yftt ff riuttn two the acton fffee press thursday october lt j030 libr arton jfrt ten0 publluat evtj thnrday at acton ontario sursouptjon hatesxoo per jfar in jof united sum joe additional slni copl sc both old and new addraat hoidd be atren when addrc requested canceixationswe find hat moat ol our nb cribcre preler not to their uborlptlon interrupted bca tw bu to retail before eaolmtjou while jb crldtiosa wui not carried fca arrear over extended period jet unlem re notified cancel are urea the uwrlber wiahe the eervioe continued advertising rates on application end biren in vriou column headings althoub eerr precaution will be talen to old error the free prea accept adrertlalnjl in it cohirnn on the uuderlndiuk tht it will not be liable lor anjr wror in an adrertlaeroen publlhed hereunder 1w prool ol auch adertiaement requeated in wrilioff by thi dertiaer and returned to the free free huatoea office duly altmed by th adertlr and with och error or correction puinly noted in writing thereon endta that cae il any error eo noted uol corrected by the free preaa ita uabihty ahall not exceed auch proportion ol the entire coat ol auch uwertlcrneut the apace occupied by the noted error bear to the whole apace occupied by auch advertisement ahiop dltts editor telephones editorial and buioca olti keidenc canadas fish jveek any times good time to cat canadian fish bu hsh producers arid dealers all over the dominion are joining together this week september 28th to oc tober 3rd to direct public attention to the excel lencc of canadian fish foods and to the nauonal importance of the fishing industry as in the past fish week is sponsored by the fishing industry with view to stimulating popular interest in the further development of canada prolific fishery resources and to inducing canadian families to us more frequently hsh foods which arc not only nour ishing but have been found by scientists to be rich in vitamins and other health building elements jishing is one of the earliest ami most historic industries of canada it may well be regarded as the first industry to be systematically prosecuted by europeans in what is to day the canadian domain and has since yielded perennial harvest to both europe and america more than 80000 people find employment in canadas fisheries and the industry is indircctly the source of employment for many more the sunday school lesson iou sunday octobib 4lh the macedonian caij ouldcn icxt oo uicrtfoix und maki duclplta ol all tho tmtlom mill 28 icuon text act lfl g15 itamarui is 1821 time 52 pluces ivikui phil ip exposition rho macedonian call 012 sup by up by various mcuiia goj condemned again it was encouraging to read the other day that the young peoples union of toronto conference of tho united church condemned the beverage rooms the sooner that youth generally comes to realization that alcohokc beverages in any form are detrimental to their best interests the more we will see of open condemnation of the beverage rooms or any other form of sale of intoxicating liquors in this day of high speed and when all the intelligence md powers of young folks are required in meeting others competition in their various fields of work or activity the body and mind cannot be slowed up by the use of intoxicating beverages it require ire than resolutions condemning these places it ano requires shunning of them there is no place or need today for beverage rooms if we must have bars why not milk bars or where the sociability and drink does good rather than harm it is to hoped there is more banding together of the jouni folks in an aggrtssue movement against the use of intoxicating beve ages stepping stone the 1036 acton jfair is over and directors and officials have been since enjoying visits to other fairs it is source of satisfaction to know that every way the tvent just finished has been success so completely gate receipts are but an in dication of the approval of the public of th condu and type of fair presented as such they must bl gratifying and encouraging to this years officials since every one of them showed an increase but of course the purpose of fair is primarily the cn couuigement of production of better farm und home products here again was improvement toted with larger entry and many now exhibitors truly thfe jwi fuim flf oi acttmtalr this jear perhaps one of the youngest fairs in pont of years acton fair has built up standing among the fairs that has surpassed and outlived many that have more years back of them it has been solidly built and the years that followshould be productive of even better fairs there is no standing still to maintain its usefulness the fair of 1037 must be better directors and officials realize this and are now setting about to correct the points that were dis appointing in the fair just past improvement is ulways possible and there are many ways which next years fair can be better than its predecessors that has already been discussed by some of the directors and plans made for improvement the too success will be as in the past only stepping tone to even greater successes for acton tair editorial notes courtesy div idincls the need for more courtesy on the highways is evident on every sidt during july deaths from motor accidents totalled 05 which was an increae of 25 over last july feu days ago little child who was several years before he will be taught his abcs climbed over the verandah gate and wander td onto the highway he didn know the danger he hadn read of the try courtesy campaign he evas too young to know anything about it all motorist who knew the danger and was on the alert stopped his car before hitting him and took him back to the borne in which he belonged that was courtesy he didnt have to do it and he didnt know the child or his parents it only took him minute and my how nice it must have been for him to have picked up child unharmed and give him into the safekeeping of his mother rather than to have picked up the injured or perhaps lifeless bod of child to take into his mother courtesy and safe driving does pay big dividends even if only consid ered from selfish standpoint archibald cochrane of cobourg has been appointed peel county judge to succeed the late judge trever grout lend jus servant on tho thwartlngs of our hlaheit and best purpose and plans are sometimes llbl wuys of ltudlng ua into wider acids of service lauj forbidden by tho holy spirit to preach hi tlio iloman provlnoo asia immedi ately tried to conquer for christ ilia neighboring province of lltthynla but hero again tho spirit blocked tho wuy tho weird was flro in iaul bonfs und this thwarting of his plans must havo seemed very strange bub clod had larger plans for him tho mcaniig ot it ail soon became clear in vlsloi ho was called to fco over into macedonia tltc prompthesswlth which ho respond ed li worthy of our hotloo and our careful imitation truightway he went not moment of hesitation ood hud rjoken and tiutt was tnough for iaul inunodlutu responso to ood guidance one of the great secrets of happy and efficient life if wrf rris pond at onco to iui iciidlng it becomej clearer and clearer if wo falter tho guiding light boconies dimmer and dim mer until it goei out in thick darkness come over into macedonia und help us what an outcast uahderlng jew ftelp tho proud and powerful maecdou salaries and wages paid by the lode gold mines of canada during 1935 totalled 31523007 compared with 27150 887 in 1931 to days sad thought from saturday night if television supplants the newspaper what are vie going to wrap the garbage in optontistic the current issue of the busmtss summary of the if nk of montreal is one of the brightest that im been read in several years after reviewing business rom many angles this report in part says midseptember economic barometers in canada were probably more favorable than at any time since 1930 mineral production which in the first six months of the year had surpassed that of any previous correa ponding period continued to bl extremely active manufacturing production was well maintained jetttil sales reflected an upward trend in consumer purchasing external trade in recent months has been 20 higher than for the similar period of last year employment has scored gain of over last year cajrioadings after long and steady rise were increasingly buoyant and though crops over lajrg ureas have been partial or even total failure through drought farm pnees at long last art on approximately the same level us prices in general seldom overoptomistic in these reports the current one gives new note of better times in deulinp with the provinces individually the same repetition of good is very noticeable that in which alone is help for man tllo gospel when paul heard that cry ho knew it was the preaching of the gospel that was called for 100 if ho had been like many modern mis sionaries he would havo thought it was it coll to establish ixhools and college among them if he had been like many modem preachers he would lutve thought it was call to preach sociol ogy or higher criticism or to glvo course of lectures on the great poets tho only real help for the poor and perishing and the rich and perishing at home and abroad is the gospel ii the pirrt convert in europe 11 15 paul lost no tunc in rtartlng for the field to uhlch the lord load called him he went straight for the first city of the district it that was ulse christian eplrltgulded trntegy paul and his companion did not beffin prcachlnff at once they waited and ttatched and doubtless prnjed for favorable time and place to tart ch 12h 17 10 thci began lost in very quiet and humble uaj the did not advent largely and get out rcjt croud thej jeut spoke to an obture buy eirnet group of prajlnu omen the evangelization of europe bepan ullh uomens prner meeting tlw word spoken resulted in the con version of prominent and pious uomin ljdla uhore hetrt the lord ned that uas the turning point there is no hope for an one unices tlxc lord opens his heart john 4i 15 eph 17 10 luke 45 hut this he is more than willing to do the suix in lldla conversion arc very plainly marked and tjplcal she uent out to pray 13 she heard the ward vc 13 14 comp john 24 tile lord opened her heart she gave heed unto the thlnrra uhl were spoken 14 it she uas baptized 15 cf ch 41 mark ic 10 god demands an open confession of him before the uorld and the divinely appointed way of such con fesrlon li baptism acts 38 thouh it was tile lord who opened ljdlth hcart her conversion as by human instrumentality as was cvcr conversion recorded th the book of acts that ter rolcmn and it ought to lead some of us to ark am ro completely at th lord disposal that he can me for the conversion of thae cin reach and no one tlsc can ill pmljiwlctc fkldoi service itomans 15 1021 the da tliat paul jl foot on the rhorts of europe marked turning point in the hbtorv of the human race the brltf account of hl work covering both missionary journcjs in tlio lost section of our leson full of rumlfl ront detall note the extent op iis lalioilsrcoverintf roughly the entire roman uorld eart of italy he uould sell the world on fine for chrut he kneu thai men unreconciled to god must eternally perish and his soul was stlrtcd to its depths to carry to them uil saving word cf isa 53 15 ills enthculasm stir ed the souls or thoie that heard him tile signs and won ders public mrucle5 tlutt follbwed upon his preaching atterted to oods blessing on his uork it uas the gos pel hi preached pully he tells us that live one great subject for preach neusllut only the eosp cltrlst is the not ph icuophj itnr politics or etfllrsl great of the grand kvcr vullty conservation connnion lw llmt llone thl cro of chrlhl hilsc editors sitm to have fiuilty for betn introduclin mt tlu pulpit math ri ippomtcd to positions hut there is doubt uhether foru to lht cat conunlwtion the ma tliliu to forta urmuir at tlvut on iiul rnictlliuon omt hut tin to ii on etftctki in mans lu iuu it nl to cibrtjun inrt kniildi of tin truth halt no muii hit truth ii list tantrnl our livtj or tho preaching falls of ita great design paul spculu in tho most modeafj manner of tho grcut blessing that hod rested upon his labors being careful as al wuyj to disclaim uny personal merit for tho it ulh hie conversion of souls ood vaorlc uol but pio uistru imnt through which the plilt uorlui wluifl rtuiing ministry rho truth jf tho gonpcl ulwuys vorlcn mightily it luu witlistood the rugn of man und tho wruui of lull it still world djj tremen dously us over did wo taay not 1ulvu 1uuls great talents wo may not expect his miraculous tflrui but tlio humblest of us muy pray to be ilred with ills zeal and aidmuted by his spirit tlicro no limit to what god cut do willi faplrlt illled mail canadians nunit must okaik buttfcli tlw greater porccntago of creamery buitcf produced in canada is of notably high quality itils is indicated by tlio utatrlslico iliowlng thii quantity of crcain ory butttr graded in canada from december 2nd 1035 to august ioth 1036 lii total of 1555033 boxes of pasteurised creamery butter graded 1310 2cs boxes wcro sirst grado or pcrociitage of bi 20 of taio total there ure four grades of butter allowed hi canada under uio oftlclal regulatloiis luanely first grudt kcuiul grudo third and no grade whut nmy be regarded as fuctorr in malntulfiing high undrd in the pro duction of butter arc tlw requirement of the uiry industry act wliich stutes ko person uluill manufacture any butur containing over sixteen per cent nf water or luis than eighty per cent of milk fat und according to tho lleifii lutloiw under tlio act the dairy pro duce graders tlull be uovemed by tha following titundurdt and definitions in gmdlng creamery butier standards for grielej of creamery butter rz scflle of poiii tor srorlna 7et ii points tcxturv 15 incorporation of molturc 10 color 10 uiltbig 10 and packing 10 points total 100 ttie color must be true and even with no objectionublo defects all the milt mutt be dissolved and the butter must be solidly poclced full weight and neatly finished in clem strong wellparaltined haxan of season ed material and good workmanship and good quality of parchment paper neatly arrtmged musv be used alscvim tho registration number churning num ber and date of manufacture must be shown neatly and legibly on tlio boxes all butter for export must be graded and creamery butter for domestic con sumption in the five provinceo of on tario manitoba sarkatchcuan ajlkrt and british columbia cold to coniumen murt hae the grade of the butter clearly indicated on the rapper in letters not less than one quarer incn rquae esquesing fall fair at georgetown friday and saturday october 2nd and 3rd special prizes hoitses tblnglo high stepper by ulakclock mll lnglo imniout road 1st prize by meek iiest fanner turnout single by it cleuvcr llest lady driver by alliance paper mills delivery horse in harness 1st by city service oil co jj cowlo bros donation 10 iicst lioad horse llest general imrposo horae on rein beat agricultural horse oh rein by john irving ttotato itaoo 3rd by brill co liat donation 13 10 bejt heavy tearn on grounds including lieavy droit agricultural and general purpoac 1st j5 00 2nd donation tio 24 3rd donation no 10 00 11 best foul crvcd by brill uent or startle ht by wm brcnnan to bo deducted off 1037 service fee 00 00 00 41 0o utt iprfng colt by ilnco of fcnulale by aillleit to be deducted off fcervlce fee 00 cattle bt jerxy temiile bill uenutered shorthorn 1vmale be ilolsteu female be ayrshire feinalo be it group of dairy cow can4itlng of one mature cow one tuoieurold heifer und one yearling heifer to be tired by pun bred bull sllver plated sheffield reproduction tow bowl donated by tjiton co ltd valued at 00 any family having won eaton prise at fair in 1031 not eligible best beef animal year and underr by necly jfllfik lnwtaa hi oo oo 00 00 oo 00 00 00 00 00 oo 00 oo 00 oo go 00 00 10 00 oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 0j 00 00 production of butter in canada in the first snycn months of 1930 amounted to 111 507 pounds an increase of per cent over the corresponding period of 1935 the appointment of hun vv rowell chief justice or ontario to succeed sir wm is one that will meet with general approval is belter htted for the position kc as alulock no one this is the season of the year when the estimates of attendance at tall tairs is usually the subject for before beinj talcn os the whole truth and nothiiif but the truth do wn in the city it seems that competition is so keen that even the funeral directors are called on to ansjwer charges or unethical practise its nice to live in the rural sections where business is not pari mount dr horace middleton vernon told the british association for the advancement of science that ex haustive researches had shown incontrovertibly that whiskej makes motorists drive aster and less accur ate man highway accident has proved the same thine may1u so man of fu uordj lrn he ro lie uno telling mc all this 10 11 13 11 14 15 17 10 iu vh ohe lid fnmous for arjes yt he replied omen hnc bean untold tbcb fditor hugh tcmplin of the fergus kilore liui been appointed an associate member douer of qod unto lly eonjrjttil itions to tditor icinplm arc quiie hie tlinij to tinder but there is no doubt of the work he ha ilrendy done mu knowledge he lus mulinf him ilu iiiil member of tin commission menu hint luncheon sandwiches creamy rice with dried fruit steued tomntoes dinner chicken steu riced potatoes mixed vegetable shlad grape pie tea or coffee sandwiches for the children luncheon mny be som beam served on rye or unite bread and prtfer nbl home cooked cottage cheese wth lellv nut or cold roast meat fnsh fruit mny be served with the net of course but apricots prunes diits fij or othcr dried trims cool ttl until tender and sweetened ari lui served in this vn tin niiv be ed with rice iimeil for breiltfi cert lis too to da rrclpt hi am nici wmi enums cup rice oni up iluij wait one nnd one lull cup id eel milk on half teiipoon sill lull nip mijnr tuo cupi ch ji fruit fresh or dried cil td md cooled cook the rice ov diuct he it in the tup of boilinj whui iu watt hn been amt nb orbed put tlu rice in tu uhl bi it add the sc ilded mill ill mit ir covtr nnd cook until ihi rm under mix the rice and fruit ltd uli ii chilled serve with ton milk ikish grapl pit four cups 11 ipt ihrce fourths cup suj ur om and one hnlf tablespoons lemon juiee one teaspoon grated kniun nnd ant tablespoon quick cooklnii ipmk iia shell sepirate the kins und pulp puttihe the pu into saucepan ilept over low fire and simmer until seeds lo en force through colander add skins kiiiar lemon juice tnttd nk und tapioca mixluir th rn iol thcr will let while the pastry shell is belnfi made turn into shell cover with top crust ar bile in hot oven 42i decrees irenhut 35 to 40 minutes jj ij 24 25 26 27 20 20 20 31 32 33 34 35 311 37 30 33 40 41 4j id th fcfciuml liiid ihljl ut4f halh with tl lull uliuk lijfl uit tl kil i3ist culf shown by boy or fir 50 for calf g0 for khoumarijthip by dr paul 1st 00 2nd by ketatio co ltd guelph donation no 50 00 best vcul calf 1st s3 00 2nd 25 lbs jloysd purple tfalf meal donation 25 00 best ilfcgulercd llolteln heifer born since january lit 1030 exhibitor to be boy or fcirl under 15 yean and rwldent of county of ha ton sheep pen of wne wool sheep not leji than sheep male and females by beaumont 00 bert pen of lantf wool shtep male female by barracloubh best pen of shbep any breed mult females miscellaneous best pair drcud chicken bj uvlncstone best pair dretscd chicken by elmer thompson best pair dreiised chicken by tims sykej beit pair trcrji chicken bya fomell best pair dressed chicken by thompson bet pair desxed chicken by ilouard may best pair drocd chicken bj robinson best pair dre chicken ha ton creamery milton best dressed chicken by gray beat pair dressed chicken bj hnrrj roberln bet drescd chicken bj marshall bctt dread chicken bj jis graham be drced chlclen lyinl sjkes bes dressed piir duck epcl lit l1rbet dozen of rrcrh hen ecbs muton champion subscription jenr be bushel ot northern sp apples by ii hinton be bushel of net hern spj apples ednln harrop be bushel of snow apples bj hume curie bt nu he of northern spj apple bj dawd crlcllton be bushel of mclntorh red bj peddler people donation no 21 best bushel of birle open to boia qrain club bet dirplaj of grijn in sheif not it than shtaver ihcnei to be not less than inches be bushel of barlej open to members of field crop competition lt hat olucd at 00 2nd lahlrt alued at 50c 3rd pullocr alue at 00 stltr 00 best hand bound sheaf to be bound day of fair by williamson best bushel of red cloer bj pettlt best half bushel of air ike by ped seed house bcit bushel of succt cocr bj salter hornby baby shou bj inspector outhrle 1st gold 00 2nd 50 babies under 10 montlw rideflers contest oldhme fiddlers best doien bon biscuits jciiri subrcrlptlon to brampton consenator bet dozen white biscuits jears cubrirlptlon to brampton conservator bert lb milt cake and dozen cookies to be fiucetentd by honey bv win cause strtttshjie prle 20 pounds of honey be loaf of homemade brend by guelph outituri donation no 11 00 collection homemade iklnr fl varieties by ztllers qulipii donation no cj 00 collection of pastry by fc arthur co gialph donation no 17 00 be lunch suitable for uarklnf man by mcdonald bakery acton brcid tickett 00 collection of homemade baking done by lady in ejqutailht coiulxluu of luyorenke lpir d0ajn tea bl cults 4don tarli dozen cookie by kre co ouelph donation no 50 be loaves of homtmide bread by lulne ton 00 bet ib of butter in print by clure donation no 15 00 be lb butu hi lb print by warren 00 bet pies apple lemon and pumpkin by baiber lb lib of lard value 50 it dozen tart dozen butter and dozen fruit by ouelph fruuul iiooela donation 00 lli collection of vegetable lit by cole hro guelph donation no goods 200 jnd by wright goodii donation no 14 value 00 00 larsett iimlly on the grounds at judge rtand at 30 lut premium ham swift abbatoirti donation no 10 2nd aliens guelph loojje dona tion no 00 iillhet testing cream for hurt week in september by saxe to be added to price of cream 00 beat dre sed goose cash by dr it watson 00 by moore rat ltaf homemade bread year laruest dozen tre gj gtorc ttiun her ild giorgetoun iknild hat bht and ne itift lb butter georgtvn herald mur geurg vn ih raid ul 114 tail luu in v11 om ik it billu ibli turn ipt yar lb pair dn jwl chhltn by haddtll llakery ul piir dn ed chicken by cart norval hi bu lit rthern ipy appl by trtd hompum he lb irt iluttir in roll by frttin qoldlum 10 it of be valued he pair chick ch paw on milu 10 lbs hone by nk011 acini 10 lb hoik hi mb exlrut ted by nut hi ii 50 50 50 50 00 od 00 00 00 00 50 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oo 00 00 00 00 00 50 01 50 50