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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 10 Sep 1936, p. 7

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ftre thursday september 10 th 1938 the acton free press paqk sbkn the difference two babes were born in the octfame town on the very same bright day they laughed and cried in their mothers arm in the very selfsame way and both were aa pure and as innocent as the faulnr flakes of snow ut one of them lived in the terraced house and one 4n the street below two children played in the selfsame town and the children tooth were fair one had her curls brushed smooth and round the other had tangled hair both of the children grew apace as all our chljdren grow but one of them lived in the terraced house and one in the street below two maidens wrought in the self same town and one was wedded and loved the other saw through the curtains part the world where iwrr sister moved and orle was smiling happy bride the other knew care and woe par one of them lived in the terraced house and one in the street below two women lay dead in the selfsame town and one had tender care the other was left to die alone on her pallet so thin and bare one had many to mourn her loss for the other few tears would flow ftar one had lived in the terraced house and one in the street below if jesus who died for rich and poor in wonderful holy love took both of the sisters ui his arm and carried them up above then ail the difference vanished at last for in heaven none would know which of them lived in the terraced house and which in the street belo twentv vkags ago from umj lasuer of the free of lluurmlay kepictnbei 14th 1916 the trout fishing reason closcs tomor ttttnrgi for the uccomrnodatlon of exhibitors and visitors the itelfance shoe co of toronto proposed to erect 10000 factory at acton and to employ about sixty handji with pay roll of sqo week in con sideration of loan of 25000 ttui position meets with general favor in acton sjiltian champion the members of acton platoon of the 164 battalion were nearly all liome from camp borden during the week they enjoyed to the full their four days lcavo and returned on wednesday th council hx prompuy prepared the wlu rj bylaw providing for loan of 25000 chronicles of gingerfarm written specially for the aetoa free press gwendolyns clarke well we have been to the exhibition and no one was more surprised than myself had thought very little about it to tell the truth but when partner said lets go why had nothing to say against it and of course there were no objections from the children but say suppose some of you havo had the experience of trying to find someone at certain time and in certain place and by some unlucky chance missed each other and havent you often thought you might as well hun for the proverbial noedle hi haystnek as try to find anyone at the exhibition without some proarrangement but our experience was different the children liked to be turned loopoto roam around on their own and that is what we let them do arter giving them stated time to bo back at the car and so it happened young son had been off by himself about half an hour the rest of us were look ing at the aeroplane in the automobile building when round the end of the wing conu5 ouryoung hopeful later in the day bumped into daughter still lateral was in the food products build ing and there slio wus again and then after supper wo met again in the flower show but if had wanted to find either one of them we might have hunted the plaoe over and over witliout success of ooinu know you who have been to tlie exhibition know ull about it and the oneji who have not been can read ull they want to in the papen but we all like to nlr our own iinprefjilons io litre goes wa wor fjuul of th oppor tunity of t41ntf t4w hrm 4w synthetic gems children juiw it too to see sornebhliwj which lias been the nieujuj of making history in our own era is to my way of thinking diitlnctly educational wluit noticed mot about the bluebird www the tlrc1 they were as smooth or billiard ball there was no tread on while it is almost impossible to create synthetic diamonds which ore pure cur bon the making of rubles and wipphlrej two oxides of corundum present far less difficulty ad far back as 187 two frenrhmm frcmy and fell met with tuch success that portion of one of their crucibles containing ruby flake li today on ex hibition in he natural history museum of south kensington juuys writer in titbits the old method of making rubles was to fix together number of particles of natural rubles tills method destroyed great deal of flic natural color so little bichromate of potassium was added and tills largely revived it in 1d04 verneull invented system whereby lie made drops that after cutting vied with the best natural rubles by veracuuti method hi use almost unaltered today the manufactured stone has the same density hardneu re fraction and other characteristics as the real stone careful examination under lens however shows the synthetic ruby to liavo number of tiny air bubbles be neath the surface the success attend ing the manufacture of rubles tempted their makers to try to produce sapphires at first they could not bet tho color right the blue tended to form blotches instead of an even hue onoo again verneull came to the rescue and lie suc ceeded in producing stone very little different in color from uie real sapphire the success that followed the muklntf of artificial rubles olid sapphires turned the attention of manufacturers to emer alds another highpriced stone pow dered beryl emeralds being silicates of beryl was treated by the verneull pro ccw chruinlc nxlde being added to color the stone green and uood imitation of true emeralds were made each one even being provided with flew unci it almas impovilble to find genuine emerald that is flawleji when first put on the market the tyn thetio rubles fetched over 30 ctirnt butlhl rapidl fell to 90 tmd no colorful prospector aim ifu ui mil arum nnur ence hi price between the renl and the syntltetlc rtonei makes jubututlon rcat temptation let your motto be look before you buy paite ge nut have no relation to the synthetic tone described here parte derived from the itullafi pasta food francis king veteran of three wars the boer the great war and the nicarajuan revolution francis king colorful prospector from northrn briluh columbia arrived in sudbury re cently orr vacation he scored canadian governments for not as sisting the mining industry as thv shonm tltv tlus trick uichi and never had wn inquired plasuc matcrlal ulut con be made to the reason from one of the men in cluirtfi who said the rubber was only tiirce clghts of an inch tlilck and that under neath the rubber were sx layers of silk cord we saw man in an aeroplane sky wondcrful we were favorobly impresii ed with the appearance of the new band for shoe factory and lias given it tho shell but we found it was necessary to first and second readings the date for the ejection on the bylaw was fixed for kfonday october 0th tiie clerk was instructed to write the roadmaster of the grand trunk railway protesting against the very rough and objectionable condi tion of the mill and main street cross ing over their lines and request that they be promptly put in more satisfac tory condition 1iki mcdonaudat her home lot con cession erin on friday september bth 1016 flora widow of tlie utte donald mcdonald hi hex 71st year roosb at lions head on tuesday august 32nd 1916 heruv house aged 80 years mclan at tile general hospltlil ouelph on sunday september lotn 1916 sarah ann mcicry wife of john mclean kged 69 years have fairly central seat otherwise one could not hear the music very well it seemed to drift away with the wind it would certainly be great pity if muic lovers were to be denied the pleosuio of listening to such splendid music xi li rendered by the famous kneller hall bund there is nothing nicer after visiting the many cxlublts and being fnlly the estimated cost is fefclndeeb iikkd increasing far out on the nortlvern run of ui continent officers of uie department of tha interior have completed the annual roundup of canadas reindeer lied statcrrcnt of the fuwnlng and round up which came out of the ktorth by wlrelfis indkatcs tliat uie herd is growing rapd ly liavlng reached total of 3750 uninuus tlie fawning which took place durinr april may and juna on well protected grazing area east of tlie mockenxle river resulted tlie addition of 030 fawns lo tlie herd this figure was made up of 4ss femalu and 43a males while there were tlie usual unavoidable loses tlie ijfficers in charge of the herd state that the fawning was ery successful and thu the general conditions of tlie deer is ex cellent the annual roundup as completed oil august bth uhen uie animals were put uirouh the corrals and count tiie young animals were marked and certain mature steors and aged females surplus to tlie rtou ire ments of tlie herd ueiv reported to be available for tlie autumn slaughter tlie count showed that in addition to the 033 fawns tlie hird includes 17b3 adult remales cob yearling and adult bull and 444 steers at the conclusion of the 1035 roundup it was estimated that the original lierd of 1370 unlmalit had urown to over 3000 during the winter or id3530 some 300 iiuipluswntmdlawc rnnatrchxi rauriiro vide food and clothing for tlw atsutance of natives in tlie aklavlk region urui for oilier departmental purposes tlila jears total indicates an increase of nearly 1000 in the she of tlw herd uhlch con sidered highly gratifying tlie nioveiiieiu of the reindeer to th whiter graking grounda in the grrut ofloo wjuare mile preserve uill otgin shortly tlie unimubi are herded slowly toward the protection of the rolling country in yje southern uirt of the presere here during tile lor arctlr winter they are tended by the herders in charge uitduied by tlie natiw apprtntuv who have ben tuurdt training krtf the dominion governments scheme of devloivhig nmoug tht lulmiu tlie art if khovodahd pusheraroujmlojrthe crowd to come out into the good wholesome fresh air with fresh breeze blowing off tlie lake and sit down in comfort and comparative quietness to listen to good band music soon one forgets how ones head was aching and how tired and aching were ones feet and after awhile one la rested and refreshed and ready again to sally forth and see wliat one should see every year we have discussion with someone or other as the best and most economical way to attend tlie exhibi tion we were never fond of carrying lunch boxes around with us so at one time we would go 6y bus and buy our meals on the grounds or we would take the car ulrd leave it parked some where outside bqu tlie last few years we liave packed enough food for lunch and suppar taken tea muvoeuumjuj and taken the cat right into tlw ex hibition grounds tills we have found to be the only really satisfactory ar resemble precious atones but in appear ance only it is renernlly composed of glass and the rcslutant stone is eo soft that it can be scratched with ordinary window glass imitation paste diamonds need no cloring matter for rubles sapphire emeralds or amethysts suitable metallic oxides are fused with the paste get green pea ulthcr fresh or dried one which has been soaked in uatvr to make it soft then push two pi as through the pea at right angles to each other in this uuy tlie pins will form craur uith the pea in the centre on the points of the pins put mall bulk of claselypreised bread which are not much binder than the heads of the pns you 111 no require tube of wmc kind and you fill find that one of tlie paper iraufuedfordrinkiiuf or pliee of niu will do very wfll bni jinn ui in lubet nnd holding the latter upright start blou cently the pea uill stay in the nlr jus uuout an inch above tlie tube then blow utile harder and it will iuirt to po round at tremendous rate and continue to do so just ac long as you can keep blouing if you hold the lube steadily you will find that uhen you mop blowing to take breath the pea fulls just on top of tlie tube nnd is there ready to go up and spin njaln as soon as you wish mew hltlbck called folly just as it nearc completion bridge built across the itlver forth nt kincar dlneonforth to shorten the road con necting the east nnd north of scotland is being laughingly called scotlands 000 and there is strong feeling that the brulje can never serve any useful purpose there is no first class road within at least three miles of it plans for suspension bridge at queensferry estimated to coat ld2s0000 have been prepared the minister of transport however lias told deputations that in view of the government grant of 1225 000 to the kincardine bridge he cannot consider another forth bridge unlacs the local authorities contribute substantial ly every right action and true thought ceti the seal of its beauty on person and face niuikin would rather drive with you than any one euobscauso you are always to care ful was glad to hear him say that because some day suppose he will be driving car himself and if were rangement and really more economical careless now he would get wrong ideas in spite of the fact tliat lb costs dollar and half for car and driver pamen gers extra with the car inside the grounds one ned not carry anything around and it can be made general meeting place for the uhole family there is absolutely no trouble in getting about driving before he ever started one tiling always do is to hug the side of tlie road and give the fast cars all the room can to pass me at their pleasure in this way can go my own pace and jet not hold up tlie traffic this courtesy scheme may possibly into tlie exhibition grounds or out uf prove quite good idea as long as them traffic officers are there ull the cutting in and taking chances is con time to prevent crowding there skier ed smart people uill go on doln only one difficulty and tliat la to re thce tilings but very few pooplo uko to member just where your cur is parked think they may be looked upon as it very nrcesary to take particular penau capable of being deliberately notlco about this because if you dont mean and rude to fellow travellcra cp know where your car is no one eue can thu rood there is psychological aid tell you to rood manners and morau and ap when ue uere going home son paid purently someone has suddenly realized me what considered war great com it and hopes for good reiults in spread pllrrmnt mother he mid believe lug th new around kiiu him 21 iced ham slice scalloped potatoes vegetable salnd corn with green pepper caramel cream puddini or lemon pie tea or coffee generous of me to surfcst two detserts unt it and give you the copes some like pic most men do and some doni ro im riviny you botii pie and pudding to take your choice todays tlecipes bakediiamsuce qncand oneholf pound slice ham one table spoon whole cloves onehalf cup peanut butter one cup milk stick the cloves into the fat around the edges of the ham mooth the peanut butter with the milk to paste and pour over bake in covered dish nt 350 degrees for one and onehalf to two hours de pending on the thickness of the slice uncover during the last 20 minutes serve with baked sweet potatoes and cornbread caramel cream pudding ono cup dark brown sugar one third cup flour two egg yolki one cifihth teaspoon salt two cup milk one teaspoon vanilla two egg whiles beaten two tablespoon butter melted blend sugar and flour add yolks salt and milk cook slowly stirring constantly untll mixture thickens cool llttld and fold in remaining ingredients cool and chill serve plain or with cream lemon pie mix together one cup sugar kix tablespoons flour level oneeighth teaspoon salt pour on one and onefourth cups boiling water stirring well cook in top of double boiler until thick ened add one tablespoon butter two egg yolks grated rind of one lemon onefourth cup lemon juice cook iwo minutes only for if its cooked too lone it will get thin when cold put in cold baked shell top with meringue made from the ejii whites and rounded table spoon of sugar to each white bake ut 300 degrees for 20 minutes streamlined uefr if eraurs refrigerators are streamlined whether they are ice models or electric special food preservative features ore claimed for all silence and economy of operatlonnre sail ent features of tho new electric models white with hjack trim ming seems to be the most popular decorative cch me although tliero is wide variety of finishes from winch the housewife may choose to suit her kitchen color scheme how wonderful city oirl vlaltpr what lovely sun set dumb dave aw it often sets that way round here note something bystander did you get tlie number of tliat car tliat knocked you down malam7 victim no but the hussy who woo driving it wore thrcepleco tweed suit llnel with canton crepe and she had on periwinkle hat trimmed with artincial cherries uk alt anything two laborers vero aorklng on very tull block of flats suddenly tho man at the tup of the ladder called to his mate at the bottom huy jim ruiim up vre mlnato and listen hli imino louy imbed the ladder and ul last quiu out of breath reached the up cant rar nothing lie said after listening intently for while no said the olhrr aint luquiet when wc destroy an old prejudice we liuvu need of mw virtue acton fall fair special prize list concluded from frige ljur 4oi ucst frilr dressed chickens donor to receive same by george lien tan cash 4is best loaf llread baked by young lady under 21 years leave at ijecretarys office for donor clothed horbe by 11 mackenzie son value a2s hest working muns cold dinner jrved on tray coiudstbig of jeparute victuals lil cosh 125 2nd caui 75c by farm womciiu cheerio club lleu coscii tea blicuiti baked from uly white rlour by llortop iklli kverton lvt 50 ibc lily white hour 2nd 25 lbs lily white flpur value us bet tin boxed lunch for working man to take to uork by win govdy int cash 125 2nd cash 75c 15s best loaf homemade bread made from high loaf flour donor to receive came prlye winners muit have receipt for hour howing it being purchaswl from ir tjoday oallfaillilgh 00 time tables nadian na at acton going eat dolly except sunday 18 ajn dolly except sunday 1007 jtt dally except sunday a13 pjn sunday only 719 pjn going west daily except sunday 8fi0 ajn dally exeep sunday 23 ptn dally except sunday 04 pan sunday only lliflpjn standard time arrow bus schedule trtbctlve may 3rd 1038 leave westbound 04s ttm i21s pja 215 pm 415 pjn flls pjn 9is pjn 1135 pjn standard time leave eastbound 530 ajm s10 ium 11j0 man 210 pan 400 pm g0 pin 900 pjn itinkliaiues 1plannkd to all 1hhnt3 in canada un1ti statth mexico consult local agent wiles uestaurant central ontario bus lines toonto os bejt loaf homemade bread mode from hcllpae flour donor to receive ijime prize winners mut havo receipt for hour ihowlng it beuig purchased from 11 lindyay dfl lbs kcllpi flour value 47s bwt collection of fancy daklng 1st by cole bros scott cuelph coods value 00 2nd cah by society 00 all urrad muu lio oubu loavm flowkkt and 1lant sltcials 4bs best basket bouquet or gladioli by mc arthur store guelpli roods value 40s bent basket of cut flowers 1st 100 2nd 50 sos best collection of cut flowers arrangement to be consid ered by hugh walker sz sons guelph per elliott bros acton 1st goods value 200 2nd poods value 100 ms best begoniaj cash ml scellanko 52s best collection of ladies fancy work not more than ilftoen pieces not exhibited here before lfct by pallanta cloui lnj store italian tablecloth value 300 2nd by chappies book store guelph bedroom wallpaper value 260 shsbest collection of cushions new and uptodate by gordon mackay co toronto box of fullfashioned hose to be had av elliott bros store actonr value 77z 54s best babys layette under one iear by georgetown lumber company goods to the value of 55s beat model not exhibited boforo made by boy under if 1st 100 2nd 75c 5cs tothe couple married tlie greatest number of years attending thrf pair bcbujtrauon to be made with gatekeepers or secretary second day of fair tun acrowtstk paxd one year value lmt 5vs to the pemon attending acton fair from tlie greatest distance llenort to secretary for computation of dis tances tut actom fmkk piiksii one jear value 5ss best appearing cliild under 13 years and doll carriage in the school parade by barre quality grocery 1st 100 2nd 7sc 3rd 50c cosh 50s best model of the liner queen mary or empress of uritnin by wright 1st cash 300 2nd cash 300 g0s to tlie exhibitor hi tlie ladys work section winning the mewl points 1st priise to count points 2nd prise points by mokeown 1st cash 125 2nd cash 75c cis best pastel oil landscape painting by public scliool pupil by geo wctiton bread fc cake co lfit tickets valuo 200 2nd tickets value 100 62s best bushel basket of mixed vegetables not open to majkt gurdeners by woodlpiu as musselu plants spring of 1037 let value 200 2nd value 100 floats c33 fur best float or novelty outfit some to take part in school parade and also in parade of slock before grand stand lot by bond hardware co silverware value 500 2nd ritchie ss agar gallons oil value 250 3rd by goo wcton bread je cake co tickets vttluc 300 g4s to the director selling tlie greatest number of members tickets at least 10 must be cold by kerr 2nd vice pjvsident ontario agricultural societies cash 05s catching ball by farmers dog bt catcluy of five irlals in front of grundstund on second day of pair by john bennett 1st 300 2nd 00 00 00 oj 50 00 00 50 00 so 75 00 25 00 00 insurance fire car accident sickness etc harrop repilesentatrvb core district matoal norwich union canadian mrs itvunaoe cotnpmny tha alliance amrance co the casuoliy of coxtada anonbc company tbo merchaols cocttalty tha pociofelatraiiia mutual subscriptions for all magazines taken ai the free press office whats the news news ia changing eon ulantly events happen faat and things change over night only an alert newspaper can keep abreast of these happenings on many local fronts rhe acton free press offers its readers complete service in news reporting and editorial features it answers the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now and keep up with the times the acton free press acton ontario ocwa ou fmepyim uwxx rrlildocr huabulkdry muggs and skeeter mcw dot4t tt2lu mb let methiuv mot tub emplre 5xite boildiw6 by wally bishop ivrjmwdkwwrtteca

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