sixtysecond year no 13 acton ontario thursday september 24th imc eight homeprint pages five cents important business deal completed warehouse of acton machine co sold to mr donnefeld of toronto spanish premier business transaction that means considerable to acton and actonlans was closed on monday reeve harri son has disposed ofthe warehouse here of the acton machine co to mr donnefleld of toronto mr harrison ui the transaction securest splendid modern residence on high park boulevard in toronto whence he and mrs harrison and the family have renoved this week the business of the acton machine oo will he conducted in acton until the end of the present year and it will then be removed to toronto and operated from the city in the meantime mr harrison will be in acton at the warehouse here several days week and it la earnestly hoped will find the time to continue lib municipal duties as recvo until the end of the term the acton machine company was founded by mr harrison who first start merchandising auto parts mode by mr blow in his machine shop on main street now occupied as garuho by mr norman mceachern about fifteen years ago under his guidance the busl grow rapidly and when tii factory suna mr und mr bulldliw on maple avenue wa auahle oujeuyobserveduieh muell woddintr nnnlvoruiry uv their riomo on 936 acton fair set new high records in every way largo oabaxleeo according to reports from madrid the present liberal cabinet has been replaced by one composed of social ists and communists aa spain swlngi more and more to the left as result of tha fascist cmplred civil war socialist leader largo caballcro iabove is redortcd premier married fifty years the plant was moved to that building now owned by mr blow growth con main street it was on september 20lh fo cebbn rtfrtfrtr tyjrtfflir build another warehouse of practically mrs cl wc the same aire mr wow continued in holy thlrtj eight years ago the nr1 plant anumr harrison erected rs ln acun wh th modem warehouse to service ws grow 1uv bco icd residents during these lng trade eonnectloi now to keep pace ch wm until short with the times it is found necessary to nn ploy of the beardmore co but is now enjoying leisure from his faithful service for so long willi thin local concern of the family of five clilldren two record entry of exhibits in most classes arena had biggest crowd on record at any event held there every department showed an increase the best of weather favored staging of show parade ofprize winning stock was big feature dr mcquibbans jumping horses clave splendid exhibit at both days ym ca acts were feature of the arena performance every deportment of the 1030 acton fair concluded lasb night showed in creases the pair was billed as biggor und better and it lived up to all advance notices and beyond the biggest crowd ever attending any event in acton arena jammed the building on tuesday night and the figures bear out the estimate of 2000 people attending tills first evening every class of exhibits was us whole on the better side the ladles work hud good entry oruin roots and fruit potatoes and plenty of horseflesh col liding and sweating ln the effort devcreaux was winner in this event also llay thompson second and devcreaux on the pony in third place thu failure of the loud speaker to urrlve for the event was tlu only dis appointing feature of tills night an made marked difference in the enjoy ment of it by the audience und the con duct of the iilfutr wedntwiuy wan another delightful rhll were exceptionally good considering the day und from tft vnorningtiwtjhibhj dry icason and tlie childrens work liud liunud to roh ln lim ihe flljr krounda was ii blveof activity the exhibit in tin grounds when the uf ternoorr arrived wiui splendid oiie acton citizens jfoilul hi fri ftottoow filed splendid concert by orchestra jim hunter conducted snappy program hall was crovrylcxi record entry with one class with twenlythroo entries tpp baking hud not uii large un entry nor the butter class which have been gradually do gfiur move the warehouse to toronto mr harrison enjoys coast to coast trade for the many auto parts of which he li the canadian distributor in his busy life mr harrison has taken time to devote to citizenship duties as remain miss mudge chapman at home councillor school trustee reeve churchman fair and ym ca director lodgeman in fact every part of com munity activity ho has shown keen und praqtiic interest and mrs harrison has ably seconded his effort and served on table decorations the welfare board leader of the girl guides und other activities thoy and their daughters beth and margaret will leave places that are hnrd to 1111 tins business transaction means good deil to acton just what use mr donnefeld is to make of the factory building lias not been married at cleveland designated he has been active in the blouse and shirt industry and will pa sepllwr ueddlng of great lnteretl blbly open factory in acton mr har took placc ilt st marja ephcopal rlson has nbt uild his residence in acton hi entry in tlie held thu horses and cattle hud good entry in every class the sheep und swine pens were filled and the poultry was good exhibit there were more co net clonal res on the midway und gntj receipts showed conulderable in creae without doubt the ideal weather pliiycd blg part ln the success nttulned but president murray and secre tary lv wright and every one of the directors who cooperate so splendidly with these heads can mark 1030 as an other big success in the line of twenty three successful events every event went off without hitch and no serious ac cident marred the big lvilr even the dance on the until evening had an in creased attendance it was truly bigger und better so much for the general summary but perhaps the story should be written ns it occurred acton pairs first night shoo of hall exhlhltt und arena per formance has came to mean big pirt of the program spectators come right after tei und the arena is packed all evening tuesday standing room was church on homona boulevard ln clove ftt premium the winners in land ohio on saturday september 10th thejialljxhiblta are given in this lssuy on knox avenue two grandchildren kathleen and jack were present with the family at the quiet observance of the anniversary on sunday when three tiered ueddlng cake with golden decorations farmed the centre of the many friends join in wishing for mr und mrs chapman many more hnppj yeara residing here in acton where they have lpent the most of their married at 00 pm rev john gillespie per formed the ceremony the bride was the former miss mar garet beatrice bauer only daughter of mr and mrs henry bauer 10708 union avenue cleveland ohio formerly of acton ontario uho was married to mr lklward john tuhacck son of mr and mrs john tulujcek of cleveland tlie bride given in marriage by her fatlejt looked lovely dressed in peach towel shower wlilch the club idndjy lucc wlth head urej ot wlllu r0s gave to mr and mrs peter hilts in and otijer uccojl she carried monthly meeting of the monthly meeting of the farm womens club was held at the home of mrs brownlow with good attendance tlie roll call was answered with can adian industry of halton counvy mrs mccutcheon gave report of tha committee who had charge of lhe bouquet of talisman roses larkspur and bridal wreath she was attended by mrs elsie layer who was dressed ln pale bluo with pink accessories and carried pink rosas and bridal wreath mr george was best their recent misfortune mrs brown low gave demonstration on quilts solo was given by mrs bishop tlie fc contest ou parts of the human body was won by group mesdamea robert son it mclsaac davidson and miss layei tribnd jessie mcgregor community slnglntf man followed hearty vdte of thanks was tendered the hostess who also served dainty luncheon with the assistance of mrs george somervllle and social time was spent shoppers guide the fallow mg are tha pa in which advcriucnicnu aiirar in thu week free press page eiucxltuf tall fair rafs saladuttalt pluma co cjrrullti grwwy aee llarrn grcry ilavuue luiljcv luadytowrar pat teroii lo pa wluutv woodh cro ery gtrga waluce tdjfcuiiod paxk head grrory thfcjtr pae krlloftu com pultwi kimdiicjut mrti pmg hairop 1irue tabid pjk churehlll united chnrcb klilott ilru4 albert pruse cndlikcr ktraiiiptuti all pair kf ktiechlln ktuu audliorlum itoyal tficutie cakilutl tbiitrt of the rael piiuj acton citizens band provided splen did musical program mr john bennett and his dog gave an exhibition of how he could catch ball in tlie vaudeville george grant slack wire artist and jug gler curr ros musical acrobats in their acts pleased the crowd miss odonnell acrobat and con tort ion bit gave an act that pleased everyone and dreu rounds of applause in the race for those over ulxtcen collier was first and kempshead second boys race under 16 years went to icempahead and cleave the maple leaf foot race was won by collier kempshead and hooper the bicycle race went to dirk van goozen with elmer lasby second charoctcruiiid by many of the specta tors as the headline item on the bill wero the two ocbi put on by acton mc when it li considered that these boys have hud only few months training their uork was even more praiseworthy they were under the direction of mr gforge emeri secretary of acton the house decorations uere in pink and white and the table with linen cloth and tall plnl and white tapers was centred with uirtlcrcd wedding cake tlie reception attended by forty guests a3 ut the home of tlie brides parents the groom mr edward tuhacek is an employee of the cleveland rire department station 37 inlawing performanre was dj hlllsbuut mcond and tanh doll carriage iioat arid school children nnd the tuichert winners for the doll earrings were betty bauer phyllli robertson and jean wilds they made pretty showing indeed pullants hoe ftore had the prle winning float and was unique uild attractive entry the couple married the greatest num ber of years attending the imlr were mr and mrs thos mack of rockwood mv mack li eightytwo and mri mack eighty yearn of age they have been married fiftyseven years and lb is coincidence that september 23rd was their ueddlng anniversary day the one attending acton fair from the greatest distance was mbyi laura linham of westbury wlllhlre eng land field superintendent kerr had program before the grandstand that left not dull moment he was master of iremonles and in his own inimitable uaj kept even thing running smoothly on blhalf of acton reeve hnrrl ion extended cordial uejeome to al ard told of the pride of citizens in acton tuir president murray extended cordial uelcome to every ultor to th pair on behalf of hi fellow directors he introduced dr christie prc ident of the ontario agricultural col lege uho officially opened the fair he congratulated the exhibitors and direc tor on the splendid exhibit of ladles wo vegetables horre and cattle and tlu operation of the fair he had made thlt visit to show his appreciation of the board of the ivilr ln tills work of bettering farm and community life mr elliott moses also congratulated the fair and the presentation being given in the trotting races there were cloc nnlhhc3 the fvceforail was won by june peters owned by ficlmfter waterloo second place went to logan mckillop owned by mckeown weston and third to lady peters own ed by hopkins coolavllle in the 2fl class peter by he war guelph uas first kate smith by samuel smith hamilton was second ooldle aratton by mccready milton third and jean harvester by ingle waterloo fourth mcphail guelph was first in tho cldtlme fiddlers contest with brief items acton fair tlie miniature railway hod lure for lhe kiddles that kept itbusy tooting over tlie road all afternoon dr mcquibbans splendid high jump acton concert orchestra provided the ln horses have for two years been first concert of tlie season in ho town aturo at acton pair that has bcenap uau on saturday ovcnlng last and it predated was one of the best concerts over held in acton jim hunter of the toronto telegram was master of ceremonies and to him much credit is due for thn success of the event the program opened with selection by the acton concert orchestra jim hunter was officially welcomed by reovo atict mixing of dates on the part of harron and was given very cnthusl uheusuaj flrm who always supplied good astic welcome by the audience drill service to acton pair and song by the members of the arches tra we joined tlie navy to see tho tho 1ift splendid commercial ex world was heartily ncored mr irving hlblts were displayed by barrs grocery spires of guelph rendered several ith ivckpreun goods juinstone xylophone selectloiut and violin duetts uuniloy fumlturo exhibits miss roi by norman braldu und wellington hal fed feuturlng langleys exhibit and wi re alto well received john emerson mackenzie son wltli bulltlit of geoigetown tlie cowboy nlngcr ren hoiuhold ilttlngs derwl hand me down my wulklng ciuie and home on the range sil niw cars trailers equipment for verhalred daddy of mine cowboy households and other items made good who led acton fair to another succeui und boots and saddle other exhibit on the grounds on wednesday for 103d numbers were xylophone duett by mr spires and miji spire comet solos by the school childrens exhibit was tho now if earl ilowoa trotting horse had only been here there would have been chance for some comparisons tlie loud speaker equipment was an eine rgency arrangement on wednesday president murray tteddenver nrrompanlctl by mrs j3enver largoit tvigit bpeaks uell for the future tnnjlor won tru und third pwjt lhforchintra upimnired orr the program of the fair mr fred gow lands entry was second wltn ccral oldtime numbers fea thf iqtatorjuj hatl annllui turlng vffsfrhlrlawmti 4wtintfrfthfvmtrtmrrmr infmi entry and plenty of action during its on their uddlei which ucre greatly en by ninny it set an example of seven minutes devereaux won first joyed mlse jessie young ftnd dorothy line opportunity for other mcrclumts to thompson second and thomson frank gave piano duetls and suxaphono follow in capitalizing on advertlsing tlielr third trios by robt parkinson bine rams products before the pair day crouds and the parade of prlze winning rtock has ian nni rift agnew community improving the parades it is to be hoped been improving each year and when ngsong proved quite popular led oy it will be enlarged upon next year by these paed in review before the grand 1il mr mason li the more merchants participating incld stand headed by acton cltloenn band conductor of the orchestra some conception of the entry and the quality of the exhibit shown could be secured it was splendid display during the afternoon mr charles landiborough of acton winner of tho saying farewell on monday evening mrs dills entertained number of friends of mrs gold medal for cornet solo at the harrison at her home on iveder this year and previously played tho ick street tho decision was just an solo that wop fo hn this high honor opportu lity for many of tlie ladles to the fair wile concluded about six spend social hour with mrs harrison oclocl when those uho had not had an ft mkres beth und margaret before opportunity or bit of frivolity on the their removal to toronto this week midway could eat drink and play ln the auout nft lci cnlled during the even concclons that lined this section ln the hig entally it won prize as well elwood hughes of the ne says no fair can operate unless it has tlie co operation of tlie community it serves acton pair seems to huve wlmt it takes and mr hughes know whereof he speaks when telling of tlu success of the fair visitor remarked kerr will be pleased yes and he lsjit tlie only one smiling every oiflcer and director has that feejlng of having con ducted successful event cent of tho park the prluc winners in the field elates will be given in nest uclics issue of tiir im pblk uloni uith some or the pictures of event ol the fair fair night accident acton citizens band plajs an impor tant part in the success of actons two day fair tlwy us usual did good an ucridliit occured on the highway job thli year about three miles east of acton lost but night ln which all the participants school field days mot everjone um bit tired acton rnlr for 1030 hud nfinln proven uere returnlnn home from acton talr uccesi nnd nlthuuuli stcpr homewnrtf moiint had lili prle innlnb horau the acton hlfh shool muld ttoy lias uere passlblj not ns brult nr thom when hitched to hli miow bunny nnd stanley xm lvriliav bound for the pair all uere upnnlmouj morrl on una leadlnc rtrin of three thc intcr autktlcmoot in their nppreolatlon of wcdmful fair at tlu rar of tile vehicle clmrlea comllrl tho north cnd or mlloa ru teher 122 nortllcou avenue toronto cmmty held aclo it conceionaire at the fair uas grain winter wheat brownrldge nighbor spring wheat hunter cunningham field oats nighbor brown rldge white oats pearen the reception amid showers of rice and tumbuna act iind wm wcl1 d0i1l nn debt wlnhck of hot of friends mr an1 tlellhuod tlu croud ulp by ot mrs tuhacek left on honeymoon trip tll hlm bftd ncltod knev east by motor the couplewill reside jjjnot jlmught onyjwne4were broken und that he uill soon recover in cleveunid uixm their return prize horses at the cne tills year mr undray hud the folloulng llt of un nines uith hlii hackney horses stn iron tour yearn old or over thid palrvlew ii rnan finl iqr lie gamuly uent right through with his act although the injury gave him ln teniae piin their second presentation uas ii serlei of pyrumid that drejv rounds of applause from tho audlenee it uas local presentation that umujuut many and ilcllghtil all two clowns from the acton gordon cook and old first on hermolne performer brood mare tv ond on wotid berry queen foul ol 1030 third on actoului tuo animals progenv of one mure second on imlrvw brown seal und hermolne perfoir air juliui malm secured till ret place with iiirvltw bonnie for yeld mure howard norton were equally good aa pirt of the program given mr gordon butler 1th four guelph boys jack burnett john hodgktss art fellouj and red arthtfr greatly assisted til actoi boys in the tumbling act tlie cuts with the horses always art popular thu line arlcell third seven entries ln the step dancing event made it real contest george cutting orton uon hrst place cdolion georyetnun eronduild ii hull hlllsbiirg third the scotch reel presented by mr beatli and irene beuth and beath and mr mcdonald won llrst prle anu delighted the audienre for the hlgli lmd ling irene beath uai llrst and margaret mcdonald second the contest for lurmora dona catehlni bill drew uitrv of fo ulahd llnl class dog light it was new feature und poved quite uijujue und interesting mr john bennett dijg won llrst prize dorothy cleaves dog was second and chi gcorjs dg third tl ire was real entry or bonny babies uiling mothers who competed for acton was fuvond in having thivprleu in tlie rnblmon baby show stuonil on mottokk magistrate why did you throw iiol flatiron at your huslsand mrscusey will your honor one of my mot toe hai always vwn strike uhllf the iron is hot st alijank mens km oi alnm imd sfjtvice cllit ton nto here this year qulbban st albm meni serviu club held at feet jumping horses of dr mcquij r4 judus hud quite time making every mother was pre when mc im it with bab reord book whetln klllorean cleared the hurdlo uliner or not the baby 1lrl of mr 10 iuclu1 he drew the udmlra and mn liilth scott uas the bt baby iucunrt holding their elittion mc did you nir that mrs jouls uon ucuum clenuur in compt tltlon did hu tlu ir annual meting in the purlsh hall hon of every lover of hones and iheie uiy4uiulur iiljfjoiulw the son of mi on monday night olficeri elected uire reinud be many of them hi the croud and mn georgety ler was the best imy as follows putey ountd by holding wa over six month und the baby girl over lx moittlls placed llrst was tlie daughter of mr and mrs norman roberlsdu ilifie wore iu mtries in the twin baby class oiue again the hluli jumping by the irsi in front of the grand und was honorary pesld nt rev hrllllnge pn di nt lkcleihall vlceprisulent uish brook setrela micas tiiasuier searrou faenitui ryan lyyer yvj but she says it uln no good carnrite mlno to cr sue aint uot no vacuum man unil gibbon hall cob iecond and junior uniither of di qutbbanh horsj mil third ihe musk ul clialn contest had an iniiy of ihjht scrambling orr horses and fit chairs until devemtiiux viu aerlalnud the wlumr the potato rare uis the coutlmliiiji future uith eight big feature and splendlil exhlbllion ntrlt fighting uith pointed stiru hud dr mt qulbban horse icllhman and barley nighbor ncubeur ensilage corn ncubeur mc donald sweet corn burton skllllng dliplay of ensilage corn ii hunt er burton collection grain in sheaf grif fin brownrldge collection grain nighbor brownrldge guain specials thee samples of grain keubcur griffin roots and vkgetahus early pouitoes fendley griffin late potatoes griffin potatoes kelles son held carrot fendley brownrldge table carrots mrs goo cook brownrldge swede shipping turnips ne linear morrison heaviest turnips nlglibor ntlle son punuipt ivndley cun ningham ivwiing beets cunningham jjlghbur mangold wurtzel second nelles az son table beets long red ii hunter cunningham table beets turnip mrs lands borouh cunningham cibbuue white hunter brownrldge cabbage red ivndley cunningham celtry uoyd skllllugs mrs oeorgj cikx caullllower mrs williamson cunningham it id pumpkins cunninghum brownrldgi tuble pumpkins nighbor cunulngliam talhc squash lvudley nil hbtir lldd snuih ii nlulibor onions burton turning to toronto and failed to notice the vehicle or horses on tlie highway ond crashed into them tlie horses were thrown to the ditch uith the occupants of the buggy but fortunately neither messrs moffat or morrjson or any of tlie animals were kcjibeur seriously the buggy was almost total wreck the car was damaged ln the front but not to any great extent another mishap of the came type was just averted an the highway west of acton also when tlie driver of the car was able to stop before he hit tlie honfes und vehicle missed the road ou sifturday night wallace topping of 105 bastedo avenue toronto rather damaged his car when he drove it off the edge of the cement and crashed along the guard rail at the edge of the creek on main street the driver blames the glaring lights of vehicle he was meeting for him falling to keep on tlie roadway chief mcphoison investigated the neeldent and charm olrtckluu driving has been preferred against the driver coming events announcement ol utetiuwi certs or other kvcntv under tlu iieadiiiif are cltarfed nt cent inr line with iiilmmum char fw ay mi ounce meat of lall fc continued on pieg lvudley five family gathering happy family gathering was held on wedntsduy uhen all the family of mrs wansbrough gathered with theirmlller lo celebrate her blrthlfayt they were mr nnd mrs ii wans brough toronto mr and mvs frartfc day and miss marlon day itockwood mr and mrs gordon mckuy toronto mr and mrs allan smith and children mr and mis harold wansbrough and robbie of toronto fall fair dates tlie following are dates of pairs in uhleh readers of tin im phuji will be interested gait gnind valley milton brampton gtwgeloun abrfoyle iitreettivllu womlbrldge bolton ltln september lt52il aptember 3531 septemur 353u september 30jo october pj octolwr 07 acton lawn bowling and tenuis club will present local play on novem ber 4th and 5th wednesday and thure day the regular monthly business meeting of tlie womens institute will be held at tlie home of mrs lanu thuroday october 1st at 330 anniversary services will be held at sodom church nossogaweya on sunday september 27th at 1100 am and 730 when rev stewart of cluil mers church toronto will he the speak er on monday fowl supper will be held goodmuslcal and literary pro gram baptist anniversary anniversary services will be held at the baptist church on sunday september 37th dr john muckelll dean of theology of mcmaster university will deliver addresses at 1100 and 700 on monday evening at 00 in there will be an entertainment in the church the town of long ago will bo illustrated and also good musical program admission to the concert la 15c and 10c churchill anniversary churchill united church will celebrate their oiuh anniversary on sunday sep tembt 27th und monday september 311th on sunday ur vices will be held ut oo in und 30 with rev albert leecc of huttonvllu us tlu spjlal speaker ooi monday evening foul hiipiwr will ut served fioni six to tight oclock folloutd by concert wttli rev memillm 1ia of norvul julio hupenonutei churueten from dick unrl and flt ruth gibson solo lst duett by bttty gibiuin olid blllie jvinitnt instruiihntil duetts by muriel october 10 and imiliel steplunson und otlier talent octobiv 0101j icnox sunday behoof orctuwlru will pro october 1017 vide mule during the evening adtnlk thauksglving day sion is 5c und 30c