paos sex the acton free pktss thursday skptsafber mtfa ibm you you ni the fellow who has to decide whether youll do it dr teas aside you are the fellow who mkcs up your mind whether youll lead or linger behind whether youll try for the pool that afar or be oontontcd to stay where you arc takb it or leave it llcrcn something to do just think it over its all up to youl edffar guest menu hints recipe far new and navel otabca hmuehoid idea and back to school barbara brooks school bolls aro vlnglntf and their sound brings children scampering back wri and reminds mothers that vaca tion most bo forgotten and thoughts concentrated on definite program or wlo school jeat it hard to get back to the routine of early to bed and early to rise regular meal hours and whnlo lomi food but it must bo done ooinc to school is very strenuous thing and groulng children need have meals which provide abundant energy for play and study plui rcierve for grouinff this is why school day menus munl ms so ciirefully planned und why the school da program important un ilfust tlwj ttrthitf out the day el jntiit bo nourlililng nlul illlliur it lout time until lunch mldmoriihur futlgiu nuilli from too or too tichut bre ikf liiik if tin children un up nl in in unit to tut breikfil kt urdy thy hi be turunif the duj on the rlj ht note and will remain pmnitit until noontime thee irm autumn day in mor th ever lurtt howl of tri uly to it cer topped with reh fruit and thh ul breukfi gtulnir child enjoj cele lis for tlwh cri pnu and huor and mot ha upprecl iti tlalr ue of preptri uon inilnlte vurletj be id in pn tent iy bieukfti cere il io tint mm thing dilierent cm be cried ich morning jul the 11ci1l te or ou child iued not be tr lined to the point of re wilt bj monotonou luncheon ulun rej ut honi linuld be hot hut not wo luu ht tfnpl iiilii ml nced we add ihouhl be re idj on time if lunch lile clilld ulp hli foul nnd troub in man mother hut found tit cirtil ntahi comu into it own in pi nine the noontime meal becuu re id to lit core il luiie nliny practlcil coo eri ues and are coiutnuntl at luind on all pintry helve the lite thing li dellclouj und nutrltlou chocolate pudding made lth uhreuded hole mllut blsculli mother find their chll dren hurrying home ut noon when it chocolate pudding day if your child curriej his lunch then lunch totting dllftrent problem ancl requires tveii more careful punnlng liojc lunches are apt to trow monotonous constant watching and chunking and plotting will keep them interesting each day hot whip vegetable or drink ougv to be packed in tlie lunch variety cur be obtained by lubatltutlng muffins or rolls fdr the traditional windwlch if mothers realise what bright interlude lunch time is to children they will take lunch bo packing very seriously here are tome recjpej for breads tliat will put new face on old sandwich ideoj and htro are some breakfast uuggestlona for tlie mother who feehj it tt bit hard to bt baclc into the suing or meal plan ning hanana all bran not bread cup uhorunlng cup sugar cgf well beaten cup all bran lj cups flour teaspoons haklng pouder teaspoon alt teaspoon soda cup chopped nut mcatr cupa mashed bananas tablespoons water tespoon vanilla extract cram sliortenlnff and sugar well add cg and all bran sift flour with baking powder lalt and toda muc nutn wllm hour and add alternately with mashed bananas to which the yator has been added atlr in vanilla pour into gfeas cd louf tin ctstund3iitlnutc and bke in moderate oven 375 degrees vt one hour let cool before cutting yield loaf 8jxij lnchu all i1uan apricot brkad cup chopiied dried aprlcoli is cupa bour milk or buttermilk tablespoons uluirtenlng uj oupuaur did ou ul hln tit irtn rt4 vrrftrtyrtrjittla nd he egg cupj all bran cupa hour uaaponaa baking pouder uasiw3on soda teaspoon nutnug cup chopped nut mtuta soak chopiied apricots in milk about 15 muiutci cream shortening unj aunar tlwroughly udd etg at until crtamy add all bran uprlcol aiwl milk let fcoak until me moisture ls taken up hlft flour wttli baking powder soda salt und nultiuu combuiclth nut miuts ifidd to nrat mixture stirring only until ijour duuppeuw liakt in uraseil lour pun with wuxed puptr in th bottom modrruu ovm 350 dtgrn about hour und 10 minute yield loaf ijitoj inch did on ul in ii hl ui down ift and blue inl th iuiil ui uld ittlt it th ou pui jou he him ur llpplni 11 ai tl the uorld in in id him 111 did ou in rj did him tl ro or did jilit ht ini in ill hi id do cu ki whit it nit of tlll intl wlun in lii btn irir ju 11 he cm incp jou ulun he led jcu to hhn lift wlrc mu bi jhi hln drift oh mi ulij niiinl ulut ij iru cut the tt of jour niinhood whv did jou do did jou re ich out jour hind dd jou hnd him the id or did ju ilt him ro ui lout one of the fir bujnej ploce in acton occuplod the lot on which knof church row tindj it ua built in the daj of the adamses the founden of the town in the dijr when acton was aciamvllle nnd it waa known until the diiy it as dftrojed by lire in the fall of 1070 iu the adam block there uu quite commodious tore with du tiling alongside and also occupying the cecond floor alid larte store houso and bam adjoining the cellar was of good dimensions and hud ample room for 11k storage of sundry mtrchandl large area was provided for w1 noodfl wlilch invariably formed coti nlde ruble portion of the stock in trade of tlus average merchant in thofie days tlie atory is told will not vouch for tlwe truth of it tliflt when the lato jos mat tlieus was young cliap he uas engaged in teaming from hamilton and oakvllle this wus before tlie days of tlie railways in thu part of canada ue had taken loud of grain to hamilton and on his return trip his load was made up of ten barrels of whiskey for the merchant in the adams store he got along all right until he reached the mountain near speyslde when one of the wagon utakts gave uay and the barrel uhlch uas supported bj it rolled otf tlie loud it struck with its head on stone and one of tlie headings gave way and the precious uhlskcy rurgled out young mattheua stopped blocked his uagon nnd up ended the barrel to save the whl key uhlch had not run out neighboring farmer happened along anl helped him replace the barrel deploring the uocful waste of thcllquld rufracli ment this event occurred before the dujs when mr matthews ardont prul bltlontii he was sollmnlj declared hi the old temperance hall uhlch stood where tlu road now itadi into ileiuh on saw mill that iu would neier touch taste nor handle any intoxicating beverage ui he look tlie obligutlon ad mlnhitcredhjlutirtli patrhtioli joint charles davidson who aflcrward went to quclph to take the position of man ager of the wellington fire insurance company also kept store here mr davidson was somculiat stern man but the soul of hqnoi and cverjboy eitrcm him he onunuid as manager of the insurance company until his utu aboul fifty years ago ulun his son col john davidson auccedfi hint but lu3 nlhd on iii nry ianu as tlu uu hunt in re for linn but in did inula uch ur an tlie mccluiuhun uln followed him mr und mrs mcclcnahan ut vry urtlve pioph the uui wiw ausrtsslvc in tmsincis ui the hubuii wiilii lie went to oronto on busiiu she remained at mm in ehurgu of tl store and could barter dry good1 and ell whiskey as well us he could on uu last trip to toronto mr mcclcnahan was overcomu witli gas hi hli htt room during the nlghli and never recover consc usn czb corrlglu did bushlcsj hi ths stand for number of ear tliough it is ubout seventy ear3 since ho it acton his numr is still spoken lure witi great rtipcct lie wui trained mr cluuit cleamd oub the whiskey corner of th stort and ikclulled in dry goods shortly before tills projerty was destroy by fire he removed to cheltenham hen he died und mr corrlglu retunieo acton with annie tlie fater duughu of the home number of jeir latex mrs crruill and ihter mcnubb were joliud hi uellock und they livid in th eojj cottugt oi mill strt uhfe mi und mr mcnubb and ml corrlglu sided until thtl death think there uu nant of th tore ufur mr corrlj ill but mj old he id cunt pi ire thi re lit hi rlt lucid tut well tha of jun and jt ir irlhr whui tlu omi wire trojed bj llr oik sund ij lvcnlni iboiit ntntlo clock inptimber 11176 thin tlu hou uu cupkd bv huf bill olur ttim ler who up hi oun im mj scvcral puller in the blbiru il ntf id gut clock bub the church was ao crowded half hour before that the service cotri mcncechay 45 the methodist service was withdrawn in honor of the occasion rev dc hassock lld of parkdale who afterward left the ministry and ucnt into law prenvhed powerful sermons miming and evening itev fc how til of tb methodist cliuwh preached ut thru in the aft rnooii rhe following tvtnlug tin was big old fosliloned uu nutting irof leopard of toronto uii ortun recital and ntig tle irl emigrants fum nt in harmony with tlll itev william pjiutroii cooka church ioronto guv one of his cliurac lerlsllrully cloquept uddrrsse on ire lmd the irish his lnr in slrupturo was built and furnished including the organ uiat was itil until tin fine new pipe organ was in tailed and the cost of tlu lot for 0j7 00 the contractors and uielr emurufcti prices uerr carjh ntrr utirt john ijkwiup s3 oo mosoilry work and plujuiing jo ph anderson 1715 imutlng globe furniture co 900 wlu dowi mvcuusland co 4103 two fur nace copp lire hamilton 220 orgai gourlay winter und lemming 3o uic lot kennedy 450 crjcu clialr4 ill 50 greeg grjg urchltect 00 this projicrtj could not bo re pluctd to da for twice tlu amount of original co couple of jeji after the church wus opud iti mr hue re iuj1 having irctpted ill to ayluur hi ucci hi iiui mucphe um whoe mint try for lx or iu vn jear uutn it ij ivtdiiiid hl ua illi to chuhm church ioronto ind hi the mid of tremi hi mini trj lib lioiju hv wilon ba follow and or un jiir hi tlu plmi of life ul virj bi fir tlu church und th cimmuntt he if ii ind his uc ci uu indlij hev st uart followed hlv mr ind ij ulun he runovcd to medln ulure he till ri lor tjih uu mr uwarr miiil tf whats all the women folk hurrying in tow hi for rni mv nmmid ih tm rr wlutlur fronv pipe or uiteii ip him toniver rtvc tied it vlciou ilr the old frtmt bulldlnr burned hli hid tverj elfirt mud to tt it nl tlu hor but tin ri uur fulled tp re why is baker foolish man because hf puhs wlul wtiat ho kueittli speight in ton division no 2j of li sons of temperance this stort uas prominent centre of business hi the larly dajs of actous hutory when it uas built and for jeurs arteruurd all tlu buiilnl transacted alton was done on main strit tlie two taxerns uere there tin rt were thr or four blurk inlth shojis un the oteet if here uus woollen mill and two tan lurlis tlie school and the presbyterian church and the old travijurd behind ii llie ttrst ston keeper cm remiinb ii this building ua col leonard though ullevl some of tlu old resld nl say that james young who after uurd1 owind tlie norval mill on tin norval iloui kipt thi re first col le mard uus not long in buslius hi acton he was geiu rous patron of u13 liquor dpurtment went wrong mentally und one day look his own life and ended his urthly career move til ce of them ind tljty were rem ed till fire the hou ud much of the cm nt vore dt tro id it iiipid tin the tore tin dutlhn of thomn lb ind tlu utre coi imud jimpid tlunc to ch ir wi ir in hrp ind he td it up battle ind ui md man of cm rememlwr ch trlle ru hln lout urlnplni hind ind crjlut in genuin lni 11 oh mine ip mliu ii mine ill 1m ruined quitt tor more thin twmtj tr the ite of tlu tlun bio up pructcillj ic mt it wa ed for irdlniiif purpce bu no bulldln of importance wire erected there flnullv it came into the poues ion of john icennedj in the meantime tlie congreputlon of tlu old pre bjterlun church uhlch had been in ilc for jortj een jear begnn to feel that new church more com modiour and modern uu needed rev hae the mint ter then in charge faltered thl idea subscription il as circulated and there very generous financial re ponse this sit was selected and secured plan and specifications were draun and the corner atones were laid on september 12th 1004 with appropriate ceremonies the corner tones were laid one by hev goforth missionary to china who was liome on furlough and tlie other by rchlbald campbell one or the early liders or the church whce upolnunent or election as deacon dates hack to march iith 1b52 speaking of tlie for tlie new church rev mr rsl to whom was given tlie burden of the work or canvass ing the congregation said to me one day after lie had made many calls upon members in the country when tender ed him my subscription before he liud time to make request well glad to find tlie re are some people who do not have to build new barns nor shingle nor pay off mortgage or meet note that will oon be due ive made about forty calb this week and il ve hardly found place whero tlie friends of the church were nab in debt or ji lmperltlve need of improvement or new rnuchlnerj or something tle demanding monej uouldn liave believed the vvereln niich poor elrcum itanccj wus heretofore deluded with the notion that mou of the people uho come to church in acton were well to do tills must have lui blue mon day for the preochi at any rate the ubscrlptlons came in handsomely and in eufftpleiit volume to cover the cost of the flno kilflc erected and in due time thi entln xrw ul rrg ihcvu iuy dtjj ht ttt co lurlden th it iu um to clnlnur clui ch ronto ulure lu now licit fullj co nine inr thi fine cit hurch rii ii benile lni now been th mini ur tin jl ir or jjin irihe up ifn street will me tlu it th orl il ehu eh 11 ii tlu ci il iv ir to he tcnll eti tlu niir dij ii it nth siil not to worn lvboit it is jiirprislni how nun will hruo md clume ind uor to tcipc legitlm ite libor and to idestcp re porejbillty not ill men of course but some mct it is tnn th uch cm not sec they lie puttlnt in more tnerpj to crape ti than would be required to do it launeri at the bo torn of it and lfno ance at the top of it strugg to replnce tlue ultli ambition and ul dam thavent you heard vi ts kelloggs great harvest sale rfftmn no housewife can afford to miss kel iogg great harvest sale right now your grocer is featuring kelloggs cereals and many tempting foods at special prices the greatest value of the fall season business directory ued1cal dr jucntven pbjsletan and office and fiesldenceoarner avenue and etghi street dr nelson rhyxtdan aod sargeao electro therajry phooa si dr wm culln phyatdan aod orrica hours ii and 19 corner predezick and soil etreets telephone 128 ixqaii phone no 22 box xu harold nash farmer barrister solicitor notary rnhoa conveyancer eta hliix street actoy owt hours so to 100 noon loop to saturdays 17 00 clock kenneth langd0n ltirritx solicitor notary pnhtfa oftlces acton georgetown over ieynuck cufo mt street for appointment lhone acton cvcr oeorgetown e8 oftlce hours acton tuesday and thursday 115p to 30 in fren tngn on request buchanan oftlce in tlckfenan bloqfc hut for this special bale your grocer in lill fcamrhig 111 my of ktiioggs delicious realylotat ccrcalb at llie lowest prices in their history sc jour groeti and stock your panlry shelved loda oi ciift fsli ready io serve great for tchooidav hiejkfasls no cooking kelloggs sive on tunc as vvll as moinj made by kellogg in loudon oiilmio sparks giant series hopes llourt until knjntf3 by appointment ix for extraction clad wedncday tttmoon phone lif pearcn uenlal surrtoa mi ed to our vca q11 in the tion blic phone 20 mill street sclan ascurjlvstoilis trancis nunan account booa or all idnd made to order periodicals of tvery description carefully bound nullnjr neatly attd promptly done wjtjdliam street cpclph ont otf at the comer itone ceremonies hev mr ftae offlclaud iu it powlle of erin hen modirator or tlie synod of toronto and kingston offered prajer mr henderson reud brief historical record of the church the dedl cuto prayer wus mule by hev smith of ouelph und brief ud driflv followed by ue lass ford jami argo sablni iatruchan ivrrln and mejiari chrutle nnd john warren with comnuudlbl celt rlty tin uou of erection of tlu new church wai puidud forward and having reached completion was tiiwiud and dvllcatwl wlthlmpns lve ctremonl on undiy ivbruurj jltli 1b05 llu oiw nlng kervlreji marked great vent in tin history ou tlu coiigri gation llie luuutltul new church wua crowdw ilirre wuj fully thousand people ut uie veiling service tliui uua aniiounerd for general we sltctakjze in life pire health and accident automobile windstorm plate glass boiler fidelity bonds annuities and all general lines of insurance albo ocean steamship tickets lkading couavoes exctulknt faciuttes uoo of cauad muna oaly fredl wright oblce coopef block orrtco 9s itotw ukl 102jt ilrown are snart for autumn nnd ucilli hall etrenn featured considered one of bi dre ed ha or tluit eolor for her phyi arid hollywood ilui id tuiiu ih en it double hrej tet ni del in dep iju with flecked brown eluek she lu givn the eo tuiiie touch of originullty by luckini brijjit colored print port uidkerehief in the throat if in fi rout in lead of tlu auully epttd 11 cot itcutt her jecesoruj ure brown caul hkjllkrll if new oru gunti ride into the world era they will do lo ire it extent by llu ntli of ctrl hubbi ll whip left inn not nee june ij hii tlu erewbillinu southpaw bien hi ittn by oppo ton ham ind that iy tlu cubs bi it him on two lonely hit he im uorl 10 unit by une run core proof omuiji lh it iluhhill bur uif down in the pincluj li tir tlu outhpiw pitelud hi he irt out in futile ffort to ki tlu ci nt up hu yi ir he lettini ome upport ind the ink are not wleominj thi pru pict or fitiiiu hub ii mt in tlu po1 uon ntrnktli if you want to sell advertise want to sell something sold xaioui bmall ad id ixio quckeat clioapoot way to nnd buyer only cent word ajrfll jiiaxi