Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 17 Sep 1936, p. 5

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thursday september 17tti 1930 the acton free press paox jrv mra mcphernon visited in tor onto for few days last week mis olga thotnaa visited with london relatives over the weekend mrs wilson or georgetown visited acton friends over the weekend mrs mclemt of toronto vlsluns her parents mr and mrs kerr miss florence brankley of calgary ajta is vfzltlng at the home of mr and mrs george chapman mr and mrs matthews and miss helen ootrandcr spent the weekend buffalo and niagara palls mr howard stathom of woodbrldge visited with his father mr horry sbatham during the week mr and mrs win and thorough spent the weekend with mr and mrs richard leavens and family near wetland mrs frankum and miss lllllo prankum of harriston are visiting mr and mrs brown and other acton friends mr and mrs robert macarthur and miss margaret brown spent the week end at the home of mr and mrs thompson in london miss margaret brown of winnipeg who has been holidaying in cuba spent the weekend en route home with her messrs and brown mr and mrs murray misses ruth gibson and vehna murray visited last week with rev and mrs poole at rldgeway also buffalo and other points mrjjfohn mcalinlah of mount forest and mr and mrs herbert mcannlah or 1h pusy kltrf4ww rnt httrwhur george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toronto opposite byriebirfcs highway assumed by the prdvinetf continued from pago one with their cousins mr and mrs brown mrs burrul of mawlcy minn mr and mrs reed and mr and mrs smith of mount hope were visitors at the home of mr and mrs xi kerr furlng the week mrs john teehan and two nieces misses teehan from guclph also mr and mrs john dillon mrs imnnson and mr mcphcrson of toronto visited with mrs saycrs on sunday hajton juniors achieve ments outstanding at out of town patients we can examine your eyes and often make new glasses for you while you are in the city our expert optical scrvico is fast and efficient our prices are moderately low registered optometrists examination rooms no waiting head 58 st georges square guelphs mosttyodern optifcal pariore gregory theatre la ton juniors were well and worthily represented in the vuhous junior com petitions conducted on farmers day at the cnx the interclub calf competitions proved to be one of the highlights of tholaysptofirnm nt uucoli5dimand large crowd of enthusiasts followed the work of tlie youthful exhibitors as well as that of the judge the hallori jersey group placed ilrst the members being eccles mccluro emerson robinson and ived ruddell in tlie holsuin section which brought out entries from eight different counties with thirtytwo boys competing itulton placed second as group this group was composed of the following members ronald peer adduon woodley and archie oates addison woodley uko was awarded tiie prize as the cluunplon showman hi this section in the shorthorn secuan which brought out entries from four counties with sittert boys competing jialton plac ed second as group with george brec kon standing rlrst in tlie individual sec tion the other members of tho groap wrw jolui snyder and glen campbell the household science and live slock judging competitions also brought out competition in the former 1lor nce cartwrlght was the high competitor in the open clothing competition with mary jarvls placing fifth hetty rlvaz seventh and humi booth tepth halton was again to tlie fore in ths supper club taction uith isabel tovell securing the high award ulille the team demonstrations the group representing hal ton uhlch was made up of hetty rlvaz wilma iienderaon and florencd bullock placed fourth in utron com petition in tlie junior fanners competitions claude mclaughlin placed first in th cream oradlng wltl richard mclaugh lin third and 1yed slioruu and jack xuwim tied far sixth and howard iclng 13th in the drain and hoots lection max tuylor secured fifth auard while friday september 18th exmrs bradford gay comedy treatment of smart detective drama costarring william xowcll mid joan arthur musical carnival days ipoppcr pot ps and qs saturday september l9th the voice op bugle ann screen drama uiat is dltferoiit starring maureen osulllvan rla linden and uoncl harrymore comedy at the sea shore miniature how to train bog scenic cherry blossom time in japan iox news monday september 21fet follow the fleett grand musical costarring gin ger rogers and lred astalre lyrics and music by irving berlin car toon cupid gctrf his man spo artistry pavu night wednesday september 23 doublo fccdlurtf charlie chans circus lietecuve story starring warner oland educating papa comedy drama starring jed prouty and shirley dcaiie and chalmers in view of tho tenders being made on different bonis council decided to call far new tenders on identical speciflcotlona letter from the performing rights society was ordered fyled letter from the county clerk notified the council tiuttthc total county rate for thla year would be 8310 43 this is reduction this year of 323 18 by resolution the clerk and treasurer was given definite instruction to go ahead with the tax sale of properties in arrears on tax sale list and according to law carried another resolution was passed that part of resolution passed on august 17th granting mr jos watcrhoum refund of 00 re waterworks frontage after he has paid his taxes be rescinded and that ho bo given refund of 02 in ilea thereof tlie said refund of 00 having been provided in error carried the matter of the salary of the medical oftlccr of meauh was left as present rather than being arranged by bylaw the error in the notice and assess ment an the property of kennedy on main street was adjusted in accord ance with the assessment notice furnish ed mr kennedy the clork was instructed to notify mr mills thab he must remove the building mill street allowed to bo placed there temporarily within thirty days or action would be taken to enforce the law councillor nouon draw the attention of tho council to some very necessary repairs that should bo made at tho grandstand in the park to make it safe for present use council decided tho stand should be made safe tito fence at tho park had been rebuilt tho committee appointed to report on plan for the collection of garbage 1n faff by mr kfnim tt war franklins stove among early similar devices ktujtiinlti miiliwi invented stove in 171 rnntjus lo that time thorn had lnen hiiivuh llollnjid ami or nuin rnnkl lun turnover was krtmil liiipnivrrmml over nil which imd nn iil ii in 1771 he invented several other striven one for burning bituminous cniil wltlt would onmimo its own hiuoke and hod downward draft and another intended for iho snmu punxufl having basket grnte or cajr with movable hnrs at the top and bottom kiipported by plvotn nl iho renter and whlrh after being filled and kindled at the top could he inverted and so miilo to burn at the bane tho next lninrfnnt in von tor of fttoven ovens and heating and cooking unpuruttih was the american born but icuropeunlred adventurer and sctenttst count it um ford who between 17rt tind 17irv duvlaejtl ueveral lmprovmiitb in tended to vcoiioinlzo fuel and heat humforda htoves for cooking purpouea were lined with tlrebrlck or soathtoue und hud utlatlng oven they were it trod in ed into america from germany about 1tu8 and aoon extend ed in popularity innesuc products nppeutod ln comimtltlon with them and ho the american store industry wax established cleveland plain oalor mflrriflofi dr neville harbop weds miss irene dunn decided to leave this matter for year when lower tax rate would bo possible through retirement of some of the de bentures five have narrow escape mve persons narrowly ticuped serious injury when car driven by john jack son of milton crashed through the iron guard rail of bridge three miles north of milton and plunged 10 feet to tho creek below mr jackson states tlmt ho lost control of his car when he struck at bee wlilch had entered the cay window tlie occupants escaping from the overturned car by breaking tho windows and forcing the doors walked alony tho side of the car and jumped to the bank of the creek cyclone tornado differ hurricane typhoon same cyclone explains writer in th llidlaliupolls nfws is storm or sym tetn of winds often violent in th tropics and moderate elsewhere with abundant precipitation ahd usually diameter of fio to 100 miles tt moves wltb velocity of 20 to mlles is hour and is choructerlred by winds rotating often at the rate of 00 to 130 miles an hour clockwise in the southern hemlwphere counterclock wise in the northern about calm center of low atmosphere pressure it also called hurricane in wcat tmh and ur ik fhe rhlltpplna islands and die china aea tornudo is whirling wind accom panied by funhcl ahaped cloud very violent sod destructive aud advancing id narrow piith often for many miles over the land it occurs in many parts of the world but momt frequently lu ho central mississippi valley tho wind is too violent to bo mestiurod and the barometric pressure falls so rspldly though rarely more than one tenth of its normal value that wooden structures are often lifted burst open by tho air confined within them pretty wedding was solemnized at st josephu church acton on satur day when irene catherine dunn daugh ter of mr and mrs john dunn became the bride of neville ernest can of mr and mrs ilarrop the nuptial muss was celebrated by uovcrcnd wthcr mclirlde and the sanctuary was decorutcd with gladioli ferns and palms the bride given in marriage by her father was lovely in white satin made on princess lines with high neckline and flared skirt extending into train lltr nhoulder veil waj arranged in cap effect and caught it the back with orange blossoms she carried bouquet of liuttcrfly roses ulyofthevalloy ond fern miss anno dunn sister of tho bride attended as brtdemald in dress of yellow moire with brown accessories and carried talisman rose and blue cornflowers mr ted ilarrop brother bf the groom ut tended as best man and mr thos gibbons acted as usher the wedding music was played by miss irene mulholland and miss patricia ilarrop and mr bui harrop song rmllowing tlie ceremony wedding breakfast was held at the home of the brides parent ljiter tlie bridal couple left on motor trip to northern on tario the brldo wearing brown suit zt ccllopluino crepe with brown accessories and wolftrimmed tweed top coat on their return mr and mrs harrop will reside in toronto tim groom dr harrop is veterin ary inspector for tho government in largo toronto packing plant and his bride mhu dunn taught school near lindsay married at united church last kvening und vegetables in heavy horsed wal lace swackhanur was eighth and howard graff 12th in ueef cattle max taylor was sixth and in poultry howaj4c ingwwn hrt wndjek tor eighth ill view of tlie fact tlmt between seven and eight hundred young people veic hi competition it will be readily realised that hal ton junlora achkvud no small honors for tliemselvi and their countj notice to creditors and others wxluam watson estate creditors and others having claims against tlie estato of william watson late or tlie township of esqueslng in the county of haltpn gentleman who died may hth 1030 are hereby required to send particulars of such claims to tlie undersigned solicitors for the adminis tratrix or tlie estate on or before the 30th day of september 1030 after which date the assets of tlie estate will be dis tributed having regard only to the claims of uhlch notice uhall then have be received miller is hungerrord guclph ontario solicitor for the administratrix august 25th 1030 101 opinions the danger of an immediate war is in my estimate of the situation out of the reckoning david lloyd george why he was saving go on johnny eat up your cnuta thcro may come day when loull bo glad of them ok then ill save cm till then out of fightm class the american kpnuol club dojj book declares that tho kerry blue terrier is no longer bfud to be fighting dog tho breed is listed as unoful for herd ing sheep exterminating vermin and retrieving game in addition to being trusted guards nnd companions tho ltandard for the breed accent tho color of the com pljton jlue being axotukk itllason referable and tin foft plentiful looso jcurlu tbut make the dog outstanding lrt cc lllh htrotiunud well balanced showing plenty of hair mow black und furs not too largo auj nil currltd tho oh aro dark or huol medium in alzo not too full woll placed doop fornlot htrulht leg modlum length hock well pin roil gnlly carried tall aro other points to look for tho dog stnmli 18 incheu or ho ut tho shoulders uud weighs 33 to 37 pounds dentist theres no need to make rjl that fuss air wliy have nob touched your tooth yet patient no but ioure standing on my corn do his tist criminal who had got lite sen tence oh judge shall never ihe to do it kindly judge never mind my man do as much of it as jou can undouutkdlv royal theatftgueu to celebrate second anniversary week what do you think of shelley ojjc ed the highbrow or his friend dont joq think he employs too many meta phors yt said the friend pretensions to chvernejis ought to give canadian chance sometimes cannot talk iu tu datfk iaiigungo for the presentday suvage as for hli dutunt predecorsor conhlath of many ycaturu grlmacoa aud fow oltinontary word hounds kon rodny the african huhhninn utlllzea uljn lun giiiiko to such an patent that ho is practically unlntelllglhle in the dark to hlu tallow trlhohmen tho huhes of the inland of fernando po ore un able to smmil to one another after twilight the fans of weat africa titllle un esprotislpn wlilch ways let us gn to the flri to tulk it over whoti dniuni4h apiiearu jacob ii conn in tin oriini and century ho had jhlnk uorkmen on saturday of tills week the royal theatrt in guelph commences tho second anniversary week celebrations and uu ueik hi full of excellent enter jabio nlnrr flf in rtu just lvo ears airo on soptember 31st uie noal theatre opened its doors to the pul lie and those years have eatab llshixl this beuitlful th with takvno no cliascks tlie hotel chrk was growing lmiutleiit as uwj prospect took so long to rad the names on the register juat sign on tlie line puasa said tile clerk tlurpropc was indignant anj rj torted youiig mail im too old hiuid to algn anything wtlhout reiulhi it putatlon for hrstclais motion picture tntertaluinont month after tho theatre was open ed tho present manager mv dirts holmes took chare and wltliout undue fluster cr flurry has succedbd hi making tho itojal theatre household word both in the city of ouelph ahd also tho feurroundlng territory my holme lias sixteen years of ex peruinc in tlie theatre world to hu crodlli lialf behig spnt hi knglaiul in theatre management and tlie ottier luilf hi canada lu like capacity to mark tjds anniversar occasio on ouulandhiggroup of attractions will be prk3nuid do li 1l of thtse ure ulveti elmiwliere in this buaje good size he was at his club and lie had talked poll tics for nn hour and lialf thats tho altuatlon in nutshell he declared at the close heavens exclaimed member to ills neighbor jiwliatanutl elaphanti hv cuinioufeet full grown eliphant wcfglin any thing up to six tons yet it can ho as llghi on lis fcot as dancer when ii herd goes to drinking hole meu sciiumr gors silently ahead to hoo if nil is ttn danger hi at once slg milloil hiu limntrunilctlng the iijimui hy clcphmith aro so soft mov inu in liiiiiijo otifh foot ends in what in riiilh ii hlj cinhlonn lurge putl ihiikisiidu of ii mass of fat aud fibers yu ranis weekly was hi hush put to irish foreman mo job can you flle itareipan olvc got man here to day that ulnt come an if he dont turn up tomorrow ol 11 send him away an take jou on times havk changed wellmy jy said tho captain to tlie new midshipman the old story suppose iool of the family enb at oh no sir replied the youth that has all changed since your day somt tahki teaclier wv goodness willie did you tet sucli dirty hands wuju washlu my face coldi to typa tui vvinih wen fnol inrco luhmthholih4tgahrttrhririnrrrwtcir the tvpectjidin of heiiurlf log the na five unterwiijs hiue reverted to the dnih yray green hmi of thilr an usiorh soon after their arrluil thpy hirwwitrrrwtrttnrrrrrpy hmiiopnir ivei tlie inkoh poml and rlvorn to tho exilmilcin of the uiih edlhlo frenh wnier huh which the ihiuikih originally mined dog ucutj on iddo of ulh fruiue there is ilng euietory filled irh the riddled hodlen of loyal iii tie ihiiuiiiih whose crime ionalsted of ohedleme to their iiuimera guug of smugglem nin rnjh hud to ho shotsnnieilnioh uiniuiiiy uu tu inoiith us they inuocoutly tried to ilaah ovr tho ivueli iwiglun hor dor each with all uud juickugo of timtrrirtjtrappediotilsatkcolliar ueeuly pretty september wedding of much interest was tolcnmbuxl last veiling at seven oclock in acton united church when helen marguerite only daughter of mrs und the late james symon be came the bride of mv daniel tuylor only son of tlieodore ii and tho late mrs taylor of sweden tho church was beautifully decorated for this occa sion uith firrm and mauve gladioli with small bouquets marking tlie pews re served for the guests rev dr morrow pastor of tlie bride and groom officiated the bride charmingly in whlto silk moire with short train and head dress or orangb blossoms and veil and carrying bridal bouquet of talisman ro uith white streamers was given in marriage by htr elder brother mr chas symon or toronto miss miriam hebj bcrlf niece of the groom of toronto ui gown of delphinium blue taffeta was brldeimuld and mr macpherjon symon brother of the bride was groomsman mrs charles sj mon an matron houoi uhd qrcicdnz oiphik luudi lace the bridesmaid und matron of honor each carried taffeta muffs with flouers and streamers matching their gown the wedding music was played by dr nelson and during the signing of the register mrs ii mowat of toronto sang calm as the night following the ceremony roceptlan was held at the home of the bride uhcro mrs symon gowned in amethyst velvet uith corsage of ophelia roses and mrs holsberg wearing brown velvet gown received the guests with tlie brldo and groom the house decorations were in plntc and while and the tabic with lace clotn and tall pink and white tapers was centred ulth threetiered wedding cake uhlle the living room was in bromto decorations at tliej reception miss taylor and mrs ii noble of toronto poured tea and attendants hi the tea room uere miss barbara plank acton miss ituby clark toronto miss margaret munro milton and miss jean anthony erin the grooms gift to the bride was lamand sot wrist watch to tho usher cuif links to mrs mowat music case to the bridesmaid and matron of hono french pou der jars und to the best man leather bill fold folloulng the reception amid shouera of confetti and the best ulsliei of hat fricndu mr antlmxstailqr uuj bride and groom left on hoiilymoon trip to montreal and ottawa for travel ling the brldo wore dreui of rose crope with broun tueed coat and brown ac ct yories on their return they will rl lde in acton ties straps oxfords in soede and the new combinations the new season demands new footwear and stylo changes arc sufficiently different to create considerable interest this autumn you too will be thrilled with our present display at prices that please our selection was never any finer 149 many otukb jaix models at thksk frjcfcs 189 mill st pallants exclusive shoe stoke acton ontario week specials we are offcrinjr special iiuiuccmefily for early pall buyen now is the time to brighten up your home with new outstand inff merchandise iluy now while the stotk is complete witli choice mouse jpurnlshinjrs visit io our store will be ap predated whether you buy or not ije sure and see our display at tiie fall fair hick living sin art jou aure tlmt ue ure hvuiff ul3onirour mealuj iil wone tlmn thnt wo are llvirnt luvnnil nnr rivillt fall fair dates the following nre tlutri of lilrfl in whlcli rtmlura of tin iutc pidia will intuiviuki iregulatt merchandise bedroom suilc dhtlngulshsd looking ulte of walnut finish english plat mir rors the design chows up well twotone njfilsh caa pieces for 93 dining room suite solidly hullt from uell aeasoned icilndrled walnut with attract fronln leather aeuted clialrs and modern design pieces for 3rl4du chesterfield suite upholstered with the ncucst enr llih ilepp spring filled revcnjhle cuihloilb und spring under con mructlon showing the new styld square orniii uith aq vain ut trim pieces vpo3u breakfast suite showing plain jade green finish in neueit dudgn fcom frt burualn to pz4vu bed outfit 15 specials foe huday and satokoay fcltol mats i8x37 inches choice patterns special each bridge lumps showing choice designs in shadui and standards special each jz4 table lamp made of new designs in holc fitted with shades to match special each plain walnut flnbih htd snnltary tilled cotton matlrum und sughjj fjirlng for 1750 acton cliledoix quit oruml vulley milton ilrunipton claoriiuwii aberfoyle woodbrldjio uoltoji erin aiptombtir 3233 spumlwr 1810 kfpumtbr 1810 stpuiiloit 8521 sliplcmlwr 2530 fulltrmbur 252u puinour 2030 oclabor j3 october 07 ocuor 10 october u10rj october 10n ulutocaalvliltf day studio couches covered with new irnnlbji itepp jihnwlnif homejpun revenu on the cilililoiui und siwclnl 3150 also studio couch with the new velvet ttuthuv in tc broun color sielul 3dlo pottery 249 window sluidts lncliu in plain whlto or 5ttc 30x7 oreeri washnblc coloru special each walnut fiiiklustiin3u suitable for holding lamp flower pot or jarlndtcro special each j1uu iunp shaded in vurloiiii sizes made of parch ment and choice ft jeslgni spec fromvc to zoc curthiiia inglbli pllet net in cream or white bcautlful ensigns 3vi jarcli by 30 lnchct mq plain rem or qold special each cihdtionij hlled with gooil quality kunoc hi 75c walnut rulttt und chain in milriulia condition sllnhuy uil allmctlvd th fttl dwltii special tor zuuu soc the simtiul dtnutnslratioii of studio couch at fair johnstone rumley home tornishings and pofffiral directors lhone 3b acton ontario

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