md specialist in oje ear nose and throat diseases gave his time iw tuecn three and four to the service of the free dlspemnry the building was located in the shadows of the citys greit hospital and fouler was well accustom oz uidjiutuio went into the waiting room the chairs were all vacant whore is tliat littdo darkeyed boy he asked uio nurso who was bending over the desk the boy with his rranamother oh am sorry doctor crane the grandmother took him away miss rogers who was hero at the desk said something thot orfended her am afraid slie isnt always very tactful with the patients she regards them as charity ou know and thinks charity has no right to feelings miss rogers would be gracing soma oilier station in life if had my say tottltr spoke with heat boy liad very bod throat diphtheritic think fliean to ret ills grandmothers consent to have him enter the hospital for ob servation he needs expert attention antitoxin and food who docs miss rogers think he li anyhow this is not the int time slio has alienated patient but it may prove tlie most ierlousi miss itoglrij wont be with us much lonkff till the nurse plucntlnuly didnt you know she is going to oe married well luue to find some one tp take her place she leawi at the end of the week cant be too soon to please me mut tered iowler see here youve got tho ad4ruuhavwrt yujnmwk up vky didnt malty do tiling for th un though jl would wait had wretched and suffering thntr filed through its doors he was reticent about hbi work among these needy onei one would have supposed he was asliamed of it but in those hours at the dispensary xtawler crane uos truly himself the cliaracter of nuave sophisticated bored youngman tliat his regalminded great aunt knew was there doffed like mas queraders costume powler hand was the gentlest his manner the warmcttt with the sympathy that comes from the heart and his ejes the keenest to detect the real truth under brave camouflage of any doctors in the clinic the young doctor looked up now from the inspection of the throat of dark eyed thin shabby little boy with the alight tightening of the lips that the nurse rocognlad us concern who cam with this oung chap lie asked then famlled down reassuringly into tlu wide frightened ejis didnt hurt did fellow very old woman his gnindmothe think replied the nurr rite mini was cirtwrlirht she dldn want to jlvt any information about herdf pour bu proud jotl know the kind while he llteiu the doeuu wi swiftly and klllfiill mini an antupt spray ih it fei ennd dm nt snnlls nln ton lie umnuenli lt 11 tlu uraiulniotlu to wait with the lie wish to wi ht inter hi mw hi oi ut tlie nur und hi ipinl the llttu fellj now smiling duliluunli out nf the ihnr and lurnid him geiitl in tin dinvllui of the door it was full hour ufterw urd crane nllpibd otf hu uhlt coat put on dark one left tlu inner loom where ht ljcamuied and truuled hu paknu und won hi conndeiice if had to give him antitoxin he was ia terrified poor little duffer you take it too much to heart doc tor tlie nurses hands were running ovtr the cise cardi theyll be back tomorrow probably when its child hints sick they swallow their pride dont pull miss rogers on me grunted powler one in the place vi enough want to take no chancer ii li ee ran over tlie card the nune handed him number willettti place hmm three in tlie family sole sup port grunddaughter clerk at eighteen week after long unemployment that nil the information you got you didnt si that grandmother the nurse told him calmly it took screw driver to get this iti was eight oclock tliat evening be fore fowler found himself tree to hunt up number wllletts place as ho had suspected it was in region of dark old tenements and dingy boarding houses tlie street was ullighieduniavory he climbed three flights of worn stairs and knocked at tlie door of the rear flat come called voice after momeilt the picture that the opened door gave to fouler cvnnc was to linger ions in hbi memory beside bare tabic under flaring gas jet an old woman was seated with little nlghtgowned boy her arms hbi eyes were glittering with fcer his face burning red and contort ed with effort hoarse gasps from his half open mouth the old woman head was finely molded even patrician beside the tuo girl was kneeling her fac startled tcarstainedselfforgetful uos turned louard the doctor who stood in the doorway with hls black baft fouler glanced at tlie girl recognized her his heart gave sickening lurch then he met the severe questioning look of the old grandnlother and spoke dir ectly to her am the doctor from the dispensary he said gently you did not wait intended you should have come to see the little boy he saw the old woman drnw the child closer as though instinctively to shut out unwelcome attention her lips moved but powler could catch no uords the tnrttout wildly olche dying little brother is dying he cant get his breath fowler placed his bag on the table and opened it will you move please and let mo get at him he asked quietly ho spoke to tlie girl but ho kept his eyes on uio grandmother ho felt as though lie could not look at the girl again or shamo would overwhelm him and render hint useless he had called her dumb ho had not token the trouble ut read the slis of tormenting anxiety behind uio civil mask she presented to the world ho had abetted his luxury surroitndcd uunt in depriving her in tlio name of justice of her position and she the oread winner of this poor houav hold the girl sprang up from her kneeling position instuntly tell moduw can help doctor she ejcdaimcd taking op alertness and competence with the words granny you must lot him look at bobby do what ho thinks best she told uio old woman sternly you must fowler saw at onoo uiat there was but one tiling to bo done only an emergency operation could navo the childs ufa unless passage were niado to allow breathing uio boy would bo dead from dlphtticria within tlie hour while ui doctor worked the girl stood at his side steady competent intuluvc seeming to know beforeiii spoke how she could best serve fowh had never seen anyone braver or more deft when all was done fowler turned to htr you have given uio ulmoit pro fessionals help he said deliberately then lib jei searching heri ho added uiink you were wasted behind that glove counter mlss carlwrlght flood of scarlet swipt the girls face from brow to chin her mouth trembled plteouily but ive lat my job wni dlsclmrged todiiy how did you know tjio rjirl did not recognlu him in her inner stress she had been blind as well ns dumb uiat morning to everything around her fowler was tempted to take nfiuln wv kihimwt ull twtrnrtirrh you think youd bo fine do you want it want it cried the girl her hands clasping themselves longingly oh its exactly wliat do wont well then ill soo that you get it and ill sec too that things go right wirt of keep an cyo on you fowler npoko in an offhand manner but ids licart bounded wlui joy canadian idka in use of halt directly and indirectly salt plnys an important part in tlie agricultural indus try for example apart from personal use it is fairly well known that about million and half pounds salt are used annually in canadian poultry and live stock feeds and over live million pounds in cnadlati fruit and vcgo table prepara tions even year hut uio applicauon of salt in making roads of uio kind par ticularly beneficial to farmers is not so familiar tlie use of salt in roadmaklntf is canadian idea which is being widoly adopted in obher countries as the result of experiments originating in uio pro vince of nova scotia following the experiments in nova scotia laboratory work was carried out by uie national iteicarch council of canada und by mcgul univoralty and subsequently the matter was taken up by uiu united staus during uio past three jyears considerable mileages of salt established roads have been laid hi uio provinces of ontario and quebec as well us in the united states these roads which aro essentially of the lowcost secondary highway typj states giu or the national re starch council conilit of cltiy bond in admixture with coarse miner nls jo pro portioned and graded as to give maxi mum density under the compressive effect of trilflc the properties of uio clay are imjjruywl jypri jniimixturc of certain chenilcab notiiblycalcium chloride and ial caldum cbjnilueliasbcenin to act the coward know who should know better he asked drily was the poor sap with thao handsome old iady who asked for white gloves she did not at nil need if you must know uie uorst he went on ruefully it was who suggested to her that she get you dlichnrgcd he saw her hand go to her throat saw uu girl struggle to master herself deserved to lose my jobi wain think ing of uhnt did she owned bravely nk last wafl no good at it anywavy dl selling gloves but but her lips quivered and she could not go on but we wellfed ones neednt have been quite cruel that it7 he helped her out you didnt know what it meant to me she breathed her eyes seeking uie floor and then the form of her little brother and her grandmouicr sitting beside him watching them gravely no we didnt know but aunt ara bella golngtouowsojne whore under the layers she has heart and may ns well make up my mind to assist her li finding it have notion uiat uie best place for bobby to convalesce will be in her house aunt arabella nnd your grandmother must make friends they are lot alike those two you were kind to come tonight sild the girl tonclessly bobby would have died without sou there was no warmth in her words however fowler fel dis missal in uicm it was nil in the days work he answered briefly fussing with the clasp of his bag wlui every moment that passed he felt stronger need to jusufy himself before this tall proud girl see here dont believe you under stand how sorry am what cur feel owe you jolt thats the size of it flash of inspiration came to him think know just the thing for you how would you like to work in the dl pensary tlie girl in the reception room who takis name addresses und so on before passing the patients on to the nurics li going to leave its position that calls for lot of tact and no added deliberately loving kind new you uouldhavc to like children and know use of electricity quo wing ror many jcuri as dust layer hs uii in integrnliy mixed stabllihed roads comparatively new development and the iise of salt still more recent inves tigators claim that the salt has two cheap electricity developed principally from abundant watcrpowcr is steadily revolutionizing conditions in homes and factories uiroughout cnodxi electric power is cheaper in some parts of can ada ulan elsewhere in north america about threequarters of all homes hi canada are wired for electricity tho uso of electricity brings several addition al comforts and conveniences to the home such as lighting electric cooking electric refrigerators water heaters washing machines humidifiers clocks andpther devices uiat can bo operated by turning switch und at cost that is merely nominal for home use salon of dec trie vacuum cleaners during 1d35 were valued at j413mp electric refrig erators over 3000000 and eloctrlo stoves waslung mochtnrsrlroners toast ers hand irons etc ran into severnl million dollars in the manufacturing field an even greater advance in recent yeari has been mado in electrlflcauon during the liven years from 1923 to 1034 the uso of electric motors in canadian faetorlcj increased by 1531 per cent compared with an in crease of bgl per cent in internal com bustion engines io pr cent in steam engllus and per cent in water whrebi tho manufacturing lnduitries of canada in 1934 were 7b per cent glc trlfhd and 75 per cent of the power used in uie mining industry was sup plied by electric motors canada li richly endowed with water power reourcej and has made marked progru in their development since tiif beginning of the present century water power development installations have grown from 173323 hor cpower to 000115 horsepower at the und of 1935 canada corded uuterpouer resource will permit turbine iutauntkm of about 13 700 000 hot icpowrr of wiiich only slightly over ib per cent is being utllls rrf the king and his pipe an unconventional pose of hri majesty kmj kdwurd viil in closcup mado during he monarchs turrcut vacation on the bay of mnrtinac sweatershirt open ut the throat and pipe clutched between ueth edward looks mory like the hnilfelloiv 11 met pi inre of wnkj tliat ho was instead of the uusteie ruler of great ilntmn that he central irei canaiuun iliotd doctous cab musi cltkcp major effecln it retards the cvaporjltion if prorent sjieed limits irk you thin of molsyire when the road is first laid of dr francis gallagher who has just and theipowtli of salt crystals as tlie road eventually dries out tends to dim lnlili shrinkage and cracking of tho clay bond the latter is an important featun as the elimination of shrinkage tends to prevent ravelling of the mineral oggre gates under power traffic not so particular how to naniili grandmothers them as well as the lyom what ive seen of hotel clerk to new arrival how did you get in new arrival just blew in from montana wlui bunch of cattle hotel clerk where are the rest of them new arrival down at the stockyards aint as porucular as they are save food dont let the iiiph cost of feed ing your family discourage you tlicrti hlill one delicious food that hasnt gone up in price khiokbs corn flukes nour ishing nnd rich in energy are one of the biggest values you can buy asl your grocer for kelloggs and serve them often nothing tales the place of corn flakes bananas canteloupes sugar loiif large s7l ptik flesh 1c golden yellow large size hard ripe per dozen 25 lettuce large cith ci isp heads ft appl es 5c potatoes 71a vz peck rt jl good cookers a7l jjtj 10c loc onii sound lh rni 11m dolicioni cooliiis and or skmon ouane iuacii 1ilm he sask carrolls limited introduced an automobile on the lonely utnd3iepfc isle of arranmore off tlie donegal const of ireland we have nrranued with dr gallacher that he shall not drive in excess of fuc miles an hour and tliat there shall bo no driving at night said jiatie the coo islanderi uie majority of whom have rarely left the island are not plcaied about thbi newfanrled invention the island is nine miles lonir and jive broad the doctor explained and the 200 don keys seem more like 2000 when you try to drive past surfacing is so terrible that my tires must only be semllnflat ed cowl wit sartd lwdiarvlatitv by oc ciweicuattr yo ubw york crry tw 44 lloup 52 tam uotajicx 140 muxs ldv ilmlltbmrtfiwowa atlo chajhcxx tut dkslluv uuropli wax imprliohed roa dceff fluliabv gturcd suppwc4 fo blrrrip wapoutom5 rmcfsfmtrfcy gaviu4 luroptroom puktuejcl wam from axbahy rokitcil cyibckt ttu uta1 hjli auocuttdu red rose tea hib bd pi3 26c cake flour sa pk 3tc jelly powders mu w9 14c corned beef himi ism ti iu sweet pickles vid s7 23c biscuits mcla puddings chocolatei ainiies mclarens quick pach foi daip frying crisco iib 22c tk on jnd only hp sauce 8oiil iqc nd 27e mcln sluwd olives goi ooiii foc guhcoi ovh marmalade 3soi 25 funucj wmu corn no tin jfjt kraft miracle whip dressing 8v4oz jar 19 aunt jemima flour for pancakes plg tjc lachine golden wax beans no tins 25 giju jar tops doon 20 whol mixgd pickling spice pound 21c saw li coupon fofl comfort son 10 37 calay ot 14c fc 0liu undoiliinfi ivory snow puj 12 crown or beehive corn syrup burford ontario dessert pears 2lb tin ti ins 16 19 mptd ltfif pu ib pis rtolls oui slilog brooms mux sthket stohk closes aatukoay nigiltploito free delivery wionk 158