thursday september 34th 1m6 the acton free press hire aeen sprtw it is good to remem ber vlojeta purple nd hqdgerow fcfaloom have known summer but now in sep tember touches of sumac are lighting the gloom qojdcnr in the nekfe where the clover lifted pale blossoms to welcome the bee thistledown whispers that play days are over branches are bent with the trult of the tree have know spring for too sweet for forgetting gong of the robin and flight of tho tern have known summer their hearty regretting shall remember tho rose and the fern but when tho maplo glows red as an ember hearing the cricket announcers of fall shall be glad for the grace of septem ber month that ls fairest and brightest of all lajlu mitchell thornton twenty yeaes ago from the issue of the frew presti of thursday beptember 28th 1016 much of the splendid dairy butter shoun at the fair lost week told for forty cents pound mr james it taylor received uus gad news on monday morning of the death of hb brother ltc prank taylor of th 45tli lluitallon cef private taylor had eiillited in 19u at calgury alta tlie lc4th battalion at culnp borden is to be inspected today with view to deciding upon their fltnus for frolng overieus this fall ju pall pair notes mr speight hud iplciidid exhibit of ora fanouu miun johnstone jt co made very attractive exhibit of furniture fcjiriieii laldiiew aitrui silken chronicles of ginger farm written specially few the aetan free press gwendolyns clasee may in this weeks chronicle be per mitted to write about flics schools and lical th protection all timely topics at this time of the year we oil loathe files dont wo wo have screen doom and screen windows we buy fly poison and fly pads wc hang fly coila from thi celling in plaqps where nics lovo to con gregatc wo spend time and energy fly hunting with fly swatter if few odd flics appear on tho diningroom tab wc whisk the food off quickly before it shall become contaminated by the gcrm carrylng fly wc protect our food and our children and everything about us us much us wc can from uw houstdwld xb because wc know it is un absolute menace to the good health of our family and then wo send our children to school perhaps wo live far enough away from thu school for it to be ih ccsiary for our hlldrtn to take uieir lunch with uicm fuvu you evr aukcd or thought about the condition of the ichool in which your children uit und uork do you know that th re are many many school throughout uie province or perhaps should say of thli jectlon the iroviuce since it ls tin only pilrt ullli which am familiar where the children sit at their scliool studh ab solutely pelered und tormented with the germladen house flies boyi and lrli worry und scratch and fidiiet their at tempt ut ktudylnt continually interrupt ed by the biting and irritation of this tintll ai lu slats diary by oliver warren sunday last nlte ms made me take bath scd be sure ac get good 6c dry before reurelng at not to forget my nee ac ears dlddcnt dlddent get them wet in the 1st place monday well sokol is began the 1st thing are teecher done was to tell us kids to try at no are weakness and volde it so am in quon dory jane ls ac dunno if can shake her tuesday are ford woodcut start up so wcno to town on st car sum other llttel boy at his ma was si tie down ac there pa standen up at ids ma scd to him it otto hurt him to bee his ia hulden strap at lie rcpllde as bed not on st car xpect no what he ments or was tlilnken about wednesday ma glva trump pcecu of pic recent at bed to la today tlie fuuou has hen cenden his rends here ever wiilw pa sed mebby ltb his euuinya ma lookt mad ai red dont try ai gut smart nature never ciitended it then fa hushud up ai ied no moar ihurmluy mister gnu is cun iedate for sum olib xjriltel lieu red hi got siclc ut it lu sed ho xpeiud mlsur gillem smoked uf them wjjjrsi lie as luuideii to uie men voters or tkarels he war given the dallies lyiday see in thu paper whalr it says vhe ltlpuupllkans say all thu noodeehis uoln to vote for them tlie neu dcelr rl nil th rlpupllkans is goli to vol for thti why doant they thanijj the pur lit nume then jiii jorie troolev siturdiy mo iunorunli about ford ubllme luid etc uliulever that is we cot urc jlirud aj wm out riden as pa ue must top while becai the inien uiu uo hot mu up tid vised him to hut olf the jteun it uood lie ohku iiltlrtd as had to dodge canadas inland waterways canadas systems of canals and inland waterways are among the most remark ble in the world before tho period of extensive railway construction which commenced for canada in the lsos the water routes more especially the lawrence the great lakes and th ottawa wore the chief avenues of trans portation these routes were interrupt ed at certain points necessitating port ages and to eliminate the toll of un loading transporting and reloading at tho portages the caftiils of canada were rpiifitructcd canals wi re the earliest large trans portation works in canada one of the unit locks was constructed by tho ftud iuua uay company ut iuult ste marie another was built at the lachhic itapldu on the st liiwrcncc ubove montreal in h26 followed by the wellund cunal in h20 to overcome the obstacle of niagara pulls today there are ten canals under the jurisdiction of the dominion gov ertmient by tni alls of which total wiurwuy of 1h4j mllu has bi opned to navigation the uctuul mileage of the cunul proin lulm ubout 510 kxpn diture on canals have exceeded 14 million dollars comnierclil vivl made nearly 30000 postage through the canulliui cuiall hut yur and urrled alxiut ih million ions of frelflit while this li leis thtl oneouatu the freight carried by the ralluaej it ls very important contribu tion to tnui portatlon agrlcilltui il pioducls ltd the freight on the canal follow bj mine producls much toil und oil belnif carried on the water vallm clvu woltk gallant blind newlyweds amaze london neighbours ij it it it mrs smith manages housekeeping without assistance lluouoo iiujgaua wakis imoirciir to canai can tda plajtd ho recently to million and uf hungarian uasps vhili here tolk ted in iiunijrj by two lniqtiid farnicri in xi ic space of cuil time tables hiuiitii auu tunt to inic cuunfy in enre he cuiidlan natl nal exprt dis coirtd bj dr morris of the iiutiiue of kntonioloo londoij england the ui ire known as llrrlutn sertlder and uere bioiifjht to canada for the purpo of illlliic ofr hiects that prey on crop cc of but it bui tlie wasps uhen they arrived were in the cocoon stat and on hatching out vt ill be turned loo to do their iituif thoj reached london from budapest by air express and thence by itrimfr across the atlantic chauixh cauulutilts central lrrk canadian correspondent ondon ont sept when mi and mr joseph smith were in lied and moved to their beauti full appointed apartment then neijhbui jan to plan little ways in ljucjuxlhuycqtiid maimhft kitchen ith sto thtt ha sincinj kettle it the ift of blind friend met in khonl for blind how can inune bom blind icetp duit pecks off iid flojr mr smith dot it and hi time left over for liv mf and rcnclin lit loctcjif rwfilihook an in ur 17r3 more than 20 nil to when he is foui matold bov ploini in in mollut rioctrv more one nin inj ome pop bottles pluled and the plintiied jla tut red lu lie came tuau blirti he crew ouhr he viopul hi til al nptitud for imi ic ii nl to tlie ihnol foi the iii ii te in nit the jmi lie in mitv thin the ir as im ill buli ln ton ilt iln ju ie fi lh imni now ee nun mr smith joj to hr dail worl it ci ar tantl mrt smith im in friend with her ienuis as hou elcoper at nirht the couple come down their walk arminarm they crjot thur ncijihborj tml go on chaltinj hlppily at acton gtng eut dally except sunday 616 am dally except sunday loanajn daily except sunday 613 pw surtday only 71b golnc west dally except sunday 50 ajn dally exeep sunday 23 pjn dally except sunday 704 pjn sunday only n36 pm standard time arrow bus kriective may 3rd 1036 leave westbound aw 121s pm 215 tm 415 pw 15 pm 915 pm 1135 pm stand altd time leave eastbound 5jo am 10 am 1u0 am 210 pm 400 tn coo pm aoo lllnkltaltlks llanjnku to all points in canada unitko ktatks mkxlco consult local agent wiles restaurant ccnfjal ontario iiu4 lined touonto build uai yrcit ly adnilred both for the splendid muiic and their natty uppear ance tlie poultry sliclter erected far the fair uai ery fuvorably regarded by thu exhlbltop nie shouer which fe11 ut noon laid tlie dust very ctfectlvel tlie attendance uu trhle below laat iar but this uuj not very manifest lulr day blton uere numerous in some respetls the day ruscmbled an old home day uatlilrintf ma1uued btrixmehwhltk on saturday sep tember 33rd 1016 at st albans church acton by tlie luv ii smith trie clder daughter of mr wm white to alfred butcher of oslmwa uecoild gold pludlkmron gold production in canada during june kct up new high monthly record of 316g70 ounces accounting for 114 pr cent of the entire uorlda output during that month this compare with 303041 ouncui in may arid i1kjqq3 ouncci in june 10j5 canadian production for the flat six montlu of the current jcar totalled 1707509 ounce gain or 16 per cmt over the corresponding period of ear ago the average price of gold in canadian fund during june uer 35 00 per ounce hlch gave the months output value of 11111050 gold mining the oultandlng fea ture of canadas mineral industry hanking third among the goldproduclna countries of the uorld the dominion now in uie fourth phase or her gold mining history canada entered on her first important period of gold production with dlscoverks of placer gold in briturh columbia in luiq and of lode deposits in nova scotia in 1bc2 up to 1005 the greater part of the gold produced in canada was from british columbia plac rt though there uaa uko substantial production from lode mines in noia scotia during this period and thii chaudlere placers in quebec arc estim ated to have yielded about tuo million dollars in gold between i860 and 1076 the discovery of rich gravels on tho klondike itlv in lboflmarked the bernning or second period of intensive gold production in uie dominion which reachwl its peak in 1000 canada enter ed on her third important period of gold mining activity with the discovery of the porcupine gold camp lh tooo followed by that at klrkland lake in 1012 the beginning or the fourth and most im portant period may be dated from 1031 uhen great britain ucnt off the gold standard slncethtnlhtfincreiuld price of gold has caused unprecedented ac tivity not onlj in producing mines but also in the rearch for and development of new prospect and former producers uhich could not be uorked at prollt when the price of gold uiu j2q g7 par fine ounce but can be uorked at present prices niguua tluylng mou lkoulcys yvktom canada nigeria in wfvst africa continues t3 shou recovery fend trade returns for both imports und exports indicating substantial improvement lost year over the previous one iliu li accounted for mainly the continued rlm in prices of west african produce the chief products of mitela being palm kernels ground nuts palm ol and oa imports of canadian products shou an increase of 33 pr cent 1035 over the prevloui jui principally motor cara lorries and iuru which inckustd nealy 100 cent hour caniud hsh according to the in duiirlil department of the canadiim national lhiiluavh canada niovid from seventh to tifth phe total inert us in imiwiru ftui all counlrli amounted to 15 xr tit lor the period under review llu bulk of lu lmpoits lonii from gnat britain follovwd by germany femplre countries the united ilutia norway japan italy holland lruue even uore the ii by thls time are rady fur good nual and they uualli juurm around uie children as they un urap their sanduicht and cookie oj uhatcver they happn to have you and uould not tolerate sucn conditions in our own home we could not our family eat food that via llnt llterallv block ulth dies and jet the fllci that uorry us at home are our own liles as it urc before they cet into our houu and alight on our food they probably have not been vtsltln uwuy from home neither su arming around neighbors iarbaee can nor to vlilt in the mckroom of person ufei tng fromaji infectious disease but in our ihiblic schools both rural and urban ue know how often child attend lchool before it is known he ii suffering from on infection disease but flies do not discriminate betueen the sick and the uell the fly from one to another ipreading couglis cold tuberculoli and infectious diseilse peculiar to the aver age school child nor does this state ilfalr perlalrt to jiujiu schools alone we find the ume condition in our hlgn schikil or at least lu nine of them don uth to make any sueeping stiti ments there may be choola uhleh aie adiqu itely protected aalnst the tly menare but have yet to heai of un in sun lj in this enlightened age some thing might be done in our scliool to leep out the suarrns of flits which are an irritation to the children at uork as well iu menace to their health win doun and doors must of necessity be kept open but could not the trustees of each chool ee to it uiat screen doors are provided for uie main entrance and fit ted screens for the uindous most com monly med surely this much could de done we know tlie cost of education is high enough fur be it from me to suggeit anything to rake it but me thinks the cost of few window screens would be ery small outlay compared ith the money we spend in taxs for some of the unneeeisary frills of our modern educa tional system and now of course you will think we have no flies at ginger farm wish it were truel we certtilnlj have flies and plenty of them but so far there is still room for us in the house as well tlie flies that board with us are very hardy species as can prove tlie other day finding mjself ihort of fly poison added to it small quantity of formalin sprayed it into the air did it harm thetllv not biujmlit nearlykied me so be warned by my lot and dont use formalin as fly spray either in rchoobi or at home our son has just told nic he knows of one ichool country school not so wry fur from here where uie windows have hflf nre recti cd wlthtruwrjiilto netttnr hats off to whoever vas responsible ay and may there be otliers one of tlie most progressive and en tomailng movement in canadian agri culture is club organization for farm bjs md glrl thb work which directed by dominion nrul provincial department jf agiculture and ux tension depart nunt of the agricultural colleges tonulidnted and coordinutcd througn the agency of the canadian council on bay and girls club work the move ment is notional in its scope nnd out look club work for farm boys and girls which began in canada about twenty five year ago has been grdually develop ed and improved until it nou occupies prominent position in the agricultural evtenlon programs of the department of agriculture in all the provinces it is designed to develop interest in the farm and in farm life to provide practical education in agriculture and home eco nomics to improve farm practices to encouraee the use of better live stock andeed and to train young people fo eiliemhlp in their re pective dlstrkt natonil or intt rprovlnclal club conte coiulticud annuiilj by tlie canadian cun 11 in conjunction with the royal winter rur at toronto in 1935 sl projects including dilry cattle beer eutlc wine paulty mi grain and ltd potatoes were included in the tun ttst program and sutjfour members 01 thirtytwo teams of tuo number eiel competed reprc enting every province in the dominion iu 103 there were 30282 members enolled in 1000 active boy and glrl club in canada the rate of progre in point of numbers enrolled ls indicated by comparison with the flguren for 103 when there uere 215 clubs with 31142 members not in stock shoppc so you don have my size shoe salesman as matter of fac madam we have no shoes that are ije on the inside and small on the outside it the ym tw mr and mr smith ere both blind after two month he neiihbor have dimomid that th re isn nl miiit tlnnj tluv in du to help the nevvlyvid th ae pni tly in dtptiidtnl nnd the man nt in which the ouni bud li ui is it the 11 lty ii is th ubj tt of lien im ii viv jlli huv it ik invouc bmd tlie il and pi il tti tev jut bioil the ak he un lly ondei ed about ti mjl the kitchen to mudc her fiom the tabe lo the love there are no itrinj they ve nskod about omc signpobts for bllud eyes to follow there hi noae just lovcv ins fike car accident sickness etc harrop itepreskntative gor uutrlct muioa norwich vjnlaa canadian tu insurable camptlnj the alllikico amainuioe co th cataialty uf caiiaai awuribco compjlny the mrrchaflu cuaaliy co tho olafcltxralrie motual another general strike threatens winnipeg honesty ok purpose mans greatness lies not in wealth and station as the vulgar believe no yet in his intellectual capacity which often associated with the meanest moral character the most abject servility uiose in high places and arrogance to the pwr and lowly but mans true greatness lies in the conscious ness of an honest purpose in life founded on just estimate of himself and everything else on frequently selfexamination and steady obedience to the rule which lie knous to be right without troubling himself what others may think or say or whether they do or do not that which he thlnki and laiys and tlo grorje long why uk was al raid rich imther whati the matter daughtei daughter want you to act nie one of those russian princes lather can arrange that all right rayduar aaul jidvuuughtujit baseball pitcher movie hero or champion pugilist let me at that guy shouts ni striking furriers enter the fourth he resents the actions of the other striker whilst burly cop luyu re week of picketing tlie scab iajtlie strikers threaten to call another trnminc hand on him winnipeg is indicated by the arrow and the ex general strike in winnipeg which gjnnmg to see little nclion us thel prelsion on his face indicates that recalls the crisis of 10w jurtlral vr cimdlart pliout what the news news is changing con blsmtly events hupimm fast und lliincs chance over nichl only an alert newspaper can keep abreait of thetju happenings il many local frontfi tho acton free prcd olfers its readeru complete sjervuee in news reporting and editorial features it answers the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now and keep up with the times the acton free press acton ontario subscriptions for all magazines taken at the free press office muggs and skeeter by wally bisho