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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 3 Sep 1936, p. 7

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thursday september 3rd 193ft the acton free presb paqi sbvbf ttle wonder house im bulldlnfr me wanderhouae apart from busy ways and there mean to ahelter me in gjadnesa all my days the fabrics is the tovcoffrlend cemented strong and stout with foursquare walls of loyalty to keep unklndneas out theporch libroad the threshold wide ill have no bolt nor bar and for hospitable sign tho door shall stand ajar the light of trust and sympathy in every nook will shine and laughter like breeze shall blow through all this house of mine tho house will never be complete but adding one by one the soaring gables tmllded arm ill rear it toward the mjii until tho turrets plcroo tttgk clouds and starry crrsmits wckr whn anittikupojtho roof and ood comes down the stair twsftcrr yfaws acq tvom the ivsue of the krei wm of thuradny september 7th i31g miss watson of georgetown lu ihc haw teacher ut lorno school and mrs tully of waterloo county at bannock burn hev mr avlson is spending ti week or so in mulcoku at theological confer ence ancwbrldge att twelve mile crcek ut tanslcy has been found necessary tho new bridge would bo about seven hundred and twenty feet long and about ninety fcofj above the water should thj government approve tenders will be invited letter from me smith of tho 134th highlander jiays his battalion ar rived safely at liverpool on the 18th of august lto smith also writes of his experiences of crossing the sea with tho 05th battalion the acton boy scouu participated in the farewol tendcrd to iho cioveruor aeneral ii 1l il sie duke ofl con naught at toronto on tuesday mr ii ivicc teller at the mer chants banlc has been transferred to th branch at london mr jos ifynds son of iteevo ilynds tuts been given placj on tlic staff rokn wabren on saturday september 2nd 1010 at toronto general hospltil to mr und mrs ernest warren daughter km grant at the home of her sister turner little current on thurs day ailtfiuit list 19w llmde gntnt daughter of the late alexander gram jp of acton in her gith jrar chronicles of ginger farm written specially for thy free prow gwendolyns clarke this week has been period of bhv and aha accompanied by longdrawn out sighs and soleful expressions pir isnt it the last week of holidays and isnt it tmir that in just few days our poor defrnrhesa children will bo once more enduring uie martyrdom of schol astic life poor dears fancy only ten hecks vacation it til too bud lnt it ikoiujichuliuivcryiiwchillrin who will admit they like returning lo chool but my private opinion that tliey are jill quite triad to go bark not for school work perhaps buj becau thry enjoy the compaioniliip of their jchoolmateji undoubtedly all work und no play make jack dull boy but ull play and no work make jack irritable ilstleu und juit not wei he inlith be itegular hubltff mean everything to childs health and that something that very few of them get during holidays and rather fancy ten weeks holiday for the children is quite long enough for the average mother she lovejt the pre cious darllngi of course he does cvery lost inch of them but she can love them jujt as well when they nr out of her sight for few hours every day perhapj site may even love them more heculku tliey are away just long enough for her to realize liow dreary life would be without them without their fun and naughtiness and their hundred und one culls for assistance from tile vcrty big gest son to uio very littlest girl and so parents children and teachers auy goodbye once more to long happy summer holiday and find themdvc ready jjwl bcglnaaln uiulr iinud luclrtf in fact it luit even ladys watch but it is novelty and it goes so what more could one want did have wrist watch oncfc purtncr bought it tor me but wore 11 when vvciit inimlng and the watch didnt like hi daughter lias just boon reading wlu wrote about children being glad to return to school and ohe waxed moai indignant thai may apply to public school but not to high school children she asserted wonder if alio is right and it so why is it could under stand her aaylnglt if she had fulled in her examinations but she got through so there must be some olber reason have also heard good many other girls say they wbih they could quit school it is quite problem does anyone know the answer and now to cliahge the subject want to tell you about the fun the chil dren and luul last week all this sum mer iwouldhave you know have besn courtesy loil cimijutkn vitalj nkki with the reopening of ontarioj schoiili for the lull term this week and thousand of children ull over the pro vince netting thinlveii imd their school boolui collected for the annual return to clajjji motorists were urged to exert extra cuiilion and courtejy during the llext few weelui 111 ultciilrilt biiued by hon mcquesteii ontario minister of highways the courtesy camplitii which the pe partment has fostered during ttie summer montlis has evidently made very strong impression on visitors from england the united states und other provinces of the dominion mr mcquesleji mild but motorists who have created this impres sion must make sure that tills iumu couruyiy is ulso extended for homo con sumption and avoid tile possibility of having it classed ils company manners to be dkpluyed only when visitors are pre sent and discarded as soon us they bo homo what better opportunity can bo pre sented for suiblsblngmotnring courtey us natural clmructerlstic ulan by ex tending it to our own children mr mc questcn asked and when will wo flnd pttttr slats diary by oliver warren us during the next few days when they will be ussumlng their responsibilities ugain after long pleasant holiday the burdtn of courtesy oil hlghwau sunday are sketch nalwr hot onlcy spur lo go horse btuk riding this when pa ust him why he dkjdcnt net scd if one side of the horse goc will tile other wont it ac xpect hesc rlgllt sound rewnebel to me mondn ma at jjry arc colored woman itch helps wltli uie work is her husbeud uuood provider as llzy sed yes but itajtuin keeps her nervvs becos shesj afrade hese again to get khtched nt it tuesday jukes pa sed to juko if ho dont give uwuy trude or lose that dog some how ho is nlch noosents that he will shoot him so jake tradid him for pups weilnimiay they was xploslnn urnut the litre ju pu ust tliu man wilat wa it hr repllde ai he wall feellilf his hens tlmt lay or uust feed for ulu ar rooster et sum of it pu mki lui dlddetit beleove the story thwsduy hlltrrt wiui turrehlcy work today lh sed ho knobfd elsley lut ulglit ai hail fcrot wlhther jhe xrepted him or not wood call that purty dum lnr enniboddi xeept lilisters rvr him iui just nutcherolly nutclierel lrlduy we went out for drive in the ford after super as mu waji urlvi lng ac sed to pa the llttel mlrrer alnt set rile she cuddent try no thing in it xcept tlie cur behind as she go mad when pu ied tlialj what lli frr dld dent say no tiling lo kprmkftftlll saturday well this is jtuib another day now but it wont lie in weekor skool uj coming on puce its the preccher says about death and etc the iltclie uclien is growen oritticle ius position the reporter was sent to write up charity ball next day the editor calltd him to his deskl iook here what do you mean by this among the most beautiful girls was horatio luclun uigley why you crazy idiot old dhigloy isnt girl and boskls lus of our principal stocklioldcrs cant help that returnedthe rcul istie reporlor iliats wlierc lie was wo 11 vo in hi teres ting times and it hikes people with different ideas to make up community lrinco of wales whkitk did uk get itt two iondon cabmen were glaring ut each other aw huts tlie mutter with you demanded one nothings tiic matter with mo you guve me narsty look persist ed tiie jlrst well responded the other now yoj meutlou it you certainly have narsty look but didnt give it to you wonder is uie ally of wish in tho quest for wisdom by the same inclina tion inuglc is the forerunner of science josejri jastrow man kekr 5000 movie hm tom simpler retired exmouth eng land fisherman is challenger to the title of britains no fllmgoer there arc four movies in kxmoutii and shnpter who 7bycars old has jn the last 10 yenrstnldaeriniouiybnejuiri jthown trttntnt ilic loul is more uian iiooo illms sometime lie visits two movies in day canadian ciiicksk 4n scotland tlie position of canutuan cheese on the seottisli market has interesting iupects writes tlie canadian government trude commlsidoner in glasgow tlic caniulliin product is roognl2d by tlie scottish trade as the finest quality im portvd cheese of lti type tlie besl infornidd retailers are aware fluuwhen canudtun chcude is proiicrly matiired for seven or elyht montlis or longer it has sliarp appetizing flavor approaching close ly if not in fact equalling the flavor of uie best liamcproduccd ehpddur to the consumer seeking tlint kind of cliecse canadian cheese is scarcely distinguish able from the home product and will fetch us high price cay one shilling per pound it is difficult liowcverunder present circumstances for any but small per centage of canadian cheese offered on the scottish market to be sold wcil matured at high price tlie bulk of it is sold in direct competition with new zealand and ouicr varieuea of young cheese which present bring about ik 16 cents per pound retail the statistics of cheese imports clearly show uie dif ficulty in increasing sales of matured cheddar what might be termed fancy cheeses such as italian gorgoniola swiss oruy ere and french camembert are import ed in relatively small quantities the wench varieties in fact are so negligible in volume as not to bo included among statistics or princlraljiiuorts matured ft ehujiii in nnttmhvrnttltj the consumer us uiese fancy clieses nevertheless as the market for fancy cheesea is demonstrated to be restricted in lesser degrees is tliere restriction on the amount of canadian cheese that can be sold at premium the really large market for cheese juab now is for that can be sold ciwaply to uio vast number of people who use it for food rauier uian as delicacy it is possible that in ume the fine quality of canadian cheese will impress itself an uie scottbih public to such an extent that it will be in greater demand for keeping and maturing kind of rooting things out in this house cltv lt must also be shared oy poking into boxe and things which tlq walk mr mcquesten declared have been undisturbed for years lao pointing out uiat 40 per cent of nl ing over the white cleplmnta making people ullltd in nutomobile accidents art use of unyuilng uiat was useable and wdestriann discarding elephants that could never be the nnu courteous walker he said junythlng but white in this way came naii strict attention tothe movement of jacrowi box which my sbiterlniaw lnl tral eiidanors to nutlclpate the left in my care generally ui lej nctlon of ouiers on foot or in ehiclc to make use or anything that lefti hied that eery parent in the pro behlnd but for some unknown reason vlncl nding tlieir children oif to liid ncrer looked into thfi box but thi for another jear ghe them au time opened it and what und her lamination on iiqu to be courteous was an old old wn chest uliicli has lieen and hllie idcstrlm in the clarke family for eeral genera tllc xatnination paper poposed bi llons and here were some curias from mr mcquctcn read us follows sultwrlnnd the clarke family were do you step out carelessly from be fond of mjondln their holidays in swtj parked cars or obstnitlons 7crland there was little handpainted do to weave through haluc cow or sheep bell siss scene painted do cro streets tllagunully in oils on thin slice of wood presuin do on vehicles ably cut from tree grown in suitzer mnvl raffle land there uaa also xcsurrecucn vo crai streets without observ plant ulilch looked like ball of dry if traffic seaweed this we put into dish of cro at intersections against uatcr and in little while it opened lic bht up like brown fern there were alsij uo vm stand in the street odd pieces of silver flat ware some old ou play on streets which carry fashioned silver braceleui necklaces and lleav traffic brooches and also two silver watches you walk isiui instead of against il kailway fukight veamc gains and dear knows how old ujey are one perhaps is fairly modem because it is of tlie keyless variety but tlic other is so old uuit the only way to move uie liands in to oen the face of uie watch and turn tlie hands with key made for that purpose day or two after my find my brotherinlaw happened to drop in for visit and he being tlie head of uie fumily was able to tell us wlut yhould be done with tlie various contents of the hix asked him to take core of the things that were really valuable that is from family point of view the other things he disposed of by giving uie silvery jewellery to daughter uie flat ware and curios to me and uie two watches to our son with the advice uiat they were not worth spending any money on however uiought differently so took both watches to uie jeweller tho watch wound it up and away she wen and my brouierlnlaw said it had not been used for at least twenty years tlie other watch only needed small spring on tlw winder could not see what use two watches would be to our yojmg son so made bargain with him uiat he allow me the use of uie oldest watch if nald for the jcpulr work on uie otho one thats okadake with me he agreed so now lie is satisfied and so urn iiave watch at lust which is something iiave been wanting for cars cli no it isnt urist wutch of course truffle on the road or highway 10 do you fail to use particular care at night ukcokd gold mining year canadian gold production during 1035 established an alltime iiirii record for boui quantity and vulue tlie total pro duction of new or primary gold totalled 32u1890 fine ounces valued in canadian funds at si 15505270 compared with an output or 2072074 fine ounces valued at 102530553 in 1034 increases in out put over 1034 were recorded for nova scotia quebec ontario manitoba sas katchewan and british columbia on tario quebec and jjjulsh columbia were tlie principal gold pkiducerfl accounting respectively for 075 per cent 143 per cent and 110 pir cent of the total toflvth coaaiudotriirtlon pioduetlon an intoresumr feature of uie year was uie first officially recorded contribution of lode gold from tlie northwest territories represented by gold contained in ores shipped from the great slave lake district tlie averag prlc in canadian funds of gold based on uie average prices paid by new yori or ixindon was 3510 per fine oune compared wiul 134 50 in 1034 tlie value of canadian gold production per capital totallod 1055 in w35 compared with 040 in 1034 and hi in 1025 gold mining was the outstanding feature in canadas mining activities during 1035 acton fall fair special prize list concluded from puge four 403 lut pair drcswu chickens donor to receive benton cash nine by georne 41s best loaf liread baked by young lady under 31 years leave at secretarys office for donor clolhei horse by muckeiudtf as son value 42s best working mans cold dinner served on tray consisting of separate victuals lil cash 125 2nd cash 75c by lurm womens cheerio club 43s best dojum tea biscuits baked from lily white hour by ilortop mill lverton 1st 50 lbs lily white hour 2nd 25 lbs lib white flour vulue 44s best tin boxed lunch for working man to take to work by win gowdy 1st cash 125 2nd cash 75c 45s best loaf homemade bread made from high loaf flour donor to receive name prize winners must have receipt for hour showing it being purchased from lindsay 00 lbs high loaf flour value ics best loaf liqmcmaoy bread niaxleironujclipjictlqur 00 25 00 tdonor pt for ih mcelve jijimc pvlie whiiitrs hmsl have reocii flour showing it being purchased from ix lindsay lbs 1jclipsc flour value tctured is smart fall outfit chosen by gladys swarthout star of opera and screen it is twoway costume of black crepe there is onepiece shortsleeved frock with narrow white relief about he neck over thistfoea wellcut jacket with crisscross tieh of the crepe nt the waistline the jacket lias long sleeves and nivei the impression of being part of circs with change of hat and oti cemaries and leaving off jtcltet us type of dress will seen like two or three costumes 47s best collection of lunacy baking 1st by cole bros scott guelph foods value 200 2nd cash by society 100 all unrad must be double faavr ixowkit and plant splctals jus bel basket bouquet of gladioli by mcarthur store guelph roods value 19s best buhuu of cut flowers 1st 100 2nd 50 50s btst collection of cut flowers arrangement to lw coild tred uy hugh walker son guelph per elliott bros acton 1st tood alue 00 2nd noods value st 00 51s best begonia cish 00 00 00 50 00 00 time tables nadian nationawiiwavs at acton gain exsi dally except sunday ib mjn dally except sunday 1007 tun douy except sunday fl13 pm sunduy only 719 pjn gain west dally except sunday 59 sjn dally pxeep sunday 233 pjn ualljn except sunday tmplin sunday only yx limptp standaitd time arrow bus schedule ehleotive may 3rd 1031 leave westbound am 1215 pn 315 pm 15 pm 015 pja 815 pm 1135 pm standard time leave eastbound 530 om 810 ttto 1120 iro 210 jta 400 ptai 60 pjn 000 ptax 1tinerail1ks planned to all points in canada i0nitkd stats mexico consult local aeni w1lles uestaurant central ontario bus tinea toaonto miscellaneous 52s best collecllon of ladles fancy work not more than fifteen pieces not exhibited here before lit by pollants cloth ing stori italian tablecloth wiluu s3 00 2nd by chappies boole store guelph bedroom wuiipaier oliie 250 50 533 best collection or cushions new and uptodate bj gordon mackay co toronto bus of fullfashioned hose to be had at elliott bros store acton value 00 51s beit babys layette under one year by cconretown lumber company loods to the value of 60 55s best model not exhibited before made by boy under 17 1st 100 2nd 75c 75 5gs to the couple married the greatest number of years attending the fair registration to be made with catekeepero or secretary second day of fair the actom faix phess one jcar value 00 57s to the penum nttendlng acton riir from the greatest dlstance rteport to secretary for computation of dis tances tin actom fbek pmess one oeor value 00 5bs best appearinc child under 12 years and doll carriage in the school parade by burrs quality grocery 1st 100 2nd 75c 3rd 50c cash 25 sos best model of tlie liner queen mary or empress of britain by wrlffht 1st cash 300 2nd cosh 200 go cos to the exhibitor in the ladys work section winning the most points 1st prize to count points 2nd prbse points by mckcown 1st cash 125 2nd cash 75c 00 cis best pastel oil landscape palntlnff by public school pupil by geo weston bread cake co 1st tickets value 200 2nd tickets value 100 00 g2s best bushel basket or mixed vegetables not open to market eurdenera by woodhau mussclle plants spring of 1037 1st value 200 2nd value 100 00 floats c3s for best float or novelty outfit same to take port in school parade and also in parade of stock before grand stand 1st by bond hardware co silverware value 00 2nd by mtchle si agar gallons oil value 250 3rd by geo weston bread cake co tickets value 200 c4s to the director selljnif tho greatest number or members tickets at least 10 must be sold by xi kerr 2nd vice president ontario agricultural societies cosh g53 catching ball by formern dog best catches of live trials in front of grandstand on second day or fair by jolin bennett 1st 300 2nd 200 insurance fire car accident sickness etc harrop liepittslsntative gore district mutual norwich union canadian uro ixuurukice company tho alllauee amurajaee co the casualty of caliada aaribcj company the merchant casualty co th iortarolaltalruj mutual subscriptions for all majjazinea taken at the free press office whats the news news id chuiljjinjj con klsuiily events happen fast aid tliinh change over iiih only an alert newspaper can keep abreast of these happening on many local fronts the aeton free ofifew its readers con pretis lplete service in news reporting and editorial features it answert the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now and keep up with the times the acton free press acton ontario canadian railways curried 5edd0hu tons of revenue freicht durlnu may in ciudlnir 41830 toai loaded at can udlun jutlons 737710 to mi of imports and 0110032 tons of lntraiult freifflit uirtfely unlud stutf iclicht piuuinjf over canauuii rails und destltud to united tatei stit inn compared uh trutrl in may jeir aifo iiuin of aoluhl toiu or per cent is allow ariculluril pioducts uer heavier than in may lim due lively 10 ln ereatj of 173000 ions ip wheut 191111 loir in uirli and 23101 ton in otln mill iiioduet anlmul pmluets lnenu 07 tons nni mine products 114 3tir tnni jmrirt were 1i0 simwii in inuuificuu and mlcelumuus with ai uildjfieel nitomiiblle and plul thepilmlpil uutrssniiir to in jut movtiuenl wuggs and skeeter ty wally 6ishop

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