thursday october lit looo the acton free press lupi seven not undeiistood not understood the secret springs of action which ljo beneath the surfacd and the show are disregard wih selfootlsfacuon we judge our neighbors and they often go not understood not understood how trifles often change us the thoughtless sentence or the fancied slight destroy long years of friendship and estrange us and on our souls there falls freezing biight not understood nob understood how many breasts aro aching ytor lock of sympathy ah day by day hdw many cheerless lonely hearts ore breaking how many rioblo spirits poos away not understood god that man would if uttlo clearer or judge less harshly when they can not see ocjcl that men would draw little nearer to one anothcrl they be nearer thee and understood twenty yeafcs ago from the iuo0 of the free pre4 of thursday october 3th 1916 the woollen mills at glen williams were seriously damaged by lire on tues day imsii thursday nights downpour was the first real good rain that fell here in three months mr john crawford lias purchased tho house and lot of miss minnie mellon chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the acton free press gwendolyns clarke wonders will never cease pfcrtner and haycbcpn out twioo in one week and each time to pub in an appearance at local pall pair tune was when wo were not so awfully keen on small fairs but now we both enjoy going to them and why ijecausc now we know the pcoplo whom wo meet whereas few years ago wo felt ourselves to be among crowd of strangers yea knowing people mokes all tho difference in tho world nob only ill meeting and talking with them but knowing tho persons who exhibit makes tho exhibits far more lnurcstlng to us and the race what fun it is to watch them when one knows one or two of the competitor in the race and then again going to fall fair in just liko going anywlicre clso if onu sets out with tile idea of having good time one certainly has it hut if out starts out in criticizing mood tlu onu lsn likely to lmvo marly such ti good time one thing love to do li to watch the crowd just for the fun ot noticing what interci peoph and wlmt things they will do in the iiamo of enjoyment at one fujr one huo lucldrait teemed to uppul to the people more than ull tlie races and hide shows on the grounds uttlo girl leading lamb wftwfchd auhwrwehhttutf prizo winners at acton fair continued from pago three suffolk sheep itam yi ars hnd over wilion clarkson son lieorlhig itam clarkson at sou ram lamb wilson clarkson st son ewe years ond over clurkson faon wilson shearling ewe wllon clark son sun ewe lamb clarkson ac bon wilson mi km specials ilest flock of slieep harbour jbons trank mack heat pair of marketable wctlicr lambs john kelly frank mack hogs hoar born previous to september lt 1035j fvatherstone it urown pinkncy sons boar born between september 1st 1935 and march 1st 10300 wilson pinkncy st sons fcathcrstorn hoar born after march lab 1030 pinknoy st ons feauicrstonc urownrlugo cluunploiudilp hoar ftaliht toile ow bom previous to september lut 1935 teathinitone pinkncy sioivt ilrown sow born tween ptcmber 1035 und marcll 1930 fcatlierstoru ihnknry sons brown sow born after murst lut 1030 puiknuy som brownrldgo tvatlurstone champion sow fiutlierstone bon ifapjittatnnagg urown wilson champion uacon hog xi urown hog special pulr young tows under months wilson fcatherstonc poultry rhode island red cock alexander ii allen rhode island lied hen alexander 1l alleiu rhode island red cockerel alexander il allen rhode island red pullet alexander ii allen white leghorn cock conn alexander white leghorn hen puplllon ihival alexander white leghorn cockerel conn alexander white leghorn pullet conn alexander white wyandotte hen conn mclaren white wjindotu cockerel ii pen of white leghorns papujon duval alexander limn on kn old mali ii allen ii mclaren itouen duties old male ii alun ii mclaren icouln ducks young malo ii alii mcdonald itouen ducks young female allen mcdonald kin ducks old malt urown ridge 31 mclaren ihwn ducks old kmaliw mc iuren if allen pekln ducks young mule urownridgi mcluren pekln ducki young lyuiult 11 alltn mcluren cje male alexundi allen qihia ft male akxuluh vt ii aiilii 1urkev mule alien turkty ternale allen potlltry specials pen of six bred to lay ulloli crlpps cunningham pen of six new hampshire lud pullcta frjer ptt stock pulr qf pigeons maxwell viclellull murray ttnuer pair of ilibblu lddy keuliy lorn harrl pet animal juck keiitncr geortfe soniurvtlle matched pair of kittens feairl murule george allan ivirytiiing agalffst liave tlu pjxciit teacher latlein winn ti re kldu wo dldii liave to lit any eiu li k1cli ils uium knhv his muhk li ii hrr jimmy what is cueuiical iniialr jimmy the kind lou runt wliiitlc sir time tables twoway oceai zrs look two ways som imagination ai nlulit ilrumiml marritml the mat beautiful woniiin in wic uorld shl weru we huppy jy althouuh karry wchmun broadway crooner inmid lliul lit luid no dimtrcncl of opinion with his pilot dick merrill on tholr two wny tronatlimllc light to london and back the camtrj dtttcli cvldwict of klralntd relations as it maps tht pjlr on nrrlvnl at loyd ntnnctt fitld nftcr their fllbht from muitrave liarbor whtrt they wcrt forced down on tin trip front enklnnd to jtw york the boy ore bhakm hands all rnhl but mtrrill luw look oit way ond itichmnn another twiia at acton nadun nfltionalflailwys going east dally except sunday 05am dolly except sunday 10 07 am daily except sunday is pjaa sunday only going west dully except sunday 5ojh daily cxeep sunday 233 pjox dully rxoept sunday 05pjn daily except sunday 1240am sund ly only 33 ni s1andaiid ttmk arrow bus effective spt 27th 936 leave westbound dlly 45 am dally except saturday 1145 am dully saturday only dilly daily diily sitt sun holiday 15 pin 3u5 pm 15 15 pm 11 15 05 leave eastbound daily except sunday 00 am dilly 10 am daily lj45pur daily 30 pm tzeevo ifynds reeefved woroton tued day that corporal3otuj had sustained gunshot wounds in tho scalp mr mathlas bousfleld of trafalgar township has purchased small farm near ljmehouse belonging to william edge of watcrdown the 164th battalion made an excel lent showing when inspected by col campbell and were recommended for overseas service but sjinouncement has been mode that tho battalion will be quartered in hamilton tor the winter born coopeii iii uownxhtivlllc on sunday october 1st lolfl to mr and mrs george cooper son died jfoble in toronto on wednesday september 20th 1016 ut ids lato residence 315 honcesvalles avciluo william innes noble aged 70 years new president of royal winter fralr dryden prominent in canadian livcstockractlvitics forocr twentjtivcf years wus by tho unanimous voto of the directorate on wcdncjday septem ber 23rd appointed manager of the royal winter fair to succeed the late weitervelt william dryden was the first pre bldeiit of tlil itoyal agricultural winter fair ai oclatlon holding that office from 1did to 1023 covering the period of ortfunhiktion and the ftrt two fairs he li the win of tile late hoiioxuble jolm dyden ontario minister of agrl culture born in broolclln ontario hi was brought up on farm which classic in the earlier history of short horn cattle in luitern canada ho hits held almost all tho pttels of honor open to breeder in the dominion he is past president of the can adian sheep breeders association and uw canadian shorthorn breeders aj socuitlon und ipost chairman of the canadian national live stock records at uie present time he is senior dlrec tor of uie canadian national inhibition honorary life director and member of tlio lxecutive of tlie canadian sliort hom breeders asioclation member of the executive committee of tlie can adlan live stock records dlroctor and execuu of the canadian cooperative wool growers company and dlrectir and executhe of tho continental life insurance company mjr dryden is uell known judge of shorthorns and sheep at national and international shouu in canada and the united statbs his farm ut brooklln ui the home of one of the leidlng herds in the priuce mrs drideii is the tfranddauuhter on both sltlea of tlie lute james davidson and the lute john miller names familiar as household uords in canadian live stock history there are one son and tuo daughters unionglhc crowd firiiigingrorui and khidly comments wherever she went gait mall stopped and spoke to her and asked what tlio milk was ir in tlie bottle that she carried oh that is for tlie lamb when sin nets hungry said the child and do you drink out of the bottle too queried tlio man oh no replied tlie little girl hi surprise that is only for tho iambi partner of course was particularly interested in the showing of horses and cattle imt he thought that tlieve shou ing stock had real liard day work looking after tliem but each man to his choice upikc these men get ukht to their job and kt real enjoy ment out of it as will as hard work and tluji the ladies in tlie refrcji ment booties don they worz hawlz anrj wliut do uiey get out of it no personal benefit ue know but ask uho organisation to which they belong and jou will tooit hear how this ono and tliat one is untiring in her efforts is daily oo pm old bible is family heirloom relic that survived persecution of the covenanters now owned dy saskatchewan resident not up ov his art this said tlie art collector polnttru with great prldt to small picture on the wall is specimen obtained very cheaply at mile its ge nulno rcmbruvult and it actually worth abou four times tlie price paid for it hi gutsi uho uos txt emcly vogue about mutters connected with art uaso rd orrat scott he exclaimed yot don uully say so vi seen tliose ut mband sale advi rtis alf the drapers but ull my wlft ever uts nt cm is bits of silk and ribbon iis asslklu aiiov tietp bring in illcic money te lt lcty not only la the booth beneflti to the organization running it it aii3 one of tho things that help to nik6 pair suecert be the ly hot or cold cverone no should lay eery woman uelcomev cup of tea the younzcr generation seeinr to run more to drinks and ice cream and those to can be had so everyone is latiifled and then the exhibits in the hall have jou cw looked around and thought of oil liours and hourr of work the various exhibits repreent it is really rather wonderful many of yoa liave probabli ben throueh the museum in torontp and have admired and mar veiled al the wonderful pottery and bcid work doiie by tlie indians and it uonderful but rather think such work was almost like second nature to the native women fancy work lsn second nature to tlie omen of today the time clven to it time wrested usually from an over full life not always with uork tlie pace tet by the age in widen we live fllb our waking hours to the limit therefore there may be quite history of small pleasures aacriflced jn order that various exhibits may find place in the fair said one lady to me really hadn time to make on thin for tlie fair this jear but my husband is director so of course just had to put something in and now ni going to tell jou somf thing else ever since uc settled in ontario have attended fairs and looln at other people uork this year put ronie in of myounajuljn tloluj tumbled on secret believe if more people ould take little time id trouble to exhibit just few thlnf the lntert in local fnlrs would in ic than coubled it stands to axon if you are show lug potted plant und hooked tut ue are going to take twice the inter in those clauj than if ue had no entry at all and if we don win prize it duuil matter had in ave entries mclaren conn white wyandotte pullet conn barred plymouth rock cock alexander ii mclaren barred plymouth rock hen ahxander mclaren barred plymouth ro cockerel alexander mclaren ba red plymouth rock pullet brownridge alexander white rock cock ii mclaron aloxander white rock hen mclaren alexander white rock cockerel brown ridge alexander white rock pullet wo broun ridge brov nrldge pen barred rocks bred to lay brownridge puplllon duval bantam cock allen mn fryer bantam hen mvs frjer conn ban tarn coekerelf conn alien bantam pullet allen mrs foer pen of white wyandottes mc laren at our fair and got one second cru3 prize but am downhearted not bit of it it was lots of fun hurrying off to the hall to see hot luck ha had and even got quite thrill cut of getting second prize kuntr sliall have to frame that quarter ulien et it son cot third prize fnra mod airoplaiio and washe tickled times up so will jut con lude with the jultccttlon that ue all do what ue can to give our loc ii fair boo if had entries hi this jeir lut lu dtu mine to have twice an many next yeir if we had po entries then lets ur iomcthlna ubout it wake up thab slug ulll public spirit of our and let the community know are living we cant all win prize but thote uho ulll con ut least be in the running ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop representattvb cor district moisal norwich union caiimflmls flra inswmtoc comiway tb alhakuw amttrasm on the cuwjty of cjusabt aasomface company tius merehmau casaslly the ptjrtmrebiptiri maloal ssassaial ly leaf of lite anclciil covcnabteri lllultf withfarully recorjj written on left liand page ly ii wall ii central irew canadian corres pondent good queen be wis 111 on the throne of enj lond which she hnd occupied to illiiotriously from 1550 william shakespeare was writing some his prent literary master pieces ind the north america was unlti own with not white settle ni nt in the whole of this vost coun try when the bible shown here cime iff the prcs in london in tho ytnr 1500 tlie fly sheet between ihc old and new testaments reads as follows the new testament of our lord je us chrlt translated out of the greek by thcod bczn with brief ummurles and ospofitlons upon the hare places by th said author ioic uner and lofeler villenus tiij ltitlied by tom on together with the unnotjtioi of inniu upon the elation of st john imprint ed it ondon by tlie deputies of unor hn tophi irlccrl rmti tnthcjthcy most lxcelknt majistle vary qu tiempt to retain th sp hit hib been mule itli ii tebs heloiiked to covenanters it ib nut only the ict tint thi ij ble pi luted neirly tiirel hun dr and fifty years ni that mokls pen illy rilhtr than live up sueh hll lily prized relic by the owner william waters of van coy si but tut its hitory is steeped in that glorious but terrible perrod tlie covenanters of old scotland linort ihztd by hogg and other iter nters were those person wnom mr waters rrimi grandfather thomas waters an lnj ljchman was married follow inr very ancient custom in scot land the family bible was handed down from the father to tlie oldest son but tlie lreat rreat prondmnttur was apparently the only survivrj member of tier family and so we inherited this heirloom tlieso dorthwlcks bclonied to tlw covenanters and as such were tub jected to the rcllpious per of theic day this bible was token by soldiers of tlie klnp und thrown into the fire of the old fashioned fire p4nco the fuel for which wn in variably pent the bible however was rescued from tlie slow burnn peat and hidden in tlie thatch ro of the home the soiline from the wet of the straw belnu clearly seen as well as the pnrts which wen scorched has dlctlonaryreoords the book of geneva and the fr cover ide of shicpjkm ure entire ly mis ing of considerable interct is tlie record of births deaths und ni nates which cover two pate ne under tynnny hundreds or of which is shown here the covenanters includini till clt records beiin with tlie year ktjo of socict biifftred the exlri me nearly three hundred years ato the tht ir wntinj in ink is still legible at the bielc of the bible is fairly complete dictionary for tho times tins heirloom wuj broui ht accordmu to family traditions as in ldn in 1007 when mr hers handed down from jeneution to md hu parents emigrated fr generation this bible wai oripinally giasiow scotland it wni pa ed in the poj eiun of the borth in 1dj1 on the ienth of wlckj of dumfrleishin to one of homos waters who nan embraced the new religion of tlie protctim reformation of the sixteenth ccnturv dis iplcs mainly of the treat scottlh divine john knox and uho beeame known as presbyterians owing to their form of church ovcrnment these first during the reii of bloody mary sipned covenant to defend until death their religion against all its enemies it wa3 later revived under the fpiscopal persecution of archbishop laud in the reipn of charles nnd lastly under the persecution of charles ii followed by that of jamos ii this persecution took or various forms from that of the burning of all bibles found in the pos ccsion of the covenanters tho forbidding of all forms of free wor hip that did not conform to the usages of the lstabli hed church huptinp down the covenanters like wild beasts imonu the hills and glens to which fled the compulory eknowledi engirt ofjamejtjuko of york hil rightful icing of scot orh innl non conformity with any of the demand being puni liable by dnth eheri id rt lif ion was amily heirloom whats the news news is dunging con stantly events happen taut and things change over night only an alert newspaper can kwp abreast of these happenings on many local fronts the aeton free preus offers its readers complete service in news reporting and editorial features it answers the question whats the news regularly every thursday subscribe now and keep up with tlie times the acton free press acton ontario subscriptions for all magazines taken at the ivee press office muggs and skeeter the uultrii had taken his ordr miu time uuo but now uu huuy hhul hts clmlr ith rjilt xt iou on irr far at lat tlu prwp ti dim br ilu tht siii nc nny lit aid ir jour thouutiu tilu blushwl ditph wt rath busy her to dui hu vplld nil uomlrriiik ulntli iu ftuued bntrr or trlxi ih ou tu carsoks rtt coys vt vamtu 1t erne mae taaw plavim ituw awrui wouuixiia muou towhr okcc mow vfcu ba it eaf 310p w6r vf3 dcw1wo aae mad ji ty waiiy bishop