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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 17 Sep 1936, p. 2

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ytyativxi sjrytxt the acton free press publlahed every tliurulay at acton ontario sursouptlon eatesuoo per year in advance united statei 50c additional single copies 5d both old and new addrcasea abould be given wlica change ol addrcaa la requeued cancelations we find thjt moat of our aub acribera prefer not to have their abacrfptlon interrupted in caae they all to remit before expiration while aub acrjpllooa will not carried in arrcara over an extended period yel unleaa we are notified to cancel we aaaume the aubacribe wlahea the aervlce continued advertising hates on application and given in varioua column hcadinga although every precaution will be tatcvn to avoid error the free preaa accept advertising in ita columna on the understanding that it will not be liable utt any error in any advertisement publialied hereunder unleaa proof of audi advertlaement ia requested in writing by the advertiacr and returned to tlic free preaa business ofjice duly signed by the advertiser and with auch errjf or correct iona plainly noted in writing thereon and in that caae ii any error ao noted la not corrected by the free preaa ita liability ahall qot exceed auch proportion of the entire coat of auch advertlaement aa the apace occupied by lie noted error bear to tho whole apace occupied by sueh advertlaement thleiuones editorial and business oftv knidenco aulof pills editor beware the manager of tho toronto tbettcr trading bureau gives warning that sucker lists are being used extensively in the hope of snaring victims in vestment counsellors and investment bankers are flooding mail boxes offering their services to the public to help them get nd of their earnings mail box cluttered with this muff or receipt of telephone calls is assurance that you arc on one of thcc sucker lists how thcc lists arc made up wc arc not sure but certain wc arc thatwc arc on some of them and arc not at all flattered by the attention the legion of acton is collcctirig bulcd waste paper and these folks are making quite contribution to tvery bnlc the public would do well to need the udvicc of the manager of the better bubiness bureau mr rlaskcll says it is well to remember that deserving promotion docs not require high pressure methods to sell it the use of such measures is almost invariably sign of danger thursday sbptbtfhkr 17th lmfl the sunday school lesson sunday september 20th i3mateaa11wrtbbgraiha electric railways in canada continue to provide transportation jo large percentage of the popula tion carrying 600728313 passengers in 103s com pared with 505143003 in 1034 and 585385004 in 1033 during the year canadas electric railways provided employment for 14381 workers who receiv ed salaries and wages totalling 18649517 over 1800 miles of track were in operation and the total mileage of street cars and buses was almost 121 million in addition to being cheap and reasonably rapid means of conveyance the electric railways are large users of hydroclctric energy which is an important feature of canadian economic life recipe for marital happiness two young people with two small children dwell ing in florida happily on an annual income of 1500 are adjudged the ideal american married couple the verdict was rendered by jury selected by the head of publishing house on the basis of answers to questionnaire the winners believe the best age for marriage to be 25 and 21 for husband and wife respectively they agree upon the desirability of parenthood and insist that the woman should not be employed elsewhere than in her home they oppose laws liber divorce they believe the wife should not interest herself her husbands business affairs unless invited to participate they hold that life under the same roof with relatives or inlaws lessens chances for happy marriages nor they assert should the wedding be delayed until the mae has an assurcd income or position good whole some mixture of youthful idealism and mature common sense is in these replies they are all the more significant because they grow out of the experi ence of maintaining home on 125 month re freshing in rather materialistic somewhat dizzy age too cleveland plain dealer wise decision year ago last spring michigan youth drove isutoniqbililjntiiietahpoiiicilcstdttnsrtiidkillid two people the parents of five children charges were brought against the youth and just recently final disposition of his case was made under court order he must pay 10 week toward the support of the five orphaned children for five years he must not drive an automobile again and under no cir cumstances may be purchase liquor the court put him on probation to make sure that these orders would be carried out here is disposition of traffic case which seems to be highly sensible the young motorist is getting enough in the way of punishment surely to impress on motorists generally the need for caution being kept away from liquor and automobiles he won repeat his offence meanwhile he is compelled to render substantial financial nid to the dependents of his victims the whole might well set precedent for similar cases elsewhere jacksonville fin journal delayed we have been solidly behind the adoption bv acton of plan for systematic collection of garbage the matter cannot be deferred much longer and is creating quite nuisance in many w4ys we quite realize that thcplan will cost something novmatter how it is arranged and we firmly believe with the council committee that the only feasible way is to make the levy on the taxes after listening to the argument for some time we can also understand the viewpoint of the council in deferring immediate adoption of the plan it would call for the levy of another null on the tax rate some way or other chiustian iivino golden text chrlst llvoth in mo out 20 lcaaon text kommia 12 13 021 time spring 5a place corinth kxpostllun tim clirlstllina duty to ood 13 juul here makefl the greut truttui ubout god aa noled in tho preceding chap ters tihe luutla of llia practical teaching that followu tcotc the therefore fatll never dlvorcid othlca from lhiology nu wle teaclu ever docitf oodn graeo to word us ha been so wonderful it luyc corresponding obligations ulid dutlctl upon us tliu duty to present our body and al its members to god to be used for mis glory and bervlco ujono cf eh 13 10 la paul 11 very urgent lio beseeches them to do this ho is very winsome too ho might have com manded in point of fact lio bcsccchcx xly bodies paul means just what he says wo sliould recognize gods rlgnt of ownership to every member of our body and present it to 111m for his use cor 20 while tho scat of religion is in tile spirit and will and affections taut thoughts tile jpstrumciit through which religion uxprlssts itself and works tho body there wiui never time in which there wiu more need of insis tence upon rcilgon und christianity that ulfecu tile body and every member of tile body than today hand foot lip cars ey and the pirts of tile body ano doci not wish to mention every member of the body should lie conscious ly prcented to god belonging to him purchased by the blood of tho son of ills love cor 20 peter 10 10 having been presented to god tlio body and every member of it should be kept holy for him and wholly for him rrrrtgrntttrrntrtitnnb milk barn the milk bars that seem to be getting along so well in england will indeed do great denl of good if they can divert part of the drinking habit from alcoholic beverages to that of milk not only in england would this be good change of drinking habits but right here in ontario the people as whole would be better if the beverage rooms servco milk instead of the present beverages it is said there are now more than 450 milk bars in england 100 of which are in london the london tihils says stalwart young men think nothing of standing at milk bur and drinking glasses of milk or thirst quencliers of winch milk forms thehnsis milk shakes consist of milk little ice crcnni and some fruit flavoring the whole shaken in an electrical mixer are taking the plmc of sundowners and elevenses thue are so different nonalcoholic driiii uith milk ns constituent malted milk est milk milk cocktails milk punch egg and milk milk soups milk liot and milk icd he names of some of the new drinks leave nothing to he desncd hootleg gerb punch goddess dream and blackberry cock tail aro good enough foi any man one can just imagine what stimulus to the milk industry adoption of these bars will mean in england milk dnnkb are to be had at most every toda fountain in canada no mutter how much of the milk drink is taken automobile drivers would in no wuy be in capacitated for driving and none would be sden stag goring out of these milk burrooms thest mills loom large for instance mill levy on property assessed nt 1000 would of course menu an extra dollar on the tax rate which isnt very large sum to pay for the privilege of having the ashes and garbage collected fiftytwo times how ever the raising of the tax rate is not advisable when it is considered that the rate will by the retire ment of debentures be reduced within the course of year or so it is perhaps better to have the con venience when it can be met without raising the rate after all acton has been incorporated for over sixty years so that it will not hurt very much if it goes another year without this added municipal service but it should not be lost track of when the funds aie available for its adoption it la far easier to fctre another man your last cent than to give him thenlaoo of honor yu wlah tpi youraeu cf fhit luke 14 10 matu 20 20 pure love olowb lt la fervent in aplrtt it does not affect that cold superiority that smiles condescendingly upon tho entliusuuim of inexperience the love uiat la wlthaub hypocrisy has the glory of lno lord as its ulumule aim cf eph 50 ileal lovo is tilnd gliwi bocaunc ll is opciiood to gods purposes ro jolncltiir in hope cf cj 15 13 ujiii lovo in iicvrr ulmitlc cor 13 jlope reiuinf upon thu word of cod which ciiiinol hi li tlio spring of lovci nrvi rfullliu joy lovo in imtknt in tribulation no inalur how jvt ixtvo tievtr kramblej lovo li ever pruytrrul tonunuliih ruudfnilly ill pruyur prnytrluis life is jure to be toiiiu loveltj life trilo lovo la sen itoiuj cmnminiicutliig to tho nccsal um of tho sahiu it is noteworthy that thlrt coiiili inmieiluuly after uij pmyerfuhics1 of jovo and thu is tlus order of txperfunco cf acts 42 44 45 31 32 34 35 prayintf chris tian is tfivintf chrutlun praying church is hiving church next wo have tile haspluillty of love lovo of stran kers is tht root idea of thu qretlc word translated hoapiuulty love of display ji the root idta of much modern jicvj pltnlity how many clirb turns are thru today wlio keep the door open for very iirvant of christ and child of god really such that come along hoo 13 next the forgivmi of love when men ieriecul ue are to blcy imd not to cure then the fcynmathy of love 15 tho unity of low id tlir humility of love id wo aro nob to our mlneln upon the liltih thine but rather are to be carried aauy 1th the exact force of tho oreelc thingi that aro lowly we rnuit not be wiiu in our own estim ation of ourelvc we murt have poor opinion of our own opinions we must have loven regard for tho opinion of others wc axo to take tho ughtrror things which are honorable fn the tight of all is delicious editorial notes and next week is acton fair give the homecom ers hearty welcome thanskigivmg day ib on monday october 12th just four weeks from next monday and for his glory and that alone in tho old testament types the bacrifloe waa slain before it was laid upoa the altar but it is our jltvlna body full of activity and power for accomplishment uiat we should otter to god tha body thus ottered is not vile thing but holy tiling as belonging to god and it is acceptable rather uell pleasing to god wnlle it la tile ontcrlng of body llf la spiritual religious service because it is our spirit that presents the offering of tlw body which it inhabit and through which it expresses itself having presented our bodies to god wo will not get our fashions hoc from this present dcvllgovcmed age cf cor it marg tiie only way to keep from being fashioned ac cording to this age is by being trans formed by the renewing or making anew of our mind gods will is good well pleoilng and perfect it is the best thing in all the universe and the wisest and aweeteit of all pruy ersw will bedonc but tlsmiy uhen we present our bodies to god living cacrlflcc and ore transformed by the renew ing of our inmost llfo and so are no longer fashioned according to this age tlint we oan experimentally taste and test tills good well plead ing ond perfect will of god the christians duty to others 024 our first duty toward others all others is to love them and our love should be genuine und not merely pretended the keynote to what follows is jound in the opening words of erac ix wc have love tliat is real and not mere imita tion we will do all that paul in thli chapter bids us do much of what ue call love is merely playing part hypocrisy it is not enough to lan guidly decline to do evil abhor it is not enough to halfheartedly choose the good cleave to it our love must be of tenderly affectionate kind prove the genuineness of your lo by putting others above yourself of superior mutuality to be entirely dllferent to the opinions of others it la rather mark of un absence of love love la peaceable as far as possible tti far us lies in us cultivate pea with all men we arc not however to compromise with evil we arc not to avenge any in jury done to us vengeance belongs to god we con aafcly leave the matter with him for we liavc his definite promise will recompense if you want to save money acrve kelloggs kicc kriapics theyre nouriflh ing and each package gives many servings so crisp they actually crackle in milk or cream always delicious at grocers everywhere in the mother goose story package made hy kellogg in london ontario quality guaranteed jf rice krispies so crisp they actually crackle in milk or cream iwmmijip she tlie world is full of rascals tlitt morning the ntw icrman gave me counterfeit lialf dollar he where is it my dear she oh ive already got rid of it luckily the butcher took it why is slap on the back like new autumn hat because both are felt swwftm farmers daughter yes my people liave been formers tox generations visitor seeking desperately for some thing hi common how remarkable we er get quite lot of er hay fever in our family where did thoy fry the rirst dough nut in greece grease actonfallfai air cnmislinns consumed 2034l000o crgs during 1015 or npproximiitcly 2i8 ckb person alurnurli in canada durmltu5 totalled 70861 an increase of 3701 over the preceding yenr dinner storied veity annoying an old german was being cross examined on the witness stand as to the position ot door window etc tind the general interior ar rangement ot house and now sir ihc lavyer ti tribe lo ihe jury nist how tht stairs runm that ihhim the mnn ionic ed dized and coroners jutils arc running close second to county councils in making recommendations vuesdayandwediresday september 22 and 23 bigger and better than ever double feature bill in the arena tuesday evening 800 gymnastic team shokty campbell geouge grantt cakr bros cowboy roper jujr musical acrobata musical chairs contest with contestants riding horses four clowns bicycle races hisrli juiiipiiik hotsos polato race foot rafcj etc ijiud speaker aniplityuir system exlubils open band in attendance with the political picnic added to the suiulii lull mid ni htu ui ml ii iiimnn liiooi events the good old suniniertiini is een get fng lutter in in km in hid if vuu ijlli ih lilt iii llll lht hll 1rcmilr aiicrlurt suggests license lor neus papers of the piovince appiritiil hes not getting thing mith the newspapeis gold production in ontario during the first sk months of the liirrtnt eartotalled m7i01 ounce compared with 105203 ounces in the corresponding period of ius 111111 hi it tin ii ii llll ii lhluulll llll ri ii in in hi uiih in ii nid it li ninth tilt ti in ollu in ltt canuda and russia have resumed normuj trade iclations and russian anthracite will come into cuuudu und no doubt canada will supply to russia many of the thm of which we have surplus iiti llu tuiidui lui rtnlutl the end ihi at il twrurrtd lo til boy hut iin iiiptji tun bit ot ii uiinjluii hid hi lit olcrlintkid mutlut tie wednesday september 23 fair to be officially opened by mr christie president ontario agricultural college at 100 ni sharp program coiumcnccs at 12a0pni standard time harness horse races 28 and free for all boys eating contests harmonica context cou boy song fiddler contest step and square dancing kiotch reel horkcluve pitching tournament baby show at im parade of live stock at splendid exhibits in hall and field writlif7sitaiivtenance mid speaker amplirwng sound system monster dance in town hall second evening of fair andy franks sixpiece obchestra will provide music murray president wright sec treasurer send to secretary for prize listnaiul other inforiuatior where you get the biggest fair valub acton fair 3sa imp

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