am naves he acton free press thursday september 10th 1s additional far poafrj mcixjuoaliooopkrathh borne at the bride parent main streets acton on tooffuy september th 1w8 by rev ii bennto olive only daughter of mr and mrft cooper acton to mr ray smith mc hoojpd aon of mr and mrs mcdoqsall toronto debd ytnta at the oottaee muldrew lake on saturday seatember 5th 1qm david younff formerly principal pf onelph public schools moooix at the residence of her daughter mrs robt kerr on tuesday september ath 1938 ann wilson widow of the late archibald mcooll xnclewood also beloved mother of archie mccou mrs mcmlun and mrsrobtr kerr punerai services from the residence of her aonmlaw mr robt kerr lot fifth line krtn township on friday september 11th at two clock interment in boston mills cemetery in mehdsau button in lovlnv memory of dear brother john wesley buton who passed away september 15th 1935 nothing can ever take away the love heart holds dear pond memories linger every day remembrance keeps him near ever remembered by his brothers and sisters locals acton fair in less than two weeks the lawn mowers have had to come out of storage again oct keady now to attend acton fair on september 22nd and 23 rd there was utile confusion in revert ing to standard time on monday even fc mt neighborhood news milton milton reverted to standard time on monday ibar day ab midnight mrs geo peacock miss ruby pea cock and arthur peacock spent very enjoyable week at lindsay and points east last week on friday miss alleen huyer enter tained informally at miscellaneous shower honoring miss ivy bundy brideelect of this month miss laura chlsholm and thomas court of milton were among party of tourists who were on an enjoyable two weeks motor yelp to montreal and through the adirondack in the united states the tax rate in nelson township re mains unchanged according to the action of the nelson township council on tuesday when the rate was struck at 20 mills wood relief officer for the township stated he had only one registration for relief mr and mra sherwood coulson lowvllle ontario announce the engage ment of their only daughter mary cellsta to mr john robinson anderson youngest son of mrs anderson and the late robert anderson milton the mar riage to take place in lowvllle united church on september 19th vari colored gladioli decorated tin home of the brides parents saturday for the marriage of clara douglas youngc daughtcr of mr and mrs john ilardj milton to dr david colin hcffgle son of mrs reggie and the late dr david reggie of brampton rsv adam irwin officiated and the wedding music was played by mus marlon wood of guelph champion xim acton retail merchants credit associa tion burlington kfoawrpu4hi kfrknr sttphrn westmoreland knjf irithnr her cfeur mrs ghent slughcd cleaver for walton was your entries ready for acton tlie huest speaker at tin hamilton ward fail just ueck from next tuesday and wednesday the foundations for mr mac kenzie nuw house on main street arc almost completed icvara members of acton attended the service of the orange lodae in georgetown on unday evening liberal picnic held at hidden valley park aldershot on saturday afternoon hlt it is reported that the govcrnmcnt his cluuiltcd tlie plans of tlu maple avenue cutoff so jjiat it uill not be iieeesjary to moit no school uouu or tho residence of sovereign mus joan moreland daughter of mr land my john moreuuid rowland most of the ntres except toronto tht mcda tho uri twelve are now back on suuidard time uguln mlo clam nt tht canadian national ex wonder the city couldn gie little hlbltion toronto on mondn ciii mhjms jean leltch and knld uoltt tlie flower bed at tho soldien iv iu ic on sunday on motor trip to ot monument ha been beautiful this icarj with its steady bloom and is jet very david young ouslph an educationist with length 07 act vice seldom equalled in the dominion david young who for 50 years served the schools of guelpb died last week end at his summer home at muldrew lake musk oka my young supervising principal of the ouclph schools at the time of hs retirement few years ago was the last of trio of noted teachers who between them held record unique in the do minion tho others were the late dr william tytlcr and james davidson all throe served in varying capacities for more than years in ouclph schools and when they retired some years ago were honored at testimonial dinner at which former pupils from all parts of the world were present dam in prince edward county mr young started his teaching career there going to ouclph about 1880 he was at tached to tho staff of the old collegiate institute in 1886 he was appointed prin cipal of tiic separate schools and in idotf named supervising principal of all the schools jn the city mr young was pioneer in the work of tho ontario educational association an organization in which he was keenly interested of which he held the presidency in 1004 member of tlie united church mr young litld office in chalmers church for many years re was mason and past master of speed lodge and of tlie scottish rite we uau co author ot number of text bools many of which are now in ue surviving are one son gordon youn secretary of mont re il young men chrbllnn soelutlon and two duugh mn john ander on of ldmonlon nnd iiuzi of ckvtland the funeral was held nt cuulph on wednesday al mmi tur montrose wrist watches gardiner clock and watch repairing ntwnuttr ot much ov riv pla slc iwre jou re eeven pajnunl behind on jour mjo well tlie company advert icd pay as you play and can piny much royal guelph ow flaving to marywith love warner baxter myrna loy mom tues china clipper tluf grruldkt ale trakikl since wlno starring pat obrien ross alexander wmphuvy bogart watch mill our 1iig second anniv erarv week celebration to it uouctj scxt utfk on mora rammirtg round in runabout we hasten to correct an error of last week we were all wrung in that umpire mix up milton did not aecure tlie decision the third umpire they were reaponaible for bringing to tho game wait aalgned to third base and tho same two officials acted as at tlie previous ame milton mctr ingersoll on saturday and although they lost it was pretty flimsy win for ingcrsoll while brush argued tlie winning run atolcliome from third base up at the bowling greens and tennis courts some fine tournaments and games have been held the one last thursday drcw bowlers from wide area uut ft rater coats are more hi evidence uum shirt sleeved here these nights the clasut are booked to open on monday ntxt and ixxrretory qco emery is male in tf uur program interesting for all groups matter of fact the group tliat are to put on the event for the pull pair liavc been working on mielr program for several ucelcs mr tiutlef and bome of the boy iron guelph arc of great ojltunci in tlili program it look if llaiaiball leagul uouu be feitur of the program tills and even at thl ite uicre oc rumor of hotkey tin re are lever il from other point uho have made en quiry about llninjr up with the arton youll want vour car in the best of condition when attending the fall irs nothing is more annoying than to havb your journey marred by motor trouble let us check it over now nad give the needed adjustments to ensure perfect performance or perhaps it would be good time to have the comforts enjoyed in new ford v8 they back up any claim made for them norton motors ford v8 sales and service phone 69 acton fc gas and good oils they liuent draun much inuro locilly ucuu the team of la year intact tntl with the homo comlnff of xllo murxo tirybodj tlink tlie tenm lood tnouih to tike uhat they mir ui jy an cl la ixt tion anyway the faru uould rooner tc th tcim they lenou ike the ice ipim tills yta under acion colors attraclive timj painting of ui at the xark big improvement xn iu new coat of red paint it is mora in keeping with other buildings uierc rhcjury atrockwoodon thursday night recommended that white lines be tuua montreal and quebec mrs percy winn and daughter helen rt turned home on saturday from fair building acek holiday in new york city about tm5 wednesday morning james the eightyearold wan of mr and mrs kenneth sheppard pre man uas lilt 011 brant street while on hit way to school by lar driven by peter loth pree nian tlje lad fortunately escaped wit placed on the pavementf ut uie scene of lacerations lo his hand and suffered in tlie recent motor fatality workmen ttmu were putting the lines there on thurs day morning hauton holsteins junk high at on tliuriday last hughes cleaver recehed uord from ottawa tlmt the icpartment had decided to wrclc tlio urant military hospital and that ten ders would be advertised for tlie job in the nearfuture the hotel hrantwot tbuut over thlrtyieien year ago and during the war it was purchased from the holsteln how ut thu gears cm coleman by the government for htancu out aa one of the btrongest mlutarv it was closed for jdtow on record with upward of 403 that purpose over fifteen yeora ago head on tglilbil in thl strong com lutb deteriorated until it petition iultoa brcedert were well usleia for occupation the fore in tlie majority of tlie clasics gaiett4 witining slightly over s5o hi prixc money in tlie inurcounty competl lions hal ton breedent in competition with entries from peel perth ontario oxford peterboro waterloo and york luficctlng the steady and widespread ttlaccd second to the strong group from improvement in mining throu can cadesky 01tomktkjit will lit jn acton om monday sept 14th anyone suffering from eycitraln defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight upecialist appontments may be made with mr drown druggist offle kaur uu tn fall tair dates the following yhich render of intere ted actov cajcdon terinis london mount to angevillc gait orund valley milton brampton georj ciouti aberfoyle streets wile woodbrldce bolton eln are date of rain in the prtle pbt uill eiptember 22 23 aur 2qsept 13 september 1810 stptemebr 18 id september 1410 september 15 1c september 1516 september 2o 20 september ssg september 25 2c september 20 30 october october october 10 tober 10 12 october 1g17 thanksgiving day ladies fall coats snuirt style he invile your inipwdon here they are within your iteach the newest creation in ladies fall hats you will find our bclcc equal to city stoni both stylc and ind yjiich will pit 11 ii rfrc mlubl ill llcullll drcsslrs prices 198 298 pallants mills1reet family ou1ti iters vcton ont flying priest ready for arctic flights kils lauouayouiks 1hjsy oxford tlie called holland of america thu an outstanding achievement for hal ton holiteln breeders and represenu by fur tlie bet showing tluy have evet nixde hal ton sent doun 53 head in all thcm belnfir selected from the folloulna herds dickenson 11 graham herbert inglehart victor laurence ivrcy leslie luilie klton mclean nee la nits sons john picket hoblnson uros stark son and woevlley son tlie latter herd ada the mini branch laboratory of the canadian dpartnunt of mines reports thfllteclipu of uold ort for testing dur ing the flrt ilf of the year exceeded that of any like iwrlod in piesh yar in the maj irity of ca the oreii are from the many old properties throush out canada that art enterlnir or neariim product on pull adantaie in being taken by operator of tin modi rnly ouipped re dreeing and mt illurkical lalwirutories of tile deparunmit of miiw brikiuht fu ut lumof to the county by ulier the orti are iw lnj it ltd miinl securing lltcrve junior championship award on their herd sire ooino komtlilst ihure nothing like the pride of dolnu mmethlng worth while to rnaltu uu forgot tlw limitations is there can do anyihjng wo really hunt to if ue stick it it long enough no matter how handi capped wo are we can always do iottu thing if it is only bright smile or viihi wonlora lulpful act manyorffectlrronrreaimrhl ofsuch uasociu lo determine niltable mill treatment pro crista for tin several tnurprl fhret starch ojicls ivlatluif to hit treatment of hld or are undtruay oiil li on rtfractory uold ores such as thoe that occur in the urldifi river ama british columbia he second is an iti vstigatlon to dtermln mt rrm of the mlneraliuitlou und beiiesu of the ons to treatment problems and the third bt an examination of tle modes of oc currencej of gold in sulphides and tlie moke the itiutake of thinking that if ua were as fortunate as our neighbors we could live better purer and more ucful livts have learned from ex perlence tliat if we cannot ucotied hi our prtwut position we cannot in any other if we cannot help the uorld where wc are we cannot help it anywlure tlst it is not tlie kind environment wj liave but the kbid ot tlvought we think rvtry day and th ideals are follow jj 11 word the kind of tnni aiid women are we have already uuu within which uill mwmd to tlu right tnfruence when tat coitus lrt us stand own lor und tryti dis cover beuty service und happlm in our own uvea hewn krlkr lld tlons more test work is under uay on baw nidtal ores than in 1035 but tht number of lump recelwd is niul in com pari son with pre de predion yearv whun th high prices of tlie niltuli provldwl stimulus for xplorutory effort not uble future the sharp lncreoee in tin ndmber of reiu its for uat irk on nou inttalllc orti 111 lncreaiu traceable mainly to the dbtlnet revival of ucuvl tus in tlie building eaiuuruetl ui liidm triii lvitr ar be int ar ltd out of tin beta rttlatlon uiui uis of mich mliwrabi us china cl uliru utudt uild btand rirnifi ijuarbjl ttftit tfariu mid hiiea and on tht tailings from asbjtd inllling platid xls hiilr itttldgt mlanvfrd contijctlon in denmnrl of the two lonce bridge in thl uorld outlined tlirte encirteerliiff firms have submitted plans to the minister of public woru in copenhagen tht coit of tlie pro pcvtd tructuve climated at 135 000 000 ont bridge about nine mjla long uould link denmarl alth sweden the olhtr strttchinff more tliin 10 mllt uould cro the store belt and be part of project to construct motor road link int copenhagen uith eberff teimer tt rminu emlnetring flrma thit are building the stor troems nrldfe the uorld longe at present at lulp ini with tht dtiimirl idrt plnu haltok conservative picnic in huiw of the rront earl rowe ikoiisciai ufadh georgetown park saturday september 12 good icitoguam of sioitts will cotcvrtvcf ilomttlv at 00 the hon earjl rowe wyivihcial leader niul other itomlwent conicrvitlves will atldreww gtherlu uy kit id kermtkiofi of tho officer cammaiullri the lorne rifles scottish band the georgetown pipe band will ue iii atuuiliiue kking oiik kaskit hvch with ov willi id crram omdy hit for tlie children 1nce in the armories at 0o good music aomissiov uttt all lui abnt kvcnu will on slaituurd llnie lvhtyliod utuosk huimg voiii1 hamily and htltsoi ood savf lllh ichvo preparing to inaugurate flyuit mi ion in canada norlh ritlur htrntrd schulto atlovl fkw lo loronto from detroit in hit ntw lnj imhiilunct utlu schulte imh flmr pru ctlehnt tlui fir aerial man abound the gumm hud nlmrj its muni flitht acton scores can fulfill your needs give them first chance ontaitlo moitci butti giiaoing ultlihon hi bun pi ed th on irlo gournnunt uhlch pnn ldt th mpul rv rudlui of all cr inurj but old msuiiit in tht province of out hi on md after stpttmbtr llr of thl vta iliuulatlm provullnf fr the 8iliip of butttr for clomt tic nuumt tl lntr klucwl bj th dominlo gornnunt durlni 1034 but thty urt not conipul until iimblluu hutliuon jil bj tht provlnciil uovirn intnt thl wus dom in tht four uest tn provlnct inluiba su kutciieuau albert and brltiih ilumbla mnr thi il fol loivid mlt and it txpctul in tht courts of time in the four rvm linlnu provlntii in uhlch crxumtrj pa knge butttr ls not wild bj tirade tlu mifiino itblntinn to hllltt the reuinainia elfectlvt uill be th ulj provide bj the reipila lions ah unit uradt fecund uradt third urudt and no tfrul tilt trradt must mtir on tlie urapw and on th car ton tlu inuklnir of it mlakadluif or auiii ittd tlalm with rimvect to th qualltl it bittr or any otlur dulr pro due uluth mich cl ilius aie in udv rtl ui nt or mi tlu pidciui pro hlbltfd canudl butt iiokni for its hluh qualllv und caiiudlitu ure not ibl il tr con uiiurs ranking among tlu lur nw rn butt in wio il out if ifth buxtri of paitnirhd bulk tradd ir 13ciiiibi jtid 10js to auj 1st jtl rirht urule wuh au irdud tit uj hj uj lit hit human telephone jtcm covering all parts of the body hnv ou forpotton you iiavo ntrve in your feot when nrtlita po down nervco are cramped by the bonea of tho fttt utcauie of tho atructur of the iieivoui ayuttm you cot reflex nctiona to itunt parta of tho body thntu whv weak ilioen often cauie trouble in lejfti back pclvia and other parta of tho body avtiavoetrarnw nlrh0itn3 up in hlalril spol sfiola rehaiuitr cramped nerves often relieving nchaj und pains long undnif dont make your whol body buffer by netfloctlrtb your foet gome noon und try on pair of tlio famous hkalth spot shols youll know immedi ately tliay arw different racilin imin om next to carkoixs youx lot4f iw kooi bjuunlnatlon