tinjrsday october 1st 1q3c the acton free press 2jl 3lm reaa bifatt tonj the first month is the hardest tyomas huntley hiono lino of students stood un comfortably in the hallway of grat otono building one hot september afternoon tliey had been walunff for the office of the registrar to open in order that they might make their arrangements for the new college year the line of students pushed for ward when the door of the office swung wide glance at their anxious faces was enough to toll anyone that they woro fveahmen totally new here llcy youl move along cam from some one in the rear of the lino hj awkward youth started suddenly and moved rapidly forward ho pulled very large blue handkerchief from his back pocket and mopped his perspiring face in the process of stowing this awny again startled exclamation of clumsy told him that ho had once again bumped the girl behind him ho muttered an apology hu fuco growing red and shifted large pair of worn ahocs uncertainly noar the rear of the lino of now students two lads chuckled together one of thum short welldrussed and wear ing broad grin left his pjaco und vulkuu toward the toll youth near the head of tlio line ho touched his urm as he asked cheerfully whata your tiomo the awkward stranger ijtared down ft him asheftnsweredrjohnmaaon ho was dimly aware that his name had been colled without thinking ho rose awkwardly to ills feet and towered be side his desk an ha had been occuo tuxned to do at school back in centre villo the voom become breathlessly silent the professor stared in surprise at him then colled his name again john was so flustered when ho realized what ho had done that he could not say word well you moll asked the professor kindly as his stem face relaxed lnto friendly smile do you speak english yyes sir stuttered john week passed john had forced him self to go bock to the history room in tplte of his formor determination never to step liudde again ho was suro tliat ull tho ntudcnu thought he was the boob of the college dinky tried his best to get john to go out for fyejhhuui football to mix with the other fcllowd und to enter into the activities of the school but his roommate remained itraiigcl shy once oulsldo their room one evening ho turned from his books to ipeak to dinky cold fall rain was beating against the wliulowpuue in front of him whatt on your mind as dinky how that will help anyway protested the freshman well you could change your working hours cure of course if you wont try out my suggestion cant help you tlio room was silent for minute whllo john stared at his ahocs wearily what cant understand finally answered when ho looked up is just how going out for freshman football is going to help mo but 1u try it out fine declared leyden of course cant say for suro tliat it will help you but think im right ho rose to leave ill have to catch little sleep now coma around and see mo coon john ionium had loomed the funda mentals 6f football back in ccntrovllle but most of tils ltml had been spent on work of some kind outsldo of school hours as ho dressed in the field house tho next afternoon ho watched the members of the mjuad with interest his mucle wcro still hard from long summers labor out of doom so after light exercise he sat on tlio bench with dinky whllo they watched tho freshmen scrlmmago tho varsity the captain of tho collcgo team made long gains through tho left side of the fresh man lino in spite of all the substitutes who were sent in by tile coach no ono uppeared to bo able to stop tho hard driving full back suddenly fchu coach pled john und noticed his ulzo see if you can jitop tliat fujl bock lie nald when john took hlit place in the line he received friendly nod from the big freiihlnun centre signals were call ed tiie college lino charged and needing form uppeared to run directly ut tho new tuckli who found himself iprawlud hut on tho ortmn turf with the freuhman centre bejidu lilm what are you wax dummdfcmanded tlio dhgustod freshman centre john said nothing but he hud warm klowuikfccunglnaidc he crouched rni yir prize winners at acton fair continued from pago one light horses in single carriage harness moffat mark aivcn itobt kerr 6on saddle horse dr mcquibban dr mcqulbban fred oowland single carriage 3yearold donald mclean span high steppers itobt kerr ac son moffat threeyearold itoadster gelding or filly ii allen ueot ony hi tclicd fred oowland house specials high stepping horse in harness moffat mark given single turnout root kerr as son moffat span of high steppers in harness ilobt kerr as son moffat span of clydes or shlros dun can span of percherono or uclglans shaft colt two yearn and under lion mcdonald gordon snow saddle marc or gelding dr mcqutb bau dr mcquibban pony itacc fred oowland heavy horse on grounds curtlw as sans hewsoii as son cattijg kliarihorng bull two years or over lasby grlifln 11 nruckun hull culf peur stowart as bona griffin losby bcjb cow any age xi idllolt as sons xi drecken liiiby tuoyearojd heifer griffin xi brccko laiby zijoncyciiroidlhclfcr skqrlflhxic hcrd of pure bred beef oattlo geo mack best beef stcf or hclfcr geo mock dalri cow any age dolaoji sheep lelcestcr itam two years and over clark con and son norrlsh slioarllng ham john kelly clarkson as son ham lamb clarksori az son nurrlsh ewe two years and over clarkson as son john kelly shearling wc clarkson as son jolm kelly ewe lamb clarkson as son john kelly best itam clarkson as son best ewo clarkson as son lon woolud kbeep any other turcd hum two years und over jolm keuy jus little shearling ham ofomes uttlo itam ilamb james llttlo john kelly bwo two years und over jay utblc john kelly shearling wc jas uttlo jolm keuy ktto lamb james uttltj jolm kelly best ham jimies little best kwd james uttlo flock of long wool sheep clurk jon son jolm kelly oxford downs xlum two yetiru and over cun ningham ii harbour as sons shearling hum burbour as sons cunningham hum lamb burbour as sons paimore kwe two ears und over cun frjghwnile paamoil saaca brown label salada tea shearling ewt cunningham barbour ac sons owe lamb jjarboh as sons cunningham bet ham harbour as sons best ewe in class cunnlnglmm downs any ouier umj ham two years and over wll wm john kelly shearling ram muck ham lamb wiilou ewe two years and over muck wlbjjn shearling euc frank mack wllion ewe lamb frank mack wilson hct ham wilson bct eue frank mack flock of fine wool sheen barbour as sons frank mack concluded on page seven on calls to points over 130 miles wnat tho smaller cliup smiled up innocent ly at him us ho calmly explained tlio dean wants to see you in his office right away better hurry well jolm looked helplessly around then muttered thank yol as ho turned to leave some ono near by snickered but john was too disturbed to notice ho strode anxiously down tho long hull to stalrwuy then run up tlw atone steps two ut time five minutes later he was back in tlis line of students but ut the foot he felt very angry and very silly find the dean all right calhd tho jjiort boy now ut the head of tlio line several students near him laughed girl gled exaspcrutlngly once back hi his room on the jcond floor of the freslunan dormitory of am worth college john mason removed his sweater and iit down heavily on the edge of his bed as he stared out of window only yesterday he had steppod down off the train but already he was homesick for the little country town he had left back in ulinols was any one ever to dumb or lq clumsy he thought was ever place so strange or different ho dreadcd the thought of going to classes tomorrow in the big stono buildings with their long shiny halls he hoped that he ould mcot that short fellow some dark nlghll anyway ho had job for his spare hour down town john glanced ut tlio bed ucroin from ids own he was wondering who would use this when the door was pushed opn and short heavy goodnatured laokliw youth seemed to 1111 tho en trance when ho saw john broad grin tyersprcad his fuce hello guess yiurmust be mason im dinky mark hum hope theres enough room for both of us hero john looked at dinky broad frame and smiled im from new york explained dinky and im from centrevlllc illinois jolm informed him just as he spoke voice from the upper floor bellowed hey mason want to speak ta you wonder wlip that is grunted john us he uent to the window stuck his head out and squinted upward he joon found out in few moments he hastily jerked himself back into the room ioaklng uct and sputtering from windows nil along the upper hoar came ieals of laughter dinky chuckled bit then uecamu sympathetic ulien hetwiu hou miser able john looked never mind fellow ho comforted dont let nnyonc get jour gout dont take life loo serloui ly thats my motto he slapped his roommate on tho back as he suggested come on down to dinner im ulwnjj ready to eat the iiaxt morning was bright und clear the sun uas making lone streamers or light tlirough the greui elms on the campus the boll in the tower of the chupcl tolled seven oclock the beauty and dignity of the campu wafl lost on john for today he wan thinking that he had to go to classes 2ie shook his roomnuite to waken him after some grumbling dinky uas up and dressing see jou later culled dinky us the two lft the dormitory john wulkd ulong with the crowd or freshmen to ward touerlng recltatloh bullttlng he would have llktd to upouk to ome ttumi but he did not know what to uay when he had entered the history room lu choco uui in the rear olf to ono side he noticed tliat the pro ftaor hud heavy eyebrows und item face tlio man began to call oh the names of tlw ktudenu which hi read from sheet hi front of him john allowed his thoughts to wander as he glanced around the room until suddenly around and ihuflling your feet for tho lost fifteen minutes you arent letting this dose of bud weather bother you are you not but dinky ive been doing some thhuciug dont believe unit belong in college rve about mudo up my mind that wont come back next ester huh you better put your hood under the cold water faucet for while how would ever wako up in tho morn ing if you werent around to pull me out of bed dinky dismissed the mat ter with laugh but ho frowned as ho turned back to his desk later in the evening short stocky ioung man walked softly down tlio long hallway of tile freshman dormitory ho stopped in front of the door of the proctor in churgo of tliat floor looked up and down the hall then knocked leyden arlin senior opened his door tiie short young man went jn the next evening john mason was alone in his room working on his his tory someone rapped on tho door dinky was out so jolm opened it im loden arlln the proctor of this lloor mind if come in and visit bit asked friendly voice glad to have you answered john in surprise he offered chair to slim cheerful fellow wearing glasses how are you coming along do you like the school questioned loiden yea and no thats queer answer smiled the prortor id like to help you any way can john slid down comfortably in his chair stretched lib long legs and be gan to talk with leyden lialf hour passed so you ceo dont believe tills school wants to be friendly whaal exclaimed tho young proc tor don blame the school nlmost made that mistake myself once upon time think that can help you if you will do as say ill try anything rcxnonnble declar ed john all right tomorrow night report for freshman footbul practice be lleie know hats the matter with you but have work and dont see player directly in front of him foellnsf certain tliot he knew who would try to curry the ball over tho goal again tlio vursity full back plunged straight at him this timu john butted over tlio player in front seized tho full back as ho rushed ut him und was at once buried in mass of players when tho pllo had untangled the ball still lay on the oneyard line nice work fellow exclaimed the guard as they slapped johns broad back john thought it queer how ho felt ho could not put the feeling into words but it was as though great weight had been lifted from his shoulders late that evening jolm knocked on tho door of lejden arlcn when he entered the room he was surprised to hnd dinky tprawled in cluilr talking to the proctor well john you loo happy grinned leyden our little scheme worked something worked smiled john as ho rubbed sore hand but cant qule figure out why feel the way do think that can tell you declared leyden that little football scrimmage did this for you it restored some of our selfconfidence which you badly necdedrandniotio you sec that the fel lows would be glad to be friendly with you if you gave them real chance you can thank dinky hero he figured out uhat was wrong with you john stared in surprise at his light hearted roommnte as he murmured his thanks owe both of you moro than can repay ever he declared seri ously certainly uas mostly to blame myself dinky squirmed uncomfortably then he rose to his feet grinned and said you can pay me back by pulling me out of bed so can continue to get to classes on time in the morning come on to bed wc need our sleep somi disturbance put down blfj disturbance last night plucky fellow what was tnc trouble ate three helpings of wehh rab bit elliott soni breckcn coif heifer bracken grlifln lasby herd bull und fcmolcd griffin lasby breckcn pen of three calveit peter stewart as sons elliott as sons baby beef xi bracken peter stewart as sons griffin aberdeen anjfujt of other klroed not shorthorn bull any ago geo mack arnolj mcklnnon as son nellea 3i son cow any nge geo mack arnold mciclnnon as son nellea as son twoyearold heifer geo mock oneyearold heifer george mac arnold mciclnnon as son nelles as son heifer calf geo mack arnold mcklnnon son nelles as son vurr hrtkl ilouuln bull 10 months or over dol son bull under 18 months hoblnson bros dolson it necland cow anv age dolson xi nee lands gale twoyearold heifer oale dolon ncelands oneyearold heuer dolson hoblnson bros xi ncelands ttelfer calf gulc wilson dolson pured bred holsteln herd dolson gale xi neelands best mule animal hoblnson bros beit female animal dolson pure wrtd jciwy bull ib months or over dol son gerald graham ella as son bull under 18 months gerald graham alexander dolson cow any nfie dolson gerald graham ella as sons tuoyearold heifer ella ss sons gerald graham dolson oneyearold hclfcr ella ss sons gerald graham dolron heifer calf dolson ella as sons gerald graham pure bred jersey herd dol on gerald graham ella as sons best female animal dolson cattle specials group of three dairy cows gerald graham wuson frank frank one agpiii wo have cut tlio coat of long diatnticeioii september let how dclicjuiu of rates became effec tive on calls both pcramtopcrson and station tobtation to points over 130 miles distant this de duction will mean an annual saving of over 20000q to telephone uticrii in ontario and quebec alone thin ia tho second time this year thut long distunce costs have been reduced in the pant seven yearn we have made six substantial rntc revisions at the same time wc have constantly improved service as evi denced by the fact that while in 1929 it look aii average of 34 minutes to comploto long distance call today the average ia only 78 seconds today your telephone ia within easy reach of any one of 33000000 telo phouch scattered throughout the world low night riites from every evening amiall dny sunday jl tioldcn large she yellow finn uipe potatoes 33c good cookers no per peck onions lbs sound dry iv nice size idc 21c sweet potatoest lbs southern best quality celery large stalks lovely flavor and crisp 5c grapes 2lbs tr 9c caniuge squash etc saje carrolls limited fillj cwou sandwiches 27 pl in piotuhlo chateau cheese siw p1 aylmr tomatoes no tin tomato juice 10oj tins 14 53seh fat dp frying crisco lb tin 99 jn lard tea bisk pl 33 wllh si fili se3eqit hp sauce jelly bt powdar king oicti ncwwgin 3st sardines vriu 12 wgiuff pu 0h3 kiiadkiial antr lacltlh goljn wavde klc vlkmlut 32oi jar 27 pineapple wax btanb no tin 25 pily blua btdi red salmon no tin tn 25 sltirtou flow wax lb tin 23 dsdd iwory snow picutgt f2 dlici tolll sob calay cj 14 qulcli qli oats rsui ls pi9 22 carrolls limited si your sto wllh nugget tin 10 bti fu jlly certo it boi23 patties pound mux tkket sloke closes saturday night 1030 freedelivery phone 158