Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 22 Oct 1936, p. 3

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thursday october 22nd 1b the acton free press p40b st ffl she 3toe ureas hnrt tnrg the last witness for the defence by alice dyar russell si dure not interested marcla kemp sot her now little camera down somewhat pcu lanuy and turned an aocusiiuj gaze an oerry howe her flanoe you havent listened to word ivo soldi ito nice enough toy rotunied gerry absently toy my word and ive just boon trying to tell you nil tho impor tant and exciting things can do wltn it gerry she sonic on the coach beflldo him xk you think im ex travagant you know wouldnt havo done it it hadnt been for aunt olives present she said was to get bom thing truly wanted no hoarding no spending tho money on some one else half the fun is gone lr you don like lb oerry tell me alio insisted as ho still remained silent do you think its silly cxtravugancu lie rumpled his hair in mock despera tion how you pin ono down morel dont know that do wasnt think ing about it tluits tho truth im botliered cant scorn to put my mind on anything but uie problem ivo not to solve youll liavo to forgive mo for being such poor company this evenirjf what is it uiat hi bouierhitf you gerry asked marcli quietly shoving came aside viu1 her foot carct ua oh caji tell ou all right but whats uio use ought to keep my business troubles at the office maybe would if wasnt audi brand new lawyer and you werent such dear moybe would anyway if tills didnt strike so near home its uiat damage suit marcla against your uncle george howe inquired marcla alertly yes ttgainst good old uncle george was awfully bcu up when he told me ho would let uii luuidkj it but cer tainly wish ho luul given it to iome on else hes so prmtl of me thinks can work miracles and im going to full him he liosnt uie ghot of cluuicc to win if miss lech seta judgment of even 10000 it will dimply put him out of bushier and im convinced tliotr the old lady is malingering uiat shes simply out for uncle georgou scalp pocket book rather he tullaxl back to lier you know and she cant stand that she tlircatciied to make him sorry didnt ho have accident lniurance on hit oar askud marcla in uie husl niillko way umtr vas hers whenslic put her mind on problem no worse luck he was liard up und lie let it lapse just week before tho collision that collision may liave been his fault uiero are better drivro on the road tlian uncle george but even so unless miss leech was dcrloualy and perrnajienuyhurtrlhof hliej claims to suo for fifty tliousand dollars la scandal know her said marcla thoughl iully nvr ukodlitr much she lias the blanket dislike for lier fellow crcaturf and uie sourest tongue what does uie claim hs uie matter with liar almost everything tdglied gerry wearily her complaint sounds like surgeons case book mental and physic al anguish tucked hi every paragraph total disability is the sum and sub stance sli claims slies never walked since and never can walk ogaho if believed her id feci sorry does vour uncle george believe her not for minute he says uia ter rific crash she dacxibed so touclilngly was in reality as gentle as fccphyri says mosquito riding with her wouldnt have had its feelings hurt gerry chuckled you know uncle george lvow lie puts thing of course it was really wore than uiat but uiurefe no doubt shes laying on and its up to mo to prow it im lying awoke nlghu trying to figure out ikowl the doctors asked marcla she wont permit uncle georges dochor to examine her saya the doaans trust lihn profvsalonally shell have an array of lict own to testify of course and spinal troubles are buch vague affairs jfyou say you cant walk whos going to dispute you tlilnk tlve judge ought to appoint neutral medical committee marcla miggtatwd heatedly thais an idea uut liow are you goiiig to find anyone neutral in thl little town everybodys for or against itll be hard enough to pick jury mlsu liwch lias talked endlessly und there are plenty wlw feeltorry for her dla agrecable as she wlicn til case to be trlwl gerry wok from wrlday martin shall go craxy before its over fchant be able to do tiling but get the judg ment reduood maybe and tlkeres poor old uncle ooorge wlio uihiks im simply ll if could win this cud for lilm well marcla id fel tut if ikad cloth ing mono to ask for except one tiling he untied at tier meaningly and acrry boyisli smile waa very winning marcla smiled back wurmly and touciuid his hand want to lielpl she declared 1u put my svottd to work lie stout fella and dotlt give up tile ship until you see whab my mighty brahl can produoel thats sweet of yo dear but td better rua away and play that it womans place is in tho home didnt say uiat the young lawyer lauglied selfconsciously of course 111 bo glad of any help you can give ma now lets talk of something else thats all very well you smoouied it over nicely but just tho same to marclas thoughts ran when she woke up tho next jnonrtlruj just tho same young fellamelad have an idea uiat you und will bu liappicr married if once you got accustomed to uiat idea uiat your little marcla wants to be something be sides playmate to you partner in very thing uiat my ideal and heros grand chance to begm lets be up and doing she sprang out of bed yoj and sl said to her rcnecuon in uio glaf are going to do lltle strolling around bleuuiing as it were as she was abclt to leave uio house toon after breakfast her glance fell on tlie camera still on uio floor in the desplscd poaltla gerrys derogatory at tltutlo luul pujd it may as well ukd it uiong thou xtarclu ivrliapn can ctt iomo pic uriit of th scliool cnll drm at reccwi one of marclas linppy uvoughu lu connection witli her camera has to tike moving pictures of lier friends children hi amusing or ciulracterlsuc atutudes and havuuicm to ahoworcrtteruiri only proved rcjponjjve marciu luid meant to expand the idea and show him how pcrfccuy possible it was to work up an original and lucrative business uiat way toy slui ivpealed to herself with great scorn nice uulo tdy if dont make you eat ypur words mr gerry houo attorney at law the aidfashioned lioose of mus adelaide leocli was situated on uie far edge of town almost in uie country uxtcnslve grounds planted two genera tions before to evergreens and iihrub bery turrounded it llicro waa tail thick hedge la front and at uie back lorce garden sloped doari to ft brook beyond uie rmtic bridge wro trees and all pond tile uoodij luul become fianctuary for blrdii and little wood anunolr but mis leecii kan eevcre discourager of ireijuiicra with bouquet of fragrant roses fron lier mouiera fforden in her hand and her camera tucked unobtrusively under one arm marcla penetrated uie gloomy ground and rarur mimj leoclis front door bell these are for mlvt lcocli how in she today asked marcla clioerlly of tho dourfaced individual who opened the door dlscreet inch or two unable to cee anyone snapped uie latter her mouth abutting like trap and lier sunqtcloun gimlet eyes boring into uie young girl slio was middle ared with parchmentlike skin and tightly eombodliair thcsmcll ol floueni upseta her she added aoldly as thought were possibly marclas fault tell lier im very sorry called marcla baking away from uie stopd with her roses the door closed well tleclarea marcla to herself well miss leecii may deceive uie lawyers uie doctors jury but wager uiats one person she isnt deceiv ing wonder liow much of iwclo georges money will go to her marcla employed uu rest of ute fore noon in scouting around uie town in search of interesting bits of action for lier camera slid spent considerable time at uie schoolhoum ha even roam ed into uie country tills alio did day after day gerry said marcla to uie worried looking younk lawyer on uie night be fore ua cose of lboch versus howe was to come up in court wilt you call mo as witness tomorrow would like to be the tfcry lost one if you please gerry stared at her my dear marcla he said in the superior tone he some times used that annoyed her extremely dont know whether you are trying to foe funny or not con assure you thab tho witness stand is not place forjt know uiat marcla answered him seriously controlling bcr irritation shant try to bo funny gerry dear know how much you have at stake liavo on idea that can help you any way liavo very good reason for wishing to be called would much rather not tell you about 16 she replied to uio querttlon dawning in his eyes want you to trust mo oerry looked at lier and bwollowcd luud there were so many things ho wanted to say under uiat pleading pizo of marclas however ho finally said of courro ill trust you deorvsu the case liad gone badly for uio defense tho very presence of mls ldocu served as damtdng indictment the eyes of tlie spectators uio jury the judge were drawn to lier in sympathy she reclined in wheel chair her watchful attendant at lier side her face uas drawn gray and marked by suffering throughout uio gretater part of the proceedings she kept her eyes closed when silo testified it was in weak and faltering voice strong shud ders racked lier as jjic ticialbed uio dreadrul crash lier return to conscious ness ujui kulfcring lier mental anguish wluii she found lieroji unable lo move limb slio luul employed uie beit of medical advice takoi all uio treatment sclenoe could tlovlhj mid tlll could not bend her back wluiout agony or ttoid on her feet two brbjc doctors followed her on uie jitand stripped of wilenuflc verbiage uiclr tesumony wau to uie clfect uiat with miss adelaide leeclis delicate con thcacclden had hludo wituijltui iit la ay tern it was evident uiat uio woman luul sulfered severe injury to uie bplnal cord miss leechs life was not at prc umt threatened 4ut it woj extremely doubtful if slio uoukl ever recover the uw of lier limbs mtrs mjucla kemp to uie standi marcla took her seat composedly and replied to uio oath administered in trravv clear tones gerryu jluiitered manner he began queiuftning her jion steadied under her quiet answers where were you on wodnejday after noon liit between tc and rlx in uio uood bock of miss adelaide leeclia rardcn what were you doing in these woods was obcrvlni tho birds tliere was vlreoc ncrt hi large oak rce and watched the mouicr bud feed hvr iounjr will jou decribe the position you occupied uaa sitting crumped on branch of this pak tree wlui my camera wonted to get picture of the young birds and uie mother will you relate what you wero able to see from uils point marclfll hesitated for the ilrat tlm and seemed to pander finally she rais ed her clear cjes to tho judge your honor ask your permlslon to enlist tlio olt of inoclianloal witness more accurate and reliable than my own lej umony can be commotion like gust of wind went over ui specta as after uie judges ussent marclas young brohier madehfcr way to the front of the room carrying various photographic apparatuses hi his hands he gave uio camera to marcla uien assisted by bailiff he set up makeshift screen in clear view of the jury box window shades were lowered and the room made dork the picture now uirow upon the screen announced marcla in voice that carried to every person prosenv is the one took on last wednesday afternoon b4bwen five and six from the position occupied in uio oak tree unseen by anyone the white scrten was suddenly illuminated whirring noise began in uie woodland paui between uio tree trunks appeared uie familiar wlieel clialr holding reclining figure and pushed by dourfaced lady the eyes of the reclining figure were not closed bow ever the jace was not drawn with pain tho chair came to halt miss leech sat up briskly peered sharply in this direction and that swept uie rug off her knees with vigorous movement step ped out of the chair stretched and walked away unconcernedly beyond the margin of tho screen utter rose from massed court room it grew in volume became roar of laughter the judgd rapped for order your honor your honor miss leechs lawyer was sliouung in uio turmoil object object the lighted screen vanished ui darkness reigned for moment then som one raised the witnl ttie light revealed marcla nluing flushed but com poned in lier clialr tho jury presenting on hi teres ting study of amusement tttruggung wlui indignation uio judge lookud astounded and sqverc gerry amazed and triumphant unclo george quite besldo himself with glee and miss leecii oh miss leech her face wu red her eyes darting with fury rest ulc casoi cried gerry murcla you were marvellousl said gerry for uio dozenth llmo uiat even ing and cast an admiring glance also at that instrument for the confounding of prevaricaton which occupied con spicuous place near them and so is that toy marcla supplied demurely oil dont cull it uiatl gerry said knttustitmjk wloductfon uf cuiiullan productive operauoiiii dur ing augut jjiowed considerable acoel trauon over tho same monui year ago the index of uie phlcal volume of bujinets based on is factors moved up to new high point since the early part of 1030 ouierhiojorlnucjcca alo estimate decrease 1936 fhcit crop mtkti sale prices registered gain of 01 per cent and dominion bond price moved up to new jilgh point during the period of observation from 1010 to uui tho index of common stock prices ad vanced from li august 1935 to 1147 gain of more than 21 per cent which represcnu uie appraisal of spec ulators as to industrial conditions kxports of copper and nickel were not no grcit as in august of last jear but increase were sliown in the ex ports or yinc and uie lmporui of bauxite for uie production of aluminum kx ports of xinc were exceptionally high showing fpiln of about 75 per cent gold shipments from canadian mines amounted to 317921 ounces compared with 301312 operauona in manufacturirm plants recorded considerable increases the index of the production of foodstuffs was about 20 points higher marked gain was shown in uie output olwlicat flour in uie lost month for which statis tics ore available actluty in uie meat packing industry was at higlicr level and uiu index or canned salmon exports rose from 120 to 170 slight decline was shown hi uie amount of sugar manufactured production of automobile ures has recently been at higher level the index of crude rubber imports standing at 230 compared wlui 177 uhllc lm ports of raw cotton uere sughuygreat er the production of newnprlnt wood pulp exports and uie exports of planks and boards allowed considerable lm industry was less acuve automobile production dropped to low point im ports of crude petroleum gained 15 per cent the output of uio power in dustry was per cent greater and car loadings advanced nearly 13 per cent due to the heavy movement of train an aidvantage so you uilnk uiat college education leaves girl better equipped for domes tic life yes replied miss cayenne wiien woman loses her temper it must be some comfort to her husband for her to express liercclf branunatioally and even classically cranberries 23c lb potatoes good cooking per peck 27c bananas golden yellow 7r per dozen onions sound ft lbs ontario iv for ut oranges sweet and juicy per dozen carrous limited according to uio official preliminary estimate the 1030 producuon of fruit in the dominion as whole shows de crease in all fruits in comparison with the final estimate for uie year 1035 ab present canadas apple crop is estimated at 4078700 barrels which is decrease of 354000 barrels compared with ui 4432700 barrels in 1035 pear produc tion fell from 433100 bushels in 1935 to 303000 bushels in 1030 plums and prunes decreased xrom 203100 bushels apricots slump from 00000 to 2gcq bushels cherries from 214500 to 103000 bushels strawberries from 27500000 quarts to 10836000 quarts raspberries from 8140200 quarbj to 19000 quarts and grapes rrara 42045000 ibn to 20 552000 lbs lest tliui lialf of uie 1035 crop nova scotia which also registered ln lreases hi all uio fruits marki ted by uio province alono is esumntcd jm sliow an ilpple increase 111 036 uie llgurcs being 1850000 barrels as against 1800000 barrels in 1035 thu apple crop de creases hi uio other appleproducing provinces are nw hrunswick 12500 barrels quebec 112000 barrels on tario lllooo barrels and ilrlush col umbia gufl000 boxes in addition to uio larger apple crop nova scotia it estimated to liavo in creased its poar crop by 2000 ubshcls plums by 700o bushels an increase from 8000 to 15000 bushels strawberries by 124000 quarts und raspberries 12000 quarts all increases over uie iliuu es timate of 1035 the only other estimated increases in the dominion 930 fruit crop are in quebec and new brunswick namely qutbec stmwberru 810000 quartii ui crearui raspberries 170000 quart lu creasi nw brunwlck strawberries 400000 quarb lncreaw and raspberries piooq quarts increase none jafjjirpro the great energy food with the delicious flavor edlvardstourg corn syrup product of the canada starch company llrnltd listen to syrup symphonies every monday night from to 830 est anchors awkigh vinclal increajjis were sirfrtcieiit to oriscc uio decresjxi in all fruit crops in the dominion us whole wo witnessed little seeno saturday wlildi was dlstlncuy rembibent of horso and btlggy dajs rather largo group of rauur largo countryfolk were hr town wiui large open touring car after deal of ahutultlg back and forth to vurlous shops uiey assembled where uio crate was parked ard prepared to push off aunt km sho uas already enuiroiied in back liolding ton of parcels in her lap then ma got in bearing six loaves of bread and jinny about fourteen and weighing 180 she clambered abolrd with doubledip ic cream cone hi each tlx pa was travelling light just can of tobacco he took his position hi tho rightfront ieat junior younger uum jinny held nipper on his lap centre front joke uie hired jiand waii pilot tie made sure uiat the bags of chop wero securely tied on the bumper and fenders he choked and npun uio engine and dishkl to uie trot tie when she roared into life then he climbed tho door leiouc7fyocr ing lopeuislidbc cavkk gualutd by itew hano ctvut which iiatlvei have declared for centuries uere uie home of an enormous serpent waiting to devour uie trespasser lias just been explored by captain malt land thomon they nre in nullarhar plain treeless wiute 400 mi let lnni and b0 miles wide in south australia vroin blowholes in its limestone cxpance3 the wlndi bellow up in wvlrd nolta which tlie natlvai attribute to ulcked splrlli at the entnince of one the murmuidginnie cave are painted the sign of the ued hand ai warning uiat none must enter tills cue is believed to house the emblemt of the uelrd tribal ceremonies of the bluckfellous tribe another cave contained cliambor boo feet in clrcumferonco hind tho wheel and ilko pitcher check ing up on his fielders carefully looked around to see uuit his passengers were all in pojltlon he reached down uio left side of the car uien and pulled on piece ropo at uio end of uils was fastened uie large chunk of wood which had been placed to block uie rear wheel with uils impromptu anchor safcii hauled aboard and with deafening clatter they werv off in st mtrj jo urilal argus tkiwiule aunt hetty saket nlhe dont be lieve ro fat woman could ever be co fat uncle sj wliat rending now hcti hcttj why thlt paper telbi about an english woman uho lost two thou ind pounds 31kihcal service in the north medlcnl casv for uio liullvo inhabi tiuit of cmaulan fur north is provid ed by the canadian government and for uiousonds of hi lies ulong uio arctio coast of uie dominion in fair weather and in foul medical oil leers hi the service of uio government bring their healing art to uio old of uie eskimo citizens wlille lnbuid indians half brees and indigent whites ore also given medical aid whiter and summer patrols of hundreds of miles are not unusual and netr ly every mode of transporui tlon known to uie north country such as aeroplane steamboat motor boat canoe and dogslcd lias been used to extend thlst service eight doctors ore emplojed hi uie work luid uielr efforts to prevent mrlous ilhuss among uie northern natlvej axe bearing fruit although neal thy and organically sound race uie tkimo5 are seriously susceptible to ailments which ordinari ly cause whho people only minor dis comforts before uio comlntf of uio wliltcman uieklmoekncwlwuijiifi rf wb insiiw and other kindred aliments and there luul been no need for uiclr bodies to build up ft resistance to uio attack of these dlseoea coiisequon uy tho ar rival of uio first wliallngand trading vessels each season was followed by widespread outbreak among uie natives itli often disastrous results today the medical serviced in uie par north take particular care upon uie arrival of vessel to check uio spread of uieso disease by instructions as to proper diets uie doctors liave reduced consid erably tlio number of deauia due xs dlftary caues and most striking succejt lies been made in uio correc tion of methods of feeding infants and older children in this and other wavs the hes lth of uie eskimos is being safe guarded oiid improved to that uie beno flti being derived from uielr contact with clvlllzitlon are preserved and any harmful elfects overcome or avoided fair play our tnoua jd wu tbek to ill fat prlcic the furtkv uul uitbll ttunuy flurr wtt kail to fur wtfc foa oirf delivery leyi uvuig vftf fe eu wy bdu tam kdquli for tk uiftport of fuiuly trtojrt working hour foc all and no slave driving all you luy far yow fellow cundtuu wun you buy canells toed ajuj wuti iacx cm capital uvtmnt all canadiaa yow lay at loal pur vaubi sjohnlbj criy tart domestic jlj biscuit 25jp 29 our slkj sid lin pihut clip j2iiu kw bacon iibpi 28c 32ojlu 26c 26c couj oats 25c makes children strong and sturdy ovflltine 38 candy it 25c tea buui t3u iff lui salmon 23c oiu mpl li mincemeat it 25c bnuiit bllr cornstarch j10c coffee lit 36c bwiwlcl qilcbari haddie 25c sea hul or macaroni 5c tl jr toalo catsup 1o 10c nw fjjj wku corn we tuii 10c rownb bcaliil cocoa kll 19c rownbtl bllnj chocolate irlb ej 16c milk isoi um 35c ktw clovr honey swii 29c ahnj choice tomatoes choke auilraliim apricots nw pick blueberries old dutch cleanser no 2h 21c 1601 libff 27c no tin 13c mwl uw uum tll cixaput wuk talimm 1uw antd atj tao uwi mlr uut wu oj yin 9c lifebouy hcklth sep 20c carrolts gucst ivory ukh lis colo sow lui ik chiito flakks itptt ite limited mill street stoke closes satuiumy night 10jjo free delivery phone 158

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