thrafpay bbrqpcbm 17th im waih too ooms dome the acton free press when poet dome hornc tonight know what yon wffl say made lot of money it been my busy djl business is your bobby your one and only aim ftor us no variation the days are all the same many men are like yqu slaves to money greed everything for business naught the soul to feed but wait on in patience some ume know you ii say my dear done with business we start to live today orcnvllle klclser chronicles of gingerfarm written specially for the asian free trcm gwendolyn clarke dow to meet ogs one often meets persons who are afraid of dogs it is needless fear and can be easily overcome by learning how to meet dog whose approach seems to mean trouble recently witnessed to incidents one which showed how nob to deal jfclth such dog the other how to treat him one morning beard my dog mike twenty yeaks ago frank the lane of the free xveas of thursday september 21st 1916 the dcmanev for houses is now greater than the supply the price of bread lias been increased aiere this week to 10c per loaft mrs malcolm mcdougall has purchas ed the brick house on frederick street belonging to mr cecil urown the registration nt acton high school is now up to fifty the overage attend ance promises to be higher than last term mr john watson of the fifth line hod the misfortune to jail and sustained fractures of both his left arm and leg mr and mrs martin chunch street celebrated their silver wedding anniversary last saturday the funeral of ptc kingsbury of the 164th battalion who was accident ally killed while stepping off tlie train at camp borden wait on of tho largest ever held in hassagaucya interment took place at ebenczcr cemetery and itc kingsbury was burled with military honors tho public and high schools annual field day was held last jrldayahd both pupils and visitor enjoyed the eftff uiiuii acton boy scouts held their first church parade last sunday georgetown troop accompanied them milk vital factor in sound nutrition have you all seen the new english postage stamp wo got letter yester day with three halfpenny stamp an it and it looked so different from thoe we have been used to seeing all our urcs we admired the good lines and the splendid simplicity in which our new king was portrayed uncrowned head and face in profile showing rather serious expression which seems to have become somewhat character la tic of king edward since his succession to the throne can just lnioglne stamp col lectors will be on their toes to get all they can of tnese new stamp because it will naturally be short issue giving place next year to the coronation stamp was asking at our local xmst ofttc when new canadian stamp would be issued and was told il would not be out for another three months pcoklng of collections liave just started collection myself but not of stamps my collection of tea cups china ua cup and this is how tun doing it tvery time make trip that is pleasure trip intend buying om china tcu cup in this way every cup and saucer will liuve special hl tory all its own when serve tea shall look at this one mid remember the time friends took hie on that lovely roundabout trip to hamilton or shall look ut that one and it ill bring back memories of delightful trip to nlaguru falls or perhaps partner and the chil dren might like to add to my collection and of course cup and saucer from tiny slats diaky by oliver warren sunday had to gq to sunday skool itch wasscnt so bod if it dlddcrtt make me think of slary in this land of the brave as home of the free becum clove tomorro it is not free country no more monday out even with jane iha the bait is to be oppcraled on for rwmova of hr boisterous kerry blue making terrible ast me how long after uood rumpus in the yard when rushed out to see what was the matter found that he war barking at the boy who de llvrrs tlic morning paper the situation was hub dangrrouse because mike really friendly dog and probably liad run touard uio boy wagging his stubby tall and voicing noisy welcome but the boy did just the wrong tiling he yelled with fright and began kicking and striking out with his handa the mlk playfulcss changed to anger and hl manner became fearsome had to rtcp in and stop him and make him under land tliat the boy was friend of mine and intended no harm ome time lau on tlie same day strungr woman appeared in my neigh bor garden mike who seems to regard himself as guardian of uiut property as well as mine went bounding through tho hedge barking at great rate as if so order her off the premises the woman was evidently wise lo dogs instead rhowlng fright or trying to drive mike hlu no jum thing plidi well don xprt so mu from opperushrn uji hut dout if she set tne point tut day pa was gtm away to pre ah ii mi ting told mu shi needed sum iiuium to go to on bank mu ed hut time tloci tht bu il rioe thl in ju ud muy tic hi haddrnt uur go to tht asnsarlwit dont no why wedntsday pa pulhd nother bom lud in tile pup yeterduy ulicn he ntd um iteddykuih has got week liart ju went to hospitti in minnie boty to huv it stopt ilic oditur kicked but xjm ct lu diddt nt lly mean what he scd rhursduy julie got conn back on ulun sed 1l00i goen to be battel of brulie she cd idc iw ter take muchen gun thinks she smart but dont not by jaole lot friday us kids was swlmmcn in the municipal poolc it ulllt deep but elsey slung up her hand jelled help the dear old soul watched the gaily clad cowboy dexterlously swinging his lasso in trie grounds of the circus what long rope she said at last what do you us it for waal lad he replied when rn out west on tin ruitrh ue it fur catch ing covs catching roin she echoed ho ry inurcjtiiuf it 11 me wluit halt do itni use no inoeeo tuan what was all that laughter and noise that heard last evening aiimt ahmed cook and wedding iuan wt ii just uiul it docs not pptn iikdn xcue me tuan but the were crletwatlng our sliver dwihht mo vii txil moscow moscow in ju shortly will up daylight tuotl picturu uuatre in public iark aftt st vt ral tets lhi in vi iillun fur producing plrturn in unllght li dt lareda suceea it involves tht of tuo mirror of which juries us fccreni tlie projector is fixed ubove the uret and mirror placed short dtt eunce in front of it reflects uir picture on to tlu mirror jreeii llic audience clear picture an the screed claljutd in tlie brifchtfib of light an iim too ml munehrttr if joil really love irl wlij nob uiy 11 ith lowt mr hurdfux nov thuti good idi ut uldji irlj binding as time tables at acton nadian najjonalraltways going east daily except sunday 18 tun pally except sunday 10 07 ajn 13 pm 10 pm wha1 ho uhj think algj touilthig ledioui tlmll the big bruu threll niy bruiil out frlind and did he tory and in to bluv jiti 4iuhu jeiieo ncjp uuay she stood perfectly still and said otii doun the id tlnn jjke to him in quiet and kind voire no li quiet and kind voire now its all right don make such trip hi fusi belong here timmys grandmother pimmy is mj neigh bor little boy mike quit barking at once and soon war capering about the lady os if he were long lo friend help mu juke hurtli but he ulni ijj lo jccite not when hzilcu xercl envohed saturday mi scd to pi tlu thot hedi thl ftimblj next door to surrlay dinner ulun pi uki why the ed tlu the trutii that few dot ar reull biiteht hop brot there dre chicken 1j uunted to do uhat the technical commission of the health organization of the league of nations to lb report on the value of specific foods states with regard to milk as vital factor in sound nutrition that mllk whole or skimmed is rich source of calcium salts and phosphates and of vitamin b3 also source of vita min bl milk fat is an excellent source of vitamin the proteins of milk ore not only themselves of the highest nutritive value but also improve th utilization of tho protein contained in uilsjihra all its own too how many have got did you say well just one to tell you tho truth but that one is real good start bought it at the exhibition from an english exhibit in tlie british sec tion there were so many exquisite designs should have been quite qulta happy to walk off with at least dozen daughter was with me and could not understand by making the choice did can describe the cup and saucer to yod except to say that it is conven tional design and in lovely colors daughter choice would have been one which had picture on the inside of the cup of little girl picking delphiniums there were humber of cute little orna ments which took daughters fancy and she bought herself one featuring grey kitten looking inside mans old boot for tlie mouse it hod lost the mouse cereals and vegetables milk has an ad dltional advantage in the abundance and in tlie meantime could be seen cscapliijf avallobllttv of its calcium salts and phosphates these enhance tlie ect of any vitamin derived from othe artides of diet or from sunshine milk although itself poor in iron renders more effective tlie iron contained in tlie diet milkbhouldform conspicuous element in tlie diet of ail uges vlclouh rpcclully theke that are noiy barkers tlie only doj to beware jf is one that comes growling and crouch log low and even in his case tlie danger ts slight if one uies the right method toapersoriwtiu when tjarhrtg dog comes toward hint would offer thesc suggestions note his head is up and his tall wagging in tliat case he is friendly stand perfectly still if you are afraid dont show it whatever you do dontr turn and run away lie treat in vites disaster do not strike out with the hands or fjaei or make any threatening motion if you do tlie dog will think tliat you really arc an enemy talk to him quietly as if he were giving you cordial welcome and greet ing you as on oldtime acquaintance usually as soon as dog is sure thai yoa intend no mischief he will drop every show of hostility in case dog oom at you creeping low and snarling do not hastily take to rite tourist tuakhc gains tourist traffic to canada during tb increase of almost million person com pared with tlie corresponding period of 1835 admissions at tho international boundary from january 1st 1936 to july 31st 103gc totalled 331671 com pared with 378 261 during tlie same period of tlie preceding year every month ith the exception of march showed gain in traffic over tlie corres ponding month year ago tile ever increasing tourist movement between the united states and canada emphasizes the freedom of international travel between these two countries the international boundary often referred to as the most travelled over in the world has length of 500 miles of which 100 miles are land boundary and 400 miles are water boundary there is no other boundary of such lenght which no gun or armament qui ix ten maker busy believed lo the onl quill pen manu facturer in the world barton of london is seeing tho return of prosper ity he sending thousands of pens lawyer and sentimentalist in all par li of the world cinema stars are getting them for period room mr qultb ar from geee turkt yr and swans barton made peacock quill for nobleman who uu about to be married und wanted to lin tlu murriuii ircgl ter in harmony with peucocb on hl tide bally except sunday sunday only going west daily except unduy dally cxcci sunday dully except sunday iiimday only standajtd itme aoajn 233 pm 704 pan 1126 pm ihoioiitfh wxif lolklmlli kturftuv of iiiwilrtim ftiul li uluu it ruy ket cln tl wio eloill ofuully rut 1m in will kr rutlru huor wnicr aftir ivuiil wuu iu dry nop my be used ui ke it fnf from dajtt your wl move slowly bkward wllle no or arlvmment to be it tom1 umjfe to itatul u1i ulldnar found ne toarifli mcanwlilk ealmflr and kindly he may by callaalab botii ottlcla3s nnd ctle hk uttuclc or he may be luld rt lt uurouih hole hi the toe of tlie boot oe iuki how luwe started thl collection urn tay hup arr cjils mlbratlon and customs reflations or just longing for another clianct to go to hamilton and then wliat gund time sjuul have in that delightful china sliop which is beloved all gift lovers who know hamilton wluilr do you think of my idea don la reviewing the consumption of milk rftul pp in canada laura pepper of the m11l utulxauon service dlry and cold stor age brancli dominion department of agriculture states tliat during the yeaty 1920 to 1b30 the average amount of milk consumed dally per person in tlie do minion increased steadily from one liulf pint to approximately one pint tills was regarded as encouraging both ut those associated with the dairy industry and also lo oil engaged in tlie field of public heal ui however as soon us in comes became reduced decided drop in milk consumption occurred until today the estimated per capita consumption is less tnan three qua rten of pint daily in comparison with tlie recommenda tions of tlie national committee tills amount seems very low and quite in adequate to meet the requirements of th bodyi particularly that of tlia growing child it is apparent that in many can adian homcj milk is not valued as highly as it should be and preference is given to otller foods which may give more im mediate satisfaction but have not tli soma lasting effect as milk in building and maintaining strong and healthy bodies dh ini on oi duty what is dut with riffnrd to our fcelves it ts to be independent of the senses and with regard to others it to be untiring in giving help and sup port help to live uell to do well will uell to wlh will help by ogre nunt and by opposition giving and by withhol llrnuu ind by con by pi lance bj prat und bj bl imp jleiii and by words by hit 1pltr jint and uhat is pituful dwelhrt on the rami irtli trivdler of the urn hour and tompmldns aloiu the mil road oimht to hi in tlur un uli4n uu reach tho rt tln pi if shall hive llr ut rind unit of what larh his iu th hippliu of th rtst joy ir fir kiiu kind lnl will win it rtuunl me bocause it is practical as well as sat isfying tmturul womanish longing for prttty tiling and docs ne need them an form well if you ask me think tlie less one lias of pretty things the more one needs tliem it just makes me uncomfortably worm wlien think of tlie time when was preparing to leave england eoon after out marriage of course someliow my own people an also my in laws let tlie idea get abroad tliat wedding presents should be only of tne useful variety and so we did not get any of the nice little odds and end3 hlch fall to tlie lot of mast bride how mi sister in law laughed because was licinstl telling pair of sheets hemstitched slieets on the prairie what on idea was glad to notice in ethel chapman book the homsteaders that the idea was brought out tliat it jl for young married people to la with them such possessions as well help them to lead cultured life even though much of their work may be rough and burdensome spooking of houeliold convenience or lack of tliem uhlchevu way you like to put it hud rather funny ex perience to night am writing thli chronicle away from home as am ttthng care of friend house and baby uhllc daddy iuwny vllting mothftr and baby sl ter fire had bcn lighted the grui but after burning awhile had smoldered and practically gone out the night chilly and knowing little com fort und warmth vry welcome after mi drive thuuijit had lwtter re kindle the hrt kmu uhtro to find ttwrnrnbird km und ull ntitii wu mm ii nviffh fnnliliii quit it hi ut rt cl at hmd uul in ry din ir pi in but aimthir ur in nua om in vtry ui ii huntliik thlni sj hi in hni ullh tviry nid ill icl mid ike luiic vaies framed to make tlie entry of such vldtors hlne up your arm in tat ot your throat lnu cinada just fw of that would be tho point toward ulllch nnd rii trlctlon he would leap however one may through whole lifetime and hover be attacked by really ugly dog in case you are bitten by dog go at once to the nearest doctor or drug store and have tlie wound cauterized to prevent infection sukl ckilck qv conduct rttansplanting ifconifs onf question and avothttt could you pay for in thourht one was neces keen imagination is the surest chect upon all unkind conduct happily it the vtry rare exception uhen anyone intends to be unkind most persons how ever culpable would indignantly deny tlie implication it is usually because uieyfall to realize the they inflict they september is the best time to tnuv are deficient in that power which depicts piano peonies if the plants liave grown tli pain of anotlier to their own sens large and tlie flowers are fewer or small bllluos there are many hearts no at er than they used to be it is probably hard and callous tliat might be rendered time for tlie roots to be taken up tender and pitiful could their lmaglna to divide large plant dig it uptive faculty be so developed as to make carefully sliake off tlie loose earth and them conscious of the dlrtrea they care leave tlie plant exposed to tlie sun and lessly produce air for an hour or two this will makei the tubers lesjt brittle lo that they wrfl not break easily when handled wuh off all tlie soil with water and cut off the foliage just leaving few inches stem above tlie crown examine the root and tr and find out where it can be divided 1th as little damage to tlie tubers as possible division with flv eyes is good shie but larger ones can be used if desired if bed of peonies ts going to be planted it is good plan to prepare the soil fw weeks before digging deeply and adding omc well rotted manure tlie base of the encli if the peonies have to be replaced in the same place the old soli should be removed and re placcilby iouie tood soil to which bone meal at he rate of handful for cacti plant liar been udded in planting pi ice the tuber that there is only twj in he of oil above the crown too dep pluntlng frequently xli caiue if peonies nut blooming for the first wi it is ndvuihr bus schedule etvkotive mav 3rd 1030 leave westbound 45 akn 12 pm is pm 41s pjn bis pjh 18 pan 11 3s pan standaltd time leave eastbound 5j0 ajn 10 am iu1 ajn lo pkii 00 pin 00 in 00 in itinkitaules ilanned to aix 1olnts in canada unitlu statfs mkxioo consult local agent wiles restaurant centra ontario bus lines tottonto ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop kepjtebkntatrvte gore district mutual norwich union canadian mm tnsorabe company tins alutaboa assurance co th caanolty canada aannuoe cvnpmny the smerebanta casualty tlw ortagelas mniaal speclall operation if nary patient would you find one necc ary if could not pay for it brol en chain ind twisted wheel were the only hardships endured by thee two boy norman hirln 15 ltft nnd bill mullen 16 night both of preton ont who listened to the siren call of the gnit lakes expo uion cllnvi nmi nni iiij hh iw mu siren call of the expo uion clevdand and pedalled tlielr bikes 47 miles to the tatcs of the bip laklfront show preston is about co miles west of toronto the nnv tiii decided to dnerl tl the boy travelled throurh nhrara falls buffalo nnd then it ilipen uncle in piftiburr from pittsburg they cr lakes edoitinn dtsburg they travelled canadian gtrl refugee from spain whatvthe news news in chafljjiiij con hlantly events happen fast jnd thinga chanee over nighl only an alert newspaper can ketp abreaiit of these happenings on many loco fronts the acton free press offers its rtaderu cotnpleie service in news reporting and editorial features it answers the tiucstion whats the news regularly every thurwlay subscribe now and keep up with tlie times mulch hi but sti it to im vent tht ulujrllaurwijlnuli4l thiwnffthfttkrn haiiiful in uimt il trlcts 1actographs tho velocity of the wind is meas red by an instrument called an anemometer he device consists of three or four hollow hemispheres on the ends of cquql rods at riejit artules in each otiicr and designed to rotate about the point of inter section of the rods vv tho old re erve of france is ept in specially con tructcd viults iou feet below the surf ice of tho irth the vaults ure in clnm ber that covern more tlnn two 10 feet of water tack md 50 feet of huimi niivmi lim vot to tki srkioisi it ei tlu nlal hum irt ir rwaln uh ltd in hl list uumr effort whui giving umi advice to friend about what uh mid do when lie came to the irate st itttr is jupjksd to ave your dog outside htuviti goes by favor if it went hy merit you would stop outside and thd dog would go in no man however who knows his dog and knows himself will fail to find in tlutae amusing words some tiling more than sense of humor nl ilutrful ricklln fin uul aim dtfiittd in ni inrpki ft ml if in it ii nolle dd alum what did was ij uwjy nt the iltir lipid wimki aid fun until ll lis it in ugh llf into it to light wi pltct of iju and with it lfghtt tlu tin itilf it wu ratlur funny lullt ixikrlmu und mad tiir think that how ev mutiy of uu modern cajivttikiu muy lustul thrrv are still thin wluii are ti divide th ind unci irmly film dunn zulu ehli iimouf hl hlldn tin siuth afrr govirmmut hi app inud helut cununl in whkh is imtttin on tlu minicti rt arv mar cipjtiwn in in my nth rs ie ulinlng to dunn olfi prill and in iiulhik ha th it mu tiki ei mplicjifd one dunn uu whit born in nuul 101 yrani ai and wtnt to umi ng tlu ulus whtre lu bi came chl ii had tvrul wlvt4 und srquireil 10 000 arrs of land af tt hi duath com aboluuly dependent on ordinary ry uuu chlw day udngs llkt the lumuly match sir boy run why is it strange liluv uecause he only moves two feet loo cres uhll uium outidi could kp what thy lid rocelvwl tliose outbid thriulwird to sell uvclr lands and return to the rserve which meant compllcatlmu and tlie uuwt coiiitiilsskiil was appoints to settle tlie entire nutter gcorlt wn hinj ton wt in irly nil abrihum lincoln wn li initon nt the timl of hi dtmh is ix feet time and one ilf inclu wiuil lincoln hcij lit vv ix ftet four inchc hit north to null dislinii of tin leific ocl in from hi rinj tr nt to ant iretk del to be inok th in uoo0 niiitu il link du el ini un bv ub in inne iiiil an the urf ici jin etric ti in whin the ubnminej ire uiuhr iti in urveyur uu tire link is iiiliil common baklntf powdtr cm tx ti ed to put out in ill fire hi it decompo the powdtr prodm inj cjrbon dioxiiu while the iu id ilti fiie und co it tht burning miteriil mui xtinuilbh be bluze 17 17 17 tlio pikooitjv believed to be tlie only bird that drinks by lion all other bird ike the wattr into their mouths und throw bark tluir heads in order to swallow it mildred kuapp kendall of prmcatt ontario aches htr nativ canada uu tiiu first dominion refutee from spain shc was met quebec by her father und mother mr and mrs ttedeiuk keiidull ji of frescott tlie young ludy was rescued from barcelona by tho lirlti destroyer gypy bhe is pletured in the tlolheii in which she escaped sales books lare the best counter check books made in canada hey cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction we are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required your hon printer fin