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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 24 Sep 1936, p. 2

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the acton free press thursday skpteubbr 4th ims fl ijr artan jfr xbbb publlabcd eery thurwuy acton ontario surschiption hates pf tr in united sutei 50c addition stnfu cople 5c both old new addrciie should iven when chiom 01 address ia requested cancellations we find that pt of our sub sober prefer not to their subicrlolloo interrupted la case they fail to remit before expiration while siib acriptioos will not carried in arrears over ma extended period yet utilrk we ic iiolilird cancel we ume the subscriber wishes the service continued advertising kates on application and as niven in vjrtoui column headings although every procaution will be taken to avoid error the ifee iress accepts arfvcrtuintf in its columns on the undcriandintf that will not be liable for any error ay advertisement published hereunder unless pr ul such senismnit ii reiiucsted in writing iy the advertner and returned to the free tress butincs office duly sinned by the advertiser and with such errr or corrections plainly noted writing thereon and in that case if anv wior so noted is not corrected by the tree press ilt liability phall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of buth ailvertuemcut as the space occupied by the noted errir be to the whole space occupied by iiu advertioctiient arum dills editor tmeihonks elitonal and uuiipci ortve lieulence ijl jfor att uie commimuy with the fall sfisfeon here indoor activities arc commencing in earnest the fhee press is anrtttus to have reports of these activities and meetings in acton and throughout the district in election of officers it is to the advantage of all organizations that they appoint press secretary or have the secretary of the organization realize that it is their duty to see that reports of meetings are forwarded to the local paper the free pekss it is impossible for us to have representative at all these functions but wc arc anxious that all the activities find place in our columns please send in the reports as early in the week as possible am the type for tnii fun priss cannot be set in one or two days it is work that is spread over the entire week send in your report right after the event happens in this way it is sure of being in the issue you expect may wc have the assistance all in making our news columns representative of all the community the sunday school lesson fob sunday september 27th review tim sprjeai op ciiius ttanrrytn western asia 0tudle in the acta and epistles ol paul the lessons for tills quarter and that folio wing have to do with the spread of christianity in the first generation after christ and with the growth in tha understanding of the apostles of its uni versal application to all peoples golden text they rehearsed all wheke host towns ekk putting the human race on wheels during the past two decades has changed things mightily but in certain odd details we are stul in tho horse and buggy age par instance in the matter of signs it is true that highway departments have evolved an clasoratc system of rood signs that is becoming more and more perfect but what about the communi ties along the highways you enter smart looking town what is its name7 you liavo missed tho small road sign at tho entrance to the burg and you glance sharply ut every place qf business as you puss in the hope of dis covering tho towns name at hist you nee red sign iost oltlcc but fro edpdrjal change by the mining last week of an agreement with the department of highways the centre bection of the highway through town becomes the sole respon sibility of the provincial department in mainten ance and other coms tuch as clearing snow etc tlice sections were in the first instance paid for by the province when construction was made but the immioipality has had the muintemmce since the jirrangcment should work out to the benefit of all the department has the necessary equipment and staff ready to do this work and can no doubt buy mnterutls in sufficiently large quantities to secure more favorable price last your mill street was resurfaced for some reason the job has never ftten satisfactory and after everv rain puddles remain pestle lirjnn ofthv run chi iuere and there on the pavement to he splashed on jr pedestrians by every passing cnrujild they bjm miaxll fivft un things that ood luul done with them quently there li no rmttio attached in imd that he iud opened door of alth minute or two you are out uf tho town ujfuiii und have to guess at its homo from iu position on tho rood map touring motorists pout buildings that look like heupl tuls public buildings or colleges their curiosity is aroused but tlicy con not satisfy it unless they stop aiqillre which thiy are not likely to do wo hope that some day we will dkcovcrthu name of that hui attractive nurwry farm on no highway halfway between kitchener unci guelph if it is com mercial conc it should profit by the imblltlty that mi hit ntifying sign would give it big cities ulwi miaialy catir to tin tovx tlfut live around the connr mid forget that liilf tho people pulng are stranger the through trutflc signs arc pretty good but we have drivi 11 through imuiy cltu where it uhnat impossible for stranger to follow hli highway all tne uuy through without ltnu it lan in new york city there ure trnlflc arrange mint that must be pu to traiiilcnt niotorll citle pride themelvtr oil raterinir to truellen 13ut after all munlclpil authorities are bound to thlnjc llit and miwt about the liame population iiponwliomuu clupthd for rticlecllon unto tlwi gentiles lesson itlio gift of pentecost tho tltiiy iiplrit an abiding luid enabling power for service is given to tho church and the individual believers lcuon il witnessing under diffi culty it shall bov given you what jo shall peak uoldncuf culnmejuj and wbjoni in time of stress mid trial arc given by the spirit lion iu aoclil ucrvtcv in uie lirly church the lord loveth cheerful flier sire ms the principle of cheer ful united selfacrlhcliiij chrltlau it vice leon iv clirlstiunity spreulby dtatll of stephen the llrt chrbtlui murtjr tho blood of the nurtjr the second of the church lj on philips missionary labor comcrslon of tiler utlilopliin ruh to holy sjiirib strencthen philip in the ftrcv of pi ntcutlou for the work uhiii uini him tlie dltlncuon of bclny knonn as the enikellt livon vi siul comcrted and com mlioncd the bitteit eneiiii of christ trair fornu into his mast ueiloiv acton loiie by business transaction told of in the news columns acton will lose this year citizens who have been worthy of all that word iinplies reeve harrison and family are removing to toronto and at the end of the present year the warehouse of the acton machine company will be transferred 40 the city mr and mrs harrison came to acton seventeen years ago mr harrison has served as school trustee councillor and is now reeve of the municipality on the fall fair board the churcii boards in fact in every activity calculated for the good of the community he was solidly behind he has given liberally of his time and talent in actons advancement and in all his activities he was ably assisted by mrs harrison who has also taken active work on the welfare board and other organizations acton is indeed sorry to lose such citizens they arc not readily replaced but all will join in wishing mr and mrs harrison success in the new home and know that they will often visit in acton and the may be assured they will alwas find welcome acton has furnished toronto with many good citiezns and now the city takes our first citizen reeve harri son wn splashed our section of the pavement or mam street was not properly laid and has nlwft been giving trouble this should come in with the first list of repairs th temperance li oil natural la the splrituil noid wlrilsoeier man that shall he al reap leson viii the gospel for all men of mmproiomeiit in sliiis to designate fcouii cities public buildlnii and main traffic routes through larrjf centres st marjs journulartiui department has asked for momentous episode in the history chritlinll cornelius the roman cen complete list of repairs that are deemed nccessarv the council should see that these are prompt furnished huig1it illosinkcts ok cava1han hay in mutavn turlon received into christian brothcr hood on confession of faith the limit ed rcop of the goipel message is seen the niarltt for canadian hay in great by peter ihins place to its unhcral britain look ery faiorablc nt the present application to all peoples and tongues time latest reports indicate that not lfjon ix bcrtnninc of world mls more than 10 per cent of the available sions seed must be scattered before it hay crop in england can be considered can take root the kingdom of chrut rood due to the continuous uet inrl was prospered bj the very persecution inclement weather durtnc the spring anj through which il enemies thought summer according to the agricultural who wants to during the weekend there was an exhibition nearby showing what the modern car is built to withstand it was run through flaming wall and not burned it was shown how hard it was to upset dii it legion turnlnir to the gentiles this type of car and then it was deliberately rolledjr eccd by tle jtus pau turns uitli over three or four times and still shown to be little the gospel mesarc to the gentile uorld damaged along with thousands of others we wit christ cause must not suffer joss ixsan xi the council in jerusalem ncsseu these strenuous tests perhaps others hu a0 of pau and darnilbas nmon the same tliough as we did after seeing the demon the guuili enciorwd by the loader stration after all wasnt the machine original 0l thl clmrcli in jerusalem un xii chrttin lhlntr ucn bult to run on its wheel lnmn bv 1l nvn fnlu hl department of the canadian natlonnl railways norway will be factor in thi control of the market the norwclelnn ha crop tills car beinff reported as excel lent although prices nt present appear to be too hlch effect any biuilncss uill itatiilr luarted di rlpleship of no avail irniind the whole of our hfe niijd aid bd for ills trvlce health and fire inspection acton has splendid source and supply of water in the waterworks system and it seems wholly un necessary that on visit of the inspector of the fire underwriters association it should be contamin ated as was done last thursday and has been done on other like visits of the inspector as an added fire predion about eleven years ago connection was made whereby in case of an emergency the fire pumps at the beardmore plant using water from fairy lake could be brought into conuection with the towns system during the eleven years since installation that emergency has never arisen and it would require mighty serious conflagration beforerthe duplicate system would be called into use just why then the system has to be polluted with this water for the benefit of an inspector is hard to understand last thursday over part of the town thewuter from the taps uns not only distasteful but gave off an odor that labelled it unfit for consumption without any analysis with flushing mains all day friday it uasin fair shape by saturday but when heated still had bad ode several days following the inspection si tio or in we recall few years ago of motorist uho hui the facility of putting his car upside down in th ditch on more occasions thai secerned neccssurv lie had taken one of his friends out for drive 11 vl his latest car and on returning home said well ju what do you think of to which his friend replied there is only one thing wrong with it it hasnt wheels on the top if cars are buil to take all this punishment there are those who will be bound to try them out modern cars are built and designed with increasing safety features if one can stav in them during the rough ride through tl should be confined with the females tha the ditch and roll with them inside they seem to nre them this should take place not later than the neu jear and all other geese should be removed please remember that joti you understand the nature arc on oath of 01th do ou nof girl wltms profane al if complaint ultliuint gllsi muiapeimnt of the breedlnj sot of nee in mada the breeding bircls hould be sekcted in the fall bofoe tlie fai riod commences onl itrt njwelldeieioped femaus should be used as breedes geese are pecudar birds to mate and should therefore recclw considerable attention younf malei have you unj complalms to make asled the prison governor yt piled the prisoner the prlon ualls are not built to rcale afford maximum of protection but after all who wants to ride the ditch when the highways are so much better and who wants to be hell driver uhen one can drive in greater comfort on this earth editorial notes the fall fairs are being served variety in the kinds of weather this year as usual but weather apparently docs not always govern the crouds merchant on mill street was inquiring uhin the blocks above john street were going to receive little attention and some sweeping we couldnt answer his question wonder who can canada is to have new radio hoard the jverage radio listener mav well inquire it like the last change that will mean another uhlin up of the radio license fee ihe ycjx rhereisrnrdollbtlhat lire protectio very necessary part of our municipal service but when ihc inspection of the service calls for pollution of the system such as was done on thursday it is time that the matter was viewed in its proper light the protection and health of human being comes in any instance ahead of the protection of property and in the interests of the health of the communit an inspectors visit is not sufficient reason for the brand of water that was served the patrons of th waterworks system last week firy things should he hrt if good fortune favors acton in escaping an epidemic of typhoid fever following the last poutitiou fate should not be tempted again and chance tuken on such an epidemic merely for the benefit of any inspector the occasion did not demand the nsk and steps should be taken to se that this auxiliary supply is used only 111 an emerg ency as originally intended northern roads are to mivcd cxt and lot of the southern roads got it this year but when oh when does the strip belween actoi and milton come in fori little consideration from the pen it is almost impossible to get strange male to mate uccesrrull with female from another flock unless thej hive been closelj confined for somj time one male muj be mated with from two to four females depending on the breed and the individuality of the mule bird geese are seldom flood breeders until they are tuo jean old gflto rwjulro ery little houslnc rough shed or outbulldhiff being quite sufficient thcj should be provided with dr bed and be protected from draughts and dfep snow breeding geese should be fed sparingly during the winter months and lxrzc part of the ration should be in the form of ijreen feed rood winter ration for gee lntinded to brreders equal partwiats barley and heat and abaut 25 per cent greti feed clover or alfalfa hay when well cured is excellent und cabbage and manges enn also be uicd to supply th greeli feed ration the ae should be fed twice dally during the cold tteathir the abovo information is taken from tlie bulleti onpoooral3ulttluy ac1 tuvlu ihiultrj husbandman central experimental ottawa the bul letin may be obtained free on applica tion trom the publicity and extension branch dominion department of agri culture ottaua homsehold by mrs maiev mokton where ignorance is bliss etc we enjoyed the music of the kneller hall band from the new band shell lights and all perhaps mujo adkms thought he was playing to the angels but we thought he bllt the uas playing to the audience of which ue formed part on the closing night smiling face the fergus neuskeeord tells of chap at the ho uis gvpej by one of the crane slot machines his first nickel brought him onehalf of pair of dice if the newskeehrd will furnish the name of that chap we tan arrange to see that iil gets the other half of is parr of dice and perhaps hell feel better over the its of his nickel but mav be the pair urent urth nickel mnlle nothing on earth can eiidle fare of man gems may flajh refueled light but what is diamond flash compared with un eieflash nnd nilndimath mowers cannot smile thl is charm which even they cannot claim hlds cannot smile nor can any llvlnir tilings it li the prerogative of man it it the foloruhlch love wean and cluirfuhu and joj tluw time it is the muht in the window of the face by uhch the hait hlnllifs futher hut bind or frit ml that it ut home and walling unighti da und sobru ty is night and smile li the twilight tha hovtfi ntlv lwten both und is mor beu itching than ith menu hint tomato juice crackers with melted cheese spiced steak sauteed peaclu eat potatoes creamed turnip grapes tea dd you uxor saute fr fresh ahes vind terv them with meat the are epeciau nice itb ruat of lamb or chops touas recipes spiced steak hound or chuck cut olie inch tiiick two lablespootij lard onehalf tup diluied inenar one small oflioo one bi leaf foui or five whoie elove on labhjaion gar alt and plppt jrovv is bfith sides in hot lard add th diluted mtliai hcid 00 on and oilier se isoiuii covi and kt loulfc in mtuk ilt oven tiftli done about houi to si rvi icimu the uak to hat patt ai thl in the re lining liuir dv aiii at is iam ilot to piru iiw wlllson home 1101111111 tell ii jvv to ehoo and ni tendur ileaki the best indcnloo of tenderm ss she sa is lh mumin nfir urrin it hould have cciiltous covltiiij of fut over the outside and marbling of hit throughout th uan the leak should be cut thiii at hast one inch and if it hai been aged so muh the tter frequently the ho el chef buy whole loin uf btef and allows it to hung 111 his frjgerafed room for several bt fore he cuts it into steak and 111 ome uurkelii this same prarlui of imiif ia followed before the si lic it tut lie best way to broil teak to thoroughly preheat the broiling ovr with the regulator set to high and then place the steak ra it far enough from the flame or hiating element that the iiyjc it is nttely brnwiilil on one it will he half done when lirownid on one side it ii ummhhii withvalt and pi pper turned and allowed to brown and fimh rnk iiij on the second ide tlie ileik hould be vtd without njn mtiilf delay after it is toolad this mueh as any other fai tor 111 ikt tin steak served in holt hiimihly iiloid hecnte it linjf hot and puffv ill is im 11 ill tlie fn ut esquesing fall fair at georgetown friday and saturday october 2nd and 3rd special prizes horsed single lllah stepper by uutkrlotk mll iilnglo turnout road 1hj prke by 1c little jieat farmers turnout single by 11 cleaver llest lady driver by alllajico iupr mills delivery horse in harness 1st by city service oil co cowlu uras donation iu 11 st itoud llorho lieiiugenerul ihirjiose horw on rein ijeit agricultural horse on rein by jpluulrvlnif louto ituce awl by hrlll ac co hat donation li iuji heuvy team on grountjf including luavy draft agricultural and genual purpoje 1st 500 2nd donation no 24 jrd donation no 10 00 uet ioal jrvld by urlllluiit or surllght by wih ureiinnn to be deducttd oif 1pj7 nlte fee j4 00 aoo 51 00 00 111 st spring colt by prince of ivrndale by gilllfs to lie deduct olf urvlee fee 00 cattle jjist jersej ivmuiiic i3et registered shorthorn ivmale 12j liolsteln nmnli lit ajrshiie emale best group pf daio cows con ling of one mature tow one twovearold in her and one veurjing heifer to be sired pure bed bull ilvr plattd sheffield reproduction rose bowl donated by iaton co ltd valued at 1100 anj famlly havlni kqii euon prize at ialr in 103i uesl bief anlniu ear and unclt nf lvv ml s3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 co 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oj 00 00 mtir tnrlnf list crrjf lunui by bo or girl 50 hovjiianshlp bj dr paul it 00 00 00 03 50 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 for talf 50 for so 00 2nd bi krege co ld guelph donation no sj 50 ii best vil calf lt 00 2nd 2j lbs bojal punile cilf meal donation 25 best negtlcred holsttln ilejfer bon since jamiirv 1st 193g evlubitor to be bo or girl under 15 jar and reldent of countj of llalton siikep best pen of tine wool fheep tnot le than sheep male and femaks bv beaumont be pen of lemg woo sheep male females bj baraclough best pen of sheep any breed inale females miscellaneous best pair dresed chicken bj livingstone best pair dresv ed chlrken bv elmer thampon best pair dressed chicken by tuns sjkes best pair dreed chicken by parnell best pair dressed chicken by ii ii thompnon best pair dressed chicken howard may best pair diesscd chicken uoblnson best pair dresesd chicken ii uton creamer milton best dre ed chicken by graj 10 best pair drevsed chicken by hnrry bobcrt un ii bet dievstd chicken bj marshall 12 bist dressed chle ken bv jas graham 1j bet drcsed clilcken by prank sjies bet dnsed pair duck sjjelght 15 lairgt dnen of rresh hen lbis milton champion subcriptlon ear it be bushel of northern spi apples ji hinton 17 ilest bushel or northern sp apples bj hdwin harrop lfl bet buhel of snow apple by ilunu currk 10 bet bushel of northern spv apple bj david crichton 20 best bushel of mcintosh bed peddler people donation no 21 21 best bushel of bark opi 11 to bos grain club 22 best dlspa of grain in sheaf not thjfn sheaves sheaves to be not than inches 23 bet bushel or barky open 10 member of field crop competition 1st hat valued at 00 2nd shirt valued at 503rd pullover value at 00 by fllver 00 24 best hand bound sheaf to be bound day of pair by williamson u5 best bushel of red clover by pettit 2g best half bushel of alsikc by peel scvd house 27 best bushel of sweet clover by salfrer hornby 20 baby show by inspector guthrie 1st gold 00 2nd s2 50 babies under 10 months 20 riddlers contest oldtime fiddler 30 best don boin biscuits ears subscription to brampton conservator 31 best dozen white biscuits cars taibsrlpuon to bnimpton conservator 32 best lb prult cake and dozen cooklci to be sweetened by honey wm couse strtetsville prize 20 pounds of honey 33 best loaf of homemade bread bv guelph outfit tors donation no 11 34 collection homemade baking fl varieties by zellers guelph donation no 35 collection of pastrj bj mcarthur co guelph donatlem no 17 3g be lunch suitable for uorklng man by mcdonalds bakery acton bread tickets 37 collection of homemade bakhigoneyjiidjja ejaiurinktcnnitjtlngor llaer cuke pie dozen tea biscuits dou tarts oen cookies by kre ge co guelph donation no 3h best leaves of homemaele bread by livingstone 30 best lb of butter in prints by ii clurr donation no 15 10 ntst lbs butler in lb prlnti by it warren 41 best plei apple lemon and pumpkin by baber 5lb palls of lard value 42 best docm tarts dozen butter und dnz byguelphfriendrifilodsdnlilion 13 best collection of vegetables 1st by cole bros guelph donation no goods 00 2nd wright goods donation no value 00 44 largest amll on the grounds at judges stand at 30 pm lht premium hum swifts abhutoirb donation no lfl 2nd allens ouelph goodc dona tion no 45 hlghet testing cream for last ueek in sepumber by suxe to be added to price of cream 4h best dressed ooove cash bv watson 47 by moore best loaf homemade bread lear largest dozen piesh lggs ear ih st ind neauu lb butter lleorgtown herald ear ilit bilslul table turnlpt geergjwn herald ear 411 bet pair dresed chickens by huddells bakery hi pair dnssed chick ns bv 11 curu norvu 50 lhst ilushtl northern spv apples vnd iliomibain 51 best lb fresh butt in roll by erwln goldham roast of in valued at 52 bit pair chicken bv chas dauivi milt oj llit 10 ihs hmiej bi nixon aeum 54 iu 10 ihs houej in tomb cjtmeted by janus llshir 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 cuortituun htruld cunnitouii jkrald 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 50 00 00 00

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