Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 1 Oct 1936, p. 6

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paobsee thbj acton free press thursday october 1st 1035 oil spinach have you heard the latest news about our spinach friend discovered as the greatest ruse and some predict jhc end caloric value cirferaldnucd standard vegetable this glorified health giving food now proved to be fable that calcium and iron in there the analysts take issue bub small per cent of tills ereen fare can penetrate uie issue they microscoped the vitamins believe it fresh and canned but all the high brow clever minds ftorffot to mention sandt mush nnd every just kids pantf with shirley temple too cheered and shouted as they song ooodbye spinach skidool today its fame la on the blink below par and deflato fo ditch the spinach in the sink and stick to boiled potato florence qould menu hints juetptm far new and nvrel dtshea hmwrholl ideas an graded beef tlw modern housckecper has many advantages ovcr the housewife of docudo of more ago at this time of the year tin return of cooler weather brings uii increase in tho consumption of meat and the extra concern of tluv house keeper in the bckctloti of tho cuts or jolnti of incut beef is onu of th best of ineau tlic careful louekeeper buys beef by grade in tho first place she knoas that beef not graded unless lb is first inspettud certliiixj and marked canada approved euurunuc of freedom from disease it is uicri graded plow factory at tho foot of willow gradually reduced his stock disposed of his machinery tore down tho old plan irur mill and utilized the slto with uie prcttyv bungalow occupied by mr and mrs robert macarthur and the com modious residence of mr mowat and family mr cameron paused on to tho treat beyond tlm or four years ago ricxt week wo 11 come to the nllc of the first vn ibjuruin church iniilt arton th old school liouso and ood acre in the rear if alls well iii tell you something about the first things in that historic locality street where tho skating rink ran for oars but is now owned by amos mason and partly occupied by his fine factory building concluding if lie operated it with water power there available there be no danger from fire but tills ten or twelve years late wftfl alio destroy ed by flru and with it isaac eyancu glove leather tannery and stock which occupied the second floor fills lire was in uie day tlroo and was one of the cities fires imaginable tho volume of smoku against tho snowclad hills in the distance made picture for an artist brown wlu is un ojnatei photographer of note got photo of this fire which for sceiilo effect is still favorite of ills large collection mr ebbagc then rebuilt the factory in tho rear of ills residence on mum street and there he reaped the fruits of his skill and industry until death called him about twenty years ago must not forget charlie welgar place this was originally store built by capt ebboge father of thomas ebbagc and operated by lilmsclf for some years cluuile welgar was little german tinsmltli bo did his tinsmith tng in the front slept in room in tho rear and kept his rags and other junk upstuiri charllo was good tlrumlth very industrious and lived vry much to himself 11 ic school boys tormented him good dial some customers thought ho wiu not very cleanly when they hiw him empty the comuiilj of the wash alsh tlu unur which ho juid uied ovor and over uialn for irij ablu tloiu into uie coffee pot or te kettle he uus mending to te the tep ilred jot for leulaij af ter tlic lire kind hearted residents built him hitck j3 trfkv l2 slats dlatty by oliver wariien suiiday well did nob haft to get up early but had my trubbcls enney how did haft to go to zi even had to toy to precchenl ma says all llttel boys olio go to chlrch uut tne jl jake ttlislerti lias are doutrf monday jane fclsy cum to skool with eleen dress onto them pur nded that they was yew jit lihoy was uparcntly pleesed but jake ted hcw better jl which he was kcrrect tuesday iho teecher wanted to of nil tho kid hi are chus what they anted vorseii any thing cum last ji iiul for uie next month to to by ejuick brot down tlie houe which was lire chus wedne dixy the teecher et dinner at re urmt bi whui the wait brot her the check the teecher ud take ill back to yore dik nnd try description low would you deflno modem bride anywuy mrd rn bride li fcutherless blp who is willing to begin hoiuski cplng with oiu skill one can up her one ki ttlt und at lea two bridge tablcil what im yoit think he if wlshis came true wliat would in your nrsl7 hr uould wlli ah if only dared to joul sin go on go on what do you upimtfia brought up wishing for scorrs scrapsook by scott he could continue hl work but murt tllot bli0 wu talcejito cliarllea lieurt wie broken bed lot jan or ell which never get nothi tons of valuable rags mmo raps mint red rippled line running aloiur both sides of tlie carcai thereby hisurbig tlio marking of every cut denotes tlie choice grade wldle the good grade is marked by similar lino in blue the quality is in before the brand goes on as lo uie cooking of beef innum erable recipes are to bo found in the bulletin beef bow to chooic and cook it which may be obtained free on application to the publlcltj and exten sion branch dominion department of agriculture ottawa round steak viijnna style remove fat gristle and bono from round or shoulder tteak pxis tlurough meat chopjker twice tliere tliould be tuo cujw add cui soft bread crumby beuson ultli alt pepper pap rika and partley add two tablespoons iliielj chopicd bacon with the hands mix thoroughly adding two egfij one ut time ulille mixing sliape in oval cutleu dredge tlicm ulth hour dip in etttf ttikjerumbtj fryt elderi brown in deep lkt fut serve around mound of mashed potatoes and pour over spjmlsh tauce swiss steaic pound as much hour potible into round or flank tcuk uith cdfic of plate or back of cleaver brown leak in small quantity of fat in hot eklllet add some cai ned tomatoes chopped onion pepper and salt and tutflcletit hot water to cover caver duh und rlmmer until tender about two hours add mon water if neceiary during cooking and if gravy is too thin tldckcn with hour before serving braised shout ribs to eich pound of meat allow about two cupr of water and one teaspoontul wilt simmer for about three hours in covered vel turning meat at end of first hour if necessary add more water during cooking to prevent meat burning at the end of the cooking the most of tlie liquid fhould have been nbiorbed remove rlha season and hroun in hot oven for about half an hour remove tome of tlie fntv from gravy thicken and iervc with tlie ribs escalloped corned beep in one cup of medium ulllte aure cool one ttaltc of celerj and tuo sllcei of onion which have been chopped hue pla in hallow uell greored baking dull tuo cups of cubed corned beef iur raur ove meat and cover ulth brc id crumb dipped in nulled butter brown in hot oven glfc it vamk life uorth the living when we cmi earn our dally bread with tile spade or with tllo pen with the hand or with the head with one talent or with ten following where truth has led alas liow many live hi lain aimleii cold and hard arc they no pity for another pain no kind under words to lij sorrou pourr her tears liko rain not for them to ipe nuiiy ufo worth the living here when our heiru for others feci wlven we look beond our rphere when we eek our neighbor wlal when we dry the falling tear when the wounded heart we heal ye life bleed boon lo him who to hlmclf is true who live not for himself alone but with others tood in view he king upon hi throne crowned with deeds bright as tlie dew life is worth the living now human hintl can reach far will re pif fnl tcainglil where calorie drive the ci where the wire trained lightnings how objecl of and pit are thte for which ho hid paid nu thurnday writ the follolni qj and dlpticrs in the lire and his for inkers lid witch ilont like no tune was gone hu lonely heart turned hott fui out duildcu to kui to the old home in germany und in few montlis he iold out his toolt and etock to bob usher wtio was rtarthig bilhiei und took passage for liome the boit on the german line on which charlie shipped from jew york went down in mid ocean and charlie and hu rugj were never heard of at nirt the old planing mill li gone but it hud bury lilitorj for many jeani old residents 1i1 remember the old tuii which woj attrocuvelj executed by tkllful jocil painter lie like many of his cli hud an eje and hand for the artl tit but was rhort on opelllng and punctuation tjie clgn read cubage plaining mill scores of pupll of the rchool were permanently im pressed witli tho correct way of spelling ploninf mill when mr little called attention to tlie rlgn they picd every time they went to or from school paru dovical je gut that the word pjuioxletuaittnybetrtstnienif bo irdhill no longl make up jane ot kl percy make lipped lot of duui kldi fulcd to tee the polnte jane did wont uo plu each other ivldaj the teecher ccd to mc ted ihe what coarse do want to grageato in repllde sed coarse of time tho iaff was on the teecher toniorro if siturdny sunday witch ouiy by me saturday my cheef wurrj today be ide lonclderabel uork that day after toniorro another monday how time hysl prom ivlday pm to monthly am mean it doant look posslbcl but haft to connecd that it is deth whalr is thy stlncr toquf 1uistfbs bui had bill board bill alio had board bill tlic board bill bored biu bill old the billjjo lrd to pa hi my how mary and did enjoy our ehe at the ifr it was such dc liphtful to be outofdoors and met j3 many of mv old friends biu ivicl never an opportunity to from tom eb alw ij come back home and was glnd to sec be ure to fit and up to him oteppinr around as lively as ever tom alwuy did hl work with mathe tiiere were monjr others but some wuy matlcal precision he made pump and be mr littles own early pupils who paint ed this attractive iijn as aid the planinr mill was busy place for many years mr ebbngc made sash and doors and flooring and hou trim for the country idc and every carpntr or ciutome who trot rtuil uncw it would spe illcition thinning each thec were as lionet and reliable as his why feel we mut make carpenter work one time before tlic the ranks seem year that tlie mot of every opportunity of vi itlnp ia of puinor in every home yes long with our friends before organs were thought of for the ordinary home or for the churc the big fire which started in the tlullr bcforc niclodians came into adorn store swept away tint blax wave of delre for some mu lcl ebbages store and houe cluxrllc intrumcntr in advance of the jew welrars tlnsliop and old rags and went llar or tin whltle went over thl perilously near ebbages planing mil community some ori had brought which occupied the lot jut on the line dl to acton it wo examined and of mr john mowat line residence and omebody said there is the sunday mht of the fire old mrs fortune tlll manufacture of them lasby mother of the lute joseph laby caizc ctruck xvr ebbage com and grandmother of wallace and itlll nced to dulcimers with uie lasby had tea with her friend mrs lp of jimmie sullcer ibuilt maker ebbare she walled up to the farm in ot jolm slight also wnt into the lvtninr mrs ebbage accompany tll manufacture few were sold and lni her ii far as the railroad she hud omi thc follu wlt thc nulu jut reached home uie farm where mr hnmmlr attached to flexible whale md mr ired denny now reside when thi 11 ire of the big fire was seen at tlie farm and he alked back ajaln to offer lur ympathy to lier frund mrs lbbije and family bone bundle became quite proficient in liikinj weet murlc from the priml the imislc boye scares of years after urd how ever irtly unlhed dulcim ir by thl ore mlht have been found he mud cuan sweep with ullltl reiwing on uie coll ir thiuru much energy mr trbbage promptly re tiwtoofpliu rt ce ot bolh the built uie hone and tore the double ebb uc and the spelt lit shopj houe fcn liin street it having been in the cour of tlme mr cnp re amused for double hoiec kterl uu dlnctlng flu farm with name ceases to oe furm and bocotnei home with reputation to llvt up to one takes pride in the farm with name on tin barn or on neat clgn over the gate be auie no one with bad appearing farm wants to advertle wlio the owiui is this advertising value of the farm is evidently appreciated by rome wlde awake hmui that will jiay ral momy in order to be allowed to advertle thi nninclll zarvri in ugly signs painted all over am 4ood looking burn if worth real tlll ni lmultf min poip money to biulnc flrnu to dtcorate the ilu dkl li 1r bu nt ls bam fence it worth more to rn dan found they could furmer to advertlw hlnuulr and his busliuj in that iiuce if you have form you are proud of uhe it nami und put uie name up where everyone who mud the dlnctlng held and hey lept store atuln for time and uuul lnml hb hl then di continued georgl morrow hud iornlr prtmr ajd who ui more cf itrm sure uiere for severnl years at hli tlinl lo tlll up of the uu that time then were three other drug tlll ban om adam of which he stuns in acton dr mo row had one in the tore where harold wlus confc tioni ln now charlies manders thi liujbihniaii had another and thc ml burn dan busliu where broun etumlit loc ited luul not yet removed to loranto mr ijjbijt fire lau crippled him and lie took mr campbell of equrilng into partiurshl biislneu time but ui hv it sot taking cixascls lady you would stand more cliance of getting job if you would huw mid make vounelf mote preventable ivajnp yi lady fouikd uiut out years ago not iee ije to eyi hi their transaction md rm told outr lo dui and removeel to grivtiihun he re lumb was chetp ind phntlful to ncovi his fortunes litre conducted plalitiu mill for flvt or six yeirn when the devouring lenunt again vlalted hinf and the ac oct ishmally jolui who liked machinery umulutm livings of his yeara tlu ln motion nasty guli or la the ut up in tmoke an hour that of thumb or llnr ln bua planer was iiflymtn yrars ugo ihe he art ml uiu1 fcotm ml the j1j was executor and otlu out lde pursuit than lie did to hli balm of making win and doon found the buiine trailing to pay und dlrpoud of it willi un mi itam haw and hli on ihxniis luxt tanil into ju in iluy wert boui pructlc il carpenter ran the bu lne hvily for tinu with chop plnr mill on tin corner ie side ue and convenience to irim in illy john imron bought th bin ln ss und tin property he improv ed it nlartd the pnmlts put ln mi lilifiry and did thriving biehusj irs mr cimiron in hli triple ip icily ui architect bulldir ami manu fictui wis oiu of our bu cilln ut he worked with hli huiuli and thought dtnp uilnt und fulfllhd hk coutiacui of mr aild mm ebbage and the family turned ugulu to the old town and jidy iltij found them baek again bug and buytj4 all that was left mr lbbie built new planing mill beside ttw old again has to his endit number uf the 1m built and moat substantial ubldeiices and public buildings ui town about thirty yi art ago mr canirou lie ldfi to retire fiom buslniji he bored bill knott was not ln knott vns out knottinr knots in nettinp knott was out but lots of not were in knolt nettinr if hip hape ship hop rtock hip hape shop soiled hips how many hlpfihapo hop rolled ship would st hlpihiiio ship shops tock say thl vey quickly three time light enerretic englishmen eagerly examining europe hofunoi vatto4 clfv bof cjahjlrnj am tarlith stu laj mill british nctospctper tycoon chats informally business directo medical dr alcniven fhjalelsn uid saifaoa office and residence corner avenue and elgin street dr nelson ffayaselu mj electro therapy photm dr wm cullen physician usd surgvoo office hours 14 and t0 corner ledorick and mill fltreqt tejcphctna i2fl leoal phone no 23 box su harold nash farmer barrister solicitor naiary tvhom conrcttmnocr et mux stcet actow oh hours so to 12 00 noon 100 to soo tn eaturdsys 12 00 oclock kenneth langdon ttvrbi eucltor notary pubotr oftlces acton georgetown over seynuck cafe main street vat appointments phono acton 0t aeorgetown b8 office houn acton tuesday and thursday 16 to 30 kvcav lngs on request toenta office in lelshman block houra dam until fl evuilnsi by appointment oas for extractions closed wednesday aternoon phone i4t pearen bail bnrgnati moved to our new quarters hi the by mon block phone 29 mill street acton miscexlankoug francis nunan bookblndter account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of tevery description carefully bound bulhatf neatly and prompuy dano wyndham btreet ouelnb onl the candid camera cnupht lord nothermcre head of the daily mail uid the bnti newspaper empire cretcd by hia brother the late lord northchffe in an informal but chnracterjtic po in vancouver lord othermcre vvt on ins way to japau nnd plans to make circuit of the world before returning to rnejarid fred wright office cooper block ottlce 95 lliakid uesli t3 want to sell something oi ei in lifetunl ind uiilly nit tlun plactr miner cornea nuj ut like this proudly id by irl iykieird spruca cr ic ir atlin dc lie broil ht tin pkcioui find btllevtu to be the bu in in id to vancouver fintn in di in in the north iho mm wiijhs 1j ounces pi nny hi und worth about lj0o in oh teimen howlver it ui idirtd worth even more for it in at oo et utul inioith tllk fiom hi nelion of nin rj tti laciri yl trdj uh li tn ict imnii ih yukon mx ii un lo uda ten jiirs fit dviuuiiik cd ul iu cnueduf fuw general in wf kltcjajjzk in life tiro health and accident automobile windstorm plate glasd boiler fidelity bonds annuities and all general lines of insurance also ocean steamship tickets wattlhq comlanitu utctwuajr pacieixieg tlan at cju toe tbuu poly mil oim tinpliy tli iliud in mon it tu tit lau lou nlo juil ntlr hns bun tlcmtitd by th irlti itini of nlo for pit intitin iinuuilly in tin out nullni uliun utllli un ilt in il it nuidi irnm blink mill mll inn bit nil in iiu lln tiojibi iill bt uvv niltcl rly in mil ry nf nb vi ir bv it tnninntt of tin iurnncn 01 mill hot iiiki nil tl kti nil iii ibli nul llilhl ill in nun 111 ill ju tu hu hi 11 it sold yukt istfcs umall ad is tlm quickest clioapcat wuy to iiiui buyer onlv ctnt uohji

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