it pagb wo the acton free press thursday october mok llti ije rinii jffree resfi published every tlmraday at acton ontario per yr lo lvr igle coiilca sc lioili surschiition ratestaop united siatca sac acmltioiml sing and new addreaaca aliould bo atldrcaa la requested cancellationsw and tliat moat of onr acrtbera prefer nut to have their aubacription interr is case tlicy fail to remit before expiration wliila acriptiona will not be carried in airera over va extended period yt mile wc ate miiilicil to ciiicel juih the aubacrltjer wlahea the acrvlco continued upted in sra althnuab vcrv precaution will be taken to avoid the kree irieaa nccepta ilvcrtiairif in ha column under land in that it will not be liable lot jny it any adveruarroeiit published hereunder utlleaa proof auclt adverting ntit la rcquratcd in writlutf by the advertiaer and returned to ttie free treaa lmiuien ditilb duly aigncd by the advertiacr and with audi error or correction plainly noted in writing hiirtii ami in that raac any error ho noted la not cgrreettd by the vtce 1reii it liability ahull not exceed audi proportion of the entire coat of aucll udvrrllcitleiit tin apace orrutii by tbe noted error bear to the whole apace occupied by buoh advertisement alttok dills uduor tklevhonks kditmial and limine orne 174 retail sales in ontario up indicating improved conditions retail sales in ontario during 1035 totalled more than 848 million dollars an increase of per cent over 1034 accord ing to the dominion bureau of statistics the value of retail tndc was is per cent higher in 1035 than it was in 1033 when the lowest point in the depres sion was reached but it was still 23 per cent below the 1030 level the greatest gains in 1935 over the preceding year were rcuurueti by those kinds of busi ness which experienced the greatst reductions in trade prior to 1034 and which deal primarily in luxury or scmiiuxury lines of merchandise such as motor vehicle dealers furniture stores household appliance stores radio and music stoves and jewel lery stores on the other hand grocery stores country general stores and other type of retail es tablishments dealing chiefly in necessities or stable lines of goods recorded but flight increases for the second consecutive year motor vehicle dcalersr6 ported the greatest annual increase in business the aggregate sales of all such establishments in the province amounting to 102571000 an increase of 17 per cent over the 1034 iigure and only per cent below tbe corresponding amount for 1930 practical study in amherstburg definite tep is being made an effort to lessen the toll of sudden deaths on the iighvays in the high school in that town students are being taught how to eliminate as far as possible the danger of that renderilig impact of fastmoving vehicle by course in sale automobile driving and understanding of trnlltc regulations one halfhour chss in the subiect is bed weekly with apparatus stipplicdby automobile companies and each student the sunday school lesson fou kundav november jt slats dujnr by oliver wabrxh continuing power at cost local hydro consumers will soon feel the benefit of hydros reduction in power costs to the munici pality as told about in news article of the meeting of the public utilities commission to realize just how much this plan of power at cost to the consumer has meant over the years one must recall former rates charged before hydro came into acton the municipal electric plant had rate of 10c per kilo watt hour when hydro came the rate was made approximately 7c per kilowatt with an additional charge for the number of square feet of floor space in the building that was back twentyfour years ago all dcbentijed indebtedness incurred was met and retired few years ago out of hydro revenue the rate soon to be enjoyed for householders will have no service charge and be 28c for the first sixty hours and 1c for the balance naturally there has been nn incentive to use more and more of this cheap power and if we recall correct figures the load of under 100 horsepower has increased in acton to about 1300 horsepower scarcely home is without number of conveniences which are in most cases considered necessity power at cost has meant great ileal in tfie life of this and many otherlike communities citizens arc upprcoia tive of the present and other steps that have brought this great convenience into theif everyday life at ii cost within reach of nil is provided with copy of the ontario highway traffic act the class is always on friday afternoon kcause statistics show there is concentration of traffic accidents over the weekend the aim to have the lessons uppermost in the students minds as they face thr weekend the time cannot be far off when some such course as that being tried at am herstburg will be compulsory part in the curri culum of every secondary school very small percentage of the students today fail to learn how to operate car the proper time for them to be taught the principals of safedriving and traffic move ment is when they are first learning to drive so that proper driving may become to them the natural thing amherstburg high school is to be congratu lated on pioneering this movement brampton con servator law love and temperance golden tcxtit in good hoi to cat ilenh nor to drink wine nor bo do any thing whereby thy brother tumble th itom nit si lewuin text uomaiuj 13 114 tlnif sprltiir tu imuce cylnlh hxpalhoiit tjui ohrlutiuu duly in civil authority iv the uhn in puulii time for tin luol purl were iinconvcrud men tnnie of them umoui the wont ruler the world had ever seen nevwvuieleui 1uul bldi ili 1m in subjection to the higher pow ers thee poweru even though men who hold llu ikiiiltlnn are wicked iuu ordained of god if we resist uiom wlia administer them we ure witlistunding the ordinance of god and shall re ceive to ourtelveri judtfttivnt kulbrri ivetl juleni us bad an were thoe in iiuls day ure not terror to good worka but to the evil wo would bj free from fear of those in authority uv should do thnty which is ood the man hi civil authority minister of god to the believer ft minister of god loil good but if wo wroni ue may well bo afraid in that com the ruler punlihes un for wronirdolntf lie minister or god we miuit nceda be in iibjection not for tear let wv brinj doun wrath ujion our heads but rather for concienceh juiku recoiniz lnc the ruler ns ordnlncd or god and obejliib jilm inorder to obviy god we ihould pay our taxei and our customs duei thoe who collect them arc mln iabearollgildiiwilvlc ii bove the ihilflllliuj of the liw sundity pa aed daxu preecher down in the sonny south scuebrutes crumah in september after dew do llbrronhcn am for tlid rev lor pre ode nt provided ho lb in favor of not agoln back to jtkool till jan onct monday the umcher act elsy dont wfm to have no amblahen but 3y luu xpect enneyhow aliu up ixplldo ai wtl jhe wooddelit never rest czey ac hlee well si etc till idle bets the uechi en job of not doln nullum xovpt bclleu oine boddle tili wluit to not do turmjiiy lilted to of tjot in bud with the iriilik the wether ll mi hue ple vutl baij bull lilsud of ft ball tin mtf sed ft bul li now the luuil in irb fiusheiui wtdtiemluy we wiu all out driving in th ford ma xi unkcl hen ieuured urmlodo or full tloiuu kevts aa etc ac then jil iut farmer ihud we tatte rten liiwuy buck to town ac he sej he kt wc mite us well mi wc wiui tukcii pracktekehj evry ullllffelll thuniduy all et sutler at tlw rc terent as ltt uot olf oak on the wult trejji when jjie brot lib btidtc ho bed tile iampel jlln to be whul want uriuf me sum of it ivlduy tlur teechcr offered rrl2 to which of us kldi wrft the best diifenl shen of the uord croef writ iu what alnt tcot none of on acct thli the las duy of nkool thlfi wk the boy kldi all thot otto had the prize cut uhel the teechcr wiu rontf saturday the edltur of the noose paiwr on witch pa rite nooiu story ic viz told pa to make farm story brcce pa all mait tot fired for cnqulreln did he want it with hie cous rlvinj lonclentsed milk salada orange pekoe blend has by far the finest flavour salada what 1ii slli m1nt iother and futher wen huviius tow wordj when father mi1 dont bvllevu in parudiiiir my virtue nov answered mother dont think on could dear it taktj num lar you know to mukv pjrndr no onk tiieia teacher go down to my room for tny strp lloo after few minute please rlr ou werent in til lxiianatiov teiuiher do you know tommy fool can ask more iuejitlonn tliim wise man ran anbwerv tommy thut vxplahii why fuilod in my examlnatloiui iilrl not taking cllancek judue wil you waive your rieht tn apiwuiv husband dont lei her ua uny more rlihu judjje thatll how not tht black eyel scotts scrapbook scon 010 debt dlioldlence to god but ouc no man anything means more than pay your debts it tncuns never ret ihlo debt it meana moiv et it means render to every man that which lii due to him whether it be tribute custom fear honor or obedience the whole law of god can be put into the one word love low la the tullllllnc of the law lie that really lovea hla neighbor will perform towards his neigh bor nil that the law requires love works no 111 it is not necessary to nay to one that realky loves tuou shalt not steal he wont steal he cant be hired to steal it ls not necessary to ray thou shall not kill nothing uould induce him to kllll it is not nocetsary to cay thou shalt not com mit adultery he would rather die than commit adultery it is not necessary to cay thou shalt not covet true love prefers that another should have thins than to have it hlmjulr love is the ij ecereo of all right living when love or additions to mentttl hospitals to cost 3600000 tcistm cven ulc tm com the work will start next year in making the an mnndnwnto become uniuccuary because nouncement premier hepburn said that the depart lnt mm wm oboy t1l rli ti beirtir conimandcd loe is the secret ot ment of health was the only branch of government the man service where substantial economices had not been alio icm iiu netobbor ubstilns rjm in effected capital expenditure of the above amount tolcj bcveribra iwciusc iuch use 11 nr ii tend in ecuntless uu to work 111 lo wh mean an mcrensed yearly expenditure in provd luw ir clli11 mg care for the patients these additions will accom cune iwi ni to himself but to tho1 uho ljve him and to the hole com muni how many hearts one drunkard brrnl thrivnly man who is entirely sife from vvlt betoiulni drunkard is the one who neier touchu alcoholl start neoded now announcement is made this week of program jwo small giru wrr yiilf aatyjlikl dou1 uripiaient my daddy mounted policeman said betty he rides horfio nil day thats no better than bclntf an ordln nrj policeman like my daddy said peniry proudly oh buv it is said tlie first child if theres any trouble he can jet away quicker to have our lives clothed with him cf gal 27 eph 24 when we moot man pretty much all we see is his clothes and when people meet us all they should see shouut be the lord jesus christ peter 3s it wc would walk becomingly we must not mnke provision take forethought for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof tills la thoroughgolnk temperance colonial cuilrcu udicd from horhoook mc papcc vjas1 covlbcd wirti rwwjjlwjcurj lavcc of morw vahtt doo fmriayf ichowh carrfjom of tilt umtfld ialc wva ill mw wirfkwiijm cojciuko wasuiuctbh hd pulaski aoliiovm ijiml iluhailiam pcaamf couple au prat isc marrij litpiois drlnlni it eer so moder one wondera some of the evidence submitted to the turgeon textile commission will certainly make the advocates of high protetion advance some arguments to com bat the facts brought out for instance we read of the report of last fridays hearing william jones courtaulds accountant occupied the stand during most of the brief ses sion he set forth annua earnings of the com pany showing that at time when the company through norman linnett its general manager represented to the dominion government it was losing five cents on every pound of rayon sold in 1030 net profit was 243000 for the year in 1935 net profits had risen to 033703 and in the intervening years although the companys sales had not been doubled the net profits had the undertaking not to increase the price of rayon to the consumer had not in jones opinion been violated however he admitted court aulds had not disclosed at that time to the government average net profits earned by the company to certain degree he said the companys profits had been built up bythe tariff policy of the then administration no one objects to protection that brings tlui workman of ones own country and the uianwlactur in fair competition with those of othef countries no further comment seems necessary hut the aver age man who buys an automobile and pays the dif lerenct between canadian nnd american prices wonders just what the activities of commission would divulge in other industries than the textile modate therehas beerujnudi discussion jn many circle councils church bodies and other places of the plan of sterilization of the mentally deficient it appear the question is only in tlie state where the public lias to tecome familiar with the need for some such measure undoubtedly the public does need some enlightenment on tieterrihc costs of keeping up in stitutes for the care of the mentally deficient nnd with that knowledge will also come demand that rpccuble drinkers love says if my idrinklnff muketh my brother to stumble some means be adopted to stop the increase of such wm urhuc no mgrc wlnc morl class it is an issue that must be faced now or theiji cor 13 love not only abstains mentally fit will be overcome in the attempt tocare intoxicating drink it also abstains for the deficient the situation is serious one nnd whether we like it or not must be faced and not put aside there is way to bringthe department of health into line and institute savings but it can not be done unless the start is made now ate may work ill to my neighbor uy liiimraunii him to drink and while nmy become drunkard he may no one is ever made drunkard by the example of ot many are made drunk rclj by the example of moderate inrt lr quite evident that premier aherhavt is to have the opportunity of financing his own scheme without the assistance of the dominion qovernment the leavchimuloiic policy will bring him to real ization of the practical side of his teaching la canada there ure sixtysix mills engaged ip the manufacture of woollen cloth from all that leads to think it absuuns rum its tjan brother tobacco the minister or sunday school teacher who inokt ulll some day reap crop nf drunkards iii the day is at hand 1114 christianity religion or hope evil men and seducers may wax worse 12 tim 13 iniquity may abound and the love of many wax cold some may depart from the faith and lve heed to sduclii iplrlt tim perilous times may come li tim 15 but ahead the dayatar and the sunrlin mai 21 it is darkest just before the dauii tlwn is the time to waten from mcvp and be ready to greet the morn salvation uusnetr hen we llr believed luke 19 0l it nearer now lly salvation paul here means nol mihatlon in tin limited riise of pardon of mil but the full salvation that shall be our at the coming of our lord phil jo 21 11 ileb lil peter john the comtui of our lord it near at hand one of the mightiest motives for true mpi unee liactlces luke jl 34jli let lui put olf all the marks if durkne ill practices that uilic from moral and spiritual darknev and that lead to et iiil darknism iet walk in hukmly mannllt as in the dmi tlu jword trmilued beeoinluly mean hi lsn the hylaw provdm for the municipal itermd about what is good form by the nominations brings to attention that hmti is drawing utandards of the bet smiety cmens editorial notes the 1037 models in automobiles and license plates are making their debut i03i is on the last laps halloween occurs this week time for good deal of fun and fun can be had without doing damage to pioperty or feelings work on the second line is soon to be proceeded with we understand no its not being paved this year but surely that will he included in net years program kven tlie income tax matter over which many ol the municipalities were so concerned seemed to be having satisfactory teturns ns the cheques arc mailed the provincial government near close and business of the year is being comi pie ted iminilipalh and in other activities he leaves on the stieet are mighty nice places lor childien to pla these days hut danger lurks when the little ones bury themselves in the piles and mo tori iits are unaware of thoir presence and nuiv uncouctously run over them en phil jo it should be about what good form ae unlng to the etiquette or that country what is good form according hiav uly slaudaidj appears from the fol louru wodi no levellhik and drunu ilimi chambering iexual nin and vwintamutta lleeuuoiuucu strife end jiulousj can lw tolirated the whole rrtet of goml form or walkliitf timthiuly is to put on th land jms first in canadas international tradf the tourist industry national asset worthy of die most intelligent cultiva tion is die tourist business which brought 202000000 into canada last year and is estimated to brin at least 250000000 this year in our international trade its monetary value to canada now ranks ahead of that of any of our exports nor excepting thofc impoiunt exportable commodities wheat and newsprint hut the tourist industry has potential values bcjoiui its annual money income it fosters exchange of ideas between neighbours inter national understanding and co operation tolerance and goodwill it accelerates betterment of railuaj waterway and air way service of motor roads and hotel auominodamm it awalctii mtcfcst in canadian products and oppor tunities for capital investment through us ollitcs abroad andninrc than 500 bunchi distributed throughout canada the uanu of montreal js one of the leading factors in providing stmcc for the tourist trade jts ollacs abroad and in canada ate tuuni to uluch countless tourists turn for information ami guidance these offices not only extend finanual hospitality wtncli facilitates the exchange and ttanifcr of money but contribute in many other ways to make the visits of tourists comfortable happy and profitable thousands of customers of the hank of montreal do business wuh sisirors from other countries hotels transportation lines service stations stores ct cetera and tliry too find the kind of hanking sctwlc they need in the hank of montreal ron ih gnu at man cr aildrcii at die annual nini ilic lock hold lrt of die hank 1935 an uli lui unr xcrllnl and lioicl faidiiiri to ailiili tt ui1ms ll cir round and yrar liy jrar 31 ol xcimiili nuili arc iiiprovcj iul entciultd more jiu more iiciiuit jii uilj be tern in canada rai aj arid itc mliplu cit iijriii jitiuiri and ucwi it jlc uum cicat leal loaids culnvaiing dm impo ui liadc die flcu ral nicirii mi hoi civ oaidej iiuicvaiwl khimtt cjtipi ate xiii icjinc the tic ll of nnprumii atioinmu hh ul sw 11 arc veil in vclnmic aic coinfdiiihly judi llll ijki id neater co iicomly and unly ilteir mnn ma ur annua bank of montreal tst i1lisiii 111 iiud oi1icl montreal aion i5rimlr ii uasii mai woiiun ixumrnon iantinf mv tin oiitcohi imvtus miccihhh vmimwii 11