wmom two the acton free press rflvvl ji ijr artmt 3tre flrrbs published every thurtdar ac too ontario surouptlon rates per ytw in ulvancf united states 50c additional single copies 5c both old ml new sddrelica should be wen when change address is requested cancellations we find that most of our sub senbers preler not to have their subscription interrupted in caa they tail to remit bclore expiration while sab scriptions will not be carried is arrears over mm extended period yet unless we me itottfied to cancel we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued advertising rates on application and as given in various column hcadtnga although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising ft its column on the understanding that it will not be liable lor any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing tbereon and in that rase il any error so noted is not corrected by the free preis us liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the apace occurred by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement arlof dills editor tu ei hones editorial and limine oflw 74 now ilaces of bcauly np through the country these day shows vast improvement in the rural cemeteries over ten years ago then the rural cemetery was as rule neglected spot to day most of them have been put in good condition and are well maintained those that have not beeiu improved are now receiving at tention and in the next decade it will be difficult to find one of these spots that is not being well main tained this improvement speaks volumes for the present generation and it is to be hoped generations of the future will not allow the neglect to return even the unused burial pots arc being put into such condition that they are now places of beauty rather than eyesores evidence of this is to be found right nt home in the old cemetery just off main street the work must of necessity cover period of years before perfection is secured but it is pleasing to note this plan for permanent beauty in the cemeteries of to day und the provisions that are being made for their acton fair next with the canadian national exhibition over this wcclc the season of the smaller fain is with us anil among tho first is acton fair for twenty three years acton fair has been steadily advancing in point of years it is not among the long established because for many years the township fair was held on alternate years in acton many things have been contributory to its growth and popularity the concentration of all the municipal buildings in the park has been very advantageous to the fair it has permitted the presentation of many events that would otherwise have been impossible the co opera live effort of town and folk of the district has been also responsible in large measure for its success and without doubt the efforts of officers hove bieii productive of each year making better fair they have never believed that the fair was perfect they have looked for the haws and failures rather than for tho good poiiitsj in two weeks town and country sido of the district will unite again at acton fair and friends from far and near will come to renew ac quaintanceships with their sociability and oppor tunity for the last fall outing the fairs provide real place in community life the encouragement of raising better farm products and tho joy of winning prizes is of more importance than the amount of the actual winnings there arc not as many of the small fairs as in former days just what is tho reason is difficult to pin to any one set of circumstances acton pair will soon be here indications point to put sunncc of its bigger and better policy the sunday school lesson fob hunbay ptkmiur 13th jierpcfuai uptceep editorial notes tins is the last week oflhc exhibition for 1930 the summer has gone and autumn is here its to be hoped the inquiry into the coal situation will have some noticeable effect on this seasons supply it is encouraging to note the improved condi tions of several municipalities since the assistance for better financing and governing has been given by provincial authorities newspaper heading says that cod liver oil is fed to pigs at college many youngster will say that it only fit for pigs nfcw gktihdalaiid improvements have been many at acton pnrk and tvery one of them has enhanced the value of this municipal centre that is in use the entire year much of the improvement has been brought about by organizations raising funds the park entrance was improved in this way the grandstand moved to the new location and many other improvements financed in this publicspirited way to be in keeping with ihe park and its surroundings new and larger grandstand is needed the old one is badly out of repair and it is questionable of the advisability of repairing it in its present condition it is liable to cause anucctdcnt new buildmg dugouts at the front for the ball teams and entirely enclosed at the back would be much morensuable and commodi cue for all baseball has always been favorite summer sport with good local following and should have accpmmodation made for it in the stand con mruction why not make new stand an objective und all work together in providing this needed facility in the park it is community enterpns uorth striving for school in concerts are coming indoor activities arc commencing fall fairs arc on and preparations might as well be made for winter months directly employment better rhcad of continuing an industrial forward movement of four months duration employment figures as com piled by the dominion bureau of statistics showed further rise on august 1st reports from 9795 firms 905304 persons on the payrolls on that date compared with 988838 on july 1st the improve ment review was quite widely distributed geo graphically and industrially gains occurred in each of the five economic areas except quebec where slight decline was indicated the trend was also up ward in all the main industrial groups excipt logging and retail trade both of which reported seasonal looses manufacturing mining transportation and construction recorded the largest additions to pay rolls while the gains in communications services und wholesale trade uere nlso considerable indus trial employment in ontario showed fiirtherhetcr iiimr the 317 firms cooperating at august 1st hav mg 113 721 employees or 530 more than at juiy 1st the gain compared favorubly with the loss iecordd on the average in the years since 1920 most of the advance occurred in mining transportu don and construction while services were also some hurj to bear but with the responsh lues of the bu fair on ins hands tins ornow was doubly poignant the dpbt owe my home town if all my citizenship accounts were balanced at this date would be the debtor havent all these years hvedlwithin the limits of the town nnd shared all its benefits havent had the benefit of its schoolb and churches havent hatltheusc attv library park nnd public places havcntjlhnd the protection of its ire police and health department havent its people during all this time been gather ing for me from the four corners of the earth lood for my tible clothing for my body and material foi my heme hasnt my town furnished the patronage by which have succeeded in my business hasn it furnisn cd the best frienrds of my life whose ideals have been my inspiration whose kind words have been my cheer and whose helpfulness has carried me over the greatest difficulties what will give in return not simply the taxes which cover no small part of what have received want to give more want of my otvn free will to give enough thnt cpn rightfully say this is my fowyi so that can take pride in its prosperity in the honor which come to its citizens and all that makes it greater and better can do this only by becoming part of the town by gtvinirtecncrotrslyof irrtrnsuyq only can even in small part pay the great debt owe to my town exchange i1ie council in jerusalem golden text for yc brethren were culled for freedom only uac not your freedom for an occasion to uw flesh but through love be servants oiio to another oal 1j luuoii rext acta is 2229 ool 10 rhe great controversy lii the early church was whether rnan la saved upon faith apart from works of the law or whothef man in navrd upon fultli and worlof of the law thu la the great tuttjo paul fought und in later day martin luther three arguments were bought forward at the council in jeru salem to refute tho judnizers pcicr argument ood lias borne them witness by giving tic holy spirit to tho uncir cumalscd as well as unto un und has put no difference between ud and them purifying their hearts by faith ti paul argument ood has wrought slgna and wonder amaiur the gen tiled by ub and thus set ilia ul upon our preaching of salvation by fallih apart from tho works of tho law 12 james argument it ls according to old lostahitnt scriptures that god will take people for ills uamo from unions the unclrcumslscd qeiimleji as well as from the lawlceeplng jews 1317 jthlse urtfuniliit convinced the council and the mosaic law was not laid upon the gentile church the upoalcit and tldert und the whole church took pr cnutlont to guard again any mtsrepre icntitlon of their dlcii ion being tiuen back to ant loch by the legallscr they knew the men they hud to deal wlui thiii paul gained hlr choren companion of coming duyj 40 good had come out of the icliemei of pauls onaaiioi tho mode of addreu sul in the letter lj fulnrrlknlflcancc thebrtuircn are ihe benu uktrtcbrut muke all men kin they uere bound together by very tender tie that of fnlth in ft common saviour many am erican christians have not yet reached the point where they regard every con verted chinaman or african as broth tlic description of the judalslera is very ctriklnff and ugfcatlve certain uhich went out from ie hac troubled you with words thbi kind of troublert nre not nil dead yet they crttp in un awnrej and whliper speclour false words to joung converts there ls no way in which the devil can more trouble believ ers and especially young converts more thoroughly unsettle subvert their ew4r tiiilulf fake words these false uortl mut bo met by the word of truth col and above all bj the word of god tim 1315 tile apostles emphatically denied all responsibility 24 for this pernijous tenchlng thnt men murt keep the law of moses in order to be rnved they had come to absolute unanimity nhont the 13 14 20 john 27 iii wasbe cause they sought and obtained tho mind of the spirit that they were able come to one accord in the second part of our lesson we have paul own account of the churcn confer nre at jerusalem he gives us number of details which lajkc docs not touch upon tito church at antloch had commissioned him to go but in addition lie went by revelation in obedi ence to an inner revelation from god paul was fully aware of tho gravity of the situation but he had no sense of dependence upon tiw apostles at jeru salem no doubts but that he was preach ing the truth he had gotten his goapcl by direct revelation from christ he took along with him 1tus native greek as living wltmstl that god llad blessed his teaching iii scries of pri vate interviews wlth the jerusalem lead ers lie gave them every opportunity to examine into his work they were per fectly satulled the leaders of uic wish christians saw from the manifest blessing of god on his work acts is li that paul had been chosen by god to carry tho gospel to tho gcrltlles ivter hod opened the door to them acut 10 ulb 15 but his permanent work as whole was to the jewj paul did something for the jeutf but he was distinctively tho apostle to the aentllctf acts 22 1821 let us never forget that god entrusts dif ferent men with different forms of mlu btry bel ills mal upon thun all and works through all cf cor 12 acu 15 ptilo apostles ut jerusalem did not daro oppose mlnltry to which god had so obviously stt ills saj no thoy cooperated and to pledge the compact of tlie division of mission fields ave paui and barnabas the right hand of fellow hip among all the questions of doctrine and ritual there was one ad dluomil point on which they uere nil aj reed that of the importance and nect of practical benevolence 10 ch cor 110 acer ii 30 thursday septemneit 10th 103q orange pekoe blend salam just at bet time cat bowl ful of kelloggs rico kriepics nourishing de icioue easy to digest they promote bound sleep an ideal meal lor the daytime too so crisp you can actually jicar tin crackle in milk or crfiam at grocers everywhere in the mother goobd utory package made hy rcellogg in london ontario quality guaranteed so crisp they actually crackle in miftor cream school marm in cape breton takes on whole town in education drive older folks learn abcs and practical subjects with children there uere 515 accidents reported to tho work mens compensation rourd during the month ol august as compared with 772 during july and 955 august of last year burlington is installing water metres on all sei vices in the municipality as the fairest method of charging for water and also to prevent waste dundu is also putting metres on more of its services ii question it is great thing uhen brethren uho dllfcr can meet together nnd ttudy the scriptures together under tile holy spirit guidance as did these early christians and thus come to one nccord there is no need of any dif ferences on essential point amorur those who bow to the authority of the bible and are honestly aakna wisdom of ood joa 57 the apostles and the whole church bestowed very lofty praisa on palil and barnabas it was well aerved cor 11 2327 of how many disciples today could it he justly said that they had hazarded their lives for the name of our lord jesus christ any one who desires to be disciple of christ muit be willing to do it lultc 14 30 it was not their own decision on this great question that they were sending it was tho holy spirit decision they cre perfectly sure of this 2s it li our privilege to know ihis john 10 hlu luin sampan attti soma of her ptipila by central press canadian little ance capo breton adult sherfolk of this latetl acadian community are be ing taught to read and write in tho little anso schoolhouso where special night daises arc held for ihem by the teacher miss louise samson on aggressive school marm who is advancing the out look of this entire community the hardy jrnch fishers nnd their womenfolk depend for their living almost entirely on the sea few visitors come to sampsons cove and little anso at uic top of he madame pianos radiosulld telephones are beyond the great becauso they hav not the meuns to pay for them they fish nil day miss samson explained md nt nirht they troop into the schoolhouse to pore over their scribblers and readers and in the day the children are learning useful things havo g5 pupils too many to get in the school together so teach the older ones in the morning and the younger ones in the afternoon the teacher continued whale community chanced in the school is handloom on which the scholars are able to weave towels runners and scarves the children arc taught to make clothes for themselves so suc cessful iave the girls been miss samjum plans to havo larger loom made teach tliem to crochet knot and do fancy work miss samson said as alio picked up samples of their work dcis clothes skirts sweaters cloves and bootees and this beid loom ihe rtvea od for making collar designs cuffs and so on the boys arc learning to make useful articles in woodwork tin work mode dressers radka crib chairs writing desks and many other useful articles which arc lined against the wall meanwhile their ciders are learn ing to read nnd newspapers coming in here for the first time the first newspapers were as toy to men and women in middle life who had just learned their alpha bets it delighted ui cm to uu their knowledge by her aggrcssivonots tho school marm is changing the outlook of this whole community and pointing the way to progress no theyre not on strike just resting for labor day if thi visitinc bandmnstlr utthc cn hud not imtde such belittling remarks regarding the new bund ihe feu of those who listened would have noted nil its faults and admired more the man things thnt make it so splendid general sjmpath uill be felt for mr riwood llughis general alanager of the cn in the sud what busi9r thout ht this wjs unolhir of thoiu ord tinrjly on mluit lmve hmi tnlh but ahor djy being monday we an uiy thnt he dionnt miin iu ii iiuj frnm their ibor attlrid in neat little overalls cecile milk anmlte marie and yvonne are having plmly of fun in htlr pi iy inui at cillender