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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 10 Sep 1936, p. 1

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rft ft sixtysecond yearno ii acton ontakio thuksday skptembek 10th i0j0 eight homeprint pagcb five cents landsborough won gold medal playing cornet with lome rifles band at competition points awarded bands ior iho second consecutive year charles landsborough of acton and member of tile lorne rifles tscottlan band of georgetown won the gold medal donated by prof thlelo of waterloo to the beat cornet soloist of the cum band competition at the the test piece this year wo opera bouquet no the comet solo being the flair daughter of the graces from xutfaictto eleven bands competed in this chuu the four winners being lorne rifles scottish georgetown 90 points york township boys 83 points port col borne cltlxens 774 points beamsvlllo cluxens 77 points major adklna bandmaster was the adjudicator which was the flrib band competition to be held on the now band shell early elections in eramosa to adopt ihe november nomina tion dates this year audit is presented the eramosa township council met in the town hall rockwood on satur day evening september oth with the members all present and reeve if storey in the chair messrs arch mcnabb and john ii pose reported that they had audited tha books of the treasurer the tax regis ter and the 103g tax roll they re ported receipts from january 1st to august 31st 1030 amounting to 27083 01 and expenditures of 222s0b3 the receipts included the collection of 13078 57 on arrears taxes and 50885 current tuxes they also re commended that peter sobol bo refunded the sum of 51 overcharge on taxes of the kneller hall bond al 0ujph on motion of messrs oray and plnk iily the report was accepted the ymca pall program periods are arranged for classen enthusiasm in all croups and keen interest tho prizes awarded are pirst cash the trustees of the police vlllugo of 350 00 conn trophy bronze rock wood were present to discuss with medaj to each player second 250 00 council tlic proposed change of date of cash third 125 00 cash fourth j75 00 elections for jl037 cash gold medal for inst cornet soloist on motion of messrs gruy and luih bold medal for best euphonium soloist it was decided by bylaw no 12 to hold the aumiul nomination meeting on no vember 30th 1031 with polling any on december 7tli the pall and winter program of the acton ymca will open up monday september mth already great deal of interest has been shown by members of tho different classes which augers well for iv successful year ln tho ex tensive plans for this season there will be place for everybody and tho will bo reul community centre with activities for boys and klrls men und uoinen the gym schedule for tho various clumei bi follows junior hoys monday and thuri duy afternoons 00 to 30 saturday 30 to 00 senior boys monday 700 to 800 wednesday 30 to 30 saturday 00 to 30 young mem monday 00 to 00 wednesday 00 to 000 business men wediusday 00 to 800 front page editorial few weeks ago we urccd the need in acton for construction of several modem equipped with ail convenience we said they wenj needed and could be readily rented in spite of the fact that tho advertislnx of bouse for rent fci higher in this bwue than far some time we still mainiain uierv need for this type jkf house if acton la to secure more industrie and progtc there most be oeoommodatlon for the con sequent influx of people to wort in thofce industrie we uiill main tain there crying need for theate tnodern house for rent tn acton and good return available for the builders who erect them legion parade to be sunday several itands will head parade of zone gathering legion chopping mill threatened by fire acton institute meeting the ccntre wellington agriculture jxlio regularrnontluy business meeting socle ty und th prnmfw pluumeris as tun hint jljiuuii ucie each nrinltl 52000 und hnuthornc last the krln pall imlr 10 00 the roiul superintendent was instruct for the removal of some uhich wa tlili afternoon about 30 oclock ire junior girls tuesday 00 to was discovered in the elevator shaft at g30 saturday 10 00 to u30 mclellims chopping mill tim bjuxe senior girls tuesday and prlday threatened to spread in the upper part 00 to 00 lnl building und caused ouite youkg ladiks tuesday and prl jnioke day 00 to 00 badminton club thursday even ing and other periods uhen the floor the moke nrutd from the upper window by not ouurwiw in ulo fqr bomt nfer th ontujc jaltt nnjstedby ui tin fall and winter mertlnvi of til acton braucli canadian legion started last nlelit by well attendrd mtlng pkuis were made for the coming tyjnfrr activitlcv comrade jaa hunt of cam ocllvillr wai lnltlauxl us nienibt by comrade president mcdonald as sisted by comrades if ritchie alcr and wrutllt the brunch decided riot carry on th enteral buivuku collection iclieme but tliu ni mbeni were mked tllunlielvcs to kuv all newspaper und mutfuxhiri and that of their friends und tho wcnibeni will ho noutled when shlpmepl will be made tills plan will salvage material of ft prolltable nature arruntjenients were completed for tlie zone cjiurcli parade to be held 011 sun day all branches of the zone will meet in acun iark at 00 standard time the parade mnrjjmlled by com rude alier will procewl by way of bouer avenue to prederick street thence down mill street to the cenotaph where stone commander xfcdonald ulll dejalt wreath niter which he ill take the solute ut the saluting bjie in no blame for highway fatality jury so kinds in makinhlnquiry into death of fred jiarnett of iondun rarlodi lor wtjuinir boxlnc and bo ttkt to fhcynoikitihna content ke jeagucn ulllhe arranmnl as ty ir front of the pat office the parad und of hoe laid oy the mre brigade ulll proceed to knox presbyterian oon had the bluxe under control buteuurch uhere service uill bo conducted comrade rev it cennle chap ool curiry th home of mim thursday afternoon wltli tlic president mrs gamble in charge ilvcmlnut tt urraniti loik on the motto mother love was on uu qia tra given by mtsi hawthorne and current believed to be out of line and encronch evcnu by mrs salt the subject wei jmf on lne public rightofway fore was taken by mvs noble gn mot of mijrc gray and hind report of the district annual held dn jjlaw no3 uas pawasd applying kubridc was given by mn wildcnpln lettenj of administration of an ei in which the tounslilp uaj inter tlie institute quartette mesdanni davidson mccutlcon pointer and hall as creditor sang ho walks with me in the garden letter from urn department of health roll call was ansucred by noted concerning the new regulations govem mother donation was given to the lnf the ku of ltiie iulln was placed crippled childrens pund also to before the council and on moljon or puent in gudph hospltaj the bootn xjeisrs plnkney and lush uie matter at the park will be open all pull pair uiui if to be handled by the clerk 02 day the branch is sending an exhibit previously of ten urtlcles to uie county pair in on motion of messrs luih and hlnd mllton tjw meeting clod by repca tjuj iwasurcr was instructed to pay lng the mizpah benediction after which qcc in connection with the smith social time was spoilt cry hearty nm rjtt ditch uhen certified by the cu nl fathers condition nnd turned uif vote of thanks was given the hosttj tourtship engineer under the ditclw also uiqmj who assisted on the program and watercourses act and lunch conunut accounu amounting la 137274 aar tr piised for payment and council ud journed to saturday evening october strcot vct loth at 00 pm uiiv4 hitercted ortanlu all uho are interested in the classes should register ni early ai pojlble mr george emery general secretary ull be glad to give any information deilred ut m7uhlam tl ft uu setral hnd last tliursday evening ut the inquest at ltockwood likjulring into tlie dcutli of prod bilrnetu of london kifted when the car left the hlghuuy few mllcj wejt of acton the jury uttachtd no blame for tlie ucmdent the following tho text of the ver dict we tlu jury empauiellid to eiiqhlre in the circumstaiicfi surrounding tlu death of prod bariiett of london in motor accident on highway nvi ap proximately 3i mik niflt of rockwood auguit 030 about 30 am do itnd that 1yed burnett died from severe head injurle re lilting from col lb ion between cur driven by tlie deceased and another car driven by mis maltby of kitchener after viewing the scene of the accident and ht irlng the evidence submitted at the hiquet it the opin ion of the jury that pred burnett cunif to his deuli accidently with no blame attached to anonri we uould recom mend that all driver be compelled to dim or louer the headlight lieam wlien meetimr other traffic and that the de partment of liigliwavi consider seriously the matur of lining uhite strip nr ceiute uii or lilghuay rer the entire memorial gates at mccor macks memorial service held there on sunday grounds have itevn improved and beautified tlie culmination of much work in put ling 0i cemetery into splendid condi tion was marked on sunday when memorial service was held at mocor hiacks cemetery in eramora and mem orial gjitejuiyijudded greatly to uie im pr vetsu rob din gs the ctmcu ry lias been for many years in state of iteglrct overgrown with liver maplts und wltli stones displaced an ubandoiied spot it has now been storid to itiit at orderly beauty liiore suitable ixjtingr place for the heroes and heroines of early days whose re mulns he tilere this work lias been accompllihed vry largely through thu iwnbunt and untiring efforts of viotlib or ouelph some of whose an us lor rwt in the mccounuck ceme tery fr dodd has spared no effort to net in touch with the descendants ct those who were buried there about four years ago board wjls formed to as lt in the work this board consitj of albert liuih as prejjdent dotldii sccretjirytreajurer and mt lewb armstrong john hhulley gtorje nlijjii robert wati ri orid hiauki uni yif ed to quench the blae knox incluaing acton citien band lorne rifles scottkli regimenui bmj and p1 ind dufferln bugle band leill cdiiulblc jiinit culp of the vlnciil hlihuaj polire uai tlw uitiilj tlie accident he said cultivation of the ground to reduce it to pro level suitable for eeding tlie stonet first lcpiired and placed in proper plated took finally memorial gate erected liear goodlv number of the indite of knox wmnen mbilonary society attended the 15th anniversary of tden mllla auidlirj mr bennio extended greetings from kncc ivarrowly averted acton and mp bcnmo brought an accident accounts passed renew insurance greetings from the guelph presbyteriil driver fainted and car struck mf eavc readinr mlss nellie andcnon gae very in tree before stopped by talk on the i10ul of nnj his son the evuryday life in japan mrs beimie pivement asphalt 10 feet in uidth he crlbeil mark he found on the road the car druen mlvi maltbv going utt had gouged niirk out or the at the meeting of nassajrawcyjl marks of this car were council relief account only 6319 place buiiiln ctop and rockwoud on tath post log and cut into the about three mile from acton the ll on one side an nxe and on the other broadaxe simbols of the only tooli available to the pioneer and iuj mr luli sild tliey vicre tlie bojs uho tousd suing them the icvice accounts pav at the meeting of th closed the meeting with prayer dainty nassjagwevu council on monday were on saturday afternoon as holiday iunch scru pleasant socia fillet g3 19 motorist of stratford was proceeding hour spent iads and bridges 1434 touard toronto uiui his two com in thp pltkifl 51 car exrefobmatotty foreman zhrlz has golden celebration mr alex moore representative of the emploj trs liability assurance co identj of guelph for ib years mr policy 2000 premium s31 25 tlie collector reported on the arrears tine car went out of control the tldest son fourteen jears ofvge quickly notic re emergency brake tills stopped tlie im pact but the car struck large chests celebrated their bqldtuuedduig aiiniver oftaxeshouliririt to be serious situa nut tree on miss symon honored the in boulevard main sary at their home on oxford stject tlon still council adjourned to meet pn october big entry for acton fair last timruy enlnr urtj rumlty fnurtaliud ao htr homo honor of mlas murauerlti symon bride of this month bridge party ua tho rly cnquirlca for prl llsui wid ln recrettuon of tllo cvvnlnk und tlu friends formation for the 1030 acton fair from of ajla symon ulumdinjf iurprlscd her acrcliry wrlsht iolnt to one of with perianal shower of elfts iucli as lhe nnoit 0lat hls cv bccn hcjl delightny bride diunty luncli added poatcr ici touie koclubllity of uie cicnlmt oua lnrcb that lh proeram lor tllc uo jriuids enjoyed wltli mkj symon and pjt thc illxndnrd muany hlch guveuum uic opooriunlty of ex udnl cnlr camini prmlnt their mul for her nd thc final wlimr of uio hoard of directors tonlttht ill arranne th3 dctaa of the biff twoday event for sep tember 32nd nd 23rd directors and officers are ery enthusiastic and leav stone unturnod to make it un ijlhflteeels marrlcd at kilbride mr and mrs hut foncry occupied ollt tlll 5t only the prompt action of the boy jf nre cnj in the emergency bhcd very serlou ij alton nukai school faibs loans for hojtteih4aierijull prior to his retirement five jeur no mr hutchison uas for 10 years accident tlu car was travelllne at forcrrmn carpentor rjldp moderate speed and beyond damaccd ontarlo rtefomaury mr hutcluin front bumper uas hot injured the motorist had suffered similar tnc uas anj mwhzd of chalmer united church chor on the proper ilde of the highuav euir mark indicated the scene of the accident and this uis north of the church where the centre line indicating thno the extbound cd car had been on the north side of the road tlie car in which barnett wa riding had travelled 252 feet from th point here the crash occurred tlie other car travelled 150 feet struck boulder somersaulted and turned facing the other way officr culps lnvestigillon led him to belleie there were tuo persons in tho barnett car the victim and harry mur ftnr theofficer winr hortlj began in the cemetery but shouer caused the gathering to take helter in barrie hill united ervlce was continu al te the accident uc no rccurrencees felt he uas in condition to be driving the car again after rest and medical attention the party resumed their journey to attend tlie canadian national exhibition in tor onto in guelph preient cur red culp believed the door of the car had opened and birnett had fallen out and had been run over the uheel or tlie car tlie sky uas cloudy but the pave ment uas dry dr waller rockuood uho per rural bovs and irirls nre ranidlv com formed the post mortem on barnett told ang in tho kilbride church choi fcl rapmiy com to old teacher mr we men pletlng their exhibits for their respective jv wt the victim died from uoni hb fttcrmn school pairs uhich will be held as fol compound fracture of the skull and jous fracture of tlie cervical verubrae either hornby school ialr at no uould be fatal tlie frnctured skull wr eouelng on september 15th niog severe extending down tile noc with thc reopenlng of school nation albert lush president of the board occupied the chair and rev mr little foinej pastor of barrlc hill church os imed by rev mr taylor of jftockuood conducted the opening services the absence of the present pastor or barrie hill church rev mr robertson and iko of rev mann former pastor uas much regretted tlie fergus band accompanied the slntlnr in manner among those uho recalled early daa and told of conditions remembered in the district in pioneer times uas mia john marshall nassagaweya wlio was born on thc farm adjoining the cemetery mrs marshall mentioned many of the old families descendants of whom still live in the vicinity she also paid trl other speakers were oauea guelph mrs felkcr alco of guelph and gladstone reeve storey spoke briefly of wiiat had been accomplished mr lush thanked all thaw uho had traffic on saturday on this highway uns milton lost tlie game in inner gn september i7th to be iirted before the body could ll reeve of fergus was exceptionally havy and it is for io11 saturday bj score of 21 thc trafalgar school ralr at palermo on moved he stated moved vote of thanjcs to the board and tunate tliat thc car did not strike econd game was plajedln milton es september 18th nev little closed the service was not struck by nnouier vehicle it terday afternoon with recordbreaking kassagaueya school rtrookjwiialuiolaordorfilbi4ja3vu milton lost and won in the first game of tlie ob play south nelson school pair at fishers the only theory the doctor could offer corners on september loth ux tmt barnett uas throun from the mt nemo school fair at mt nemo car the uheel landed on his head and wth struck the tree on its leff tin road crowd ntrndtngmlimnuutiynrft vhteo to be cuaranud by government inurvst rate not to ik over five per cent plan under which the dominion gouinnuiit ulll guaranty lending in tututlons against icws up to 15 jwr cent for loans to maximum or 50 oooooo to honit ouners jar repairs and improvements on duelliugs was an nounced list nigh by prime mlnbur mackende king and purvl chair man or the national cammuslon on lm plojnient and relief tlie government is abo workhig it wait stateni on policy of povlding loa rental luimr in urban centres pojlbly involving slum clearance and the con struction of houses of clasj uultable lor thoe uhcum lnconwo enable tlvem purchase ulun convenient paymnts can be arranued all tills ulll be in conjunc tion with and dependent upon provincial tnunlcljial and community coopcrnuon al th same tinu it was announced tliat upi were lug fiikm coopcra lion wltli the provinr3 wlvereb single unemployed transients would he put to work ifc plmary lndutry during the ooming winter at uoges as near as pos ibw to the general prevailing rate encouraged by the outcome of similar provisions made the united state govcnnnent the intention ls tv extend the housing act to the tmnr tliat pr kiiiul kiaiis up to 000 itiuv be advanc ed to home ounrtu without udoneiiunl ai nuximum of rive per cut intere for teriil up to five iars guarantee uguinst lois up to per cnl of the olal ovtr glvui pcrlu will be made bv the dominion govrr mrnt tlie toul maximum liability to thus assumed to be nxed initially it 75o0 000 covering j50 000 000 worth jf loans rockalong institute illlc on september 20ui ged individualism meant the reglmcnta jmcnn offering was given to help of 76 thc loiers outliit the winner eq school pair at llmehouse tlon or the mnnj for the benefit of thc upkeep of cemetery for which to but the milton fielders gave on september 30th feu tufiwel tmi noi ls very grateful their pitchen splendid support in the held brush got four of the winners tight lilts lee being high for the lo with three runners uere on bases mast or the game and ket the large crow vcitrcl tiirougliout both teams utilized tuo hurlers ultn ezeird being the winning pitcher in the eighth 1th tuo auay and tuo on bases haycs lost clements fly in the sun two runs scoring uinthlnulin rallj by ingersoll nested tuo runs and jultli the tieing run on fpst clement made greit stop of haen hardhit grounder end the game score ingersoll 000 004 002 14 milton 201 010 1207 naileries london tcaard and brush williams clement and johnson escaped convicts from guelph captured in acton on monday mr tory uas tlie hostess fur thc jbeptcmbcr nuitlnir of tlie itockalonir initltute mrs mcnabb presiding after the oiwnlnir ode and the roll call uhlch uu unsuered bj biol have nid and ltr author number of busl liicf of police mcphermin aided liy mfesrm uy nil nnd gordon smith mv item uere diicuvu mr pas find iair hidinjr under ivciriii slied had keen mmc upied the chair for tlu proimun current ennus mere iucn by mrs uorkinj in kitchen at reformatory aiulwent out 111 tlie vcnabbrauer uhicii mrsiasmorc giivc hreakfuht hour rush were very htinijrj ail thirsty er practical demonstration on vind reformatorj juards returned them to tliat iivlilution by mrs wra nlac was crossed the atlantic alone mr ii ri lir nil ourj iuiillsm ocli mitul tthotivi iv allan girvin nop owr in s3a iuu bat ai 00 nil ue rv lie ilu was litiul injur ulun in matilii il unabl in ih the ship to sivv york shoppers guide tlie fullovtlng ore tlie pag4 in wlilrh advcriucnicntd appear lu thu wcekh tym lvefcs iagir saluls ta hciitjgs itice kriiple1 ia we urn vydr keluijj cni flu hi carvohu ftroarry fcurf ilunru croftry arrow iluij kxhlbitlaii aiuuiuiicrtonl arlon vu pah page george wallace firvury vhratrv uyan audluirluin oaiic ilinii aeutn puhi llh tjjv cuiiuiukhkui paltanlu shoe strc oraiievlli pair tax notice pmte luh iviephoiu co uhrit piufniial txrd tl put it larrup yaw tublew pa utyal theuu dardhlrc vurtoti mktur pllntv vutm alive iuul it 11 ltallii on mondaj morning otorge simpon betuivn the factories of acton machine agid iff and euclid uijeunev aged 20 shojis and acton machine company both of ottaua escaped from the cutlp ll uu alqrt ualt unt slni and lajeuncsc utre seen coming very reormatorj uhere thej uere uorklirgts aionff uu trjcka chr mc cooks it ls thought that they jumped phersou started up the tracks to cut olf much dijoved tile main feature on the program uas talk on tjducatlon givi mrs pumore mrs bayne ably coillucted question box cn grow th and care of house plants onuit viu put on by mrs sliultli the prize going to mr asking thc cut the kitchen ulndow the tuo men their westward escape uhile mr smith the national anuiem had hwn sent to the butcher shop und toot ull car catch twn mul there thij broke tiur lock leading to the street the tair however got to the outside and uere not missed until ut slalicm anti dude capture lendants investigated tlie ecap uasj tne cars build made about 45 on mondaj morning on monday evening mr and mrs lnd smith of acton uere driving liui acton on main street uist of the track tuo men came into view of the tar lights oil the truck they uere ultlmul shlrls or clothing on uiu upper part of their bodies which utis trlllt unusim on night uhen light rain uas falling mr smith on coming to acton re ported to chief mcllieron uh lud not uin notified thai anv prtsoneri had tcijwd from gueljih uiit dav litit hui sxti guarcu hi the district tlu drove to the mhistrtl rowing of lhe cnr meeting tliat the pair uould continue along tin ralluav the cr was parkid ufter uhich social half hour uas upent over thu tea cups coming events aiiifhinttmrnti ul mcclmui an tth ur oilier vudr thu lieailnik re cliargrd io ceiil prr tuir with luimtimim iury for any aniiimmriiirtit of ings seeing that it was imposible to find ihim utthout floihltgiits and more as sistance mr smith left for llghtu und brought hls brotlur gordon while chief mcpherson staved al the station willi the it id of the lights rial search waa started and it uas only feu minutes until lvnd smith uu the iulr crouching underneath tlu freight slud me ling of the scout mothers aux hu uere ordered to come out and lllarv ill be in id on moridjy september nadl suhmltud to being recaptured mth in tlie iurmi hall at 00 pm ijmlgtd in the tll at the 1ojn hall the full attendance ls rtmieud pair btm fotrl and uatt and utre jlirovyim with tliee uhile auaittng the clujn lull anniwrtary srvicti ulll iarriil of reformatorj guards to tae hi id on iajnd ly jut mlur 2j0i rev hum bik to guejpli noth had null albert ixi ba of lliittoiivllle wtu amount of moiifv on hum wlun tlu pnach monday ivnlng loul supei uere cajturd und euicrt

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