vs jhy t9 tmammx thje acton free press thursday september 17th iw ainrtjmn nmz when iutumn leaves come falling down upon city street they are trodden by the passing of thousand careless feet the cleaners come to sweep them up dozen times day ahd pack them into muddy plica to rot themselves away and no one stops to marvel at um kola and brown at all oh unat lot they mlu in town when leaves begin to fall when autumn leatci come drlftlntf down upon country way there nothing half so beautiful an nothing half so gay million merry rainbow irroupa of maple beech and oak all madly dan nji with ttic wind like little fairy folk and then sonii iruldcn eventide when each of dancbih tires the country people pile them up and light the autumn flrei and oh the went of burning leaves upon lno frosty air there never land in all the world holds lnccnso half so ran the long blue drirt of curling snioki across the sunset flfcv andt the cheerful glow on the faces iinr when the crimson flames leap hlgl they may liav wealth and tmmilini great mnd nil that heart de lr but what lot they mus in town in missing autumn flnsl molly van menu hints axecipen for new and novel dishes hoaaghom idea mad ssggeallofu jprotfrcttvl foods ill tht flrl report on nutrition pre pared the commit ion of kxpertd ip polnted by thu health committee of the league of nations the following extract may be regarded as lmpoxuuit tile comnikslonrecognuu the fact that the deficiencies of modem dkiu are usually inthe protective loodt uumia rlrh minerals and vttarnhui rather than 111 more strictly energy bearing foods food rich in calories among the former arc first and most important milk and milk products eggs unci glandular tissues then gross leaf vegetable fruit fat tlstl and meat tile average canadian diet may not be ati deficient in thce respects ui that of other nations but it might be well to check the dally mcab to make jure tliat thej have high mineral und vita min content at this usuon of tlie year when igtj nr plentiful fruh fruits and vcgvtabks abundant and the all eaon foodi milk meat and ilili re idlly uvall ablt it should not he difficult to procur meuls uch as the following which amply supply tile protective ood hreakfuit ciraj with frch fruit creamy tfij loilt jim colfce mhz for children lunch or supper cream of cilery soup in li vcacubk salad gliu er breid apple siucc tea or cocoa for children dinlici rhubarb cocktail jjot meat loar cojc slaw paralej ed potutoci 1yuit tunloca colfee or tea milk for children cntamv logs tableipooru melted butler eggs teaspoon uilt cup milk kw grains pepper beat eggi add tcaronlng milk and melted butter cook in top part or double boiler ar mixture thickens around aides und bottom tlr it into centre con tinue untll all mixture ij coagulated serve hot on uult ciieam op celery soup tablespoonr butter tearpaon salt yw grains pepper cup celery pulp tnplcspoorui flour cups milk and vegetable uater cut outer talks of celery into pkecs and cpok in boiling jilted uater untl tender striln retaining vegetable water put cckry through coirj make en am nice of butter urasonlnr mill and vof etibk iti add ciur pulp sprinkle with pirsk and st hot 11v11 tapioca boyhood days here learned the trade of tinsmith with oeorgo llavfil and then went west mr kennedy second wife was daughter of the late john stephens this old man resided with them for number of years and worked the garden he raised some of the finest vcgolablc1 and fruit ever neen in town he took jkclal delight in beating cveryono els with liu cucumber an incipient fire in the barn on this lot caused quite flurry in town one night but it uai finally subdued think the late clmrli to pessimist if conditions were as hopeless as the pessimists sometimes palnb them should still have our honor and that could not be token from us if it were true that the battle is lust we should have the greai consolation of dying wlli faces toward the foe and with scorn of fear the pessimism in which great dt ul of modern art is stc pccm the curs ing of those who cannot look fat in the race the air of thu last two decadn luej been tilled with thu eyes of the panic goodovo stricken tht deflated the trh aruiu orctehcns shoojt look oud in dot gradue yoyt how lrh dot mlt holgh dot po uo mine und gretchtn sec dotl alnd he hoo iku don jou ry now pibj ycfu make em tlnk jor graj sh tli ilwh oh rhtop dotl lool oud und iee der menr vluit goam to dee der paby dot oh what icedle nand dots mine und gretchtn pjbj py icriirhui dond jon cc dot nol vai dioot like gretchen dtr ret as uhoojit like me see dot now rd uil joffln und girkln up ids toe ooom here ou kedlc rasctl und jhtrlke jour ladder no veil nnypt uni oollh to tike me on pid but doj wilt gretchen pibj der llrt von hit he hid rrom the old scrip bo louglib thlt property from lhe tati he calm from durham and conducted gmru ton in th itthews building which tood uhr th government building now tandj ao th corner m1ii und willow iitntl llii wal the lino of iilptetor hurviy and fumlly wlun ho wu1 muiilclpd olflei for ral icar aft mr goodove he inti mr jeimu rnlth int bought th property oiu livtd tin for jiumbet of iari after her father death hi moth mr cirrull livid with hin until her diutti after thl grur or row mr smltli and her dailghti tdlth moved to jo onto to be irer in orothen in tin city she hat luce poised away there and ulo her brother hubert ih lutu glllurt mrarthur of lrln wom the next owmr ho dkd tlicru about ilehteni jar ago und uu mr wm arnold bought the pine und now re idc tin re he property in the rear which run down to tin ihirk and ncroi to til old ctmeury was tlibdlvlded inio lol immlwr of je ir at by the late john kennedy rhc treot letutling from main street along the outh side of kndx church wa it tended to the par and named knox avenue and on every one of the lot there hu been erected re jdence tne property at the corner of main and knox streets was purcha uxl tlu early days by the late georg matthew 50jljfthjutjbraalhatthejloncriqji he kid uources of hope art uv they tell tlu old iul art ihow huv been uiluiktii the old faiths were iuj thi old rnthiula uu ur we ar itd did tin call la wull if thir an thu who in ii vi all thb tuim to th ir hi ill he tlu ir pain to men who inn ul if tin hue ji and cour tilt jov ol tv llvell well been lntcre ted ui hiving iou nothlnr but the old hltory of acton by streets tnnt it comi to nill pilr time nmln beroe know it to the jounccr folk that perhaps doe nt niline0 muchdutno il older onei ir mean about the lart outlnf until nei prlng no wonder look forward to it with collected rroat deal of pleasure thu chance to nnt acted 1u and poundl eeper it with reat deal of plea ure thu tliey now reside in toronto and tlulr wie lour families which enme to acton from nlchol and pllklnyton over ninety an ago rlie matthews nickllns moorejj mid laybys mr matthews did butchering lu3incj tlierc for many years the daughter house was at tne rear of the lot tho medical health act hud not then been enacted sani tary provlions were not thought or in tha diijs ar they are to day but mr matthews alwavs kept his prcmles in most prcn table condition it was here the boji ued to ro to get tho plpn blid den the blew up ind ued for playing football in tha claji he wiu for long time the leading butcher in town his meat wa in the front of the pre en roughcat bulldini which ha hcn tran formed and accommodate lwb famlllej mr matthew died here over tj lar ago tlie family have all been iwa from acton for many years mr and mr mack mcboupau we re ident here for everal jcar befo retlrinr to tlu farm now owned by mr murraj where mr mcdourill died itlur uddenly mr mcdourill uid three oicj came to acton and number oiylarj arorcmovml to toronto mr and mri smith al lived the for jtir tlil wi mr smith resld ence ahlii he wa municipal office taxe electric light reverue rhi leal joj of lift lit to do with comfort it come iiom the con ciou of itren th mf uul iki ind ichjt ve it conn from the con clou ne th it one dolnv man work uid uirhlng nun igi in th world lhe thrill of the mount ilji climber cone uddenlj upon the vi ion of half continent prcad out before hlni contiln mon real joj more true life thin year bring the iull hcom fort eker in the willi below th cholar ai vim urveyi ilelds of know ledge openlnc in broader vijt beforo him forgo the days and night of un broken study behind him the grat lead er in otaumunjhlp as iil iott the teady improvement of oplnloiitowardj him celi joyou ne of rlia terj hlch the memory of arj of defca and mlconceptlon does not embitter back to school ttivt ivir about tho 100th time the city of london has paid the crown fee known quit rent jearjy payment cnabllnjf tenanli to be free or quit fronr all otlur to the lord of the manor the ftt consl ted of bix horerlioc and gl nallj and was ud to the king itc membrancer for site known as the rorpe in the great hall of the ex chequer for 1235 record shown of paymont by walter le brun farrier for the plot on which hl forge stood near temple bar to this forge for repair came the knlghl templarj after tourn mients and the onlv fee chorgcj for the plot wie si hor eihoe and nail eventually the city authoritlen colkcted the rent and pa cd it on to the crown but tlioupll the tor ho ioiik fnce clted to exl the fee stiu of tlclaljj pild school iliys an lit iiiih in llioun imb of llouw llflmfl lift 14 lo ifu liolul refill it mil routim he liomi telephone ipn tin iliihlnn to ice in touch with tin ir in round el irriinatcs lihtntt tlu hnnii lei pmj liurdi iih for mother kceh ithcr in ouch with iiih world iivc yoti telephone our home notluug iclda moro for what it costs than mystery dark horse in stork derlyy rrvthhtin olu cip chance to uclcojnc bad home maiy of my old friends and and that outing on the fine day that acton pair is very often favored with iii be looklm for you at the pur and evtn if jou don know me by my nom de plume 11 bo with the re of acton cltbmns and deav or to extend hearty elcome to the homecomers cup line ipl jc or cup lrl tipl ci teaspoon ilt cup milk cup ui ir it yolk whlii tea poon mill tcttp frr in our perl gr hiatlons up the uest sldi of main street ue next come to tlie dun can kennedy property several lots herc came into posresslon of mv ken nedy early in actons hltory not long after the adams farm were rurvejed into town lol mr kennedy wus tone mawon but he engaged at times in other vocation aa well he kept stoic for time wiu in turn asscror colld tor cereui ennumcrator and did inie firming the brick houe on ills pr iert now owned and occupied by mr william arnold of the store glove co wa the third brick houc erected in flou acton under mr arnold it ha been ec itly improvid and iltth rt embk the hou if few jiar ago new ronn aided thli yeir ihr two precrdinr brlcl rntt it lducitlon lilu built th liti mu ci irk tin lati william over bl icv mlth and now occuplen bj mr ind mr oneil ind th id net if th lite petmitir uni itthi now formul into and dwiillni bj mr uu ird rrrperub nmirl biing in idc bi tittrtptltffntttii ntrvniirthf daughter member of the city teach ing ctaff and tliclr on li filling qood pcltlon in downtown buinc5 hou the property now owned fr win murray and is occupied by mr and mrs jolm rowjes and their daughter and mr and mrs wm purnell and famil rfk9 the iower of ptrsisttvcfr there is fccnlua and power in peril tenee it conquers all oppaers il gives confidence it annihilates obstacles everybody believes in the determined man people kriow tliat when ho under taktj thing the battle half won for ids rule is to accomplish whatever he ets out to do people know tho it is uck to oiiiul tjiin who hij tumblliii bio tepptng toiu who not know whin he defeated who uver bccuiie of crltlclm or opiio lllon lirlnk from hl rhu pin meair that somdhlnr an honor to jou tlie allufon to tiil very general cuitnin in hi atut amonff the american indiin of adding feather to the headgear fo every cuemj lain tlie juicknt ljcian and minj otlier liad similar cu torn and still unual for the enpilh port niaii who ill the thot woodcock to pluc out fc ithcr and tlcl it in hia cap th cu torn in one form another ccmj to be almost univeral in hungary one time none might wear feather hu he who had slain turk and it will be remembered that when gordon quell cd the tilplng rebellion he was honored by the chinese government with tno jellow jacket and peacocks feather ivc mftawhpie ikt jour cup brim maki tlu timtiii of iu ur if li in til 111 it to the in jour pp ir nk und pu pk vui it much time vrcastic mtvbe coming uphill from lower thames street in london was hand barrow loaded with casr of fish as tuual on man was in the idiafu and two men wefe pushing at the rear of the barrow but the polng dldn ecm too good the hor topped dropped the bar riw on leps and turning round houttd to hl helpers orl rl ht be ind yu came the answer in duett oh re ycr thought yon falk rf business directory mktooax dr mcniven phyatelan and sarrson office and beiideooeconier avenue and elgin street dr fj nelson physician and electro therapy pheo or xm cullen physician am buigeoo olfico hour 14 and 70 corner fyedexlck and mbl etreets tekplicmo 128 legal phono wo 23 beet 33 harold nash farmer barrister solicitor notary fabue conveyancer eta mjix stilftt acton owt jfoun 30 to 12 00 noon loop to 800 clturdays 13 00 clock kenneth langdon tuxrhmuf solicitor notary pobtto offices acton geortfotown over seynuclc cafe main street jof appointments phono acton 85 or georgetown b3 office hours acton tueoday and thursday 115p to 30 kti ingfl on request dental buchanan ktonialbh fix ijetamuui houm until fl to kfnins by appointment gas for extractions closod wednesday afternoon pboos li ip pearen benial sargwm moved to our kcw quarters in tho symon block phone 3d mill street actorj miscfcxlankous francis nunan bookbjnder account book of all kindji mode to order periodicals of tvery description carefully hound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndhom street auelph ont new dirk hore ha appeared in toronto stork derby for tho 00 000 millar eitate willed to the toronto mother bcarini the mo children in the 10 year period cndinf october 31 103g the new con tender noun as mi doc not wish publicity and rcfu to divult name mr has had ten children irf the ten year period only 24 rs of nj mr hi mariicd it her hu hand left her five to with fix children since that time mrs ha norm five ic chililn includinj two si qf hun one it of which du mi derlius he hij un ibk to it ch ic and lived ah die man he would hive muried hid he been ibk cr trul rtss canuilu oio coik ipl with ilt and milk ui hou imdir irltrurtlun well of do ilt lur until tuilptnl dliduncui building lint brick refill nilar add mill amuunt of lot mk ence undir smilj or nit nane squire lure to ixutcn oik coinlilm wltn grant iicnd we uld mt iir rd qu uid any ul it on vain rii ri or ml worrtimiilj or hi if livirh tlitlji pj utlnkhatrpcrrkttiurilt ill hi irt of wldnn fir ii hi irt full or in dkln for tlu ly of km and mu fir the da of id mixture to doubl bollir ind cd for minute remove from tht hi at and fold in still ly ik an whltt an yanllla tlie fruit majkadded to tlu mixture with the hi ittntjjg white ar placed in the bottom of dcwfr dl he und co rod with mixture rve inn or thorough chilled if ji url tapioca hi ustul fumk for at kiiit one hour hi cold wutir and drain before cooking tt lluimclul ml fortune not altogetli wn mil had bein obfllcd to rellnqul hi line tone ul where charlie wilon and mra wilson and family hai lived for number of year and moved into tlu little frame hou tvlure mr john dunns flue brick houc now standi mr ktnnedyn flnt wife wus mm duncan wluue daughter liiie wa always favorite hen she becaino the wife of mr uuswarth of ltct ilttle toronto son or the late rev japh unituorth who woo the tnjoved iwutoi of the congr galionul churches two womtdi had hcaud argument georgetown and swackhumora iilh tax ffater on of th ridm in rhnui juauyju4 urkctitdyhad twotarnr you know dout uke ksumy alw who upciit liht life wltli hi she not fair tlie old town prospered olid wad clticn wo aid the other but kimm djehig rovcred by all until hk deatn abouti nvd to be yeara ago and angus who spent hid gtttlng that way ir sindj or mt nane squire hrthr uv ihl tr ml fortune net altoiathor hi rtrin fr lurnll lumunbtr thu mint jou po in he ucirld ulll fmnd lit lh dii of jour di ilh to bl loillf to nine ohl lli but uhlt jou ire will yours fortvtr iihl1 htu atttiidailt do ou ulsh to coiuult wotimiiitf lootmiir the jrt it chlm mjhtlc woman ay joasuu tm mother sat mjic uuur where cull put thbi 80 ww4j foruut tt when bo out urotkr llko nil hrotlun fut it on the looking giaas general wfc sltcrauze in life tire health and accident automobile windatorm plato glaaa boiler fidelity bonds annuities and all general lines of insurance auuo ocean steamship tidketa ltading comlanikji kxcfclxknt vaciijtikm ilxpmcniallva kleuvo axaool iuni bf caiuuu toe mmon4 only re wright orrlcb couixr ulock orilco as 1lonoi uodd ioi want to sell something uiii the treasured posseagjona pljyor klton ko of leth idu uiglet one of premier vbcrharta social credit velocity uolur durins lullhi the con vention of the union of canadian municipal tied at vancouver he passed it around among his fellow mayors mayor john queen winnipeg is seen examining the cer tificate while mayor andy davison of calgary looks on tho owner re fuses to sell the alberta dollar cvtoual ira oanvdua sold rm pua bnull all js the fulokcat in wmjr to find bayerl otour enrf womh akfwtjfn