thursday skpteuber ntb 1919 the adton free press qiiff 3tor jrpsn ljnrt gturg dangerous rocks oeilge ethelbekt wa3u mv yle whitman reflected wiln jelief that tho old feud bctyrccn the two families iiad passed wltjj tho drath ol captain nehcmlali and th capo light would asaln bo simply beacon guiding vessels safely up and down the coast instead of symbol of mans spite and malice the quarrel over keeping the light had started genera tions before and had continued unabated through tho lnbervcnlng years until it was byword in tho little ilshlng town of bayswater captain nchcmlah halstead was tho last of the old line keepers jucharj halstead hla nephew who had acted as assistant would of course succeed him that was foregone conclusion for lyle had refused to carry on the fued he had withdrawn voluntarily from tho running lucliard and his sister audrey luid not exactly accepted the ollv branch of pcico tliat ho had ottered them but at least they hud tmtn on ipealdiur terms lylc decided to kip at thn cax luht on hli way from lortland to olfcr ftichard hla condolence thu cape light was on iplt of jand that liad origlnuuy been pirt of thj mainland tlui trojon of the ten and tho jihifting poutr of the tide had eventually made it an tlmul lyle now sailed to tlio bu side of the iiund and anchored hla sloop at the dock walking up the hell path to the lltfhuloui minute he rif4id no rfpoiue but ilv minuui later tlu door of the tiny housu at the foot of the toutr optnud and audrey uultc ad ttood framed in the ohlni shu una comely girl cf twenty ulth blue ejt and red hair all the hal leads had been rtdheid even itlchard her brother and ljlo reflected that rid hair ua iry blcomlnc to audrey dick in the lifhthouu audrey he ukcd nodding and imlliiir instead of llni him friendly grwjt ixw audrey uai iutt and formal her ee ucre openly liar tile if her tontriii xuu not why do you uint to know the mked itliplciouily whj er for no particular realon uumniercd ljle in confusion unset by her manner jut stopped olf to tell him was orry about cup tain nehe mluiia death audrey frowned as though ehe did not believe him and the oujig man rcd deiud half asliamcd of her ugly jus plcians houcver tile girl added quickly no dick hnt here hes gone to port land she turned as though xo closo the door lyle paused second and then conscious of subtle antagonism and irritated by tlie thought that audrey believed he had some tlilsh rhotlvo in tallhig he wiilrled around and walked back to hi ilooj if she wanted to think he was taking advantage of lier unrles death to renew tho old rivalry for poeslon of the light let her think no as if would giv up my job to bo keeper ha laughed to himself fev minutes later recovering ills good humor liy diligence and luurd work lyle hud built up profitable carrying trade be tuecn portland and bayswater with ills sloop three tripd week sometimes four he made carr ing lumber lime cement and even coal it was trade too small for regularly established line but very profitable for small satllnjr vessel tile young man now headed for bayn uater to discliarge ida cargo and reload for tlie return trlry once more he con cluded lie would wash hl hands of the whole affair and forget there ever was feud between his family and the hal fluads lyle made another trip to portland and return with cargo of lumber richard was good keener he renocud for the light burned with unfailing regularity lyle wandered if audrey cwoumcontnue tolhe on uiouland with her brother many keepers alonj tlto coast had women assistants and licrluips audrey would aspire to that position wlieii hbi cargo of lumber was dis charged lyle loaded up with miscel laneous assortment of merchandise and early the fallowing afternoon started for iiu return trip to imrtland when al most abreast of tile island sidney nor aon alio acted as mate cook and curo shifter suddenly remarked hey lyle soiiiohjuys waving to us reckon some things uronj tliere oil the island it took but glance for lyle to se2 tliat it as audrvy signalling to him he ordered the sloop to be put about whentliey readied the small dock he jumped ashore any thing the master audrey he asked are you going to portland ll le alie demanded when the young man nodded slie add ed quickly dicks tliere and liasnt come back yet im uorrled about him uuh ill look lillrt up when did he go the day ulur uncled funeral lyle whittled fcoftly tints rivr dayi hgo has dlok boon gonu uh titatr time its gunced up ut tlie light hi wuat meiit and tiven back ut her youve been keeping the iglht all alone its nothing murmured audrey try ing make light of her task but tile shadows under her eyes did not support her words lylo said nothing more far ho saw mingled pride and uimillatlon in her face her brother long absence had so worrkd audrey tliat she had called upon him for help this after their last interview must have been doubly liard lylo did not ask for any reason of her brothers absence for back in his mind he was vaguely disturbed hy rumors which if true might explain the situa tion hlchard had been keeping bad com pany lately and there hod been talk of quarrels with captain nehemlah ho uas weak rather than vicious youth easily influenced and led by his com panions ajf lylo returned to tho moop and continued hli voyage he alinrcd jomo of audrey worry tlio lighthouse itrvlo doinalided of jlj employcea some thing more than loyalty they hud to have character us well what did it avail if keeper way bravo and courage oiii if hlmind uas befogged by uriuo on his uay to portland lylo doclded he nould not only hunt up richard and bring him back but try to act the part of bltf brother perhuni he could gain tome liuiia ncc over him und imprc him ulth ulu ntfed of goliu uralghl nov that he uu acting keeierof tho up and down the uater front ljle mirchd for rifliurd ioon he had landed he mude inqulrlei about him from all thui jnutunl acquaintance ye one or tuo recalled teeing him eerul day aio but thej did not know vi litre he uas hanging out now hi ireful mnrch uni without avail iyle delaed hit return trip by twenty four hour and then orrou fully itarted back to biy water uithout the ntln hu dtluy caiitd him to run into norm head ulnd and lieavy teaj furthir delayed him and uhen the cape light dually came into view the njgn uat well ndvanced without the guid ance of the light he never could have reached port the sloop nt docked nt bay su ater about midnight bv lyle instead of eeking rtst hurried to the lighthouse on such dark ctormy night an assist ant una needed as toon as he landed nt the dock he hurried up to the tower tlrtd and sleepy from her long vigil audrey met him with eager expectancy in her ejes when she saw he was alone her fortitude broke you didnt find dick she faltered ulth quivering lips not this trip audrey but will on the next he promised now you can trust me know all about it ill look after the light and you go below and take sleep yes can trust you sho murmured weakly of course you know all about it some day dome day soon youll be keeper tlie old hostility flared up lyle shook his head no ill never be keeper dont want the job jdickj going to succeed his uncle its up to us to put him on his feet no one need know hes been absent for nearly week lyle was amply rewarded for all he had done by the expression in her eyes he knew that at that moment tlio old feud had been burled so deeply that nothing could revive it up there at the top of the huge tower looking across at the angry seas he prayed as lie never had before for help and guidance he uould find richard and bring him home two days later lyle was in portland again and he renewed i1l3 search but ho was forced anally to sail without hav ing accomplished his purpose tho re action had shaken and discouraged hun say ie remarked norton as they sailed out of the harbor this is the biggest tide wdvo had in years hojv about taking tho inside route plenty if water over tho rocks and well save ten hours aii right sid lay her course for tlw inside route lie inside route lay between scries of lowlying rocky islands that wero teldom visited it was dangerous except when tho tide was high taking ad vantage of the season sidney skillfully navigated tlie old route until they come to tho hpii and chickens scries of dangerous rocks tliat seemed set down there to trap vessels lylo walked aft then and stood by tho wheel to render any help needed this is tlio worst part of the channel ho remarked its pretty narrow and crooked hero yef sir and shoal too however uo can get through lylo glanced around and uttered an exclamation of nurpritc somebody was wrecked on sowm island and was fran tically trying to attract their attention anchor here sldl ho exclaimed ill lake the small boat it isnt safe to proceed nearer the anchor chains rattled and tlio tloop cuuuj to stop in mldchantii lyle jumped into thu small boat and rowed in tho direction of sows island not until ho cam within hailing dis tance did ho rocognlj the castaway dick halsluadl he exclaimed in uuo tun mlnuu later his boat crated ititinit tlu rocky spit of land and guunt emiiciutod youth staggered to ward him lyle lie cried god mirt have tent joul was on my last legi he then dropped doun on tjm jugged rock in suoon lyle placed him in the small boat and louoti bark to tlie floop asking txi que tloiu until food niul water hnd put may try cigar for 100 years john mckarlarn of sarnla has withstood thu ternjtitiou to have smoke but now in im 101st year hos just wunderlrii having seen the diys of oxen give way to highpowered tractors and water in china pitcher succeeded by an electric heater he believe that modern life is pretty swell and tlw firt century tho hardest king 1dward eibled his congratulations ceiitml 11u canadua thota hlst way to mount sltclsfjm plants volunteered tlie information started home week ago he explained uji deerter lyle left si alone to look after the light uncle death had up ft me and jutt tnealcd tiway in my dory to portland wasnt tliere lour before rcnlied wliat vvealc couard ua he paued and looktd gloomily acrois theuattr couldnt get bicl qntci tnough he added to rwc time took thl inside routo the tide wasnt high thou lit and tquull drove me on rocl dory uas tmahed piece but manngul to save little food and water before the went down the rtt you laiovv ive been casta way here for nearly week hoping and praying iqme one uould find me somebody did remarked lyle tmil ing down at him think it was god who directed me through this route hes answered both of our pntjen yet nodded richard gloomily but he cant ansuer my other ive lost the chance of succeeding uncle as keeper everybody will know tc been away from my duty for week thats enough to kill my chances of promotion and sis nobody knows it except audrey in terrupted lyle and shes kept the light burning as if you had been there dick god has even answered uiatt prayer it was remarkable homecoming for both but audreys joy added thousand fold to it when tlio girl and hor brother had finished their greeting she turned shyly to lyle tliat old feud oho li dead and im glad of if today richard halstead keeps the cape light with audrey as his assistant lvery time lyle passes it day or night he mentally salutes it as beacon in his life as well as valuable guiding star for mariners going up and down tho coast perennial question agitating eager indent and cholari at canadian unl verltie antl school during one phase of their education is the proper pro cedure in mounting specimen plant irllcularly of weeds grae and per liap grains year by year many re queti for information on this subject are ro uwd allover tlie di in in cm by rhe laboratory of the iuit brunch fjtatan iramc part nt tntr indian education in canada marked progress has been mad in canada in recent years hi tlio extension and improvement of facilities fur the education and vocational training of tho dominions indian population nvw school buildings modern in ccry res pect tro repine ing o4d ntructuret and better qualified ttiichers mid tiistructoij uyc being uttraru ci to the indian scjiooli the iponse of the indians to the efforts to udvaiire them to position of independence aiul nclfnupport hai been 11 major factir in tlio aucct of the work in nearly every year since tho in auguration of day and residential schools among the indian increases hava been recorded both hi tho number of pupils enrolled and in tlie percentage of at tendance twelve years ago tlio total enrolment was 13072 enrolments now total 10000 indian cltjwren of whlco othjo urc in residential schools tliere hro 7ft residential schools 370 day schools and 10 combined indian and wjiite sclioobl in operation througliout tlu dominian under tlie sutxrvbiioi of the department of indian affairs in indian schoob tlio provincial cur ricula wro followed with special uin phusll oil lavlguage reading domcstla cleilce manual training and agricul ture por uiu older pupils lmlf day li spent in tlie clajjroom and the re mainder of the time is devoted to voca tlonnl training there are farm huida in connection wltli each reildential school und member of the staff li competent fnrmer under lili guidanci the older boyi carry out tht farming operatlonii und by this mean acquire practlc knowledge of farming and animal hubandy the girl receive tratnin in living drevimakinpr cool ing bi idniaking and otht hoil ehoul duties rrtctrfirtt the ttrb ttp slite forward of the cilgary laboratory to secure tailed plant one that li not too sunll hw bchtds amtime u7ea7un salada tea rouring with an easy mind ilovim beard wire more protectioi than iltt and nght lire in morocco or too larfie but one that will mount fur kenneth chapman und ii cozen nicely on the tand7l rtj mounting papv who liiv jul returned to cimbrldfje ll by lf inches it is ttijitlnl th it uncland after adventurous trip in the ilartt be due green whilr in flower the ju ij lu iil of tin middle las that all part or the plant includln mount in tluy jmthtrtd 000 strain the loot will how advantice in th mic 1111 hiding man hitherto 111 cae of cetal the be time would lc lnov11 pe wild animal prowled when the plant ha matured ie ir uu lint at nliit varm of eiil prting the pi mt the moit lmpor itnir tine in ecl inv ultdthtm hm tant factor the met ttl factory result lde trlbts hotred nieiiaclncly around obtained by pres plant but brlclli he ivy book maj be td to advaut newspaper ii the mot satlfacto medium for absorbing moisture from the plant at the tame time paper toweu may be pad with good results tour or them 000 ftet up but their beard iv id them with the natives of morocc it ij to grow beard which give you stitus aid chapman they hive no re necl for beudlcs man that wa one reason the other was to not nefdkd conscientious little girl was explain ing to her younger brother that it is wrong to work on sunday well policeman work on sunday said the boy dont they go to heaven koi replied his sister they do not need policemen lip tliere jho of newspapers should be placed protect our fact from the giant wing under the plapt to arranged that hei it en choppers they cniul ontdyvur they appear on the mounting paper th face and chew it flower structure the arrangement of the bsinche the leae and the root uill oj shoun pour or five layers of newspapers should also be placed over the plant the press should be screwed tightly and allowed to remain 24 hours thei replaced ulth frch newspaper if the plants are quite green it will be neces sary to repeat the pressing performance with fresh newspaper for six days to that the plnnt will be dry when taken fropi tlie press to mount with regard to mounting paper heavy uhlte paper cut ii by lfllj inches is most suitable for handling aa well as for tuustratlon short narrow strips of white adhesive paper should be used for fast ening tlie plants to the paper kb mora strips than arc ncressary should be used so that the plant uhen mounted win have neat appearance space should bo left in corner of the sheet for record slips hlcli will contain the following information botanical family name ol plant common and scientific locality date ond collector ihey keep in touch with home by telephone at firwt the horidcrkoiih roulclnt bear tho thought of being awiy from tht family for jiij length of time then someone suggested iih ing an itinerary behind vm can aluavs depend on long distance to find you if anything crop up and ou cun fall home when ever you feel like it ourmlyv the telephone in ready crrryivjirrv to serve you speedy dependable epeiisio it keepn you within reach vhereer 011 go hls bitrrnt reduction ami iiijdit raten after pm and all day sun djvniw inatc ihij diktane liwa than ever before she wont tcll how old are jou little gurl little boston qlrl if tlie corporation doesnt object id prefer to pay full far and keep my own statistics tttttttttttttttfti potatoes grapes imported lbs good cookers 17c delicious euting lbs for 23c sweet potatoes bananas delicious euting bnked 11c nions5 15c 25c ckmpbir tonulo soup ginger 17c sifto or rugoil salt evtporaud milk pis 5c 325c sound and dry ibb for cabbage finji green nice size lends euch coition yellow jjirire size kurd kipv peaches pkaiisiiums juashtkllbky sale carrolls limited cecille semi shortbreads pound 10c stoney creek pitted red cherries 2123c fine or shredded cocoanut pound 15c our freshground economy coffee pou 21c made from finest palm and olive oils palmolive soda 2pi su lit matches 320c slicly fly fcoils 5c zftee gift johnsons wax gldcoatkeguiaji mica horseshoe red sockeye salmon 111 tin 31c delicious pitted uri oair dates lbs i9c australian seedless raisins ound 11c silver star pastry flour 7il bag 23c carrolls limited mill street stoke closes saturday night 1030 free deliyery phone 158