the acton ffcee press tuuhj3dawseptember 1030 ti1e mottieu job it realty isnt haul to be mother there teujy un very much to do the days are juat exactly wee each other vou simply shut your eyes and wander through ptor clock is ume enough tor rising and getting allthc children washed and dressed and breakfast cooked it really is sur prising but mothers never seem to need rest the lunches must be placed and jackets rounded and everybody soothed and sent to school to ay that mother rushes la unfound ed she nothing more to manage as rule unless it is to finish piles of sowing and cook and wash und iron and scrub ondbwuop to order food and keep tho furnace lng and then pcrliaps xo hide herself and weep and when at ust he tucked them under covers and seen to door tliat dads forgot to lock triumphantly at midnight she discovers hc nothing more to do till fl doc menu hints kecipc tor new mod novel dbha dottsebeid idea and cakl tai ks barbara ii brook somehow or othr no mutter what the atlur or tlui time of cor if imvt irtuimf children in the fatnli or mm uho till he il little boi jliuni iiu uf vc nnd cuke bobbin up in our menu uhetlier ui had planned it or not lnir pit from the younf tjt or huiwrj uecliiimtioii ironi tlui of the houallhit he like ptr ttf tstt tin tlm our resohe to nlve our family onlj light modern desserts ijoca by tho board hut the honiemoker lr urotur uho 1ll guilty conscience ulujwho lerves cake 4ht uill be dohuf favor to all wlio uit lur poduct if ilu uai ii little origin aliti in chocing tht cake to irl for there ire many tint are ton toother qulckli iuui are li ht und dltetlble iu wu us tnexpenrlve be of all they ar dellclouslv new in flavor and have nouth ophbtlcutlon that even the ultramodern hobtcs can sene cake to her tfulbli ulthout feeling that alio hns none back to the nineties for her de jtrt ideas it is hard to chooe from the mans ncu and tempting caku recipes ihc two given hero lit two separate occa sions the cocoonut krlsple cake la simplicity itself und ideal to make in the twinkling of an eye for tlie family dinn or for the childre wlun they want some tiling special its rrostlng if fiueh itcan calud la ttisulo daucloualy crisp and clicwy by new use of wlieat krlsples or corn flakt but the recipe tliat takes tho cake is that for frosted ghigerbrcad bars tliey look delectable and tasto lven more tlie gfnterbreod bars aro ideal for afternoon tea or bridge partita as well ay being wholesome dessert for child pat cocoamjt krispie cakk cup shortening cupi sugar cgs cups cake hour 2j tcotpooru baking powder teaspoon gait cup milk teiipoon tanilla extract cup broun sugar teaspoon anllla extract teaspoon alt cup shredded cocoanut cup corn ilakta or uheat krlplc cup chopped nut meats cream juirunlnt and tugnr thor ough add unbeaten egg yolks one it unit beating one minute aftir each muigi witltourith4ialeuisjoy and txt and atld alternately wltli com blned milk and flavoring to creamed mixture beat well fold in egg whites beaten stiff but not dry pour batter into greased cake pan with waxed paper in the bottom bat egs well add brown ugar graduali and continue beating until mixture light and ilulfy add flavor ing ialt cocoanut corn flaked and nut meats mix well drop by spoonful on top of unbaked cake butter and spread cvetllv bake in moderate oven 350 degrees about 45 minute yield large loaf cake 0x13 inch pan wlobtcd oingtubrltaad baub cup kliorunlng cup fcugar eg cup mol isscj cup itroin lfet cold cup all bran cup 11 mr ti isptwn hiliu jkudtr uit ptmhi bikln pmdtr ttaimk ilt tt ispoon inn mi ti um ii cl vi it poon in in uul nil il in tl rt add nnivii nil lr in uul ell if mis wil lit with iln jf iiur dleiti uiui id ur htluun iida in lr il pu wl rati on 30 di about a0 inlnuti ht tak lu tile lelt with butter froitlllg aihhi it is taken fuuu the oviii cut into burn or squares yield doeti bus vx2v luciiui aoltu func ufewa pent an beds of id htt th uiiit oi nivr tbiuwllwbit ofthnl lulterlnr the rae le ue xnttercd tlil breet conn roil thee woru uhile it called oda coward url id forth thj wij lonclj nnd what of thnt some nm be lonci tl not fucn to all to foil he irt re pon he rl ind fill 1o blend another lift into il own work nin be done in loneltnew wor out dark uxll and uhat of thaf did fondly deam tlie un would never ref do fear to lo tlij vn take couraie yet learn thou to walk faith and not oj sight thy oteps ill ruided be and juidm ripht hard wcll and uhat of tliat dldh fnncj life one cummer liolklay with 1cluuu none to learn and naught but play go get thee to thy iask conquer or die it must be arned lcjrn it then patlcutlj no help nay tbj not so though hum in help bo far thv god la nit who feed tlie raven heira i1l children cr lies near thee where or thj fooltcpa roam and he will guide thee light thee help couldn resist the appealing looks of old patrons of the house of tho tired travel lers who had mode the pmace their home during their visits to acton for years the lock came off the pump next morn lng the stables and sheds were rcopen ed and the best tho flbusc afforded was seb before the travellers tho doughty landlord made one unqualified stipulation to all who came to the liouse now don any of you ask me for grog never been caught breaking the law dur lng all tlie years ve been keeping hotel and they re not going to catch mo now if youre friend of mine don ask mo for drink not until we knock thu nefarious scott act into cocked hat anyway bob agile was never once caught violating die luw pot nuuxy years there was familiar jlguro ubout the hotel daddy agnou the fatherof the proprietor he was veryjlkiahlo old man friend of every body he had little dog and wherever lie went tlio dog trotted at his heels bengough the cartoonist mode great hit here at one of his entertain ments when he drew speaking ukuuir of the old man and his llttlo dog speaking of ngough reminds me that he wai her during one of tile cou act campaigns he was fruitful that night in caricaturing local celebrius as vrk ies4 readers well know if fuorn lote editor was alwaj ad to lljht booze in hu column btngough got on to tliu und cartooned the editor quaffing hooner of beer ut the domini in hou bir with bob jiru life liehlnd nmoiu the dec inter both th editor tend tlie uullord uere at the hill tint nli ht when the curtoonl hid compleletl 111 work for the evening uictioued off the ubjecli boh bound to et ii cartoon he bid din war llvel for time for thu slice of brown paper nnd black crnjon the ulto friend bid aliut tlie hotel man bob nme nnd the cartoon vli knocked down to him for sb 07 nnd it grueed hu bitrrooiiiwall above tlio bottji forman week therenfti tttf ifarry jr and charies came back to acton and under the dlrecuon of their father uie premises were put lrito lnvlt lng condition for tho travellers tlie dominion hotel under his man agcmciit continues the good reputation it enjoyed under mr and mrs bob agnew tlie travelling public get good attention und tlie conduct of the new beverage rooms tlist replaced the old bar room la such that ifarry llko boo agnew will never be caught breaking uny of the laws rfk9 soihum sui illatt inu1jstrv greiit pngn has btt made la th odium ulphatc lndu try in canada dur lng the iast few yeurt in 1021 engineer rrom the tderuj di partment of mlnttf examlikl in detail few deposits of hodlum sulphati in kutcht uun the investigation rev uled till preillce of mon than 120 million ton hydrou nults ihli wo tht initial step in th di velopment of an lndu ttry tlmt now tmpoyt 20o mm throughout th jcar and contrlbutei clofa to 750 000 an nually to tlie freight revenues of tho gntuidtau national itallwayf capital invi ted in tlio indu try plants and equipment li in exnji of one million 11 uit in ojwratlon in saskatchewan nru capible of producing over goo toim of drletl ilt ji day lrom tlie depo its under development roundl 300 000 ton of ilt cike viilucd ut 500 000 have iwen produc tl to dak the 1035 output of 14 800 ton valued ut j43 00 com in with an output of go 000 ton1 valmd at ssailooo in 1934 iiil declhlt in idjj li attributable to cveral causes chief amonr which wai the larpe excels nnd the of oductlon ocr rthjulremcnli in 1031 ihl jcar ulth the demand incretslrur and with jil id ejlablklied aompanloi mflmny iv yy fhrftvftr to tmtnmelll tile llllfleii ir jeir a3 iiii lkielln bu int added to rather poor health decided mr aiiicw to retire and tnjov hl declining yearn hi the quietude of private home albert lehman lat berlin now kitchener purchaed th bu lne and the hotel propertj and too pa jon albcrt ml different tje of qu ulty of their products substantial ttuln in outpub over 1035 anticipated sewlluni sulphate ued extensively in the pulp and paper indurtry in tha manufacture of kraft papers alo in tlw claj maunc djelng and textile indus trie larve part of the canadian out put tr ent to copper clllf ontario to be converted into nitre cake for use in the mcuuurcical treatment of nlckel kjittst conshlvatiov started ts geltstanv thee home lart wecz devoted considerable space to the public business of the old do minion hotel conducted eo successfully by mr and mrs rtobort agnew it quite number of jeara since this couplo died after retlrlnr from the exacting and continuous calls on hotel business he and mrs agnew nettled in horn on ijike avenue and later bought the cozy brick residence on park avenu now occupied by mr and mrs gene bralda where thej redded until uielx death while thov conducted public houe the retained their private family quar ters with all the urroundlnc of home and in their home the experienced the jovj and incident to ever home the children had the meo les and the uhuopinr cough njid other infantile dli ixu ju as freely as the children in landlord while he conducted the hou with fair regard to traveller wait lie rtalhwl that the bar wa the depr conpcr lt alo flnd3 to inent where the create profll rc ma extent in medicine and in tan unliable and he ldiou ly cultlvutcj nin that part of the birincr few enrs after ftecurlnf the hotel he enlarged and improved lt veneered lt with brick audi and added third floor he buildidl better than he knew within ten yca the improved prcmui went into poj ta duc to ukc of orestatlon nlon of the bjder wowav glove com luoptcd 150 jears ago in the umo or pan with storey as rencral man rredcrlck the great germany la today uell forested country it la estimated mr lehman hod varying experience approximately 31 million acres or landlord in acton local option llbout one quarter of tho total area of came into cftecrduinghu arm t31s th uhote eouhtr covtrcd wlul respect for the law was meagretimc althou accurato estlma after time the rovemment officers found obtainable it considered that omo booze on his premises and he wn3 ir cent of the total standing timber summoned to court aluiouih he in represents coniferous trees plnus suve vorlablj enpofed th services of the tri ccnt and nlma cxcelsa 25 eminent liquor defence lawjer jame ctnt thc remainder being beach haveran kc conclurive was thc and other hardwood forests according to evidence of hu violations of the law that thl naturai ncurces department or tlw he was invariably convleted nnd paid heavy penalties came to towti unheralded just as albert canadian national hallways about 43 at one time the officer cent of the forcst resources are um ated to be privately owned while ap proximately 37 per cent are owned oy the state the remaining 20 per cent larreli held municipal and other authorities with unall proportion own ed endowments and syndicates prlv ue hoiiuj tliere were bbrtlis and dlatlis and mitlagc in the family quarters few of us remember tlil oidden death of little tommy one day to the great sorrow of the household on the other hand there were the re joiclngi over the marriage of tlio late ex warden george ilynds to annie onr of the daughteir of tlie home away bau hi 1170 albert moore now very rev albert moore of toronto was bint man mrs ilyndi now reudca wltn her dauuhtijs in toronto but tliere is no one uliov dr lights to vblt on everj opportujiki fxlcnds in acton of tlle aj new family only two remain in arton george und joseph thej leave niver ft tlie home town jack has been out in the wl for years and ti now urate at hartney manitoba hut hi ju as ke nly inu hi acton aa iur and it tkt lot to lit plibnau ui fr aft re union aw bul in the nth when the set rt wept ovtr hvltin and ip nij th uiptli in cm id md the lltll vi llu if tin pi puur lovh in in ill irltu mi ui in ilt llqu wi irdi ri dmn uul rh bir ilv ml tht ii ir lkl niturillv writhv ii pi istn bblng him of hi lh di uhi tin pr limit ry nn in il in ht ml it in in rn ii ad tin puin huk th it tin lnsl in ibl ml ni it innuul itlou tl unet md hungry and thirdly in tn hi lutl hut alk it twenty four hours thl mk tut wils bulflcunt for dili iiuroub kind luarlihi landlord ii had gotten in his week end supply of liquid refreshment the officers pounc cd upon tlie cache and pot dray load of beer it was locked up in the celb until the day of tlie trial the court decided the accused was poillty and he through lib counsel mr haverson ad mltted it penaltic or jg00 and ca ts were imposed and the beer vos ordered to be destroyed then tliere followed pectacular ene on willow street ot the door of tlie town hall the beer was brought out and provincial office sirdls nnd municipal officer harvey had the time of their lives knocking in the heads of five and ten pallon kei of ligar on hundrt and ten gallons or the foamlnr beer were ncrlflced crowd of cltueiu vlemed tlio de tructlon and mindry thlnty iouli salfl with earne over 33000 in prizes thftt means you will see at western fair the best in agricultural exhibits of all kinds also ltt indus trta cluvniniui aurt jnvlf cinca bandl crmttm pure food dairying dog pwt and oown ikowi jouor department etc and groat entertainment race band concert two lugo grmjaji fttand ihowi dady rulea fine novelties midway fun and acoree of exhi ip pacious buildings pfan your visit now sept 1419 jbluoo sacntaty prairie sailor on long voyage business directory mkoioai dr mcniven pbjrsfolaa a4 rtarg office and sleaidenoe oorner li avenue and klgtn street dr nelson phtstolan and electro therapy dr wm culln phjndeian and sargvaa onice hoimi4vnd tu nj corner predetflck and sftul telephone 128 leo ak phanc no 33 box hakold nash farmer taarrlatcr souettor natary puhs canreyaneer eta niilx sthket aotom ojit jlourn 030 tn to 13j0o noon loop to 00 tn saturdays 13 00 oglocfc kenneth langdo ktarrtofer roueiior nogr pnwv office acton oeorgetown overt seynuck jfcafe malnstrebtb for appalntments phono acton oeorffctown ba ottlca slours acton tueaday am thursday 115p to 30 tn rnm hlbs on rog ueit buchanan lineal bit ortlce in lc an stock alin sproit bailinf bout siskatoon moiij is bound for winter in floriddown the sjknlcliew in immi to lake umniper up the lied finer and on to the bro id miisippi thf recently retired canadiin customs officer ill iil to realize life fmi wish for hip nnd ails free dam and fouif pjil twenty icen eli ij this sum mcr in sp oat reached si in toon yi 11 stilmr cinoe from medi cine hit throuj hout his term as lolleclor of custom and inland rewmil he dre mied of the votic south in boat of ln on ue home built studied maps of the saskatcheuan river and tho entire uitcrcaurse which lies come thousand of milej ahead of him first he built model of the 1c foot saihnf craft equipped with lifiht auxiliary motor then month of labor went into building the full tzc craft which without masti and cnpine weij hs 1g5 pounds the forward ix feet is full deel ed and the beam is five feet wide amid hip oik ribbed throu hout with cypress plankmi hl neat job siys rciman who saw her nl from sa kiloon central prwi carat an 10 iiim hi jlu by appointment gas for detractions clevifcd wednesday afternoon phone 14 pearen tental surgeon moved to our new quarters in the sywion block phonfl 29 mu1 street astoo sascuxan totl francis nunan klookblndec account boolfi of all kinds tnads to order periodicals of fevery description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndhtun street qudph oot yvonne prepares sister emelies coiffure and horrified cje why thu awl il wttte after it uas all over lawjr hiveron called client to one ddu nnd said to him now lehman thu has cot to quit vc aaved you from jail bj the slcln of your teeth this time dut don you eicr call mc again and uonnls ropluid all rl iii kood during the three yeani of local option ftnei ojid costs for violation of tlie law bj landlord son and bartend attfreaunb 12f0 uere paid into court according to the schedule of convictions published in tlui offlclul papers of the county mr lehman finally wald out the busl ne lock stock and birrel to charhei declir of oakllle nnd returning kuchrm went into tin express biul nr there lr decker uho uas ail xjw rh nctd hote man bu lne fucn full until teptembr icth lold ulu prohibition cunu lino rc the iljdir mount glove com tin tluu li tin pn ml unci mi rki and i1l1 unllj ill cejit and uh tl nil ti mid niu mir ul li llu tilth ilitt ill in luriud tx iwlll ii nj td llf tl lr nm firm iu ihit 111 ml urlul vi ir du liiu aiul 111 11 in mi ill rh li 111 illkl 11 in 111 ii rtiu ut nil uil i111 mill run cl ai it to tin the publll ihl 111 nllnuid 1111 il tl tl ilkriuui ai iln udud hi buikilnr ouneil tlurlni tlu trt bj him ilolnua lh ml uv und ultuhl proprlt tor for tin hotel bub none to hk liking tiunl uvullalile general wk srecuuzk in life fire health and accident automobile winastomi plate glass boiler paaity bond annuities and afl general lined of insurance au30 ocean steamship tickets leading coj1fan1ui kxchulentf jacilixies uprikiilatlf0 rvoiocilm aboclt ttoxl bl cahaxbl for muom only fred wright office cooprr luock office 95 ihouii ucld i0sjt to sell something to uirl the dioni time off from her oej about bit of fancy hair dre nelie aubject of th tuotiojty teenu rl js an iklrt in filming lnir but sister nielie aubject of th tjinntupliti latest miult cgefiureurlbda bit akeplicil of the result aftut all wiya luivllt prim id toil luuyrtlbt hf qtiitrdl vtmii tui ail 4m sold 1w 1klsi ijiiudl ad in tlu jiuujiiat ehoapcat wuy to find buyer only cent wotu